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ecs-crd-cli's Introduction

AWS ECS Canary Release Deploy Command Line

I - Introduction

The implementation of Zero Downtime Deployment is based on a number of patterns and best practices.

This project aims to provide a tool that runs on console to deploy ECS services using the concepts of canary release and blue/green deployment.

I.2 - Prerequistes

To use ecs-crd-cli, you must have already provisioned a component set on your AWS account.

I.2.1 - ECS cluster

You need an ECS cluster containing at least two nodes. Ideally to be resilient, these two EC2 nodes need to be on two different availability zones.

To help you set up your infrastructure, I invite you to visit our github repository terraform-module

This repository gives you a good basis for provisioning your ECS cluster

You need to have at least 2 AWS Application Load Balancers.These 2 application load balancers must be tagged.

In order for the blue / green deployment to be successful, it is necessary to be able to identify a pair of application load balancers. It is with the labels "CanaryGroup" and "CanaryRelease" that this is possible.

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You need a Route 53 DNS zone that will be used to record the name of the service you will be deploying

To help you set up your infrastructure, I invite you to visit our github repository terraform-module

If your service is visible on the internet, which means that the application load balancers are "internet facing", you will have to apply an SSL certificate. For the dynamic provisioning of certificats, I invite you to use let's encrypt which is free.

To help you set up your infrastructure, I invite you to visit our github repository terraform-module

II - How is deployment done ?

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III - Installation

To install the command line tool, simply install it using pip.

pip install ecs-crd-cli

One of the best practices and do it using a virtualenv.

virtualenv -p python3 my-project
source my-project/bin/activate
pip install ecs-crd-cli

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IV - Usage

IV.1 - How use the command line ?

IV.1.1 - Show help

At any time on the command line, it is possible to recover the online help. To do this, simply type --help.

IV.1.2 - Show version

At any time on the command line, it is possible to recover the version. To do this, simply type version.

IV.1.3 - Dry run deployment file

Before deploying, it is possible to validate the configuration file. For that use the command "dry-run" of the CLI.

IV.1.4 Deploy a service

To deploy a service, you must use the deploy sub command.The arguments for using this suborder are:

Argument (long) Argument ( short) Description
--help documentation of sub command
--environment -e the environment to deploy ( the allowed values ​​are dev, qua, stage, preprod, prod )
--region -r aws region to deploy the service
--configuration-file -f configuration file .yml use to describe the deployment
--configuration-dir -d configuration directory, if configuration-file is not set
--verbose increase the level of trace verbosity
--log-file name of the file where the traces will be written
  • If you use the --configuration-file argument, you do not need to fill in the --configuration-dir argument.

  • If you use the --configuration-dir argument, the tool will look in the directory for a file of type environment.deploy.yml

IV.1.5 Undeploy a service

To undeploy a service, you must use the undeploy sub command. The arguments for using this suborder are the same as for the suborder deploy.

V - Decribe deployment file

The description file of a deployment is file in yml format. The format of this file is the following.

V.0 - How to formulate the deployment ?

The canary deployment is based on a declaration that is defined in a file in Yaml format. The reference file is here see reference.

V.1 - canary tag definition

The "canary" tag contains the definition of the deployment strategy.

  group: string
    blue: string
    green: string
    wait: integer
    - weight: integer
      wait: integer
    on_success: string
    on_fail: string


  group: private
    blue: 1
    green: 2
    wait: 60
    - weight: 10
      wait: 70
    - weight: 60
      wait: 50

V.1.1 - [canary].group

description : Information about selecting the application load balancer group used for service deployment. The group tag is used to identify which application load balancer group the service should deploy to. ( show AWS Application Load Balancer Tags CanaryGroup )

type: string

optional : false

V.1.2 - [canary].releases

Information about selecting the application load balancer group used for service deployment. The release tag identifies the two application load balancers. The values for blue and green are CanaryRelease labels on application load balancers.

V.1.2.1 - [canary.releases].blue

  description : Identifier of the first application load balancer

  type: string

  required : yes

V.1.2.2 - [canary.releases].green

  description : Identifier of the second application load balancer

  type : string

  required : yes

V.1.3 - [canary].scale

Information about scaling the service for deployment.

V.1.3.1 - [canary.scale].wait

  description : Waiting time after scaling the number of service intances in the cluster

  type : integer

  default : 60

  required : no

V.1.3.2 - [canary.scale].desired

  description : The Number of desired instances of the service in the cluster

  type: integer

  default : 2

  required : no

V.1.3.2 - [canary].strategy

Contains the definition of the service deployment strategy. A deployment strategy is composed of state that allows changing the distribution of DNS weights between application load balancers.

If during deployment of the service the new version of the service is considered as invalid, the deployment is canceled and a rollback is performed.

Deployment succed Deployment failed

each of item of stategy is composed of

V. - [canary.strategy].weight

  description : The weight for DNS of green application load balancers.

  type : integer

  required : yes

V. - [canary.strategy].wait

  description : The timeout period before testing the different health checks for target groups associated with the green application load balancer.

  type : integer

  required : yes

Example of deployment strategy

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V.1.4 - [canary].sns_topic_notifications

To be informed that a deployment has been completed, it is possible to define two SNS topic ARNs that will transmit the information about the deployment.

V.1.4.1 - [canary.sns_topic_notifications].on_success

  description : SNS topic ARN that publishes deployment messages successfully completed.

  type : sring

  required : no

V.1.4.2 - [canary.sns_topic_notifications].on_fail

  description : SNS topic ARN that publishes failed deployment messages.

  type : sring

  required : no

V.2 - service tag definition

The "service" tag contains the definition of the service to deploy. The definition is very similar to the statement of an ECS service by AWS cloud formation

  project: string
  name: string
  cluster: string
  version: string
  scheduling_strategy: string
  platform_version: string
    - [Placement Constraints Tag Definition]
    - [Placement Strategy Tag Definition]
  requires_compatibilities: string
    - [Container Tag Definition]
  cpu: integer
  memory: integer
  ipc_mode: string
  network_mode: string
  iam_roles: [IAM Role Tag Definition]
  auto_scaling: [Auto Scaling Tag Definition]
    - [Volume Tag Definition]

V.2.1 - [service].project

  description : The project name. Once the value is filled you can use the {{project}} template for the other properties.

  type : string

  required : yes

V.2.2 - [service].name

  description : The service name. Once the value is filled you can use the {{name}} template for the other properties.

  type: string

  required : yes

V.2.3 - [service].cluster

  description : ECS cluster name where the service is to be deployed.

  type : string

  required : yes

V.2.4 - [service].version

  description : Version of the service. Once the value is filled you can use the {{fqdn}} template for the other properties.

  type : string

  required : yes

V.2.5 - [service].scheduling_strategy

  description : The scheduling strategy to use for the service. For more information see AWS documentation

  type : string

  required : no

V.2.6 - [service].platform_version

  description : The platform version that your tasks in the service are running on. A platform version is specified only for tasks using the Fargate launch type. If one isn't specified, the LATEST platform version is used by default. For more information see AWS documentation

  type : string

  required : no

V.2.7 - [service].placement_constraints

  description : An array of placement constraint objects to use for tasks in your service. For more information see AWS documentation

  type : list of placement constraint tag definition ( see V.5 - Placement Constraint Tag Definition )

  required : no

V.2.8 - [service].placement_strategies

  description : The placement strategy objects to use for tasks in your service. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : list of placement strategy tag definition ( see V.6 - Placement Strategy Tag Definition )

V.2.9 - [service].containers

  description : The list of container defintitions. For more information see ( Container Tag definition V.3 )

  type : list of container tag definitions ( see V.3 - Container Tag definition )

  required : yes

V.2.10 - [service].cpu

  description : The number of cpu units used by the task. For more information see AWS documentation

  type : integer

  required : no

V.2.11 - [service].ipc_mode

  description : The IPC resource namespace to use for the containers in the task. For more information see AWS documentation

  type : string

  required : no

  allowed values : host | none | task

V.2.12 - [service].memory

  description : The amount (in MiB) of memory used by the task. For more information see AWS documentation

  type : integer

  required : no

V.2.13 - [service].network_mode

  description : The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task. For more information see AWS documentation

  type : string

  required : no

  allowed values : awsvpc | bridge | host | none

V.2.14 - [service].pid_mode

  description : The process namespace to use for the containers in the task. For more information see AWS documentation

  type : string

  required : no

  allowed values : host | task

V.2.15 - [service].requires_compatibilities

  description : The launch type the task requires. If no value is specified, it will default to EC2. Valid values include EC2 and FARGATE. For more information see AWS documentation

  type : list of string

  required : no

V.2.16 - [service].iam_roles

  description : Contains the list of iam policies to apply on the service when it starts and when it is running

  type : iam role tag definition ( see V.7 - IAM Roles Tag definition )

  required : no

V.2.17 - [service].auto_scaling

  description : Contains the triggered cloudwatch alert service scaling strategy.

  type : auto scaling service tag definition ( see V.9 - Auto Scaling Service Tag Definition )

  required : no

V.2.18 - [service].volumes

  description : The list of volume definitions for the task.For more information see AWS documentation

  type : volume service tag definition ( see V.9 - Auto Scaling Service Tag Definition )

  required : no

V.3 - Container Tag Definition

The "container" tag contains the definition of containers to deploy. The definition is very similar to the statement of an ECS task definition by AWS cloud formation

name: string
image: string
cpu: integer
memory: integer
memory_reservation: integer
  - [Container Port Mapping Tag Definition]
  - string
  - key pair
  - string
  - string
disable_networking: boolean
  - string
  - string
disable_networking: boolean
esssential: boolean
  - string
privileged: boolean
hostname: string
start_timeout: integer
stop_timeout: interger
  - [Container Mount Point Tag Definition]
  - string

V.3.1 - [container].name

  description : The name of container in the service.If the value is not filled in, the value will be "default".

  type : string

  required : no

  default : default

V.3.2 - [container].image

  description : The docker image to deploy. If the value is not filled in, the value will be {{account_id}}.dkr.ecr.{{region}}{{name}}:{{version}}


  • {{account_id}} : aws account owner

  • {{region}} : Aws region to deploy the service ( see IV.1.2 argument Command LIne )

  • {{name}} : Name of service to deploy ( see V.2.2 )

  • {{version}} : Version of service to deploy ( see V.2.5 )

  required : no

  type : string

  default : {{account_id}}.dkr.ecr.{{region}}{{name}}:{{version}}

V.3.3 - [container].cpu

description : The number of cpu units used by the task. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : integer

  default : 128

V.3.4 - [container].memory

description : The amount (in MiB) of memory used by the task. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : integer

  default : 128

V.3.5 - [container].memory

description : The amount (in MiB) of memory to present to the container. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : integer

  default : 128

V.3.6 - [container].memory_reservation

description : The soft limit (in MiB) of memory to reserve for the container. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : integer

V.3.7 - [container].port_mappings

description : The list of port mappings for the container. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : list of port mapping tags ( see V.4 - Container Port Mapping Tag definition )

V.3.8 - [container].entry_point

description : The entry point that is passed to the container. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : list of key/value

V.3.9 - [container].environment

description : The environment variables to pass to a container. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : list of string

V.3.10 - [container].command

description : The command that is passed to the container. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : list of string

V.3.11 - [container].dns_search_domains

description : The list of DNS search domains that are presented to the container. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : list of string

V.3.12 - [container].disable_networking

description : When this parameter is true, networking is disabled within the container. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : boolean

V.3.13 - [container].dns_servers

description : The list of DNS servers that are presented to the container. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : list of string

V.3.14 - [container].docker_security_options

description : A list of strings to provide custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level security systems. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : list of string

V.3.15 - [container].esssential

description : If the essential parameter of a container is marked as true, and that container fails or stops for any reason, all other containers that are part of the task are stopped. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : boolean

  default : true

V.3.16 - [container].links

description : The links parameter allows containers to communicate with each other without the need for port mappings. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : list of string

V.3.16 - [container].privileged

description : When this parameter is true, the container is given elevated privileges on the host container instance (similar to the root user). For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : boolean

V.3.17 - [container].fqdn

  description : Fully qualified domain name of the container to register in AWS Route 53 domain. Once the value is filled you can use the {{fqdn}} template for the other properties. you need at least container definitions with jun fqdn.

  type : list of string

  required : yes for the first container, optional for other containers

V.4 - Container Port mapping tag definition

For more informations see AWS documentation

container_port: integer
host_port: integer


container_port: integer
host_port: integer
  blue: integer
  green: integer
V.4.1 - [port_mappings].container_port

  description : The port number on the container that is bound to the user-specified or automatically assigned host port. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : yes

  type : integer

V.4.2 - [port_mappings].host_port

  description : The port number on the container instance to reserve for your container. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : yes

  type : integer or blue / green informations

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V.4.2.1 - Use host dynamic port

If the value of host_port is zero, the port assignment on the host will be dynamic. AWS ECS assigns a valid port. This solution is only possible for the container that only exposes one and only one port.

    - name: nginx
        - container_port: 80
          host_port: 0
V.4.2.2 - Use host static port

If the storyteller exports multiple ports, you can not use the "dynamic port" feature. You must use static port links. During a blue / green deployment it is possible that both versions of the docker are running on one of the nodes of the ECS cluster. if the green version uses the same ports as the blue version it therefore conflict. For this reason it is necessary to use the information blue / green to avoid the overlapping of ports.

    - name: kong
        - container_port: 8000
            blue: 8100
            green: 8102
        - container_port: 8001
            blue: 8101
            green: 8103
V.4.3 - [port_mappings].protocol

  description : The protocol used for the port mapping. Valid values are tcp and udp. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : string

  default : tcp

V.5 - Placement Constrains Tag Definition

expression: string
type: string


    expression: "attribute:ecs.instance-type == t2.small"
    type: "memberOf"

The PlacementConstraint property specifies an object representing a constraint on task placement in the task definition.

V.5.1 - [placement_constraints].expression

description : A cluster query language expression to apply to the constraint. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : no

  type : string

V.5.2 - [placement_constraints].type

description : The type of constraint. Use distinctInstance to ensure that each task in a particular group is running on a different container instance. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : yes

  type : string

  allowed values : distinctInstance | memberOf

V.6 - Placement Strategy Tag Definition

The placement strategy objects to use for tasks in your service.

expression: field
type: string


    expression: "attribute:ecs.instance-type == t2.small"
    type: "memberOf"

V.6.1 - [placement_stategies].field

description : The field to apply the placement strategy against. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : yes

  type : string

V.6.2 - [placement_stategies].type

description : The type of placement strategy. For more information see AWS documentation

  required : yes

  type : string

V.7 - IAM Role Tag Definition

Contains the list of iam policies to apply on the service when it starts and when it is running

      - [IAM Policy Tag Definition]
      - [IAM Policy Tag Definition]

V.7.1 - [iam_roles].task_execution_role

description : Contains the list of iam policies to apply on the service when it is starts

  required : no

  type : list of IAM policy tag definition ( see V.8 - IAM policy tag definition)

    - task_execution_role:
      - name: AllowAllAccessS3
        effect: Allow
          - arn:aws:s3:::1111111111-other-bucket
          - "s3:*"

V.7.2 - [iam_roles].task_role

description : Contains the list of iam policies to apply on the service when it is running

  required : no

  type : list of IAM policy tag definition ( see V.8 - IAM policy tag definition)

    - task_role:
      - name: AllowAllAccessS3
        effect: Allow
          - arn:aws:s3:::1111111111-other-bucket
          - "s3:*"
      - name: AllowConsumeSQSMessage
        effect: Allow
          - arn:aws:sqs:eu-west-3:{{account_id}:lets-encrypt-renew-certificates-request
          - "sqs:GetQueueAttributes"
          - "sqs:GetQueueUrl"
          - "sqs:ReceiveMessage"
          - "sqs:DeleteMessage"
          - "sqs:DeleteMessageBatch"

V.8 - IAM Policy Tag Definition

name: string
effect: string
  - string

V.8.1 - [policy].name

description : Name of IAM policy in role

  required : no

V.8.2 - [policy].effect

description : Use Allow or Deny to indicate whether the policy allows or denies access.

  required : no

  allowed values : Allow | Deny

V.8.2 - [policy].resources

description : List of AWS resources that are related to the policy definition.

  required : no

  default : *

  type : list of string

V.8.3 - [policy].actions

description : Include the list of actions allowed or denied by the policy.

  required : yes

  default : *

  type : list of string

V.9 - Auto Scaling Service Tag Definition

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