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vigor130's Issues

VDSL Error statistics don't seem to be correct


Just wanted to say thanks for the great Munin plugin.
I'm using it with a Vigor 130, and the data appears to be parsed correctly, as below:

[root@lenovo-p50 Draytek]# ./
multigraph vig130_datarates
attdnrate.value 57962392
attuprate.value 17161686
curdnrate.value 58029000
curuprate.value 17084000
multigraph vig130_snrmargins
snrmargindn.value 6
snrmarginup.value 6
multigraph vig130_attenuation
attenuationdn.value 13
attenuationup.value 14
multigraph vig130_errors1_dn
crcerrsdn.value 9
fecsdn.value 90
esdn.value 8
sesdn.value 0
lossdn.value 0
uasdn.value 41
multigraph vig130_errors1_up
crcerrsup.value 23274
fecsup.value 1984634515
esup.value 16328
sesup.value 33
lossup.value 306
uasup.value 18989

However, when the error values are plotted and values display, the output seems inconsistent with the values shown above.

For example, there are 9 downstream CRC errors shown in the output above, but the value shown for the current value is zero.

Also, with FEC errors, the current value shown above is 90, yet the value display under the graph for current is 33.33u. The screenshot attached shows something different again, as another 5 minute update interval had occurred.

I'm just wondering if you could explain this mismatch, and also what units are being employed here, as they don't seem consistent (which I think is mentioned in the perl).


Error Graphs

Telnet prompt wihout Draytek|Vigor

My Vigor130 has a telnet prompt without the DrayTek or Vigor prefix. I resolved this by adding a question mark to the regex.

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ sub getdslstatuspage($$$) {
   $remote->waitfor('/Password: /');
-  $remote->waitfor('/(DrayTek|Vigor)> /');
+  $remote->waitfor('/(DrayTek|Vigor)?> /');
   $remote->print("vdsl status");
-  ($rv1) = $remote->waitfor('/(DrayTek|Vigor)> /');
+  ($rv1) = $remote->waitfor('/(DrayTek|Vigor)?> /');
   $remote->print("vdsl status more");
-  ($rv2) = $remote->waitfor('/(DrayTek|Vigor)> /');
+  ($rv2) = $remote->waitfor('/(DrayTek|Vigor)?> /');
   return ($rv1.$rv2);

Here's the full telnet output:

Connected to vigor.
Escape character is '^]'.


Password: *****

Type ? for command help

> sys version
Router Model: Vigor130    Version: 3.8.4_m7 English
Profile version: 3.0.0    Status: 1 (0x4a4ea0d6)
Router IP:    Netmask:
Firmware Build Date/Time: Sep 13 2018 13:36:03
Router Name: wan1
Revision: 76500 V376
Current VDSL2 Firmware Version: 05-06-07-06-01-07
ADSL Firmware Version: 05-06-07-02-01-02 Annex B
VDSL2 Firmware Version: 05-06-07-06-01-07

> ^D
Connection closed by foreign host.

Telnet Version ...?

Telnet Version of your vigor130 script for munin for the vigor165 ... telnet is faster 1 sec query time ...

Please take a look

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# You should put a symlink to this plugin into the munin plugindir.
# If you want to show the modem status under the hostname of your router,
# the name of the symlink should be formed like this:
#  SOMETHING_HOSTNAME-OR-IP, e.g. vdslstats_10.10.1.1
# HOSTNAME-OR-IP should be the IP of the modem.
# Note: In this case you can only feed info from one modem per host into munin.
# If you want to show the modem status as an individual host in munin instead,
# use the following naming scheme for the symlink instead:
# In this case you will also have to configure your munin-server accordingly to
# query the new "host" (called virtual node in munin lingo).
# You can use environment variables to configure this script - you'll
# definitely need to do that if you changed the default username/password
# on the modem. This has to go into the munin plugin configuration on the host
# where this script will be executed.
# The following variables are supported:
#   hostname      Hostname or IP of the modem  (default:
#   username      Username for login to the modem (default: admin)
#   password      Password for login to the modem (default: admin)

# Some tuneables:
# Timeout for requests.
my $timeout = 15; # the LWP default of 180 secs would be way too long

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

use Net::Telnet ();

# Par. 0: Hostname/IP
# Par. 1: Username
# Par. 2: Password
# Returns: The contents of the website
sub ltrim { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/^\s+//;       return $s };
sub rtrim { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/\s+$//;       return $s };
sub  trim { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return $s };

sub getdslstatuspage($$$) {
  my $hostname = shift();
  my $username = shift();
  my $password = shift();

  $remote = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => $timeout,Errmode => 'die');
  $remote->waitfor('/Password: /');
  $remote->waitfor('/DrayTek> /');
  $remote->print("vdsl status");
  ($rv1) = $remote->waitfor('/DrayTek> /');
   $remote->print("vdsl status more");
  ($rv2) = $remote->waitfor('/DrayTek> /');
  return ($rv1.$rv2);

if ((@ARGV > 0) && ($ARGV[0] eq "autoconf")) {
my $progname = $0;
my $hostname = '';  # These are the factory defaults of the Vigor 165
my $username = 'admin';
my $password = 'admin';
my $fakehost = '';
if ($progname =~ m/([a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9.]+)_.+/) {
  $fakehost = $1;
  $hostname = $1;
} elsif ($progname =~ m/.+_(.+)/) {
  $hostname = $1;
if (defined($ENV{'hostname'})) { $hostname = $ENV{'hostname'} }
if (defined($ENV{'username'})) { $username = $ENV{'username'} }
if (defined($ENV{'password'})) { $password = $ENV{'password'} }
if ((@ARGV > 0) && ($ARGV[0] eq "config")) {
  if (length($fakehost) > 0) { print("host_name $fakehost\n"); }
  print("multigraph vig165_datarates\n");
  print("graph_category VDSL\n");
  print("graph_title VDSL Data Rate\n");
  print("graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0\n");
  print("graph_vlabel bps\n");
  print("attdnrate.label attainable downstream rate\n");
  print("attdnrate.type GAUGE\n");
  print("attdnrate.draw LINE0.6\n");
  print(" This is the maximum downstream rate the modem thinks it could attain. This is mostly guesswork and not a reliable value.\n");
  print("attuprate.label attainable upstream rate\n");
  print("attuprate.type GAUGE\n");
  print("attuprate.draw LINE0.6\n");
  print(" This is the maximum upstream rate the modem thinks it could attain. This is mostly guesswork and not a reliable value.\n");
  print("curdnrate.label current downstream rate\n");
  print("curdnrate.type GAUGE\n");
  print("curdnrate.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" This is the current downstream rate at which the modem communicates with the DSLAM.\n");
  print("curuprate.label current upstream rate\n");
  print("curuprate.type GAUGE\n");
  print("curuprate.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" This is the current upstream rate at which the modem communicates with the DSLAM.\n");
  print("multigraph vig165_snrmargins\n");
  print("graph_category VDSL\n");
  print("graph_title SNR margins\n");
  print("graph_vlabel dB\n");
  print("snrmargindn.label downstream snr margin\n");
  print("snrmargindn.type GAUGE\n");
  print("snrmargindn.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The current SNR margin for the downstream. SNR margin is the difference between the current SNR value and the minimum SNR value required to sync, so a higher value means a more stable connection.\n");
  print("snrmarginup.label upstream snr margin\n");
  print("snrmarginup.type GAUGE\n");
  print("snrmarginup.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The current SNR margin for the upstream.\n");
  print("multigraph vig165_attenuation\n");
  print("graph_category VDSL\n");
  print("graph_title attenuation\n");
  print("graph_vlabel dB\n");
  print("attenuationdn.label attenuation downstream\n");
  print("attenuationdn.type GAUGE\n");
  print("attenuationdn.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The attenuation on the downstream. Attenuation is how much signal strength is lost on the line, lower is better.\n");
  print("attenuationup.label attenuation upstream\n");
  print("attenuationup.type GAUGE\n");
  print("attenuationup.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The attenuation on the upstream.\n");
  # potential FIXME: These are not in the same units, so a graph combining them
  # all will probably scale wrong. Also, their proportions will depend on the
  # actual line. It might not be possible to combine those all into one graph.
  print("multigraph vig165_errors1_dn\n");
  print("graph_category VDSL\n");
  print("graph_title VDSL Errors Downstream\n");
  print("graph_vlabel n\n");
  print("crcerrsdn.label CRC errors\n");
  print("crcerrsdn.type DERIVE\n");
  print("crcerrsdn.min 0\n");
  print("crcerrsdn.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The number of CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) errors on the" .
        " downstream. Those are corrupted and thus lost packets that required" .
        " resubmission, so these are bad.\n");
  print("fecsdn.label FECS\n");
  print("fecsdn.type DERIVE\n");
  print("fecsdn.min 0\n");
  print("fecsdn.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The number of FECS (Forward Error Correction Seconds) on" .
        " the downstream, i.e. in how many seconds there were errors corrected" .
        " by FEC. Those are errors that could be fully corrected from" .
        " redundancy information by the modem, nothing was lost. These do not" .
        " have a negative impact on performance, so they are pretty much" .
        " irrelevant.\n");
  print("esdn.label ES\n");
  print("esdn.type DERIVE\n");
  print("esdn.min 0\n");
  print("esdn.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The number of ES (Errored Seconds) on the downstream," .
        " i.e. in how many seconds there were errors encountered\n");
  print("sesdn.label SES\n");
  print("sesdn.type DERIVE\n");
  print("sesdn.min 0\n");
  print("sesdn.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The number of SES (Severely Errored Seconds) on the downstream\n");
  print("lossdn.label LOSS\n");
  print("lossdn.type DERIVE\n");
  print("lossdn.min 0\n");
  print("lossdn.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The number of LOSS (Loss Of Signal Seconds) on the downstream\n");
  print("uasdn.label UAS\n");
  print("uasdn.type DERIVE\n");
  print("uasdn.min 0\n");
  print("uasdn.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The number of UAS (UnAvailable Seconds) on the downstream\n");
  print("multigraph vig165_errors1_up\n");
  print("graph_category VDSL\n");
  print("graph_title VDSL Errors Upstream\n");
  print("graph_vlabel n\n");
  print("crcerrsup.label CRC errors\n");
  print("crcerrsup.type DERIVE\n");
  print("crcerrsup.min 0\n");
  print("crcerrsup.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The number of CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) errors on the upstream.\n");
  print("fecsup.label FECS\n");
  print("fecsup.type DERIVE\n");
  print("fecsup.min 0\n");
  print("fecsup.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The number of FECS (Forward Error Correction Seconds) on" .
        " the upstream.\n");
  print("esup.label ES\n");
  print("esup.type DERIVE\n");
  print("esup.min 0\n");
  print("esup.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The number of ES (Errored Seconds) on the upstream\n");
  print("sesup.label SES\n");
  print("sesup.type DERIVE\n");
  print("sesup.min 0\n");
  print("sesup.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The number of SES (Severely Errored Seconds) on the upstream\n");
  print("lossup.label LOSS\n");
  print("lossup.type DERIVE\n");
  print("lossup.min 0\n");
  print("lossup.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The number of LOSS (Loss Of Signal Seconds) on the upstream\n");
  print("uasup.label UAS\n");
  print("uasup.type DERIVE\n");
  print("uasup.min 0\n");
  print("uasup.draw LINE2.0\n");
  print(" The number of UAS (UnAvailable Seconds) on the upstream\n");

  # PSD should be constant unless the profile on the DSLAM is changed.
  # It also isn't clear how this value is calculated, as it has to be an average
  # over a lot of values? Lets not draw it for now.
  #print(" PSD is the power spectrum density\n");
  # NFEC: Actual Size of Reed-Solomon Codeword
  # RFEC: Actual number of Reed-Solomon redundancy bytes.

$dslsp = getdslstatuspage($hostname, $username, $password);
unless (defined($dslsp)) {
# Remove non-tables, colors, table attributes and all that useless stuff
if (defined($ENV{'VERBOSE'}) && ($ENV{'VERBOSE'} eq '1')) {
my $curdnrate = 'U';
my $curuprate = 'U';
my $attdnrate = 'U';
my $attuprate = 'U';
my $snrmargindn = 'U';
my $snrmarginup = 'U';
my $attenuationdn = 'U';
my $attenuationup = 'U';
my $crcerrsdn = 'U';
my $crcerrsup = 'U';
my $fecsdn = 'U';
my $fecsup = 'U';
my $esdn = 'U';
my $esup = 'U';
my $sesdn = 'U';
my $sesup = 'U';
my $lossdn = 'U';
my $lossup = 'U';
my $uasdn = 'U';
my $uasup = 'U';
if ($dslsp =~ m!\s*DS Attainable Rate\s*:\s*(\d+) bps\s*US Attainable Rate\s*:\s*(\d+) bps!) {
  $attdnrate = int($1);
  $attuprate = int($2);
if ($dslsp =~ m!\s*DS Actual Rate\s*:\s*(\d+) bps\s*US Actual Rate\s*:\s*(\d+) bps!) {
  $curdnrate = int($1);
  $curuprate = int($2);
if ($dslsp =~ m!\s*NE Current Attenuation\s*:\s*(\d+) dB\s*Cur SNR Margin\s*:\s*(\d+)\s+dB!) {
  $attenuationdn = $1;
  $snrmargindn = $2;
if ($dslsp =~ m!\s*Far Current Attenuation\s*:\s*(\d+) dB\s*Far SNR Margin\s*:\s*(\d+)\s+dB!) {
  $attenuationup = $1;
  $snrmarginup = $2;
if ($dslsp =~ m! CRC\s*:\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)!) { 
  $crcerrsdn = int($1);
  $crcerrsup = int($2);
if ($dslsp =~ m! FECS\s*:\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)!) {
  $fecsdn = int($1);
  $fecsup = int($2);
if ($dslsp =~ m! ES\s*:\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)!) {
  $esdn = int($1);
  $esup = int($2);
if ($dslsp =~ m! SES\s*:\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)!) {
  $sesdn = int($1);
  $sesup = int($2);
if ($dslsp =~ m! LOSS\s*:\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)!) {
  $lossdn = int($1);
  $lossup = int($2);
if ($dslsp =~ m! UAS\s*:\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)!) {
  $uasdn = int($1);
  $uasup = int($2);
if (length($fakehost) > 0) { print("host_name $fakehost\n"); }
print("multigraph vig165_datarates\n");
print("attdnrate.value $attdnrate\n");
print("attuprate.value $attuprate\n");
print("curdnrate.value $curdnrate\n");
print("curuprate.value $curuprate\n");
print("multigraph vig165_snrmargins\n");
print("snrmargindn.value $snrmargindn\n");
print("snrmarginup.value $snrmarginup\n");
print("multigraph vig165_attenuation\n");
print("attenuationdn.value $attenuationdn\n");
print("attenuationup.value $attenuationup\n");
print("multigraph vig165_errors1_dn\n");
print("crcerrsdn.value $crcerrsdn\n");
print("fecsdn.value $fecsdn\n");
print("esdn.value $esdn\n");
print("sesdn.value $sesdn\n");
print("lossdn.value $lossdn\n");
print("uasdn.value $uasdn\n");
print("multigraph vig165_errors1_up\n");
print("crcerrsup.value $crcerrsup\n");
print("fecsup.value $fecsup\n");
print("esup.value $esup\n");
print("sesup.value $sesup\n");
print("lossup.value $lossup\n");
print("uasup.value $uasup\n");

Vigor165 plotting some graphs not working

Hi all,

First of all thank you for this plugin.
I am using it with a Vigor 165 and it delivers results.
If I run the script manually, I also get CRC values.

multigraph vig165_datarates
attdnrate.value 291592448
attuprate.value 47677000
curdnrate.value 287722000
curuprate.value 46719000
multigraph vig165_snrmargins
snrmargindn.value 5
snrmarginup.value 7
multigraph vig165_attenuation
attenuationdn.value 14
attenuationup.value 8
multigraph vig165_errors1_dn
crcerrsdn.value 17
fecsdn.value 0
esdn.value 11
sesdn.value 0
lossdn.value 0
uasdn.value 99
multigraph vig165_errors1_up
crcerrsup.value 754
fecsup.value 0
esup.value 230
sesup.value 42
lossup.value 4
uasup.value 18109

However, the respective graphs are not drawn or showing 0 values.
Any idea how to fix this please?

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-09 um 11 16 30

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