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lettusearch's Issues

ToList reducer is not returning results as expected.

When running below query in redis cli:
FT.AGGREGATE <index_name>* GROUPBY 1 @field REDUCE TOLIST 1 @field1 as list REDUCE COUNT 0 as count

  1. (integer) 1
  2. 1)"field"
  3. "list"
  4. 1)"field1_value1"
  5. "count"
  6. "5"

But when we run through lettusearch :
Result: (AggregateResults)
"field": "value",
"list": "field1_value1"
"field1_value2": "count"
It should be:
"field": "value",
"list": "field1_value1","field1_value2"
"count": 5

Connecting to a sentinel Redis 5.0.7 fails with `NOAUTH Authentication required`

I am trying to connect to the sentinel node of a Redis and I am getting the error:

Caused by: io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionException: null
	at io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionException.create( ~[lettuce-core-5.3.3.RELEASE.jar:5.3.3.RELEASE]
	at io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionException.create( ~[lettuce-core-5.3.3.RELEASE.jar:5.3.3.RELEASE]
	at io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient.getConnection( ~[lettuce-core-5.3.3.RELEASE.jar:5.3.3.RELEASE]
	at com.redislabs.lettusearch.RediSearchClient.connect( ~[lettusearch-2.3.2.jar:na]
	at com.redislabs.lettusearch.RediSearchClient.connect( ~[lettusearch-2.3.2.jar:na]
	at ru.vtb.payments.catalog.config.datasouce.RedisConfig.rediSearchReactiveCommands(RedisConfig.kt:27) ~[main/:na]
	at ru.vtb.payments.catalog.config.datasouce.RedisConfig$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$7f1572ea.CGLIB$rediSearchReactiveCommands$1(<generated>) ~[main/:na]
	at ru.vtb.payments.catalog.config.datasouce.RedisConfig$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$7f1572ea$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$173fceee.invoke(<generated>) ~[main/:na]
	at org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invokeSuper( ~[spring-core-5.2.7.RELEASE.jar:5.2.7.RELEASE]
	at org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassEnhancer$BeanMethodInterceptor.intercept( ~[spring-context-5.2.7.RELEASE.jar:5.2.7.RELEASE]
	at ru.vtb.payments.catalog.config.datasouce.RedisConfig$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$7f1572ea.rediSearchReactiveCommands(<generated>) ~[main/:na]
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[na:na]
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:na]
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:na]
	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[na:na]
	at ~[spring-beans-5.2.7.RELEASE.jar:5.2.7.RELEASE]
	... 82 common frames omitted
Caused by: io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandExecutionException: NOAUTH Authentication required.  
	at io.lettuce.core.ExceptionFactory.createExecutionException( ~[lettuce-core-5.3.3.RELEASE.jar:5.3.3.RELEASE]
	at io.lettuce.core.ExceptionFactory.createExecutionException( ~[lettuce-core-5.3.3.RELEASE.jar:5.3.3.RELEASE]
	at io.lettuce.core.RedisPublisher$SubscriptionCommand.complete( ~[lettuce-core-5.3.3.RELEASE.jar:5.3.3.RELEASE]

docker-compose.yml to launch redis containers:

version: '2'

    driver: bridge

    image: 'redislabs/redisearch:latest'
      - REDIS_PASSWORD=12345678
      - '6379:6379'
      - app-tier
    image: 'bitnami/redis-sentinel:latest'
      - REDIS_MASTER_PASSWORD=12345678
      - '26379:26379'
      - app-tier

The settings in the spring-boot app to connect Redis:

    port: 6379
    database: 0
    host: localhost
    mutex-timeout: 300s
    command-timeout: 10s
      master: mymaster
      password: 12345678
    password: 12345678

I see that the redisURI in the RediSearchClient is formed correctly

I also see a connection that is formed in the RediSearchClient, it does not contain a password, what is this password?
I tried to set it in debug, but the authentication error remained.

The password to Redis is correct:
I checked that the password to Redis is correct and also when I configure sentinel Redis without password there are no connection errors.

I see similar issues:

Copied lettuce classes are problematic -nan

Various lettuce core classes are copied into this library (with same name and package). This seems problematic. I was debugging why ftInfo throws a NumberFormatException and it appears that the copy of LettuceStrings in this package has been modified to deal with it, but, the version of LettuceStrings actually being used (by random classpath ordering) is that from the lettuce package which does not have this condition:

        if ("-nan".equals(s)) {
            return Double.NaN;
        } snippet with -nan

44)  1) "bytes_collected"
     2) "0"
     3) "total_ms_run"
     4) "0"
     5) "total_cycles"
     6) "0"
     7) "avarage_cycle_time_ms"
     8) "-nan"
     9) "last_run_time_ms"
    10) "0"
    11) "gc_numeric_trees_missed"
    12) "0"
    13) "gc_blocks_denied"
    14) "0"


java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "-nan"
	at java.base/jdk.internal.math.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString( ~[na:na]
	at java.base/jdk.internal.math.FloatingDecimal.parseDouble( ~[na:na]
	at java.base/java.lang.Double.parseDouble( ~[na:na]
	at io.lettuce.core.internal.LettuceStrings.toDouble( ~[lettuce-core-6.0.0.RELEASE.jar:6.0.0.RELEASE]
	at io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine.readFloat( ~[lettuce-core-6.0.0.RELEASE.jar:6.0.0.RELEASE]
	at io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine.handleFloat( ~[lettuce-core-6.0.0.RELEASE.jar:6.0.0.RELEASE]
	at io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine$State$Type.handle( ~[lettuce-core-6.0.0.RELEASE.jar:6.0.0.RELEASE]
	at io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine.doDecode( ~[lettuce-core-6.0.0.RELEASE.jar:6.0.0.RELEASE]
	at io.lettuce.core.protocol.RedisStateMachine.decode( ~[lettuce-core-6.0.0.RELEASE.jar:6.0.0.RELEASE]
	at io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler.decode( ~[lettuce-core-6.0.0.RELEASE.jar:6.0.0.RELEASE]
	at io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler.decode0( ~[lettuce-core-6.0.0.RELEASE.jar:6.0.0.RELEASE]
	at io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler.decode( ~[lettuce-core-6.0.0.RELEASE.jar:6.0.0.RELEASE]
	at io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler.decode( ~[lettuce-core-6.0.0.RELEASE.jar:6.0.0.RELEASE]
	at io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandHandler.channelRead( ~[lettuce-core-6.0.0.RELEASE.jar:6.0.0.RELEASE]
	at ~[netty-transport-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at ~[netty-transport-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at ~[netty-transport-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at$HeadContext.channelRead( ~[netty-transport-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at ~[netty-transport-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at ~[netty-transport-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at ~[netty-transport-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at$ ~[netty-transport-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at ~[netty-transport-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at ~[netty-transport-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at ~[netty-transport-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at ~[netty-transport-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$ ~[netty-common-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$ ~[netty-common-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at ~[netty-common-4.1.52.Final.jar:4.1.52.Final]
	at java.base/ ~[na:na]

How to search with filters and by document id?

Hi, I want to use INKEYS parameter to restrict RediSearch results by a document ID.

Example in redis-cli:
FT.SEARCH SAMPLE_INDEX "(@channels:{test})" INKEYS 1 4

Is there any way to search like that with lettusearch? I don't see that it is possible to specify this parameter in

SortBy with multi-fields allowed but not supported

While using this client library, I noticed that you can create a FT.SEARCH query with a multi-fields SORTBY with no errors whereas the backend does not support it.

Here is an example:

 final SearchResults<String, String> searchResult = connection.sync().search(
                "post", queryString,

It seems that only the last SortBy field is considered.

There is maybe a reason I am not aware of, but as a user, I was expecting a compilation error or at least an error at runtime.

ERR unknown command `FT.CREATE`

while creating an index getting error

ERR unknown command FT.CREATE

redis-cli --cluster call FT.CREATE myIdx SCHEMA title TEXT WEIGHT 5.0 body TEXT url TEXT value NUMERIC

i tried to install the redis search module using below command, but no success.
redis-cli --cluster call MODULE load OPT1 OPT2

NLP when using sugget method

When using two argument sugget method

List<Suggestion<V>> sugget(K key, V prefix); instead of
List<Suggestion<V>> sugget(K key, V prefix, SuggetOptions options);

Default SuggetOptions is not passed, which results in NLP

AGGREGATE filter not respecting codec

Recently, Redisearch added contains filters on aggregate queries, e.g.:
FT.AGGREGATE idx * FILTER "contains(@name, 'åæø')"

However, when using aggregate queries with lettusearch, it seems that the StringCodec is not respected unlike when using a select string.

More specifically, the filter string will be added with RediSearchCommandArgs::add, whereas the values of select strings are added with RediSearchCommandArgs::addValue. The former does not seem to respect the StringCodec used. As such, the query I gave above is not possible with lettusearch as far as I can tell since UTF-8 is used.

SearchOptions with noContent set as true returns array of empty objects.

SearchOptions with noContent set as true returns array of empty objects.

But as per redis documentation it should return list of document ids.
NOCONTENT : If it appears after the query, we only return the document ids and not the content. This is useful if RediSearch is only an index on an external document collection

Empty AggregateResults if at least one ToList reducer is empty

Steps for reproduce:
FT.AGGREGATE idx @color:{red|blue} GROUPBY 1 @category REDUCE TOLIST 1 @color AS color REDUCE TOLIST 1 @size AS size

Bug condition: if the search request @color:{red|blue} returns no data for ToList reducer for size field then lettusearch api return empty AggregateResults (but getCount() method return value > 0);

Expected behavior: return empty list for empty ToList reducer.

Redis cli response for above query:

1) (integer) 1
2) 1) "category"
   2) "31"
   3) "color"
   4) 1) "red"
   5) "size"
   6) (empty list or set)
lettuSearchConnection.aggregate("idx", "@color:{red|blue}",
                        .groupBy(List.of("category"), com.redislabs.lettusearch.AggregateOptions.Operation.GroupBy.Reducer
        ).subscribe(ar -> {
            long count = ar.getCount(); <<<  count = 1
            Map<String, Object> map = ar.get(0);  <<< java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0

Redis server 6.2.3
Redisearch 2.0.9
Lettusearch 3.1.2

DocumentBuillder requires String payload

with this commit : 02f72ad you removed the functionality of the K,V payload generics on the document. Any objections to changing the DocumentBuilder.fields and field() to take a K,V rather than String, String?

Not valid CommandArgs query for Russian text search

Hello, Im Aleksey
Im start use library and find interesting "bug"
When im try search like this (Im use kotlin)

val result =
filters.joinToString(" "),

Filters contains search with Russian chars

Im use UTF-8 Codec for init
RediSearchClient.create(lettuceConnectionFactory.clientResources, redisURI)
.connect(StringCodec.UTF8!!, redisURI).reactive()

So when query go to RediSearch query string come "not valid" and redis return empty results

Im do some debug and find place in RediSearchCommandBuilder
method - public Command<K, V, SearchResults<K, V>> search(String index, String query, SearchOptions options)

code line with bug - RediSearchCommandArgs<K, V> commandArgs = createArgs(index);

when call - commandArgs.add(query);
its just decode without CODEC which use in init and go to not valid for redisearch

I think this line must call - commandArgs.addKey(query);
Im do my custom copy paste code from this and its work fine!
Because commandArgs.addKey(query); decode value string with Codec!

Can you fix this or say why Russian query not correct work with this library?
Im can do PR for this or you fix it itself?)

Ty its very need for me

ftMget jackson issue

I try to perform multiget like so:
Mono<List<Map<String, String>>> res = conn.ftMget("my_index", "my_index:C6009e1aa52dea00b0f320c46da7a99a9", "my_index:C632be3ebf9bf590272f36e7e8b65d005");

Index is valid as are the doc ids. The exception is:

Type definition error: [collection type; class java.util.List, contains [map type; class java.util.Map, [simple type, class java.lang.String] -> [simple type, class java.lang.String]]]; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: Incompatible types: declared root type ([collection type; class java.util.List, contains [map type; class java.util.Map, [simple type, class java.lang.String] -> [simple type, class java.lang.String]]]) vs java.util.LinkedHashMap

It looks like a deserialization issue

SearchOptions without inKeys, inFields and returnFields results in Nullpointer exception.

SearchOptions without inKeys, inFields and returnFields results in Nullpointer exception.

if (!this.inKeys.isEmpty()) , if (!this.inFields.isEmpty()) and if (!this.returnFields.isEmpty()) in file will result nullpointer exception if fields are null.

if (this.inKeys != null && !this.inKeys.isEmpty())
if (this.inFields != null && !this.inFields.isEmpty())
if (this.returnFields != null && !this.returnFields.isEmpty())

How to get the number of documents in the resultset ?

In our project, we use search as follows:

val result =
                filters.joinToString(" "),

result.count() will be equal to pageable.pageSize.
I am interested in how to get the number of documents in the resultset?

For example, a similar command in the console> FT.SEARCH SAMPLE_INDEX "(@name|tagsLower:test*)" LIMIT 0 10
 1) (integer) 1000
 2) "2000"
 3)  1) "name"
     2) "Test"
     3) "nameLower"
     4) "test"

Resultset size is returned along with the search results - 1) (integer) 1000
How to get this parameter using the lettusearch library?

IllegalArgumentException when used sentinel

I got IllegalArgumentException when used sentinel.
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: hostname can't be null
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at io.lettuce.core.resource.SocketAddressResolver.resolve( ~[lettuce-core-5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:?]
at io.lettuce.core.resource.SocketAddressResolver.resolve( ~[lettuce-core-5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:?]
at com.redislabs.lettusearch.RediSearchClient.lambda$getSocketAddress$6( ~[lettusearch-1.5.3.jar:?]
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoCallable.subscribe( ~[reactor-core-3.2.11.RELEASE.jar:3.2.11.RELEASE]
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoDefer.subscribe( ~[reactor-core-3.2.11.RELEASE.jar:3.2.11.RELEASE]
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoPeek.subscribe( ~[reactor-core-3.2.11.RELEASE.jar:3.2.11.RELEASE]
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoPeek.subscribe( ~[reactor-core-3.2.11.RELEASE.jar:3.2.11.RELEASE]
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoPeek.subscribe( ~[reactor-core-3.2.11.RELEASE.jar:3.2.11.RELEASE]
at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.subscribe( ~[reactor-core-3.2.11.RELEASE.jar:3.2.11.RELEASE]
at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.subscribeWith( ~[reactor-core-3.2.11.RELEASE.jar:3.2.11.RELEASE]
at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.subscribe( ~[reactor-core-3.2.11.RELEASE.jar:3.2.11.RELEASE]
at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.subscribe( ~[reactor-core-3.2.11.RELEASE.jar:3.2.11.RELEASE]
at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.subscribe( ~[reactor-core-3.2.11.RELEASE.jar:3.2.11.RELEASE]
at io.lettuce.core.AbstractRedisClient.initializeChannelAsync( ~[lettuce-core-5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:?]
at com.redislabs.lettusearch.RediSearchClient.connectStatefulAsync( ~[lettusearch-1.5.3.jar:?]
at com.redislabs.lettusearch.RediSearchClient.connectStandaloneAsync( ~[lettusearch-1.5.3.jar:?]
at com.redislabs.lettusearch.RediSearchClient.connect( ~[lettusearch-1.5.3.jar:?]
at com.redislabs.lettusearch.RediSearchClient.connect( ~[lettusearch-1.5.3.jar:?]

Reduce strings creation

It seems like there are many Strings created throughout the code that can be avoided

e.g. the following creates a new String even when log level is not set to Debug

logger.debug("Trying to get a Redis connection for: " + redisURI);

Should better used like this:
.doOnNext(addr -> logger.debug("Resolved SocketAddress {} using {}", addr, redisURI));

add support for LOAD *

Add support for LOAD * which loads all fields on FT.AGGREGATE whit and AggregateOptions.builder().loads()

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