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tandem's Introduction


Tandem provides supporting material for simulations using phetioEngine.js. This library is licensed so that it can be used in published simulations (as opposed to phetioEngine.js which is licensed separately).

By PhET Interactive Simulations


The PhET Development Overview is the most complete guide to PhET Simulation Development. This guide includes how to obtain simulation code and its dependencies, notes about architecture & design, how to test and build the sims, as well as other important information.


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tandem's People


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tandem's Issues

Tandem description is inaccurate

 * Tandem is a general instance registry that can be used to track creation/disposal of instances in PhET Simulations.
 * It is used for phetio.js instrumentation for PhET-iO support.
 * @author Sam Reid (PhET Interactive Simulations)

This is inaccurate. There is no registry implemented here. This is just a thin wrapper that forwards registration requests to "instance listeners". The registry appears to live in pheti-io.phetio.js.

similarity of IOObject and ObjectIO names may result in programming errors

From review of IOObject in #36 (comment):

  • IOObject and ObjectIO in the same file, potentially confusing.
    A Type always refers to its IO Type (formerly known as TType). For instance Vector2 refers to Vector2IO. IOObject has the IO prefix because it is specific to PhET-iO. Not sure how to clarify this.

Yes, I understand the semantics, and I understand the roles of IOObject and ObjectIO. I'm just predicting that they will be inadvertently confused because of the similarity of their names.

Tandem duplicates packageJSON

Tandem should be using (instead of duplicating) joist.packageJSON. If a circular dependency is preventing this, then packageJSON.js should be moved from joist to phet-core.

TandemRectangle constructor is missing parameters

The constructor in TandemRectangle.js calls out to Rectangle like this,

 function TandemRectangle( x, y, width, height, options ) {
    Tandem.validateOptions( options ); // The tandem is required when brand==='phet-io' this, x, y, width, height, options );

which is the signature for the Dot version. The Scenery constructor is this:

  function Rectangle( x, y, width, height, cornerXRadius, cornerYRadius, options ) 

I'll fix it.

this.options is unused outside of Tandem constructor

Tandem.js line 47:

    // @private - options (even subtype options) must be stored on the instance so they can be passed through the super
    // type inheritance chain. Note: Make sure that added options here are also added to options for inheritance and/or
    // for composition (createTandem) as they make sense.
    this.options = _.extend( {

this.options is @private and unused outside of the constructor. So there's no reason to make it an instance field.

Create TandemPropertySet

Now that we are passing types as Property options, the PropertySet constructor is getting a bit more complex:

    // Options 1 this, {
      voltage: voltage,
      polarity: CLBConstants.POLARITY.POSITIVE
    }, {
      tandemSet: tandem ? {
        voltage: tandem.createTandem( 'voltageProperty' ),
        polarity: tandem.createTandem( 'polarityProperty' )
      } : {},
      typeSet: {
        voltage: TNumber && TNumber( 'volts' ),
        polarity: TString
    } );

@andrewadare and I discussed restructuring this like so:

    // Options 2 this, {
      voltage: {
        value: voltage,
        tandem: tandem && tandem.createTandem( 'voltageProperty' ),
        type: TNumber && TNumber( 'volts' )
      polarity: {
        value: CLBConstants.POLARITY.POSITIVE,
        tandem: tandem && tandem.createTandem( 'polarityProperty' ),
        type: TString
    } );

The main benefit is that it clusters related metadata together.

Implementing this in tandem is one way to accomplish creation of the new API without breaking backward compatibility.

This breaks with the pattern of other Tandem* classes keeping the same API, but still helps us restructure the data in a better way.

Pool tandems assign the wrong index

Currently, if you do


you will receive:

It should be neutron_0, so we need to change this implementation. The use case will be something like:

var electronPoolTandem = tandem.createPoolTandem('electron');
var electron0Tandem = electronPoolTandem.createPoolElementTandem();

PoolTandem would be a subclass that adds the index.

Explore an interface pattern for tandem

@pixelzoom suggested instead of putting if (brand==='phet-io') in several methods, we may want to make a Tandem interface with a no-op implementation.

This may be more important now because we are considering making tandems non-null in common code.

Centralize logic for add/removeInstance, AKA implement model tandems like scenery node tandems

On Thursday we discussed centralizing the logic for add/removeInstance, perhaps like it is done for scenery Node subclasses. Here are my raw notes:

pass in the phetioType in options or on prototype.....

then tandem.addinstance

maybe need a PhETObject core type that everything extends.

Only one tandem per object.

OK to put things on the prototype but not on the instance.

If we go with this.subtypeTandem, then we have to iterate through and get rid of this.tandem because they will get stomped on.

re-enable all assertions in PhetioObject

This will help us identify the following issues:
(a) cases where an event triggers the an event on the same instance
(b) cases where an object is disposed while triggering an event.

From #46

what is the correct term for the 'id' field of a Tandem instance?

What is the correct term for referring to the id field of a Tandem instance? I see no less than 4 different names for this thing in code and issues:

tandem id
wrapper id

... and it's confusing. Highly recommended that you standardize on a term, one that makes sense for the public API.

Different tandem instances can have the same ID

There is apparently nothing to prevent tandem ids from being shared between static and non-static.

Example, with molecule-polarity loaded in the browser:

> var rootTandem = phet.tandem.Tandem.createRootTandem()
> var myTandem = rootTandem.createTandem( 'foo' )
> myTandem.static
> var staticTandem = phet.tandem.Tandem.createStaticTandem( 'foo' )
> staticTandem.static

This seems like a potential problem.

[NOTE: Example above was edited, I copied some things incorrectly from my console.]

TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined

In states of matter and a few others, it looks like BooleanRectangularStickyToggleButton is never calling PhetioObject.initializePhetioObject.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
    at BooleanRectangularStickyToggleButton.startEvent (/tandem/js/PhetioObject.js?bust=1514317781124:99)
    at StickyToggleButtonModel.toggle (/sun/js/buttons/StickyToggleButtonModel.js?bust=1514317781124:114)
    at Array.downListener (/sun/js/buttons/StickyToggleButtonModel.js?bust=1514317781124:61)
    at Emitter.emit2 (/axon/js/Emitter.js?bust=1514317781124:179)
    at Property._notifyListeners (/axon/js/Property.js?bust=1514317781124:180)
    at Property._setAndNotifyListeners (/axon/js/Property.js?bust=1514317781124:167)
    at Property.set (/axon/js/Property.js?bust=1514317781124:114)
    at Object.down (/sun/js/buttons/ButtonListener.js?bust=1514317781124:42)
    at ButtonListener.buttonDown (/scenery/js/input/DownUpListener.js?bust=1514317781124:103)
    at ButtonListener.down (/scenery/js/input/DownUpListener.js?bust=1514317781124:139)

how to make values that the user sees accessible?

In beers-law-lab, ConcentrationMeterNode was given {Property.<string>} readoutProperty to provide access to exactly what the user is seeing on the meter. This was at request of a customer. This was not a straightforward instrumentation, and required a relatively expensive change to the sim code. Presumably any displayed value (in any sim) is fair game for this feature. So we need a better way of doing this, preferably something that lets us make any displayed value available via the PhET-iO API, with minimal changes to the sim code.

branch: phet-io-types


I emailed the developer list:

PhET Developers,

I'm about to create branches in 6 repos to support the work-in-progress for moving phet-io types to simulations as part of

This approach seems feasible, so please keep in mind that changes to these repos will eventually need to merge.

Currently the repos are:

I'll use the branch name "phet-io-types" and create issues in each repo. This list of repos will likely grow as I expand support for other sims. I'll have to decide at what point to cut over to master, but I'd like to get most or all of the phet-io tests working first and address as many corner cases as possible (or at least understand their constraints).

Best Regards,

Tandem listeners should be registered before *any* sim code runs

In concentration, Solutes are being created statically--that is, at module load time. If they are going to register themselves at module load time, then Tandem listeners should be registered before they run.

One possibility would be to move Tandem to preload.

Another possibility would be for Tandem to buffer the addInstance calls until all listeners are wired up (but how to know if there will be more listeners later?). Or for Tandem to just keep a reference to everything forever?

Or a way to make sure Tandem loads first during requirejs initialization?

rename uninstrumentCodeIndex?

In Tandem.js:

33 // increment names of required tandems to avoid collisions for uninstrumented sims with phetioValidateTandems=false
34 var uninstrumentCodeIndex = 0;

Looks to me like this var should be named uninstrumentedCodeIndex.

Should Tandem.js use package.JSON

I noticed as part of From #34 that we use the package.JSON's name of a sim to get the root tandem. Is there a better way of doing this?

From #34 (comment):

I have never noticed this before, but it seems weird to me that Tandem.js is reaching in to packageJSON for a rootTandem. At the very least perhaps it should fall back to something. I'll create a new issue to discuss.

@samreid should Tandem know about package.json for the name of the root tandem? Maybe it would be better to have that passed in from joist/more sim specific code.

provide basic documentation for how to instrument a sim

In phetsims/beers-law-lab#99, it was decided that beers-law-lab should be fully instrumented (a) because it's partially done to support concentration, and (b) to give me an opportunity to instrument a sim while the API is still in flux.

@samreid suggested in phetsims/beers-law-lab#99 (comment):

Before @pixelzoom starts on this, it would be good for @jbphet & @samreid to provide some documentation/instruction/support that @pixelzoom or other instrumentors would be able to use.

It was agreed, and @jbphet was assigned to provide the documentation.

Why do tandemized types use options?

Why do TandemSimpleDragHandler and TandemEmitter use options for passing instrumentation information?

While instrumenting Molarity (phetsims/molarity#31) @samreid said that it's clearer to pass tandem as a required constructor arg. Why doesn't that apply here? We certainly won't be using these types in non-instrumented sims, so the instrumentation information isn't at all optional.

I'm playing devil's advocate to a certain extent here, because I'm not a fan of tandem (or other phet-io information) being a constructor parameter.

buggy Tandem.isLegalAndUsable

Tandem.js line 249:

return this.supplied || (this.optional && !this.supplied);

Tandem instances do not have an optional field. Tandem does have a static optional field.

Tandem: duplicated logic in assertions


    get tail() {
      assert && assert( '.' ) >= 0, 'tandem ID does not have a tail' );

      var lastIndexOfDot = '.' );
      var tail = lastIndexOfDot + 1 );
      assert && assert( tail.length > 0, 'tandem ID did not have a tail' );
      return tail;

     * Returns a Tandem for everything except the tail.
     * @returns {Tandem}
     * @public
    get parentTandem() {
      assert && assert( '.' ) >= 0, 'tandem ID does not have a tail' );

      var lastIndexOfDot = '.' );
      var headID = 0, lastIndexOfDot );

      return new Tandem( headID, {
        required: this.required,
        supplied: this.supplied,
        enabled: this.enabled
      } );

In both cases you're duplicating the logic used to determine whether the tandem has a tail.

Should be:

    get tail() {
      var lastIndexOfDot = '.' );
      assert && assert( lastIndexOfDot !== -1, 'tandem ID does not have a tail' );
      var tail = lastIndexOfDot + 1 );
      assert && assert( tail.length > 0, 'tandem ID did not have a tail' );
      return tail;

     * Returns a Tandem for everything except the tail.
     * @returns {Tandem}
     * @public
    get parentTandem() {

      var lastIndexOfDot = '.' );
      assert && assert( lastIndexOfDot !== -1, 'tandem ID does not have a tail' );
      var headID = 0, lastIndexOfDot );

      return new Tandem( headID, {
        required: this.required,
        supplied: this.supplied,
        enabled: this.enabled
      } );

You might also consider adding the tandem id to each of these assertion messages, to make the messages more useful.

tandem dependency is missing from package.json

TANDEM was added to beers-law-lab-config.js, but tandem doesn't appear in package.json.

This causes 2 problems:

(1) dependencies.json is incomplete, it is missing tandem shas. So for interoperable sims published to date, we have no way to reproduce their source code snapshot.

(2) "Quick Start" instructions in are incomplete. This is causing problems for non-PhET developers, as reported in!topic/developing-interactive-simulations-in-html5/NnEOWam9sYQ

This is a problem for all sims that have been instrumented with tandem. i.e.:


Should optional and not supplied tandems opt out of removeInstance?

In Tandem.removeInstance I don't see a check that no-ops if the tandem is !required && !supplied like I do in addInstance. That seems problematic, since then Tandem is calling remove listeners on an object that hasn't been registered with phet-io before. How have we not run into trouble before? @samreid tag so you are aware.

I suggest removeInstance look like:

     * Removes an instance from the
     * @param {Object} instance - the instance to remove
     * @public
    removeInstance: function( instance ) {
        if ( !this.required && !this.supplied ) {

      // Only active when running as phet-io
      if ( PHET_IO_ENABLED && this.enabled ) {
        for ( var i = 0; i < instanceListeners.length; i++ ) {
          instanceListeners[ i ].removeInstance(, instance );

encapsulate the format of phetioID

Relocating this from #25 (comment), since it's an issue of it's own. Also related to #40.

There is currently no encapsulation of the tandem id format. The separator ('.') appears as a string literal in numerous places (see #40). And client code is doing things like this:

// sonificationUISoundsSampled.js
163 var lastIdElement = messageObject.phetioID.split('.').pop();

If it's not appropriate to use Tandem in cases like the above, then factor out the id-related functions so that they can be by both Tandem and cases like the above. With the current approach, you currently have zero encapsulation of the id format.

questions about the 'id' used by startEvent and endEvent

Notice in commit 8da7c97 while

Questions about PhetioObject.js:

(1) Why is the return value of startEvent documented as @returns {number|boolean}? When would it be number vs boolean? And how can it possibly be anything but boolean when the return statement is a boolean expression? I.e.:

94 return this.phetioObjectTandem.isLegalAndUsable() && phetioEvents.start( eventType, id, this.phetioType, event, args );

(2) Similarly for endEvent, why is the id parameter documented as @param {number|boolean} id. When is it appropriate to use a number vs a boolean?

separator character should not be allowed in Tandem id

The separator character ('.') should not be allowed in the id argument to createTandem, createGroupTandem and similar functions.

Example, with molecule-polarity loaded in the browser:

> var rootTandem = phet.tandem.Tandem.createRootTandem( 'mySim' )
> var someTandem = rootTandem.createTandem( '' );
> someTandem.parentTandem
Tandem {options: Object, id: "", required: true, supplied: true, static: false…}

This is returning a Tandem ("") that has never existed and is being created as a side effect.

This lack of validation is also being exploited as a lazy shortcut in many places. E.g. in Sim.js:

173 tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'sim.showHomeScreenProperty' ),
179 tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'sim.screenIndexProperty' ),
189 tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'sim.activeProperty' ),
532 tandem: tandem.createTandem( 'sim.barrierRectangle' )

Tandem: bad names for instance listener API

Tandem uses the listener pattern for notifying when an instance is added and removed. The documentation for addInstance includes the specification for an instance listener:

     * Adds a listener that will be notified when items are registered/deregistered
     * Listeners have the form
     * {
     *   addInstance(id,instance),
     *   removeInstance(id,instance)
     * }
     * where id is of type {string} and instance is of type {Object}
     * @param {Object} instanceListener - described above
     * @public
     * @static
    addInstanceListener: function( instanceListener ) {
      instanceListeners.push( instanceListener );

In this case, the function names don't conform to the typical listener pattern. The current names, addInstance and removeInstance, make it sound like they are doing the adding and removing. The names should be something like instanceAdded and instanceRemoved respectively. Highly recommended to rename these.

unify IO type approach

From review of IOObject in #36 (comment):

I said:

To clarify... It looks like you applied this mostly (solely?) to view types. View types (subtypes of scenery nodes) continue to use the old approach.

@samreid replied:

Yes, scenery currently has an incompatible implementation of PhET-iO support, but the APIs are being designed to match up. For instance, the IOObject options match the Node options.

I said:

Then why not use IOObject in scenery? Or factor out the options to be used in both IOObject and Node? The need to keep Node and IOObject options in-sync creates a longterm maintenance issue.

Review IOObject.js

From #31 @zepumph and I implemented a new type called IOObject.js which is intended to be used as a base type for instrumented PhET-iO types. It attempts to standardize a number of new options that were being handled with an odd strategy in phet-io.js.

IOObject.js is checked in to master for review, and we have purposefully avoided using it until review is complete.

Here's a visual diff of how it would be used, for instance, in PrecipitateParticle.js (assuming that SoluteParticle.js inherited from IOObject).


Please note in particular:

  • this pattern uses tandem in the options
  • automatically takes care of tandem.addInstance
  • automatically takes care of tandem.removeInstance in the inherited dispose call
  • the phetioType is passed as an option
  • this will prevent us from needing to put this.{{SUBTYPE_NAME}}Tandem = tandem anywhere
  • this will allow us to eliminate createSupertypeTandem
  • We will be able to eliminate the PhET-iO options from the top of phetio.js

The two TODOs marked in IOObject can be investigated once this preliminary review is complete.

Discussion about whether this should be a base type or mixin are archived here--my recommendation is base type: #31 (comment)

@pixelzoom can you please take look?

Tandem: addInstance and removeInstance lack safeguards

I see no safeguards in Tandem that prevent the same instance from being added/removed twice, or for removing an instance that hadn't been added.

Here's an example, where nothing fails with assertions enabled:

> var lengthTandem = new phet.tandem.Tandem( 'lengthProperty' )
> var widthTandem = new phet.tandem.Tandem( 'widthProperty' )
> var lengthProperty = new phet.axon.Property( 0 )
> var widthProperty = new phet.axon.Property( 0 )

> lengthTandem.addInstance( lengthProperty )

// should fail
> lengthTandem.addInstance( lengthProperty )

> lengthTandem.removeInstance( lengthProperty )

// should fail
> lengthTandem.removeInstance( lengthProperty )

// should fail
lengthTandem.removeInstance( widthProperty )

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