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app-localize-behavior's Introduction

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app-localize-behavior is a behavior that wraps the format.js library to help you internationalize your application. Note that if you're on a browser that does not natively support the Intl object, you must load the polyfill yourself. An example polyfill can be found here.

See: Documentation, Demo.



npm install --save @polymer/app-localize-behavior

In an html file using the localized element

    <!-- Optional: Intl polyfill -->
    <script src="[email protected]/dist/Intl.min.js"></script>
    <script src="[email protected]/locale-data/jsonp/en.js"></script>
    <script src="[email protected]/locale-data/jsonp/fr.js"></script>

    <!-- Elements using the behaviour -->
    <script type="module" src="sample-element.js"></script>

Localizing a Polymer 3 element

import {PolymerElement, html} from '@polymer/polymer';
import {mixinBehaviors} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/class.js';
import {AppLocalizeBehavior} from '@polymer/app-localize-behavior/app-localize-behavior.js';

class SampleElement extends mixinBehaviors([AppLocalizeBehavior], PolymerElement) {
  static get template() {
    return html`
      <div>{{localize('hello', 'name', 'Batman')}}</div>

  static get properties() {
    return {
      language: { value: 'en' },

  function attached() {
customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement);


If you want to send a PR to this element, here are the instructions for running the tests and demo locally:


git clone
cd app-localize-behavior
npm install
npm install -g polymer-cli

Running the demo locally

polymer serve --npm

Running the tests

polymer test --npm

app-localize-behavior's People


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app-localize-behavior's Issues

The pathToResources property is unused


The pathToResources property is unused

Expected outcome

The element use the path to load ressources from the behavior.

Actual outcome

It seems that the property does not work.

I will fix this and I will propose a PR to fix this issue.

localize() function returns empty string if key not found


The localize() function does not return nothing if the key cannot be matched in the resources object.

Expected outcome

It is better to return the original key in the original language. It is always better to have a string in English (if it is the original language) than no string.

Actual outcome

Returns empty string or null (not sure).

Steps to reproduce

Just pass some random string to localize().

Browsers Affected

Tested on:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari 9
  • Safari 8
  • Safari 7
  • Edge
  • IE 11
  • IE 10

Add support to load multiple resources


Currently, only one resource file can be used per element, the problem with this is that simple text like "Yes", "No", "Cancel" must be added to all translation files.

Ideally, the loadResources method should allow to pass an array of paths and merge the result in the resources property.


this.loadResources([this.resolveUrl('my-element.json'), this.resolveUrl('shared.json')]);

localization and iron-pages

I've set localization with AppLocalizeBehavior in my app page and result is good.
When I go to an another page (via iron-pages) then localization no longer works. I don't convert from js , only in template ex : {{localize('my-key')}}.
I've set a console log in localize function and no message appears : function is not called.
My page contains the behavior of course...
Any idea ? Path limitation (I pass from / to /test).
Many thanks

Mistakes in the french translation


There are several small mistakes in the French translation.

I will fix this mistakes because French is my mother tongue and I will propose a PR soon to fix this issue.

The dolar symbol does not show correctly in french


The demo in french should show the currency according the localize.

According with the Intl.NumberFormat specification, you can set the language to format the currency, but you only can set the options of the format, not the locales attribute.

Expected outcome

La vente commence le Jan 1, 1970 à 1:00 AM. Tout est à 10,00 $US

Actual outcome

La vente commence le Jan 1, 1970 à 1:00 AM. Tout est à $10.00.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the demo
  2. Change to french.

How can i use Localize in ready Function ?

Hi :)

Localization behavior is working fine for me, but i don't know if i can use it in a ready function and how.
For exemple, for a login form, i want to show a toast with different informations in two language.

If login are good : {{localize('login_succeeded', 'pseudo', event.detail.response.pseudo)}}
If login are wrong : {{localize('login_failed')}}
If error : {{localize('login_error')}}

My code :

<div class="container flex-center-justified flex-center-align">
      <div class="inner-container">
        <img src="../images/myApp.png" alt="myApp">
        <form is="iron-form" method="post" action="../API/v1/index.php/login" id="loginForm">
          <paper-input type="text" name="pseudo" label="{{localize('login_pseudo')}}" no-label-float required></paper-input>
          <paper-input type="password" name="password" label="{{localize('login_password')}}" no-label-float required></paper-input>
          <paper-button noink on-tap="_submit">{{localize('login_submit')}}</paper-button>
          <div class="output"></div>
    <paper-toast id="toast"></paper-toast>

      is: 'my-login',

      behaviors: [

      properties: {
        language: {
          value: 'fr',
          type: String

      attached: function() {

      ready: function() {
        var loginForm = this.$.loginForm;
        var request = loginForm.request;
        var toast = this.$.toast;

        loginForm.addEventListener('iron-form-response', function(event) {
          console.log("Form Error: ",event.detail.response.error);
          if (event.detail.response.error) {
            message = localize('login_failed');
  {text: message, duration: 5000});
          } else {
            message = localize('login_succeeded', 'pseudo', event.detail.response.pseudo);
  {text: message, duration: 5000});

        loginForm.addEventListener('iron-form-error', function(event) {
          message = localize('login_error');
{text: message, duration: 5000});

      _submit(event) {


  "en": {
    "login_succeeded": "Greetings {pseudo} !",
    "login_failed": "Incorrect IDs.",
    "login_error": "Oops, an error occurred !",
    "login_pseudo": "Nickname",
    "login_password": "Password",
    "login_submit": "Connection"
  "fr": {
    "login_succeeded": "Salutations {pseudo} !",
    "login_failed": "Identifiants incorrects.",
    "login_error": "Oups, une erreur est survenue !",
    "login_pseudo": "Surnom",
    "login_password": "Mot de passe",
    "login_submit": "Connexion"

Greetings Loïc. confusing note

Is this still required ?

Note that if you're on a browser that does not natively support the Intl object, you must load the polyfill yourself. An example polyfill can be found here.

Several error in the documentation


There are several small errors in the documentation of this element.

Just one example:

Expected outcome


Actual outcome


I will fix this errors and I will propose a PR soon to fix this issue.

Minification issue - checkLocalizationCache


I can't minify app-localize-behvaior anymore.

Expected outcome

Minification should work.

Actual outcome

An error is thrown saying it expects : but found ( instead.

localize throws an error when the resources for a language have not been loaded


localize throws an error when the resources for a language have not been loaded

Expected outcome

the same result as when resources are not loaded, or language is not set (return undefined)

Actual outcome

Error: Cannot read property 'greeting' of undefined
              x-translate.<anonymous> at /components/app-localize-behavior/app-localize-behavior.html:214
   x-translate._annotatedComputationEffect at /components/polymer/polymer.html:1642
           x-translate._effectEffects at /components/polymer/polymer.html:1449
          x-translate._propertySetter at /components/polymer/polymer.html:1433
            x-translate.__setProperty at /components/polymer/polymer.html:1442
           x-translate._computeEffect at /components/polymer/polymer.html:1629
           x-translate._effectEffects at /components/polymer/polymer.html:1449
          x-translate._propertySetter at /components/polymer/polymer.html:1433
                   x-translate.setter at /components/polymer/polymer.html:1512
                  Context.<anonymous> at basic.html:138

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add app-localize-behavior to an element
  2. set language to a value you don't have a resource loaded for (ie: 'foo')
  3. call localize('key')

Browsers Affected

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari 9
  • Safari 8
  • Safari 7
  • Edge
  • IE 11
  • IE 10

No clear documentation regarding polymer vs format.js syntax


I'm doing some trials with Polymers app-localize-behavior, and I'm having a hard time to find some clear documentation regarding how to use format.js's {select} Format found here.

The app-localization-behavior documentation says :

"Polymer.AppLocalizeBehavior supports the same message-syntax of format.js, in its entirety;"

But for example in the polymer docs they pass the arguments as strings:

{{localize('hello', 'Batman')}}

and in format.js docs not:

I have {numCats, number} cats.

Now the issue I'm facing is how to use the {select} Format.

The format.js docs says to use it like this:

{gender, select,
male {He}
female {She}
other {They}
} will respond shortly.

so I did this in my template:

{{localize(wir, select,
            wir {we}
            ich {i}

locales.json :

"en" : {
         "i" : "I",
         "we" : "we"        
"fr" : { 

         "i" : "je",
         "we" : "nous"
"de" : {
         "i" : "ich",
         "we" : "wir"

Expected outcome

The language is set by default to french "fr", so I expect to get "nous" as output.

The last I did, was trying to pass everything as string or just some of the arguments (all combinations) but this all doesn't helps.

For example :

{{localize('wir', select, 'wir' {we} 'ich' {i} ) }}

Actual outcome

Instead of "nous" the full {{localize(etc..)}} is displayed on screen.


I think the documentation should be much clearer about this.

Could you please ewxplain to me, what I'm doing wrong here?

Little answer

Good day!

How can I announce language and json files in one main html, and use just {{locale('something')}} or some any function in all my html files?

Many thanks for your attention!


How to detect user language in the browser using either:

  • cookie
  • localStorage
  • navigator
  • querystring
  • htmlTag

This should be part of the Localize system i feel. I cant see this currently

Safari 9.1 El Capitan - Crash on localize


Actually we have a crash on old Safari browser (9.1) on El Capitan OS.
The localize webcomponents seems buggy on it and crash badly.

Expected outcome

Everything is translated according to chrome / FF behaviors

Actual outcome

Cause webcomponent crash because of localize on Safari 9.1 (El capitan).

Steps to reproduce

Try to use "this.localize" for our translations.
See errors on the browser console.

Browsers Affected

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari 9
  • Safari 8
  • Safari 7
  • Edge
  • IE 11
  • IE 10

No global resource cache

The documentation states that All of these elements share a common localization cache, so you only need to load translations once., but I am having to set the language and load resources locally in every element.

Problems with language codes longer than 2 chars


I'm defining element language by checking document.documentElement.lang.

ready: function () {
  lang = document.documentElement.lang;
  if (lang == '') {
    lang = 'en';
    document.documentElement.lang = lang;
  this.language = lang;

resources has strings arranged according to these 2-letter codes.

  "en": {"colors": "Colors"},
  "fr": {"colors": "Couleurs"},
  "ru": {"colors": "Цвета"},
  "ar": {"colors": "الألوان"},
  "he": {"colors": "צבעים"}

Works great until I load my element on a page that has a longer language definition for example lang="en-US", lang="fr-LU", or lang="zh-Hans".

I've worked around this by slicing out everything after the 2nd character, but there are cases where this would break translation (China, I'm looking at you)

lang = document.documentElement.lang.slice(0,2) ;

Expected outcome

app-localize-behavior should flexibly adapt to a variety of language code formats, falling back to acceptable alternatives in resources, should they exist.

Actual outcome

app-localize-behavior fails on language codes which don't exactly match those listed in resources, should they exist.

[feature request] Add a default language property


I actually develop an application and I use the app-localize-behavior.
The fact is I want to check the user browser language to translate with it, but if this language is not in the dictionary, it does not work.
The proposal here is to create a new property defaultLanguage to be sure that even if the language property is not in the dictionary the defaultLanguage will be applied.

It is easy to extends the behavior but I do not think that I am the only to need it, so it should be great that the element implements it.

[Feature Request] Customize Header

It would be useful to add the possibility to customize the header that is sent when loading resources.

We are managing our translations using a translation service that expects an authentication token. So this would allow us to easily send those tokens.

Duplicate key in the json of the demo


There is a duplicated key in file locales.json for french language.

Expected outcome

"fr": {
    "header_1": "Traduction et localisation",
    "header_2": "Pluriels et les sexes",
    "greeting": "Bonjour!",
    "intro": "Je m'appelle {name}",
    "cats": "J'ai {numCats, number} chats. Près de {pctBlack, number, percent} d'entre eux sont noirs.",
    "sale": "La vente commence le {start, date, medium} à {time, time, short}. Tout est à {price, number, USD}.",
    "fruit": "{num, plural, =0 {pas de pommes} =1 {une pomme} other {# pommes}}",
    "bananas": "{name} {num, plural, =0 {ne} =1 {} other {}} mange {num, plural, =0 {pas de bananes} =1 {une banane} other {# bananes}} {gender, select, male {chez lui.} female {chez elle.} other {chez eux.}}"

Actual outcome

"fr": {
    "header_1": "Traduction et localisation",
    "header_2": "Pluriels et les sexes",
    "greeting": "Bonjour!",
    "intro": "Je m'appelle {name}",
    "cats": "J'ai {numCats, number} chats. Près de {pctBlack, number, percent} d'entre eux sont noirs.",
    "sale": "La vente commence le {start, date, medium} à {time, time, short}. Tout est à {price, number, USD}.",
    "fruit": "pomme",
    "fruit": "{num, plural, =0 {pas de pommes} =1 {une pomme} other {# pommes}}",
    "bananas": "{name} {num, plural, =0 {ne} =1 {} other {}} mange {num, plural, =0 {pas de bananes} =1 {une banane} other {# bananes}} {gender, select, male {chez lui.} female {chez elle.} other {chez eux.}}"

Flags on demo page does not appear in a non OS X computer.


When you open the demo, you don't see the flags.

Expected outcome

You should see the english and french flags.

Actual outcome

You see a characters.


Steps to reproduce

  • Open the demo in a non OS X computer. For example, Ubuntu.

Possible documentation correction needed

So first off, I'm fairly new to Polymer and its documentation system, but I noticed that between this

PR: #55,
this code:
and this documentation:

That the events on the documentation haven't been updated:

Not sure how to fix this myself, but I thought i'd point it out:)

extending Polymer.AppLocalizeBehavior


Creating a mixin/behavior to be extended by multiple elements, the this.loadResources('/src/locales.json') is not setting the resources property, so this.localize('res.key') returns undefined

Expected outcome

resources being set with the object in the json file

Actual outcome

resources stays undefined

Steps to reproduce


<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/app-localize-behavior/app-localize-behavior.html">

FormatMixin = function(superClass) {

  return class extends Polymer.mixinBehaviors([Polymer.AppLocalizeBehavior], superClass) {

    constructor() {

    static get properties() {
      return {
        language: {
          value: 'es'
        formats: {
          type: Object,
          value: function() {
            return {
              number: { MXN: { style: 'currency', currency: 'MXN' } }

    getLabel(a) {
      var args =;
      var prop = args.join('');
      var label = prop;
        label = this.localize(prop);

      return label;


then in file legal-docs.html

<link rel="import" href="mixins/formats-behavior.html">
<dom-module id="legal-docs">
    class LegalDocs extends FormatMixin(Polymer.Element) {

      static get is() { return 'legal-docs'; }


    window.customElements.define(, LegalDocs);

and locales.json

  "es" : {
    "app.title" : "Doctos. Legales"

I have debugged it and the constructor is being called, the json file is being loaded, confirming in the network tab in the devtools. But the resource property is not set.
I have another app with this same pattern without problems, but it is using an earlier version of Polymer 2, so I am just guessing that something broke in recent changes.

Browsers Affected

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari 9
  • Safari 8
  • Safari 7
  • Edge
  • IE 11
  • IE 10

multiple pages in an app using same translations


If I understand correctly, when an app has multiple pages that use app-localize-behavior, each one needs to specify the language and call this.loadResources to load a translation file. I want to specify the language once for every use of app-localize-behavior in my app and call this.loadResources once.

Expected outcome

I can specify the language and the path to the translation file once and all uses of app-localize-behavior take advantage of those.

Actual outcome

I have to specify these things in every usage of app-localize-behavior.

Browsers Affected


Internationalization of sub components


The documentation is explaining the following:
The main application is usually responsible for loading the localized messages and setting the current language.
Each element that needs to localize messages should also add the Polymer.AppLocalizationBehavior and use the localize method to translate strings, as shown above.

Expected outcome

Sub-components should have language inherited and the load of locales shouldn't be needed.

Actual outcome

This is not working as you can see in my test:

The "language" property need to be passed to every sub-components
the instruction to load the locales file must be specified in each components (even if it doesn't actually load it, this command is required or the localize is not working).

Incorrect sample

Hi, hope this is useful.

The sample code copied as it is throws the error:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: A value must be provided for: name(…)

After i while i found out i needed to add a parameter to localize()
localize('hello', 'name', 'Batman')
This way the behavior works

IE10 JavaScript errors: Unable to set property 'messages' of undefined or null reference


In IE10 (yeah, sorry), using app-localize-behavior causes a JavaScript error:

Unable to set property 'messages' of undefined or null reference

This occurs when it tries to manipulate the prototype's __localizationCache object on lines 204, 214 and 218. For whatever reason in IE10, this.constructor.prototype.__localizationCache is undefined.

Note: this is not a result of a missing Intl polyfill, as I've tested with the polyfill (still fails) and by wrapping these checks in if-statements (it works).

Expected outcome

Localization works in IE10 as it does in other browsers.

Actual outcome

JavaScript error:

ie10 error

Live Demo

Kind of hard to wire up a live demo since jsbin only lets you have one file and you need 2 -- one for the app, one for a custom element that uses the localize behavior.

Basically do this in element.html:

<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../app-localize-behavior/app-localize-behavior.html">
        is: 'test-element',
        behaviors: [ Polymer.AppLocalizeBehavior ],
        ready: function() {

And then import and consume <test-element> in your Polymer application.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Use the app-localize-behavior in a custom element inside your application
  2. Open the page in IE10
  3. Notice the app fails to load and the above JavaScript error is present

Browsers Affected

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari 9
  • Safari 8
  • Safari 7
  • Edge
  • IE 11
  • IE 10

Allow resource deep objects


The app-localize-behavior should allow to read deep JSON translation resources.

Expected outcome

Function .localize('my.deep.translation.greeting') should output a string

Actual outcome

The translation is not found.

Live Demo


Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a component with Polymer.AppLocalizeBehavior
  2. Supply a translation resource like {'en': {'my': {'greeting': 'hello_deep'}}}
  3. Try to translate {{localize('my.greeting')}}
  4. Should output hello_deep

Browsers Affected

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari 9
  • Safari 8
  • Safari 7
  • Edge
  • IE 11
  • IE 10

app-localize-behavior appears to be broken on Safari 9.1 with Polymer 1.8


I have a project that has been working quite happily on Safari 9.1 using Polymer 1.7. Yesterday I upgraded Polymer to 1.8 which also pulled in a new version of the webcomponent.js polyfills and my app stopped working on Safari 9.1 with the following error:

'undefined is not an object (evaluating 'proto.__localizationCache.ajax')

This error doesn't occur when using Safari 10.0.3.

I reverted the polymer/webcomponents.js upgrade and the problem went away.

Expected outcome

app-localize-behavior should work with the latest version of Polymer and webcomponents.js on Safari 9.1 unless you are planning to drop support for 9.1

Actual outcome

See description above

Live Demo

Not possible as our app lives behind a corporate firewall

Steps to reproduce

Create an application that makes use of app-localize-behavior and attempt to view that app on Safari 9.1

Browsers Affected

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • [ X] Safari 9
  • Safari 8
  • Safari 7
  • Edge
  • IE 11
  • IE 10

New lines in resource string

How do you process a longer JSON string with new lines in it? <br/> gets escapes, \n or \\n\\n do nothing or break, tried <pre> to wrap the localize placeholder, didn't work either. Only way I see is to split the resource into smaller ones, which is not quite OK.

Sub object in json sections


Is it possible to have sub object in JSON file translations

Expected "en": {

"search": {
  "search_here": "Search here Eng"

Than use localization like {{localize('search.search_here')}}

Instead of regular {{localize('search_here')}}



The computed property localize doesn't work inside a dom-if template


The computed property localize doesn't work inside a dom-if template.

Expected outcome

The message is displayed.

Actual outcome

The message is not displayed.

Steps to reproduce

In your demo x-translate.html just insert

        <template is="dom-if" if="[[test]]">
          Test<div>{{localize('sale', 'start', 150, 'time', 15, 'price', 10)}}</div>

        test: {
          type: Boolean,
          value: true

Test is displayed but the message is not displayed.


How to use polymer data-binding with app-localize-behavior?

Hello everyone,

I just started to use the app-localize-behavior and got stuck at the second thing I tried.

Translating a "fixed" string for sure is easy with

But how to translate a "variable" string containing a polymer data-binding variable?

Example in fixed language which is working:
<div>Welcome [[username]]</div>
The output is "Welcome Peter".

But how to accomplish this with app-localize-behavior? I've tried the most obvious
<div>{{localize('greeting', 'name', [[username]])}}</div>
but the output is "{{localize('Welcome', 'name', Peter)}}" and not "Welcome Peter" like expected.

As the documentation doesn't respect this use case, I'm already stuck.

Please help :)

Michael breaking in Polymer 2.0-preview branch

We just started the migration to 2.0 after rc2. Want to move completely to 2.0 as we are in early stage.

For app-localize-behavior not sure what is the best way to use in 2.0. Found #70 but that code was not fixed. Will this be available as class expression at some point or any other alternative?. For now we have a hack to just keep instance of app-localize-behavior and redirect localize method to it. And we ran in to following issue:

Could we get a fix for in following code for 2.0 branch.

  __onRequestResponse: function(event) {
    this.resources = event.response;'app-localize-resources-loaded');

  __onRequestError: function(event) {'app-localize-resources-error');




Catalog issues

When testing the catalog I found that:

  • app-localize-behavior.html is missing the @demo annotation.

How is it possible to localize in labes of Polymer

If we have some code like:

the _setupBrowseLabel(selectedSection) - is function witch return 1 word "browse"

How we can make it workable for localization {{localize('browse')}}
The variant with [[localize(' {{ _setupBrowseLabel(selectedSection)}} ') ]] - NOT working! (

Very important thing!

Browsers Affected

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari 9
  • Safari 8
  • Safari 7
  • Edge
  • IE 11
  • IE 10

Feature request: Support multiple locale/resource files


As a developer it would be great if app-localize-behavior would support loading multiple locale/json files. That would allow devs to split the locales into multiple files and prevent duplicated translations across components.

IMO that could be as achieved by having __onRequestResponse() merge the response into the resources object, instead of replacing it.

I'd be happy to work on a PR for that. What do you think?

New lines in resource string

How do you process a longer JSON string with new lines in it?
gets escapes, \n or \n\n do nothing or break, tried

 to wrap the localize placeholder, didn't work either. Only way I see is to split the resource into smaller ones, which is not quite OK.

Not working with a paper-dropdown-menu >> timing issue ?!

Hello everyone,

I just encountered that the app-localize-behavior is not working together well with a paper-dropdown-menu.


   <paper-listbox class="dropdown-content" selected="0">

The paper-dropdown-menu itself is working, but no text is visible although the first element is selected. When opening the listbox, all translated entries appear.

So i guess this is a timing issue and the translations are rendered "too late" to appear as selected text in the dropdown-menu, right?

Is there any way arround this issue without "breaking" the default way polymers works?


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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.