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pandown's Issues

pandoc-crossref not working

I have an issue using pandoc-crossref ( as a filter. It can be added using "filter": "pandoc-crossref" or "filter": ["pandoc-crossref"] in the pandoc-config.json. However, there seems to be some preprocessing that escapes some of the crossref syntax. A simple example would be using an image in Markdown with crossref-specific options:

![](some_image.png){#fig:image width=10%}

which includes the image but escapes the curly braces, so crossref cannot interpret them any more as parameters. This is visible when doing latex output, where the output is as follows:

\includegraphics{some_image.png}\{\#fig:image width=10\%\}

I suspect something with citations to get in the way, because the documentation warns about the order of applying citeproc and crossref (first crossref, then citeproc). I do not understand the pandown codebase yet, otherwise I would open a pull request.

TypeError: Can't convert 'bool' object to str implicitly on Windows

When trying to build a file with Pandown (regardless of the output file format), I'm getting the following errors in the console:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\", line 533, in run_
  File "pandownBuildCommand in C:\Users\deni\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\Pandown.sublime-package", line 97, in run
  File "pandownBuildCommand in C:\Users\deni\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\Pandown.sublime-package", line 365, in buildPandocCmd
TypeError: Can't convert 'bool' object to str implicitly

My configuration:
Windows 8.1 Polish version
Sublime Text 3 build 3083


suspected conflict with bibliography metadata and sublime-settings

When using citations in a pandown-md doc, the citations and bibliography are successfully generated when I point the pandown.sublime-settings to a .bib file thus:

"bibliography": "bibliography.bib"

But I don't get success when I comment-out that line and replace it with metadata at the front of my md file:

title: some doc
author: Who
date: 1 Jan 2009
bibliography: bibliography.bib


It seems I am forced to use the pandown.sublime-settings to specify the bib file. Interestingly, the .csl file can be specified either in the settings file or in the metadata, and both work.


Pandown is not working with pandoc version<2.0

After the last update, Pandown is not working with pandoc version<2.0. Maybe should be updated with this fact (it still talks about version >=1.10.

Pandoc update solves the problem on MacOSX. However, project config files should be updated removing "normalization", "smart" and "parse-raw" entries.

On Windows, however, the problem persists even after updating pandoc and even removing old project config files. The log displays the following message:

--parse-raw/-R has been removed. Use +raw_html or +raw_tex extension.

--smart/-S has been removed.  Use +smart or -smart extension instead.
For example: pandoc -f markdown+smart -t markdown-smart.
--normalize has been removed.  Normalization is now automatic.
Try pandoc --help for more information.

Add support for --toc-depth

There doesn't currently seem to be a way of setting --toc-depth as one of the command_line arguments -- would it be possible to add this?


Windows-specific settings for Pandown

Is there any way to have a different .sublime-settings file for Windows and Mac?

I tried renaming the settings files to Pandown (Windows).sublime-settings, Pandown (OSX).sublime-settings, but this didn't seem to work.


How to change the output type?

I know I have successfully changed the output format in the past to 'mediawiki' unfortunately, I can't remember how I did it and the documentation is a bit obtuse to me.

Could we for posterity explain how one would change the output of Pandown from html to mediawiki?

Thanks, for any help

Setting install_path doesn't work on Linux

I'm on Ubuntu 13.04. I have both older version of Pandoc in /usr/local/bin, and a newer version in ~/.cabal/bin. I'd like Pandown to use the newer version. According to the settings file, I should be able to set the variable install_path to ~/.cabal/bin, but doing seems to have no effect. Pandown still calls the version in /usr/local/bin.


Issue with ATX headers

When I set the preference to force ATX headers to 'true' and then build in markdown the build process seems to clip all the headers off so that there are no ATX headers at all. The text of the header is still there, so that if I wanted to see ##H2 all I get post-build is H2. Is this a bug?

Bibtex citations does not work


I have tried to get citations work with pandown in ST2 but it does not work. I have a configuration file: pandoc-config.json int the same directory than the source file:
// Arguments are explained in Pandoc's documentation: //
// . //
// The contents of this file will be merged with the package's //
// Pandown.sublime-settings file, the user's Pandown.sublime-settings/
// file, and local project settings, with what's specified here //
// taking precedence. For more information about how to use this //
// file, please see the Pandown README. //
// A backslash followed by a newline is also a line break.
"escaped_line_breaks": true,

        // Require a blank line before a header.
        "blank_before_header": true,

        // Headers can be assigned attributes using this syntax at the end of
        // the line containing the header text:
        // {#identifier .class .class key=value key=value}
        "header_attributes": true,

        // A header without specified attributes will automatically be assigned
        // a unique identifier based on the header text.
        "auto_identifiers": true,

        // Pandoc assumes header references have been defined for each header.
        "implicit_header_references": true,

        // Require a blank line before block quotes. In nested blockquotes,
        // require:
        // > Quotation
        // >
        // > > Quotation within quotation.
        "blank_before_blockquote": true,

        // Fence code blocks off with tildes or backticks.
        "fenced_code_blocks": true,

        // Start lines with pipe characters to and the division into lines and
        // leading whitespace will be preserved. Useful for setting verse and
        // addresses.
        "line_blocks": true,

        // Pandoc allows fancier numbering using uppercase letters, lowercase
        // letters and Roman numerals. List markers may be enclosed in parentheses
        // or followed by a single right-parenthesis or period, then two spaces.
        "fancy_lists": true,

        // Pandoc will pay attention to the starting number for each list.
        "startnum": true,

        // Pandoc supports definition lists; see documentation here for the
        // correct syntax:
        "definition_lists": true,

        // The list marker (@) can be used to sequentially number examples in
        // a way that persists throughout the document.
        "example_lists": true,

        // Pandoc supports four kinds of tables, the syntax for which is given at:
        "simple_tables": true,
        "multiline_tables": true,
        "grid_tables": true,
        "pipe_tables": true,

        // A table caption is a paragraph beginning with the string "Table:" or a
        // colon alone. It may be placed at the beginning or end of a table.
        "table_captions": true,

        // Pandoc allows the inclusion of a title block that will not appear in
        // the body of the document:
        // % Title
        // % Author(s) (separated by semicolons)
        // % Date
        "pandoc_title_block": true,

        // A backslash may be used to escape any Markdown symbol.
        "all_symbols_escapable": true,

        // Using underscores within a word for emphasis is disabled by
        // default. Use * instead.
        "intraword_underscores": false,

        // To strike letters in your text, surround them with ~~two tildes~~.
        "strikeout": true,

        // Superscripts may be written by surrounding text with ^ characters,
        // subscripts by surrounding text with ~ characters. Escape spaces within
        // scripts using \ .
        "superscript": true,
        "subscript": true,

        // Add attribtues, including syntax highlighting, to inline code.
        "inline_code_attributes": true,

        // Text between two $ characters will be rendered as LaTeX math.
        "tex_math_dollars": true,

        // The default behavior in Markdown allows you to insert raw HTML
        // anywhere in a document.
        "raw_html": true,

        // By default, Pandoc interprets Markdown in blocks of HTML as Markdown.
        // This deviates from's default behavior.
        "markdown_in_html_blocks": true,

        // Pandoc allows raw TeX to be passed in addition to raw HTML.
        "raw_tex": true,

        // If set to `true`, Pandoc will use \newcommand and \renewcommand
        // definitions in all LaTeX math blocks.
        "latex_macros": true,

        // An image occurring by itself in a paragraph will be rendered as a
        // figure with a caption: ![This is the caption](path/to/image.jpg)
        "implicit_figures": true,

        // Pandoc will parse footnotes in the syntax listed here:
        "footnotes": true,
        "inline_notes": true,

        // Use the syntax given here for citations:
        "citations": true,

        // All newlines within a paragraph will be interpreted as linebreaks
        // rather than spaces.
        "hard_line_breaks": false,

        // Anything between \( and \) will be interpreted as TeX inline math,
        // and anything between \[ and \] as TeX display math.
        "tex_math_single_backslash": false,

        // Same as above, but escaped with two backslashes.
        "tex_math_double_backslash": false,

        // Markdown is only parsed within block-level tags if `markdown=1` is
        // set in their attributes.
        "markdown_attribute": false,

        // Enables a MultiMarkdown-style title block:
        // Title:    My Title
        // Author:   Arthur Author
        // Date:     January 1, 2013
        // Comment:  This is a mmd title block, and it even includes
        //           a field spanning multiple lines.
        "mmd_title_block": false,

        // Skip PHP Markdown Extra abbreviation keys instead of parsing them
        // as paragraphs if set to `true`.
        "abbreviations": false,

        // Makes all absolute URLs into links, even when not enclosed in <...>.
        "autolink_bare_uris": false,

        // Parse (but ignore, at the moment) MMD-style key--value attribtues
        // in image and link references.
        "link_attributes": false,

        // Parses MMD-style header identifiers (in square brackets between header
        // text and closing ATX #s.
        "mmd_header_identifiers": false

        // Modify this setting to tell Pandoc to look for any of the following
        // in the specified directory rather than ~/.pandoc or Pandoc's default
        // directory tree. Note that this is not an all-purpose includes
        // directory---Pandoc will only look for these files and folders.
        //      data_dir/
        //          reference.odt
        //          reference.docx
        //          default.csl
        //          epub.css
        //          slidy/
        //          slideous/
        //          s5/
        //          templates/
        // Anything placed under templates and will be found by the "template"
        // setting; otherwise, to set an include directory, use the "includes_paths"
        // option above.
        "data-dir": "",

        // "Parse untranslatable HTML codes and LaTeX environments as
        // raw HTML or LaTeX, instead of ignoring them."
        "parse-raw": true,

        // Straight quotes into curly quotes, --- to em-dash, -- to en-dash,
        // ... to ellipsis, nonbreaking spaces after certain abbreviations.
        "smart": true,

        // - before a numeral to en-dash, -- to em-dash
        "old-dashes": false,

        // "Speficy the base level for headers"
        // Specify a number or "false" to disable.
        "base-header-level": false,

        // Apply code classes to all indented code blocks. N.B.:
        // does not apply to fenced code, which must still be
        // configured inline.
        // MUST BE DEFINED AS A LIST, EVEN IF EMPTY. This is correct:
        //      "indented-code-classes": [],
        // and so is this:
        //      "indented-code-classes": [ "numberLines" ],
        // but this is not:
        //      "indented-code-classes": "numberLines"

        // When image paths or URLs have no extension, this one
        // will be used.
        "default-image-extension": "",

        // Merge adjacent elements, remove repeated spaces, etc.
        "normalize": true,

        // Set the number of spaces per tab. Should be set to
        // "false" (for default behavior) or a number.
        "tab-stop": false,

        // Generate "an appropriate header and footer"
        "standalone": true,

        // Use a template file other than the default to
        // generate output. Pandoc will look for a template in the
        // working directory, then data_dir/templates/, then its
        // built-in directory tree.
        // See Pandoc's README for information about templates:
        "template": "",

        // Supply a dict of keys and values to be passed to
        // the template file. Values may be lists
        // if your template includes loops; see this plugin's README.

        // By default, text is wrapped for the output format.
        "no-wrap": false,

        // If wrapping text, wrap to "columns" columns.
        // Specify a number or "false" to disable.
        "columns": false,

        // Generate and include a table of contents.
        "table-of-contents": false,

        // The number of section levels to include in the table of contents.
        // Specify a number or "false" for default (3).
        "toc-depth": false,

        // Disable syntax highlighting globally.
        "no-highlight": false,

        // Style to use for syntax highlighting.
        // Valid highlight_style values:
        // "pygments" (default), "kate", "monochrome",
        // "espresso", "zenburn", "haddock", "tango"
        "highlight-style": "pygments",

        // Supply lists of files---NOT single file names---to include verbatim in the output.
        // This is correct:
        //          "include_in_header": [ "myfile" ]
        // and this is not:
        //          "include_in_header": "myfile"
        // Default templates support multiple includes.
        // Insert just before </head>
        "include-in-header": [],
        // Insert just after <body>
        "include-before-body": [],
        // Insert includes just before </body>
        "include-after-body": [],

        // Convert includes to 'data:' URIs so that the
        // output can be viewed offline.
        "self-contained": false,

        // Use <q> tags for quotes in HTML5 output
        "html-q-tags": false,

        // In HTML output ONLY, restrict to ASCII characters
        // with numerical HTML entities.
        "ascii": false,

        // When outputting Markdown, use reference-style links (e.g. [go here!][1])
        // rather than inline (e.g. [go here!](http://place.the) ).
        "reference-links": false,

        // Force use of ATX-style headers ("# H1", "## H2", etc.) in output.
        // The default is to use a combination, with setext-style headers:
        // H1
        // ===
        // for H1 and H2, then ATX.
        "atx-headers": false,

        // Top-level headers become TeX/Docbook chapters.
        "chapters": false,

        // Generate section numbers.
        "number-sections": false,

        // Sections in HTML output can be offset by a fixed number.
        // The first number is added to the output for top-level
        // headings, the second number to second-level headings,
        // etc. Must be specified as a list.

        // "Do not convert quotation marks, apostrophes, and dashes to the TeX ligatures"
        "no-tex-ligatures": false,

        // Use listings package for TeX code
        "listings": false,

        // In slideshow output, display list items one slide at a time.
        "incremental": false,

        // Header level at which to break slides. Above breaks sections, below
        // creates subheads. Normally set based on context of document.
        // See:
        // Set to a number or "false" to disable.
        "slide-level": false,

        // Enclose sections in <div> or <section> tags, attach "id" attributes based on
        // the section name.
        "section-divs": false,

        // Conceal mailto: links from robots.
        // Acceptable values: "none", "javascript", "references"
        "email-obfuscation": "references",

        // "Specify a prefix to be added to all automatically generated identifiers
        // in HTML output. This is useful for preventing duplicate identifiers when
        // generating fragments to be included in other pages."
        "id-prefix": "",

        // Insert a string before the header title tag but not the body title
        "title-prefix": "",

        // Link to any number of CSS stylesheets
        // without triggering the standalone include features.

        // "Use the specified file as a style reference in producing a [desired] file.
        // For best results, the reference [file] should be a modified version of
        // a [desired] file produced using pandoc."
        "reference-odt": "",
        "reference-docx": "",

        // "Use the specified CSS file to style the EPUB. If no stylesheet is specified,
        // pandoc will look for a file epub.css in the user data directory (see --data-dir).
        // If it is not found there, sensible defaults will be used."
        "epub-stylesheet": "",

        // Set cover to a specified image.
        "epub-coverimage": "",

        // Link to an XML file containing EPUB metadata in Dublin Core Elements format.
        // See
        "epub-metadata": "",

        // Use the stylesheet specified to embed fonts. Should contain a series of
        // @font-face elements and CSS describing where they're to be used.
        "epub-embed-font": "",

        // Appropriate values: "pdflatex" (default), "xelatex", "lulalatex"
        "latex-engine": "",

        // Specify bibliography database to be used in resolving citations. The database
        // type will be determined from the extension of FILE, which may be .mods (MODS format),
        // .bib (BibTeX/BibLaTeX format), .ris (RIS format), .enl (EndNote format), .xml (EndNote XML format),
        // .wos (ISI format), .medline (MEDLINE format), .copac (Copac format), or .json (citeproc JSON).
        // If you want to use multiple bibliographies, just use this option repeatedly.
        "bibliography": "paper_rings_multiblob/multiblobbed_rings.bib",

        // Link to a CSL ( file for formatting citations.
        "csl": "american-physics-society.csl",

        // "Specify a file containing abbreviations for journal titles and other
        // bibliographic fields (indicated by setting form="short" in the CSL node
        // for the field). The format is described at
        "citation-abbreviations": "",

        // Use natbib for LaTeX citations.
        "natbib": false,

        // Use BibLaTeX for LaTeX citations.
        "biblatex": true,

        // Place TeX math between <eq> tags in HTML output.
        "gladtex": false,

        // Each of the following can be false, true, or a URL string.
        // Setting to a URL string implies true.
        // Use to format TeX math. If no URL
        // is specified, Pandoc will insert the code for you.
        "latexmathml": false,
        // Convert TeX math to MathML and include a JavaScript to display.
        "mathml": false,
        // Use for TeX math. URL must point
        // to its load script, which will not be automatically added by Pandoc.
        "jsmath": false,
        // Use for TeX math. URL must point to MathJax.jds
        // load script. If no URL is provided, Pandoc script will add one.
        "mathjax": true,
        // Render TeX math with mimetex ( If no
        // URL is supplied, /cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi is assumed.
        "mimetex": false,
        // Render TeX formulas using an external script that converts TeX formulas
        // to images. The formula will be concatenated with the URL provided.
        // If URL is not specified, the Google Chart API will be used.
        "webtex": false


As you can see I have activated biblatex and set the bibtex file (paper_rings_multiblob/multiblobbed_rings.bib) and style (american-physics-society.csl), but seems the command is not right parse. I try on the command line this command:

$ pandoc --biblio paper_rings_multiblob/multiblobbed_rings.bib --csl american-physics-society.csl -o test.html

and it works quite well, so I think it is a problem of the command construction.

Could you help me?

Thanks in advance.

Building from multiple files


this for now is too complex for me, is it possible to configure build to run on multiple files in the project? For example if I'm writing book with multiple chapters in separate files,, ...

Thanks for all the work,

Is it possible to configure a previewer in the build system?

Hi, pandown is awesome. Thanks.

I am currently using Pandown mainly for generating md -> pdf via xelatex and it works smoothly. The only thing that is missing in my workflow is an automated preview of the result. Is there a chance to call a previewer (Adobe or Browser) from within the build process? Thanks

Reveal.js not available

Thank you for this nice job.
Could it be possible to add to the available transformations the Markdown to Reveal.js one.

What is the format for "pandoc_arguments"


I would like to add the arguments that I use when I invoke Pandoc in the Terminal to the pandoc-config.json file for my project, but I'm not sure how to format them. Here is what the start of the file looks like:

        "-o ~/Dropbox/publications/JJKC/Rig.pdf"
        "--bibliography ~/Dropbox/Notes/nnstanp2grepbtf.bib"
        "--csl ~/Dropbox/Notes/modern-humanities-research-association.csl"
        "-V geometry:margin=1in"
        "-V mainfont='Minion Pro'"
        // Arguments are explained in Pandoc's documentation:               //

I have Build System set to Pandown Markdown. But when I hit Build I get this error:

Pandown: Error constructing Pandoc command.

These arguments work fine in the Terminal. I guess I've not formatted the arguments correctly, but any pointers as to what's going wrong would be helpful (perhaps the json file should have some examples of how to format arguments in the comments?)

Latest commit breaks ST2 under windows

As noted in commit comment, this fix broke operation for me with ST2 under Windows. I would get this error:

[Pandown: Exception: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified]
error: Pandown requires Pandoc

Reverting this fixed my issue.

Relative File Paths

Thanks for the great plugin! I am having trouble specifying relative paths in the pandoc-config.json file. Specifically, I would like to use "/path/to/file/" for csl and bibliography files. I was having a difficult time getting it to accept a relative reference to a template file, but I finally got that to work when I realized I had to specify "template.latex" and not just "template" as pandoc takes in the command line. I am not a programer, but in digging through the code, it appears that the relative reference works in template because it passes through walkIncludes, which performs os.path.expanduser on it. However, it appears csl and bibliography options are passed straight through so they end up as "--csl=/path/to/file" which pandoc doesn't like.

I can overcome this by placing the .csl and .bib files in the working directory, but I prefer to keep the build files separated from the .md files.

Any help you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks so much!

Pandown freezes sublime

Ubuntu 12.04.3
Sublime Text 2 Build 2221
Pandoc 1.12.1 installed through cabal
Pandown installed through Package Control

Incompatibility with current Package Control on ST3?

I installed Pandown with Package Control[1]. It places a Pandown.sublime-package in /Installed Packages. But reading your, you expect os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'Pandown') is an existing directory, where sublime.packages_path() is data-path/Packages. If I understand correctly, it was the policy of ST2 to expand packages there but it has changed with ST3 which prefers to keep the packages as archives in "Installed Packages". So basically, as it stands, I don't see how your code can work with ST3 and Package Control. Users shall install Pandown by hand in data-path/Packages for it to work correctly. I have no idea how to fix the package to work around that problem but at least, meanwhile, you should update the documentation to clarify that point.

Am I missing something?

[1] I installed Package Control by cloning its git repo and checking out the python3 branch: head is May 7, 158717034335b075d45fc6f13dcf2bdbdc5edf8c.

error running Pandown 3/26/13

Running up-to-date Pandown as of 3/26/13, and Pandoc 1.11.1. Win 7, ST 2, build 2217.

When running any Pandown command, receive an error "Pandown requires Pandoc". The console shows the following:

[Pandown: Exception: environment can only contain strings]
error: Pandown requires Pandoc

Looks like I'm getting an error here

def checkPandoc(self, env):
    cmd = ['pandoc', '--version']
        output = subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=env)
    except Exception as e:
        err("Exception: " + str(e))
        return False

Pandown freezes Sublime

I recently update to Pandoc 1.10.1 and now anytime I try to build a document in Sublime with Pandown it cause Sublime to freeze up and must be forced closed.

Ubuntu 12.04
Sublime 2.0.1
Pandoc 1.10.1 installed through cabal
Pandown installed through Package Control

"Console" is opened everytime I run pandown

Whenever I run pandown, a little "console" (it's not called that, but I don't know the name…) is displayed, even when no output in that window is generated. I would like pandown to not open up this console pane, if it has nothing to show. Is that possible?

Beamer slides and templates

I regularly generate beamer slides from markdown for teaching, and I like to use a specific pandoc template with several key:value pairs. But I don't want to use this template for markdown docs in the project folder all the time, just for when I generate slides. Is there a way to make templates specific to particular build systems in Pandown? Apologies if this is already detailed in the README and I've just missed it.


Unless I've missed it, there's no way to use a Pandoc filter with Pandown, like having on the command line. I would quite like to be able to.

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