This NPM package provides the `ReactionAPICore` class. Use this to build a NodeJS microservice that is compatible with the Reaction Commerce platform, or to build your main Reaction Commerce API if you don't want to start by forking the project.
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Issue Description
When attaching a local api-core with /bin/package-link, NPM complains about not being able to resolve Upon doing a whois, it looks like is a domain registered by MailChimp. Is this some kind of internal NPM repo that the team is using? Or is supposed to be publicly accessible?
Steps to Reproduce
Clone api-core locally.
Run /bin/package-link @reactioncommerce/api-core from your reaction directory.
Notice how NPM fails to resolve, throwing npm ERR! network request to failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
Possible Solution
Use the normal NPM URLs for packages in package-lock.json.