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selection-search's Issues

Pop-up menu won't disappear

This bug doesn't always happen... and I haven't narrowed down why its happening. But recently I have found that every once and a while, when I use Selection Search on a page (using middle click on a selection), that the pop-up menu won't disappear even after I've clicked my choice.

Its not working on kissanime

You are about to read some bad English. and I am really sorry about it. I am not a native English speaker.

So it captures the search engine but it can't search the word I selected I tried 20 words but with same result page an extension problems and you can even see it from your own eyes

first go to then press ctrl+alt+left click and it will tell you the URL you have to use for the search engine

now select any word that related to kiss anime and search it ....and it will not work

and here is the URL that your extension use{POSTARGS}=%s
this doesn't work no matter what you select it will only give you a result page ...with only some entries non related to it

This is the URL I created{POSTARGS}keyword=%s{POSTENCODING}UTF-8
but this only works on some words but I don’t know why
if you want an example I can give it to you but plz fix this or give me an alternative

and thanxxx for reading it

Column/Matrix layout?

Would be really nice if the popup would break into multiple columns on https pages.. but more a matrix layout for icon-only mode would probably look nice, too..

This extension may have been corrupted.

I've been getting "This extension may have been corrupted." notice at least 3 times a day now, since the update from 0.7.22, so every time i'd repair it and then import my exported data again.
Chrome, x64.


First off, this is not a bug!

I've been testing out some of the HTTP POST functionality with the latest version of Chrome (56.0.2924.87), and I notice there's no way of performing an HTTP POST when HTTP authentication with SSL is involved. How hard would it be to add this sort of functionality, where you could specify the uname/passwd as another set of arguments?

[Suggestion] Alternative auto popup button and menu placement

Hi! I really like the "auto" popup menu option, and I wanted to have the auto button appear below my cursor, so that I could easily find it and go to it. Here it is in action after my commit bijancamp@be806ff :


I wasn't sure if there was a particular reason why the button in the main version appears to the upper right of the selected region, so I may be missing some negative consequence of changing this.

I also repositioned the resulting popup menu so that the first engine name is under the cursor. This makes the first engine easier for me to click, while also making it easy to see the engine icons on the left.

Unfortunately, my changes alter the menu position for every popup style, so it's assumed that the user has selected the "No selection" styling option. I'm not a developer, so I don't know how to properly implement this to work for all styles.

Do you think this kind of behavior has a place in the official version? If it does, then I was thinking there could be an option to toggle between these different possible button positions.

Not shown on click when configured for both mouse click AND double-click

Setup: activated on mouse click AND on double-click.

Exported config "other settings"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


  1. open
  2. select some text by single-clicking, moving the mouse, release the button
  3. click the selection.

Expected: the popup is shown
Observed: nothing happens

Debugging reveals the popup is shown here:, e.pageY);

and immediately hidden here:


An older version of Selection Search 0.7.23 works correctly in this scenario.

Porting to Firefox as a Webextension

I've found this extension to be a great timesaver when searching on Chromium based browsers but I'd love to see if it could be made available on Firefox as well.

I downloaded the latest .crx file and submitted it to Mozilla's compatibility checker in the following link and it seems that it is compatible with Firefox, although there were a few warnings in the report viewer:

I hope this means that minimal changes will have to be made in order to successfully port it. I'd really appreciate it if you would consider doing this so that more users will be able to use this excellent extension.

automatc detection is not working on Some websites

You are about to read some bad English. and I am really sorry about it. I am not a native English speaker.

To auto detect we have to press ctrl+alt+click right but its not working on
i will update this list if i found auto detection is not working

Multiple problmes

I have made a video to tell you all the problems .. and sorry for the english

The Problems

  1. It seems like if there is a colon(:), plus sign(+),or a slash(//) in the sentence extension will not search.
  2. Adblockers doesn't work if the user search with this extension.
  3. it takes too much time for a page to load on 30 mbps internet connection.
  4. It says the security is broken

5.Your extension is eating too much cpu if user search through your extension it started to eating too much cpu

I am full sure about all of these problems i have tested these in my laptop and tab i am fully sure that these are problems are with the extension not with computers .so plz fix these

Button offset

Sorry for not groking the relevant DOC passage, but how do I place the auto-menu at an offset from the mouse cursor?

missing seaches in Popup Menu

i posted in the google webstore about this already back in July. some search engines in folders display fine in the context menu while others do no show up in the popup menu, pleas fix this. was hoping this would have been fixed by now, but since it hasn't been and there has been no updates to the extension i figured i should report it. i have since reinstalled firefox and started playing with that again, nevertheless, would be nice to see this updated.

Unintentional selections in web apps such as Trello

I have noticed that Trello (among possibly other web apps) automatically selects "hidden" elements in the normal course of using it. If the Auto activator is being used, this can cause the popup button to be shown unintentionally when interacting with Trello stickers, labels, lists, and other GUI elements. Moreover, it can be difficult to close the popup button or menu once it is open. Here is a demo of this issue:

trello unintentional selection bug

In the demo, Trello automatically selects the title of the "list" in the background, which causes the popup button to be unintentionally displayed. After that, you can see me clicking around, trying to close the popup button, which doesn't want to go away. Here is a link to the Trello board used in the demo.

In bijancamp/selection-search@69bd0dc, I have added a function to Activator() that prevents the popup button from being automatically shown when the selection is probably unintentional (i.e., when the selection is inside an element that has a certain class name). I have also added this prevention method to the Keyboard+Mouse activator, since the popup menu opens unpredictably when holding the modifier and clicking around Trello.

The problem with this fix though is that it depends on the current class names that are used by Trello, which may change in the future at any time. A better solution might be to add the ability to disable certain activators for certain domains. This way, the Auto activator could be disabled for Trello, since it conflicts with Trello's constant auto-selecting.

Do you have any thoughts about how to make these kinds of web apps play nicely with Selection Search? :D

Import/Export in text + what decode type?

Add Emport/Export in text format to many replaces(ctl+H) in any notepad search engines by user-type items.

And what decode type you use when export/import search engines with folders and custom icons? Base64 dont decode it

Chrome Cyberghost VPN extension incompatibility

I have latest version Chrome 72 on Windows 10.

When selection search extension is active in the same time with the extension Cyberghost VPN with active server, we have some bug, because after 10-15 minutes the Cyberghost extension is disconecting and I have the following errors:

  • Slow network is detected. See https://www.ch40mestatus.qjz9zk/feature/5636954674692096 for more details. Fallback font will be used while loading: chrome-extension://kjpfghocdilcjlkafjonjenfjleljdck/assets/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2
  • Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check

If I disabled the selection search extension, the Cyberghost VPN extension is working properly.

Search engine icons for high-density displays

Hello again!

I recently started using a laptop with a high-pixel-density display (MacBook Pro, 15-inch, 2015), and the search engine icons I had previously been using now appear fuzzy on the new display. I tried using larger custom icons (greater than 16x16 pixels), but that did not seem to improve the rendering quality in the popup.

Here is a screenshot of the icons on the display:

Selection Search Icons from 16x16 Canvas

In case it's helpful, below are the sizes and URLs of the icons I am using. (I didn't include the icon for YouTube in the list, since I have to load it locally for now.) The listed size of each ICO file is that of the highest size in the file.

Search Engine Icon Size Icon URL
Google 32x32
Wikipedia 48x48
Merriam-Webster N/A (SVG) 48x48

As a temporary solution, I changed the dimensions of the canvas and drawn image in iconloader.js from 16x16 to 32x32, which resulted in a much clearer rendering:

Selection Search Icons from 32x32 Canvas

Do you it would be a good idea to make the size of the canvas and drawn image customizable? If so, should the size of the canvas be customizable per icon, or only for all icons as a whole (say, via Popup Menu -> Advance Settings or the CONFIG section for a custom style)?

I would be very happy to add a setting for this if you think it's a good idea. 😀

Key combo still active after page blur

I have run into an issue when using the Keyboard+Mouse activator on both Mac and Windows. On Mac, for example, I am using the "Command" key (keycode 91) plus left-click for the popup trigger. If I press "Command-f" to open the Find Bar to search for text on a page, the popup can now be triggered even when not holding the Command key. All I have to do is select text on the page and click the left mouse button. The popup can continue to be triggered in this way until the Command key is pressed again, at which point the behavior returns to normal where the popup will only trigger if the Command key is held down.

This also occurs for other keyboard sequences such as switching to another tab with "Command-Shift-]" or "Command-Shift-[", or reopening the last closed tab with "Command-Shift-t". Also, I can reproduce this on Windows with the "Control" key plus left-click for the trigger (with "Control-f" or "Control-Shift-t").

I believe this can be fixed with the following addition to activators.js:

window.addEventListener('blur', _resetkeys);

The only case I have noticed that the above solution doesn't cover is for the "Alt-e" keyboard shortcut in Chrome (to open the hamburger menu) on Windows. For some reason, Chrome does not send the blur event whenever the hamburger menu is opened like it does whenever the Find Bar or Developer Tools is opened. This weird case can be fixed by checking in the keydown handler for if the Alt key is being held with some other wrong key, but I am not sure if adding this special logic is worth it. What do you think? 😀

[Bug] Open all on click without menu doesn't work at all

Thanks for this great ext. I use it everyday .

However I just found it doesn't work at all, If a submenu's option is checked:
"Open all on Click" WITH the option enabled :" Don't show menu" .

It does work if the "Don't show menu" is disabled. But I wanna it enable so that I don't have to move to the submenu to click the button :"Open All" which is needless everytime.

I tried all the setting combination , didn't work.
Hope I said it clearly. Thanks in advance. Attached 2 pics of my settings of Submenu and the Search item.

P.S My Chrome is up-to-date version under MacOS 10.13.4


Save button location

Since the extension does not auto-save settings, it would be good if the save buttons were positioned at the top of the settings page, and possibly highlighted.

[BUG] Popup menu box is not appearng

You are about to read some bad English. and I am really sorry about it. I am not a native English speaker.

so when i select a text there was a Smallbox that should appear but its not appearing

when i select a text all the icons appear directly ........first there should be a box that display first but now there is none.i don't know why ?

and instead of a small box i am directly getting the Direct access

Top level context menu

It would be nice to be able to designate a search engine to appear in the top level of the context menu, rather than in a submenu. Is that possible?

Instagram Bug

The pop up menu has wrong location when is used at

I think there should be option, where the user to choose the location and direction from the selected word.

Pop-up menu appears without me intentionally triggering it.

I am going to link the other issue to this one, because I may have confused the other issue I think... and in reality, this is a new issue that I have recently been having.

Selection search has become an integral component of how I surf the web. However, recently the pop-up menu has been appearing, when I don't want it to, simply when I left-click on links. I usually use middle mouse click to activate the pop-up menu (However, I just looked at the options for the extension... and now I am totally confused with how I ever customized this. The only relevant settings I see is that I have selected "Multiple activators" with mouse click and keyboard+mouse selected... I'm not sure how I chose middle mouse click in particular anymore)

I really don't want to disable this extension. I still use it every day... but its getting annoying to have to realod pages to click on links (Which is the quickest workaround that I have figured out)

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