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polyfony's Issues

Database set null issues

Columns using _date magic will fail to get the proper SQL NULL, they get an empty value '' instead

// close all sessions
        'session_expiration_date'   =>null,
        'session_key'               =>null,
        'last_login_origin'         =>null,
        'last_login_agent'          =>null,
        'last_login_date'           =>null,
        'last_failure_origin'       =>null,
        'last_failure_agent'        =>null,
        'last_failure_date'         =>null,

last_failure_date, last_login_date, session_expiration_date have empty values, all other have NULL.

[Insight] Boolean should be compared strictly - in Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Response.php, line 400

in Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Response.php, line 400

With booleans, only strict comparison (with === operator) should be used to lower bug risks and to improve performances.

            header("{$header_key}: {$header_value}");       
        // if the type is file output from the file indicated as content else just output
        echo self::getContent();
        // if cache is enabled and page is cachable
        self::isCachable() == false ?: self::cache(); 
        // it ends here


Posted from SensioLabsInsight

Simplify Filesystem::ls

As an alias of scandir, since DirectoryIterator already does all we want, eg

$flags = FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME | FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS | FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS;
        $d_iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($folder, $flags);

        echo $d_iterator->getPath();


inspiration from symfony/doctrine and MVC

// ...
public function createAction()
    $product = new Product();
    $product->setName('A Foo Bar');
    $product->setDescription('Lorem ipsum dolor');

    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();


    return new Response('Created product id '.$product->getId());

What we could do :

// create a record object
$product = new pfRecord($table);
// alter something
$product->set('description','Marvellous tool !');
// this will insert the record for the first time
// fetch a product from the database by its id
$product = new pfRecord($table,$id);
// alter something
$product->set('description','Marvellous tool !');
// this will update the product currently in the database


Use Store\Cookie but add a hash with private salt to ensure it has not been tampered with

Add type hinting when possible

     * Another test function
     * First parameter must be an array
    public function test_array(array $input_array) {

Query (SQL Cache ?)

@Jijac @WarenN

Je recode un système de cache SQL ou pas ?
Le précédent qui conservait une trace des modifications dans les tables est un peu lourd mais les interfaces sont toujours présentes dans le code de Query, donc ça reste faisable.

Sinon plus simplement on peut cacher les requêtes pour un temps donné, sans considération pour les modifications qui apparaissent entre temps (en utilisant Cache) mais l'intérêt est assez limité et ça pourrait être géré manuellement… J'ai pas trop envie d'alourdir la classe en fait.

Notice support !

$this->Notice = $this->Success ? 
    new Notice\Success('Qualification réussie') : 
    new Notice\Error('Echec');
// to display the notice elsewhere

Polyfony\Query : Bugfix for Joins

    // secure a column name
    private function secure($column, $full_escape=false) {
        // full escape means that even dots will be escaped (usefull for joins parameters)
        $regex = $full_escape ? '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/' : '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.]/';
        // apply the regex
        $column = preg_replace($regex, '', $column);    
        // return cleaned column
// add a condition
    public function where($conditions) {
        // if provided conditions are an array
        if(is_array($conditions)) {
            // for each provided strict condition
            foreach($conditions as $column => $value) {
                // if the column name not numeric
                if(!is_numeric($column)) {
                    // secure the column name
                    $column = $this->secure($column);
                    // if the operator is missing
                    if(!$this->Operator) {
                        // force AND operator
                        $this->Operator = 'AND';
                    // save the condition
                    $this->Conditions[] = "{$this->Operator} ( {$column} = :{$this->secure($column,true)} )";
                    // save the value
                    $this->Values[":{$this->secure($column,true)}"] = $value;
                // column name in a number
                else {
                    // throw an exception
                    Throw new Exception('giQuery->where() : Column name cannot be a number');
        // return self to the next method

[Insight] Files should not be executable

Your project contains files with permissive permissions. In order to avoid opening a security breach, you should restrict execution rights on following files:

  • Private/Bundles/Tools/Controllers/Main.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Bundles.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Filesystem.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Keys.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Response.php
chmod a-x 'Private/Bundles/Tools/Controllers/Main.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Bundles.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Filesystem.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Keys.php' \

Posted from SensioLabsInsight


$input = new HTML\Element::input();

$element = new HTML\Element('div')

types: div, span, optgroup…

[Insight] Boolean should be compared strictly - in Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Route.php, line 66

in Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Route.php, line 66

With booleans, only strict comparison (with !== operator) should be used to lower bug risks and to improve performances.


    // set the destination for that route
    public function destination($bundle, $controller=null, $action=null) {
        $this->bundle = $bundle;
        $this->controller = $controller != null ? $controller : 'Index';
        $this->action = $action != null ? $action : null;
        return $this;

Posted from SensioLabsInsight

[Insight] Files should not be executable

Your project contains files with permissive permissions. In order to avoid opening a security breach, you should restrict execution rights on following files:

  • Private/Bundles/Demo/Controllers/.gitignore
  • Private/Bundles/Demo/Loader/.gitignore
  • Private/Bundles/Demo/Loader/Route.php
  • Private/Bundles/Demo/Locales/.gitignore
  • Private/Bundles/Demo/Views/.gitignore
  • Private/Bundles/Tools/Controllers/.gitignore
  • Private/Bundles/Tools/Loader/.gitignore
  • Private/Bundles/Tools/Loader/Route.php
  • Private/Bundles/Tools/Views/.gitignore
  • Private/Config/Config.ini
  • Private/Config/Dev.ini
  • Private/Config/Prod.ini
  • Private/Storage/Cache/.gitignore
  • Private/Storage/Data/.gitignore
  • Private/Storage/Logs/.gitignore
  • Private/Storage/Store/.gitignore
  • Private/Vendor/.gitignore
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Cache.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Config.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Controller.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Database.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Exception.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Form.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Format.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Front.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Loader.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Locales.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Notice.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Notice/Danger.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Notice/Success.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Notice/Warning.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Profiler.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Query.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Record.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Request.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Response.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Route.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Router.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Runtime.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Security.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Store/Apc.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Store/Cookie.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Store/Database.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Store/Filesystem.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Store/Memcache.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Store/Request.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Store/Session.php
  • Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Validate.php
  • Public/Assets/.gitignore
  • Public/index.php
chmod a-x '' \
    'Private/Bundles/Demo/Controllers/.gitignore' \
    'Private/Bundles/Demo/Loader/.gitignore' \
    'Private/Bundles/Demo/Loader/Route.php' \
    'Private/Bundles/Demo/Locales/.gitignore' \
    'Private/Bundles/Demo/Views/.gitignore' \
    'Private/Bundles/Tools/Controllers/.gitignore' \
    'Private/Bundles/Tools/Loader/.gitignore' \
    'Private/Bundles/Tools/Loader/Route.php' \
    'Private/Bundles/Tools/Views/.gitignore' \
    'Private/Config/Config.ini' \
    'Private/Config/Dev.ini' \
    'Private/Config/Prod.ini' \
    'Private/Storage/Cache/.gitignore' \
    'Private/Storage/Data/.gitignore' \
    'Private/Storage/Logs/.gitignore' \
    'Private/Storage/Store/.gitignore' \
    'Private/Vendor/.gitignore' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Cache.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Config.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Controller.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Database.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Exception.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Form.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Format.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Front.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Loader.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Locales.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Notice.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Notice/Danger.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Notice/Success.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Notice/Warning.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Profiler.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Query.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Record.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Request.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Response.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Route.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Router.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Runtime.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Security.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Store/Apc.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Store/Cookie.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Store/Database.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Store/Filesystem.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Store/Memcache.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Store/Request.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Store/Session.php' \
    'Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Validate.php' \
    'Public/Assets/.gitignore' \
    'Public/index.php' \

Posted from SensioLabsInsight

Tools / CRUD generator

Ask : the bundle name, the table name.

Generate (using bootstrap classes) :

../Private/Bundles/Name/Controller/TableController.php // with sanitisation and notice object

[Insight] Logical operators should be avoided - in Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Format.php, line 91

in Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Format.php, line 91

The or operator does not have the same precedence as ||.
This could lead to unexpected behavior, use || instead.

            return '';
        if (empty($phrase)) {
        return $text;
        if (is_array($phrase) or ($phrase instanceof sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator)) {
            foreach ($phrase as $word) {
                $pattern[] = '/('.preg_quote($word, '/').')/i';
                $replacement[] = $highlighter;

Posted from SensioLabsInsight

Storage abstraction

Storage engines :

// cookie
// session
// database (table/blob)
// filesystem
// memcache
// apc
// request (volatile)

interface StorageInterface
     * Check whether the variable exists in the store.
     * @access public
     * @param  string  $variable The name of the variable to check existence of.
     * @return boolean           If the variable exists or not.
    public static function has($variable);
     * Store a variable for use.
     * @access public
     * @param  string  $variable  The name of the variable to store.
     * @param  mixed   $value     The data we wish to store.
     * @param  boolean $overwrite Whether we are allowed to overwrite the variable.
     * @return boolean            If we managed to store the variable.
    public static function put($variable, $value, $overwrite);
     * Return the variable's value from the store.
     * @access public
     * @param  string $variable The name of the variable in the store.
     * @return mixed
    public static function get($variable);
     * Remove the variable in the store.
     * @access public
     * @param  string $variable The name of the variable to remove.
     * @return boolean          If the variable was removed successfully.
    public static function remove($variable);

Filesystem.php static class

$filesystem = new Filesystem();

$filesystem->copy($originFile, $targetFile, $override = false);

$filesystem->mkdir($dirs, $mode = 0777);

$filesystem->touch($files, $time = null, $atime = null);



$filesystem->chmod($files, $mode, $umask = 0000, $recursive = false);

$filesystem->chown($files, $user, $recursive = false);

$filesystem->chgrp($files, $group, $recursive = false);

$filesystem->rename($origin, $target);

$filesystem->symlink($originDir, $targetDir, $copyOnWindows = false);

$filesystem->makePathRelative($endPath, $startPath);

$filesystem->mirror($originDir, $targetDir, \Traversable $iterator = null, $options = array());


[Insight] Unused method, property, variable or parameter - in Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Query.php, line 118

in Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Query.php, line 118

This null local variable is declared but never used. You should remove it.

                list($this->Table) = explode(' ',$table);
            // in case of DELETE or SELECT
            elseif($action == 'DELETE' or $action == 'SELECT') {
                // explode after FROM 
                list($null,$table) = explode('FROM ',$this->Query);
                // isolate the table name
                list($this->Table) = explode(' ',$table);
            // clean the table name from any quotes
            $this->Table = trim($this->Table,'\'/"`');

Posted from SensioLabsInsight

[Insight] Error silenced by the at sign (@) - in Private/Vendor/PHPMailer/PHPMailer.php, line 616

in Private/Vendor/PHPMailer/PHPMailer.php, line 616

Adding "@" before mail($to, $subject, $body, $header) prevents warning and errors during this function execution from being displayed.
If you need to do that, you should probably implement a better way to qualify and recover from errors, using Exceptions.

            $subject = $this->secureHeader($subject);
        } else {
            $subject = $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($subject));
        if (ini_get('safe_mode') || !($this->UseSendmailOptions)) {
            $result = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $header);
        } else {
            $result = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $header, $params);
        return $result;

Posted from SensioLabsInsight

Security : redirect to Config[router] exit_route when logout

// internal method to refuse access
private static function refuse($message='Forbidden', $code='403', $logout=false, $redirect=true) {
    // remove any existing session cookie
    !$logout ?: Store\Cookie::remove(Config::get('security','cookie'));

    if($logout) {
        // we will redirect to the logout page
        !$redirect ?: Response::setRedirect(Config::get('router','exit_route'), 3);
    } else {
        // we will redirect to the login page
        !$redirect ?: Response::setRedirect(Config::get('router','login_route'), 3);
    // trhow a polyfony exception that by itself will stop the execution with maybe a nice exception handler
    Throw new Exception($message,$code);

[Insight] Include statements should not be used - in Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Router.php, line 235

in Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Router.php, line 235

Using include() or require() bypasses lazy-loading of third-party classes. Prefer using autoloading.

        if(!file_exists($script)) {
            // new polyfony exception
            Throw new Exception("Dispatcher::forward() : Missing controller file [{$script}]",500); 
        // include the controller's file
        // if class is missing from the controller and not in error route
        if(!class_exists($class,false)) {
            // new polyfony exception
            Throw new Exception("Dispatcher::forward() : Missing controller class [{$class}] in [{$script}]",500);  

Posted from SensioLabsInsight

isser, setter, hasser, getter…

$camelized = $this->camelize($property);
        $reflClass = new \ReflectionClass($object);
        $getter = 'get'.$camelized;
        $getsetter = lcfirst($camelized); // jQuery style, e.g. read: last(), write: last($item)
        $isser = 'is'.$camelized;
        $hasser = 'has'.$camelized;
        $classHasProperty = $reflClass->hasProperty($property);
        if ($reflClass->hasMethod($getter) && $reflClass->getMethod($getter)->isPublic()) {
            $result[self::VALUE] = $object->$getter();
        } elseif ($this->isMethodAccessible($reflClass, $getsetter, 0)) {
            $result[self::VALUE] = $object->$getsetter();
        } elseif ($reflClass->hasMethod($isser) && $reflClass->getMethod($isser)->isPublic()) {
            $result[self::VALUE] = $object->$isser();
        } elseif ($reflClass->hasMethod($hasser) && $reflClass->getMethod($hasser)->isPublic()) {
            $result[self::VALUE] = $object->$hasser();
        } elseif ($reflClass->hasMethod('__get') && $reflClass->getMethod('__get')->isPublic()) {
            $result[self::VALUE] = $object->$property;
        } elseif ($classHasProperty && $reflClass->getProperty($property)->isPublic()) {
            $result[self::VALUE] = & $object->$property;
            $result[self::IS_REF] = true;
        } elseif (!$classHasProperty && property_exists($object, $property)) {
            // Needed to support \stdClass instances. We need to explicitly
            // exclude $classHasProperty, otherwise if in the previous clause
            // a *protected* property was found on the class, property_exists()
            // returns true, consequently the following line will result in a
            // fatal error.
            $result[self::VALUE] = & $object->$property;
            $result[self::IS_REF] = true;
        } elseif ($this->magicCall && $reflClass->hasMethod('__call') && $reflClass->getMethod('__call')->isPublic()) {
            // we call the getter and hope the __call do the job
            $result[self::VALUE] = $object->$getter();
        } else {
            $methods = array($getter, $getsetter, $isser, $hasser, '__get');
            if ($this->magicCall) {
                $methods[] = '__call';


$mail = new Mail($template=null);
function set($var, $value, $escape=false) {
$value = $escape ? Format::htmlSafe($value) : $value;
str_replace("__{$var}__", $value , $template);

Record->set( array ) allow the method set to take an array as parameter

instead of

if(pf\Request::isPost()) {
    foreach(pf\Request::post('Affairs') as $column => $value) {
        $this->affair->set($column, $value);

it could allow us to

if(pf\Request::isPost()) {

with the set method checking that the column (attributes) do exists before setting them.

[Insight] Boolean should be compared strictly - in Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Response.php, line 61

in Private/Vendor/Polyfony/Response.php, line 61

With booleans, only strict comparison (with === operator) should be used to lower bug risks and to improve performances.

    // init the response
    public static function init() {

        // check if we can render a response from the cache
        self::isCached() == false ?: self::renderFromCache();
        // start the output buffer
        // set default assets
        self::$_assets = array(
            // as empty arrays

Posted from SensioLabsInsight

[Insight] Error silenced by the at sign (@) - in Private/Vendor/PHPMailer/PHPMailer.php, line 1109

in Private/Vendor/PHPMailer/PHPMailer.php, line 1109

Adding "@" before $mail = popen($sendmail, 'w') prevents warning and errors during this function execution from being displayed.
If you need to do that, you should probably implement a better way to qualify and recover from errors, using Exceptions.

                $sendmail = sprintf('%s -oi -t', escapeshellcmd($this->Sendmail));
        if ($this->SingleTo === true) {
            foreach ($this->SingleToArray as $toAddr) {
                if (!@$mail = popen($sendmail, 'w')) {
                    throw new \Polyfony\Exception($this->lang('execute') . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL);
                fputs($mail, 'To: ' . $toAddr . "\n");
                fputs($mail, $header);
                fputs($mail, $body);

Posted from SensioLabsInsight

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