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umlautphone's Introduction


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 12.2.0.


To be able to run app please do following:

  1. Install latest node stable from: Node download

2.After node is installed, please open project directory in cmd and run

npm install

  1. After app dependencies are installed, please run app with

ng serve

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


  1. App is implementation os SIP Client with Angular, due to what minor code division has place
  2. SIP related code is included in 3 files:
    1. sip-connection.service.ts (all configuration and low level lib interaction)
    2. calls.service(top layer to interact with SIP)
    3. phonix-user-agent-delegate.ts (implementation of UserAgentDelegate with additional functionalities (hold))
    4. misc.ts which contains UserAgentOptions with Delegate
    5. sip-listeners.ts, Listeners for dedicated SIP events (call, connection established etc.)
  3. Frontend part is simplified Giovanni html, so it would be easy for him to navigate if he'd like to play a bit with implementation

Code explained

User Agent Options

Self reference is passed to function to keep reference to service in non-static env

export const userAgentOptionsGetter = (sipService: SipConnectionService) => {
  return {
    logLevel: 'error',
    authorizationPassword: 'qfLQBXcUDsqkp.fL.2^G',
    authorizationUsername: '1013',
    uri: UserAgent.makeURI('sip:[email protected]'),
    sessionDescriptionHandlerFactoryOptions: {
      // required due to Firefox 61+ unexpected behavior see:
      alwaysAcquireMediaFirst: true,
      rtcConfiguration: {
        // required for Chrome due to RTCP Multiplexing see:
        rtcpMuxPolicy: 'negotiate',
    transportOptions: {
      sipTrace: true,
      server: 'wss://'
    delegate: {
      onConnect: () => {
      onDisconnect: (error?: Error) => {
        sipService.onDisconnect(sipService, error);
      onInvite: (session: Invitation) => {
        sipService.onInvite(session, sipService);
      onMessage: (message: Message) => {
        sipService.onMessage(message, sipService);
      onHold: (session: Session, held: boolean) => {
        sipService.onHold(session, held, sipService);
      onNotify: (notification: Notification) => {
        sipService.onNotify(notification, sipService);
      onRefer: (referral: Referral) => {
        sipService.onRefer(referral, sipService);
      onRegister: (registration: unknown) => {
        sipService.onRegister(registration, sipService);
      onSubscribe: (subscription: Subscription) => {
        sipService.onSubscribe(subscription, sipService);
      onReferRequest: (request: IncomingReferRequest) => {
        sipService.onReferRequest(request, sipService);
      onRegisterRequest: (request: IncomingRegisterRequest) => {
        sipService.onRegisterRequest(request, sipService);
      onSubscribeRequest: (request: IncomingSubscribeRequest) => {
        sipService.onSubscribeRequest(request, sipService);
  } as UserAgentOptions;

###Registering Agent

 prepareUserAgent(): void {
    console.warn(`User Agent Options used`, this.userAgentOptions);
    const userAgent = new UserAgent(this.userAgentOptions);
    const registerer = new Registerer(userAgent);
    registerer.stateChange.addListener((state) =>
      registererStateListener(state, this)
    this.client = this.registerAgent(registerer, userAgent);

    registerer: Registerer,
    userAgent: UserAgent
  ): { registerer: Registerer; userAgent: UserAgent } {
    userAgent.start().then(() => {
        .then(() => this.askForAudioPermissions())
        .catch((error) => {
          throw new Error(error);
    return { registerer, userAgent };


Implementation of listeners assigned to Sessions respective to current event

 * Listener for outgoing calls, manage calls state assignment
export const inviterStateChangeListener = (
  sessionState: SessionState,
  session: Session,
  self: SipConnectionService,
) => {
  switch (sessionState) {
    case SessionState.Initial:
    case SessionState.Establishing:
      self.allSessionsContainer.set(, session);
      self.sessionSubject$.next({ session, status: CallStatus.ONGOING });
    case SessionState.Established:
    case SessionState.Terminating:
    case SessionState.Terminated:
        status: CallStatus.PREVIOUS,
      throw new Error('Unknown session state.');
 * Listener for registerer events, will be used only for general state side effects
// no need to listen for specific events of registerer as OnDisconnect of Delegate handles it
export const registererStateListener = (
  newState: RegistererState,
  self: SipConnectionService
) => {
  switch (newState) {
    case RegistererState.Registered:
    case RegistererState.Unregistered:
    case RegistererState.Terminated:
  console.warn(`Registerer state changed: ${newState}`)
 * Listener for handling invitations state change
export const invitationStateChangeListener = (
  state: SessionState,
  session: Invitation,
  self: SipConnectionService,
) => {
  switch (state) {
    case SessionState.Initial:
    case SessionState.Establishing:
    case SessionState.Established:
      self.allSessionsContainer.set(, session);
        status: CallStatus.ONGOING,
    case SessionState.Terminating:
    case SessionState.Terminated:
      if (!self.allSessionsContainer.has( {
          status: CallStatus.MISSED,
      } else {
          status: CallStatus.PREVIOUS,
      throw new Error('Unknown session state.');

Delegate implementation (automatically reacts to SIP events)

on being invited

  onInvite(invitation: Invitation, self: SipConnectionService) {
    invitation.stateChange.addListener((state: SessionState) =>
      invitationStateChangeListener(state, invitation, self)
      session: invitation,
      status: CallStatus.INCOMING,
        ) as MissionCTASLevelEnum) || null,
  onHold(session: Session, held: boolean, self: SipConnectionService) {
onDisconnect(self: SipConnectionService, error?: Error) {
    // TODO dedicated listener for connection interruption
    if (this.allSessionsContainer.size > 0) {
    // Only attempt to reconnect if network/server dropped the connection.
    if (error) {
      console.warn('Re-registration from scratch')

Not implemented delegate methods

// Delegate methods, irrelevant for now
  onMessage(message: Message, self: SipConnectionService) {}

  onConnect(self: SipConnectionService) {}

  onNotify(notification: Notification, self: SipConnectionService) {}

  onRefer(referral: Referral, self: SipConnectionService) {}

  onRegister(registration: unknown, self: SipConnectionService) {}

  onSubscribe(subscription: Subscription, self: SipConnectionService) {}

  onReferRequest(request: IncomingReferRequest, self: SipConnectionService) {}

    request: IncomingRegisterRequest,
    self: SipConnectionService
  ) {}

    request: IncomingSubscribeRequest,
    self: SipConnectionService
  ) {}

Inviting related methods

invite(call: ICall): Promise<ICall> {
    console.warn('Calling', call)
    const inviter = this.generateInviter(call.targetID);
    call.session = inviter;
    inviter.stateChange.addListener((state: SessionState) =>
      inviterStateChangeListener(state, inviter, this)
    return inviter
      .then(() => call)
      .catch(() => {
        window.alert('Check mic settings in your browser');
        return call;

Inviter method (required to create invite)

generateInviter(targetId: string): Inviter {
    if (this.client.userAgent.isConnected()) {
      const target = targetId.includes('@')
        ? UserAgent.makeURI(targetId)
        : UserAgent.makeURI(
      // temp code to simulate different mission CTAS levels
      const inviteOptions = {
        extraHeaders: [
      return new Inviter(this.client.userAgent, target as URI, inviteOptions);
    throw new Error('User Agent not connected');

Audio related methods

  createDOMAudioElement() {
    const audio = document.createElement('audio');
    audio.src = this.statics.AUDIO_SRC_FORMAT;
    return audio;

  setupRemoteMedia(session: Session) {
    this.audioDOMElement.srcObject = this.remoteStream;;

  cleanupMedia() {
    this.audioDOMElement.srcObject = this.remoteStream;
    this.remoteStream.getAudioTracks().forEach((track) => track.stop());

  askForAudioPermissions() {
    if (!this.audioAllowed) {
        .getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: false })
        .then(() => {
          this.audioAllowed = true;
        .catch(() => {
          this.audioAllowed = false;

  getTrack = (session: Session) => {
    const sessionDescriptionHandler = session.sessionDescriptionHandler;
    if (!sessionDescriptionHandler) {
      throw new Error('Session description handler undefined.');

    if (!(sessionDescriptionHandler instanceof Web.SessionDescriptionHandler)) {
      throw new Error(
        'Sessions session description handler not instance of Web SessionDescriptionHandler.'

    const peerConnection = sessionDescriptionHandler.peerConnection;
    if (!peerConnection) {
      throw new Error('Peer connection closed.');

    const rtpReceiver = peerConnection.getReceivers().find((receiver) => {
      return receiver.track.kind === 'audio';

    if (!rtpReceiver) {
      throw new Error('Failed to find audio receiver');

    const track = rtpReceiver.track;
    return track;

  enableReceiverTracks(enable: boolean, session: Session): void {
    if (!session) {
      throw new Error('Session does not exist.');
    // below is neccessity for typescript strong typing while using SessionDescriptionHandler
    const sessionDescriptionHandler = session.sessionDescriptionHandler;
    if (!(sessionDescriptionHandler instanceof SessionDescriptionHandler)) {
      throw new Error(
        'Sessions session description handler not instance of SessionDescriptionHandler.'

    const peerConnection = sessionDescriptionHandler.peerConnection;
    if (!peerConnection) {
      throw new Error('Peer connection closed.');

    peerConnection.getReceivers().forEach((receiver) => {
      if (receiver.track) {
        receiver.track.enabled = enable;

  /** Helper function to enable/disable media tracks. */
  enableSenderTracks(enable: boolean, session: Session): void {
    if (!session) {
      throw new Error('Session does not exist.');
    // below is neccessity for typescript strong typing while using SessionDescriptionHandler
    const sessionDescriptionHandler = session.sessionDescriptionHandler;
    if (!(sessionDescriptionHandler instanceof SessionDescriptionHandler)) {
      throw new Error(
        'Session session description handler not instance of SessionDescriptionHandler.'

    const peerConnection = sessionDescriptionHandler.peerConnection;
    if (!peerConnection) {
      throw new Error('Peer connection closed.');

    peerConnection.getSenders().forEach((sender) => {
      if (sender.track) {
        sender.track.enabled = enable;

  /** The local media stream. Undefined if call not answered. */
  getLocalMediaStream(call: ICall): MediaStream | undefined {
    const sdh = call.session?.sessionDescriptionHandler;
    if (!sdh) {
      return undefined;
    if (!(sdh instanceof SessionDescriptionHandler)) {
      throw new Error(
        'Session description handler not instance of web SessionDescriptionHandler'
    return sdh.localMediaStream;

  getRemoteMediaStream(call: ICall): MediaStream | undefined {
    const sdh = call.session?.sessionDescriptionHandler;
    // below is neccessity for typescript strong typing while using SessionDescriptionHandler
    if (!sdh) {
      return undefined;
    if (!(sdh instanceof SessionDescriptionHandler)) {
      throw new Error(
        'Session description handler not instance of web SessionDescriptionHandler'
    return sdh.remoteMediaStream;

  getLocalAudioTrack(call: ICall): MediaStream | undefined {
    const sdh = call.session?.sessionDescriptionHandler;
    // below is neccessity for typescript strong typing while using SessionDescriptionHandler
    if (!sdh) {
      return undefined;
    if (!(sdh instanceof SessionDescriptionHandler)) {
      throw new Error(
        'Session description handler not instance of web SessionDescriptionHandler'
    return sdh.localMediaStream;

Microphone toggle

 toggleLocalMicrophone(micOn: boolean, call: ICall): Promise<void> {
    this.sipConnectionService.enableSenderTracks(micOn && !call.micActive, call.session);
    call.micActive = micOn;
    return Promise.resolve();

Hold toggle

 toggleHold(hold: boolean, call: ICall): Promise<void> {
    if (!call.session) {
      return Promise.reject(new Error('Session does not exist.'));

    if (call.onHold === hold) {
      return Promise.resolve();

    const sessionDescriptionHandler = call.session.sessionDescriptionHandler;
    if (!(sessionDescriptionHandler instanceof SessionDescriptionHandler)) {
      throw new Error(
        'Sessions session description handler not instance of SessionDescriptionHandler.'

    const options: SessionInviteOptions = {
      requestDelegate: {
        onAccept: (): void => {
          call.onHold = hold;
          call.status = call.onHold ? CallStatus.PAUSED : CallStatus.ONGOING;
          this.sipConnectionService.enableReceiverTracks(!call.onHold, call.session);
          this.sipConnectionService.enableSenderTracks(!call.onHold && !call.muted, call.session);
          if (this.sipConnectionService.delegate && this.sipConnectionService.delegate.onHold) {
            this.sipConnectionService.delegate.onHold(call.session, call.onHold);
        onReject: (): void => {
          this.sipConnectionService.enableReceiverTracks(!call.onHold, call.session);
          this.sipConnectionService.enableSenderTracks(!call.onHold && !call.muted, call.session);
          if (this.sipConnectionService.delegate && this.sipConnectionService.delegate.onHold) {
            this.sipConnectionService.delegate.onHold(call.session, call.onHold);

    const sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions = call.session
      .sessionDescriptionHandlerOptionsReInvite as SessionDescriptionHandlerOptions;
    (sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions as any).hold = hold;
    call.session.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptionsReInvite = sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions;

    return call.session
      .then(() => {
        this.sipConnectionService.enableReceiverTracks(!hold, call.session);
        this.sipConnectionService.enableSenderTracks(!hold && !call.muted, call.session);
      .catch((error: Error) => {
        if (error instanceof RequestPendingError) {
          throw new Error(
            `[${}] A hold request is already in progress.`

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