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gloria's Introduction


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Gloria is a minimalist and elegant HTTP client tool designed to embrace the beauty of RESTful style. Gloria draws inspiration from Go resty, Python requests, and JavaScript axios.

English | 简体中文


The term "Gloria" is derived from the hit song in G.E.M.'s album "Revelation". We hope that this library can provide a wonderful experience just like G.E.M.'s music.

Additionally, Gloria carries the meaning of "glory" in Latin, symbolizing the library's design to offer a glorious and elegant way of using the Go HTTP client. Similar to the RESTful specification, it aims to make network requests more in line with human natural habits.

We pay tribute to all those who strive to build internet applications and hope that Gloria can bring them a more comfortable development and user experience.


  • 🪶 Simple, user-friendly, and versatile API design
  • 👏 Unified RESTful-style response implementation using generics
  • 🚀 Support for injecting multiple request and response interceptors
  • 🎁 Support for registering third-party JSON parsing libraries
  • 📝 Detailed colored logging and error tracing capabilities
  • 💃🏼 Elegant error handling with Unwrap (Rust-style)
  • 🧭 Request invocation time and QPS estimation functionality
  • 🌈 Support for GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and more
  • 🎋 Thorough Benchmark testing for optimal performance



Supported versions: Requires the Go T generics feature and a minimum interpreter version of go1.18+.


Using Gloria is easy. First, use go get to install the latest version of the library.

go get -u


import ""



Through the following examples, you can quickly get started and learn about the gloria library.

Simple GET Request

For a real API, you can use: curl -X GET --location ''

Example 1

To demonstrate how to use gloria in a clear way, we will use the NewHTTP() method and explain the steps involved:

Example code: api-httpbin.go   |   Recommended 🌟🌟🌟

// Preparing the response body struct.
type HttpBin struct {
    Args struct {
    } `json:"args"`
    Headers struct {
        Accept                  string `json:"Accept"`
        AcceptEncoding          string `json:"Accept-Encoding"`
        AcceptLanguage          string `json:"Accept-Language"`
        Host                    string `json:"Host"`
        UpgradeInsecureRequests string `json:"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests"`
        UserAgent               string `json:"User-Agent"`
        XAmznTraceId            string `json:"X-Amzn-Trace-Id"`
    } `json:"headers"`
    Origin string `json:"origin"`
    Url    string `json:"url"`

// Building a request using the NewHTTP method.
client := gloria.NewHTTP[HttpBin]()

// Setting the request type.

// Setting the request's request route resource (URL segments: proto, host, baseURI, endpoint).
client.SetURL(gloria.ProtocolHttp, "", "", "/get")

// Sending the request.

// Handling errors.

// Printing request metadata.

/* Output:
[API Call Insights]
  Mode       : HTTP Response
  Error      : <nil>
  Method     : GET
  URL        :
  Status     : 200 OK
  Benchmark  : 1	1534950042 ns/op
  Proto      : HTTP/1.1
  QPS        : 0.651487
  Duration   : 1.534950042s
  Received At: Saturday, 20-May-23 23:28:11 CST
  Body       : -

Example 2

Providing users with a more concise API method and supporting chain loading, so you can write it like this:

Example code: api-httpbin.go   |   Recommended 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

type HttpBin struct {
    // omitted...

// Request
client, _ := gloria.NewHTTP[HttpBin]().SetRequest(gloria.MethodGet, "").Send().Unwrap()

// Retrieve

/* Output:

More Advanced Request Configuration

For a real API, you can use: curl -X GET --location '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example 1

Let's experience the richer configuration options provided by New() and Optional() methods:

Example code: api-cat.go   |   Recommended 🌟🌟🌟🌟

// Preparing the response body struct.
type ImageSearch struct {
    Id     string `json:"id"`
    Url    string `json:"url"`
    Width  int    `json:"width"`
    Height int    `json:"height"`

// Build a more comprehensive request.
func GetCatAPI() {
    // This API returns a slice of struct.
    r := gloria.New[[]ImageSearch]()

        // Whether to enable debug mode.
        // Whether to enable logging.
        // Setting additional parameters using the lambda syntax.
        gloria.Lambda[[]ImageSearch](func(c *gloria.Client[[]ImageSearch]) {
            c.Config.SkipTLS = true
            c.Config.Timeout = gloria.TimeoutMedium
            c.Config.FilterSlash = true // Filter trailing slashes in URLs (use with caution).
            c.Config.IsRestMode = false // If it's a non-standard RESTful response interface, use native HTTP mode by selecting false.
        // Set the request method.
        // Set the request path. This method requires specifying the path in segments.
        SetURL(gloria.ProtocolHttps, "", "/v1", "/images/search").
        // Set multiple request parameters.
            "size":       "med",
            "mime_types": []string{"png", "gif"},
            "format":     "json",
            "order":      "RANDOM",
            "limit":      20,
        // Set multiple request headers.
            "x-api-key": "live_example-api-key",
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
        // Sending the request.


Example 2

Use Default() to load default configurations. In fact, you don't need to worry about the difference between Default() and New(), or what default parameters it adds internally. If you are curious and want to know more, you can use the go doc gloria.Default command to check.

Example code: api-cat.go   |   Recommended 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

type ImageSearch struct {
    // omitted...

// Build a more sophisticated request.
func GetCatAPI() {
    // Note that the Default() method operates in REST mode. To switch to another mode, use ToggleMode().
    r := gloria.Default[[]ImageSearch]().ToggleMode()

        SetRequest(gloria.MethodGet, "").
            "size":       "med",
            "mime_types": []string{"png", "gif"},
            "format":     "json",
            "order":      "RANDOM",
            "limit":      20,
        SetHeader("x-api-key", "live_example-api-key").


Common CRUD Request Operations

Below demonstrates the CRUD operations of the API, including Create [POST], Read [GET], Update [PUT], and Delete [DELETE].

Example of [GET] Request

Example code: api-cat.go   |   Recommended 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

type FavouritesList struct {
    Id        int       `json:"id"`
    UserId    string    `json:"user_id"`
    ImageId   string    `json:"image_id"`
    SubId     string    `json:"sub_id"`
    CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
    Image     struct {
        Id  string `json:"id,omitempty"`
        Url string `json:"url,omitempty"`
    } `json:"image"`

// GET
func main() {
    r := gloria.NewHTTP[[]FavouritesList]()

    r.SetRequest(gloria.MethodGet, "").SetHeaders(gloria.H{
        "x-api-key":    "your-api-key",
        "Content-Type": "application/json",

    for _, v := range r.Data() {

Example of [POST] Request

Example code: api-cat.go   |   Recommended 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

type FavouriteImgResp struct {
    Message string `json:"message"`
    Id      int    `json:"id"`

type FavouriteImgBody struct {
    ImageId string `json:"image_id"`
    SubId   string `json:"sub_id"`

func main() {
    data := FavouriteImgBody{
        ImageId: "12345",
        SubId:   "my-key-12345",

    r := gloria.NewHTTP[FavouriteImgResp]()

    r.SetRequest(gloria.MethodPost, "").SetHeaders(gloria.H{
        "x-api-key":    "your-api-key",
        "Content-Type": "application/json",

    fmt.Println("post_id:", r.Data().Id)

Example of [PUT] Request

No example available. Please refer to the POST method for reference.

Example of [DELETE] Request

Example code: api-cat.go   |   Recommended 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

type Result struct {
    Message string `json:"message"`

func main() {
    r := gloria.NewHTTP[Result]()

    r.SetRequest(gloria.MethodDelete, "", "232338734").SetHeaders(gloria.H{
        "x-api-key":    "your-api-key",
        "Content-Type": "application/json",

    fmt.Println("message:", r.Data().Message)

Two Response Modes

There are two different response modes: HTTP mode and REST mode. Let's explain the differences between them!

In the HTTP mode, the response data can be of any format. As shown in the previous example, there are no specific conventions or standards to follow. It provides more flexibility.

In the REST mode, if your response follows the format shown below:

  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": Object,

Understood! In the REST mode, we directly parse the data in the data field, making your data request and response more straightforward and direct.

Below is a table summarizing the API usage:

Response Format Method Selection Scenario Description
HTTP mode Method 1: New().ToggleMode()
Method 2: Default().ToggleMode()
Method 3: NewHTTP() // Essence: Same as Method 1.
If your response format is non-standard for RESTful response interface, please use the more general HTTP mode.
REST mode Method 1: New()
Method 2: Default()
Method 3: NewREST() // Essence: Same as Method 1.
When your response format follows the standard RESTful response interface, like: {"code": 0, "msg": "success", "data": null}

REST Syntactic Sugar

Advantage: The syntax is simpler, and all configurations are parsed and sent within this function. Therefore, it can be seen as an advantage as well as a disadvantage.

Disadvantage: As mentioned above, it does not currently support more advanced syntax, such as chaining other settings directly within these function calls. Hence, it limits the flexibility to inject other configurations in a chain-like manner.

When using the REST mode to construct and handle requests, two additional convenient syntax sugars are provided.

Python Requests-style

Example code: requests-style.go   |   Recommended 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

func Request[T any](path string, params H, data any, headers ...H) ExecMethod[T]

func GET[T any](path string, params H, headers ...H) *Client[T]

func POST[T any](path string, params H, data any, headers ...H) *Client[T]

func PUT[T any](path string, params H, data any, headers ...H) *Client[T]

func DELETE[T any](path string, params H, data any, headers ...H) *Client[T]

func PATCH[T any](path string, params H, data any, headers ...H) *Client[T]

func HEAD[T any](path string, params H, headers ...H) *Client[T]

func OPTIONS[T any](path string, headers ...H) *Client[T]

JavaScript Axios-style

Example code: try-catch-style.go   |   Recommended 🌟🌟🌟🌟

    Then(func(data T) {}).
    Catch(func(e *gloria.Exception) {}).
    Finally(func(c *gloria.Client[Result]) {}, bool)

More API Function Signatures

Construction Function Related

func New[T any]() *Client[T]
func Default[T any]() *Client[T]

func NewREST[T any]() *Client[T]
func NewHTTP[T any]() *Client[T]

Option Configuration Related

func (c *Client[T]) Optional(fns ...ClientFunc[T]) *Client[T]

func Lambda[T any](f func(*Client[T])) ClientFunc[T]

func WithTimeout[T any](timeout time.Duration) ClientFunc[T]
func WithSkipTLS[T any](skipTLS bool) ClientFunc[T]
func WithIsDebug[T any](isDebug bool) ClientFunc[T]
func WithUseLogger[T any](enabled bool) ClientFunc[T]

func (c *Client[T]) ToggleMode() *Client[T]                     // Toggle to the other mode.
func (c *Client[T]) FilterUrlSlash() *Client[T]                 // Trailing slashes in URLs will be automatically filtered out.
func (c *Client[T]) DefineOkCode(code int) *Client[T]           // Set a custom success value to be used as a basis for automatically determining business failures.
func (c *Client[T]) RegisterJsonLib(lib JSONLibrary) *Client[T] // Register JSON parsing library, and you can choose popular third-party libraries independently and dynamically.

Request Configuration Related

func (c *Client[T]) SetMethod(method string) *Client[T]

func (c *Client[T]) SetSchema(scheme string) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) SetHost(host string) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) SetBaseURI(baseUri string) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) SetEndpoint(endpoint string) *Client[T]

func (c *Client[T]) SetURL(scheme, host, baseUri, endpoint string) *Client[T]

func (c *Client[T]) SetRequest(method, path string, pathParams ...string) *Client[T]

func (c *Client[T]) SetQueryParam(key, value string) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) SetQueryParams(params H) *Client[T]

func (c *Client[T]) SetHeader(key, value string) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) SetHeaders(headers H) *Client[T]

func (c *Client[T]) SetCookie(cookie *http.Cookie) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) SetCookies(cookies []*http.Cookie) *Client[T]

func (c *Client[T]) SetBasicAuth(username, password string) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) SetBearerAuth(token string) *Client[T]

func (c *Client[T]) SetAccept(accept string) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) SetContentType(ct string) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) SetLanguage(lang string) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) SetUserAgent(ua string) *Client[T]

Middleware hooks Related

func (c *Client[T]) UsePreHooks(funcs ...beforeRequest[T])
func (c *Client[T]) UsePostHooks(funcs ...afterResponse[T])

Request and Response handling Related

func (c *Client[T]) Send() *Client[T]

func (c *Client[T]) Unwrap() (*Client[T], string)

func GET[T any](path string, params H, headers ...H) *Client[T]
func POST[T any](path string, params H, data any, headers ...H) *Client[T]
func PUT[T any](path string, params H, data any, headers ...H) *Client[T]
func DELETE[T any](path string, params H, data any, headers ...H) *Client[T]
func PATCH[T any](path string, params H, data any, headers ...H) *Client[T]
func HEAD[T any](path string, params H, headers ...H) *Client[T]
func OPTIONS[T any](path string, headers ...H) *Client[T]

func Request[T any](path string, params H, data any, headers ...H) ExecMethod[T]

func (c *Client[T]) Then(cb CallbackOk[T]) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) Catch(cb CallbackErr) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) Finally(cb CallbackExtra[T], printLog ...bool)

func (c *Client[T]) Data() T

Retrieving settings Related (Getters)

func (c *Client[T]) Query(q string) string
func (c *Client[T]) QueryParams() SMap

func (c *Client[T]) Header(key string) string
func (c *Client[T]) Headers() http.Header

func (c *Client[T]) Cookie(name string) (*http.Cookie, error)
func (c *Client[T]) Cookies() []*http.Cookie

Print information Related

func (c *Client[T]) Echo()

func (c *Client[T]) EchoURL() (string, string)
func (c *Client[T]) EchoCode() (int, int)
func (c *Client[T]) EchoMessage() (string, string)
func (c *Client[T]) EchoProto() string
func (c *Client[T]) EchoMode() string
func (c *Client[T]) EchoQPS() float64
func (c *Client[T]) EchoBenchmark() (int, int64)
func (c *Client[T]) EchoTime() (time.Duration, time.Time)

Logging information Related

func (l level) ANSIColorCode() string

func (c *Client[T]) ChalkObj(level level, obj any) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) ChalkStr(level level, s string) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) ChalkInt(level level, n int) *Client[T]
func (c *Client[T]) ChalkPrintf(level level, format string, args ...any) *Client[T]

Injecting Interceptors for HTTP

Injection timing

Please note the timing of loading request and response interceptors (middlewares):

client := New[any]()


// Add multiple request hooks
client.UsePreHooks(func(c *Client[[]ImageSearch]) error {
    fmt.Println("1. I am a request hook 🪝🪝🪝")
    return nil
}, func(c *Client[[]ImageSearch]) error {
    fmt.Println("2. I am a request hook 🐒🐒🐒")
    return nil

// Add multiple response hooks
client.UsePostHooks(func(c *Client[[]ImageSearch]) error {
    fmt.Println("3. I am a response hook 🪝🪝🪝")
    return nil
}, func(c *Client[[]ImageSearch]) error {
    fmt.Println("4. I am a response hook 🍌🍌🍌")
    return nil

// Note that the hooks should be added before calling Send!

Execution order

First, the request hooks functions will be executed in the order they were added. Then the request will be sent. Finally, the response hooks functions will be executed in the order they were added.

1. I am a request hook 🪝🪝🪝
2. I am a request hook 🐒🐒🐒
Sending request...
3. I am a response hook 🪝🪝🪝
4. I am a response hook 🍌🍌🍌

Register a high-performance JSON parsing library

Sonic library

For example, inject bytedance/sonic an blazingly fast JSON serializing & deserializing library.

import ""

// bytedance/sonic interface implementation
type SonicLibrary struct{}

func (l SonicLibrary) Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
    return sonic.Marshal(v)

func (l SonicLibrary) Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
    return sonic.Unmarshal(data, v)

// how to use?
client := New[any]()


// continue...

Other library

Of course, you can also use jsoniter, easyjson, go-json (with the Default() function), std (with the native New() function), or any other library you prefer.

Some Coding Suggestions

Type Aliases

It is recommended to use predefined type aliases to maintain consistent code style.

type H = map[string]any

type SMap = map[string]string

// ",gif,ico"
// When setting request parameters, it is advisable to use the actual data types instead of relying solely on strings.

/* Good example */
    "uid": 47200957,
    "username": "Mystic",
    "is_output": true,
    "mime_types": ["png", "gif", "ico"],

/* Bad example */
    "uid": "47200957",
    "username": "Mystic",
    "is_output": "true",
    "mime_types": "png,gif,ico",


Predefined constants are preferred over hardcoding numbers or strings directly.

/* Good example */
// Use predefined constants from the gloria package, such as:

// Use predefined constants from the http package, such as:

/* Bad example */


I warmly welcome your contribution! If you come across any areas for improvement or any issues that you would like to fix, please don't hesitate to send a pull request. I appreciate pull requests that include test cases for bug fixes or enhancements. I have put in my best effort to ensure decent code coverage, so feel free to write tests.

By the way, I am curious to hear your thoughts on Gloria. Please feel free to open an issue or send me an email. Your feedback means a great deal to me.


Pokeya Boa ([email protected])


Gloria released under MIT license, refer LICENSE file.

gloria's People


pokeyaro avatar



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