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php-form-validator's Introduction



Simple, extendable form validator for multi-dimensional forms


PHP Form Validator is available on Packagist (using semantic versioning), and installation via Composer is the recommended way to install. Just add this line to your composer.json file:

"madesimple/php-form-validator": "^2.8"

or run:

composer require madesimple/php-form-validator

Validation Rules

Validation rules are an associative array of dot notation field names in the input array to a pipe separated string of rules. The asterisk, *, can be use in the dot notation as a wildcard. For example, a set of rules could look like this:

// Rules Set
$rulesSet = [
    'username'         => 'required|alpha-numeric|max-str-len:50',
    'firstName'        => 'required|human-name|required-with:lastName|max-str-len:255',
    'lastName'         => 'required|human-name|required-with:firstName|max-str-len:255',
    'address.line1'    => 'present',
    'address.postCode' => 'present',
    'likes.*.item'     => 'required-with:likes.*.rating|max-str-len:50'
    'likes.*.stars'    => 'required-with:likes.*.item|is:int|min:1|max:5'

// Valid Input
$input = [
    'username' => 'jbloggs',
    'firstName' => 'Joe',
    'lastName' => 'Bloggs',
    'address' => [
        'line1' => '123 Fake St',
        'postCode' => 'AB12 3CD',
    'likes' => [
            'item'  => 'php-form-validator',
            'stars' => 5

The following are all the validation rules that this library provides:

Rule Name Keyword Parameters Description
Present present The field must be present but can have any value including null.
Required required The field must be present and cannot be null (can be an empty string).
Required If required-if field(,value)+ The field is required if the specified field(s) and the specified value(s).
Required With required-with field The field is required if the other field is not null.
Required With All required-with-all field(,field)* The field is required if all of the other fields are not null.
Required With Any required-with-any field(,field)* The field is required if any of the other fields are not null.
Required Without required-without field The field is required if the other field is null.
Equals equals field The field's value must equals the other specified field's value.
Not Equals not-equals field The field's value must not equal the other specified field's value.
Identical identical field The field's value must be identical the other specified field's value.
Not Identical not-identical field The field's value must not be identical the other specified field's value.
In in value(,value)* The field must equal one of the specified options.
Not In not-in value(,value)* The field must not equal one of the specified options.
Contains contains value(,value)* The field should be an array and must contain all the specified options (may contain other values not listed).
Contains Only contains-only value(,value)* The field should be an array and must contain only the specified options.
Minimum Array Count min-arr-count int The field should be an array and must have an array_count of at least the specified value.
Maximum Array Count max-arr-count int The field should be an array and must have an array_count of at most the specified value.
Minimum min int The field should be numeric and must be at least the specified value.
Maximum max int The field should be numeric and must be at most the specified value.
Greater Than greater-than field The field should be numeric and must have a value greater than the other field.
Less Than less-than field The field should be numeric and must have a value less than the other field.
Alpha alpha The field must only contain alphabetic characters.
Alpha Numeric alpha-numeric The field must only contain alphabetic and numerical characters.
Minimum String Length min-str-len int The field should be string and must have a strlen of at least the specified value.
Maximum String Length max-str-len int The field should be a string and must have a strlen of at most the specified value.
String Length str-len int The field should be a string and must have a strlen of exactly the specified value.
Human Name human-name The field must be a valid human name.
Is: ... is type The field must be of the specified basic PHP type. There must be a corresponding is_<type> method.
Email email The field must be a valid email address
Date date (format)? The field must be a valid date in the specified format (defaults to 'Y-m-d').
URL url The field must be a valid URL.
UUID uuid The field must be a valid UUID (\universally unique identifier).
Card Number card-number The field must be a valid card number.
Regex regex regex pattern The field must match the regex pattern.
Not Regex not-regex regex pattern The field must not match the regex pattern.

Adding Extra Rules

Extra rules can be added to the validator to extend its functionality to provide specific rules for your project. If you believe your rule should be added to the core library please submit a pull request. To add your extra rule you must call both addRule and setRuleMessage.

Simple extra rule

For example, if you wanted to add a rule that would validate that a timezone was valid:

// Add the rule to the validator
$validator = new Validator;
$validator->addRule('timezone', function (Validator $validator, array $data, $pattern, $rule) {
    foreach ($validator->getValues($data, $pattern) as $attribute => $value) {
        if (null === $value) {
        if (in_array($value, listTimezones())) {

        $validator->addError($attribute, $rule);
$validator->setRuleMessage('timezone', ':attribute must be an timezone');

// Validate using the new rule
$rules = [
    'timezone' => 'present|timezone',
$validator->validate($_POST, $rules);

Extra rule with parameters

For example, if you wanted to add a rule that would validate that an identifier existed in your database:

// Add the rule to the validator
$validator = new Validator;
$validator->addRule('model-exists', function (Validator $validator, array $data, $pattern, $rule, $array $parameters) {
    // Connect to database
    $db = getDbInstance();
    list($model, $property) = $parameters;

    foreach ($validator->getValues($data, $pattern) as $attribute => $value) {
        if (null === $value) {
        if (doesModelExist($db, $model, $property, $value)) {

        $validator->addError($attribute, $rule, [
            ':model' => $model
$validator->setRuleMessage('model-exists', ':attribute must be an existing :model');

// Validate using the new rule
$rules = [
    'uuid' => 'required|model-exists:user,uuid',
$validator->validate($_POST, $rules);

Another example, if you wanted to do a complex validation of a sub-array:

// Add the rule to the validator
$validator = new Validator;
$validator->addRule('complex', function (Validator $validator, array $data, $pattern, $rule, $array $parameters) {
    foreach ($validator->getValues($data, $pattern) as $attribute => $value) {
        if (null === $value) {
        $rules['type'] = 'in:alpha,beta';
        switch ($value['type']) {
            case 'alpha':
                $rules['shared_field'] = 'is:int';
                $rules['alpha_specific_field'] = 'is:int';

            case 'beta':
                $rules['shared_field'] = 'in:blue,green';
                $rules['beta_specific_field'] = 'is:int';

        // Apply the type specific rules to this part of the data
        $validator->validate($value, $rules, $attribute);
// No need to define a rule message as only sub-rules can generate errors

Validation Rules


The field must be present but can have any value including null.

// Example usage:
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'present',


The field must be present and cannot be null (can be an empty string).

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'required'

Required If

The field is required if the specified field(s) and the specified value(s).

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field0' => 'required-if:field1:yes',
    'field1' => 'required|in:yes,no'

Required With

The field is required if the other field is not null.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field0' => 'required-with:field1',
    'field1' => 'required-with:field0'

Required With All

The field is required if all the other fields are not null.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field0' => 'required-with-all:field1,field2',
    'field1' => 'is:int'
    'field2' => 'in:alpha,beta'

Required With Any

The field is required if any of the other fields are not null.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field0' => 'required-with-any:field1,field2',
    'field1' => 'is:int'
    'field2' => 'in:alpha,beta'

Required Without

The field is required if the other field is null.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field0' => 'required-without:field1',
    'field1' => 'required-without:field0'


The field's value must be equal to the other specified field's value.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field0' => 'equals:field1',
    'field1' => 'required'

Not Equals

The field's value must not equal the other specified field's value.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field0' => 'not-equals:field1',
    'field1' => 'required'


The field's value must be identical the other specified field's value.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field0' => 'identical:field1',
    'field1' => 'required'

Not Identical

The field's value must not be identical the other specified field's value.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field0' => 'not-identical:field1',
    'field1' => 'required'


The field must equal one of the specified options.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'in:apple,pear,orange'

Not In

The field must not equal one of the specified options.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'not-in:apple,pear,orange'


The field should be an array and must contain all the specified options (may contain other values not listed).

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'contains:apple,pear,orange'

Contains Only

The field should be an array and must contain only the specified options.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'contains-only:apple,pear,orange'

Min Array Count

The field should be an array and must have an array_count of at least the specified value.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'min-arr-count:1'

Max Array Count

The field should be an array and must have an array_count of at most the specified value.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'max-arr-count:5'


The field should be numeric and must be at least the specified value.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'min:1'


The field should be numeric and must be at most the specified value.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'max:5'

Greater Than

The field should be numeric and must have a value greater than the other field.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field0' => 'greater-than:field1'

Less Than

The field should be numeric and must have a value less than the other field.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field0' => 'less-than:field1'


The field must only contain alphabetic characters.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'alpha'

Alpha Numeric

The field must only contain alphabetic and numerical characters.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'alpha-numeric'

Min String Length

The field should be string and must have a strlen of at least the specified value.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'min-str-len:3'

Max String Length

The field should be a string and must have a strlen of at most the specified value.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'max-str-len:50'

String Length

The field should be a string and must have a strlen of exactly the specified value.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'str-len:10'

Human Name

The field must be a valid human name.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'human-name'

Is ...

The field must be of the specified basic PHP type. There must be a corresponding is_<type> method.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'is:numeric' // any basic PHP type (must have corresponding is_<type> method)


The field must be a valid email address

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'email'


The field must be a valid date in the specified format (defaults to 'Y-m-d').

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'date' // defaults to 'Y-m-d'


The field must be a valid URL.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'url'


The field must be a valid UUID (\universally unique identifier).

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'uuid'

Card Number

The field must be a valid card number. See for more details.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => 'card-number'


The field must match the regex pattern provided as parameter. Specify rules in an array when using this rule, especially when the regex expression contains a | character. See for nore details.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => ['regex:/^[Ff]oobar[1!]+$/']

Not Regex

The field must not match the regex pattern provided as parameter. Specify rules in an array when using this rule, especially when the regex expression contains a | character. See for nore details.

// Example Usage
$rulesSet = [
    'field' => ['not-regex:/^[abc]{1,3}\W+$/i']

php-form-validator's People


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php-form-validator's Issues

Can we have Is:numeric with nullable value as like laravel

While using this library i am not able to do nullable with numeric value , in php lots of the case are coming while code that field is not required but the value should be numeric , in case when we apply is:numeric so the field is required by default. please help in the problem

UUID fails if a non-string is sent

If you attempt validate a UUID but send, for example, an array then the following error occurs:

<b>Warning</b>:  preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in <b>/var/www/html/vendor/madesimple/php-form-validator/src/Validate.php</b> on line <b>993</b><br />```

How to remove redundant fields (filter data)?

I want to remove (strip) all fields from the input data other than those that have the validation rules. Can your validator filter data in that way after the validation succeeds? If not, then what's the best approach to achieve that? Thank you!

Exception thrown using min-arr-count if not countable

Code needs to check if $value is countable before performing the count attempt on line 584:

if (count($value) >= $min) {

Error message:

Message: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
File: /path/to/project/vendor/madesimple/php-form-validator/src/Validate.php
Line: 584
Trace: #0 [internal function]: PHPUnit_Util_ErrorHandler::handleError(2, 'count(): Parame...', '/path/to/project...', 584, Array)
#1 /path/to/project/api/vendor/madesimple/php-form-validator/src/Validate.php(584): count('')
#2 [internal function]: MadeSimple\Validator\Validate::minArrCount(Object(MadeSimple\Validator\Validator), Array, 'agents', 'min-arr-count', Array)

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