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digit_ui's Issues

MIDI Sync issues - LFO running out of sync

Hey everyone,

I'm running into some sync issues here.

  • Using my Digitone as master clock. My signal chain on Hector is MIDI clock in - > LFO - > Euclidean. After short time Euclidian starts to fall behind.
    I also tried triggering Oscillators directly with the LFO but it's the same thing. If I change the LFO's Tempo Multiplier to 1.001 it's better but still a bit too slow. At 1.002 it's already too fast.
    Drum Patterns accepts MIDI clock directly and seems to work fine - so the problem must lie with the LFO.

  • (Idk if this issue can be addressed from the Hector-side) Using Polyend Tracker as master clock. Everytime playback starts on the Tracker, Hector needs around 11 seconds to catch up. The problem here seems to be, that the Tracker (unlike Digitone) doesn't send out a clock signal when stopped/paused.

Feature Request: preset snapshots

Nrt sure if this is the right place for this:

Please provide some way to save & manage preset snapshots. My frame of reference is the helix system: there are presets, and then specific parameters within that preset can be tagged as snapshot-able (so, not all params are automatically able to be snapshot). Then the user just puts the dial where they want and saves the snapshot. These snapshots can also be named.

These snapshots should also be recallable via some MIDI command.

In summary:

  • each variable parameter in any preset module may be set to use snapshots
  • all preset module variables default to no snapshot
  • user selectively enables parameters in any preset module
  • user can save current snapshot with a user-specified name
  • there is some limit to the number of snapshots for each preset TBD but 3 is probably too few; maybe 8?
  • snapshots are changeable via MIDI command (probably some CC message where value would be the snapshot number)
  • user is able to browse existing snapshots for the current preset, and additionally can manage (create, copy, delete, rename) snapshots in this view

Thank you!

Cv to midi bug

After checking that clock out is perfectly working, i try to send any controller to an external gear (tried chaos, lfo, drum pattern) and sometimes it seems to work but suddenly it crush down.

Receiving midi on all channels (3.1)

When tapping the midi learn function next to a parameter inside a module, Beebo is responding to a midi message sent out on any channel, regardless of what channel Beebo is actually set to.

The midi CC module does work as intended, and only responds to CC #s and values sent on the assigned midi channel.

Git build issue

$ qmake 
Info: creating stash file /home/alex/soft/sound/polyeffects/digit_ui/.qmake.stash
/home/alex/soft/sound/polyeffects/digit_ui/icons/icons.qrc: Warning: potential duplicate alias detected: 'connect.svg'
WARNING: Failure to find: /home/alex/soft/sound/polyeffects/digit_ui/qml/ionicons.js
icons/icons.qrc: Warning: potential duplicate alias detected: 'connect.svg'

which eventually leads to...

make: *** No rule to make target 'qml/ionicons.js', needed by 'qml_ionicons_js.cpp'. Stop.

Delay module bug - unwanted distorted repeats

Delay module repeats unwanted digital distortion. To replicate:

  1. Set up a delay in parallel to a dry signal flowing from in to out.
  2. In the delay module, set level to 1 and Feedback to 0
  3. Play a note. The delay module will play the first repeat correctly but an unwanted second repeat will sound with heavy digital distortion.

Looper Footswitches

No bug but an enhancement. I wish there was a global setting screen for FS assignment. For example with a simple list of FS-options and a list for actions (Dropdown indicated by letter v). For example:

Single Tap A - > Record/Overdub selected loop (if "add loop" is selected, create and record into new loop) v
Double Tap A -> Unassigned v
Hold A -> Reverse selected loop v
Single Tap B -> Circle through loop v
Double Tap B -> Unassigned v
Hold B -> Unassigned v
Single Tap C -> Pause loop v
Double Tap C - > Unassigned v
Hold C -> Delete loop v

That way the looper could be used out of the box with the available footswitches.

Replace still producing clicking even when crossfade is cranked (3.2 beta 2)

Hi all - very happy to have a Beebo to work with, and very impressed with what's been done so far!

I'm noticing that even when crossfade is maxed out, I'm still getting a clicking sound using replace - mainly when exiting replace, and going back to the original loop, it seems. Cranking up crossfade DOES help with clicking in general, compared to having it at zero, but there's still some clicking present with crossfade all the way up.


Is there any chance we could get comparator module in a future update? I know there an audio effect in the meta modulator, but to have a separate logic module would be great - in a similar vein a flip flop would also be very useful

Issues with Twist Delay, Loopler

  • When I delete a "loop in" module, save the preset and reload that preset, the "loop in" module comes back.
  • Another issue I found was with the twist delay, which I'm using for ping pong delay. I assigned a foot switch to the wet/dry mix to turn on and off the delay. I connected a signal to input 1 of the delay. When the delay is "turned off", or when the mix is all dry, the audio only comes out on output 1. This is troublesome since I'm running a stereo setup, and audio is slanted on one side. If I connect the signal to both input 1 and input 2 of the delay, the problem goes away but the delay is no longer ping pong but a normal delay. I would suggest changing the wet/dry mix to effects level to get rid of this problem.
  • I also want to suggest adding tap tempo capability for twist delay
  • I'm using firmware version 3.18

Add RESET Input to Drum Patterns and Chaos module

A RESET Input on Drum Patterns and Chaos modules would help greatly in achieving proper MIDI sync between the Beebo and other devices when making "beats" on the Beebo.
A START/STOP output should be also added to the MIDI to CLOCK module.

Bug(s) found on 3.2 beta 2

Adding a loop does not record/overdub to the new loop, always at Loop 0.

Loop volume is significantly lower than original audio. Tried all settings within the looper modules and it didn't change.

Deleting loops sometimes "freezes" Beebo, especially those with recorded audio.

MIDI mapping on some parameters over MIDI-USB do not register quickly or at all. This almost always happens on the modulation tab of the synth modules (those I tried) when I try to map them to my Bass Station 2.


Add a soft reset function (like a smartphone) in the event the Beebo "freezes".

Add CV inputs to looper, if that's possible.

Ability to save/load loops to/from USB, if possible.

Ability to run multiple looper modules for different sound sources.

Looper/MIDI Issues with 3.4 firmware

Loopler midi cc bindings aren't saved with the patch but must be manually rebound following patch load.

This issue was reportedly resolved in ticket #22 via 3.4 firmware but I'm still unable to save midi cc bindings as follows:

  1. Load Loopler module
  2. Assign midi cc to loopler function (e.g. record button)
  3. confirm midi assignment is controlling the loopler function as expected
  4. save patch ('loopler patch')
  5. load another patch
  6. reload loopler patch
  7. midi assignment made in step 2 no longer works.

Looper settings bug

if you press the plus or minus button on Looper global settings spin boxes for longer than a few seconds, the units restarts.

Suggestions for Hector

Stereo mixer with faders and panning, sine/saw/square VCO, wavetable osc, sampler, multimode filter, virtual buttons/encoder, MIDI out, note sequencer, real-time display of module activity, custom macros from standard modules, convolution reverb wet/dry control, renaming modules (not just VCA,VCA1, VXCA2, etc), snap to grid/auto-align option, screensaver, CPU/display optimisation (perhaps an edit mode with touch display priority?), other open source ports (Organelle?). Just to be getting on with. πŸ˜ƒ

Loopler Global Settings Defaults

Would be nice to be able to set default settings for new loops in the loopler global settings. So every new loop that get's created has then the settings previously configured eg. Sync y/n, Feedback level, etc.

Another nice addition for the global settings would be a checkbox that says "Save Loopler State in Preset". This would make sure that all the global settings and loops that you have configured are saved in the preset.

Phantom loop duplication per session (3.2 Beta 2)

Problem: Loop Common In and Loop Common Out work incorrectly if instantiated in more than one patch on a single boot. Each new instantiation adds an additional loop to the UI and it doesn't function correctly.

How to get error to repeat:

  1. On initial boot create and save a patch with Loop Common In and Loop Common Out connected.
  2. Create an empty preset and repeat the procedure. Opening either module will show two Loops.
  3. Save and repeat this process. You will now have three loops.

These phantom loops cannot be deleted and do not appear to work.

Resetting power will return to normal functionality.

Looper issues

Assigning a foot pedal to a loop function works fine, however if you delete that loop and press that same footswitch the pedal completely freezes.

the delay button on the looper doesn't seem to work (might be user error).

not sure if this is by design, but by reading up on the EDP, replace and substitute should be momentary switches but on beebo are latching.

Also not a bug but I think it would be more useful, in the cycles readout, to see how many cycles that particular loop has instead of how long the cycle is, hope that makes sense.

When you delete a loop, it does not delete the selected loop, it deletes the last loop always

In case it matters in some way, my unit is a Digit S.No. 35
If you need me to clarify anything please let me know.

Looper Dry Through Latency

When sending the dry signal out of the looper, there is a short latency of the dry signal vs the bypass signal.

In & Out's dedicated levels and a mixer

No bug, but could it be possible to have, on each of the 4 in and out, a control for level and maybe for clipping?
I found that many presets i have made with different routing options, and depending on the type of effects, it results on very loud levels and makes some clipping.
VCA's seems not to be the best solution.

By the way, a dedicated mixer with at least 4 inputs, would be great and very useful.

Screen freeze (3.2 beta 2)

I was messing with the synth modules yesterday without the looper. After some time (probably 15 - 30 minutes in), the screen froze on the Granular module parameters. There's output sound but I can not tweak the parameters of the Granular module nor get back to the home screen (the icon does not appear); moreover, the left-most icons show the connect/disconnect icon and nothing else.


it would be great to add a couple of controls to the CONVOLUTION REVERB modules.
Something like the basic controls on the Max for Live Convolution Reverb (DECAY, SIZE, PREDELAY) would be really helpful in shaping the sound of our IRs.

Beebo Looper/Granular/Doepp Question

Hi all. Anyone have experience with crashing Beebo?!
Has a tendency to occasionally crash after 10-20 mins depending (I think) on how much processing I'm applying on the patch below. (Finding this a bit stressful onstage).
Not sure if it's a looper issue or if coupling looper with granular or doeppler is just too much. (Consistently reads below 70% cpu)
Was quad out, brought it down to stereo but the problem persists.
Using a Korg Nano controller with it.

Any advice appreciated!


Would love to see a screensaver. Have a setting where you can set the amount of screen dim you want when in bypass mode or after a certain time of inactivity. From 100% brightness to off.

July 3rd Loopler bugs update

Hi all - a quick update/reminder on things I've found, after going through it and doing a first video. These aren't feature requests, but bugs.

  1. Clicks/pops when using Replace and Remultiply still happen, and still occur when crossfade is set well above 0.

Here are two patches: A2 was made with an earlier firmware version, and if used as is (i.e. without altering the patch), it NEVER produces pops or clicks. It also responds to crossfade settings very well.

Loopler wtih and without

Whenever I do subsequent changes to the A2 patch (as in the A 22 patch), the pops start showing up.

  1. Using reverse followed by overdub (while still in reverse) tends to overwrite part of the loop with silence. This happens less often if engaging overdub AFTER going into reverse.

  2. Multiply (just straight integer values, not crazy unrounded multiply with freaky decimals) usually behaves fine, but sometimes seems to either add an extra cycle, or do odd/glitchy appending at the start/end point. This is a more obscure bug, and not one that I've been able to trace to any particular sequence of events.

  3. Unrounded multiply (arbitrarily redefining the loop length outside of integer values), executed by setting the new start point with "multiply" and the new end point with "record," is also erratic. Sometimes it behaves well, sometimes not. It seems to be most reliable and "correct" if the new start and end points are both within a single iteration's worth of the loop.

Huge thanks again to Loki for all of this! Please let me know how I can help on this end. :)


Beta2 Looper - suggested enhancements to workflow & two bugs

Suggested enhancements:
1.) In an empty loop, if the 'overdub' function is assigned to a foot switch, this command will also trigger the record function. This would mean you don't need to assign the record function to an additional foot switch or use the touch screen for the purpose of initialising the loop.

2.) it'd be more intuitive if the 'Cycles' readout for each loop stated the number of multiples for each loop rather than the length of the initial loop prior to loop multiplying. (i.e if the initial loop is 4 seconds long, which is then multiplied to be 12 seconds long, the cycles would read back '3')

1.) When a loop is playing back in reverse, overdubbing will cause a glitch and short loss of audio at the start/end point of the loop (altering the crossfade does not appear to rectify this issue)
2.) Trying to assign the D & E footswitches to looper commands produces inconsistent results
3.) When working with multiple loops, when you press the 'Add Loop' button, it automatically moves the view of your loops back to Loop 0, when it should stay at the loop you've just added

Using Pitch or Stretch bugs out the audio

Rate works fine.
If pitch or stretch is changed even slightly the audio starts glitching.
It doesn't change when returning pitch to 0 or stretch to 1.
It remains glitchy until new audio is recorded over the buffer.
Overdubbing doesn't change the glitching.
DSP shows as 65% on my patch (attached).
Slight glitching seems to be evident when multiplying loops also.

Feature request for latency management - hardware parallel mix and channel bypass

Two feature requests to help Beebo better manage latency by removing unnecessary use of AD/DA conversion:

  1. Enable Beebo to mix the dry (pre AD conversion) signal with the wet (post Beebo FX) signal. This would remove latency as an issue for folks using Beebo as a parallel reverb or looper as the dry signal would never go through the AD/DA conversion.
  2. Enable Beebo to control individual I/O channel hardware bypass. Currently Beebo supports global hardware bypass of all I/Os, but adding some control of individual I/Os would enable users to use hardware bypass for individual channels and avoid unnecessary AD/DA conversions (and consequent 'double latency' for 4CM setups).

Multiple audio I/Os (e.g. 4CM) introduces unwanted clipping

Beebo introduces unwanted clipping when multiple I/Os are used in a patch. Clipping disappears if one of the I/Os is physically bypassed, even though the levels remain the same.

To replicate this test you will need a guitar amp with an FX send/return:

  1. Create a patch that connects Beebo input 1 to Beebo output 1 and Beebo input 3 to Beebo output 3.
  2. Connect Beebo output 1 to the amp's input, the amp's FX send to Beebo input 3 and the amp's return to Beebo output 3.
  3. Connect a delay module between input 3 and output 3. Set Level to 1 and Feedback to 0.
  4. Plug a guitar into Beebo input 1 make a 'chk chk' noise to hear the delay repeat. Notice that Beebo makes a second unwanted distorted delay sound.
  5. Unplug the amp from Beebo output 1 and connect the guitar directly to the amp (bypassing the connection between input 1 and output 1). Make the same sound made in step 4. Notice that even though the signal level remains the same, the distorted delay sound has gone.

Loopler/MIDI issues with 3.3 firmware

I've found these loopler issues relating to MIDI with the new 3.3 firmware:

  • binding any midi cc to a loopler control automatically binds Beebo switch C to record/play. This prevents switch C from controlling hardware bypass on the patch, and Beebo becomes 'unbypassable'.
  • loopler midi cc bindings aren't saved with the patch but must be manually rebound following patch load.

Delay module time (ms) control on rotary

Could it be possible to adjust the time on the delay module with the left (fine adjustment knob) by 1 ms increments.
As the gab between value make it not usable friendly.

Maybe the second knob can go in 200 ms increments

Don't hesitate to move the issue in the proper area.

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