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nerdtree's Issues

Error when creating multiple nodes at once

When I open NERDTree and press "ma" to add a child node, I get the following error message when I try to create multiple non existing nodes at once, e.g /home/joe exists, my input is /home/joe/test/dir/ect/ory/:

Error detected while processing function 58_showMenu..99..116..NERDTreeAddNo
line 18:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: isOpen || !empty(parentNode.children)
E15: Invalid expression: parentNode.isOpen || !empty(parentNode.children)
Error detected while processing function 58_showMenu..99..116:
line 6:
E171: Missing :endif
Error detected while processing function 58_showMenu..99:
line 19:
E171: Missing :endif

Besides the error message it works fine for directories but file node can not be created. The message is: NERDTree: Node Not Created.

NERD Tree root line loses syntax colour when truncated (patch)

NERDTree version 4.1.0 loses the syntax colour for the line displaying the tree root directory if it is truncated, because the first character on the line becomes < rather than /. The following simple patch solves the problem:

> syn match treeCWD #^<.*$# " Match CWD line even when truncated

Up a dir terrible slow under Cygwin


I'm trying to use NERDTree under a cygwin version of vim. It's working well except for the "up one dir" operation (U or u key mappings). It takes a lot to complete this operation, about 30 seconds or even more. Any ideas why?

VIM Environment:

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15, compiled Sep 13 2010 16:16:21)
Compiled by alec@tia
Huge version without GUI. Features included (+) or not (-):
+arabic +autocmd -balloon_eval -browse ++builtin_terms +byte_offset +cindent -clientserver -clipboard
+cmdline_compl +cmdline_hist +cmdline_info +comments +conceal +cryptv +cscope +cursorbind +cursorshape
+dialog_con +diff +digraphs -dnd -ebcdic +emacs_tags +eval +ex_extra +extra_search +farsi +file_in_path
+find_in_path +float +folding -footer +fork() -gettext -hangul_input -iconv +insert_expand +jumplist
+keymap +langmap +libcall +linebreak +lispindent +listcmds +localmap -lua +menu +mksession +modify_fname
+mouse -mouseshape +mouse_dec -mouse_gpm -mouse_jsbterm +mouse_netterm -mouse_sysmouse +mouse_xterm
+multi_byte +multi_lang -mzscheme +netbeans_intg -osfiletype +path_extra -perl +persistent_undo
+postscript +printer +profile -python -python3 +quickfix +reltime +rightleft +ruby +scrollbind +signs
+smartindent -sniff +startuptime +statusline -sun_workshop +syntax +tag_binary +tag_old_static
-tag_any_white -tcl +terminfo +termresponse +textobjects +title -toolbar +user_commands +vertsplit
+virtualedit +visual +visualextra +viminfo +vreplace +wildignore +wildmenu +windows +writebackup -X11
-xfontset -xim -xsmp -xterm_clipboard -xterm_save
system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"
user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"
fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/local/share/vim"
gcc -c -I. -Iproto -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -I/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-cygwin -DRUBY_VERSION=18
Linking: gcc -L. -L/usr/local/lib -o vim.exe -lm -lncurses -lruby

Cygwin envrionment:
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.1 tia 1.7.7(0.230/5/3) 2010-08-31 09:58 i686 Cygwin

NERDTree version:


Files with spaces in name give E172 when opened from NERDtree

When I navigate to a file within NERDtree that has a space in the name and then hit "enter" to open it, I get this error message:

Vim(edit):E172: Only one file name allowed: edit /Users/tpavlic/Documents/My Documents/@Research/cooperative_task_processing_TAC/cooperative_task_processing.tex

Because there is a space in "My Documents", NERDtree thinks the file is two files.

Problem with Custom NERDTreeBookmarks Location

Trying to specify a custom location for the NERDTreeBookmarks file by placing this in the .vimrc file:

let NERDTreeBookmarksFile="~/.vim/NERDTreeBookmarks"

and creating a bookmark ":Bookmark docrails" returns an error:

Error detected while processing function 18_bookmarkNode..51..24:
line 12:
E482: Can't create file ~/.vim/NERDTreeBookmarks

But I don't get an error if I remove the line and use the default location of $HOME./NERDTreeBookmarks

I've tested on Ubuntu 10.04, Vim 7.2 Included Patches 1-330, Nerdtree 4.1.0 stable and dev (as of issue creation date/time).

Navigation Between Opened Files

Hi! I know that maybe this isn't an issue. But I've been looking for support and some refference besides the docs.

Is there any way I can navigate between the opened files of NERDTree? Like Ctrl-Alt-PageUp and Ctrl-Alt-PageDown in gedit?


NERD-tree does not trigger WinEnter

For some reason when I open a file from NERD-tree, the WinEnter autocommands are not triggered. This can be checked with

au WinEnter * echo "entering"

and then opening a file from NERD-tree.
I think this is a bug, I know it breaks some of my stuff.

Changing directory doesn't work on Windows

With the latest code from git master I'm not able to change the current working directory (key mapping: NERDTree-cd) on Windows Vista. It get the error messag "could not change cwd". Option NERDTreeChDirMode set to a value other than 0 in my vimrc file isn't working too, which is probably related to the problem above.

If I change the line let dir = self.str({'format': 'Cd'}) on line 1805 inside function s:Path.changeToDir() to let dir = self.str() cd works again, so I think it has something to to with wrong escaping.

Update Last Change date (or remove)

The NERD_tree.vim file says the last change date was 1 December 2009. It took me a while to see that there has actually been a lot of development since then.

Filters for bookmarks

NERDtree will act as a really good project manager if we could keep some more info of a bookmark, like the file filters (NERDtreeIgnore) for ignoring .pycs etc of a project.

Function StartShell similar vtreeexplorer.


In vtreeexplorer exist one option "S" that's StartShell, is possible join into terminal and exit back to vtreeexplorer (workspace).

It's possible implement this function in NerdTree?

Session file support

Is it possible to save the nerdtree state in the session file in order to be able to recover it on :source ?

Conflict with Neocomplcache

I updated NerdTree and Neocomplcache to latest version,
If use them at the same time, the neocomplcache can't pop up completion menu, but if I delete plugin/Nerd_Tree.vim, neocomplcache works well.

Could you please fix it?

Error viewing directories with '[', ']' or both in their name

Using version 4.1.0 of NERDTree, if I have a directory with a single '[' or ']' in then I can see the contents of the directory in NERDTree but Vim shows 'Illegal file name' at the bottom of the screen (I forget what this bit is called, status bar?).

If I have a drectory with '[' and ']' in, say for instance "[1234]MyProject", NERDTree refuses to show any files or subdirectories for that directory.

This is NERDTree 4.1.0 and VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0



Problems with apostrophed usernames and $HOME paths on Windows

I hit an issue with setup of version 4.1.0 with Vim 7.2 on a Windows XP machine.

I have an Irish surname, O'Connor, and that noxious apostrophe had crept in during the account setup on a new PC. The result is in Vim my $HOME variable has an apostrophe in it.
(Weirdly I had never done this before in years of previous PC setups.)

The following NERDTree line fails in this situation:
call s:initVariable("g:NERDTreeBookmarksFile", expand('$HOME') . '/.NERDTreeBookmarks')

I verified this was the case by logging into a different user account - works fine.
I hacked around this locally by pointing to $VIMRUNTIME rather than $HOME in the line above.

GVIM cannot open a bookmark in a new tab or a splitted windows

GVIM cannot open a bookmark in a new tab or a splitted windows. I have an error (translated from french)
Error detected while scanning function 21_openInNewTab..17 :
E121: Undefined variable : bookmark
E15: Invalid expression : "tabedit " . bookmark.path.str({'format': 'Edit'})

NERDTree should follow vim directory

I have searched the docu and googled a bit, but i couldn't find a way that reloads the nerd tree every time I use :cd and switch a directory. The NERDTree dir should reload after I changed the directory for vim. Is this possible somehow?

minor bookmark issue

Hi, if I set NERDTree to open bookmarks automatically and then also set NERDTree to start automatically (with the line "autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree" in my .vimrc) then the bookmarks do not open automatically. I have to hit Shift-B or manipulate the tree in some way to force a re-rendering, which then pops up the bookmarks. -A

Mirror the tree that the file was open from


In vim I always have many different trees and when I open another file from a the tree I always have to choose which tree to mirror, but all I really need is to mirror the tree that I am opening the file from.

Is there a way of doing this?

If someone could guide me in the right direction I might take a stab at implementing it.


Option to avoid that nerdtree takes the focus

Hi!, this isn't a true issue but a request for a feature, I think it'd be nice if nerdtree could have an option to control whether the cursor is moved to the nerdtree or remains in the "main" window from where it was called. Something like the taglist option Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen.

"setlocal bufhidden=delete" upsets NERDTreeToggle and causes "Undefined variable: b:treeShowHelp"


I use NERDTree as my project files explorer and during the day open and close lots of source code files (in tabs).

By default when I close tab Vim leaves that file as a buffer. e.g. you can see it in buffers menu
As I am working with lots of files list of buffers grows very quick and becomes unmanageable.
So I use following line in my .vimrc to make sure that closed tabs do not leave buffers behind
autocmd BufEnter * setlocal bufhidden=delete

Unfortunately with this line NERDTreeToggle can be used to open NerdTree only once per session.
Once NERDTree is closed (with NERDTreeToggle or NERDTreeClose) further attempts to run NERDTreeToggle cause following error

======== error start ========

Error detected while processing function 18_toggle..18_renderView..18_dumpHelp:
line 2:
E121: Undefined variable: b:treeShowHelp
E15: Invalid expression: b:treeShowHelp ==# 1
Error detected while processing function 18_toggle..18_renderView:
line 18:
E121: Undefined variable: b:NERDTreeShowBookmarks
E15: Invalid expression: b:NERDTreeShowBookmarks
line 27:
E121: Undefined variable: b:NERDTreeRoot
E15: Invalid expression: b:NERDTreeRoot.path.str({'format': 'UI', 'truncateTo': winwidth(0)})
line 28:
E121: Undefined variable: header
E116: Invalid arguments for function setline
line 33:
E121: Undefined variable: b:NERDTreeRoot
E15: Invalid expression: b:NERDTreeRoot.renderToString()

======== error end ==========

To reproduce the problem

  • Add to your .vimrc
    autocmd BufEnter * setlocal bufhidden=delete
  • Close Vim
  • Open any file with vim
  • call NERDTreeToggle 3 times




firs two calls (1st-open, 2nd-close) will succeed, but 3rd call will fail with the above error message

Ubuntu 10.10 32bit
(G)Vim 7.2.330

NERD_tree_version = '4.1.0'

nerdtree breaks down custom status line

nerd tree changes statusline from the one that is set in .vimrc to some other setting (looks like default statusline in vim).
in my vimrc file i added "let g:NERDTreeStatusline = -1" but the problem persists.

Syntax highlight loss in nerdtree when opening fortran files

I've stumbled upon this weird problem: NerdTree losses all coloring when opening any fortran file (be it F77, F90, F95, fixed form, free form). Syntax highlighting is ok in the buffer of the file proper, though. It does not happen with c, c++, python, perl, shell, tex or any other type of file that I have tested.

E482: Can't create file ~/.vim/NERDTreeBookmarks

Hi. If I don't set
let NERDTreeBookmarksFile=
I can create bookmarks. But if I
let NERDTreeBookmarksFile='~/.vim/sessions/NERDTreeBookmarks'
I get an error when creating bookmarks:

Error detected while processing function 19_bookmarkNode..66..39:
line 12:
E482: Can't create file ~/.vim/NERDTreeBookmarks

Menu Feature Broken On Mac?

When navigating the FS with NERDTree, if I hit m on any type of item (file, dir), I get the following errors:

Error detected while processing function 14_showMenu..30..31:
line 4:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: menuItems)-1)
E116: Invalid arguments for function len(self.menuItems)-1)
E116: Invalid arguments for function range(0, len(self.menuItems)-1)
E15: Invalid expression: range(0, len(self.menuItems)-1)
Press ENTER or type command to continue

This happens both in Macvim and console vim on my mac. I'm using the latest version of NERDTree, checked out yesterday.

Quit when where is no active buffer

It would be great if there is no need to quit the NERD_tree* buffers to quit Vim.
Maybe this can be put into the NERDTree as an option?

I have created a small function to get this feature. Just put this code into your .vimrc:

function! NERDTreeQuit()
  redir => buffersoutput
  silent buffers
  redir END
"                     1BufNo  2Mods.     3File           4LineNo
  let pattern = '^\s*\(\d\+\)\(.....\) "\(.*\)"\s\+line \(\d\+\)$'
  let windowfound = 0

  for bline in split(buffersoutput, "\n")
    let m = matchlist(bline, pattern)

    if (len(m) > 0)
      if (m[2] =~ '..a..')
        let windowfound = 1

  if (!windowfound)
autocmd WinEnter * call NERDTreeQuit()


File Marking and execution

Hey NERDTree huggers,

Great plugin! Love what you've done! There's one feature I'm really missing from netrw that I think would be a great addition to your plugin: the ability to mark multiple files and execute a command on them at once. In netrw this is done by the mf and mx commands, by the functions NetrwMarkFile(islocal, fname) and NetrwMarkFileExe(islocal). From taking a brief peek at the code this should be extremely do-able in NERDTree, and would be extremely useful. For example, say I'm working on NERDTree in my git repository and I want to add certain files. I could mark those files using a command (in different directories in my tree branch even) then use one command to add them all to git! A myriad of other possibilities awaits.

".. (up a dir)" fails on windows

When the ".. (up a dir)" selection is made on a Windows installation, it causes an InvalidArgument exception.

The exact error message is of the form:

Error detected while processing function 14_activateNode..14_upDir..114..120..122:
E605: Exception not caught: NERDTree.InvalidArgumentsError: Invalid path = [PATH OMITTED]

Highlight current buffer

Not an issue - more of a feature request.
Is it possible to have a command that highlights the currently open file in NERDTree?
A bit like the 'RevealBookmark' command, but it just uses the active buffer instead of a bookmark.

:NERDTreeMirror on the wrong side

I'm using the following in my .vimrc file:

autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree ~/Projects/
autocmd TabEnter * NERDTreeMirror

Unfortunately when a tab is created the NERDTree split is on the right side and large and the file is on the left side and is very slim, presumably their positions have been reversed. Is there any solution for this?

Cannot edit a file in another directory that contains spaces

if you are in directory /home/me and use NERDTree on a directory with spaces "/tmp/a directory with spaces/" then when pressing enter on a file in that directory, you cannot edit the file. If you are already in the directory with spaces then it works fine.

Bug: E121: Undefined Variable: children

With the latest 4.0 release of Nerd Tree with Vim 7.2.245 I keep getting the error:
Error detected while processing function NERDTreeAddMenuItem..41:
line 18:
E121: Undefined variable: children

[Feature Request] Open multiple files at once

I'd love to being able to open multiple files at once. This would work like this:
Use Visual Line Mode (Shift+V) to select the files you want to open
Press a key combination
All files selected are opened in background buffers

NERD tree loses mount directory on Ubuntu.

use "mount -t cifs //X.X.X.X/test ~/project/test -o uid=1000,gid=1000,username=guest" on Ubuntu.
Mount success and it works fine under shell using ls or edit any file in this directory, but under vim, the direcotry "test" is missing. The Ubuntu is installed as a virtual machine.

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