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cluster-operator's Issues

Images uploaded to PivNet are tagged `latest`

Describe the bug
Images are uploaded to PivNet with latest tag. That makes it hard to identify what version of the product they contain. May also lead to incorrect images being used in a deployment.

To Reproduce

$ docker load -i images/rabbitmq
Loaded image:

$ docker load -i images/rabbitmq-for-kubernetes-operator
Loaded image:

Expected behavior
Images should be tagged with the product version (eg. 0.7.0-build.30).

Add Events Fields to RabbitmqCluster

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
This feature request is not related to a problem. It's a request that should improve the usability of the RabbitmqCluster product.

Describe the solution you'd like
I would like to see events when I do kubectl describe rabbitmqcluster cluster0. There is no extensive list of type of events that we should record. To start with, we can take a look of the status.conditions work we've been doing. One idea could be that everytime we are updating the status.conditions, we can record the reason and messages in events as well.

Describe alternatives you've considered
This feature is a nice-to-have. Without it, people can still get similar information looking at logs and status.conditions, but that will require more work from the user side.

Additional context

  • Kuberbuilder tutorial for implementing events. Note that this is written for kubebuilder v1, but it basically works for v2 kubebuilder as well.
  • When publish an event, we need to provide the Type, Reason, and Message. We should take a look of StatefulSet, Pod, or other k8s objects to align on wording and practices as much as we can.

Handle Conflict errors gracefully in controller

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Describe the solution you'd like
Conflicts errors returned when updating any child objects are normal and expected, because our controller reconcile function is not the only actor that can update the state of these child objects. We should log the error, and implement retry logic instead of return on such errors (as simple as requeue the request). Link to our current controller which returns instead of requeue the request on any errors

service account token controller
volume controller

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Docs on Pod Disruption Budgets - Purpose and Configuration

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
During k8s maintenance (eg. upgrades), RabbitmqCluster Pods will be rescheduled to other Kubernetes worker nodes. If two Pods exist on the same worker node, then they will both be evicted at the same time causing the RabbitMQ cluster to lose quorum which can have a number of negative effects (entering pause-minority prematurely, losing quorum in `quorum-queues e.t.c.). Kubernetes allows the user to configure the number Pods that can be unavailable through Pod Eviction at any given moment by declaring Pod Disruption Budgets. More information available here.

Describe the solution you'd like

Scenario: docs
When I follow the docs
Then I can set up PDBs for my cluster

Notes: docs should recommend using for label matching and mention that additional labels can be added to the CR and then used in PDBs.

Additional CRDs for RabbitMQ K8s API

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
This issue aims to track our thinking and any resulting work in terms adding lower-level CRDs that represent RabbitMQ primitives (e.g. vhost, user, queue), as well as higher-level abstractions that build on top of those primitives in conjunction with the pre-existing rabbitmqcluster CRD.

Describe the solution you'd like
Create a proposal that documents the different CRDs and their relationship with each other. Discuss alternatives for how to progress with the implementation of those CRDs (i.e. start bottom-up or go a different route).

Describe alternatives you've considered
See upcoming proposal that will be created as part of this issue.

Additional context
Pre-exiting work:

Load a backlog of messages on the cluster before upgrade

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

At the moment, we do not load a backlog of messages in our cluster before we upgrade and test the results. This can be seen on these lines:

  • starting RabbitTestTool without any backlog here
  • running rollout restart on the stateful set as soon as consumers connect here

Loading a backlog of messages is useful as it tests our logic that certain nodes that are critical to synchronization should wait for the sync to complete before being rolled. Otherwise, messages may be lost.

Describe the solution you'd like

The solution has two parts -

  • working out a value to set for the backlog of messages
  • setting the backlog of messages

The size of the backlog

From the rabbitmq memory docs, we know that paging starts happening at 50% of the memory high watermark. The idea here is that paging will further add time for the synchronisation to occur. This in turn increases the likelihood that nodes need to wait for sync before they can be rolled. So, let's set the backlog to be above 50% of the memory high watermark to create this situation.

RabbitMQ internals and Maths ๐Ÿค“

  • Work out the absolute value of the high watermark: vm_memory_high_watermark.absolute
  • Ensure that paging happens above 50% of the high watermark by looking at: vm_memory_high_watermark_paging_ratio
  • Calculate 70% of the absolute value of the high watermark.

Setting the value

The RabbitTestTool has a flag to set the initial backlog (initialPublish perhaps), and the topology file also includes the size of each message. Set this combination such that (number of messages) * (size of a message) is about 70% of the high watermark, the value calculated in the previous section.

At this point, we have a backlog, and messages are being paged to disk.

CRD Multiple Versions Notes

How conversion webhooks work

CRDs are able to describe multiple API versions thanks to the use of the Open API V3 specification. In order for Kubernetes to manage the work of maintaining serving multiple versions, a few conventions have been made:

  • A client must be able to request any version that is being served and expect the data to reflect the API of that version
  • By default, when you fetch a Custom Resource instance, you will get the latest available serving version
  • The author of the Operator must specify a storage version that will be used as the data model to store all metadata in the Kubernetes database.

This means that:

  • A controller can specify any version that it would like to reconcile. You can have multiple controllers reconciling different versions if necessary. This does introduce more complexity so the use case for multiple controllers should be justified (this demo does not implement multiple controllers).
  • A storage version needs to be able hold all metadata for all API versions.

The storage version

Kubernetes will use a designated version to store metadata for all API versions. When multiple versions are being served by a CRD, a conversion to the storage must happen before the Custom Resource instance is persisted.

----------------------------        --------------        --------------       --------------
|                                           |  V2    |                     |  V2 |                     | V1  |                      |
| kubectl apply -f v2.yaml |----->| Reconcile    |--->| Conversion |--->| k8s              |
|                                           |          |                      |       | Webhook     |       | Database    |
----------------------------        --------------        --------------       --------------

Metadata must not be lost across conversions

The implementation of a storage version means that it must contain all forms of metadata for all versions. This can either be persisted in annotations or in the API of the storage version itself.

                                                   | apiVersion: V1                           |
                                                   | metadata:                                  |
                                                > |   annotations:                            |  
                                               /   |     โ€˜{spec.version2Prop: true}โ€™  |
                                             /     | spec:                                          |
                                           /        --------------------------------
| apiVersion: V1              |
| spec:                             |
|   version2Prop: true     |
                                            \        |-----------------------|
                                              \      | apiVersion: V1              |
                                                \    | spec:                             |
                                                  > |   version2Prop: true     |

Keeping state in annotations is more flexible and easier to implement the saving of metadata. However, it complicates matters for the conversion webhook. In order to unpack the state in annotations and marshal that data into a struct, the webhook must first inspect the data to know what version to marshal data into (see comments here).

Having the storage version contain version2Prop removes the complexity in the conversion webhook, however then you have a leaky API that contains properties that this version cannot utilise. This could potentially lead to reconciliation errors down the line.

Two demos

We will suggest two possible solutions to implementing conversion webhooks into our workflow.

Please follow the steps provided in the readme of the multiversion crd demo

This example requires an operator and two API versions: v1 and v2. The operator follows the example set out in kubebuilder and implements a simple cronjob job deployment. v1 has a schedule property that is simply of type string, and v2 has a schedule property that is a struct of type CronSchedule.
The demo guides you through creating instance sample-one that is v1, and sample-two that is v2.

When you run make sample-one-schedule-as-v1, as detailed in the demo steps, you will see the schedule of sample-one as it should be, in its string form. However, when you run make sample-one-schedule-as-v2, you will see the schedule in its CronJob struct form.

This is a demonstration of the philosophy of multiple versions. There is no concrete idea of a Custom Resource that simply stays at one version, but can be viewed and modified as any serving version. You can modify sample-one either as a v1 object, or a v2. You can follow the demo steps to see this for yourself.

Further Explores

Investigate how multiple controllers react to the watch events of different api versions.
Does every controller have their reconciliation loop triggered on the change event of every api version, or simply the api version it wishes to reconcile.

Expose rabbitmq plugins in the CRD

Currently the list of plugins is generated by the operator but can only be customized once the cluster is deployed. Since the CR should define the desired state of a deployment, RabbitMQ plugins should be a part of it.

Describe the solution you'd like
I should be able to specify plugins like this:

kind: RabbitmqCluster
  name: foo
      - rabbitmq_mqtt


The value of this field should be appended to the list of required plugins ([rabbitmq_peer_discovery_k8s, rabbitmq_prometheus, rabbitmq_management]) so that the required plugins and the plugins listed here are all enabled.

By default spec.rabbitmq.additionalPlugins should be empty.


Scenario 1

I deploy the simplest cluster:

kind: RabbitmqCluster
  name: simple

When I kubectl edit this cluster, I see:

kind: RabbitmqCluster
  name: simple
# other properties here

When I check rabbitmq-plugins list I can see that rabbitmq_management, rabbitmq_peer_discovery_k8s and rabbitmq_prometheus are enabled since they are essential and therefore always enabled.

Scenario 2

I deploy a cluster with plugin configuration:

kind: RabbitmqCluster
  name: mqtt
      - rabbitmq_mqtt

When I kubectl edit this cluster, I see:

kind: RabbitmqCluster
  name: mqtt
      - rabbitmq_mqtt
# other properties here

When I check rabbitmq-plugins list I can see that only rabbitmq_mqtt, rabbitmq_management, rabbitmq_peer_discovery_k8s and rabbitmq_prometheus are enabled.

Refactor RabbitmqCluster CRD to achieve full flexibility

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
We would like the RabbitmqCluster CRD to be as flexible as possible. That means the user of that CRD should be able to tweak pretty much ...

  1. any property on most of the child resources of the rabbitmqcluster resource (and in some cases the grandchildren)
  2. any property that can be configured in RabbitMQ itself (config file, plugins, etc)

To achieve this we will have to refactor the current CRD as it doesn't support any of the above. One pattern we have seen with some of the K8s core resources is to add templates for the children to the parent CRD (e.g. pod template for stateful sets). This seems to be something that would make sense here too.

This issue is meant to track the work to come up with an initial proposal. Subsequent implementation work will be tracked in separate issues in the future.

Describe the solution you'd like
Create a proposal for what a fully flexible rabbitmqcluster CRD might look like.

Describe alternatives you've considered
See upcoming proposal that will be created as part of this issue.

Additional context
There's some pre-existing work.

Configuration of the upgrade pipeline

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

There are many knobs and dials in the configuration of our upgrade tests. Currently, we invoke the RabbitTestTool (repo link) with these flags, and with this topology file.

Note here that we are only testing quorum queues here with the use of this policy file.

There are several decisions in both these files that we have some value for, but which may be fine tuned further. Let's try to understand what they mean, and what values would be suitable for our testing. For example,

  • unavailability seconds: This is set to 30s at the moment. Is this too long? Should this match the value of our readiness probe? RabbitTestTool description of the value here.
  • initial publish: Allows having an initial backlog of messages. Separate issue for this here.
  • rabbitmq version: Set to 3.8.1 at the moment. Does this version matter?
  • topology file configuration: publisher confirms, consumer acks, as fast as possible publish and consume rates. Do these make sense?
  • run-id: this is set to a unique value right now - date, but might it make more sense to have the commit sha here too so we have a link between the run and the code?
  • test policies: we are only testing quorum queues at the moment with the use of a policy file (other pre-written policy files, we can also come up with our own). We can extend this to mirrored queues. Are there more policy files that might make sense testing?
  • are we missing any other configuration?

Describe the solution you'd like

An understanding of the settings available, and baseline values to be used in common, and differently for different policies.

Don't pass context.TODO() in client requests

With regards to passing context.TODO() everywhere. I've been seeing us doing this for a while now. When are we ever going to TODO this properly and start passing a meaningful context? IMO, we should pass the context we get from the caller of the Reconcile function. And then hand that through everywhere in our call graph.

Originally posted by @st3v in #20

System Requirements for an Upgrade

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Due to the variety of use cases different users can have for RabbitMQ, it is important for us to understand the trade off in requirements of the common use cases for our customers. This will inform us what kind of guarantees we need to ensure when performing an upgrade. We have done some work towards making some of these guarantees. This issue is going to be used to help us keep track of the current state of affairs, and help inform us of what needs to be done next.

Describe the solution you'd like
I would like for us to achieve the following:

  • Remaining steps in order to satisfy minimum requirements for upgrades for GA
  • Road map for how to achieve higher levels of upgrade requirements.

Additional context
Here is the current state (to be improved) of our system requirements for performing an upgrade.

Control Plane

No internal upgradeability claims - yes
Internal upgradeability claims - ?
External upgradeability claims beta- no
External upgradeability claims GA - no

Behaviours of Aspects of the system

Data loss
The control plane (Controller and CRD) is dependent on state that is stored in Kubernetes. This is not our responsibility. If the Kubernetes datastore (etcd) experiences data loss, then we lose the metadata for our CRs. The solution to this would be a restore of a previously made backup of etcd.

Custom Resource metadata
Although we do not currently have an upgrade workflow, we do know that we will need to migrate properties of the CR between different versions. Without this, we could risk losing properties that have been set by the user if a user were to simply change the API version number of their custom resource.

Currently our controller-runtime is configured to activate leader election for simple active/passive HA. However, we only run one replica of our manager. This means that we do not have a highly available controller.

Repeatability (no surprises, partition tolerance, etc)
N/A - we do not have an upgrade workflow

Performance degradation

Usability (manual steps, bulk and single-instance upgrades, maintenance windows, etc)
N/A - we do not have an upgrade workflow

Data plane

No internal upgradeability claims - yes
Internal upgradeability claims - ?
External upgradeability claims beta- no
External upgradeability claims GA - no
Current state for each aspect of the system

Data loss
We are currently running an experiment to see if we experience any data loss with our current default configurations -

RabbitMQ can be configured to maximise data consistency. We can only control certain aspects of RabbitMQ to ensure data consistency. Customers have to configure their RabbitMQ resources (exchanges, queues and messages e.t.c) to also minimize data loss in order for our mitigations of data loss to take effect.

We now have a preStop container hook that will run rabbitmq-queues check_if_node_is_quorum_critical and rabbitmq-queues check_if_node_is_quorum_critical. This ensures that all distributed queues will have a chance to tell us if they are in a bad state (i.e. unsynchronised) before any RabbitMQ server nodes are taken down for maintenance, thereby keeping the data consistent.

This only helps us in the situation of a voluntary shutdown. The default value for โ€˜ha-promote-on-shutdownโ€™ is โ€˜when-synced. However, the default value for โ€˜ha-promote-on-failureโ€™ is โ€˜alwaysโ€™ and can lead to data loss as the view here is availability over consistency. We will need to have a โ€œplanโ€ that allows us to change this to โ€˜when-syncedโ€™ if we want to make consistency a higher priority.
This does mean that maintenance times could potentially last a bit longer as we wait for queues to be synchronised which users may not like (given the frequency that Pod rollout could occur).

RabbitMQ can be configured to maximise data availability. Customers have to configure their RabbitMQ resources (exchanges, queues and messages e.t.c) to sacrifice data consistency for data availability.

We now have a preStop container hook that will run rabbitmq-queues check_if_node_is_quorum_critical and rabbitmq-queues check_if_node_is_quorum_critical. This ensures that all distributed queues will have a chance to synchronise before any RabbitMQ server nodes are taken down for maintenance, thereby ensuring that if a node goes down that hosted the leader of the queue, high availability is still maintained because a new leader can be elected quickly.

Repeatability (no surprises, partition tolerance, etc)
N/A - we do not have an upgrade workflow

Performance degradation

Usability (manual steps, bulk and single-instance upgrades, maintenance windows, etc)
N/A - we do not have an upgrade workflow

Make destroy target should delete the CRD before deleting the Namespace


After the finaliser work in #70 and #53, we set a finaliser in RabbitmqCluster objects. This will halt deletion of the object until the finalizer is removed. By deleting the namespace where the Operator lives, it immediately deletes the Operator, therefore the finaliser is never removed from RabbitmqCluster instances, which then halts the deletion of the Namespace.

Visible effects of this issue are stuck pipeline and make destroy never completing if there is a rabbit object in the namespace.


We should change the destroy target to synchronously delete the CRD, which deletes all RabbitmqCluster objects in a cascading fashion, before proceeding to delete the Namespace and cluster scoped RBAC objects.

We should also review and adapt our docs if there is an uninstall procedure, as our customers will also hit this issue.

We should also check the behaviour with the Operator Chart and make sure helm uninstall is not impacted.

  • Adapt make destroy
  • Update docs uninstall procedure
  • Test Operator Chart with latest build

Delete RabbitmqCluster objects before helm uninstall


After the work done in #70 and #53, the workflow of helm uninstall will not work as expected if there are any RabbitmqCluster objects present in the cluster. During a helm uninstall, all our resources will receive a signal to terminate at the same time; this will cause the Operator to terminate before the finalizer from RabbitmqCluster objects is removed, leaving those objects stuck in terminating state.


We should look into Chart Hooks, which allow to run a Kuberntes job just before deleting resources. We could combine this with a container with kubectl to delete all RabbitmqClusters before deleting the Operator and the Namespace.

Label Operator image on every build

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Our pipeline only labels (deplab) images when the job label-images is arbitrarily triggered. This will cause failures in our Nork pipeline because we added a new "scan root" to scan our images in PivNet registry.

Describe the solution you'd like
Our images should be labelled in every build run, or when there is a new version. Those two scenarios are practically the same. The difference would apply for RabbitMQ Docker images. RMQ image is pinned to a specific version and the process to upgrade this image is manual. The job to label RabbitMQ image should not trigger on every build run, but when there is a new pinned version of RMQ available.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Trigger the label-images on every run. This would label and push RMQ image on every build run, which is unnecessary.

Additional context

Upgrade to rabbitmq 3.8.3 and cut a new release on PivNet

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Bump to the latest and greatest rabbitmq to take advantage the incremental upgrade.

Describe the solution you'd like
Use the docker image of the latest version.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context
Make sure to also change the version in our pipeline.

Michal found that version 0.8.0 (next) is using RabbitMQ 3.8.2. Let's investigate this and confirm if this is the case for 0.7.0.


  • Request OSL
  • Update docs to describe the potential side effects of preStop hook (infinite wait to terminate pods)
  • Update Norsk Config to scan images in our registry
  • Update Norsk Config to remove Service Broker scan roots
  • Confirm that 0.7.0-build.41 is using RabbitMQ 3.8.3.

Look into RabbitTestTool reports from upgrade pipeline

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
We have a pipeline that runs the RabbitTestTool from Jack while performing a rolling update on our RabbitmqCluster StatefulSet. There has been hundreds of runs, and all reports are saved a postgress db in our GCP project

The RabbitTestTool reports on availability and data loss. We should try to understand under our current configuration and setup, what's the situation with data loss and availability during upgrades.

Describe the solution you'd like
Collect the results from our pipeline found here.

PLACEHOLDER - Please update the Upgrades road map and dedicated KEP for RabbitMQ upgrades with the results from this investigation. This is where we will keep context and these results will feed into further discussions.

If you think of any new investigations to run based on the results of this investigation, please create new issues and update the road map and KEPs accordingly.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context

Remote arbitrary code execution (shell incjection)

additionalPlugins property allows arbitrary code execution through shell injection. The command to enable plugins is constructed by string concatenation, including user input (the value of additionalPlugins). This means that a user who can create RabbitmqCluster resource can also execute any command inside a RabbitMQ pod, even though that should be controlled through pods/exec privilege.

To Reproduce

  1. Deploy a RabbitmqCluster foo
  2. kubectl edit rabbitmqcluster foo
  3. Add the following to the spec:
    - rabbitmq_shovel; rabbitmqctl delete_vhost /
  1. Validate that not only the plugin was enabled but also the vhost was deleted:
kubectl exec  foo-rabbitmq-server-0 -- rabbitmqctl list_vhosts
Listing vhosts ...

Expected behavior
TBD how exactly this should be handled. Options include:

  1. We could have a list of "whitelisted" plugins and ignore/reject any item on the additionalPlugins list that is not one of them (the list would include all plugins shipped as part of RabbitMQ at the time a given operator version was released, unfortunately we would have to make sure we keep it up to date when new plugins are added)
  2. We could use regular expressions to validate plugin names only contain alphanumerics and the underscore (that should cover all existing plugins and likely all future plugins)
  3. The command could be constructed in a safe(er) way

Improve tracking of outstanding PRs

Describe the bug
We have experienced some difficulty keeping track of outstanding PRs, potentially for a number of reasons:

  • Reviewers don't realise they're assigned to them
  • People don't answer calls on slack to assign themselves and review
  • Reviewers request changes or clarificaiton but don't check back to see replies or track revisions
  • Github keeps suggesting the same people to review and some of the team are left out of the loop.

I would like this issue to be a place to collect options for improving the PR review process. The focus should either be on tooling or proactive process changes

The outcome of this issue should not be behavioural change. We don't think that people are wilfully not doing their jobs, rather that we haven't settled on the best approach for this experiment

Remove Prometheus port from client service

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
We currently define a prometheus port on the client service for a given RabbitmqCluster. Having that port there is misleading. It suggests to have Prometheus scrape this service for metrics on the specified port. Due to its load-balancing nature, if a user scraps this service with Prometheus they will...

  1. only get metrics for a single RabbitMQ node at any point in time and...
  2. get potentially inconsistent and rapidly changing metrics as the service might redirect to two different RabbitMQ nodes on subsequent scrapes

Describe the solution you'd like
Remove the prometheus port from the service. Adapt our docs accordingly.

Describe alternatives you've considered
We could think about adding the prometheus port to the headless service which doesn't load-balance. Or alternatively, create additional client services, one for each RabbitMQ node. Such services would also be interesting for AMQP client-side load-balancing.

Additional context

Use shorter RabbitMQ node names

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
The RabbitMQ node names are > 90 characters for a CR name of 9 of characters. For example, a CR with name mycluster with 3 replicas will generate these 3 node names:


Describe the solution you'd like
The node names could be rmq-<node-index>@<cr-name>.<namespace>. For example: [email protected].

The environment variable RABBITMQ_NODENAME can be used to set the node name. These names must be unique within a RMQ cluster. This variable could be templated in the Pod template of the StatefulSet.

Describe alternatives you've considered
We could use rabbit as prefix and Pod name + namespace e.g. [email protected]. This name still feels too verbose. Given the CR name and namespace it's easy to identify the Pods related to the CR.

Additional context

Try out publishing Docker images in PivNet to internal users


We had a conversation with PivNet registry team asking how can we use PivNet registry to publish images to customers. We learnt that we can publish images to selected users only. We want to test this because it would help A LOT to ease the deployment of our product; we specifically have PAs in mind here.


  • Change our pipeline to start using Dev PivNet Registry
  • Create an image reference in PivNet
  • Create a release available to internal/selected users only
  • Verify we can pull the image

Annotate API Types

Can we start adding inline comments to our API types? So that kubectl explain produces meaningful output. E.g...

$ k explain deployment.status.conditions
KIND:     Deployment
VERSION:  extensions/v1beta1

RESOURCE: conditions <[]Object>

     Represents the latest available observations of a deployment's current

     DeploymentCondition describes the state of a deployment at a certain point.

   lastTransitionTime	<string>
     Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.

   lastUpdateTime	<string>
     The last time this condition was updated.

   message	<string>
     A human readable message indicating details about the transition.

   reason	<string>
     The reason for the condition's last transition.

   status	<string> -required-
     Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.

   type	<string> -required-
     Type of deployment condition.

Originally posted by @st3v in #20

Hard-coded cluster domain prevents pods from starting on K8s clusters using alternative domains

Describe the bug
At the moment, our operator hard-codes the cluster domain in the peer-discovery-related env vars of the pod template to cluster.local. I.e.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
      - env:
        - name: RABBITMQ_NODENAME
          value: rabbit@$(MY_POD_NAME).$(K8S_SERVICE_NAME).$(MY_POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local
        - name: K8S_HOSTNAME_SUFFIX
          value: .$(K8S_SERVICE_NAME).$(MY_POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local

Now while cluster.local is the most common domain used for K8s clusters, it is configurable by the cluster admin and there are clusters that use alternative domains. One such example are guest clusters running in Project Pacific. They use managedcluster.local as their cluster domain.

$ k -n kube-system get configmap coredns -oyaml
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  Corefile: |
    .:53 {
        kubernetes managedcluster.local {
           pods insecure
           ttl 30

If DNS for the K8s cluster is configured with such an alternative domain, the pods in our StatefulSet are failing to start up with the following log message ...

$ k get pod
NAME                                         READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
on-demand-claim-rabbitmq-server-0            0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   8          17m

$ k logs on-demand-claim-rabbitmq-server-0
ERROR: epmd error for host on-demand-claim-rabbitmq-server-0.on-demand-claim-rabbitmq-headless.default.svc.cluster.local: nxdomain (non-existing domain)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Get ahold of a cluster with a cluster domain set to something else than cluster.local
  2. Create a RabbitmqCluster
  3. See the first pod failing to startup with the error message shown above

Expected behavior
Two alternatives.

  1. Deploy RabbitmqCluster without changing anything and it just works despite the cluster domain not being cluster.local


  1. Allow the user to configure a clusterDomain property on the RabbitmqCluster resource. If not specified by the user, this property defaults to cluster.local

The first option would be much preferred and seems technically feasible without too much effort.

Upgrade to kubebuilder `2.3.0`

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
This should solve an integration test flake as a side effect.

Test flake is because of a problem using stale cache during an update action in apiserver. Similar issue was reported in this github issue, and later fixed in this PR. The fix is included in kubernetes 1.16.

We are currently on kubebuilder 2.2 which uses controller-runtime 0.4. Once we update to kubebuilder 2.3.0, we will be using controller-runtime 0.5, which uses a kubernetes 1.16.4 compatible testEnv (as seen in CR release notes).

Describe the solution you'd like
There has been a new kubebuilder release. release notes
We should take action to upgrade to the latest kubebuilder.

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Kubebuilder 2.3.0 uses Go 1.13

Status field in the CR should report memory warnings

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
We currently warn about different memory request and limit in the operator logs. This should be exposed in the Status field as well. We concluded that we will have a ResourceProblem condition that will represent this state. This condition will also check RMQ alarms and misconfigured resource requests in the CR.

Describe the solution you'd like

ResourceProblem (revisit this name)

  • Includes alarms (memory, disk), misconfigured spec.resources.requests/limits

Add these in the status field of the Cluster CRD. Set them during reconciliation.

For each condition above:

Scenario: Happy path ๐Ÿ˜€
Given that I have a RabbitMQ cluster deployed
And my memory request matches the memory limit
And there are no alarms in RabbitMQ
When I describe the RabbitmqCluster CR
Then I see the 'ResourceProblem' condition with status set to 'False'

Scenario: Memory request != memory limits
Given I provision RabbitmqCluster with memory request != memory limits
When I describe the RabbitmqCluster CR
Then I see the 'ResourceProblem' condition with status set to 'True'
And the 'reason' and 'message' fields explain the state

Scenario: RabbitMQ alarm
Given I have a RabbitMQ cluster
And it has a memory alarm triggered
When I describe the RabbitmqCluster CR
Then I see the 'ResourceProblem' condition with status set to 'True'
And the 'reason' and 'message' fields explain the state

Describe alternatives you've considered
See design document.

Additional context

If consulting the state of RabbitMQ itself to discover alarms is too complex, you may create a separate issue.

The conditions should follow the Kubernetes API conventions.

This document has the conclusions of our team meeting and how we want the conditions to look like.

Status field should tell me about reconciliation failure

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
In #171080093, we added a couple of conditions. As a result, we now have the infrastructure to implement all the other conditions.
At the moment our CR status doesn't report on reconciliation progress and potential failures during reconciliation.

Describe the solution you'd like
In this story, let's implement the conditions related to reconciliation as we discussed previously.


  • Bubble up errors during reconcile. Irreconcilable CR, Validation failures
  • True state is the happy state.

InProgress (represents if the cluster is being reconciled) as discussed, InProgress will be addressed in a separate issue

Add these in the status field of the Cluster CRD. Set them during reconciliation.

For each condition above:

Scenario: Reconcilable Happy path ๐Ÿ˜€
Given that I deploy a RMQ cluster
And there are no reconciliation failures for any k8s child resource
When I describe the RabbitMQCluster CR
Then I see the condition `Reconcilable` in the status field set to `True`

Scenario: Reconcilable Unhappy path ๐Ÿ™
Given that I deploy a RMQ cluster
And a k8s child resource fails to reconcile
When I describe the RabbitMQCluster CR
Then I see the `Reconcilable` condition in the status field set to `False`
And the condition has a reason and a message field explaining the conditition status

Describe alternatives you've considered
See design document.

Additional context

The conditions should follow the Kubernetes API conventions.

This document has the conclusions of our team meeting and how we want the conditions to look like.

Edit: Reconcilable condition happy state is True. It was False before.

Add a github hook to run tests automatically for PRs

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
We are not automatically testing our PRs. If we forgot to run some tests before merging (which just happened this week after merging the status.conditions PR), we can break our master branch. We are working under the assumption that the master brach always works, so we have confidence to rebase on master when we work on WIP branches.

Describe the solution you'd like
Add a github hook, that will automatically run unit, integration, and system tests in a separate pipeline, and report the test results (failure or success) back the PRs. New PR should trigger a test run, and new commits to an existing PR should also trigger a test run.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Alternatively, we can keep what we have been doing: replied on the person creating and working on the PRs to run those tests. However, it could be easy to forget.

Create CRD Version Upgrade KEP

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
We do not currently have a solidified work flow for upgrading from CRD version A to B. We do not know what happens when multiple versions of an API need to transition to and from each other.

We need a place to discuss both the problems and solutions for upgrading CRDs.

Describe the solution you'd like
We should use a KEP to help collaborate efforts to explore problems and solutions related to upgrading the operator.

This issue can be closed when:

  • we have a first pass completed document (filling in required fields)
  • the document contains the current state of upgrading an operator contained in this issue


  • create issue for 'storage version'
  • what happens when you get an old version using a newer version that is set as current
  • what does k8s version priority mean
  • prototype the multi version kubebuilder example to understand how multi version works
    • what happens when you update CRD with new version and update controller at the same time, or in different steps
    • what does it mean for a CR to be upgraded? Does it simply need to have the apiVersion
      value changed to the new version?
    • is there a deep copy function we can use to copy properties from source version to destination version in the conversion function? - Yes there is, but we cannot use it to set of version A to be the spec of version B. This means each individual property value has to be copied manually line by line.
  • write proposal section for KEP
  • write solution section for KEP

Track `lastTransitionTime` in our status conditions

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
At the moment, our status conditions do not track the lastTransitionTime. Eg:-

$ k get -oyaml fj
<other resource information>
  - lastTransitionTime: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
    reason: AllPodsAreReady
    status: "True"
    type: AllNodesAvailable
  - lastTransitionTime: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
    reason: AtLeastOneNodeAvailable
    status: "True"
    type: ClusterAvailable

These are hardcoded to the Unix start time for now. We would like to do better, and track the last time the status condition transitioned.

Describe the solution you'd like
We pass the current status condition to the Condition function for each condition manager. The Condition function works out the values for status and reason, and if they are different from that of the current status condition, updates the lastTransitionTime with the current time (also the lastProbeTime).

Describe alternatives you've considered
The solution seems straightforward enough, did not consider alternatives. Happy for more suggestions :)

Reference admin secret and client service in RabbitmqCluster status

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Currently, the user of the RabbitmqCluster CR must know what the names of the Secret and client Service resources are in order to retrieve the necessary information to connect to the RabbitMQ instance as an admin. This is obviously problematic from the perspective of usability. Moreover, this causes the naming of these internal resources to become part of the API. If we ever change the internal names, users will face problems.

Describe the solution you'd like
Have RabbitmqCluster.status point the user to the necessary Secret and Service using a reference that specifies the resources' name and its namespace. For the secret, the reference should also describe the names of the individual keys.

  kind: RabbitmqCluster
        name: on-demand-claim-rabbitmq-admin
        namespace: default
          password: password
          username: username
        name: on-demand-claim-rabbitmq-ingress
        namespace: default

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context
I'd be open to suggestions on alternative naming for the proposed properties.

Remove the use of "bases" keyword in our kustomization files

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
The use of keyword bases in kustomize was deprecated in Kustomize 2.1.0 in favour of keyword resources. We are using kustomize 3.5.x and always keeping up to the latest.

Describe the solution you'd like
Adapt all our Kustomization files to not use deprecated keywords. Some reorganisation of our manifests might be needed. This will require some exploration.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context
We use kubectl apply -k to apply Kustomize templates. This option of kubectl does not support using folders in the resources section. The recommended way to use Kustomize templates is piping the output Kubectl as kustomize build some-folder/ | kubectl apply -f -.

Projects generated with latest Kubebuilder use kustomize with pipes to kubectl.

Helm chart to deploy the operator

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Starting with 0.7, we will publish our images to PivNet Registry. That gives us the opportunity to significantly improve the installation experience.

Describe the solution you'd like
The most obvious tool to take advantage of these images is Helm. While it will require credentials to access PivNet Registry (images can't be public right now), it should be able to install the operator easily with no need to relocate the images.

A separate problem is how to distribute that chart but for now let's just build it. Perhaps there is a chart repository we could upload it to later.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Image relocation should be optional for those who have direct access to PivNet Registry. Any tool other than Helm could be used to deploy the operator. However, given Helm's popularity and the fact we already use it for KSM, I think it makes sense to use it here as well.

Controller manager crashes with leader election failure

Describe the bug
Both an external user and we have noticed intermittently that the controller manager will crash with the following error. Here are some logs from the external user:

2020-03-30T09:56:59.320Z        DEBUG   controller-runtime.controller   Successfully Reconciled {"controller": "rabbitmqcluster", "request": "pivotal-rabbitmq-system/rabbitmq"}
I0330 09:59:53.294085       1 leaderelection.go:288] failed to renew lease pivotal-rabbitmq-system/pivotal-rabbitmq-operator-leader-election: failed to tryAcquireOrRenew context deadline exceeded
2020-03-30T09:59:53.310Z        ERROR   setup   problem running manager {"error": "leader election lost"}*zapLogger).Error
        /go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/zapr.go:128

Here is an example of it succeeding:

I0330 09:56:40.443087       1 leaderelection.go:242] attempting to acquire leader lease  pivotal-rabbitmq-system/pivotal-rabbitmq-operator-leader-election...
I0330 09:56:58.357420       1 leaderelection.go:252] successfully acquired lease pivotal-rabbitmq-system/pivotal-rabbitmq-operator-leader-election

It takes roughly 18 seconds for the lease to be acquired for the particular Kubernetes cluster (customer mentioned that there could be performance issues due to the nature of the cluster; a slow nested environment).

Expected behavior
Ideally we would like to reduce this kind of behaviour. We can achieve this by doing two things:

  • Extending the default timeout to a well thought out alternative. We can configure timeouts in manager options. We will first need to fully understand how all three timeouts work together to add up to the 18 seconds that we're seeing in a successful lease acquisition.
  • Allow user configuration of these timeouts when the defaults are not long enough.

Additional context

Rename client service port from http to management

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Currently, the client service has a port called http. I think that's not descriptive enough as it doesn't tell the user what kind of RabbitMQ API is being served on this port.

Describe the solution you'd like
Rename the http port to management as that is the API served on that port.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context

Create initial Glossary

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
It will be helpful to have a shared glossary that documents some of the terminologies we use within this project. This is to make sure we're all on the same page but also to help catch-up people new to this repo. This can be seen as the first step to more developer-centric docs that live inside this repo, in contrast to the already existing end-user-centric docs that live in a separate repo.

Describe the solution you'd like

  • Immediate: Create an initial in docs.
  • Stretch: Look at the book approach that other projects seem to be following and decide whether that is something that would make sense to us.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context
Look at Cluster API and other projects for inspiration.

KSM binding fails

Customer tested 0.7.0-build.41 with KSM 0.7. On binding, they received the following error:

error alert message,Service broker error: Bind failure: unable to get credentials from bind template: RUNTIME ERROR: Field does not exist: ip 7:66-110 thunk <ingressIP> from <object <anonymous>> 10:29-38 thunk <mgmtURI> from <object <anonymous>> 17:20-27 object <anonymous> During manifestation

Ingress service looks like this:

  "kind": "Service",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "rabbitmq-rabbitmq-ingress",
    "namespace": "ksm-6e0ca5c4-1bee-4d2c-83e0-b23b0c94f5ee",
    "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/ksm-6e0ca5c4-1bee-4d2c-83e0-b23b0c94f5ee/services/rabbitmq-rabbitmq-ingress",
    "uid": "e593a2ef-cb7e-4a3d-a689-9396adac2383",
    "resourceVersion": "4066167",
    "creationTimestamp": "2020-04-01T12:51:03Z",
    "labels": {
      "": "rabbitmq",
      "": "rabbitmq",
      "": "pivotal-rabbitmq"
    "ownerReferences": [
        "apiVersion": "",
        "kind": "RabbitmqCluster",
        "name": "rabbitmq",
        "uid": "610757d2-e605-4c44-801f-8705000ba8ab",
        "controller": true,
        "blockOwnerDeletion": true
  "spec": {
    "ports": [
        "name": "amqp",
        "protocol": "TCP",
        "port": 5672,
        "targetPort": 5672,
        "nodePort": 30188
        "name": "http",
        "protocol": "TCP",
        "port": 15672,
        "targetPort": 15672,
        "nodePort": 30253
        "name": "prometheus",
        "protocol": "TCP",
        "port": 15692,
        "targetPort": 15692,
        "nodePort": 31100
    "selector": {
      "": "rabbitmq"
    "clusterIP": "",
    "type": "LoadBalancer",
    "sessionAffinity": "None",
    "externalTrafficPolicy": "Cluster"
  "status": {
    "loadBalancer": {
      "ingress": [
          "hostname": ""

Use finalizers to skip preStop hooks when deleting the whole`RabbitmqCluster` cluster

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
We run preStop container lifecycle hook before any pod termination. The hook checks the synchronization status of mirror queues and quorum status of quorum queues. When users are deleting the entire RabbitmqCluster, the preStop hook becomes unnecessary, and we should skip the hook instead.

We have already seen issue related to the hook in our pipeline. Deletion of pods in our upgrade pipeline was once halted for 10 hours because a quorum queue not being able to recover.

Describe the solution you'd like

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Kubebuilder book's chapter on finalizers:

Expose rabbitmq.conf in the CRD

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Currently a basic RabbitMQ config file is generated by the operator but can only be customized once the cluster is deployed. Since the CR should define the desired state of a deployment, RabbitMQ configuration should be a part of it.

Describe the solution you'd like
I should be able to specify configuration like this:

kind: RabbitmqCluster
  name: foo
    additional_config: |
      vm_memory_high_watermark.relative = 0.6

The value of this field should be appended to the configuration we currently generate so that the value in the ConfigMap contains settings from both (first ours and then custom).

Changes to this property should trigger a StatefulSet rolling restart to reload configuration.

Enhancement Proposal: TLS

This is to start the conversion on adding support for TLS to our operator. I don't have any details in mind yet but wanted to see if there any takers to define the use case and drive forward the technical design through a dedicated enhancement proposal.

Pods cannot be monitored during upgrade using ServiceMonitor CR

Describe the bug
When testing a rolling upgrade monitored with our recommended monitoring approach using the ServiceMonitor Custom Resource, we observed that Pod metrics disappear when the pod enters Terminating. This would appear to be because the Pod loses its endpoint in this phase transition.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Deploy a RabbitMQ cluster
  2. Follow the Monitor RabbitMQ Using the Prometheus Operator steps to setup a grafana dashboard pointing to the cluster
  3. Import the RabbitMQ quorum queues Raft dashboard
  4. Load the cluster with messages. e.g. using perf-test
  5. kubectl rollout restart sts <sts-name>
  6. Watch the Raft members with >5k entries in the log graph

Expected behavior

  • We should have a monitoring approach which allows us to see metrics for each pod until it is delete and as soon as it restarts, instead of only when it has an endpoint
  • We should update our docs to reflect this new approach



Add endpoint to auto-generate CR yaml

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
As part of re-writing the README, I wanted to reference an example custom resource YAML. We can and do link to the pivnet docs but they aren't quite suited for local development. It also seems like a good idea to have an YAML API reference in the actual codebase. Ideally we would want this to require as little manual input as possible and be designed in such a way as to update itself as the Golang API changes.

Describe the solution you'd like
A process which takes the RabbitmqCluster Golang API definition and converts it into YAML, updating the cr-example.yaml referenced in the README

Describe alternatives you've considered

  • Writing the yaml by hand
  • Linking to the pivnet documentation
  • Updating the pivnet documentation to include a developer section

Create initial readme

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Our repo doesn't have a proper readme right now. Let's fix that by creating the first version of a readme that contains actual information on what this project is about etc.

Describe the solution you'd like
Self-explanatory: cerate intial

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context
Look at other projects such as Cluster API for inspiration

Explore and document a workflow to upgrade the Operator


We need a workflow to upgrade the Operator. CRD upgrades (e.g. going from RabbitmqCluster v1beta1 to v1) are out of the scope for this issue. We want to explore the risks and impacts of upgrading just the operator. A few questions or scenarios that could help with this explore:

  • What happens to existing CR instances when a new version of the Operator is deployed?
    • Does it trigger a reconcile for all CR instances?
    • Are new defaults applied?
  • What happens if the new version of the Operator can't be deployed or fails to start?
    • How do we rollback to a working version?
  • What do I need to do to upgrade from e.g. 0.7.0 to 0.8.0?
    • Is it different using Helm workflow?

Risk: what happens if we introduce a new config map (or any child resource) that requires a modification to STS


We create a new ConfigMap (e.g. to provide advanced.config file for RMQ). This will require a modification to the StatefulSet. In our current model, this should work without issues because we always reconcile the STS inline with our opinions (assuming a rolling restart is not an issue).

This will become an issue when full CRD flexibility #14 is implemented because this will require a change to the STS template. In this scenario, we will create a new ConfigMap that won't be used by the existing STS. It would require manual input to start using this new ConfigMap. How can we address this situation?


  • Answers to the above questions
  • Update installation docs to include conclusions from the explore to potentially answer user concerns regarding data loss in the control plane, impact on service, etc.

Flaky integration tests

Describe the bug
Running make integration-tests fails roughly 50% of the times with error:

โ€ข Failure [1.032 seconds]
  Persistence configurations
    creates the RabbitmqCluster with the specified storage from instance spec [It]

    Timed out after 1.005s.
    Expected success, but got an error:
        <*errors.StatusError | 0xc000a4b7c0>: {
            ErrStatus: {
                TypeMeta: {Kind: "", APIVersion: ""},
                ListMeta: {
                    SelfLink: "",
                    ResourceVersion: "",
                    Continue: "",
                    RemainingItemCount: nil,
                Status: "Failure",
                Message: "statefulsets.apps \"rabbit-persistence-1-rabbitmq-server\" not found",
                Reason: "NotFound",
                Details: {
                    Name: "rabbit-persistence-1-rabbitmq-server",
                    Group: "apps",
                    Kind: "statefulsets",
                    UID: "",
                    Causes: nil,
                    RetryAfterSeconds: 0,
                Code: 404,
        statefulsets.apps "rabbit-persistence-1-rabbitmq-server" not found

2020-03-11T13:53:19.852Z        INFO    controllers.rabbitmqcluster     Operation Result "unchanged" for resource "rabbit-resource-2-rabbitmq-server" of Type *v1.StatefulSet
2020-03-11T13:53:19.852Z        ERROR   controllers.rabbitmqcluster     Failed to CreateOrUpdate        {"error": "Operation cannot be fulfilled on statefulsets.apps \"rabbit-resource-2-rabbitmq-server\": StorageError: invalid object, Code: 4, Key: /registry/statefulsets/rabbit-resource-2/rabbit-resource-2-rabbitmq-server, ResourceVersion: 0, AdditionalErrorMs
g: Precondition failed: UID in precondition: 91a0102e-cb7a-4d54-8c01-5c381f5d06c1, UID in object meta: "}*zapLogger).Error

This is also causing our pipeline to go red requiring manual re-runs. Since the probability of this error is so high, let's fix it!

To Reproduce


$ make generate fmt vet manifests
$ ginkgo -r -untilItFails controllers/

This is identical to what make integration-tests runs except ginkgo is configured to run the tests until they fail.

A failure will be seen in the first few runs.

Expected behavior


$ make generate fmt vet manifests
$ ginkgo -r -untilItFails controllers/

does not cause the tests to fail. (Can wait for about 10 runs to get relative confidence).

Additional context
Please add additional context here as you dig deeper into this :)

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