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migration_comments's Introduction


Comments for your migrations

Tested on:

ActiveRecord 5.0

Using Ruby 2.2 and higher

ActiveRecord 4.2

using Ruby 2.1 and higher

Status: <img src=“” alt=“Build Status” />


ActiveRecord 5.0 is introducing baked-in comment support, although not all features provided by this project have yet been completely implemented. This is expected to be rectified by ActiveRecord 5.1, and as such ActiveRecord 5.0 will likely be the last version for which this gem will work (or be needed). ActiveRecord 5.0 itself will be supported by this project, but many features are overlapping and you may find that you won’t need it at all.

For those using a version of ActiveRecord prior to 4.2 or of Ruby prior to 2.1, please use the v0.3.2 version of the gem.


Migrations are wonderful. They handle all your schema changes, and in a pinch they can bring any database up to speed. However, database schemas can change rapidly while a project is maturing, and it can be difficult to know (or remember) the purpose for each table and field. As such, they deserve to be commented. These comments should be available for display wherever those fields are found.


Using MigrationComments, you can simply add comments during your migrations. Or if you already have existing data structures, just add the comments afterwards in a separate migration. And of course you can always modify and delete these comments in later migrations.

So where are these comments used? Firstly, they will be included in your schema.rb dump which is where your IDE (e.g. RubyMine, TextMate) should be learning about your model structure. This means that they’ll be available at any point in your project. Additionally, if you are using the ‘annotate’ gem, these comments will be added to the annotations that are generated within your model.rb file.


To add a comment to an existing structure…

def self.up
  set_table_comment :table_name, "A table comment"
  set_column_comment :table_name, :column_name, "A column comment"

Or you can use the change_table macro…

def self.up
  change_table :table_name do |t|
    t.comment "A table comment"
    t.change_comment :column_name, "A column comment"

Creating a new table?

def self.up
  create_table :table_name, :comment => "A table comment" do |t|
    t.string :column_name, :comment => "A column comment"

You can also remove comments…

def self.up
  remove_table_comment :table_name
  remove_column_comment :table_name, :column_name

Or you can combine these commands while modifying a table…

def self.up
  change_table :existing_table do |t|
    t.comment nil                                       # remove an existing table comment
    t.string :new_column, :comment => "a new column"    # add a new column with a comment
    t.change_comment :existing_column, nil              # remove a comment on an existing column
    t.integer :another_existing_column, :comment => nil # remove a comment on an existing column while modifying the column type
    t.boolean :column_with_comment                      # modify an existing column without altering the comment


You must be using a supported DBMS (currently PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite).

If this isn’t an option for you, check out the ‘schema_comments’ gem at


See MIT-LICENSE file for details.

migration_comments's People


edennis avatar kenaniah avatar ma2gedev avatar mastropinguino avatar pinnymz avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar

migration_comments's Issues

Postgresql uuid default is not set.

When creating a table with uuid as primary key

create_table "people", id: :uuid do |t|
    t.string   "name"
    t.string   "age"

The default value set by rails is not set which cause error when adding a new record.

Loading annotate/annotate_models breaks ActiveRecord dynamic finders

'annotate/annotate_models.rb' uses a monkey patched :method_missing to get around the problem of recognizing unknown macros ('acts_as_something' and the like). This monkey patch is only meant to be loaded when running the rake task to create annotations.

Unfortunately, we are requiring the 'annotate/annotate_models.rb' file to load in order to modify the output with comments. If we remove the requirement, our modification hook will never be inserted because the environment (and all gems) are loaded by the annotation rake task before the 'annotate/annotate_models.rb' file.

We'll need to find an alternative hooking method that doesn't require including the 'method_missing' monkey patch.

Changing column comment crashes with Postgresql

change_table :table1 do |t|
t.change_comment :column1, 'comment text'

crashes as table name is correcty fetched in

def change_comment(column_name, comment_text)
@base.set_column_comment(@table_name, column_name, comment_text)

@table_name seems to be not initialized. What is, is @table.

I'm using PostgreSQL adapter, AR 4.2.4, 0.3.2 migration_comments

Incompatible with foreigner

It looks like migration_comments break foreigner AR::ConnectionAdapters extensions. Both gems extending create_table method for migrations. And if I add migration_comments gem to my Rails 4.1 project with installed foreigner, in migrations like this

create_table :profiles do |t|
  t.references :user
  t.foreign_key :users

foreign_key stops working without any error messages. Debugging shows that overridden in foreigner create_table method is not called.

I think the problem is in how migration_comments gem initialized. I tried to add railtie


module MigrationComments
  class Railtie < Rails::Railtie
    initializer 'migration_comments.load_adapter' do
      ActiveSupport.on_load :active_record do

and move gem setup to it


# MigrationComments.setup
require 'migration_comments/railtie' if defined?(Rails)

and it solved the problem. Both gems work fine.

Varchar primary key fields with name other than id changed to int(11) ai

Varchar primary key fields with name other than id get redefined in a wrong way when migration_comments is run: Such PK fields arre converted to type integer(11) with auto increment and their content is recreated accordingly as sequential numbers.
The original content is lost which makes the otherwise perfect gem unusable for legacy databases containing primary keys with names other than 'id'.


property_key    varchar(255) PK 
value   varchar(255) 

comes out as

property_key    int(11) PK AI
value   varchar(255) 

Tested with rails 2.3.18, migration_comments 0.3.2. This is even when id fields are not included

Incompatible with schema_plus

It appears as if this gem has problems when also used with schema_plus and when both have options for the same column. I'm not sure which gem has a bug; so I also posted an issue over there.

See SchemaPlus/schema_plus#170

Also see that issue for additional details and examples.

New release?

Could you please tag a new release? I am currently pointing to a SHA in order to get this fix...
...on a rails 4.1 application, and it would be nice to be able to point to a version number (and do so in a .gemspec file).

Much thanks!

comment parameter for add_column


I have a feature request: I don’t know if this should be supported (documentation doesn’t say so I assume no), but syntax like

add_column :table, :column, :string, comment: "nyaa"

should be supported. At the moment, after adding new column, it would be needed to call set_new_comment after adding the new column, resulting to duplicating some information.

v0.4.0 connection adapters regression

After running bundle update migration_comments to update from v0.3.2 to v0.4.0, a regression occurs when attempting to run Rails. Using Rails 4.2.6 and the postgres Active Record connection adapter.

Output from rails -c:

...gems/bundler-1.12.5/lib/bundler/rubygems_integration.rb:322:in `block in replace_gem': mysql2 is not part of the bundle. Add it to Gemfile. (Gem::LoadError)
    from ...gems/activerecord-4.2.6/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/mysql2_adapter.rb:3:in `<top (required)>'
    from ...gems/migration_comments-0.4.0/lib/migration_comments.rb:34:in `require'
    from ...gems/migration_comments-0.4.0/lib/migration_comments.rb:34:in `block in setup'
    from ...gems/migration_comments-0.4.0/lib/migration_comments.rb:32:in `each'
    from ...gems/migration_comments-0.4.0/lib/migration_comments.rb:32:in `setup'
    from ...gems/migration_comments-0.4.0/lib/migration_comments.rb:60:in `<top (required)>'
    from ...gems/bundler-1.12.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:86:in `require'
    from ...gems/bundler-1.12.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:86:in `block (2 levels) in require'
    from ...gems/bundler-1.12.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:81:in `each'
    from ...gems/bundler-1.12.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:81:in `block in require'
    from ...gems/bundler-1.12.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:70:in `each'
    from ...gems/bundler-1.12.5/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:70:in `require'
    from ...gems/bundler-1.12.5/lib/bundler.rb:102:in `require'
    from `<top (required)>'
    from ...gems/railties-4.2.6/lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb:141:in `require'
    from ...gems/railties-4.2.6/lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb:141:in `require_application_and_environment!'
    from ...gems/railties-4.2.6/lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb:67:in `console'
    from ...gems/railties-4.2.6/lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb:39:in `run_command!'
    from ...gems/railties-4.2.6/lib/rails/commands.rb:17:in `<top (required)>'
    from bin/rails:8:in `require'
    from bin/rails:8:in `<main>'

Tables with no columns...

change line 35 in schema_dumper.rb to

  len ={|index| lines[index]}.map(&:length).max + 2 unless col_names.empty?

undefined method `descendants' for MigrationComments::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter::SchemaCreation:Module (NoMethodError)

After rails server , My current Problem is

user@user-MACPC repo % rails server
/Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments.rb:26:in `block in setup': undefined method `descendants' for MigrationComments::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter::SchemaCreation:Module (NoMethodError)
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments.rb:23:in `each'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments.rb:23:in `setup'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments.rb:59:in `<top (required)>'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/bundler-2.3.6/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:60:in `require'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/bundler-2.3.6/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:60:in `block (2 levels) in require'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/bundler-2.3.6/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:55:in `each'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/bundler-2.3.6/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:55:in `block in require'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/bundler-2.3.6/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:44:in `each'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/bundler-2.3.6/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:44:in `require'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/bundler-2.3.6/lib/bundler.rb:176:in `require'
        from /Users/user/repos/project/repo/config/application.rb:7:in `<top (required)>'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/railties-7.0.1/lib/rails/commands/server/server_command.rb:137:in `require'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/railties-7.0.1/lib/rails/commands/server/server_command.rb:137:in `block in perform'
        from <internal:kernel>:90:in `tap'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/railties-7.0.1/lib/rails/commands/server/server_command.rb:134:in `perform'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/thor-1.2.1/lib/thor/command.rb:27:in `run'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/thor-1.2.1/lib/thor/invocation.rb:127:in `invoke_command'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/thor-1.2.1/lib/thor.rb:392:in `dispatch'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/railties-7.0.1/lib/rails/command/base.rb:87:in `perform'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/railties-7.0.1/lib/rails/command.rb:48:in `invoke'
        from /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/gems/railties-7.0.1/lib/rails/commands.rb:18:in `<top (required)>'
        from bin/rails:4:in `require'
        from bin/rails:4:in `<main>'

Other config :

user@user-MACPC project % ruby -v
ruby 3.0.3p157 (2021-11-24 revision 3fb7d2cadc) [x86_64-darwin19]
user@user-MACPC project % rails -v
Rails 7.0.1

user@user-MACPC project % gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

abbrev (default: 0.1.0)
actioncable (7.0.1)
actionmailbox (7.0.1)
actionmailer (7.0.1, 4.0.8)
actionpack (7.0.1, 4.0.8)
actiontext (7.0.1)
actionview (7.0.1)
active_scaffold (3.6.0, 3.5.5)
activejob (7.0.1)
activemodel (7.0.1, 4.0.8)
activerecord (7.0.1, 4.0.8)
activerecord-deprecated_finders (1.0.4)
activerecord-session_store (2.0.0, 1.1.3)
activestorage (7.0.1)
activesupport (7.0.1,, 4.0.8)
addressable (2.8.0)
airbrussh (1.4.0)
akami (1.3.1)
arel (4.0.2)
autoprefixer-rails (
base64 (default: 0.1.0)
bcrypt (3.1.16)
benchmark (default: 0.1.1)
bigdecimal (default: 3.0.0)
bootstrap-sass (3.4.1)
builder (3.2.4, 3.1.4)
bundler (2.3.6, default: 2.2.32, 1.17.3)
capistrano (3.16.0)
capistrano-bundler (2.0.1, 1.6.0)
capistrano-passenger (0.2.1)
capistrano-rails (1.6.1, 1.1.8)
capistrano-rbenv (2.2.0)
cgi (default: 0.2.1)
coderay (1.1.3)
coffee-rails (5.0.0, 4.0.1)
coffee-script (2.4.1)
coffee-script-source (1.12.2)
concurrent-ruby (1.1.9)
coveralls (0.8.23)
cow_proxy (0.3.3)
crack (0.4.5)
crass (1.0.6)
csv (default: 3.1.9)
date (default: 3.1.3)
dbm (default: 1.1.0)
debase (0.2.5.beta2)
debase-ruby_core_source (0.10.14)
debug (1.4.0, default: 0.2.1)
delegate (default: 0.2.0)
devise (4.8.1)
did_you_mean (default: 1.5.0)
diff-lcs (1.5.0)
digest (3.1.0, default: 3.0.0)
docile (1.4.0)
double-bag-ftps (0.1.4)
drb (default: 2.0.5)
english (default: 0.7.1)
erb (default: 2.2.0)
erubi (1.10.0)
erubis (2.7.0)
etc (default: 1.3.0)
excon (0.90.0)
execjs (2.8.1)
faraday (2.1.0, 1.9.3)
faraday-em_http (1.0.0)
faraday-em_synchrony (1.0.0)
faraday-excon (1.1.0)
faraday-httpclient (1.0.1)
faraday-multipart (1.0.3)
faraday-net_http (2.0.1, 1.0.1)
faraday-net_http_persistent (1.2.0)
faraday-patron (1.0.0)
faraday-rack (1.0.0)
faraday-retry (1.0.3)
fcntl (default: 1.0.1)
ffi (1.15.5)
fiddle (default: 1.0.8)
fileutils (default: 1.5.0)
find (default: 0.1.0)
formatador (1.1.0)
forwardable (default: 1.3.2)
getoptlong (default: 0.1.1)
globalid (1.0.0)
guard (2.18.0)
guard-compat (1.2.1)
guard-rspec (4.7.3)
gyoku (1.3.1)
hashdiff (1.0.1)
hashie (5.0.0, 3.6.0)
hike (1.2.3)
httpclient (2.8.3)
httpi (2.5.0)
i18n (1.9.0, 0.9.5)
ice_nine (0.11.2)
image_size (3.0.1)
io-console (default: 0.5.7)
io-nonblock (default: 0.1.0)
io-wait (0.2.1, default: 0.2.0)
ipaddr (default: 1.2.2)
irb (default: 1.3.5)
jbuilder (2.11.5, 1.5.3)
jeff (1.5.2)
jquery-rails (4.4.0, 3.1.5)
json (2.6.1, default: 2.5.1)
jwt (2.3.0)
libv8 (
listen (3.7.1)
logger (default: 1.4.3)
loofah (2.13.0)
lumberjack (1.2.8)
mail (2.7.1, 2.5.5)
marcel (1.0.2)
matrix (0.4.2, default: 0.3.1)
method_source (1.0.0)
migration_comments (0.4.1, 0.3.2)
mime-types (1.25.1)
mini_mime (1.1.2)
mini_portile2 (2.7.1)
minitest (5.15.0, 4.7.5)
multi_json (1.15.0)
multi_xml (0.5.5)
multipart-post (2.1.1)
mutex_m (default: 0.1.1)
nenv (0.3.0)
net-ftp (0.1.3, default: 0.1.2)
net-http (default: 0.1.1)
net-imap (0.2.3, 0.2.2, default: 0.1.1)
net-pop (0.1.1)
net-protocol (0.1.2, default: 0.1.1)
net-scp (3.0.0)
net-smtp (0.3.1, default: 0.2.1)
net-ssh (6.1.0)
nio4r (2.5.8)
nkf (default: 0.1.0)
nokogiri (1.13.1 x86_64-darwin)
nori (2.6.0)
notiffany (0.1.3)
oauth2 (1.4.7)
observer (default: 0.1.1)
omniauth (2.0.4, 1.4.2)
omniauth-oauth2 (1.7.2, 1.5.0)
omniauth-yconnect (
open-uri (default: 0.1.0)
open3 (default: 0.1.1)
openssl (default: 2.2.1)
optparse (default: 0.1.1)
orm_adapter (0.5.0)
ostruct (default: 0.3.1)
pathname (default: 0.1.0)
polyglot (0.3.5)
power_assert (2.0.1)
pp (default: 0.2.1)
prettyprint (default: 0.1.1)
prime (0.1.2)
pry (0.14.1)
pstore (default: 0.1.1)
psych (default: 3.3.2)
public_suffix (4.0.6)
racc (1.6.0, default: 1.5.2)
rack (2.2.3, 1.5.5)
rack-protection (2.1.0)
rack-test (1.1.0, 0.6.3)
rails (7.0.1, 4.0.8)
rails-dom-testing (2.0.3)
rails-html-sanitizer (1.4.2)
railties (7.0.1, 4.0.8)
rake (13.0.6, 10.5.0)
rb-fsevent (0.11.0)
rb-inotify (0.10.1)
rbs (2.0.0)
rdoc (6.3.3)
readline (default: 0.0.2)
readline-ext (default: 0.1.1)
ref (2.0.0)
reline (default: 0.2.5)
request_store (1.5.1)
resolv (default: 0.2.1)
resolv-replace (default: 0.1.0)
responders (3.0.1)
rexml (3.2.5)
rinda (default: 0.1.1)
rspec (3.10.0)
rspec-core (3.10.1)
rspec-expectations (3.10.2)
rspec-mocks (3.10.2)
rspec-support (3.10.3)
rss (0.2.9)
ruby-debug-ide (0.7.3)
ruby2_keywords (0.0.5)
rubyzip (2.3.2)
sass (3.2.19)
sass-rails (6.0.0, 4.0.5)
sassc (2.4.0)
sassc-rails (2.1.2)
savon (2.12.1)
sdoc (2.3.0)
securerandom (default: 0.1.0)
set (default: 1.0.1)
shellany (0.0.1)
shellwords (default: 0.1.0)
simplecov (0.16.1)
simplecov-html (0.10.2)
singleton (default: 0.1.1)
socksify (1.7.1)
sprockets (4.0.2, 3.7.2, 2.12.5)
sprockets-rails (3.4.2, 2.3.3)
sshkit (1.21.2)
stringio (default: 3.0.1)
strscan (3.0.1)
sync (0.5.0)
syslog (default: 0.1.0)
tempfile (default: 0.1.1)
term-ansicolor (1.7.1)
test-unit (3.5.3)
thor (1.2.1)
thread_safe (0.3.6)
tilt (2.0.10, 1.4.1)
time (default: 0.1.0)
timeout (0.2.0, default: 0.1.1)
tins (1.31.0)
tmpdir (default: 0.1.2)
tracer (default: 0.1.1)
treetop (1.4.15)
tsort (default: 0.1.0)
turbolinks (5.2.1)
turbolinks-source (5.2.0)
typeprof (0.21.1)
tzinfo (2.0.4, 0.3.60)
uglifier (4.2.0)
un (default: 0.1.0)
uri (default: 0.10.1)
warden (1.2.9)
wasabi (3.7.0)
weakref (default: 0.1.1)
webmock (3.14.0)
websocket-driver (0.7.5)
websocket-extensions (0.1.5)
yaml (default: 0.1.1)
zeitwerk (2.5.3)
zlib (default: 2.0.0)

user@user-MACPC project % gem env
RubyGems Environment:
  - RUBY VERSION: 3.0.3 (2021-11-24 patchlevel 157) [x86_64-darwin19]
  - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0
  - USER INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.0.0
  - RUBY EXECUTABLE: /usr/local/opt/ruby/bin/ruby
  - GIT EXECUTABLE: /usr/local/bin/git
  - EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/bin
  - SPEC CACHE DIRECTORY: /Users/user/.gem/specs
  - SYSTEM CONFIGURATION DIRECTORY: /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/3.0.3/etc
     - ruby
     - x86_64-darwin-19
     - /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0
     - /Users/user/.rubies/ruby-3.1.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0
     - :update_sources => true
     - :verbose => true
     - :backtrace => false
     - :bulk_threshold => 1000
     - /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/bin
     - /usr/local/opt/ruby/bin
     - /usr/local/opt/[email protected]/sbin
     - /usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin
     - /Users/user/.pyenv/shims
     - /Users/user/.pyenv/bin
     - /Users/user/.nodebrew/current/bin
     - /opt/local/bin
     - /opt/local/sbin
     - /Users/user/.nodebrew/current/bin
     - /usr/local/bin
     - /usr/bin
     - /bin
     - /usr/sbin
     - /sbin
     - /Library/Apple/usr/bin
     - /Users/user/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/bin
     - /Users/user/.rubies/ruby-3.1.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/bin
     - /Users/user/.rubies/ruby-3.1.0/bin
     - /usr/local/sbin
     - /usr/local/opt/[email protected]/sbin
     - /usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin
     - /Users/user/.pyenv/shims
     - /Users/user/.pyenv/bin
     - /Users/user/.nodebrew/current/bin
     - /opt/local/bin
     - /opt/local/sbin
     - /Applications/Visual Studio
     - /Users/user/go/bin
     - /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/bin
     - /Applications/Visual Studio
     - /Users/user/go/bin
     - /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/bin

How to fix it. I have nothing ideas. pls.

undefined method `descendants' for #<Module:0x0000aaab167ce9c8> (NoMethodError)

I update Rails from 6.0.4 to 6.1.4.
I face following error.

root@827fdc13165b:~/sokudan# bundle exec rails c
/usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments.rb:26:in `block in setup': undefined method `descendants' for #<Module:0x0000aaab167ce9c8> (NoMethodError)
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments.rb:23:in `each'
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments.rb:23:in `setup'
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments.rb:59:in `<main>'
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/bootsnap-1.7.5/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:23:in `require'
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/bootsnap-1.7.5/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:23:in `block in require_with_bootsnap_lfi'
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/bootsnap-1.7.5/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/loaded_features_index.rb:92:in `register'
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/bootsnap-1.7.5/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:22:in `require_with_bootsnap_lfi'
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/bootsnap-1.7.5/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:31:in `require'
	from /usr/local/bundle/gems/bundler-2.1.4/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:74:in `block (2 levels) in require'
	from /usr/local/bundle/gems/bundler-2.1.4/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:69:in `each'
	from /usr/local/bundle/gems/bundler-2.1.4/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:69:in `block in require'
	from /usr/local/bundle/gems/bundler-2.1.4/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:58:in `each'
	from /usr/local/bundle/gems/bundler-2.1.4/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:58:in `require'
	from /usr/local/bundle/gems/bundler-2.1.4/lib/bundler.rb:174:in `require'
	from /root/sokudan/config/application.rb:21:in `<top (required)>'
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/spring-2.1.1/lib/spring/application.rb:92:in `require'
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/spring-2.1.1/lib/spring/application.rb:92:in `preload'
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/spring-2.1.1/lib/spring/application.rb:157:in `serve'
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/spring-2.1.1/lib/spring/application.rb:145:in `block in run'
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/spring-2.1.1/lib/spring/application.rb:139:in `loop'
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/spring-2.1.1/lib/spring/application.rb:139:in `run'
	from /usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/spring-2.1.1/lib/spring/application/boot.rb:19:in `<top (required)>'
	from /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.7.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:72:in `require'
	from /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.7.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:72:in `require'
	from -e:1:in `<main>'

My environments:

  • Docker image: ruby:2.7.2

When I downgrade Rails to 6.0.4, no error occurs.

Support Rails 5

It seems not working on rails-5.0.0.beta1.1.

Here is a migration:

class CreateFormulas < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def change
    create_table :formulas, comment: 'formula of truth' do |t|
      t.string :name, comment: 'name of formula'
      t.string :code, comment: 'ident'
      t.string :equation, comment: 'equation of formula'


And after run rails db:migration, here is what I got from db/schema.rb:

create_table "formulas", id: false, force: :cascade, options: "ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COMMENT='formula of truth'", comment: "formula of truth" do |t|
  t.integer  "id"
  t.string   "name"
  t.string   "code"
  t.string   "equation"
  t.datetime "created_at", null: false
  t.datetime "updated_at", null: false

What if you are using Active Record > 4.2 but Ruby < 2.1 ? Weird conflict with UUIDs

I'm having difficulty replicating this issue, and it may well a problem elsewhere. However, if I use ActiveRecord 4's built-in :uuid functionality (so it can set a primary key as a uuid that generates by itself) , then that functionality breaks whenever this gem is installed.

If I use 0.3.2, then my migrations fail as for some reason no default is set for the primary uuid key column. I do not understand why. My guess is that somehow the way dependencies are set means that an older version of ActiveRecord gets used to run migrations?

If I use 0.4.1, the migrations work fine, but I run into this issue which I suspect is related to the fact that my app uses Ruby 2.0.0:

 bundle exec rake --trace --verbose assets:precompile
 ---> Running in e1302b7e04fc
rake aborted!
Bundler::GemRequireError: There was an error while trying to load the gem 'migration_comments'.
Gem Load Error is: private method `prepend' called for ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper:Class
Backtrace for gem load error is:
/gems/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments.rb:27:in `block in setup'
/gems/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments.rb:23:in `each'
/gems/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments.rb:23:in `setup'
/gems/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments.rb:59:in `<top (required)>'
/usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/bundler/runtime.rb:81:in `require'
/usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/bundler/runtime.rb:81:in `block (2 levels) in require'
/usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/bundler/runtime.rb:76:in `each'
/usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/bundler/runtime.rb:76:in `block in require'

Would really love to get to the bottom of this!

set_column_comment to MySQL bigint(20) primary_key revert to int(11)

Hi 😀

I use v0.3.2 with ActiveRecord v4.2.6.
I have tried to create table with a bigint(20) as primary_key with comment for MySQL, though If I use set_column_comment to the primary_key, its type become int(11).

In concrete, migration file is

class CreateTests < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :tests, id: false do |t|
      t.string :name
    set_column_comment :tests, :id, "TestID"

and result(structure.sql) is int(11), not bigint(20).

CREATE TABLE `tests` (
  `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

When I remove set_column_comment,

class CreateTests < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :tests, id: false do |t|
      t.string :name

structure.sql is what I expected. (but I need COMMENT 'TestID')

CREATE TABLE `tests` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Fortunately, I've already found the solution. At set_column_comment method of v0.3.2, doing the same way of master goes well.
Therefore I want to make a Pull Request to fix this problem. Though, this repository has only master branch, no branch for v0.3.x. What should I do to fix this bug and release v0.3.3 for ActiveRecord prior to v4.2.

v0.4.0 introduces a breaking API change for setting table comments

The breaking change was introduced in a9646f9#diff-24cef9304fab05a7c934b31754f74b8aL5 to accommodate the Rails 5 schema comments API.

This comment changes def comment(text) to def comment=(text), introducing a breaking change that is not mentioned in the ReadMe or elsewhere. Code samples in the Readme will also fail due to comment now being treated as an accessor in v0.4.0.

The Fix:

The Readme should be updated to reflect the changes in the API.

All instances of

t.comment "My table comment"

should be replaced with:

t.comment = "My table comment"

ColumnDefinition constant not found

With version 0.2.0 I am getting an error:
uninitialized constant ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ColumnDefinition

Are there special instructions for installing this other than adding it to the Gemfile? It is causing Rails to immediately abort, even if trying to use "rails console" - error included below. I'm using

  • Rails 3.0.11
  • Ruby 1.9.3
  • MySQL 5.5.28
  • mysql2 adapter 0.2.18

The ruby stack trace follows:

$ bundle show migration_comments

$ bundle exec rails console
/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport-3.0.11/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb:124:in `block in constantize': uninitialized constant ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ColumnDefinition (NameError)
    from /usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport-3.0.11/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb:123:in `each'
    from /usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport-3.0.11/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb:123:in `constantize'
    from /usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport-3.0.11/lib/active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb:43:in `constantize'
    from /home/dem/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/gems/migration_comments-0.2.0/lib/migration_comments.rb:21:in `block in setup'
    from /home/dem/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/gems/migration_comments-0.2.0/lib/migration_comments.rb:20:in `each'
    from /home/dem/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/gems/migration_comments-0.2.0/lib/migration_comments.rb:20:in `setup'
    from /home/dem/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/gems/migration_comments-0.2.0/lib/migration_comments.rb:60:in `<top (required)>'
    from /usr/share/gems/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:68:in `require'
    from /usr/share/gems/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:68:in `block (2 levels) in require'
    from /usr/share/gems/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:66:in `each'
    from /usr/share/gems/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:66:in `block in require'
    from /usr/share/gems/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:55:in `each'
    from /usr/share/gems/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:55:in `require'
    from /usr/share/gems/gems/bundler-1.0.21/lib/bundler.rb:122:in `require'
    from __project_dir__/config/application.rb:7:in `<top (required)>'
    from /usr/share/gems/gems/railties-3.0.11/lib/rails/commands.rb:21:in `require'
    from /usr/share/gems/gems/railties-3.0.11/lib/rails/commands.rb:21:in `<top (required)>'
    from script/rails:6:in `require'
    from script/rails:6:in `<main>'

Comments not generated in Rails 4.1

After upgrading to Rails 4.1 (stable beta branch), it seems schema.rb is no longer being populated with comments. No errors or warnings, but it seems the Gem has no effect.

Silence warnings

When running tests on a project depending on migration_comments some warnings are raised (see below).

This is because with a recent rake (>=11.0), ruby warnings are now on by default.

What do you think about fixing those warnings as well as running the test suite with ruby -w / $VERBOSE = true / t.warning = true ?

/Users/lloeki/.gem/ruby/2.3.4/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments.rb:40: warning: assigned but unused variable - ex
/Users/lloeki/.gem/ruby/2.3.4/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments.rb:53: warning: assigned but unused variable - ex
/Users/lloeki/.gem/ruby/2.3.4/gems/migration_comments-0.4.1/lib/migration_comments/active_record/connection_adapters/table_definition.rb:5: warning: method redefined; discarding old comment=

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