Code Monkey home page Code Monkey logo's Introduction

Creative Commons License is the successor to the popular Pi pinout website originally hosted on

To support translation efforts, and allow people to build documentation and tools with the data in this repository, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The license was previously explicitly non-commercial, to understand why it has been changed please see: #481

This license includes the 'pinout-graphic-horizontal' files located in the graphics directory and the 'pi-orientation' graphic located in resources, which are provided to permit commercial use; specifically publication in books and magazines with appropriate attribution.

The license excludes all board photography which has been supplied by manufacturers or customers via PR without any explicit license grant, or supplied under the implicit permission of my (@Gadgetoid) employment at Pimoroni. Re-use of product photography is normally assumed to be implicitly permitted for resale or promotional purposes, but I cannot pass a nebulous, implicit license on for re-use. YMMV.

If you copy and re-use this website henceforth, I would prefer full attribution in the page footer, for example:

Based on created by @gadgetoid. Maintained by @yourname, contribute at

If you're a commercial venture, or closely associated, I would also appreciate, but do not require, that you review Pinout's funding options and maybe chuck me a bone!

About this project

The contents of this GitHub repository are used to build and its translated subdomains.

This project aims to build a consistent workflow behind the front-end, gather useful information about the Raspberry Pi GPIO interface and add-on boards, and invite board manufacturers to produce their own "overlay" files which describe which pins their Pi add-ons use.

We hope that by making this project open and extensible we will invite not only contributions of board pinouts, but translations too.

Reporting Issues & Making Suggestions

If you've spotted an error, ommission or have a suggestion, raise an issue. Feedback on every aspect of the site or this repository is welcome!


If you have a board you'd like to contribute, the preferred method for submission is to create a modified version of the overlay template and create a pull request. Please ensure the files you submit are being pushed to the /draft folder, where it will be reviewed before publication.

Note that as part of the submission, a top-down view of the board in the form of a png is expected. If you can't produce the png file yourself, just duplicate and rename template.png but make sure to include a url somewhere in the overlay where we can fetch a suitable graphic.

Once your draft has been made, before filing a pull request, you should try to render the page and make sure it build and appears as intended. To do so:

./draft/ myboard
make serve LANG=en

And then open: in your browser.

Once you are happy with the result,

./draft/ myboard

(this will file the overlay back into the draft folder, ready for review)

note 1: you will need several python modules installed on your system to render and serve a local version of the site, run
pip install -r requirements.txt from the top of the repository tree to install the required modules.

note 2: if you are facing issues with your preview (board not showing, text update not appearing, etc.), you can fix it by erasing your browser's cache (image and cache file only).

If you feel that the requirements for submissions is beyond your current possibilities, you may raise an issue requesting the addition of a specific board instead and we'll consider it!

Running in Docker

The webserver can also be run in a Docker container. To do this, you first need to build the Docker image:

docker build -t .

Next, you can start the containerized webserver:

docker run -p 5000:5000 -e PINOUT_LANG=en

Now you can access the webserver at


If you would like to provide support for a language not yet in the repository you should start by duplicating the src/en directory to the appropriate language-code. For example, if you want to create a Czech translation you would create the folder src/cs. Note that there are no plans to support cultures (it would just get out of hand), so you can't have src/fr-CA (sorry!).

The first resources we recommend you translate are the language-specific strings found in the settings.yaml file,,, and the footer.html template, as well as the content of the /pin folder, preferably.

Once that's done, rename the /overlay folder to /translate and start translating the boards markdown files (pick any you fancy translating, it does not have to be the first board in alphabetical order). Leave those translations in the /translate folder when finished.

Please do not attempt to translate the /resources folder, or anything not specifically mentioned in this section of the README - all files outside your <languagecode> directory are shared between the subdomains and are meant to be generic. Feel free to modify the template with links relevant to your country, and / or your Twitter handle however, but don't fiddle with the structure!

Once you've made your translation, you can build and preview it with, for example:

make serve LANG=de

And then open: in your browser.

The last step will be to submit your finished translation as a pull request (this can include any number of boards, it does not have to be the entire line-up) and we'll get it live on its own <languagecode> subdomain.

If you wish to provide a translation for an existing subdomain, or correct a typo in an existing markdown file, just edit the file in place (leaving the files in the translate folder for review, if you are pushing a translation).

If you have a question about translations, raise an issue and we'll be happy to help you get past whatever hurdle you may face!

Roadmap & wishlist

  • Redesign HTML generation and unify HTML templates into a single, translatable file
  • Add functionality to compare two or more boards, to visualise pin compatibility
  • Tool to convert WiringPi to GPIO to BCM and back
  • Add as many boards as possible!


Maintainers: @Gadgetoid and @RogueM

GPIO Zero code examples by: @bennuttall

Notable contributions:'s People


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full translation of overlays

I see that that some tags are interpreted with no control over the translation within the overlay files. For example:

Made by Ryanteck
Classic 26-pin
Uses 4 GPIO pins
More Information
Buy Now

... am I missing something or is that on your TODO?

Strange navigation sequence

If I go to and then click on the French flag, it takes me to
If I then click on the "Raspberry Pinout" logo in the top-left corner, then it takes me to and all the flag icons at the top right suddenly disappear!

And similarly, if I manually browse to I get a page where the flag icons display the 'broken image' icon, and if I manually browse to (or ) I get "Not Found".

IMHO it'd make sense for and to redirect to , and for and to redirect to .
Or if that's not possible, maybe the page that gets displayed at should also get automatically copied to and .

OTOH (and at the risk of breaking any bookmarks that people may have made), is having everything in a 'pinout' subdirectory (e.g. and and ) even useful in the first place? I guess we could either strip out the subdirectory (e.g. and and ), or separate the files up by using more logically named subdirectories (e.g. and and ) ??

Overlay files changelog

With more translators coming into the fold, I think it would be worth considering a changelog for the overlays somewhere in the github repo that all could refer to from time to time.

It wouldn't have to be extensive and mention minor changes or typos, and would be mostly to facilite any critical error fixing spreading across all subdomains.

I'm thinking of things like the Pi-Dac+ which required both fixes that could be ported to all translations by you or I, such as the pin assigments, as well as things a bit more subtle, yet important, that would affect the localised description (in this instance the note about some optional being free for GPIO use, if wanted). I guess there could be any other number of reasons in the future where localised information could be affected, this is just an example.

Obviously the en-GB would serve as master for this purpose. Thoughts?

Question about setup in nginx

I was hoping to mirror Pinout on my raspberry pi home server running on nginx on a raspberry pi 2. I cloned Pinout2 to the /var/www/html/ directory, installed the python dependencies, then ran the script. When I try to view the pinout.html file generated, I see this,


Is there some additional dependency that needs to be installed for the site to work normally?

Generating HTML procedure

when time permits, could you write up the procedure for generating HTML for local check of the Overlay (I assume you can make a local copy to preview translation work most notably)?

I guess a md is needed for less than apt people like myself :D


Do you need an english to portuguese (pt-PT) translation? Let me know if you do as I may have the time to work on it.

site localisation issues

as noted on Twitter, the UK flag is very difficult to trigger once on the tr-TR
also the flags only appears at

... I think you only just added the functionality, so no rush, just wanted to report it in case you'd not realised. To be honest I'm not sure this is hugely important, presumably, once you've chosen your language you probably don't care to switch again?

Drop the country part of the locale specification?

Given that the Readme itself says "At the moment cultures are not fully supported, so you can't have src/fr-CA ( sorry! ), and there are no plans for this.", and the domains themselves are set up like and ; would it make things 'simpler' if e.g. was renamed to just de and was renamed to just fr ?

See also: and and all that good fun... ;-)

Unicorn HAT 'singular' issue

the Unicorn HAT only uses the PWM pin. This creates an issue for the 'uses X pins' string that then reads grammatically incorrect (in all LANG).

I'm not sure what the answer is, maybe just add the power pin required. This is not a terrible idea, since it uses the 5V, which is not necessarily common?

Missing translation policy / behaviour?

I see from that there's no Turkish translation (yet) for the sense-hat. This means when I go to then there's no Turkish flag displayed (which makes sense, from one POV).

However, I also noticed that e.g. and are identical to the English versions (which makes sense from another POV).

IMHO it would be more consistent to either not link to a non-translated page, if that page hasn't been translated yet, or to automatically display a copy of the English page so that there are no 'missing pages' on the language subdomains. (Personally, I'd go for the latter option, so that Turkish vistors can see that there is a sense-hat page, it just hasn't been translated to their locale yet).

Incorrect/inconsistent voltages for Pi and Arduino

On this page, the page starts by stating the Pi has a 3.3v line and the Arduino, 5v.

Then, in the second paragraph, the text states converting the Pi's 5v line to the Arduino's 3.3v line with a voltage regulator.

I believe the first statement is backwards.

Generating HTML error


Firstly thanks for open-sourcing the codes of this project! I have translated all the files to Turkish, but when I try to generate HTML files in my native language I encounter an error:

python tr-TR                                     [±master]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 336, in <module>
    overlays = map(load_overlay,overlays)
  File "", line 89, in load_overlay
    loaded['long_description'] = load_md('description/overlay/{}.md'.format(overlay))
  File "", line 158, in load_md
    html = markdown.markdown(open(filename).read(), extensions=['fenced_code'])
  File "build/bdist.macosx-10.10-intel/egg/markdown/", line 494, in markdown
  File "build/bdist.macosx-10.10-intel/egg/markdown/", line 359, in convert
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc4 in position 71: ordinal not in range(128). -- Note: Markdown only accepts unicode input!

I think there has to be a setting for encoding and decoding.

Here's my fork, along with updated translations:

Have I done something wrong while translating?

I'd appreciate if you could investigate this.


1-wire is missing.

Can you add the 1-wire (default) pins?

I've got dtoverlay=w1-gpio in config.txt and a DS18B20 connected to GPIO4.

Localisation of URLs

Possibly more of a comment / question than an issue, but I was surprised to just notice that the Turkish version of is actually

Wouldn't it make sense for the URLs themselves to be non-translatable, so that the Turkish version of is actually ?

This is obviously something that ought to be fixed (if you consider it worth "fixing") before lots of sites start linking directly to sub-pages on :-)

linking to external resources

right now when a link breaks all subdomains need fixing. You can always pattern match / replace the repo as a whole, but that would mean putting the forks out of sync for reasons hopefully that could be avoided?

I think it would be worth considering having a master hook in the en-GB, or subdomain independent.

'use i2c' not displayed

if the pin declaration is as follows:

mode: i2c
mode: i2c

then the 'use i2c' tag is not displayed. It has to be this way:

mode: i2c
mode: i2c

I'm going to fix the boards overlays but presumably that is not intended.

Any plans for B Rev1.0 support?

I realise these are now 'defunct', but a note somewhere or other about the different BCM Pin numbers on the original B rev1 boards might be nice?

structure of the YAML files

I think it would be good to have a 'version' info in the board YAML file. This would help in a number of ways but I'm thinking for my own needs to be able in the future to be able to assess which revision I might have translated.

so I guess something like 'Revision: datestamp' would be useful... can this be added?

RedBear IoT pHAT


We are the RedBear Team and thanks for posting the pinout of our IoT pHAT on

A few updates

  1. We have changed the name from “IoT HAT” to “IoT pHAT” since the Pi team said that the small form factor add-on board should not be called “HAT”.
  2. There are some changes about the pinout in the final board
  3. Our GitHub Repository is which has the latest information
  4. They are available on sale at

Thank you and keep up the good work


UART pin colours

Why are the UART pins given the same colour as the 3v3 power pins? IMHO they should be a different colour.

Board Categories

Still debatable, but I'm thinking something like:

  • Robotics & Motors
  • LED & Lighting
  • Displays
  • Audio & Video
  • Input & Controls
  • Sensors
  • Microcontrollers
  • Other

I'd also love to get images for every single board because they look so good as thumbnails, but that's going to be a honking great amount of work!

PCM_C and PCM_D ?

Pin12 is labelled as PCM_C - it's conceivable that this could be an abbreviation of PCM_CLK (in which case why even abbreviate it?), but given the description on the page, it seems PWM0 might be a more useful label? (which is what e.g. uses)

And Pin13 is labelled as PCM_D which seems to make no sense at all??

3.3V Current

The statement "The 3v3, 3.3 volt, supply pin on the Pi has a max available current of about 50 mA" is incorrect for the B+ and later boards. (It may have been true for earlier models). It is possible to draw up to 1A - less current required for GPIO, SD Card etc. 800mA is certainly possible (5V power permitting.)

Mypifi ledboard cc gadgetoid

Red gpio 17 physical pin 11
Amber gpio 27 physical 13
Green gpio 9 physical 21
Button gpio 26 physical pin 26
Leds are all gpio.outs
Button is

Mouseover area is wrong for odd pins

Something I just noticed - don't know if it's been like that for ages, or is only a recent problem...

On if I mouse-hover over "BCM4" then BCM4 and physical pin 7 get highlighted. If I mouse-hover over "BCM14" then BCM14 and physical pin 8 get highlighted. If I mouse-hover over the pin-number "7" then BCM4 and physical pin 7 get highlighted. If I mouse-hover over the pin-number "8" then BCM14 and physical pin 8 get highlighted. If I mouse-hover over the purple circular-pin next to the pin-number "8" then BCM14 and physical pin 8 get highlighted.
All as expected.

But if I mouse-hover over the green circular pin next to the pin-number "7" then BCM14 and physical pin 8 get highlighted! Tested in both Chrome and Firefox on Ubuntu 14.04 - both behave the same (for all the circular pins on the left-side of the pinout header).

Graphical Pinout

Just spotted the new graphic on - nice! 👍

Just a couple of little suggestions, which you're obviously free to ignore if you wish:

  • IMHO the pink colouring on the BCM pins 8, 7 & 19 should extend outwards slightly to also cover the 'CE0', 'CE1' and 'MISO' labels. And the same for 'ID_SD' on BCM pin 0.
  • I think the diagram should definitely make clear that the SPI interface on BCM pins 10, 9, 11, 8 & 7 is actually different from the SPI interface on BCM pins 19, 20 & 21, and the pins from each can't be intermixed. Perhaps change the labels to SPI-0 and SPI-1 (or similar)? And maybe there should be a "fatter corner" (IYSWIM) on the pink blobs between BCM19 and BCM20 to make it clearer that they're a part of the same SPI block?
  • It might also be worth doing something similar to differentiate I2C-1 (BCM 2 & 3) from I2C-0 (BCM 0 & 1)
  • Perhaps the GND pins should have a white dot in the middle, like the diagram on the left of has, rather than being completely black?
  • Could you get rid of the very thin pink line between BCM8 and BCM11? ;-)


Maybe a note could be added to the readme about the build dependencies?
On Ubuntu 14.04 I found (by trial&error) that I had to:

sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev
sudo pip install pyyaml
sudo pip install markdown

before make would run successfully.

Should we reinstate which VCC / GND pins a board might use, if known?

It was never really an issue with HATs, but the headerless pHAT format opens up a variety of different ways you might connect one or more boards to the Pi.

I think knowing which VCC / GND pins a board uses ( since they may not always be consistent ) is useful, although I do agree with the original reasons for removing them- they're visually noisy in some cases.

So I'll put it to discussion. Should we reinstate them? And if so, how could they be implemented subtly.

Typo(s) in german Translation of pinout/pin5_gpio3


thanks for your service providing GPIO layouts in such a wonderful way. Too bad I found a spelling error in the german page

"SCL ist der Clock oder Tackt Anschluss des I2C-Bus des Pi. mehr über I2C."

It shouldn't say "Tackt" but "Takt" which is the same word for the music beat. For further correction of compount words (incl. Omission dash) and uppercase of the sentence's first letter of the second sentence I propose the following (changes shown with markdown):

"SCL ist der Clock- oder Taktanschluss des I2C-Bus des Pi. Mehr über I2C."

Thanks :)

Sense HAT GPIO assignments are incorrect

The pin assignments on the site do not correspond to the actual functional implications.

SPI { pi, Atmel } is not used by default. It is used for production test and programming the Atmel. The LED matrix (framebuffer) is driven via I2C.

The joystick is not connected to { 23, 24, 25 }. The joystick is sampled by the Atmel and the "buttons" are accessible via the I2C interface. These pins have no function by default but are left connected for user-specified applications.

potential en-GB data review

references to wiringpi that may need review:

Include / Display i2c address

IMHO there should be a feature (i.e. built into the overlay 'data' itself, rather than just included in the 'markdown' part) for boards that "uses_i2c" to include the i2c address(es) the board uses. Which will be especially useful for non-HAT boards that use i2c and that can potentially be used together e.g.
(although some of those boards include configurable i2c addresses, so I'm not sure (yet) what Pinout should do in those cases...)

Build instructions


I want to build the pages using

I'm running python and python en-GB, but in both cases I get this error:

..after mappings..
Rendering pin pages...
Outputting page pin1_3v3_power
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 364, in <module>
    with open(os.path.join('output',lang,'pinout','{}.html'.format(pin_url)),'w') as f:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'output/en-GB/pinout/pin1_3v3_power.html'

I'm assuimg I'm missing something.

Markdown module for python is already installed. Using python 2.7.6 on Mac OSX Yosemite if that'd matter.

Do I have to do something beforehand?

Can you please also share some build instructions?

Thanks in advance, incomplete

I had left this one for a time my brain was functioning. I think it is today :-)

anyhow, I think you are missing something in there, specifically you reference a MakeFile but it is nowhere to be found.

What about just replacing the part of the page starting: 'This basic Makefile should get you started...' by

"You are now ready to compile the sketch. Visit for a run-through of the process!"

Sense HAT markup error displays "a 8×8 RGB LED matrix" - I dunno if this is because of Unicode conversion / markup issues (which need fixing), or whether it'd be better to edit the SenseHAT 'source-file' to use the non-Unicode x character?

Adafruit Capacitive Touch HAT

Just came across your GPIO pinout page display (sounds scandalous) and was hoping there might be some help for the Adafruit Capacitive Touch HAT. This device sounds wickedly fun, especially when used with the 7" touch screen interface.


I'm aware of your backlog note, #84 (comment), but add this in case y'all get some time.

DiscoHAT addition

Hi, I am currently designing a light and sound control board called DiscoHAT ( I would love to choose the pins in a way that would work well together with HAT boards providing sound in/out functionality.

There is a HAT board called Cirrus Logic Audio Card at Adafruit that sounds like a cool companion board to my DiscoHAT board. But the pins it uses are not known to me. Perhaps there is some "standard" pins for digital audio in/out. But I cannot find the info here.

The only thing I really need for DiscoHAT is UART TX and 8 GPIO pins. But which GPIO pins to choose? So far I have gone with wiringPi 2 to wiringPi 9. Does anyone have good advice? There is still time to pick the right pins for maximum compatibility with other HAT boards.

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