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quickstart's Issues

Plaid Queries

Hi @michaelckelly,

Does plaid allow you to limit the location for institutions to select from e.g. UK?

Also, can plaid limit these UK institutions that use Open Banking only to select from or how can this be done?


iOS - "Continue" button title on link page shows "<#Continue#>" when pressed

This is related to iOS but I did not find the issue section there so I am writing details in this forum. I have integrated Plaid (version 1.1.28) from Cocoapods and facing this issue. I have checked on both iOS 12 and iOS 13 devices. I have verified the code in my app with the sample app and its exactly the same. I am sharing the screenshot of the button title when pressed.


npm ERR! command sh -c react-scripts start


I am running the quickstart on a Apple M1 without Docker. Following the instructions, this is what I received upon starting the frontend application. Any ideas?

Fatal error in , line 0

Check failed: allocator->SetPermissions(reinterpret_cast<void*>(region.begin()), region.size(), PageAllocator::kNoAccess).

#FailureMessage Object: 0x16fd98ab8
1: 0x100167d34 node::NodePlatform::GetStackTracePrinter()::$_3::__invoke() [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
2: 0x100eb42fc V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
3: 0x100805928 v8::internal::wasm::WasmCodeManager::Decommit(v8::base::AddressRegion) [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
4: 0x100808fa8 v8::internal::wasm::NativeModule::FreeCode(v8::internal::Vector<v8::internal::wasm::WasmCode* const>) [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
5: 0x100818190 v8::internal::wasm::WasmEngine::FreeDeadCodeLocked(std::__1::unordered_map<v8::internal::wasm::NativeModule*, std::__1::vector<v8::internal::wasm::WasmCode*, std::__1::allocatorv8::internal::wasm::WasmCode* >, std::__1::hashv8::internal::wasm::NativeModule*, std::__1::equal_tov8::internal::wasm::NativeModule*, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::pair<v8::internal::wasm::NativeModule* const, std::__1::vector<v8::internal::wasm::WasmCode*, std::__1::allocatorv8::internal::wasm::WasmCode* > > > > const&) [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
6: 0x100815e98 v8::internal::wasm::WasmEngine::PotentiallyFinishCurrentGC() [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
7: 0x10081730c v8::internal::wasm::WasmEngine::ReportLiveCodeForGC(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Vectorv8::internal::wasm::WasmCode*) [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
8: 0x1008176bc v8::internal::wasm::WasmEngine::ReportLiveCodeFromStackForGC(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
9: 0x1003a0e04 v8::internal::StackGuard::HandleInterrupts() [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
10: 0x1006dc5c0 v8::internal::Runtime_StackGuard(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
11: 0x1009cd90c Builtins_CEntry_Return1_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_NoBuiltinExit [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
12: 0x1009666b0 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
13: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
14: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
15: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
16: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
17: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
18: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
19: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
20: 0x10095dc44 Builtins_ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
21: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
22: 0x10095dc44 Builtins_ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
23: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
24: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
25: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
26: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
27: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
28: 0x10095dc44 Builtins_ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
29: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
30: 0x10095dc44 Builtins_ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
31: 0x100966614 Builtins_InterpreterEntryTrampoline [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
32: 0x100a19b9c Builtins_PromiseFulfillReactionJob [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
33: 0x100985788 Builtins_RunMicrotasks [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
34: 0x100963da8 Builtins_JSRunMicrotasksEntry [/Users/jason/.nvm/versions/node/v15.8.0/bin/node]
35: 0x160008000
npm ERR! code 1
npm ERR! path /Users/jason/code/quickstart/frontend
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command sh -c react-scripts start

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/jason/.npm/_logs/2021-02-17T20_26_54_399Z-debug.log

Ruby quickstart app: unable to get Identity

After running the ruby example app. I tried to call get Identity, but I got the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'names' of undefined

Screen Shot 2019-12-04 at 4 47 32 PM

It happens with multiple banks (I tried 3-4 banks).
Nothing is shown under the section to send a request to get Identity. Nor a result neither an error.

Error 411

I tried logging in my credentials to TJX Rewards and the error was:

INSTITUTION_NOT_RESPONDING 400 The financial institution is failing to respond to some of our requests. Your user may be successful if they retry another time.

However, I saw a 411 when viewing the response:

Content-Length: 411

Issue starting go application

This may be do to my own ignorance but following the steps in the official repo lead to an environment error.

Attaching to quickstart_go_1
go_1 | 2021/01/21 18:05:14 Error loading .env file. Did you copy .env.example to .env and fill it out?

I know my credentials are loaded because printing them console before godotenv checks for a file prints the right info

There is also an issue with placing the client in the init function if I switch back to the old way variables were initialized.

Then still, if the plaid client is moved out of the init function and the env variables are left inside the init, I will get an API error saying.
"error": "Post /link/token/create: unsupported protocol scheme """

Steps to reproduce error (1):
clone application
delete all folders except go and the htmll/static folders
delete Makefile
make .env
copy .env sample over
add the correct values for client_id, secret, and redirect uri
delete .env.sample
run docker-compose up -d --build

Steps to reproduce error (2):
clone application
delete all folders except go and the htmll/static folders
delete Makefile
make .env
copy .env sample over
add the correct values for client_id, secret, and redirect uri
delete .env.sample
open server.go and move environment variable declaration from init function to top
var (
client *plaid.Client = nil


var (
// set constants from env
PLAID_ENV = os.Getenv("PLAID_ENV")
APP_PORT = os.Getenv("APP_PORT")
run docker-compose up -d --build

Steps to reproduce error (3):
clone application
delete all folders except go and the htmll/static folders
delete Makefile
make .env
copy .env sample over
add the correct values for client_id, secret, and redirect uri
delete .env.sample
now move client declaration outside of the function

func init() {
// stuff before
// create Plaid client
client, err = plaid.NewClient(plaid.ClientOptions{
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected error while initializing plaid client %w", err))


func init() {
/// stuff is in here
var client = func() *plaid.Client {
client, err := plaid.NewClient(plaid.ClientOptions{
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected error while initializing plaid client %w", err))
return client

run docker-compose up -d --build

How to do money transfer?

I use nodejs quick start project, where I could logoin to any of the financial institutions and then could get few apis to accesss. I would like to transfer few usd to another account, how do I do that?

Python 3 jsonify on b64encode(asset_report_pdf) throws TypeError exception

The Asset Report code attempts to jsonify the base-64-encoded PDF report:

return jsonify({
    'error': None,
    'json': asset_report_json,
    'pdf': base64.b64encode(asset_report_pdf),

For Python 3, this throws a TypeError exception:

[2019-04-24 15:10:09,368] ERROR in app: Exception on /assets [GET]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/gbehm/miniconda3/envs/plaid37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/", line 2292, in wsgi_app
    response = self.full_dispatch_request()
  File "/Users/gbehm/miniconda3/envs/plaid37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/", line 1815, in full_dispatch_request
    rv = self.handle_user_exception(e)
  File "/Users/gbehm/miniconda3/envs/plaid37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/", line 1718, in handle_user_exception
    reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
  File "/Users/gbehm/miniconda3/envs/plaid37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/", line 35, in reraise
    raise value
  File "/Users/gbehm/miniconda3/envs/plaid37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/", line 1813, in full_dispatch_request
    rv = self.dispatch_request()
  File "/Users/gbehm/miniconda3/envs/plaid37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/", line 1799, in dispatch_request
    return self.view_functions[rule.endpoint](**req.view_args)
  File "", line 158, in get_assets
    'pdf': base64.b64encode(asset_report_pdf),
  File "/Users/gbehm/miniconda3/envs/plaid37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/json/", line 321, in jsonify
    dumps(data, indent=indent, separators=separators) + '\n',
  File "/Users/gbehm/miniconda3/envs/plaid37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/json/", line 179, in dumps
    rv = _json.dumps(obj, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/gbehm/miniconda3/envs/plaid37/lib/python3.7/json/", line 238, in dumps
  File "/Users/gbehm/miniconda3/envs/plaid37/lib/python3.7/json/", line 199, in encode
    chunks = self.iterencode(o, _one_shot=True)
  File "/Users/gbehm/miniconda3/envs/plaid37/lib/python3.7/json/", line 257, in iterencode
    return _iterencode(o, 0)
  File "/Users/gbehm/miniconda3/envs/plaid37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/json/", line 81, in default
    return _json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
  File "/Users/gbehm/miniconda3/envs/plaid37/lib/python3.7/json/", line 179, in default
    raise TypeError(f'Object of type {o.__class__.__name__} '
TypeError: Object of type bytes is not JSON serializable

In Python 3, base64.b64encode(asset_report_pdf) accepts a bytes-like object and returns encoded bytes. The interface changed from Python 2.7, where base64.b64encode(asset_report_pdf) accepts a str and returns an encoded str.

For Python 3, the output of base64.b64encode(asset_report_pdf) should be converted to str before attempting to jsonify.

node env variable 'No environment variable named "PLAID_CLIENT_ID"'

Been a pain getting this initial walk through app working using node .

[Error [UnsetVariableError]: No environment variable named "PLAID_CLIENT_ID"] {
message: 'No environment variable named "PLAID_CLIENT_ID"'

Will be good to include dotenv module to externalise the properties , So they can be read from .env file.

add following line in file index.js


create .env file in node root dir with following lines:

Python quickstart doesn't run on Python3 out of the box.

Decided to pick up plaid to play with it, and when installing on Python3 it fails due to wsgiref (there is a print statement in its, and after deleting that dependency, also contains print statements.

The fix seems relatively straightforward of changing the calls in to print function calls and conditionally installing wsgiref depending on if the target Python install is 2 or 3.

Happy to submit a PR to address this.

Trying to fetch institution by id throws cors error in production


I am sending a post request to /institutions/get_by_id from browser,
Until now I was in sandbox environment where it was working fine,

But after deploying it to production, it throws me cors error

has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. 

Can this not work in production?
Should I send this request from my server instead of my client?

Ruby quickstart bad request

When doing the default ruby quickstart walk through, the app breaks with the following ouput

POST 400 (Bad Request)
Error: Error retrieving info for public key. Make sure that the entered key is correct. Find your public key in your Dashboard (

The public keys are right—any ideas as to why that POST endpoint would be a bad request?

Plaid Quickstart - No Institutions

After walking through the steps provided at I am not able to select an institution. The steps I followed are specific to Ruby.

Uploading Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at 5.34.28 PM.png…

Steps taken:

  1. git clone and cd into the directory
  2. bundle install
  3. copy and paste the keys provided on the page into the terminal
  4. launch file with ruby app.rb
  5. navigate to localhost:4567

Can't start python quickstart: TypeError: __init__() takes at least 5 arguments (5 given)

Possibly I am doing something wrong, but the python quickstart is not working for me. I freshly cloned it and then tried the following:

~/quickstart/python$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Ignoring wsgiref: markers 'python_version < "3.2"' don't match your environment
Requirement already satisfied: Flask>=0.12.3 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 1)) (1.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: Jinja2>=2.9.5 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 2)) (2.11.2)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe==0.23 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 3)) (0.23)
Requirement already satisfied: Werkzeug>=0.14 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 4)) (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: click==6.7 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 5)) (6.7)
Requirement already satisfied: itsdangerous==0.24 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 6)) (0.24)
Requirement already satisfied: requests==2.20.0 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 7)) (2.20.0)
Requirement already satisfied: plaid-python<6.0.0,>=5.0.0 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 9)) (5.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.25,>=1.21.1 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests==2.20.0->-r requirements.txt (line 7)) (1.24.3)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests==2.20.0->-r requirements.txt (line 7)) (2019.11.28)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<2.8,>=2.5 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests==2.20.0->-r requirements.txt (line 7)) (2.7)
Requirement already satisfied: chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests==2.20.0->-r requirements.txt (line 7)) (3.0.4)
WARNING: You are using pip version 20.1.1; however, version 20.2.4 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
~/quickstart/python$ PLAID_CLIENT_ID='CENSORED' PLAID_SECRET='CENSORED' PLAID_ENV='sandbox' PLAID_PRODUCTS='auth,transactions' python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 52, in
TypeError: init() takes at least 5 arguments (5 given)

Node quickstart: "clientApp" is not a valid option for plaid.Client

Hey friends,

Setting up the Plaid client using Typescript 3.8.3, and using [email protected]. I've been following the Quickstart guide for node, and it sets up the plaid client with a clientApp setting:

{version: '2019-05-29', clientApp: 'Plaid Quickstart'}

When attempting to do the same, Typescript helpfully informs me that clientApp is not a a property of the ClientOptions type.


Is this a valid option, or is it just missing from the types?


React component class version

Hi, I am trying to implement Plaid example as a React Component class. I noticed your code is in the index.ejs file.

Is there a way to redo this to work as in a React Component class instead?

Below is my code which obviously isn't working.

import React from 'react';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import Modal from 'react-modal';

export default class PlaidClient extends React.Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {

        var handler = Plaid.create({
            apiVersion: 'v2',
            clientName: 'Plaid Walkthrough Demo',
            env: 'sandbox',
            product: ['transactions'],
            key: '24bca70c22bf0174f2b4e10bbe3932',
            onSuccess: function(public_token) {
              $.post('/get_access_token', {
                public_token: public_token
              }, function() {
                $('#container').fadeOut('fast', function() {
                  $('#app, #steps').fadeIn('slow');

       //Not sure what to call here.


            <div id="container">
                <button className="button" onClick={this.onClick.bind(this)}>Connect your Credit Card(s)</button>


Request Error in python docker quickstart

I'm running Big Sur v. 11.2.1 and am trying to use docker to launch the quickstart sandbox. I get an error when navigating to localhost:3000 in my browser. The make logs are saying my frontend can't proxy from the backend:

>>> make logs              
docker-compose \
                logs --follow \
                node frontend
Attaching to quickstart_frontend_1
frontend_1  | 
frontend_1  | > [email protected] start /app
frontend_1  | > react-scripts start
frontend_1  | 
frontend_1  | [HPM] Proxy created: /  ->  http://python:8000
frontend_1  | ℹ 「wds」: Project is running at
frontend_1  | ℹ 「wds」: webpack output is served from 
frontend_1  | ℹ 「wds」: Content not from webpack is served from /app/public
frontend_1  | ℹ 「wds」: 404s will fallback to /
frontend_1  | Starting the development server...
frontend_1  | 
frontend_1  | Compiled with warnings.
frontend_1  | 
frontend_1  | src/App.tsx
frontend_1  |   Line 39:6:  React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: 'dispatch' and 'generateToken'. Either include them or remove the dependency array  react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
frontend_1  | 
frontend_1  | src/Components/Link/index.tsx
frontend_1  |   Line 44:6:  React Hook React.useCallback has a missing dependency: 'dispatch'. Either include it or remove the dependency array  react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
frontend_1  | 
frontend_1  | src/Context/index.tsx
frontend_1  |   Line 45:9:  Unreachable code  no-unreachable
frontend_1  | 
frontend_1  | Search for the keywords to learn more about each warning.
frontend_1  | To ignore, add // eslint-disable-next-line to the line before.
frontend_1  | 
frontend_1  | Proxy error: Could not proxy request /favicon.ico from localhost:3000 to http://localhost:8000.
frontend_1  | See for more information (ECONNREFUSED).
frontend_1  | 

I thought maybe my .env file was wrong, here is the .env file:

# Get your Plaid API keys from the dashboard:
# Use 'sandbox' to test with fake credentials in Plaid's Sandbox environment
# Use 'development' to test with real credentials while developing
# Use 'production' to go live with real users
# PLAID_PRODUCTS is a comma-separated list of products to use when
# initializing Link, e.g. PLAID_PRODUCTS=auth,transactions.
# see for a complete list
# PLAID_COUNTRY_CODES is a comma-separated list of countries to use when
# initializing Link, e.g. PLAID_COUNTRY_CODES=US,CA.
# see for a complete list
# Only required for OAuth:
# Set PLAID_REDIRECT_URI to 'http://localhost:3000'
# The OAuth redirect flow requires an endpoint on the developer's website
# that the bank website should redirect to. You will need to configure
# this redirect URI for your client ID through the Plaid developer dashboard
# at

Thanks for any help!

python e not defined

Line return jsonify({'error': {'display_message': 'Timed out when polling for Asset Report', 'error_code': e.code, 'error_type': e.type } })

"e" is not defined at this level.

Sudden 'Internal Error Ocurred' Upon submitting Username and Password (/link/item/create call)

Hi, this integration has been working fine until sometime last week/today. When using the Sandbox server, the 'user_good' 'pass_good' combination used to work fine, but now I'm receiving a page stating "Internal error Occured, we have been notified about the problem". The error message I am seeing in the console is: "the service responded with a status of 429".

This has been working fine on one of our app servers which we haven't changed code for in a while, so guessing it's a change on Plaid's side. Here's a reproducible example, where "index2.ejs" is similar to the given index.html:

# In
//Endpoint to reach Plaid Banking welcome screen
def indexDevelopment(customerId):
  return render_template(

link-initialize.js:1 Uncaught Error: Missing Link parameter. Link requires a key or token to be provided.

Trying to run the python quickstart. Currently I have the following in

PLAID_ENV = 'sandbox'
PLAID_PRODUCTS = ['transactions']

When I run & check in the browser the Connect with Plaid button can't be selected & the list of banks never populate - it just seems to be repeatedly loading...

When I check index.html using dev tools I get the message "Uncaught Error: Missing Link parameter. Link requires a key or token to be provided." (see screenshot below).


Has anyone experienced this issue or know why it occurs? As best I can tell I've followed the quickstart instructions by entering client_id, secret & other variables...

403 trying to access any account?

Hi There,

I followed the quickstart guide for Python & Node, and when I try and run the local server and log into any of my accounts, I'm getting a 403 on the underlying request.

Am I naive, or should I be able to simple use my existing BofA login, for instance, and be able to successfully log in?

screenshot 2017-08-02 21 47 09

screenshot 2017-08-02 21 50 28

I should mention I'm using sandbox, would that have an effect?

Transaction Listing through the Command Line

Is there a way to bypass the web portal to list transactions through the CLI? Looking to automate this option without having to manually click the button. I'm using the python instance.

Custom User Configuration JSON

In the Plaid Docs, we have a custom user configuration

  "override_accounts": [
      "type": "depository",
      "subtype": "checking",
      "transactions": [
          "date_transacted": "2019-10-01",
          "date_posted": "2019-10-03",
          "currency": "USD",
          "amount": 100,
          "description": "1 year Netflix subscription"
          "date_transacted": "2019-10-01",
          "date_posted": "2019-10-02",
          "currency": "USD",
          "amount": 100,
          "description": "1 year mobile subscription"

Can you provide an exhaustive JSON while can support all the products?

My Products config PLAID_PRODUCTS=transactions,auth,identity,assets,liabilities,investments.


Screenshot from 2020-12-16 13-08-01

The error does not show up if we just keep PLAID_PRODUCTS as transactions,auth,identity

Getting invalid key message

  • Sign up for a free plaid developer account.
  • git clone quickstart
  • change client_id, secret, public_key and environment=development (python=>, node=>set environment variables as explained on the instructions.
  • Start either python or node application as indicated on the instructions.
  • Attempt to connect to a bank
  • I get the following message: Invalid key. The public key you provided was incorrect. Your public key is available from the Plaid dashboard.
  • I get the following message on stdout when running the python application:
  Development is not intended for production usage.
                Swap out url for
                via Client.config before switching to production

Quickstart doesn't serve correct html file

When doing the quick start in either python or node, going to localhost:8000 just gives the text "../../html/index.html". Shouldn't it serve the file from that location rather than the path name text?

The Python example here stops working when you change the PLAIN_ENV to development

Request URL:
Request Method: POST
Status Code: 400 Bad Request
Remote Address: x.x.x.x:443
Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 173
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Sun, 20 May 2018 05:34:25 GMT
Server: nginx
Vary: Origin
Accept: /
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 132
Content-Type: application/json
DNT: 1
Plaid-Link-Version: 2.0.127
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.139 Safari/537.36
{link_persistent_id: "7c59116b-d19a-4a71-b40f-106c2025a357", link_version: "2.0.127",…}

Search api fails to load the list of institutions :
Request URL:
Request Method: POST
Status Code: 403 Forbidden
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade

Bank Login Keyboard Collapses on iPhones starting ~ 12PM PST October 4th 2020

Hi, I've been running the Plaid-Quickstart example in a Flutter WebView successfully for the past couple weeks, including last Sunday morning. Starting Sunday noon however, we noticed that the Keyboard for the Bank Login Screen does NOT stay up, and collapses when trying to click on either username or password fields. No changes to our code was made, and rolling back to older app builds does not remedy.

Were there any Sunday updates to the Plaid System that may have caused this?

country_codes must be a non-empty string array

I continue to get the following error:

Error Message: country_codes must be a non-empty string array



Does anyone else have this issue, if so were you able to fix it?

Edit: Had to wrap all country_codes: PLAID_COUNTRY_CODES with [] to look like country_codes: [PLAID_COUNTRY_CODES]

NPM audit reveals dependency vulnerabilities

Pulled the quickstart repo to test out the Node walkthrough app.

After running npm install, I'm seeing some vulnerabilities in the express package highlighted by npm's audit tool.


golang quickstart app appears to have some copypasta

The ruby Quickstart app has two endpoints /get_acess_token (which takes a form field public_token) and /set_access_token (which takes a form field access_token). It calls them each under different circumstances in the template view.

The golang has only an endpoint /set_acess_token, which is defined in a function called getAccessToken, and which only references the public_token form field, not the access_token one. However, the golang template view calls set_access_token with an access_token field, which will always be ignored and the request will always fail because the public_token field is empty. It seems like this logic may have been copied over from the ruby one, changed a bit, and not properly resolved? I'd be happy to sort through it and submit a fix, but I just want to make sure that this is actually a mistake and not something I'm just misunderstanding.

The relevant code from the golang server is here, and it's added to the Gin router here. The JS logic that appears to be misusing this endpoint is here.

Institution Search Failing

First, thanks for providing this really useful resource...

Searching institutions gives me a "public key" error via console, but I have verified my public key is correct in the file. Running python 3 and using Chrome. Thanks!



OAuth flow does not work on Development environment


I wanted to use Node.js Quickstart to try to get data from a real bank account. I used Plaid Development environment for that.

The Quickstart fails with bad request, because redirect_uri must use HTTPS. Apparently the redirect URL http://localhost:8000/oauth-response.html works only in Sandbox environment, and Development and Production require HTTPS.

Expected behavior

  • This limitation should be documented. I found no mention of that.
  • The Quickstart could include steps for hosting on HTTPS.


To serve the Quickstart on self-signed HTTPS on localhost:

  1. Generate a self-signed certificate, e.g. in Bash:
openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout server.key -out server.cert
  1. Add additional modules to index.js and load the generated cert:
var fs = require('fs');
var https = require('https');
var key = fs.readFileSync('server.key');
var cert = fs.readFileSync('server.cert');
  1. Replace the server creation with:
var server =
  }, app)
  .listen(APP_PORT, function() {
  console.log('plaid-quickstart server listening on port ' + APP_PORT);
  1. Change your URLs to HTTPS in:
  • oauth-response.html
  • index.html (at the begining of render_page function)
  • Env variable
  • Plaid account configuration

Python quickstart example fails

The Python quickstart example JS code fails with:

Uncaught Error: Missing Link parameter. Link requires a key or token to be provided.

Missing products causes quickstart failure

If following the Ruby instructions at, the institution search will fail to populate with any banks. Inspecting the javascript console will warn you that a valid list of products must be set.

The documentation neglects to mention the ENV['PLAID_PRODUCTS'] variable that is used on line 195 of views/index.erb and causes this error if it is not set. Once this is set, the institution search works fine. Since the purpose of this repo is to quickly build a templated Plaid application, this should be either hard-coded into index.erb or mentioned in the documentation near "Running the walkthrough application".

I used ["auth", "transactions", "income", "identity", "assets"], which is all of the products it accepts as valid.

HTTP 403 when searching for institutions

When I try to search for my bank (Capital One 360) using the institution selector, a spinner briefly appears after I type a few letters, and then I get the following message: Your search request timed-out, please try again with a better connection

Looking in the inspector, I see that a GET request to returns an HTTP 403 status. Opening that URL in a new tab gives the familiar AWS access denied error page.

The steps to getting this running seem pretty straightforward, so I don't see much room for user error here.

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