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react-native-text-input-mask's Introduction


Text input mask for React Native on iOS and Android.

NPM package version. MIT license.


React Native Text Input Mask iOS React Native Text Input Mask Android


npm install --save react-native-text-input-mask

# --- or ---

yarn add react-native-text-input-mask


For RN >= 0.60


  1. Configure pods (static or dynamic linking)
Static Library ( Podfile has no use_frameworks! ) Add following lines to your target in `Podfile`. Linking is not required in React Native 0.60 and above.
pod 'React-RCTText', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Text', :modular_headers => true
Dynamic Framework ( Podfile has use_frameworks! ) Add following lines to your target in `Podfile` if it doesnt exist. Linking is not required in React Native 0.60 and above.
  1. Run pod install in the ios directory.


No need to do anything.

For RN < 0.60

WARNING! This is no longer officially supported, these instructions are out of date and may no longer work, we recommend upgrading to a newer version of React Native.


react-native link react-native-text-input-mask

iOS only: you have to drag and drop InputMask.framework to Embedded Binaries in General tab of Target

Manual installation


  1. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click LibrariesAdd Files to [your project's name]
  2. Go to node_modulesreact-native-text-input-mask and add RNTextInputMask.xcodeproj
  3. In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add libRNTextInputMask.a to your project's Build PhasesLink Binary With Libraries
  4. Run your project (Cmd+R)


  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/
  • Add import com.RNTextInputMask.RNTextInputMaskPackage; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add new RNTextInputMaskPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
    include ':react-native-text-input-mask'
    project(':react-native-text-input-mask').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/react-native-text-input-mask/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
      compile project(':react-native-text-input-mask')


import TextInputMask from 'react-native-text-input-mask';
  onChangeText={(formatted, extracted) => {
    console.log(formatted) // +1 (123) 456-78-90
    console.log(extracted) // 1234567890
  mask={"+1 ([000]) [000] [00] [00]"}



Make sure to mock the following to jest.setup.js:

jest.mock('react-native-text-input-mask', () => ({
    default: jest.fn(),

More info

RedMadRobot Input Mask Android

RedMadRobot Input Mask IOS


This project uses semantic versioning: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. This means that releases within the same MAJOR version are always backwards compatible. For more info see

Local Development and testing

To use a local copy with your project, it's highly recommended to use

react-native-text-input-mask's People


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react-native-text-input-mask's Issues

How to get value of input?

Hello, I'm faced with issue while trying to get value of text input. onChange and onChangeText triggered only after losing focus which doesn't acceptable for me.

How I can get value of input?

Works bad when value property is set

this.state = {
       loginFormatted: '9111111111',
       login: '9111111111',

                    onChangeText={(formatted, extracted) => {
                      this.setState({login: extracted, loginFormatted: formatted});
                    mask={"[000] [000] [00] [00]"}

Here is my code.
When i start typing, the input value changes, then changes back to previous for a moment and then becomes right.

For example:

-- value was: 123 45
-- I type '6'
-- value becomes 123 456
-- value becomes 123 45
-- value becomes 123 456

Probably state doesn't change fast enough.
This ui changes are very noticeable for user.

Is there any workaround for it?

Android input flicker and backspacing issue

Something similar to #11 seems to be still occurring, even with only setting a defaultValue and leaving the value uncontrolled.

Backspacing behavior jumps back several characters at a time.

react 16.0.0
react-native 0.52.0
react-native-text-input-mask 0.5.2
emulator android 6.0 API 23

  defaultValue={ this.props.value }
  onChangeText={ this.handleChange }
  mask='[0000] - [0000] - [0000] - [0000]' />


handleChange = (formattedValue, extractedValue) => {
  // Im not actually modifying the field's state here


Library doesn't compile with RN 0.53.x and Cocoapods

When i use Cocoapods and try to build project with XCode I always get the same error.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create new project with react-native init Test
  2. Add package with yarn: yarn add react-native-text-input-mask
  3. Link library
  4. Compile project - it's ok, compiles well!
  5. Add Cocoapods into ios folder
  6. Open .xcworkspace
  7. Try compile again.

2018-03-01 10 46 10
2018-03-01 10 41 50

I think that there is something wrong with header search path, but don't even know how to fix it

Mask is not working

In my project the mask does not work;

"dependencies": { "apisauce": "^0.14.3", "native-base": "^2.4.2", "react": "16.3.1", "react-native": "0.55.3", "react-native-text-input-mask": "^0.7.0", "react-native-vector-icons": "^4.6.0" }

Do I need to do something to make it work? I'm testing on android

import TextInputMask from 'react-native-text-input-mask';
<TextInputMask mask={'[000].[000].[000]-[00]'}/>

doesn`t show mask when field focused

mask shown only if i already enter first symbol.
but it neccesery to display mask when field focused

for example, i need enter phone number

<TextInputMask placeholder="Your phone" onChangeText={(formatted, extracted) => this.handleMaskedField(formatted, extracted)} mask={"+7 ([000]) [000] [00] [00]"} keyboardType="numeric" />

in some countries writtings +7 and 8 are equalent, and some users enter first symbol 8,
then they see the mask erase this number, and start to enter again.

that`s not ux-friendly,

Please add property, which gives a control to show mask on focus or not

onBlur not works in ios


I'm trying use the onBlur in ios, but the function is not called.

my code:

  onBlur={() => console.log('onBlur works??')} // <- this not works
  onChange={() => console.log('onChange works!!')}
  onChangeText={() => console.log('onChangeText works!!')}
  mask={"+1 ([000]) [000] [00] [00]"} // <- if comment this line, the onBlur works

In Android works everything :-)

Tested in:
TextInputMask: 0.4.0
React-Native: 0.48.1
xcode: 8.2.1
simulator iphone 6 (not tested in real device)

Change mask on the fly

I need to change mask depending on country code
So if i have +44 the mask will be [99] [99] [9999] [9999]
And if i had +47 - [99] [99] [999] [999]
But when i trying to do that it doesn't work

  switch(countryCode) {
      return this.setState({mask: '[99] [99] [9999] [9999]'})
       return this.setState({mask: '[99] [99] [999] [999]'})

Null is not an object evaluating input.setNativeProps

Got the following problem when the parent container umount. The error is occurring at index.js line 26.

null is not an object (evaluating '_this2.input.setNativeProps')

RN 0.48.4
RN-text-input-mask 0.5.2

My code:

const mask = '([00]) [00009] [0000]'
        refInput={ref => { this.textInput = ref }}


How to clear mask data when input is clear by the state?

I'm using the input mask that is connected with mobileNumber from component state.
some time i need to clear the mobileNumber so i'm using the blow code. number is cleared and sate is updated but the mask first view ( stay in the input field i need to clear this when mobileNumber has empty string. See Here:

const clearNum()=>{
                refInput={(ref) => this.myDateText = ref}
                mask={"([000]) [000]-[0000]"}
                placeholder="Mobile Phone"
                onChangeText={text => this.onTextChange(text)}

custom calculator in react native

I want to be in react native
Add numbers 1 to 3
And in the total, I will show the sum of the numbers
Possibility to be empty of some fields .For example, just number 1 and number 3
How can i implement it
It's like a calculator that just collects

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {View} from 'react-native';
import {Input, Item, Form, Label, Button, Text} from 'native-base';

export default class calculatorAdvanced extends Component {

    constructor(props) {

        this.state = {
            num1: 0,
            num2: 0,
            num3: 0,
    onDateChange(date) {
        total: date,
    render() {
      const { total } = this.state;
      const startDate = total ? total.sum(num1 , num2 , num3) :'' ;
        return (

                    <Item inlineLable>
                        <Label>number 1</Label>
                            onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({num1: parseInt(text)})}/>

                    <Item inlineLable>
                        <Label>number 2</Label>
                            onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({num1: parseInt(text)})}/>

                    <Item inlineLable>
                        <Label>number 3 </Label>
                            onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({num1: parseInt(text)})}/>

                    <Button onPress={onDateChange()}>

                    <Item inlineLable>
                        <Label>totals:{ startDate }</Label>



Any way to 'clear' input field?

I have been trying to clear the text entered in the input field using various methods but none of them seem to be working.

Diving into the code I found that the code manipulates the value of text in native props every time the value changes. I also found out that a callback is passed to the native 'mask' function before manipulating the native text prop. But I couldn't further debug and find out the reason why the text is not cleared.

please provide a fix or a workaround for this issue. Thanks.

Undefined is not an object

According to the installation README, after installing and linking android "just works", however it is not working for me. Working great on iOS simulator and on iOS device, but when running on both android simulator and android device I get the following error:

undefined is not an object (evaluation '_reactNative.NativeModules.RNTextInputMask.mask')

See error here:

I have confirmed that in the settings.gradle is the following:

include ':react-native-text-input-mask'
project(':react-native-text-input-mask').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-text-input-mask/android')

and in the app/build.gradle is the following:

compile project(':react-native-text-input-mask')

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Really loving this package on iOS, works great.

"ref" attribute throws an exception

I'm trying to use the following code:

<TextInputMask mask={"[00]/[00]/[0000]"} placeholder="DD/MM/YYYY" keyboardType="numeric" defaultValue={this.state.startDate} returnKeyType="next" onSubmitEditing={event => this.refs.endDateInput.focus()} onChangeText={startDate => this.setState({startDate})} style={[Styles.inputTextMd, Styles.searchInputText]} />

<TextInputMask ref="endDateInput" mask={"[00]/[00]/[0000]"} placeholder="DD/MM/YYYY" keyboardType="numeric" defaultValue={this.state.endDate} returnKeyType="done" onSubmitEditing={event =>} onChangeText={endDate => this.setState({endDate})} style={[Styles.inputTextMd, Styles.searchInputText]} />

It throws undefined is not a function (evaluating _this6.refs.endDateInput.focus()

(iOS) SIGABRT on device (emulator works fine)

    0x1047c2f14 <+0>:  mov    x16, #0x209
    0x1047c2f18 <+4>:  svc    #0x80
->  0x1047c2f1c <+8>:  b.lo   0x1047c2f34               ; <+32>
    0x1047c2f20 <+12>: stp    x29, x30, [sp, #-0x10]!
    0x1047c2f24 <+16>: mov    x29, sp
    0x1047c2f28 <+20>: bl     0x1047c25b0               ; cerror_nocancel
    0x1047c2f2c <+24>: mov    sp, x29
    0x1047c2f30 <+28>: ldp    x29, x30, [sp], #0x10
    0x1047c2f34 <+32>: ret  

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/InputMask.framework/InputMask
Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/7852D8F9-46F3-4952-B0BF-5CD16AA12084/
Reason: image not found

Create a clean app:

react-native init Test
cd Test
yarn add react-native-text-input-mask
react-native link react-native-text-input-mask
open ./ios/Test.xcodeproj

... add TextInputMask in App.js and run.

Get value input without mask


I'm trying get value of the input without mask, but not works.


  onChangeText={(text) => console.log(text)}

the console print "123-456" instead "123456".

how could i make this?

Tested in:
TextInputMask: 0.4.0
React-Native: 0.48.3
simulator Android 6

thanks :-)

iOS reassigning the value doesn't work.

So I have the following issue.
I initialize the component with some predefined value

    mask={ mask }
    value={ this.props.value }
    onChangeText={ (formatted, extracted) => {

In the parent component I have this piece of state:

currentState = {value: 'somevalue'}
originalState = {value: 'originalvalue'}

I have a Cancel button in my app which when I press I pass down the originalState to this component and it should update the this.props.value with 'originalValue'. The prop is passed down, I logged it in the render method to check and the new 'originalValue' is there but the value of the Component does not change.

This happen only on iOS, on Android it works fine.

RN: 0.54
react-native-text-input-mask: latest

java.lang.NullPointerException at at com.RNTextInputMask.RNTextInputMaskModule.setMask (

Hi i get this error on android google store.
I see this error on different versions android (from 5.1 to 7.1) and different phones.
"react-native": "0.55.0"
"react-native-text-input-mask": "^0.7.0"

at com.RNTextInputMask.RNTextInputMaskModule.setMask (
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (
at com.facebook.react.bridge.JavaMethodWrapper.invoke (
at com.facebook.react.bridge.JavaModuleWrapper.invoke (
at (Native Method)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback (
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage (
at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadHandler.dispatchMessage (
at android.os.Looper.loop (
at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadImpl$ (
at (

Don't pass mask

Can I use TextInputMask but with undefined or some other value of property mask (any character)? It's comfortable to use this component with mask and without.

Moving caret and disapearing characters

On Android (I cannot test on iOS), when writting in the input, the caret is moving back to the input beginning (once the second character is written).
If I keep typing, characters at the end of the string are "pushed" by incoming ones, disapearing.
If I move my caret at the end of the string, I can type one character, then the caret is back to the beginning.

I'm testing with the example.

RN: 0.54.3
react-native-text-input-mask: 0.7.0

edit source code and adding navigate in react native

I want to make a small change to this source code and go to another page by choosing one day a week, but I'm having an error. What's wrong with that?

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import JalaliCalendarPicker from 'react-native-jalali-calendar-picker';
export default class App extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      selectedStartDate: null,
    this.onDateChange = this.onDateChange.bind(this);
  onDateChange(date) {
      selectedStartDate: date,
  render() {
    const { selectedStartDate } = this.state;
    const startDate = selectedStartDate ? selectedStartDate.format('jYYYY/jM/jD [is] YYYY/M/D') : '';
    const {navigate}=this.props.navigation;

    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
          <Text>SELECTED DATE:{ startDate }</Text>

Add ',' separator for currency

Hey! Love the library - I was wondering how hard it would be to add a comma separator for the currency input. I understand that this would be more of a dynamic thing, but I'm curious where you would start on adding something like this?

Clear() doesn't work on iOS (RN 0.56)

Hi! Clear() method doesn't seem to work. I've already seen this, however pure TextInput clear() method works without any problem.
Here's the code:
<TextInputMask style={{ flex: 1, fontSize: SCREEN.width > 320 ? scale(typography.fontSizes.l) : 16, color: colors.contrast, textDecorationLine: 'none', padding: 12, opacity: 1, }} refInput={ref => { this.input = ref }} onChangeText={this.onChangeText} keyboardType={'phone-pad'} selectionColor={colors.contrast} placeholder={'Phone number'} placeholderTextColor={colors.whiteGreen2} editable={this.state.editable} value={} returnKeyType='done' onSubmitEditing={this.onNextClick} mask={"[000] [000] [00] [00]"} />


clearTextInput = () => { this.setState({phone: ''}, () => { this.focus(); }); this.input.clear(); };

React-native 0.56.0
Platform: iOS (android is ok)

Could I use it with CRNA??

Hi there. Could I use this library without ejecting my app. If I eject that I lost advantages of development with Expo.
I use react-native not so long, so I can be wrong.
I'll be grateful for any help.

RCTSinglelineTextInputView.h file not found (RNTextInputMask.m)

Hello there.
I've done the steps in the docs, but no luck, my project on iOS won't build

#import "RCTSinglelineTextInputView.h"

in file RNTextInputMask.m (line 13)

"react-native-text-input-mask": "^0.7.0",
"react-native": "0.52.x",
"react": "16.2.0",
Also using react-native-navigation if this matters

Erro Package com.RNTextInputMaskPackage

Olá, encontrei o seguinte erro:
error: package com.RNTextInputMask does not exist import com.RNTextInputMask.RNTextInputMaskPackage;

scene 1

Para resolver, adicionei a seguinte linha de codigo ao e depois recompilei o projeto.

compile project(':react-native-text-input-mask')



Not working on RN 0.54

Library is not working on RN 0.54

/node_modules/react-native-text-input-mask/ios/RNTextInputMask/RNTextInputMask/RNTextInputMask.m:45:29: Incompatible pointer types initializing 'RCTUITextField *' with an expression of type 'UIView *'

How to set a value to TextInputMask component?

I am going to make the TextInputMask component not to be editable and show a formatted phone number, +86 1234 56 7890, by providing a pure number, 1234567890, on it.
And I want to clear the phone number sometimes.
I tried to set a value property or call this.input.clear()
But all of them were fallen in to fail.
Is there any way to implement?

How to install it manually?

I refer to the tutorial and I know that I should run the react-native link command after installation. However, due to the different structure of our project directory, running react-native link does not make it work. So I want to know how to manually install this library to make it work?


How can input minus symbol "-"

I need degree mask and longitude mask, like +/-00°00′00.000000″ and 120°00′00.000000N/W.
now I can not input "-".

hope to your reply!

Doesn't compile with RN 0.53.

My project is not compiling when I upgrade to RN 0.53.0, here is the error:

'RCTTextField.h' file not found
#import "RCTTextField.h"
1 error generated.


Anyone having this?

RN no visible @interface for 'RCTTextField' declares the selector 'textField'

MacBook-Air-jennyzhmenny:taxi jv$ react-native --version
react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.48.4

Console output:

/Users/jv/code/taxi/node_modules/react-native-text-input-mask/ios/RNTextInputMask/RNTextInputMask/RNTextInputMask.m:40:46: error: no visible @interface for 'RCTTextField' declares the selector 'textField'
RCTUITextField *textView = [view textField];
~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~
1 error generated.


The following build commands failed:
CompileC /Users/jv/code/taxi/ios/build/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ RNTextInputMask/RNTextInputMask.m normal x86_64 objective-c
(1 failure)

Simple rollback to 0.47.2 did not make a trick(upraises problem with dependencies mismatch)

Mixed mask with numbers and letters not working

Hello everyone.

I'm trying to create a TextInputMask with the following mask


(this is the pattern for vehicles license plate here in brazil)

But when i type the input field behaves like this:

Here is my code:

    refInput={ref => { this.TEXT_INPUT_REF = ref; }}
    placeholder={Texts.Placeholders.LICENSE_PLATE} /* AAA-0000 */
    onChangeText={text => this.props.writeVehicle(text)}
    mask={Texts.Masks.LICENSE_PLATE} /* [AAA]-[0000] */

Android maxLength count the mask spaces

on android, maxLength prop count the mask space, for example, when set mask [000000] [00000000] [0000], and set maxLength 18, it work fine on iOS, I can input all of 18 valid characters, but on android, it is can only input 16 valid character, i must set maxLength to 20.

undefined is not an object on Android


i don't get it running on Android. I'm using these package versions:

"react": "16.4.1",
"react-native": "0.55.4",
"react-native-text-input-mask": "0.7.0",

I'm working with typescript and used CRNA with react-native-scripts-ts.
and this input field:

    mask={'[000],[00] m'}
    keyboardType="numeric" />

and i get this error on my smartphone screen:

undefined is not an object (evaluating '_reactNative.NativeModules.RNTextInputMask.mask')

this is the result of my link command:

$ react-native link react-native-text-input-mask
Scanning folders for symlinks in project-folder/node_modules (20ms)

Thanks for helping!

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