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pysimm's Introduction



pysimm stands for Python Simulation Interface for Molecular Modeling. It is an open-source python package designed to assist in the setup and executation of molecular simulations through high level APIs and abstraction from underlying third party simulation software.

Documentation for the python package can be found at


  1. Getting Started
  2. Integration with LAMMPS
  3. Integration with Cassandra
  4. Complete Installation
  5. Using Docker image
  6. Acknowledgments

Getting Started

Those who need to install LAMMPS (or wish to build a new version of LAMMPS with the optional packages utilized in the examples included in the repository) should skip to the Complete Installation section below, which provides instructions on how to setup pysimm, build a LAMMPS version suitable for the examples included here, and configure the integration between the two pieces of software. If you have already installed LAMMPS and simply wish to setup pysimm, continue following the directions below.

To get started, clone the repository, cd into the new directory, and install using The --pysimm command line argument passed to the script should be the directory in which you cloned the pysimm repository (one directory up). The following example assumes you cloned the repository in your home directory.

git clone
python pysimm/ --pysimm $PWD

This adds the pysimm package to your PYTHONPATH, and adds a pysimm command line tool to your PATH. Parts of pysimm require the use of the numpy package. To use the complete_install script to install numpy as well, include the --apt-install command line argument.

Integration with LAMMPS

If you are using your own build of LAMMPS, be sure that the following packages were included in your installation as some functionality in the example scripts require some subset of these packages:

  • molecule
  • class2
  • kspace
  • user-misc
  • misc
  • qeq
  • manybody

pysimm can integrate seamlessly with parts of the LAMMPS simulation software package through the pysimm.lmps module. To configure the integration, locate your LAMMPS executable. For example, if the path to your LAMMPS executable is /usr/bin/lmp_mpi, add this path as an environment variable "LAMMPS_EXEC":

echo "export LAMMPS_EXEC=/usr/bin/lmp_mpi" >> ~/.bashrc

Correct configuration can be checked by using the following code:

from pysimm import lmps

If the LAMMPS_EXEC environment variable is not set, you will see a warning. Once configured, try the examples in the repository which highlight some of the features of pysimm.

Integration with Cassandra

Cassandra is a versatile software for the Monte-Carlo simulations suitable for the variety of the molecular systems. For more details please refer the web-page of the Cassandra project. This explains how to integrate already installed Cassandra software to the pysimm. The integration is done through the environment variable CASSANDRA_EXEC. It defines the path to the Cassandra executable (it might be either serial or the parallel Cassandra compilation). If, for example, the Cassandra executable named cs_omp_gfort.exe was installed to /usr/lib/cassandra/, the following should be set:

export CASSANDRA_EXEC=/usr/lib/cassandra/Src/cs_omp_gfort.exe

The cassandra module of the pysimm will check whether the CASSANDRA_EXEC is set right before the running a simulation. Additionally, in the same way as in the lammps module, the setting can be checked using the code:

from pysimm import cassandra

NOTE: The parallel Cassandra version uses OpenMP, so the number of parallel tasks (number of threads) is normally controlled through OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable. Set it to required value if you want to use the specific number of parallel threads.

Complete Installation (pysimm and LAMMPS)

*** Please be aware LAMMPS is a separate software, developed separately, and protected under a separate license. The following information is installation directions suggested by pysimm developers that may be used to generate a functional version of LAMMPS for integration with pysimm. LAMMPS has much more functionality than is represented by these installation directions, and those interested in these functionalities should visit LAMMPS documentation to learn more.

NOTE: The script is designed to work on debian-based linux machines only. It uses apt-get to install dependencies for pysimm and LAMMPS.

Included in the repository is a python script that will configure pysimm, install LAMMPS from their git repository, and configure the integration between the two pieces of software. First clone the pysimm repository, and run You must provide the path prefix to the recently cloned pysimm directory and the prefix for the new lammps source code directory. The following assumes pysimm was cloned into your home directory and will also install lammps in your home directory:

git clone
python pysimm/ --pysimm $PWD --lammps $PWD

Afterwords be sure to source your ~/.bashrc file:

source ~/.bashrc

Using Docker image

The root folder now contains a 'Dockerfile' that will help you to create a Docker image of Debian 10 with pysimm and pre-installed LAMMPS, CASSANDRA, Zeo++ v0.3, and PoreBlazer v4.0.

To compile the Docker image from the file run the following from the root pysimm directory (optionally changing 'my_tag' to any text tag you like):

 docker build -t pysimm:my_tag -f Dockerfile .

Please refer the Docker documentation for the detailed description of the build function.

If the build is successful the list of your Docker images will contain freshly built pysimm image. The full list can be shown by:

 docker images

Finally, to run the corresponding pysimm image call:

 docker run -it pysimm:my_tag bash

Please see Docker reference page for the detailed description of docker run command.

The pysimm source files are kept in /usr/local/pysimm folder. Thus you can quickly test the LAMMPS or CASSANDRA modules by running one of the examples.

 cd /usr/local/pysimm/Examples/08_ethanol_acetone_mixture

To transfer output files from the docker image back to host one can use docker cp command.

 docker cp ContainerName:/container/path/to/file /host/path/to/file

and the ContainerName one can use either the name or ID of a running container which can be listed by calling docker ps.


This material is based upon work supported by:

  • National Science Foundation under Grant No. (ACI-1613155)
  • U.S. Departement of Energy under Grant No. (DE-FG02-17ER16362)

pysimm's People


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pysimm's Issues

About Atom Type Order

Dear Pysimm Developer,
Thank you so much for your contributions to Pysimm, which is a very useful tool in the MD simulation area.
I have one question about the atom-type order of data that generated by pysimm. Actually, I have many frames of my system in the Materials Studio platform, and I randomly choose two frames in one trajectory and save them as .mol2 file. But when I convert these two .mol2 file to lammps data file with pysimm, the atom type sequence is different in the generated two data files, like the following picture.
And my command is just like this:
from pysimm import system, lmps, forcefield
p = system.read_mol2('frame1.mol2')
p.apply_forcefield(forcefield.dreiding.Dreiding(),charges='gasteiger' )

Do you know how to solve this problem? Many thanks in advance.

how about offering a rude and robust module to generate large polymer (DP>1000) ?

The random_walk module is great, but when building a polymer composed of over 1000 monomer, it is getting slower and slower. If there is another rude approach with constant last_backbone_vector, so I can chose the random or rude way as I need, that would be great :)

However, simply repeat the random_walk process already helps me out, thank you!

pysimm/Examples/12_rnd_walk_ladder/ doesn't run properly

PySIMM: reading lammps data file "pim_unit.lmps"
PySIMM: read masses for 11 ParticleTypes
PySIMM: read "lj/cut" nonbonded parameters for 11 ParticleTypes
PySIMM: read "harmonic" bond parameters for 14 BondTypes
PySIMM: read "harmonic" angle parameters for 25 AngleTypes
PySIMM: read "harmonic" dihedral parameters for 38 DihedralTypes
PySIMM: read 35 particles
PySIMM: read 40 bonds
PySIMM: read 66 angles
PySIMM: read 97 dihedrals
PySIMM: Molecule 1 inserted
02:59:25: 1/5 monomers added
02:59:25: 2/5 monomers added
02:59:25: starting relax_002 LAMMPS simulation
02:59:36: relax_002 simulation using LAMMPS successful
02:59:36: 3/5 monomers added
02:59:36: starting relax_003 LAMMPS simulation
02:59:49: relax_003 simulation using LAMMPS successful
02:59:49: 4/5 monomers added
02:59:50: starting relax_004 LAMMPS simulation
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/c/Users/sptiw/Desktop/github_desktop_downloads/ubuntu_softwares/pysimm/pysimm/", line 955, in run
call_lammps(self, np, nanohub, prefix=prefix)
File "/mnt/c/Users/sptiw/Desktop/github_desktop_downloads/ubuntu_softwares/pysimm/pysimm/", line 1045, in call_lammps
File "/mnt/c/Users/sptiw/Desktop/github_desktop_downloads/ubuntu_softwares/pysimm/pysimm/", line 1741, in read_lammps_dump
with open(fname) as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'pysimm.dump.tmp'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 116, in
sngl_chain = random_walk(mloc, 5, density=0.01,
File "/mnt/c/Users/sptiw/Desktop/github_desktop_downloads/ubuntu_softwares/pysimm/pysimm/apps/", line 436, in random_walk'np'))
File "/mnt/c/Users/sptiw/Desktop/github_desktop_downloads/ubuntu_softwares/pysimm/pysimm/", line 957, in run
raise PysimmError('There was a problem calling LAMMPS with {}'.format(prefix))
pysimm.utils.PysimmError: There was a problem calling LAMMPS with mpiexec

lmps.quick_min () error

hi, i was able to install pysimm but in the methanol example in the lmps.quick_min () part I get an error this PysimmError: A pair_style must be defined during initialization, could it help me

The lmps module should not try to run LAMMPS on import

Right now check_lmps_exec() is called upon import of the lmps module. The module can be used without a working LAMMPS executable in theory, so this check should be optional, as opposed to mandatory.
Additionally, Popen causes problem when using mpi4py.

Example 01_Methane Dreiding Forcefield

For some reason whenever I try to run the first example it throws the following error: PysimmError: A pair_style must be defined during initialization

from pysimm import system, lmps, forcefield

s = system.System()

m = s.molecules.add(system.Molecule())

f = forcefield.Dreiding()
#f = forcefield.Gaff2()

dreiding_C_ = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('C_3')[0].copy())
dreiding_H_ = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('H_')[0].copy())

#gaff_c3 = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('c3')[0].copy())
#gaff_hc = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('hc')[0].copy())

#c1 = s.particles.add(system.Particle(type=gaff_c3, x=0, y=0, z=0, charge=0, molecule=m))
c1 = s.particles.add(system.Particle(type=dreiding_C_, x=0, y=0, z=0, charge=0, molecule=m))

#h1 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_hc, charge=0, molecule=m), c1, f)
#h2 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_hc, charge=0, molecule=m), c1, f)
#h3 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_hc, charge=0, molecule=m), c1, f)
#h4 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_hc, charge=0, molecule=m), c1, f)

h1 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=dreiding_H_, charge=0, molecule=m), c1, f)
h2 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=dreiding_H_, charge=0, molecule=m), c1, f)
h3 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=dreiding_H_, charge=0, molecule=m), c1, f)
h4 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=dreiding_H_, charge=0, molecule=m), c1, f)

s.apply_charges(f, charges='gasteiger')



lmps.quick_min(s, min_style='fire', name='fire_min')

#lmps.quick_min(s, min_style='sd', name='min_sd')
#lmps.quick_min(s, min_style='cg', name='min_cg')


Do you have any idea what could be wrong?
Thanks in advance!

Examples and models don't work without internet connection

Some examples and creation of model monomers don't work without internet connection, because they make requests to the PubChem API. We can cache the response from PubChem and encapsulate in try/except in case the users cannot connect to the internet.

Polymerization of monomer with two heads and tails

Dear Developers,
I would like to build a polymer (Like PIM-1) with two heads and two tails. I can find examples with single head and tail and procedures to assign them. However, I am finding it difficult to define two heads in the code. Could you please provide some examples?

If you can please edit the following code to assign two heads that would be great.

def monomer():

    s = system.read_mol('My.mol'))
    m = s.molecules[1]
    f = forcefield.Gaff2()
    for b in s.bonds:
        if b.a.bonds.count == 3 and b.b.bonds.count == 3:
            b.order = 4
    c1 = s.particles[1] #head 1
    c2 = s.particles[2]  #head 2

    c5 = s.particles[5] #tail 1
    c5 = s.particles[6]  #tail 2

    for b in c1.bonds:
        if b.a.elem == 'H' or b.b.elem == 'H':
            pb = b.a if b.b is c1 else b.b
            s.particles.remove(pb.tag, update=False)
    for b in c5.bonds:
        if b.a.elem == 'H' or b.b.elem == 'H':
            pb = b.a if b.b is c1 else b.b
            s.particles.remove(pb.tag, update=False)

    c1.linker = 'head'
    #c2.linker= 'head'
    c5.linker = 'tail'
    #c6.linker= 'tail'
    lmps.quick_min(s, min_style='fire')
    return s

Dreiding umbrella functional form

The current pysimm version has the Dreiding FF with the harmonic improper style. The original paper suggests using the umbrella functional form for impropers. The results from both styles are similar but can lead to slight differences in structure. Is it possible to change the Dreiding force constants to be consistent with the umbrella style functional form from the original paper and then modify the lammps module to generate umbrella style inputs?

Thank you.

Problem Calling LAMMPS with Mpiexec

I am new in Pysimm and tried to run some examples recently. When I run the example 2_Methanol script, the Dreiding force field example run successful, but the Gaff2 return below error. Could anyone give me any suggestion about this? This situation also occur in example 8. Thank you very much!

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/kun/Desktop/Support/pysimm/Examples/02_methanol/gaff2/", line 24, in
File "/home/kun/Desktop/Support/pysimm/Examples/02_methanol/gaff2/", line 15, in run
File "/home/kun/pysimm/pysimm/", line 1121, in quick_min, nanohub)
File "/home/kun/pysimm/pysimm/", line 957, in run
raise PysimmError('There was a problem calling LAMMPS with {}'.format(prefix))

Dihedral coefficients multiple outputs

Dear developers of Pysimm,

I've encountered the following output for the dihedral coefficients when running the 04_polyethylene example with the GAFF2, which also happened when I tried to run it on the PAMPSA polymer I created on my own. These files are for the input in lammps.
I'm wondering why are there multiple sets of data for the same dihedrals, and which ones should I use to successfully run the model with lammps. What dihedral style should I use in lammps? Thank you very much.

Issues when reading charmm parameters file


I'm trying to read Charmm parameter file to construct pcbaa polymer. My code is,

`from pysimm import lmps
from pysimm import system
from pysimm import forcefield

from pysimm.apps.random_walk import random_walk, random_walk_tacticity
from pysimm.apps.random_walk import check_tacticity
from pysimm.apps.random_walk import random_walk, random_walk_tacticity, check_tacticity
import matplotlib.pyplot as mplp

s = system.System()
f = forcefield.Charmm()
m = s.molecules.add(system.Molecule())`

then I constructed molecule with,

`gaff_CG2DC3 = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('CG2DC3')[0].copy())
gaff_CG2DC1 = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('CG2DC1')[0].copy())
gaff_CG2O1 = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('CG2O1')[0].copy())
gaff_CG321 = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('CG321')[0].copy())
gaff_CG324 = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('CG324')[0].copy())
gaff_CG2O3 = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('CG2O3')[0].copy())
gaff_HGA5 = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('HGA5')[0].copy())
gaff_HGA4 = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('HGA4')[0].copy())
gaff_HGA2 = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('HGA2')[0].copy())
gaff_HGP2 = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('HGP2')[0].copy())
gaff_OG2D1 = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('OG2D1')[0].copy())
gaff_OG2D2 = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('OG2D2')[0].copy())
gaff_NG3P2 = s.particle_types.add(f.particle_types.get('NG3P2')[0].copy())

C1 = s.particles.add(system.Particle(type=gaff_CG2DC3, x=0, y=0, z=0, charge=-0.417000, molecule=m))
C2 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_CG2DC1, x=0, y=0, z=1.5419, charge=-0.097000, molecule=m), C1, f)
H3 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGA5, x=1.0218 , y=0, z=-0.3878, charge=0.210000, molecule=m), C1, f)
H4 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGA5, x=-0.4291 , y=-0.9533, z=-0.3291, charge=0.210000, molecule=m), C1, f)
C5 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_CG2O1, x=0.4192, y=1.3138 , z=2.2238, charge=0.479000, molecule=m), C2, f)
H6 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGA4, x=-1.0564 , y=-0.1017, z=1.8266, charge=0.150000, molecule=m), C2, f)
O7 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_OG2D1, x=-0.3907, y=1.8257, z=3.0075, charge=-0.531000, molecule=m), C5, f)
N8 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_NG2S1, x= 1.6654, y=1.8812, z=2.0153, charge=-0.32900, molecule=m), C5, f )
C9 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_CG321, x=2.6544, y=1.4433, z=1.0462, charge=-0.083000, molecule=m),N8, f )
H10 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGA2, x=2.6622, y=0.3620, z=0.9367, charge=0.090000, molecule=m), C9, f )
H11 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGA2, x=3.6519, y= 1.7467, z=1.3793, charge=0.090000, molecule=m), C9, f)
H12 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGP1, x=2.1280, y=1.7515, z=2.8923, charge=0.274000, molecule=m), N8, f)
C13 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_CG321, x=2.3494, y=2.1061, z=-0.3100 charge=-0.153000, molecule=m), C9, f)
H14 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGA2, x=2.3839, y=1.3676, z=-1.0836, charge=0.090000, molecule=m), C13, f)
H15 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGA2, x=1.3747, y=2.5465, z=-0.2806, charge=0.090000, molecule=m), C13, f)
C16 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_CG324, x=3.3975, y=3.1976, z=-0.5953 charge=0.129000, molecule=m),C16, f)
H17 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGA2, x=4.3790, y=2.7784, z=-0.5187, charge=0.090000, molecule=m), C16, f)
H18 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGA2, x=3.2912, y=3.9890, z=0.1170, charge=0.090000, molecule=m), C16, f)
N19 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_NG3P2, x=3.1958, y=3.7283, z=-1.9512, charge=-0.3910000, molecule=m),C16,f)
H20 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGP2, x=3.9652, y=3.4612, z=-2.5315, charge=0.320000, molecule=m),N19,f )
H21 = s.padd_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGP2, x=2.3476, y=3.3589, z=-2.3310, charge=0.320000, molecule=m),N19,f)
C22 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_CG324, x=3.1101, y=5.1948, z=-1.8957 charge=0.173000, molecule=m),N19,f)
H23 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGA2, x=3.9215, y=5.5777, z=-1.3127, charge=0.090000, molecule=m),C22,f)
H24 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGA2, x=2.1820, y=5.4811, z=-1.4467 charge=0.090000, molecule=m),C22,f)
C25 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_CG321, x=3.1881, y=5.7679, z=-3.3230 charge=-0.242000, molecule=m),C22,f)
H26 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGA2, x=4.1187, y=5.4867, z=-3.7699 charge=0.090000, molecule=m),C25,f)
H27 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_HGA2, x=2.3801, y=5.3804, z=-3.9076 charge=0.090000, molecule=m),C25,f)
C28 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_CG2O3 , x=3.0898, y=7.3037, z=-3.2655, charge=0.598000, molecule=m),C25,f)
O29 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_OG2D2, x=2.7764, y=7.9519, z=-2.0299, charge=-0.760000, molecule=m),C28,f)
O30 = s.add_particle_bonded_to(system.Particle(type=gaff_OG2D2, x=3.2842, y=7.9902, z=-4.3021, charge=-0.760000, molecule=m),C28,f)

with that I tried,

`s.apply_forcefield(f, charges='none')
lnkr_atoms = {'head': 1, 'tail': 2}

for itm, nm in lnkr_atoms.items():
s.particles[nm].linker = itm

p = forcefield.Charmm()

It gave me the error,

KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
/scratch/local/44140053/ipykernel_189726/ in
1 p = forcefield.Charmm()
----> 2 p.parse_add_file('pcbaa.prm')

/orange/colina/dkodituwakku/peggox/pysimm/pysimm/forcefield/ in parse_add_file(self, file)
590 tmp = getattr(self, 'nbfix_types')._dict
591 for t in tmp.keys():
--> 592 outp_obj['nbfix_types'].append(tmp[t].dict)
594 DATA_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(file)), os.pardir, 'data', 'forcefields', 'charmm')

KeyError: 'nbfix_types'

Could you let me know what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you

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  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

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    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.