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byheap's Introduction


What is this ?

This is an efficient ES6 implementation for priority queue using Binary Heap(Max/Min) or here data structure !.

A Binary Heap is a Binary Tree with following properties.

  • It’s a complete tree (All levels are completely filled except possibly the last level and the last level has all keys as left as possible). This property of Binary Heap makes them suitable to be stored in an array.

  • A Binary Heap is either Min Heap or Max Heap. In a Min Binary Heap, the key at root must be minimum among all keys present in Binary Heap. The same property must be recursively true for all nodes in Binary Tree. Max Binary Heap is similar to MinHeap.

List representing binary tree A: [10,20,100,30]  // In order traversal of tree left to right
List representing binary tree B: [10,15,30,40,50,100,40] // In order traversal of tree left to right

        10                     10
     /      \               /       \  
   20        100          15         30  
  /                      /  \        /  \
30                     40    50    100   40
Binary Tree A          Binary Tree B

A and B both are examples of min heap.

A Binary Heap is a Complete Binary Tree. A binary heap is typically represented as an array.

The root element will be at Arr[0].
Below table shows indexes of other nodes for the ith node, i.e., Arr[i]:
Arr[(i-1)/2]	Returns the parent node
Arr[(2*i)+1]	Returns the left child node
Arr[(2*i)+2]	Returns the right child node

The traversal method use to achieve Array representation is Level Order

Level Order

Binary Heap satisfies the Ordering Property.

The Ordering can be of two types:

  1. Min Heap Property: The value of each node is greater than or equal to the value of its parent, with the minimum value at the root.


Min Heap

  1. Max Heap Property: The value of each node is less than or equal to the value of its parent, with the maximum value at the root.


Max Heap


npm i byheap --save


# Clone repository into local directory named byheap
git clone byheap

# Go to byheap directory
cd byheap 

# Install devDependencies
npm i  or npm install 

# Transpiling source code from ES6 to ES2015 
npm run prepare

# Running tests by mocha and chai 
npm run test

Type of binary heaps supported?

This implementation supports max heap and min heap both.

BinaryHeap also provide following methods till now :

  • insert < newItem > : accepts one parameter(i.e newItem) and returns updated Priority Queue i.e. BinaryHeap Object with type provided in constructor
    Method Signature : BinaryHeap insert(newItem)

    Here newItem could be a object with a special attribute named key(with value of type number) or a number or a number represented as string i.e. the priority of newItem

    Example : newItem = {key:2,...} or 2 or '2' , here 2 is the priority of newItem

  • updateKey < newItem , position > : accepts two parameter(i.e newItem , position) and returns updated Priority Queue i.e. BinaryHeap Object with type provided in constructor

    Method Signature : BinaryHeap updateKey(newItem,position)

    Here postion will be a integer with satisfying following condition:

    0 <= position < Priority Queue i.e. BinaryHeap Size

  • extract : The procedure for deleting the root from the priority queue i.e. heap (effectively extracting the maximum element in a max-heap or the minimum element in a min-heap) and restoring the properties is called down-heap (also known as bubble-down, percolate-down, sift-down, sink-down, trickle down, heapify-down, cascade-down, and extract-min/max).

    Method Signature : item extract()

    Here item will be a maximum key item(i.e. maximum priorty item) or minimum key item(minimum priority item) in case of max heap or min heap respectively.

    Note : After extract operation heap root element will be deleted and heap will reorganize itself to maintain heap property.

  • sort < order > : accepts one parameter order ( 1 for increasing and 2 for decreasing order) and returns a sorted list of priority queue i.e. heap items.This operation does not mutates priority queue i.e heap.

    Method Signature: List< item > sort(order)

    Here order value can be 1 (for increasing order) or 2 (for decreasing order). It's default value is 1 if not provided.

( ...more methods are coming soon )

Params for BinaryHeap constructor?

BinaryHeap constructor accepts two parameters (List< item >,type).

  • First parameter is a list of items (nodes) , where each item of the list will be an object,with an attribute key(its value will be considered the priority of the item).

    If you pass first parameter as a list of numbers, then each number will be considered as the priority of items correspondingly.

  • Second Parameter is type of Priority Queue i.e. implemented by Binary Max Heap or Binary Min Heap

  • Type can accept two values 1 (Priority Queue implemented by Binary Max Heap) or 2 (Priority Queue implemented by Binary Min Heap).

    Relation between (node or item)'s priority and (node or item)'s key attribute value will depend on this parameter value.

    ** So if you want that item's with high key attribute value should have high priority in priority queue,then pass 1 as second parameter value.

    ** Otherwise if you want that item's with low key attribute value should have high priority in priority queue,then pass 2 as second parameter value.

    Constructor Signature : BinaryHeap(List< item >,type)

    Here item could be a object with a special attribute named key(with value of type number) or a number or a number represented as string

    Example : item = {key:2,...} or 2 or '2'


How to use ?

    import BinaryHeap from 'byheap';

    let arr1 = [{key:4}, {key:2}, {key:3}, {key:5}, {key:1}, {key:6}, {key:7}, {key:11}, {key:10}]  
    let maxHeapObj1 = new BinaryHeap(arr1,1); 
    let minHeapObj1 = new BinaryHeap(arr1,2);
    # Input can also be provided as given below 
        let arr2 = ["4","2","3","5","1","6","7","11","10"]  
    # Or ...
        let arr3 = [4,2,3,5,1,6,7,11,10]  
        let maxHeapObj2   = new BinaryHeap(arr2,1);
        let minHeapObj2 = new BinaryHeap(arr2,2);
        console.log("Max Heap 1 (items as object): ",maxHeapObj1);
        console.log("Min Heap 1 (items as object): ",minHeapObj1);
        console.log("Max Heap 2 (items as numbers): ",maxHeapObj2);
        console.log("Min Heap 2 (items as numbers): ",minHeapObj2);


Max Heap 1 (items as object):  BinaryHeap {
  nodeType: 'object',
   [ { key: 4 },
     { key: 2 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 5 },
     { key: 1 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 11 },
     { key: 10 } ],
   [ { key: 11 },
     { key: 10 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 5 },
     { key: 1 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 4 },
     { key: 2 } ],
  heapSize: 9,
  type: 1 }
Min Heap 1 (items as object):  BinaryHeap {
  nodeType: 'object',
   [ { key: 4 },
     { key: 2 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 5 },
     { key: 1 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 11 },
     { key: 10 } ],
   [ { key: 1 },
     { key: 2 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 5 },
     { key: 4 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 11 },
     { key: 10 } ],
  heapSize: 9,
  type: 2 }
Max Heap 2 (items as numbers):  BinaryHeap {
  nodeType: 'string',
  draftBT: [ 4, 2, 3, 5, 1, 6, 7, 11, 10 ],
  resHeap: [ '11', '10', '7', '5', '1', '6', '3', '4', '2' ],
  heapSize: 9,
  type: 1 }
Min Heap 2 (items as numbers):  BinaryHeap {
  nodeType: 'string',
  draftBT: [ 4, 2, 3, 5, 1, 6, 7, 11, 10 ],
  resHeap: [ '1', '2', '3', '5', '4', '6', '7', '11', '10' ],
  heapSize: 9,
  type: 2 }

  BinaryHeap.resHeap i.e. Resulted Binary Heap
  BinaryHeap.draftBT i.e. Input Binary Tree (provided in constructor)
  BinaryHeap.type i.e. 1 ( for MAX_HEAP ) or 2 ( for MIN_HEAP )

How to use insert method ?

    # Inserting new item ...
        maxHeapObj1.insert({key:23})   // Params (newItem)

        console.log("Max Heap 1 After Insertion: ",maxHeapObj1);
        console.log("Min Heap 1 After Insertion: ",minHeapObj1);

Output ...

Max Heap 1 After Insertion:  BinaryHeap {
  nodeType: 'object',
   [ { key: 4 },
     { key: 2 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 5 },
     { key: 1 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 11 },
     { key: 10 } ],
   [ { key: 23 },
     { key: 11 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 5 },
     { key: 10 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 4 },
     { key: 2 },
     { key: 1 } ],
  heapSize: 10,
  type: 1 }
Min Heap 1 After Insertion:  BinaryHeap {
  nodeType: 'object',
   [ { key: 4 },
     { key: 2 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 5 },
     { key: 1 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 11 },
     { key: 10 } ],
   [ { key: 1 },
     { key: 2 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 5 },
     { key: 4 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 11 },
     { key: 10 },
     { key: 23 } ],
  heapSize: 10,
  type: 2 }

How to use updateKey method ?

    # Updating an item ... 
        maxHeapObj1.updateKey({key:13},1)   // Params (newItem,position)

        console.log("Max Heap 1 After Updation: ",maxHeapObj1);
        console.log("Min Heap 1 After Updation: ",minHeapObj1); 

Output ...

Max Heap 1 After Updation:  BinaryHeap {
  nodeType: 'object',
   [ { key: 4 },
     { key: 2 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 5 },
     { key: 1 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 11 },
     { key: 10 } ],
   [ { key: 23 },
     { key: 13 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 5 },
     { key: 10 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 4 },
     { key: 2 },
     { key: 1 } ],
  heapSize: 10,
  type: 1 }
Min Heap 1 After Updation:  BinaryHeap {
  nodeType: 'object',
   [ { key: 4 },
     { key: 2 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 5 },
     { key: 1 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 11 },
     { key: 10 } ],
   [ { key: 1 },
     { key: 2 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 10 },
     { key: 4 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 11 },
     { key: 13 },
     { key: 23 } ],
  heapSize: 10,
  type: 2 }

How to use extract method ?

    let extractMax = maxHeapObj1.extract()
    let extractMin = minHeapObj1.extract()

    console.log("Extracted node from Max Heap 1 : ",extractMax)
    console.log("Max Heap 1 after extraction : ",maxHeapObj1)
    console.log("Extracted node from Min Heap 1 : ",extractMin)
    console.log("Min Heap 1 after extraction : ",minHeapObj1)

Output ...

Extracted node from Max Heap 1 :  { key: 23 }

Max Heap 1 after extraction :  BinaryHeap {
  nodeType: 'object',
   [ { key: 4 },
     { key: 2 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 5 },
     { key: 1 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 11 },
     { key: 10 } ],
   [ { key: 13 },
     { key: 10 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 5 },
     { key: 1 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 4 },
     { key: 2 } ],
  heapSize: 9,
  type: 1 }

Extracted node from Min Heap 1 :  { key: 1 }

Min Heap 1 after extraction :  BinaryHeap {
  nodeType: 'object',
   [ { key: 4 },
     { key: 2 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 5 },
     { key: 1 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 11 },
     { key: 10 } ],
   [ { key: 2 },
     { key: 4 },
     { key: 3 },
     { key: 10 },
     { key: 23 },
     { key: 6 },
     { key: 7 },
     { key: 11 },
     { key: 13 } ],
  heapSize: 9,
  type: 2 }

How to use sort (i.e. heapsort) ?

    console.log("Max Heap 1 objects list , sorted in increasing order ",maxHeapObj1.sort(1))
    console.log("Max Heap 1 objects list , sorted in decreasing order ",maxHeapObj1.sort(2))
    console.log("Min Heap 1 objects list , sorted in increasing order ",minHeapObj1.sort(1))
    console.log("Min Heap 1 objects list , sorted in decreasing order ",minHeapObj1.sort(2))

Output ...

Max Heap 1 objects list , sorted in increasing order  [ { key: 1 },
  { key: 2 },
  { key: 3 },
  { key: 4 },
  { key: 5 },
  { key: 6 },
  { key: 7 },
  { key: 10 },
  { key: 13 } ]
Max Heap 1 objects list , sorted in decreasing order  [ { key: 13 },
  { key: 10 },
  { key: 7 },
  { key: 6 },
  { key: 5 },
  { key: 4 },
  { key: 3 },
  { key: 2 },
  { key: 1 } ]
Min Heap 1 objects list , sorted in increasing order  [ { key: 2 },
  { key: 3 },
  { key: 4 },
  { key: 6 },
  { key: 7 },
  { key: 10 },
  { key: 11 },
  { key: 13 },
  { key: 23 } ]
Min Heap 1 objects list , sorted in decreasing order  [ { key: 23 },
  { key: 13 },
  { key: 11 },
  { key: 10 },
  { key: 7 },
  { key: 6 },
  { key: 4 },
  { key: 3 },
  { key: 2 } ]

byheap's People


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