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addons's Introduction


Links to Ponzu Addons

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Simple Markdown Editor

SimpleMDE Markdown Editor addon for Ponzu CMS


Create and validate token-based access grants in a request's http.Header or http.Cookie


Include references to content types from within another content type

Facebook Scheduler

Schedule Facebook Posts from content in your Ponzu App

addons's People


nilslice avatar


Jon Carr avatar Suvankar Sarkar avatar Steven Ferrer avatar John Henning avatar  avatar bzub avatar jon ⚝ avatar Sean Huber avatar  avatar Jacob Gadikian avatar Juan Carlos García Martínez avatar Kamil Chmielewski avatar


James Cloos avatar bzub avatar  avatar  avatar



addons's Issues

Current config of addon

AfterEnable hook on Addon will present *.Addon.Meta.PonzuAddon.Status of disabled. The work around I have is to create another instance, and query the status again, which provides correct enabled. Is there a better way? Should there be a way that Ponzu reloads the instance meta when these events occur?

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