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badsmells's Introduction

Bad Smells Detector


In the project, we got the data we needed by modifying With the help of APIs provided by Github, we extracted information from different projects. We collected data of issues, commits, milestones, and so on, with corresponding time information.


After we extracted the data, we anonymized them as required. All the names of users were replaced by user0, user1, and so on, and all the names of issues and milestones were replaced by numbers, or deleted directly. From the data, information on the original project can never be found. Program which do the trick on User can be found here, on Milestone can be found here.


After extracting data from github repositories using Github APIs, we applied anonymization process, and store the anonymized data into csv files or txt files. When analyzing data, we choose one or more parts in the data files, implemented with statistical methods like mean and standard deviation, and find characteristics of different projects. At last, we check the data and combine them to find if there is bad smell in projects.

Data samples

####1. Milestone info

late total issues closed issues due time close time duration time open issues
True 19 19 2015-03-10T04:00:00Z 2015-03-22T19:57:55Z 24.87 0
False 14 14 2015-02-28T05:00:00Z 2015-02-26T17:09:17Z 7.79 0

[project1] ( [project2] ( [project3] (

####2. Pull request info

changed files mergeable duration time
1 True 0.91
21 True 2034

[project1] ( [project2] ( [project3] (

####3. Issue number per week

week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8
7 2 6 4 6 11 21 6
8 23 1 2 16 13 5

[project1] ( [project2] ( [project3] (

####4. Issue info

issue_id state user duration time closed time create time comments number
23 closed user1 2937 1424300731 1424297794 1
41 closed user0 1037100 1427248965 1426211865 12

[project1] ( [project2] ( [project3] (

####5. Commit info

user commit time
person_0 1428613428.0
person_2 1423220949.0

[project1] ( [project2] ( [project3] (

####6. Commit number per week

week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8 week 9 week 10 week 11
2 9 16 6 7 72 7 2
4 13 45 56 56 56 27 56 59 133 4

[project1] ( [project2] ( [project3] (

Feature detection & Result

All the feature detection code is integrated with data collection, which is in We have implemented three more function to get the issue, commit, milestone and pull request information on a specfic repo. ####1. Unusual duration of issues The time each issue lasted can represent the efficiency of the team, and tell whether the issue was created reasonably or not. If the duration of one issue is unusually long, it might be a big problem which need to be divided into several sub-problems. If one issue last short, then the issue might be a small problem which need not open an issue.

#####Result We have collected issue data from each group and we calculate the duration of each issue to get the duration in hours, as shown below.

	duration in hours 
	Project1: [12, 0, 241, 241, 1025, 1068, 1069, 1069, 241, 19, 1044, 4, 1026, 26, 0, 13, 1023, 25, 740, 724, 8, 1309, 20, 1, 21, 3, 15, 1, 0, 17, 4, 24, 0, 790, 1160, 280, 479, 912, 1310, 1309, 974, 260, 13, 304, 304, 13, 13, 479]
	Project2: [26, 26, 28, 34, 1, 46, 49, 47, 29, 74, 103, 122, 109, 73, 73, 5, 65, 65, 32, 268, 232, 183, 288, 303, 220, 459, 474, 501, 838, 231, 126, 220, 281, 243, 340, 242, 76, 12, 357, 363, 364, 114, 19, 18, 144, 46, 67, 52, 121, 0, 554, 554, 554, 554, 554, 1, 22, 221, 0, 557, 575, 579, 646]
	Project3: [0, 122, 279, 16, 268, 6, 1, 1, 277, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 17, 17, 280, 3, 0, 18, 26, 48, 26, 29, 47, 11, 39, 49, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 3, 83, 12, 65, 358, 740, 934, 156, 158, 937, 169, 0, 182, 202, 0, 235, 61, 263, 54, 1058, 1110, 72, 0, 32, 192, 400, 372, 1, 91, 372, 0, 125]

####2. None issue time If one issue last extremely short, nearly no time, then the issue might be created by mistake, or the bug was too small to report.

#####Result According to the data we collected in feature 1, we will be able to get the duration of time,as shown above.

####3. Unusal duration time of milestone

In this part, we aimed to detect each milestone's duration time and find abnormal time schedule during the whole project. Milestones are constructed to provide reference points along the road. This can be used to reassure developer that the proper path is being followed, and to indicate either distance travelled or the remaining distance to a destination. If one milestone lasts extremely long, we might regard it as problematic, because the tasks might be too complex, or the goal might be too high to meet.








####4. Unusual number of issues in a specific milestone

For unususual number of issue in a specific milestone, it means that there exists some extremely large or small issues in a milestone. We can see this kind of milestone as abnormal milestone. In this part, we have counted issues number for each milestone and found out the unusual number of issues in a specific milestone.








####5. Large number of issues posted by a single user If a large percentage of issues were opened by one person, it is possible that the person was assigned tasks which were not suitable for him or her. It is also possible that the person is too busy while others are quite idle, which means that the work is not evenly distributed.

#####Result We sorted issues by user and generated the graph as follows:

Project 1
Project 2
Project 3

In order to extract the extra large number of issues post by a single user,we used the criteria in issuesPersondector

  issues_perosn >= mean + delta*standard_deviation    delta = 1

project 1 large_issues post by single user : person2, issues: 27, percentage: 56.2%

project 2 large_issues post by single user : person0, issues: 46, percentage: 73%

project 3 large_issues post by single user : person0, issues: 45, percentage:66.1%

####6. Small number of issues posted by a single user When the number of issues opened by one user is extremely low, we may say that he or she might be a passenger who did not contribute much to the project.


Using the above data collected, we also detected extra small number of issues by single userissuesPersondector

  issues_person <= mean - delta*standard_deviation    delta = 1

project 1 small_issues post by single user : None

project 2 small_issues post by single user : None

project 3 small_issues post by single user : None

####7. Number of users involved in an issue We found that sometimes one issue have no comment and feedback on it. It means that there is only one person got involved in this issue. In this case, we can say that other people may not totally understand this issue, or it is a relatively small problem which is not necessary to open an issue to deal with.


We sorted the issues number according to the comments number. We also sorted the issues number according to the events number in this issue issuesCommentsAndEventsDetector:

Project 1

1.large issues number  with same comments:
    comments: 1, issues: 27 , percentage: 54.1%
2.large issues number with same events:
    events: 2, issues: 11, percentage: 22.9%
    events: 3, issues: 9 , percentage: 18.75

Project 2

1.large issues number  with same comments:
    comments: 1, issues: 29 , percentage: 46.0%
2.large issues number with same events:
    events: 1, issues: 25, percentage: 39.6%
    events: 2, issues: 27 , percentage: 42.8%

Project 3

1.large issues number  with same comments:
    comments: 0, issues: 41 , percentage: 60.3%
2.large issues number with same events:
    events: 1, issues: 41, percentage: 60.3%

####8. Unusual commits number in a specific time Usually we think that the number of commits should be distributed evenly during one project. If during a certain period, there are too many commits, or just one or two commits, it could indicate that the period of time is too busy, or the period of time was not used efficiently.


We group the commits number in a week order and generated the graph as follows :commitsPersondector

Project 1

1.extra large work during the week: week_5, commits:72
2.small work during the week:NOne

Project 2

1.extra large work during the week: 
    week_9, commits: 133, percentage: 26.1%
2.small work during the week:NOne
    week_0, commits: 4, percentage: 0.7%
    week_10, commits: 4, percentage: 0.7%

Project 3

1.extra large work during the week:
    week_2, commits: 42, percentage: 23.1%
    week_9, commits: 62, percentage: 34.1%
2.small work during the week : None

####9. Commits by a single user If a large amount of commits were created by a single user, it reflects that the person undertook too much work. Or if a person gave commits which is unusually less, the person might be a passenger who need to be assigned more work.


We analyze the commits number commited by a single user and generate the graph as follows:commitsWeekdector

Project 1

1.large commits by single user: None
2.small commits by single user: None

Project 2

1.large commits by single user: None
2.small commits by single user: person2, commits:92, percentage: 18.0%

Project 3

1.large commits by single user: person0, commits: 68, percentage: 37.3%
2.small commits by single user: person3, commits: 22, percentage: 12.1%

####10. Small Number of Pull Request Pull request and branches in Github help a team finish their tasks efficiently. If the number of pull request and branches is unusually small, it is likely that the working process was not clear enough, or there were some communication problems between different teammates. A small pull request number also means that maybe they are using a hard way to do the merge rather than using pull request to do the merge.

#####Result We collected the pull requests number and compared to the issue (number-requests number) to see how many percentage the pull request counts for.

####11. Long Process Tme of Pull Request The process time of a pull request usually means whether the owner of the repo has an active involvement of a repo.

#####Result We collected the process time for each pull request of a specific repo, as shown below.

	pull request
	changed_files : 1,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.91
	changed_files : 1,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.0
	changed_files : 2,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.02
	changed_files : 1,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.04
	changed_files : 21,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 2.34
	changed_files : 12,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 38.81
	changed_files : 1,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 4.39
	changed_files : 10,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.8
	changed_files : 15,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 3.99
	changed_files : 1,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.62
	changed_files : 5,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 13.69
	changed_files : 1,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 8.96
	changed_files : 15,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 1.31
	changed_files : 5,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 15.88
	changed_files : 1,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 3.08
	changed_files : 4,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 21.5
	changed_files : 3,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.02
	changed_files : 11,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.02
	changed_files : 3,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 17.28
	changed_files : 4,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 12.71
	changed_files : 2,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.0
	changed_files : 1,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 5.35
	pull request
	changed_files : 20,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.14
	pull request
	changed_files : 8,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 1.62
	changed_files : 16,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 13.65
	changed_files : 1,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 17.2
	changed_files : 6,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.01
	changed_files : 9,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 18.05
	changed_files : 4,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.0
	changed_files : 3,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.0
	changed_files : 19,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.89
	changed_files : 30,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.07
	changed_files : 44,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.1
	changed_files : 3117,	mergeable : False,	process_duration : 0.95
	changed_files : 94,	mergeable : False,	process_duration : 64.82
	changed_files : 1,	mergeable : True,	process_duration : 0.01

####12. Large number of Files changed in a single Pull Request The file changed for each pull request is also a feature we should monitor. If many files are changed in a single pull request, it will probably lead to more conflicts and increase the complexity of merge, thus giving more burden the repo manager. It could also means that it should be divided into two pull requests which only takes care of a specific issue or bug fixed.

#####Result We collected the number of file_changed for each pull request of a specific repo, as shown above.

####13. Large number of Pull Request which can not be Auto-merged The auto-mergeable attribute of a pull request is a blessing for repo manager, which means (s)he don't have to fix the conflicts caused by different developer. A large number of requests which can not be auto-mergeable is a disaster for a repo manager.

#####Result We collect the data for each pull request and count the number of the pull request which cannot be auto-merged, as shown above.

####14. Unusual Number of time each label is used Different labels in a project reflect different small topics, or different stages during the process. If the times one label was used is unusually small or large, it indicates that a certain stage in the project is relatively easy or difficult to achieve, and it can be replaced by a more reasonable label.

#####Result We collected the number of label used a specific repo, as shown below.

	Label used each for label:
	Project1: [12, 3, 6, 1, 19, 6, 5, 6, 4, 1, 3, 2, 1, 6, 1, 2, 9, 4, 11, 1, 4, 2, 2]
	Project2: [15, 5, 1, 2, 2, 21, 5, 5, 2, 2]
	Project3: [23, 33, 3, 9, 1, 6, 10]

####15. Number of Late Milestone Whether a milestone is late or not can determine the team's schedule ability and whether everything is on the right track. A on-time milestone usually means a efficient feature delivery.

#####Result We collect the data for each Milestone and count the number of the milestone which are late.

Bad smells detector & Result

###Uneven Contribution Smell Detector In a project, someone may leading the project and someone could be a passenger with much less contribution to the group. It may reflect on the issues and commits numbers by user. We conbine the commits and issues detector unevenContributionDetector

     leader: made both extra large issues and commits
     passenger: made both extra small large issues and commits 
     project is uneven contributed:  has both uneven issues and commits 



Project might have passenger
Project might be leading by someone
Project might be unevenly contributed   


Project might have passenger
Project might be unevenly contributed


Project might have passenger
Project is leading by someone
Project is unevenly contributed

###Issue Duration Smell Detector Method 1: To define the unusual length of the issue duration, we calculate the mean value and standard deviation of each group's data and we define that most of the data should be include in the range of [mean-std,mean+std]. The data which is not in the range will be noticed as unusual duration of issue. We have also defined that the extremely small duration is within 6 minutes which is 0.1 hour. For a project like ours, taking almost 9 weeks, an issue lasting for only 6 minutes can hardly be called an issue. If the the duration is less than that, we name it None issue time.

	mean - std <= normal duration time of an issue <= mean + std
	amount of none issue < 5% of the total issue number

Method 2: We have sort the duration and pick the data at 10% (10% of the data is smaller this point, name it as A) and 90% (10% of the data is larger this point, name it as B). We have also picked out the medium value(name it as C) and then we calculate the slope of (A,C),k1 and (B,C),k2. If it varies a lot, for example, k2 is 8 times larger than k1. We denote it as badsmell as in this case the time spent on some issues increase expontienally compares to the small one, or it has only got very small numbers of issues which have medium length. Either way, it should be reported as a badsmell.

	k2<8* k1 =>normal issue duration

Detector code can be found here


project 1:

[12, 0, 241, 241, 1025, 1068, 1069, 1069, 241, 19, 1044, 4, 1026, 26, 0, 13, 1023, 25, 740, 724, 8, 1309, 20, 1, 21, 3, 15, 1, 0, 17, 4, 24, 0, 790, 1160, 280, 479, 912, 1310, 1309, 974, 260, 13, 304, 304, 13, 13, 479]
Method 1
('low val', 1, 'median val', 241, 'high val', 1069)
('low pos', 4, 'median pos', 24, 'high pos', 43)
BadSmell found in issue Duration
Method 2
('avg', 398.32608695652175, 'std', 456.46844047048609)
('strange small count=', 0, 'strange large count=', 12, 'none issue count', 4)
BadSmell found in issue Duration

project 2:

[26, 26, 28, 34, 1, 46, 49, 47, 29, 74, 103, 122, 109, 73, 73, 5, 65, 65, 32, 268, 232, 183, 288, 303, 220, 459, 474, 501, 838, 231, 126, 220, 281, 243, 340, 242, 76, 12, 357, 363, 364, 114, 19, 18, 144, 46, 67, 52, 121, 0, 554, 554, 554, 554, 554, 1, 22, 221, 0, 557, 575, 579, 646]
Method 1
('low val', 18, 'median val', 122, 'high val', 554)
('low pos', 6, 'median pos', 31, 'high pos', 56)
Issue Duration Detector Passed
Method 2
('avg', 208.88524590163934, 'std', 196.02810925574465)
('strange small count=', 5, 'strange large count=', 12, 'none issue count', 2)
BadSmell found in issue Duration

project 3:

[0, 122, 279, 16, 268, 6, 1, 1, 277, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 17, 17, 280, 3, 0, 18, 26, 48, 26, 29, 47, 11, 39, 49, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 3, 83, 12, 65, 358, 740, 934, 156, 158, 937, 169, 0, 182, 202, 0, 235, 61, 263, 54, 1058, 1110, 72, 0, 32, 192, 400, 372, 1, 91, 372, 0, 125]
Method 1
('low val', 1, 'median val', 41, 'high val', 372)
('low pos', 6, 'median pos', 34, 'high pos', 61)
BadSmell found in issue Duration
Method 2
('avg', 140.15151515151516, 'std', 226.61235372622713)
('strange small count=', 0, 'strange large count=', 7, 'none issue count', 6)
BadSmell found in issue Duration

###Issue By Week Smell Detector We have counted the number of issues per week, and analyzed the mean and standard deviation of issue numbers for each group. We consider the detectign result as a bad smell if the number of issue is less than mean minus standard deviation or the number of issue is greater than mean plus standard deviation. The issue duration smell detector will automatically report the detecting result when it analyze the project. Issue By Week Smell Detector can be found issuesByWeekDetector

issue number > mean + standard deviation or issue number < mean - standard deviation 
or issueNum1 + issueNum2 < mean

####Result The numbers of issues per week have been post in the feature and result part. Our smell detector reports the detecting results based on these sample data.


    [3, 19, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 14]
    Issues numbers are normal
    Badsmells: This week has too many issues.
    Issues numbers are normal
    Issues numbers are normal
    Issues numbers are normal
    Badsmells: This week has too less issues.
    Badsmells: This week has too less issues.
    Badsmells: This week has too many issues.


    [19, 9, 6, 4, 6, 1, 5, 13]
    Badsmells: This week has too many issues.
    Issues numbers are normal
    Issues numbers are normal
    Issues numbers are normal
    Issues numbers are normal
    Badsmells: This week has too less issues.
    Issues numbers are normal
    Issues numbers are normal


    [10, 9, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 18, 20]
    Issues numbers are normal
    Issues numbers are normal
    Issues numbers are normal
    Issues numbers are normal
    Badsmells: This week has too less issues.
    Badsmells: This week has too less issues.
    Badsmells: This week has too less issues.
    Badsmells: This week has too many issues.
    Badsmells: This week has too many issues.

###Label Usage Smell Detector To find out the bad smell in the label usage, we have removed the largest one, in case there are some extreme values. As we have observed in the pattern that there exists a label which stands for finish. A large majority of issues will be labelled as this when it comes to the final stage. Then we calculate the mean value and standard deviation for the times one specific label is used. We define the unusual use is the labels whether it is tiny used or massively used. We define that the number of time used should be at the two standard deviation range of the mean value. Detector source code can be checked here:

 mean - std <= normal label used time <= mean + std 

If labels which are denoted to have unusual usage exceeds 10% of the total number of labels, it will lead to badsmell.


project 1:

('avg', 4.1818181818181817)
('std', 3.142615639535201)
('number of strange low data', 5)
('number of strange high data', 3)
BadSmell found in Label Use

project 2:

('avg', 4.333333333333333)
('std', 4.0551750201988126)
('number of strange low data', 0)
('number of strange high data', 1)
Label Use Detector Passed

project 3:

('avg', 8.6666666666666661)
('std', 7.1336448530108996)
('number of strange low data', 1)
('number of strange high data', 1)
BadSmell found in Label Use

###Milestone Smell Detector

According to milestone features memtioned above, we have collected milestone's duration time and issue number in each projects, and then analyzed the mean and standard deviation of duration time and issue numbers in each milestone. If duration time is short and issues number is large, we consider it as a bad smell. If duration time is long and issue number is small, we consider it as a bad smell too. Milestone Smell Detector

    duration time > mean + standard deviation and issues number < mean - standard deviation
    duration time < mean - standard deviation and issues number > mean + standard deviation



Issue number in each milestone:  [1, 13, 6, 13, 6]
Duration time in each milestone: [65.42, 1069.72, 1310.95, 304.98, 1310.28]
Milestone duration time and issues number are normal
Milestone duration time and issues number are normal
Milestone duration time and issues number are normal
Milestone duration time and issues number are normal
Milestone duration time and issues number are normal


Issue number in each milestone:  [14, 19, 8, 7, 8]
Duration time in each milestone: [186.93, 596.81, 652.64, 620.10, 264.00]
Milestone duration time and issues number are normal
Milestone duration time and issues number are normal
Milestone duration time and issues number are normal
Milestone duration time and issues number are normal
Milestone duration time and issues number are normal


Issue number in each milestone:  [23, 4, 14, 23, 0]
Duration time in each milestone: [876.85, 987.67, 987.43]
**Badsmell: Milestone has too many issues in short time!**
Milestone duration time and issues number are normal
Milestone duration time and issues number are normal

###Pull Request Smell Detector We have collected the details for each pull request of a specific repo such as number of pull request,process time, file_changed, automergable. We denote that for a normal project, its pull request should reach at least 5% of the commit number. And the process time shouldn't be too long, in case there are some extreme values, we have removed the largest and smallest one. Then we calculate the mean value and standard deviation for each list of time we get for each group. Same methods are used in define the unusual large number of file-changed in a single pull request. Whether automergeable pull request number is also a factor in define if there exists bad smell in a repo(Not added feature).

	normal number for pull request >= 5& of its commits number (a very very low requirements!! Should be higher!)
	mean - std <= normal process time of a pull request <= Min(mean + std, 72 hrs)
	mean - std <= normal file changed in a pull request <= mean + std

Detector Source Code can be found here. ####Result

Project 1:

('Process Time', [0.91, 0.0, 0.02, 0.04, 2.34, 38.81, 4.39, 0.8, 3.99, 0.62, 13.69, 8.96, 1.31, 15.88, 3.08, 21.5, 0.02, 0.02, 17.28, 12.71, 0.0, 5.35])
('Changed Files', [1, 1, 2, 1, 21, 12, 1, 10, 15, 1, 5, 1, 15, 5, 1, 4, 3, 11, 3, 4, 2, 1])
('Pull request Number', 22, 'Commits number', 121)

Process Time
('avg', 5.6455000000000002, 'std', 6.6602526040684076)
('number of strange small time', 0, 'number of strange large time', 5)

 File Changed
('avg', 4.9000000000000004, 'std', 4.7423622805517507)
('number of strange large file changed', 5)
Pull Request Detector Passed

Project 2:

('Process Time', [0.14])
('Changed Files', [20])
('Pull request Number', 1, 'Commits number', 510)
Too few pull request! BadSmell Detected

Project 3:

('Process Time', [1.62, 13.65, 17.2, 0.01, 18.05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.89, 0.07, 0.1, 0.95, 64.82, 0.01])
('Changed Files', [8, 16, 1, 6, 9, 4, 3, 19, 30, 44, 3117, 94, 1])
('Pull request Number', 13, 'Commits number', 182)

Process Time
('avg', 4.7772727272727273, 'std', 7.1430412302134254)
('number of strange small time', 0, 'number of strange large time', 3)

 File Changed
('avg', 21.272727272727273, 'std', 26.143279717360734)
('number of strange large file changed', 1)
Pull Request Detector Passed

Early warning & Result

Issue number per week Early Warning

In the last section of the bad smell detector, we have used 9 weeks to detect the bad smell. However, in early smell detector, we have only used the four weeks' data to do the estimation. Same method and detector techniques are used to do the early warning. As we can see from the results below, similar bad smells could be detected by the detector, which could be used as early warning. We could see that in project 1 and project 3, there exists only one issue in week 4, which is far less than the average issue per week. The early detector source code can be found here



[8, 2, 4, 1]
Badsmells: This week has too many issues.
Issues numbers are normal
Issues numbers are normal
Badsmells: This week has too less issues.


[19, 9, 6, 4]
Badsmells: This week has too many issues.
Issues numbers are normal
Issues numbers are normal
Issues numbers are normal


[10, 9, 7, 1]
Issues numbers are normal
Issues numbers are normal
Issues numbers are normal
Badsmells: This week has too less issues.

###Uneven Contribution Early Detector we reapply the uneven contribution bad smell detector over the whole development process. Based on a time unit of week, we might find the badsmell to some degree in the first few weeks. If the degree is above 2, the badsmell must exist.unevenContributionEarlyDetector

  If any leader or passenger found: degree + 2
  If any possible leader or passenger found: degree + 1

####Result Project 1

From week 0-0:
Project might have passenger
Project is leading by someone
Project is unevenly contributed

From week 0-1:
Project might have passenger
Project might be leading by someone
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-2:
Project might have passenger
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-3:
Project might have passenger
Project is leading by someone
Project is unevenly contributed

From week 0-4:
Project might have passenger
Project is leading by someone
Project is unevenly contributed

From week 0-5:
Project might have passenger
Project might be leading by someone
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-6:
Project might be leading by someone
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-7:
Project might have passenger
Project might be leading by someone
Project might be unevenly contributed

Project has uneven contribution bad smell since week 0 and reappeared since week 3 

Project 2

From week 0-0:
Project might be leading by someone
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-1:
Project might have passenger
Project is leading by someone
Project is unevenly contributed

From week 0-2:
Project has passenger
Project is leading by someone
Project is unevenly contributed

From week 0-3:
Project has passenger
Project might be leading by someone
Project is unevenly contributed

From week 0-4:
Project might have passenger
Project might be leading by someone
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-5:
Project might have passenger
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-6:
Project might have passenger
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-7:
Project might have passenger
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-8:
Project might have passenger
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-9:
Project might have passenger
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-10:
Project might have passenger
Project might be unevenly contributed

     Project has uneven contribution bad smell since week 2.

Project 3

 From week 0-0:
Project might have passenger
Project might be leading by someone
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-1:
Project might have passenger
Project might be leading by someone
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-2:
Project might have passenger
Project might be leading by someone
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-3:
Project might have passenger
Project might be unevenly contributed

From week 0-4:
Project might have passenger
Project is leading by someone
Project is unevenly contributed

From week 0-5:
Project might have passenger
Project is leading by someone
Project is unevenly contributed

From week 0-6:
Project might have passenger
Project is leading by someone
Project is unevenly contributed

From week 0-7:
Project might have passenger
Project is leading by someone
Project is unevenly contributed

From week 0-8:
Project might have passenger
Project is leading by someone
Project is unevenly contributed

From week 0-9:
Project might have passenger
Project is leading by someone
Project is unevenly contributed
  Project has uneven contribution since week 4

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