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startconnect-hub's Issues

Bug: every section should have atleast full viewport

Each navigation tab should send to the corrosponding content on clicking it and display only the related content.

Upon clicking the About Us tab, you should be navigated to 'About Us' section and it is doing it correctly but the problem is, it also displays some content of Home section which is not supposed to be shown in About Us section.

Also each section should be displayed isolated from the other section [can be differentiated based on background-color] and covers atleast the full viewport [height and width].

Screenshot (68)

Implement backend to your project

I need to implement login and signup page into your project so that the website can be work dynamically please assign me this issue under GSSOC'24

[Fix] Log in and Sign Up page styling GSSOC 2024 Good First Issue

**Both Log in and Sign Up pages not using full height**

under Gssoc 2024

What can I do?

I can fix both the pages and, there is a problem that, the **Navbar** component is slightly visible. I want to keep the navbar prominent in both the pages as it will help in navigation. Also, I can fix the styling of **both log in and sign up** pages.

Also it would be helpful if we are permitted to use Tailwind CSS, else vanilla CSS would also be fine

I would be obliged to get the opportunity to fix the issue.

Hamburg Menu

Describe the bug
Hamburger menu not working on mobile devices

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'site'in mobile device
  2. Click on 'hamburger menu '
  3. See error

Expected behavior
It should show a menu of options to land on different sections

Additional context
I can add gsap animation to make the hamburger menu more beautiful and functional

Girlscript Summer of Code Introduction/Tracking

👋 Hi @Priyaaa1,

I am Prince,web developer(Core Team) Girlscript Summer of Code. I'll be collaborating with you on preparing your repo for GSSoC'24 Program

Why are these changes required?
After Analysing last year's contributions and feedback it would be great for students to have a couple of standard readme files on the repo to understand what the project is all about and some issues detailing what they can contribute. This will help you to see increased engagement in your repository as well.

As mentioned students get a chance to learn step by step, how to build this project as well as invite mentors to collaborate and add features to this repo. I will generate issues, which will provide guidance on how to prepare your repo for Girlscript summer of code 2024 on 10th May.

This issue will serve as a tracking issue to track all issues related to GSSoC'24. I recommend creating a new branch for every issue and opening a pull request to track changes so we can effectively collaborate with each other and merge changes when you and I feel like those changes are ready to be merged on your primary branch.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a comment on this issue or any of the other issues that are generated.

I look forward to working with you :octocat:

Replace phone number field with email field and submit contact form using web3 forms


Currently, the contact form on the website includes a phone number field for users to enter their contact information. However, I propose replacing the phone number field with an email field to improve user experience and facilitate communication. Additionally, I suggest implementing the contact form submission using web3 forms ( for enhanced reliability and functionality.

Proposed Solution:

I plan to update the contact form by replacing the phone number field with an email field. This modification will align the form fields with standard contact form conventions and enable users to provide their email addresses for communication purposes. Additionally, I will implement the form submission using web3 forms, leveraging their robust features and integration capabilities. The new form will include validation checks to ensure that the email field is filled out correctly before submission.

Additional Information:

  • I have experience working with web development technologies, including MERN stack and web3 forms.
  • I am committed to delivering a seamless user experience and improving the functionality of the contact form.
  • If there are any specific design preferences or integration requirements for the updated contact form, please provide guidance, and I will accommodate them accordingly.

Enhancement Request: Implement 'Explore More' Button Functionality.

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Currently, the "Explore More" button lacks functionality, leading to a dead end for users.

Describe the solution you'd like
Introduce a dedicated page for the "Explore More" button, providing users with valuable content related to ideas and investment opportunities. This page will enhance user engagement and provide a seamless browsing experience.


@Priyaaa1 could you assign me this issue under GSSoC'24.

Dark Mode toggle feature

mentor @Priyaaa1

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Most of the users/developers are frustrated by continues use of browser in light mode , enabling the dark mode feature might enhance user interaction and satisfaction.

Describe the solution you'd like
A toggle to switch between light and dark modes
Kindly assign me this task under GSSoC'24 project

Additional context

Making the contact page responsive

On small screens the contact page gets affected very badly affecting the user experience.

I can precisely craft it for small and medium screen sizes.

Screenshot 2024-05-11 001223 Please assign this issue to me so i can work on it and correct it

Adding a interactive FAQ section


Many Websites have a section of "Frequently asked questions (FAQ's)" sections that highly contributes in improving user-experience. I would really love to contribute by adding and interactive and responsive FAQ section.

Proposed Functionality

  • A FAQ section that display questions and their answers using accordion functionality.
  • Users and view the answers of desired FAQ's by clicking on an arrow.

Why add FAQ feature

  • Improve your customer's experience.
    -Provide quick information to help customers make a purchasing decision.
    -Reduce the time your employees need to answer simple questions.

About Me

I am a tech-enthusiast, passionate about Front-end technologies such as React. As a GGSoC'24 contributor, I am eager to work on this functionality and promise to put all my efforts to deliver the best results.


will improve the ui with pure tailwind css and make it responsive and more visually appealing

also the navbar and footer is invisible and not aligned properly as shown below will fix that as well


Few Buttons Are Not Clickable and Page Not Responsive

Get Started button leads to nowhere and the the page doesn't fit to screen. On zooming out the page becomes unresponsive. I would like to fix the button not clickable issue and make page responsive.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to landing page.
  2. Click on Get Started button
  3. Zoom out the page
  4. Scroll down to Contact section
  5. See error

Expected behavior
The button should have some functionality and Page should be responsive


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [Windows]
  • Browser [chrome]

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [OnePlus Nord CE Lite 3]
  • OS: [Android]
  • Browser [Chrome]

Learn repos should have a file to teach student how to build your project step by step. You can explain how to build your project with text, code snippets, images, or even short (5 minute) long video lessons. As the maintainer of a Learn repo, the file requires you to think critically about how to explain the building of your project and how to also make it engaging. We don't expect you to be an expert teacher, but we would like you to reflect on how difficult it was to get to your level of knowledge, and then provide friendly guidance to help other students to learn.


Fixing of Login Page

The login page is overlapping the navbar
I can fix it please assing this to me

Mobile Navbar Improvement

Describe the bug

Navbar in mobile version is not well responsive we have to make it responsive has responsive

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '360 screen resolution'
  2. Click on 'Mobile menu'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior


Screenshot 2024-05-11 230508

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. iOS]
  • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
  • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
  • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

feat:Implement forget password

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
The application currently lacks the "Forgot Password" feature, which is crucial for user account recovery. This issue is to implement the necessary pages and functionality required for the "Forgot Password" feature.

Describe the solution you'd like

  1. Create Forgot Password Page: Develop a new page or modal for the "Forgot Password" functionality.

    • Steps to Implement:
      1. Design the user interface for entering email addresses for password reset requests.
      2. Implement the frontend components for the Forgot Password page/modal.
    • Expected Behavior: Users should be able to access the Forgot Password page/modal to initiate the password reset process.
  2. Backend Logic for Password Reset: Develop backend logic to handle password reset requests and send reset instructions to the user's email.

    • Steps to Implement:
      1. Define API endpoints or backend routes to handle password reset requests.
      2. Implement logic to generate and store password reset tokens securely.
      3. Integrate with email services to send password reset instructions to users.
    • Expected Behavior: Upon submitting a password reset request, users should receive instructions on how to reset their passwords via email.

Fix typography in ui

Hey @Priyaaa1 I can fix typography in the project.

Current typography-

Using some css the ui can be improved a lot..

can you please assign me this issue.

Add issues

As the maintainer of a Collaborate repo, keeping Issues up-to-date will help the student community understand what they can do to contribute. Issues should vary by the easy (update documentation) to the difficult (add a new feature). The more involved you are, the more opportunities there are to collaborate.


Add issues of varying difficulty to the repo often. you must add the tag GSSoC'24, Level 1, Level2, Level 3 good first issue etc.
How we cacluclate the Scores on Leaderboard: Every PR one point
Level 1: 10 points
Level 2: 25 points
Level 3: 45 points
Try to add some documentation issues as well it would be easy for beginner contributor to explore opensource through your repo.
Generate issues even if you plan on solving them, so the repository appears as active.
Contribute/commit often to the repo so it does not go stale.

Explore More Functionality in Landing page

Explore more button in landing page is not working
I want it to scroll down on clicking the button and want to work on the hovering effects of the button

Screenshot 2024-05-11 120617

Could you please assign this issue to me under gssoc'24 so can correct this issue.

UI of the navbar is not appealing

Navbar has no hovers and Home button in navbar is not functioning
I can make navbar ui better and work on home button in navbar
Could you please assign this issue to me under gssoc'24 so can correct this issue.

Screenshot 2024-05-11 113755

Adding functionality in mobile, gmail section. Addition of functional login/signup page. Improvement in NavBar, Footer.

Problems :-

  1. Links/Redirecting should be present in logo and other items in nav.
  2. the current active page to user should be visible in navbar, some indications.
  3. Footer section need upgrades.
  4. if any gmail, mobile number is clicked then it should redirect to specific application to proceed further.
  5. I would like to add fully functional login signup page.

if u would assign these to me, then i would like to resolve these issues.

Enhance Navigation Bar with Hover Effects

Adding a hover effect to the elements of a navigation bar enhances user experience by providing visual feedback.
This will increase interactivity and improve the overall usability.

Screenshot (210)

This contribution is under GSSOC'24.

Improving Login and Sign up page

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
The sign-up and log-in websites are currently not very user-friendly.
To improve it, I want to make some adjustments.

Additional context


Add Functionality to Testimonial Section in Navigation Bar


The testimonial section in the navigation bar lacks functionality. This proposal suggests adding dynamic features to the testimonial section to enhance user experience and engagement.

Proposed Functionality

  • Implement a carousel or slider to display testimonials.
  • Allow users to navigate through testimonials using arrows or dots.


  • Enhances user engagement by showcasing positive feedback.
  • Adds credibility to the project by highlighting user testimonials.
  • Improves overall user experience by providing interactive content.

About me

As a web developer with expertise in React, I am confident in my ability to implement this feature effectively. I have experience in creating dynamic and user-friendly interfaces, and I'm eager to contribute to enhancing the functionality of the testimonial nav bar as a contributor in GSSOC'24.

Fix Navigation Issues and Restore Navbar Functionality in Login and Signup Sections

The navigation menu item for "Home" fails to function properly, preventing users from navigating to the home page. Additionally, the navbar in the login and signup sections is unresponsive, impeding user interaction. These issues hinder website usability and navigation. This task aims to rectify the dysfunctionality of the home button and restore full functionality to the navbar in the login and signup sections. Resolving these navigation issues will enhance user experience and improve website usability.

startup and invester controllers -backend

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Since the website is all about collaboration of startup and investor, while registering into the website, we will have 2 signup forms one for signup as startup and other as investor.So that when user will login as startup or as investor we can show different things on UI so that the smooth collaboration between the two takes place.

Describe the solution you'd like
I will write backend using express js and store data in mongoDB for startup and investor.
Startup Controller:

createStartup: Create a new startup profile.
getStartupById: Get startup details by ID.
updateStartup: Update startup details.
deleteStartup: Delete a startup profile.
listStartups: Get a list of all startups.
searchStartups: Search startups by criteria (e.g., industry, funding status).
Investor Controller:

createInvestor: Create a new investor profile.
getInvestorById: Get investor details by ID.
updateInvestor: Update investor details.
deleteInvestor: Delete an investor profile.
listInvestors: Get a list of all investors.
searchInvestors: Search investors by criteria (e.g., investment focus, geographic location).

Login and Signup Functionality

Feature Request

Problem Description

The login and signup functionality is currently not working as intended. Users are unable to sign up for new accounts, and existing users cannot log in successfully. This issue is preventing users from accessing the application's features and content, leading to frustration and an inability to use the platform effectively.

Desired Solution

We need a robust solution that allows users to sign up for new accounts securely and log in successfully. The signup process should collect necessary information from users, such as username, email, and password, and store it securely. The login process should authenticate users based on their credentials and grant them access to the application's features upon successful verification.

Additional Context

Currently, when users attempt to sign up or log in, they encounter errors or unexpected behavior. It's crucial to address this issue promptly to ensure a smooth user experience and enable users to make the most of the application's functionality. Any updates or improvements to the login and signup processes should prioritize security, usability, and reliability.

Adding Carousel to the Homepage

Currently, the homepage lacks dynamic visual elements to engage users effectively. Therefore, I suggest incorporating a carousel to showcase featured content or highlights from the platform.

  1. Integration of Carousel Component: I will integrate a carousel component into the homepage layout. This component will allow for the dynamic display of multiple images or content blocks in a visually appealing and interactive manner.
  2. Responsive Design: I will ensure that the carousel is responsive and compatible with various screen sizes and devices, providing a seamless user experience across desktop, tablet, and mobile platforms.

Assignee: Please assign this issue to me.

ensuring valid email id is entered and password has the see/unsee icon with minimum length

Feature Request Related To EMAIL & Password
The Email ID and Password cannot be checked if it is valid/of minimum length. This can result in too many entries in the databse in fututre.

Describe the solution you'd like
Email Id Verfication to be enabled- if the email id entered by user is valid or not. Password can have the see/unsee feature and can be set to minimum characters.

Can I please be assigned to sort this issue?
(GSSoC Contributor)

Add templates for issues

Issue templates are very helpful for a collaboration repo. When users identify a bug or want to add a new feature, you can provide templates so you can collect all the pertinent information you need to fix a bug or add a new feature.

We recommend creating a “Report Bug” and “Feature Request” issue template.
you can refer this:

Some suggested prompts/questions you can add to a “Report Bug” template are:

Briefly describe the bug
What is the expected behavior?
Please provide step by step instructions on how to reproduce the bug
Some suggested prompts/questions you can add to a “Feature Request” issue template are:

Briefly describe your feature request
What problem is this feature trying to solve?
How do we know when the feature is complete?

Click on Get Started button and copy the template to your

Footer enhancements

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
@Priyaaa1 I saw the footer is boring and less informative

I would like to fix the footer of the website currently it is very basic and less informative.
With my knowledge and coding skills i can make you a nice and a matching footer .

Current footer-

navbar contents are overlapping with the home page contents.

Whenever Iam scrolling downwards in mobile or in pc screens the navbar contents are overlapping with the home page contents.

Iam an experienced frontend developer I can fix this issue and make the site look more user friendly and attractive, this can be done by separating navbar from home page contents.
Screenshot 2024-05-11 000426
Screenshot 2024-05-11 000049

please assign this issue to me under gssoc'24 so can correct this issue.

Improvement in UI is needed

UI of the website Ensures that the design aligns with your brand identity and resonates with users.
so it's important to improve the UI of the website assign this issue to me @Priyaaa1

Login, signup and footer styling

I am a contributor in GSSoC' 24. I can solve this issue by add styling to login, signup and footer using CSS. Also I can enchance the UI by adding Navbar to all the pages so that it would be easier for user navigation. Please assign this task to me under GSSoC'24,

Add a favicon

A favicon (favorite icon) depicts the identity of a particular website.
We can put the logo of this website as favicon.


This contribution is under GSSOC'24.

Add Topics

In GSSoC'24, GitHub Topics will help the discoverability of your project.

I see that you already have great topics on your repository!
I would recommend adding the name of the company like the software you use to build like "vs-code, ghdesktop" to improve your discoverability.

If you are happy with the topics you have, feel free to close this issue. 👍

Bug: The menu icon in mobile view doesnt lead to a vertcal sidebar/navigation bar

This bug report addresses an issue where the menu icon in the mobile view fails to activate the vertical sidebar or navigation bar as intended. Users are unable to access navigation options on mobile devices due to this malfunction. The description will involve identifying the root cause of the problem and implementing the necessary fixes to ensure that the menu icon correctly triggers the vertical sidebar/navigation bar on mobile devices.

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