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rsqlite's Issues

failed to install version 1.0.0 - sqlite3ext.h can't be found

Hi, I was trying to test RSQLite 1.0.0 per Hadley's request on R-sig-DB.
First I did devtools::install_github("rstats-db/DBI") with no problems, then I tried devtools::install_github("rstats-db/RSQLite") with the following results:

gcc -std=gnu99 -I/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.0-bioc/R/include -DNDEBUG -DRSQLITE_USE_BUNDLED_SQLITE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS -DSQLITE_SOUNDEX -DSQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER=40000 -DSQLITE_MAX_COLUMN=30000 -DTHREADSAFE=0 -I/usr/local/include    -fpic  -g -O2  -Wall -c extension-functions.c -o extension-functions.o
extension-functions.c:124:24: fatal error: sqlite3ext.h: No such file or directory
 #include "sqlite3ext.h"
compilation terminated.
make: *** [extension-functions.o] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'RSQLite'
* removing '/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.0-bioc/R/library/RSQLite'
* restoring previous '/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.0-bioc/R/library/RSQLite'
Error: Command failed (1)

This is on Ubuntu 14.04 and I do have libsqlite3-dev installed.

> sessionInfo()
R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] devtools_1.5   digest_0.6.4   evaluate_0.5.5 httr_0.4       memoise_0.2.1 
 [6] parallel_3.1.1 RCurl_1.95-4.3 stringr_0.6.2  tools_3.1.1    whisker_0.3-2 

Incidentally (I don't think this is related) I had to set options(unzip="unzip") (it was set to "") before install_github() would work.

row.names = NULL throws error

This is according to the docs:

row.names: A string or an index specifying the column in the DBMS table to use as row.names in the output data.frame (a NULL, "", or 0 specifies that no column should be used as row.names in the output.)

This is what happens (using 9f75343):

Browse[1]> dbReadTable(connection, table, row.names = NULL)
Error: length(row.names) == 1 is not TRUE
Browse[1]> dbReadTable(connection, table, row.names = TRUE)
1     2
2     3
3     5
4     7
5    11
Browse[1]> dbReadTable(connection, table, row.names = FALSE)
  N Prime
1 1     2
2 2     3
3 3     5
4 4     7
5 5    11

I'll be glad to provide a more complete test case if necessary. Could you please re-enable support for row.names = NULL?

Reference: KentonWhite/ProjectTemplate#118

Bug when using R*tree module

I have an open question on StackOverflow (, where a commenter indicated that my problem was related to an RSQLite bug. The SO question comes with a minimal example, but in essence:

When creating an R*tree the comparator querying gets broken. Asking for all records where a value is above a certain level would yield no results, even though there is lots of records with higher values (again it is all described more thoroughly in the SO question).

Is it possible to examine whether it is indeed a bug in RSQLite that causes this behaviour?

Move generics to DBI package

Would you have any objections to moving the generics currently defined by RSQLite into DBI? I think they're of general use to other DB packages.

(I'm talking with David James about taking over maintainership of DBI)

OO proposal

To make for a simple design, I suggest we further reduce the use of multiple inheritance, instead replacing it with composition. Currently, SQLiteObject is used as a base class underlying all three main classes (driver, connection and results). This is not great because it forces the use of multiple inheritance (which makes method dispatch harder to predict) and it's only providing a very thin wrapper around an external pointer (and the type of the object that that points to is different in each case).

This change would mean the every old method definition for SQLiteObject would need to be duplicated three times, but that's just show, dbDataType, make.db.names, isSQLKeyword and SQLKeywords.

Bigint handling

(I sent the message below to Seth Falcon, adding it here so it does not get lost)

I recently had a problem with importing a sqlite DB table through your package. The sqlite DB contained apparently 8 byte "bigints" which RSQLite than happily converted to R integers and overflowing values. I only noticed that because all values should have been > 0, but I encountered negative values in R.

I solved this problem be explicitly casting these fields to double in my SELECT statement.

Note that I understand that such large INTS cannot (currently) be represented in R and I am not complaining about having to do that cast, but I find it worrisome and error-prone that the above mentioned internal conversion is performed without any error or warning. I also could not find a hint in the documentation about this, maybe this would help other users?

Consistent strategy for connection cloning

If length(dbListResults(con)) > 0, functions:

  • clone silently (e.g. sqliteTableFields)
  • throws an error (e.g. sqliteTransactionStatement)
  • do nothing (the majority)

We need a clearly articulated strategy to adhere to.

Automatically close open connections

It would be nice to be able to do this with dbUnloadDriver() so .onUnload() could cleanly unload the database (this would make my devel workflow a lot smoother).

@seth it looks like manager used to once look after a list of connections, but it doesn't anymore. Do you recall why? Are there any workarounds?

possible to allow the decimal `dec=` argument to be passed to dbWriteTable?

i looked over the method and it wasn't obvious why a ... doesn't get passed from the dbWriteTable() call to the read.table() call inside, but even if that's not allowed, could dec= be added on its own? sorry if i missed something, the word "dec" keeps popping up search results for december. thanks!

Warning when building with clang

I get:

sqlite-all.c:1:35: warning: extra tokens at end of #ifdef directive [-Wextra-tokens]

I don't know enough about C to know whether or not this is spurious or not.

Domain error occurs in R but not in SQLite Manager

I run a SQL statement via RSQLite over a local sqlite3 database:

    (SELECT Stkcd1, Stkcd2,
        ((psum-(sum1*sum2/n))*(psum-(sum1*sum2/n)))/((sum1sq-sum1*sum1/n)*(sum2sq-sum2*sum2/n))) AS corr,
        n FROM
        (SELECT c1.Stkcd AS Stkcd1, c2.Stkcd AS Stkcd2,
            SUM(t1.Adjprcwd) AS sum1,
            SUM(t2.Adjprcwd) AS sum2,
            SUM(t1.Adjprcwd*t1.Adjprcwd) AS sum1sq,
            SUM(t2.Adjprcwd*t2.Adjprcwd) AS sum2sq,
            SUM(t1.Adjprcwd*t2.Adjprcwd) AS psum,
            COUNT(*) AS n FROM SCompany AS c1, SCompany AS c2,
            CTick AS t1, CTick AS t2
        WHERE c1.Stkcd < c2.Stkcd AND
            c1.Stkcd = t1.Stkcd AND
            c2.Stkcd = t2.Stkcd AND
            t1.Trddt = t2.Trddt
        GROUP BY c1.Stkcd, c2.Stkcd)
    WHERE ABS(corr)>=%f AND n>=%d
    LIMIT %d

In the statement, I calculate the correlation of two time series and aggregate the data by correlations. %f, %d will be replaced by sprintf function in R. Although the SQL currently looks stupid and of low efficiency, it should work both in R and SQLite Manager with the same results.

However, an error occurs when RSQLite runs:
Error in sqliteFetch(rs, n = -1, ...) :
RSQLite driver: (RS_SQLite_fetch: failed first step: Domain error)

I don't know how I should debug the code in R, so I run the same code with parameters replaced in SQLite Manager in Firefox. It perfectly worked. But the same code simply does not work in RSQLite. I don't know what "Domain error" means and there seems to be little information online about this error.

Anyone has an idea what might be the problem? Or how should I debug the error?

File re-org proposal

  • Replace SQLite.R and SQLiteSupport.R with one file for each class, with methods and their implementations interwoven
  • Move inst/NEWS to NEWS, and remove the files in inst/ that are out of date. Combine and inst/README (cran now supports markdown readmes)

dbWriteTable fails for data frame with zero rows

dbWriteTable fails if the data frame has no rows. (Similar code does work with the RH2 driver for the H2 database.)

> library(RSQLite)
Loading required package: DBI
> con <- dbConnect(SQLite())
> DF <- data.frame(a = numeric(0), b = numeric(0))
> dbWriteTable(con, "DF", DF)
Warning message:
In value[[3L]](cond) : must have non-zero dimensions


Basic vignette should show how to use RSQLite.

Doesn't work in parallel

Below is a small program which simply uses two R process's to insert integers into a table. The table is created as "create table vals (value integer not null)". I created it outside the driver function simply to investigate whether it's an issue between the main the child process. It's not. After about 50 inserts, I get an error, which is not helpful since R loses the actual error when mcapply is used.

In any case, I tried starting and ending a transaction, as well as unloading the driver - same. Looks like the database gets locked and the other writes fail.

require(parallel) = function(val, db.path)
   driver = SQLite()
   connection = dbConnect(driver, dbname=db.path)

   data = expand.grid(val)
   colnames(data) = c("value")
   query = paste("insert into vals (value) values (@value)", sep="")
   dbGetPreparedQuery(connection, query,

write.values = function(db.path)
   res = mclapply(seq(1,100,1),, mc.cores=2, db.path=db.path)

# write.values("~/db.sqlite")

dbIsValid is not exported

Hi, In your announcement in R-sig-DB of the imminent release of RSQLite 1.0.0, you said "idIsValid() is deprecated. Please use dbIsValid() instead." However, dbIsValid is not exported.

rApache and RSQLite (3.8) on CentOS6

I have a problem using RSQLite 1.0.0 with rApache. In an interactive R console, everything works as expected, but when sending a request to the same package with OpenCPU/rApache, I get a version mismatch error.

$ curl -d '{"var" : ["whea_h", "AEZ16_CLAS"], "by" : "ADM1_NAME_ALT"}' -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json"
error in evaluating the argument 'drv' in selecting a method for function 'dbConnect': Error in SQLite(shared.cache = T) :
  SQLite mismatch between compiled version 3.8.6 and runtime version 3.6.20

SQLite 3.8 doesn't seem available from CentOS6 repos, so not sure what's the easiest way around.

Thanks, --Mel.

CTE queries in sqlite (>= 3.8.3) for RSQLite

Hi RSQLite devs,

we are currently working on a R package that among other things lets linguists and speech scientist perform hierarchical queries of annotation structures. While looking for a feasible solution we stumbled on the ability of sqlite (>= 3.8.3) being able to handle common table expression queries. I was wondering if we can expect to see a version bump of sqlite in RSQLite some time in the future?

In a naive attempt to update the sqlite version I replaced the three files in src/sqlite/ with the according files of the current amalgamation release and updated the version check of inst/UnitTests/dbGetInfo_test.R to This seem to do the trick. The package builds without any errors and from what I can tell works fine after installation (including CTE queries). But I might be missing something...



It would be nice to be able to specify a comment.char to RSQLite when importing files with dbWriteTable. Also quote= as in read.table.

Temporary tables and inferred type for RSQLite

This issue was received by email to the maintainer:

Try this self contained code with the github version of RSQLite.
Column b seems to be copied correctly from dd to ddt but column a
(which has an NA) is converted to character but should not be.

> library(RSQLite)
> con <- dbConnect(SQLite())
> dd <- data.frame(a = c(NA, 3.5), b = c(1.5, 2.5))
> dbWriteTable(con, "dd", dd, row.names = FALSE)
[1] TRUE
> dbGetQuery(con, "create temporary table ddt(a, b)")
> dbGetQuery(con, "insert into ddt select * from dd")
> str(dbGetQuery(con, "select * from dd"))
'data.frame':   2 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ a: num  NA 3.5
 $ b: num  1.5 2.5
> str(dbGetQuery(con, "select * from ddt"))
'data.frame':   2 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ a: chr  NA "3.5"
 $ b: num  1.5 2.5

RSQLite guesses the type of columns using a heuristic. The schema of the table is consulted, if available. Otherwise, the first row of the result set is used. This is imperfect, but allows for more efficient code.

I suspect what's happening here is that the way the temp table is created, doesn't capture the same schema details.

extension-functions.c enhancements

The extension-functions.c file which I sent via email replaces the file of the same name and incorporates:

  • added locate as a synonym for charindex for MySQL compatibility
  • trim, ltrim, rtrim are no longer provided since they already exist in SQLite

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