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php-slim-rest-server-authorizations-delphi-vcl-and-firemonkey-client's Introduction

PHP SLIM Rest Server and DELPHI VCL and FMX REST Client featuring Basic Authorization, APIKey Authorization and JWT Authorization PART 5

This is the final part in the REST Series.


This features PHP Slim REST- Server using Middleware ‘Multi-Setup’ which includes Basic Authorization, APIKey Authentication and JWT Authorization ( Json Web Token) all on one REST-Server.

This demonstrates how to set up multiple Authorizations within the Middleware and how to make Get calls to these types of Authorizations from your Client or Debugger which are processed within a single Route.

So what does this potentially mean?

Potentially an Application could have Version 1 on Basic Authorisation, Version 2 on APIkey Authorization, Version 3 on JWT Authorization and Version 4 on OAuth2 all within a single PHP route file and each Middleware Authorization files stored in the Middleware folder.

This makes coding way easier and effectively simplifies the overhead and allows for the developer to make progressive changes to his or her security without disrupting the service. Furthermore one database and a single domain/ sub-domain could be used for all the different versions of your rest Application.

Two similar Delphi Clients, VCL with Indy-REST components and FMX with REST components explore the method to make calls to the Multi-Setup PHP REST Server.


PHP Slim REST Client

Within the 5 Part Series, the Setup and methodology on how to use Slim has already been covered.

Here three authorizations need to be implemented within the Middleware with a single route required.

The idea is to support different authorizations and route connections without having to create multiple REST-servers.

Authorizations to be covered:-

  • Basic Authentication

  • API Key Authentication

  • JWT Authentication


Create a REST Client using the Indy Components. Be able to call any one of the three Authorizations without clashing.

Access the Authorization Header to pass all the Authorization calls through to ensure a higher level of security.


Create a REST Client using the REST Components with the use of the 10.1 Berlin / 10.2 Tokyo IDE. Be able to call any one of the three Authorizations without interference.

Structure the call process to match the VCL Client. Whilst this has been setup for FMX the code can easily be implemented into a VCL version it must be noted that the same REST components are available for VCL.

PHP Slim REST Server

Tools required:-

A Rest Debugger – I make use of the Delphi Rest Debugger.



The main changes to the standard implementation of the REST Server set up earlier in the series, is to create middleware files in the middleware folder.

There will be three middleware files:- BasicAuth.php , APIKeyAuth.php and JWTAuth.php.

Creating a route file within the Route Folder that will activate the middleware and allow the response on success within the middleware.

So how can you have different Middleware activated from one route zone i.e. route.php.

We make use of Slims available invokable class that impliments the magic__invoke()method…

For each authorization method we call it in the route by using the following three authorization methods such as calling the Basic Authorization Middleware.


These separate add methods will individually recognise the REST Client call and direct the requested call to the correct Authorization method in the middleware folder.

When the individual Authorization is invoked in the middleware, the Authorization Header is checked before required to process. If successful then the route will respond with information such as providing a token or simply allow the route to proceed with the body information that can match the call that was made by the REST Client.

In reality the Middleware is designed to respond prior to or after the main Response has been made. In this instance we are using the middleware to intercept before the main response is made. If not successful then an appropriate unsuccessful message is sent to you REST Client and the process is terminated.

As we are settings up three different middleware authorizations, Slim provides a method to allow for this. In each Authorization files each type of authorization invokes a function call as below:-

Public function__invoke($request,$response,$next);

It is within this function that the Authorization $request is validated. Essentially the Middleware is used within the route to validate before the body response.

If valid then we call $next with a $response and the route responds to the call to allow a body response.

At this point if you can follow the layman’s logic which I believe can be confusing for those who are totally new to REST and Slim then you will be able to follow the code below:-

Basic Authorization

This is the code for the middleware

File basicauth.php

The file uses PHP http PHP_ AUTH_USER and PHP _AUTH_PW to capture the correct header information.


public function __invoke($request,$response, $next)


if (($request->hasHeader('PHP_AUTH_USER')) and


//converts to a string output

$headerValueString = $request->getHeaderLine('PHP_AUTH_USER');

$AuthUser = $headerValueString;

//sends the name to response

//$response ->getBody()->write($AuthUser. ' ');

//converts to a string output

$headerValueString = $request->getHeaderLine('PHP_AUTH_PW');

$AuthPass = $headerValueString;

//sends the password to response

//$response ->getBody()->write($AuthPass. ' ');

// Do all your user DB checks here

//Sets one username and password for this example

$username = 'A.N.';

$password = 'Other';

if ($AuthUser && $AuthPass && $AuthUser === $username && $AuthPass === $password) {

// Checks if authorized

$response ->getBody()->write($AuthUser.' '.$AuthPass. ' is now

Authorized ');

//Authorized - Allows the connected route(GET,PUT,DELETE,POST) to continue...

$response= $next($request,$response);

Return $response;


//Disallow any transactions from carrying on

$response ->getBody()->write('UnAuthorized ');

Return $response;







APIKey Authorization

This is the code for ApiKey Authorization

File APIkeyauth.php

The header check access the custom header ‘Authorization’. It requests this data and then checks that the data received is correct.


public function __invoke($request,$response, $next)


if ($request->hasHeader('Authorization')) {

$headerValueString = $request->getHeaderLine('Authorization');

$AuthKey = $headerValueString;

//sends the name to response

$response ->getBody()->write($AuthKey. ' ');

$APIkey = '1234';

if ($AuthKey === $APIkey) {

// Test if authorized

$response ->getBody()->write('Authorized - ');

//Its all good, allows the connected route(GET,PUT,DELETE,POST) to continue... calls the Route linked to the middleware

$response= $next($request,$response);

Return $response;


//Disallow any transactions from carrying on and sends the response (error)

$response ->getBody()->write('UnAuthorized ');

// Set any response to be sent back

Return $response;







JWT Authorization

Feel free to read-up on this in the JWT website….

Simply put, it consists of a Header, Payload and a Signature.

The Header consists of the Token and the Hashing Algorithm to use.

It requires generating a permanent or temporary token which represent unique handshake between multiple web services.  These tokens have to be unique, securely stored, and must be securely encrypted to prevent the tokens being rendered useless. Tokens need to be created within the Web Server to allow the process to continue. So there are a number of ways to generate a Random Token:-

With PHP 7.x the function random_bytes can be used as follows..

$token = bin2hex(random_bytes(64)); // bin2hex(random_bytes($length))

Then to clean the string by the following…

$token = strtr($token,’+/’, ’-_’);

With an output similar to this…


However if you only have version 5.x and lower then you will have to make use of OpenSSL to generate the string as follows:-

$token = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(64));

If you are not comfortable with the security of all this then you can use random_compat as a fallback for random_bytes() in PHP 5.x. Feel free to investigate.

The downloadable example explained below is set up for PHP 5.x and up. You will have to replace the token creation code if you are using 7.x.

This is the code for the middleware

Extract from File JWT.php


public function __invoke($request,$response, $next){

$current_user = 0;

//Set the key

$AuthUser = '';

$AuthPass = '';

//first send to authenticate - check if authenticating

// else check if header is 'AUTHORIZATION' then test the sent

if($request->hasHeader('PHP_AUTH_USER') &&



//converts to a string output

$headerValueString = $request->getHeaderLine('PHP_AUTH_USER');

$AuthUser = $headerValueString;

//converts to a string output

$headerValueString = $request->getHeaderLine('PHP_AUTH_PW');

$AuthPass = $headerValueString;

//Sets one username and password for this example

$username = 'temp';

$password = 'temporary';

if ($AuthUser && $AuthPass && $AuthUser === $username && $AuthPass === $password ) {

// Checks if authorized then set the user number

$current_user = 1;

if (count($current_user) != 0 ) {

//create a new token

$createtoken = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(64));

//clean the token

$createtoken = strtr($createtoken,'+/', '-_');

$data = [

"iss" => "",//change

"jti" => $createtoken,

"iat" => time(),

// "nbf" => time() +10,//add ten sconds

"exp" => time() + (3600 * 24 * 15),

"data" => [

"username" => 'temp',//set the id

"password" => 'temporary',



$secretkey = base64_decode(SECRET_KEY);



$jwt = JWT::encode($data, $secretkey,ALGORITHM);

} catch (PDOException $e) {

echo '{"error":{"text":' . $e->getMessage() . '}}';


// $UnEncoded = ['jwt' =>$jwt];

//$SendToken = json_encode($jwt);

$SendToken = $jwt;

// save to text file for Demo Purposes however this should be parsed into a database .... add workings here


$Newtoken = file_get_contents("./token.txt",FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH);

$response ->getBody()->write($Newtoken);

$response= $next($request,$response);

Return $response;




//Incorrect Auth Details

$response ->getBody()->write('UnAuthorized Token');

Return $response;



// function to check if Token is real

//returns boolean

public function checktoken($AuthToken){

//current user is inactive

$current_user = 0;

$decoded = '';

//check if AuthToken exists

if (isset($AuthToken)){

//remove json



//first set the user number

$current_user = 1;

//set the Token

if (count($current_user) != 0 ) {

try {

$ToDecode = file_get_contents("./token.txt",FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH);

//remove json

// Ltrim($ToDecode,'{"jwt":"');

// Rtrim($ToDecode,'"}');

$secretkey =base64_decode(SECRET_KEY);

$decoded = JWT::decode($ToDecode, $secretkey, array(ALGORITHM));

} catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {

echo $e->getMessage();


// decode to array to run extra checks

$decoded_array = (array) $decoded;

//add extra php checking process here

// checks if the token matches and that the token is verified

if (($AuthToken ===$ToDecode) && isset($decoded)) {

return true;




else {

return false;




Route Setup

This is the code for the route

Extract from File route.php


//add the middleware

//Technically the last added middleware is the first to be executed

//if it were used to run within the script.

//Here we are going to run the middleware for different specific routes.


//Add all the processes to send the total pricing data

$response = 'hello pricing';

return $response;

//this adds the middleware APIKeyauth.php process.



$response = 'user';

return $response;

//this adds the middleware basicAauth.php process.

//adding it at the end of your route gives flexibility to use different middleware for different routes.



$GetToken = '';

//send the token and leave this response blank as the token needs to be sent back

$response = '';

return $response;

//this adds the middleware JWTAuth.php process.


// responds with a comment and will only be authorized if the JWT token is relevent


//get request string

$headerValueString = $request->getHeaderLine('Authorization');

$AuthToken = $headerValueString;

$JWTauth = new SlimJWTAuth();

// initializes boolean checktoken function

if ($JWTauth->checktoken($AuthToken)){

//resend the Token back to client + a comment add your info here

$response = $AuthToken. ' - Get All the Pricing' ;

return $response;


$response = 'Unauthorized';

return $response;




This REST server example is not set up as a live demo on the blog. You will have to set up an Xampp installation.

First time to use Xampp ? A quick search in google will reveal all the answers you will need to set this up.

Only the index.php open in your IDE with Xampp started to access the calls.

Adjust the http call string to match your local installation. Then test this out.

Delphi VCL REST Client


  • Delphi VCL XE3 and up (possibly work on older IDE’s)

  • Latest version of Indy library

  • Super-Object library


Set up the Rest structure to make three different Get http calls by using the following Authorizations:-

  • Basic authorization

  • APIKEy Authorization

  • JWT Auth TokenAuthorization

Use the Indy Custom Headers Option to ensure that the data is passed within the headers.

Be able to randomly send RESTrequests to any one of these Authorizations without a RESTResponse fail.

The Project

Uses the Delphi VCL IDE . Tested XE3 and UP. Only standard objects are used to populate the Form. The Image below is self- explanatory.

Setting up the Basic Authorization



procedure Tfmmain.btngetClick(Sender: TObject);




http := TIdHttp.Create(nil);

http.HandleRedirects := true;

http.ReadTimeout := 5000;

http.MaxAuthRetries := 0;

http.HTTPOptions := [hoInProcessAuth];

Http.Request.BasicAuthentication := True;

Http.Request.Username := 'A.N.';

Http.Request.Password := 'Other';

Http.Request.Accept := 'http';

Http.Request.ContentType := 'application/json';

Memo3.Lines.Text := http.Get('http://private.localhost/htdoc/PhpSlimAuth/public/user');;



Setting up the APIKey Authorization


procedure Tfmmain.btngetpricingClick(Sender: TObject);




http := TIdHttp.Create(nil);

http.HandleRedirects := true;

http.ReadTimeout := 5000;

http.MaxAuthRetries := 0;

http.HTTPOptions := [hoInProcessAuth];


// Add the custom Header to use -Authorization and password -1234


Http.Request.BasicAuthentication := False;

Http.Request.Accept := 'http';

Http.Request.ContentType := 'application/json';

Memo1.Lines.Text := http.Get('http://private.localhost/htdoc/PhpSlimAuth/public/pricing');;



Setting up JWT Authorization

Note that on the bottom left of the form, a request is made to the REST Server

using basic authorization.

If this matches then the REST server will generate a new token and hash the response into a base 64 string. It then sends back this string to the REST Client.

Only now can a Get http request for the dummy pricing information be made from the bottom right of the form.

This Call includes the Token that was received and adds it into the Custom-Header.

When Received, the REST server first checks if the token is valid by checking the token for an untampered token and that the token is still time .

If successful then it will allow the REST server to release the Dummy pricing information.

This is a far more robust method of upping the security. This Authorization method of security should be sufficient for most apps.

This application uses the protocols such as Custom Headers to allow for further OAuth 2 self-development.

Please remember that all data sent or received should be fully encrypted to ensure privacy. JWTAuth does not provide this. Your data is still being sent as text.


//set up a private variable for the token received



{ Private declarations }

//Request the Token

procedure Tfmmain.GetJWTbtnClick(Sender: TObject);




JWTToken:= '';


http := TIdHttp.Create(nil);

http.HandleRedirects := true;

http.ReadTimeout := 5000;

http.MaxAuthRetries := 0;

http.HTTPOptions := [hoInProcessAuth];


Http.Request.BasicAuthentication := true;

Http.Request.Username := 'temp';

Http.Request.Password := 'temporary';

Http.Request.Accept := 'http';

Http.Request.ContentType := 'application/json';

Memo2.Lines.Text := http.Get('http://private.localhost/htdoc/PhpSlimAuth/public/jwtuser');

JWTToken:= Memo2.lines.text;;


//Using the token to Get dummy pricing

procedure Tfmmain.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);




http := TIdHttp.Create(nil);

http.HandleRedirects := true;

http.ReadTimeout := 5000;

http.MaxAuthRetries := 0;

http.HTTPOptions := [hoInProcessAuth];

//Get the memo authorisation from user

// then resend in json format


if JWTToken<> '' then



Http.Request.BasicAuthentication := False;

Http.Request.Accept := 'http';

Http.Request.ContentType := 'application/json';

Memo4.Lines.Text := http.Get('http://private.localhost/htdoc/PhpSlimAuth/public/jwtpricing');




Delphi FMX REST Client

Delphi Version with REST components installed


Set up the same Application as the REST Indy VCL Application using the REST Client components.

The Application

This application makes use of one set of components in a data module.

I will release a short blog on how to call the RESTclient components form code in the future.

The code for Basic Authorization as follows:-


procedure Tfmmain.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);





//set to defaults;




HTTPAuthent:= THTTPbasicauthenticator.Create('A.N.','Other');

dm.RESTclient1.BaseURL:= 'http://private.localhost/htdoc/PhpSlimAuth/public/user';

dm.RESTClient1.Authenticator := HTTPAuthent;

dm.RESTRequest1.Method:= TRestRequestMethod.rmGET;


//get response message status

if dm.restresponse1.StatusCode <> 200 then







//use if content returned is Json


Memo5.lines.Add(jValue.ToString); }





The code for APIKey Authorization as follows:-


//API Key

procedure Tfmmain.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);




//set to defaults;





dm.RESTclient1.BaseURL:= 'http://private.localhost/htdoc/PhpSlimAuth/public/pricing';


//set header params


dm.RESTRequest1.Method:= TRestRequestMethod.rmGET;


//get response message status

if dm.restresponse1.StatusCode <> 200 then








Memo6.lines.Add(jValue.ToString); }





The code for JWTAuthorization as follows:-


// Use the Private variable JWTToken to receive the token and to be used for all further JWT Auth Rest Calls.



{ Private declarations }

//Send the basic Authorization Request a Token

procedure Tfmmain.Button6Click(Sender: TObject);





button8.Enabled:= true;

//set to defaults;




JWTToken:= '';

HTTPAuthent:= THTTPbasicauthenticator.Create('temp','temporary');

dm.RESTclient1.BaseURL:= 'http://private.localhost/htdoc/PhpSlimAuth/public/jwtuser';

dm.RESTClient1.Authenticator := HTTPAuthent;

dm.RESTRequest1.Method:= TRestRequestMethod.rmGET;


//get response message status

if dm.restresponse1.StatusCode <> 200 then







// adds the token to Global string variable

JWTToken := dm.RESTResponse1.content;

// Memo3.lines.Add(jValue.ToString);





// On receipt of the Token, this makes a Get call for the Dummy pricing but

// sends the Token in the custom header

procedure Tfmmain.Button8Click(Sender: TObject);




//set to defaults;




dm.RESTclient1.BaseURL:= 'http://private.localhost/htdoc/PhpSlimAuth/public/jwtpricing';




dm.RESTRequest1.Method:= TRestRequestMethod.rmGET;


//get response message status

if dm.restresponse1.StatusCode <> 200 then







Memo4.lines.Add(jValue.ToString); }






Refer to comments on JWT Authorization in the VCL section if you need to understand how it works…



Using Slim’s Invokable methods makes for an interesting REST server. Setting this up was a rewarding experience and it demonstrates the flexibility of the lightweight Slim REST API. If you are unsure of the REST system and middleware, then I suggest that you read the Slim documentation.

Delphi REST Clients

In the end working with the Indy component library and working with REST components were much the same. The advantage of using REST is that Open SSL is built in for Https calls and there are various components for basic Authorization, OAuth and Oauth2 which should speed up the developer’s code completion.

I will share a quick blog on calling the REST Client components in code rather than having one set available in the data-module. This will make it easier for those setting up Asynchronous HTTP REST Calling and require a small template library to call in their Android Apps.

Recent Changes


  • Updated SLim 3 to latest version.

  • Fixed broken link.

  • Removed JWA extra line of code (line4)

Happy Coding

php-slim-rest-server-authorizations-delphi-vcl-and-firemonkey-client's People


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