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macropy's Introduction


MacroPy is an implementation of Syntactic Macros in the Python Programming Language. MacroPy provides a mechanism for user-defined functions (macros) to perform transformations on the abstract syntax tree (AST) of a Python program at import time. This is an easy way to enhance the semantics of a Python program in ways which are otherwise impossible, for example providing an extremely concise way of declaring classes:

>>> import macropy.core.macros
0=[]=====> MacroPy Enabled <=====[]=0
>>> from macropy.macros.adt import macros, case

>>> @case
... class Point(x, y): pass

>>> p = Point(1, 2)
>>> print p.x
>>> print p
Point(1, 2)

Try it out in the REPL, it should just work! You could also try out the Tracing or Quick Lambda examples to get a feel for what Macros can do for you.

MacroPy has been used to implement features such as:

The Rough Overview will give a birds eye view of how it works, and the Detailed Guide will go into greater detail and walk you through creating a simple macro, with self-contained examples and documentation for Tools such as

  • Quasiquotes, a quick way to manipulate AST fragments
  • The Walker, a flexible tool to traverse and transform ASTs

Or just skip ahead to the Subtleties, Lessons, Conclusion and Future Plans. We're open to contributions, so send us your ideas/questions/issues/pull-requests and we'll do our best to accomodate you! If you need ideas on how to contribute, check out our issues page.

MacroPy is tested to run on CPython 2.7.2 and PyPy 2.0, but does not yet work on Jython. MacroPy is also available on PyPI, using a standard to manage dependencies, installation and other things. Check out this gist for an example of setting it up on a clean system.

Rough Overview

Macro functions are defined in three ways:

macros = Macros()

def my_expr_macro(tree):
    return new_tree

def my_block_macro(tree):
    return new_tree

def my_decorator_macro(tree):
    return new_tree

The line macros = Macros() is required to mark the file as providing macros, and the macros object then provides the methods expr, block and decorator which can be used to decorate functions to mark them out as the three different kinds of macros.

Each macro function is passed a tree. The tree is an AST object, the sort provided by Python's ast module. The macro is able to do whatever transformations it wants, and it returns a modified (or even an entirely new) AST object which MacroPy will use to replace the original macro invocation.

These three types of macros are called via:

from my_macro_module import macros, ...

val = my_expr_macro%(...)

with my_block_macro:

class X():

Where the line from my_macro_module import macros, ... is necessary to tell MacroPy which macros these module relies on. Multiple things can be imported from each module (the ...) but macros must come first for macros from that module to be used.

Any time any of these syntactic forms is seen, if a matching macro exists in any of the packages from which macros has been imported from, the abstract syntax tree captured by these forms (the ... in the code above) is given to the respective macro to handle. The tree (new, modified, or even unchanged) which the macro returns is substituted into the original code in-place.

MacroPy intercepts the module-loading workflow, via the functionality provided by PEP 302: New Import Hooks. The workflow is roughly:

  • Intercept an import
  • Parse the contents of the file into an AST
  • Walk the AST and expand any macros that it finds
  • Compile the modified AST and resume loading it as a module


Note that this means you cannot use macros in a file that is run directly, as it will not be passed through the import hooks. Hence the minimum viable setup is:

import macropy.core.macros  # sets up macro import hooks
import other                # imports and passes it through import hooks

from macropy.core.macros import *

macros = Macros()

... define some macros ...

from macropy.macros.my_macro_module import macros, ...

... do stuff with macros ...

Where you run instead of For the same reason, you cannot directly run MacroPy's own unit tests directly using unittest or nose: you need to run the macropy/ file from the project root for the tests to run. See the runnable, self-contained no-op example to see exactly what this looks like.

MacroPy also works in the REPL:

PS C:\Dropbox\Workspace\6.945\Project> python
Python 2.7 (r27:82525, Jul  4 2010, 07:43:08) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import macropy.core.macros
0=[]=====> MacroPy Enabled <=====[]=0
>>> from macropy.macros2.tracing import macros, trace
>>> trace%[x*2 for x in range(3)]
range(3) -> [0, 1, 2]
(x * 2) -> 0
(x * 2) -> 2
(x * 2) -> 4
[(x * 2) for x in range(3)] -> [0, 2, 4]
[0, 2, 4]

This eample demonstrates the usage of the Tracing macro, which helps trace the evaluation of a Python expression. Although support for the REPL is still experimental, many examples on this page will work when copied and pasted into the REPL verbatim, except those with blank lines in class and function definitions (those seem to confuse it).


Below are a few example uses of macros that are implemented (together with test cases!) in the macropy/macros and macropy/macros2 folders. These are also the ideal places to go look at to learn to write your own macros: check out the source code of the String Interpolation or Quick Lambda macros for some small (<30 lines), self contained examples. Their unit tests demonstrate how these macros are used.

Note that all of these examples are macros; that is, they hold no special place in MacroPy. They are placed in macropy/macros and macropy/macros2, separate from the Macropy core in macropy/core. Thus they are on even footing with any macro you may want to write yourself.

All of these are advanced language features that each would have been a massive effort to implement in the CPython interpreter. Using macros, the implementation of each feature fits in a single file, often taking less than 100 lines of code.

I will be using a mix of REPL sessions (for short examples) and snippets from .py files (for longer examples) depending on which is more suitable.

Case Classes

>>> from macropy.macros.adt import macros, case
>>> @case
... class Point(x, y): pass
>>> p = Point(1, 2)
>>> str(p)
'Point(1, 2)'
>>> p.x
>>> p.y
>>> Point(1, 2) == Point(1, 2)

Case classes are classes with extra goodies:

  • Nice __str__ and __repr__ methods autogenerated
  • An autogenerated constructor
  • Structural equality by default
  • A Copy-constructor, for creating modified copies of instances

The reasoning being that although you may sometimes want complex, custom-built classes with custom features and fancy inheritance, very (very!) often you want a simple class with a constructor, pretty __str__ and __repr__ methods, and structural equality which doesn't inherit from anything. Case classes provide you just that, with an extremely concise declaration:

class Point(x, y): pass

As opposed to the equivalent class, written manually:

class Point(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def __str__(self):
        return "Point(" + self.x + ", " + self.y + ")"

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

Whew, what a lot of boilerplate! This is clearly a pain to do, error prone to deal with, and violates DRY in an extreme way: each member of the class (x and y in this case) has to be repeated 6 times, with loads and loads of boilerplate. It is also buggy, and will fail at runtime when the above example is run, so see if you can spot the bug in it! Given how tedious writing all this code is, it is no surprise that most python classes do not come with proper __str__ or useful __eq__ functions! With case classes, there is no excuse, since all this will be generated for you.

Case classes also provide a convenient copy-constructor, which creates a shallow copy of the case class with modified fields, leaving the original unchanged:

a = Point(1, 2)
b = a.copy(x = 3)
print a #Point(1, 2)
print b #Point(3, 2)

Like any other class, a case class may contain methods in its body:

class Point(x, y):
    def length(self):
        return (self.x ** 2 + self.y ** 2) ** 0.5

print Point(3, 4).length() #5

or class variables. The only restrictions are that only the __init__, __repr__, ___str__, __eq__ methods will be set for you, and the initializer/class body and inheritence are treated specially.

###Body Initializer

class Point(x, y):
    self.length = (self.x**2 + self.y**2) ** 0.5

assert Point(3, 4).length == 5

Case classes allow you to add initialization logic by simply placing the initialization statements in the class body: any statements within the class body which are not class or function definitions are taken to be part of the initializer, and so you can use e.g. the self variable to set instance members just like in a normal __init__ method.

This also means that you cannot set class members on a case class. This should be an acceptable restriction, since most of the time you don't use those anyway, and the times you desperately need them, you can always just use a normal (non-case) class.

###Inheritence Instead of manual inheritence, inheritence for case classes is defined by nesting, as shown below:

class List():
    def __len__(self):
        return 0

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter([])

    class Nil:

    class Cons(head, tail):
        def __len__(self):
            return 1 + len(self.tail)

        def __iter__(self):
            current = self

            while len(current) > 0:
                yield current.head
                current = current.tail

print isinstance(List.Cons(None, None), List)    # True
print isinstance(List.Nil(), List)               # True

my_list = List.Cons(1, List.Cons(2, List.Cons(3, List.Nil())))
empty_list = List.Nil()

print my_list.head              # 1
print my_list.tail              # List.Cons(2, List.Cons(3, List.Nil()))
print len(my_list)              # 5
print sum(iter(my_list))        # 6
print sum(iter(empty_list))     # 0

This is an implementation of a singly linked cons list, providing both head and tail (LISP's car and cdr) as well as the ability to get the len or iter for the list.

As the classes Nil are Cons are nested within List, both of them get transformed into case classes which inherit from it. This nesting can go arbitrarily deep.

Overall, case classes are similar to Python's namedtuple, but far more flexible (methods, inheritence, etc.), and provides the programmer with a much better experience (e.g. no arguments-as-space-separated-string definition).

Pattern Matching

from macropy.macros.adt import macros, case
from macropy.macros.pattern import macros, switch

class Nil():

class Cons(x, xs):

def reduce(op, my_list):
    with switch(my_list):
        if Cons(x, Nil()):
            return x
        elif Cons(x, xs):
            return op(x, reduce(op, xs))

print reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(4, Nil()))))
# 7
print reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, Cons(1, Cons(3, Cons(5, Nil()))))
# 15
print reduce(Nil(), lambda a, b: a * b)
# None

Pattern matching allows you to quickly check a variable against a series of possibilities, sort of like a switch statement on steroids. Unlike a switch statement in other languages (Java, C++), the switch macro allows you to match against the inside of a pattern: in this case, not just that my_list is a Cons object, but also that the xs member of my_list is a Nil object. This can be nested arbitrarily deep, and allows you to easily check if a data-structure has a particular "shape" that you are expecting. Out of convenience, the value of the leaf nodes in the pattern are bound to local variables, so you can immediately use x and xs inside the body of the if-statement without having to extract it (again) from my_list.

The reduce function above (an simple, cons-list specific implementation of reduce) takes a Cons list (defined using case classes) and quickly checks if it either a Cons with a Nil right hand side, or a Cons with something else. This is converted (roughly) into:

def reduce(my_list, op):
    if isinstance(my_list, Cons) and isinstance(my_list.xs, Nil):
        x = my_list.x
        return x
    elif isinstance(my_list, Cons):
        x = my_list.x
        xs = my_list.xs
        return op(x, reduce(xs, op))

Which is significantly messier to write, with all the isinstance checks cluttering up the code and having to manually extract the values you need from my_list after the isinstance checks have passed.

Another common use case for pattern matching is working with tree structures, like ASTs. This macro is a stylized version of the MacroPy code to identify with ...: macros:

def expand_macros(node):
    with switch(node):
        if With(Name(name)):
            return handle(name)
            return node

Compare it to the same code written manually using if-elses:

def expand_macros(node):
    if isinstance(node, With) \
            and isinstance(node.context_expr, Name) \
            and in macros.block_registry:
        name =

            return handle(name)
        return node

As you can see, matching against With(Name(name)) is a quick and easy way of checking that the value in node matches a particular shape, and is much less cumbersome than a series of conditionals.

It is also possible to use pattern matching outside of a switch, by using the patterns macro. Within patterns, any left shift (<<) statement attempts to match the value on the right to the pattern on the left, allowing nested matches and binding variables as described earlier.

from macropy.macros.pattern import macros, patterns
from macropy.macros.adt import macros, case

class Rect(p1, p2): pass

class Line(p1, p2): pass

class Point(x, y): pass

def area(rect):
    with patterns:
        Rect(Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2)) << rect
        return (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)

print area(Rect(Point(1, 1), Point(3, 3))) # 4

If the match fails, a PatternMatchException will be thrown.

print area(Line(Point(1, 1), Point(3, 3)))
# macropy.macros.pattern.PatternMatchException: Matchee should be of type <class 'scratch.Rect'>

###Class Matching Details

When you pattern match Foo(x, y) against a value Foo(3, 4), what happens behind the scenes is that the constructor of Foo is inspected. We may find that it takes two parameters a and b. We assume that the constructor then contains lines like:

self.a = a
self.b = b

We don't have access to the source of Foo, so this is the best we can do. Then Foo(x, y) << Foo(3, 4) is transformed roughly into

tmp = Foo(3,4)
tmp_matcher = ClassMatcher(Foo, [NameMatcher('x'), NameMatcher('y')])
x = tmp_matcher.getVar('x')
y = tmp_matcher.getVar('y')

In some cases, constructors will not be so standard. In this case, we can use keyword arguments to pattern match against named fields. For example, an equivalent to the above which doesn't rely on the specific implementation of th constructor is Foo(a=x, b=y) << Foo(3, 4). Here the semantics are that the field a is extracted from Foo(3,4) to be matched against the simple pattern x. We could also replace x with a more complex pattern, as in Foo(a=Bar(z), b=y) << Foo(Bar(2), 4).

###Custom Patterns It is also possible to completely override the way in which a pattern is matched by defining an __unapply__ class method of the class which you are pattern matching. The 'class' need not actually be the type of the matched object, as in the following example borrowed from Scala. The __unapply__ method takes as arguments the value being matched, as well as a list of keywords.

The method should then return a tuple of a list of positional matches, and a dictionary of the keyword matches.

class Twice(object):
    def __unapply__(clazz, x, kw_keys):
        if not isinstance(x, int) or x % 2 != 0:
            raise PatternMatchException()
            return ([x/2], {})

with patterns:
    Twice(n) << 8
    print n     # 4

Tail-call Optimization

from macropy.macros.tco import macros, tco
def fact(n, acc=0):
    if n == 0:
        return acc
        return fact(n-1, n * acc)

print fact(10000)  # doesn't stack overflow
# 28462596809170545189064132121198688901...

Tail-call Optimization is a technique which will optimize away the stack usage of functions calls which are in a tail position. Intuitively, if a function A calls another function B, but does not do any computation after B returns (i.e. A returns immediately when B returns), we don't need to keep around the stack frame for A, which is normally used to store where to resume the computation after B returns. By optimizing this, we can prevent really deep tail-recursive functions (like the factorial example above) from overflowing the stack.

The @tco decorator macro doesn't just work with tail-recursive functions, but also with any generic tail-calls (of either a function or a method) via trampolining, such this mutually recursive example:

from macropy.macros.tco import macros, tco

class Example(object):

    def odd(n):
    if n < 0:
        return odd(-n)
    elif n == 0:
        return False
        return even(n - 1)

    def even(n):
        if n == 0:
            return True
            return odd(n-1)

print Example().even(100000)  # No stack overflow
# True

Note that both odd and even were both decorated with @tco. All functions which would ordinarily use too many stack frames must be decorated.

###Trampolining How is tail recursion implemented? The idea is that if a function f would return the result of a recursive call to some function g, it could instead return g, along with whatever arguments it would have passed to g. Then instead of running f directly, we run trampoline(f), which will call f, call the result of f, call the result of that f, etc. until finally some call returns an actual value.

A transformed (and simplified) version of the tail-call optimized factorial would look like this

def trampoline_decorator(func):
    def trampolined(*args):
        if not in_trampoline():
            return trampoline(func, args)
        return func(*args)
    return trampolined

def trampoline(func, args):
  while True:
        result = func(*args)
        with patterns:
            if ('macropy-tco-call', func, args) << result:
                if ignoring:
                    return None
                    return result

def fact(n, acc):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        return ('macropy-tco-call', fact, [n-1, n * acc])

String Interpolation

from macropy.macros.string_interp import macros, s

>>> a, b = 1, 2
>>> s%"%{a} apple and %{b} bananas"
'1 apple and 2 bananas'

Unlike the normal string interpolation in Python, MacroPy's string interpolation allows the programmer to specify the variables to be interpolated inline inside the string. The macro s% then takes the string literal

"%{a} apple and %{b} bananas"

and expands it into the expression

"%s apple and %s bananas" % (a, b)

Which is evaluated at run-time in the local scope, using whatever the values a and b happen to hold at the time. The contents of the %{...} can be any arbitrary python expression, and is not limited to variable names:

>>> from macropy.macros.string_interp import macros, s
>>> A = 10
>>> B = 5
>>> s%"%{A} + %{B} = %{A + B}"
'10 + 5 = 15'

###Pyxl Integration

from macropy.macros2.pyxl_strings import macros, p

image_name = "bolton.png"
image = p%'<img src="/static/images/{image_name}" />'

text = "Michael Bolton"
block = p%'<div>{image}{text}</div>'

element_list = [image, text]
block2 = p%'<div>{element_list}</div>'

assert block2.to_string() == '<div><img src="/static/images/bolton.png" />Michael Bolton</div>'

Pyxl is a way of integrating XML markup into your Python code. By default, pyxl hooks into the python UTF-8 decoder in order to transform the source files at load-time. In this, it is similar to how MacroPy transforms source files at import time.

A major difference is that Pyxl by default leaves the HTML fragments directly in the source code:

image_name = "bolton.png"
image = <img src="/static/images/{image_name}" />

text = "Michael Bolton"
block = <div>{image}{text}</div>

element_list = [image, text]
block2 = <div>{element_list}</div>

While the MacroPy version requires each snippet to be wrapped in a p%"..." wrapper. This three-line-of-code macro simply uses pyxl as a macro (operating on string literals), rather than hooking into the UTF-8 decoder. In general, this demonstrates how easy it is to integrate an "external" DSL into your python program: MacroPy handles all the intricacies of hooking into the interpreter and intercepting the import workflow. The programmer simply needs to provide the source-to-source transformation, which in this case was already provided.


>>> from macropy.macros2.tracing import macros, trace, log, require
>>> log%(1 + 2)
(1 + 2) -> 3

>>> log%("omg" * 3)
('omg' * 3) -> 'omgomgomg'

Tracing allows you to easily see what is happening inside your code. Many a time programmers have written code like

print "value", value
print "sqrt(x)", sqrt(x)

and the log% macro (shown above) helps remove this duplication by automatically expanding log%(1 + 2) into wrap("(1 + 2)", (1 + 2)). wrap then evaluates the expression, printing out the source code and final value of the computation.

In addition to simple logging, MacroPy provides the trace% macro. This macro not only logs the source and result of the given expression, but also the source and result of all sub-expressions nested within it:

>>> trace%[len(x)*3 for x in ["omg", "wtf", "b" * 2 + "q", "lo" * 3 + "l"]]
('b' * 2) -> 'bb'
(('b' * 2) + 'q') -> 'bbq'
('lo' * 3) -> 'lololo'
(('lo' * 3) + 'l') -> 'lololol'
['omg', 'wtf', (('b' * 2) + 'q'), (('lo' * 3) + 'l')] -> ['omg', 'wtf', 'bbq', 'lololol']
len(x) -> 3
(len(x) * 3) -> 9
len(x) -> 3
(len(x) * 3) -> 9
len(x) -> 3
(len(x) * 3) -> 9
len(x) -> 7
(len(x) * 3) -> 21
[(len(x) * 3) for x in ['omg', 'wtf', (('b' * 2) + 'q'), (('lo' * 3) + 'l')]] -> [9, 9, 9, 21]
[9, 9, 9, 21]

As you can see, trace% logs the source and value of all sub-expressions that get evaluated in the course of evaluating the list comprehension.

Lastly, trace can be used as a block macro:

with trace:
    sum = 0
    for i in range(0, 5):
        sum = sum + 5

    square = sum * sum
#sum = 0
#for i in range(0, 5):
#   sum = (sum + 5)
#range(0, 5) -> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
#sum = (sum + 5)
#(sum + 5) -> 5
#sum = (sum + 5)
#(sum + 5) -> 10
#sum = (sum + 5)
#(sum + 5) -> 15
#sum = (sum + 5)
#(sum + 5) -> 20
#sum = (sum + 5)
#(sum + 5) -> 25
#square = (sum * sum)
#(sum * sum) -> 625

Used this way, trace will print out the source code of every statement that gets executed, in addition to tracing the evaluation of any expressions within those statements.

Apart from simply printing out the traces, you can also redirect the traces wherever you want by having a log() function in scope:

result = []

def log(x):

The tracer uses whatever log() function it finds, falling back on printing only if none exists. Instead of printing, this log() function appends the traces to a list, and is used in our unit tests.

We think that tracing is an extremely useful macro. For debugging what is happening, for teaching newbies how evaluation of expressions works, or for a myriad of other purposes, it is a powerful tool. The fact that it can be written as a <100 line macro is a bonus.

###Smart Asserts

>>> require%(3**2 + 4**2 != 5**2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "macropy\macros2\", line 67, in handle
    raise AssertionError("Require Failed\n" + "\n".join(out))
AssertionError: Require Failed
(3 ** 2) -> 9
(4 ** 2) -> 16
((3 ** 2) + (4 ** 2)) -> 25
(5 ** 2) -> 25
(((3 ** 2) + (4 ** 2)) != (5 ** 2)) -> False

MacroPy provides a variant on the assert keyword called require%. Like assert, require% throws an AssertionError if the condition is false.

Unlike assert, require% automatically tells you what code failed the condition, and traces all the sub-expressions within the code so you can more easily see what went wrong. Pretty handy!

`require% can also be used in block form:

a = 10
b = 2
with require:
    a > 5
    a * b == 20
    a < 2
#AssertionError: Require Failed
#(a < 2) -> False

This requires every statement in the block to be a boolean expression. Each expression will then be wrapped in a require%, throwing an AssertionError with a nice trace when a condition fails.

If you want to write your own custom logging, tracing or debugging macros, take a look at the 100 lines of code that implements all the functionality shown above.

PINQ to SQLAlchemy

from macropy.macros2.linq import macros, sql, query, generate_schema

db = generate_schema(engine)

# Countries in Europe with a GNP per Capita greater than the UK
results = query%( for x in
    if x.gnp / x.population > (
        y.gnp / y.population for y in
        if == 'United Kingdom'
    if (x.continent == 'Europe')
for line in results: print line
# (u'Austria',)
# (u'Belgium',)
# (u'Switzerland',)
# (u'Germany',)
# (u'Denmark',)
# (u'Finland',)
# (u'France',)
# (u'Iceland',)
# (u'Liechtenstein',)
# (u'Luxembourg',)
# (u'Netherlands',)
# (u'Norway',)
# (u'Sweden',)

PINQ (Python INtegrated Query) to SQLAlchemy is inspired by C#'s LINQ to SQL. In short, code used to manipulate lists is lifted into an AST which is then cross-compiled into a snippet of SQL. In this case, it is the query% macro which does this lifting and cross-compilation. Instead of performing the manipulation locally on some data structure, the compiled query is sent to a remote database to be performed there.

This allows you to write queries to a database in the same way you would write queries on in-memory lists, which is really very nice. The translation is a relatively thin layer of over the SQLAlchemy Query Language, which does the heavy lifting of converting the query into a raw SQL string:. If we start with a simple query:

# Countries with a land area greater than 10 million square kilometers
print query%((, x.surface_area) for x in if x.surface_area > 10000000)
# [(u'Antarctica', Decimal('13120000.0000000000')), (u'Russian Federation', Decimal('17075400.0000000000'))]

This is to the equivalent SQLAlchemy query:

print engine.execute(select([, country.c.surface_area]).where(country.c.surface_area > 10000000)).fetchall()

To verify that PINQ is actually cross-compiling the python to SQL, and not simply requesting everything and performing the manipulation locally, we can use the sql% macro to perform the lifting of the query without executing it:

query_string = sql%((, x.surface_area) for x in if x.surface_area > 10000000)
print type(query_string)
# <class 'sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select'>
print query_string
# SELECT, country_1.surface_area 
# FROM country AS country_1 
# WHERE country_1.surface_area > ?

As we can see, PINQ converts the python list-comprehension into a SQLAlchemy Select, which when stringified becomes a valid SQL string. The ?s are there because SQLAlchemy uses parametrized queries, and doesn't interpolate values into the query itself.

Consider a less trivial example: we want to find all countries in europe who have a GNP per Capita greater than the United Kingdom. This is the SQLAlchemy code to do so:

query = select([]).where( / > select(
        [( /]
   == 'United Kingdom'
).where( == 'Europe'

The SQLAlchemy query looks pretty odd, for somebody who knows python but isn't familiar with the library. This is because SQLAlchemy cannot "lift" Python code into an AST to manipulate, and instead have to construct the AST manually using python objects. Although it works pretty well, the syntax and semantics of the queries is completely different from python.

Already we are bumping into edge cases: the in the nested query is referred to the same way as the in the outer query, although they are clearly different! One may wonder, what if, in the inner query, we wish to refer to the outer query's values? Naturally, there will be solutions to all of these requirements. In the end, SQLAlchemy ends up effectively creating its own mini programming language, with its own concept of scoping, name binding, etc., basically duplicating what Python already has but with messier syntax and subtly different semantics.

In the equivalent PINQ code, the scoping of which you are referring to is much more explicit, and in general the semantics are identical to a typical python comprehension:

query = sql%( for x in
    if x.gnp / x.population > (
        y.gnp / y.population for y in
        if == 'United Kingdom'
    if (x.continent == 'Europe')

As we can see, rather than mysteriously referring to the all over the place, we clearly bind it in two places: once to the variable x in the outer query, once to the variable y in the inner query. Overall, we make use of Python's syntax and semantics (scoping, names, etc.) rather than having to re-invent our own, which is a big win for anybody who already understands Python.

Executing either of these will give us the same answer:

print query
# FROM country AS country_1
# WHERE country_1.gnp / country_1.population > (SELECT country_2.gnp / country_2.population AS anon_1
# FROM country AS country_2
# WHERE = ?) AND country_1.continent = ?

results = engine.execute(query).fetchall()

for line in results: print line
# (u'Austria',)
# (u'Belgium',)
# (u'Switzerland',)
# (u'Germany',)
# (u'Denmark',)
# (u'Finland',)
# (u'France',)
# (u'Iceland',)
# (u'Liechtenstein',)
# (u'Luxembourg',)
# (u'Netherlands',)
# (u'Norway',)
# (u'Sweden',)

Although PINQ does not support the vast capabilities of the SQL language, it supports a useful subset, like JOINs:

# The number of cities in all of Asia
query = sql%(
    for c in
    for t in
    if t.country_code == c.code
    if c.continent == 'Asia'
print query
# SELECT count( AS count_1
# FROM city AS city_1, country AS country_1
# WHERE city_1.country_code = country_1.code AND country_1.continent = ?

result = engine.execute(query).fetchall()

print result

As well as ORDER BY, with LIMIT and OFFSETs:

# The top 10 largest countries in the world by population
query = sql%( for c in

print query
# FROM country AS country_1
# ORDER BY country_1.population DESC

res = engine.execute(query).fetchall()
for line in res:
    print line
# (u'China',)
# (u'India',)
# (u'United States',)
# (u'Indonesia',)
# (u'Brazil',)
# (u'Pakistan',)
# (u'Russian Federation',)
# (u'Bangladesh',)
# (u'Japan',)
# (u'Nigeria',)

In general, apart from the translation of generator expressions (and their guards) into SELECT an WHERE clauses, the rest of the functionality of SQL (like the .order_by(), .limit(), etc. functions shown above) is accessed as in the SQLAlchemy Expression Language. See the unit tests for a fuller set of examples of what PINQ can do, or browse the SQLAlchemy docs mentioned earlier.

PINQ demonstrates how easy it is to use macros to lift python snippets into an AST and cross-compile it into another language, and how nice the syntax and semantics can be for these embedded DSLs. PINQ's entire implementation comprises about 100 lines of code, which really isn't much considering how much it does for you!

Quick Lambdas

>>> from macropy.macros.quicklambda import macros, f, _
>>> map(f%(_ + 1), [1, 2, 3])
[2, 3, 4]
>>> reduce(f%(_ + _), [1, 2, 3])

Macropy provides a syntax for lambda expressions similar to Scala's anonymous functions. Essentially, the transformation is:

f%(_ + _) -> lambda a, b: a + b

where the underscores get replaced by identifiers, which are then set to be the parameters of the enclosing lambda. This works too:

>>> map(f%_.split(' ')[0], ["i am cow", "hear me moo"])
['i', 'hear']

Quick Lambdas can be also used as a concise, lightweight, more-readable substitute for functools.partial

>>> import functools
>>> basetwo = functools.partial(int, base=2)
>>> basetwo('10010')

is equivalent to

>>> import functools
>>> basetwo = functools.partial(int, base=2)
>>> basetwo('10010')

Quick Lambdas can also be used entirely without the _ placeholders, in which case they wrap the target in a no argument lambda: ... thunk:

>>> from random import random
>>> thunk = f%random()
>>> print thunk()
>>> print thunk()

This cuts out reduces the number of characters needed to make a thunk from 7 to 2, making it much easier to use thunks to do things like emulating by name parameters. The implementation of quicklambda is about 30 lines of code, and is worth a look if you want to see how a simple (but extremely useful!) macro can be written.

Parser Combinators

from macropy.macros2.peg import macros, peg

def reduce_chain(chain):
    chain = list(reversed(chain))
    o_dict = {
        "+": f%(_+_),
        "-": f%(_-_),
        "*": f%(_*_),
        "/": f%(_/_),
    while len(chain) > 1:
        a, [o, b] = chain.pop(), chain.pop()
        chain.append(o_dict[o](a, b))
    return chain[0]

PEG Grammer:
Value   <- [0-9]+ / '(' Expr ')'
Op      <- "+" / "-" / "*" / "/"
Expr <- Value (Op Value)*
with peg:
    value = '[0-9]+'.r // int | ('(', expr, ')') // (f%_[1])
    op = '+' | '-' | '*' | '/'
    expr = (value is first, (op, value).rep is rest) >> reduce_chain([first] + rest)

print expr.parse_all("123")             #[123]
print expr.parse_all("((123))")         #[123]
print expr.parse_all("(123+456+789)")   #[1368]
print expr.parse_all("(6/2)")           #[3]
print expr.parse_all("(1+2+3)+2")       #[8]
print expr.parse_all("(((((((11)))))+22+33)*(4+5+((6))))/12*(17+5)") #[1804]

Parser Combinators are a really nice way of building simple recursive descent parsers, when the task is too large for regexes but yet too small for the heavy-duty parser generators. These parser combinators are inspired by Scala's, utilizing macros to make the syntax as clean as possible.

The above example describes a simple parser for arithmetic expressions, using our own parser combinator library which roughly follows the PEG syntax. Note how that in the example, the bulk of the code goes into the loop that reduces sequences of numbers and operators to a single number, rather than the recursive-descent parser itself!

Anything within a with peg: block is transformed into a parser. A parser is something with a .parse_all(input) method that attempts to parse the given input string. This method returns:

  • None, if the parser failed to parse the input
  • [result] if the parser succeeded with the value result

###Basic Combinators

Parsers are generally built up from a few common building blocks:

  • String literals like '+' match the input to their literal value (e.g. '+') and return it as the parse result, or fails (returns None) if it does not match.
  • Regexes like '[0-9]+'.r match the regex to the input if possible, and return it. Otherwise it fails.
  • Tuples like ('(', expr, ')') match each of the elements within sequentially, and return a list containing the result of each element. It fails if any of its elements fails.
  • Elements separated by |, for example '+' | '-' | '*' | '/', attempt to match each of the options from left to right, and return the result of the first success.
  • Elements separated by &, for example '[1234]'.r & '[3456]'.r, require both sides succeed, and return the result of the left side.
  • parser.rep attempts to match the parser 0 or more times, returning a list of the results from each successful match.
  • parser.rep1 attempts to match the parser 1 or more times, returning a list of the results from each successful match. If parser does not succeed at least once, parser.rep1 fails.
  • -parser negates the parser: if parser succeeded (with any result), -parser fails. If parser failed, -parser succeeds with the result "", the empty string.
  • parser * n attempts to match the parser exactly n times, returning a list of length n containing the result of the n successes. Fails otherwise.
  • parser.opt matches the parser 0 or 1 times, returning either [] or [result] where result is the result of parser.


So far, these building blocks all return the raw parse tree: all the things like whitespace, curly-braces, etc. will still be there. Often, you want to take a parser e.g.

>>> from macropy.macros2.peg import macros, peg
>>> with peg:
...     num = '[0-9]+'.r
>>> num.parse_all("123")
>>> num.parse_all("1 23")

which returns a string of digits, and convert it into a parser which returns an int with the value of that string. This can be done with the // operator:

>>> with peg:
...     num = '[0-9]+'.r // int
>>> num.parse_all("123")

The // operator takes a function which will be used to transform the result of the parser: in this case, it is the function int, which transforms the returned string into an integer. Another example is:

with peg:
    laugh = 'lol'
    laughs1 = 'lol'.rep1
    laughs2 = lots_of_laughs_1 // "".join

print laughs1.parse_all("lollollol") # [['lol', 'lol', 'lol]]
print laughs2.parse_all("lollollol") # ['lollollol]

Where the function "".join" is used to join together the list of results from laughs1 into a single string.

Although // is sufficient for everyone's needs, it is not always convenient. In the example above, a value is defined to be:

value = ... | ('(', expr, ')') // (lambda x: x[1])

As you can see, we need to strip off the unwanted parentheses from the parse tree, and we do it with a lambda that only selects the middle element, which is the result of the expr parser. An alternate way of representing this is:

value = ... | ('(', expr is result, ')') >> result

In this case, the is keyword is used to bind the result of expr to the name result. The >> operator can be used to transform the parser by only operating on the bound results within the parser. This goes a long way to keep things neat. For example, a JSON parser may define an array to be:

with peg:
    # parses an array and extracts the relevant bits into a Python list
     array = ('[', (json_exp, (',', json_exp).rep), opt(space), ']')//(lambda x: [x[1][0]] + [y[1] for y in x[1][1]])

Where the huge lambda is necessary to pull out the necessary parts of the parse tree into a Python list. Although it works, it's difficult to write correctly and equally difficult to read. Using the is operator, this can be rewritten as:

array = ('[', json_exp is first, ~(',', json_exp is rest), opt(space), ']') >> [first] + rest

Now, it is clear that we are only interested in the result of the two json_exp parsers. The >> operator allows us to use those, while the rest of the parse tree ([s, ,s, etc.) are conveniently discarded.

###Full Example These parser combinators are not limited to toy problems, like the arithmetic expression parser above. Below is the full source of the JSON parser, along with it's PEG grammer:

JSON <- S? ( Object / Array / String / True / False / Null / Number ) S?

Object <- "{"
             ( String ":" JSON ( "," String ":" JSON )*
             / S? )

Array <- "["
            ( JSON ( "," JSON )*
            / S? )

String <- S? ["] ( [^ " \ U+0000-U+001F ] / Escape )* ["] S?

Escape <- [\] ( [ " / \ b f n r t ] / UnicodeEscape )

UnicodeEscape <- "u" [0-9A-Fa-f]{4}

True <- "true"
False <- "false"
Null <- "null"

Number <- Minus? IntegralPart FractionalPart? ExponentPart?

Minus <- "-"
IntegralPart <- "0" / [1-9] [0-9]*
FractionalPart <- "." [0-9]+
ExponentPart <- ( "e" / "E" ) ( "+" / "-" )? [0-9]+
S <- [ U+0009 U+000A U+000D U+0020 ]+
with peg:
    json_exp = (space.opt, (obj | array | string | true | false | null | number) is exp, space.opt) >> exp

    pair = (string is k, ':', json_exp is v) >> (k, v)
    obj = ('{', pair is first, (',', pair is rest).rep, space.opt, '}') >> dict([first] + rest)
    array = ('[', json_exp is first, (',', json_exp is rest).rep, space.opt, ']') >> [first] + rest

    string = (space.opt, '"', ('[^"]'.r | escape).rep // ("".join) is body, '"') >> "".join(body)
    escape = '\\', ('"' | '/' | '\\' | 'b' | 'f' | 'n' | 'r' | 't' | unicode_escape)
    unicode_escape = 'u', '[0-9A-Fa-f]'.r * 4

    true = 'true' >> True
    false = 'false' >> False
    null = 'null' >> None

    number = (minus.opt, integral, fractional.opt, exponent.opt) // (f%float("".join(_)))
    minus = '-'
    integral = '0' | '[1-9][0-9]*'.r
    fractional = ('.', '[0-9]+'.r) // "".join
    exponent = (('e' | 'E'), ('+' | '-').opt, "[0-9]+".r) // "".join

    space = '\s+'.r

test_string = """
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Smith",
        "age": 25,
        "address": {
            "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "NY",
            "postalCode": 10021
        "phoneNumbers": [
                "type": "home",
                "number": "212 555-1234"
                "type": "fax",
                "number": "646 555-4567"

import json
print json_exp.parse_all(test_string)[0] == json.loads(test_string)
# True

import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(4)
#{   'address': {   'city': 'New York',
#                   'postalCode': 10021.0,
#                   'state': 'NY',
#                   'streetAddress': '21 2nd Street'},
#    'age': 25.0,
#    'firstName': 'John',
#    'lastName': 'Smith',
#    'phoneNumbers': [   {   'number': '212 555-1234', 'type': 'home'},
#                        {   'number': '646 555-4567', 'type': 'fax'}]}

As you can see, the full parser parses that non-trivial blob of JSON into an identical structure as the in-built json package. In addition, the source of the parser looks almost identical to the PEG grammar it is parsing, shown above. Pretty neat!

JS Snippets

from macropy.macros2.javascript import macros, pyjs

code, javascript = pyjs%(lambda x: x > 5 and x % 2 == 0)

print code
# <function <lambda> at 0x0000000003515C18>

print javascript
# $def(function $_lambda(x) {return $b.bool($b.do_ops(x, '>', 5)) && $b.bool($b.do_ops($b.mod(x, 2), '==', 0));})

for i in range(10):
    print i, code(i), self.exec_js_func(javascript, i)

# 0 False False
# 1 False False
# 2 False False
# 3 False False
# 4 False False
# 5 False False
# 6 True True
# 7 False False
# 8 True True
# 9 False False

JS Snippets is a macro that allows you to mark out sections of code that will be cross-compiled into Javascript at module-import time. This cross-compilation is done using PJs. The generated Javascript is incredibly ugly, thanks in part to the fact that in order to preserve semantics in the presence of features that Python has but JS lacks (such as operator overloading), basically every operation in the Javascript program has to be virtualized into a method call. Furthermore, the translation is not very good, and breaks down around the fringes of the Python language.

Nonetheless, as the above example demonstrates, the translation is entirely acceptable for simple logic. Furthermore, with macros, marking out snippets of Python code to be translated is as simple as prepending either:

  • js%, if you only want to translate the enclosed python expression into Javascript
  • pyjs%, if you want both the original expression as well as the translated Javascript (as in the example above). This is given to you as a tuple.

pyjs% is particularly interesting, because it brings us closer to the holy grail of HTML form validation: having validation run on both client and server, but still only be expressed once in the code base. With pyjs%, it is trivial to fork an expression (such as the conditional function shown above) into both Python and Javascript representations. Rather than using a menagerie of ad-hoc mini-DSLs, this lets you write your validation logic in plain Python.

As mentioned earlier, JS Snippets isn't very robust, and the translation is full of bugs:

# these work
assert self.exec_js(js%10) == 10
assert self.exec_js(js%"i am a cow") == "i am a cow"

# these literals are buggy, and it seems to be PJs' fault
# ??? all the results seem to turn into strings ???
assert self.exec_js(js%3.14) == 3.14 # Fails
assert self.exec_js(js%[1, 2, 'lol']) == [1, 2, 'lol'] # Fails
assert self.exec_js(js%{"moo": 2, "cow": 1}) == {"moo": 2, "cow": 1} # Fails

# set literals aren't supported so this throws an exception at macro-expansion time
# self.exec_js(js%{1, 2, 'lol'})

Even as such basic things fail, other, more complex operations work flawlessly:

script = js%sum([x for x in range(10) if x > 5])
print script
# "$b.sum($b.listcomp([$b.range(10)], function (x) {return x;}, [function (x) { return $b.do_ops(x, '>', 5); }]))"
print self.exec_js(script)
# 30

Here's another, less trivial use case: cross compiling a function that searchs for the prime numbers:

code, javascript = pyjs%(lambda n: [
    x for x in range(n)
    if 0 == len([
        y for y in range(2, x-2)
        if x % y == 0
print code(20)
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]
print self.exec_js_func(javascript, 20)
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]

These examples are all taken from the unit tests.

Like PINQ to SQLAlchemy, JS Snippets demonstrates the feasibility, the convenience of being able to mark out sections of code using macros, to be cross-compiled into another language and run remotely. Unlike PINQ, which is built on top of the stable, battle-tested and widely used SQLAlchemy library, JS Snippets is built on top of an buggy, unknown and untested Python to Javascript cross-compiler, making it far from production ready.

Nonetheless, JS Snippets demonstrate the promise of being able to cross-compile bits of your program and being able to run parts of it remotely. The code which performs the integration of PJs and MacroPy is a scant 25 lines long. If a better, more robust Python to Javascript cross-compiler appears some day, we could easily make use of it to provide a stable, seamless developer experience of sharing code between (web) client and server.

Detailed Guide

As mentioned earlier, MacroPy uses PEP 302 for much of its functionality. It looks out in particular for the syntactic forms (import macros, ..., my_macro%..., with my_macro:, @my_macro) to decide which parts of the AST need to be expanded by which macros. MacroPy uses the inbuilt Python infrastructure for parsing the source and representing it as an AST. You should familiarize yourself with the classes which make up the Python AST, since you will be interacting with them a great deal while writing macros.

Once you have an AST, there are a few possible forms that code can take:

  • A String
  • An AST
  • A computed Value

This map maps out how to convert from form to form:


Except for eval, these are all functions defined in the macropy/core/ For instance, in order to convert from a AST back into source code (for example if you want to print out the code which is being run), you would use the unparse_ast() method. These transformations will be used throughout this guide, to convert from one form to another or to print out the AST for inspection.

Writing Your First Macro

Now, we will go through what it takes to write a simple macro, with some self-contained examples. To begin, we need three files


As mentioned earlier, you cannot use macros in the __main__ module (the file that is run directly via python ...) and so we have to have a separate bootstrap file, which will then execute, which contains macros defined in

import macropy.core.macros
import target


Now, let us define a simple macro, in

import macropy.core.macros
import target

from macro_module import macros, expand

print expand%(1 + 2)

from macropy.core.macros import *

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree):
    return tree

Running this via python will print out 3; so far expand is a simple no-op macro which does not do anything to the tree it is passed. This macro is provided in examples/nop if you want to try it out yourself; you can run it from the project root via python examples/nop/ At this point, you can print out the tree you are receiving in various forms just to see what you're getting:

from macropy.core.macros import *

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree):
    print tree
    print real_repr(tree)
    print unparse_ast(tree)
    return tree

When you run, This will print:

<_ast.BinOp object at 0x000000000206BBA8>
BinOp(Num(1), Add(), Num(2))
(1 + 2)

As you can see, the AST objects don't have a nice __repr__, but if you use the MacroPy function real_repr, you can see that it's made up of the BinOp Add, which adds the two numbers Num(1) and Num(2). Unparsing it into source code via unparse() gives you (1 + 2), which is what you would expect. In general, unparsing may not give you exactly the source of the original file (it may have more or fewer parentheses or have the indentation changed) but it should be semantically equivalent when executed.

One (trivial) example of modifying the tree is to simply replace it with a new tree, for example:

from macropy.core.macros import *

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree):
    return Num(100)

When you run, this will print out 100, as the original expression (1 + 2) has now been replaced by the literal 100. Another possible operation would be to replace the expression with the square of itself:

from macropy.core.macros import *

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree):
    newtree = BinOp(tree, Mult(), tree)
    return newtree

This will replace the expression (1 + 2) with ((1 + 2) * (1 + 2)); you can similarly print out newtree via unparse or real_repr to see what's it looks like.

Using Quasiquotes

Building up the new tree manually, as shown above, works reasonably well. However, it can quickly get unwieldy, particularly for more complex expressions. For example, let's say we wanted to make expand wrap the expression (1 + 2) in a lambda, like lambda x: x * (1 + 2) + 10. Ignore, for the moment, that this transform is not very useful. Doing so manually is quite a pain:

from macropy.core.macros import *

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree):
    return Lambda(arguments([Name("x", Param())], None, None, []), BinOp(BinOp(Name('x', Load()), Mult(), tree), Add(), Num(10)))

This works, and when you run it prints out:

<function <lambda> at 0x00000000020A3588>

Because now is printing out a lambda function. If we modify to call the expanded lambda with an argument:

from macro_module import macros, expand

print (expand%(1 + 2))(5)

It prints 25, as you would expect.

Quasiquotes are a special structure that lets you quote sections of code as ASTs, letting us substitute in sections dynamically. Quasiquotes let us turn the above code into:

from macropy.core.macros import *
from macropy.core.lift import macros, q, ast

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree):
    return q%(lambda x: x * (ast%tree) + 10)

the q%(..) syntax means that the section following it is quoted as an AST, while the unquote ast% syntax means to place the value of tree into that part of the quoted AST, rather than simply the node Name("tree"). Running, this also prints 25. See examples/quasiquote for the self-contained code for this example.

Another unquote u% allow us to dynamically include the value 10 in the AST at run time:

from macropy.core.macros import *
from macropy.core.lift import macros, q, ast, u

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree):
    addition = 10
    return q%(lambda x: x * (ast%tree) + u%addition)

This will insert the a literal representing the value of addition into the position of the u%addition, in this case 10. This also prints 25. For a more detailed description of how quoting and unquoting works, and what more you can do with it, check out the documentation for Quaasiquotes.

Apart from using the %u and %ast unquotes to put things into the AST, good old fashioned assignment works too:

from macropy.core.macros import *
from macropy.core.lift import macros, q

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree):
    newtree = q%(lambda x: x * None + 10)
    newtree.body.left.right = tree          # replace the None in the AST with the given tree
    return newtree

If you run this, it will also print 25.

Walking the AST

Quasiquotes make it much easier for you to manipulate sections of code, allowing you to quickly put together snippets that look however you want. However, they do not provide any support for a very common use case: that of recursively traversing the AST and replacing sections of it at a time.

Now that you know how to make basic macros, I will walk you through the implementation of a less trivial (and extremely useful!) macro: quicklambda.

If we look at what quicklambda does, we see want to take code which looks like this:

f%(_ + (1 * _))

and turn it into:

(arg0 + (1 * arg1))

and wrap it in a lambda to give:

lambda arg0, arg1: (arg0 + (1 * arg1))

Let's accomplish the first transform first: we need to replace all the _s with variables arg0, arg1, etc.. To do this, we need to recurse over the AST in order to search for the uses of _. A simple attempt may be:


from macropy.core.macros import *

macros = Macros()

def f(tree):
    names = ('arg' + str(i) for i in xrange(100))

    def rec(tree):
        if type(tree) is Name and == '_':
        if type(tree) is BinOp:
        if type(tree) is List:
            map(rec, tree.elts)
        if type(tree) is UnaryOp:
        if type(tree) is BoolOp:
            map(rec, tree.values)

    newtree = rec(tree)
    return newtree

Note that we use f instead of expand. Also note that writing out the recursion manually is pretty tricky, there are a ton of cases to consider, and it's easy to get wrong. It turns out that this behavior, of walking over the AST and doing something to it, is an extremely common operation, common enough that MacroPy provides the Walker class to do this for you:

from macropy.core.macros import *

macros = Macros()

def f(tree):
    names = ('arg' + str(i) for i in xrange(100))

    def underscore_search(tree):
        if type(tree) is Name and == '_':

    newtree = underscore_search.recurse(tree)
    print unparse_ast(newtree) # (arg0 + (1 * arg1))
    return newtree

This snippet of code is equivalent to the one earlier, except that with a Walker, you only need to specify the AST nodes you are interested in (in this case Names) and the Walker will do the recursion automatically. As you can see, when we print out the unparsed newtree, we can see that the transformed code looks like what we expect. This code then fails with a

NameError: name 'arg0' is not defined

At runtime, because the names we put into the tree (arg0 and arg1) haven't actually been defined in! We will see how we can fix that.

More Walking

The function being passed to the Walker can return a variety of things. In this case, let's say we want to collect the names we extracted from the names generator, so we can use them to populate the arguments of the lambda.

The Walker function can return collect(item), in addition to a new_tree. This will hand item over to the Walker, which will aggregate them all in one large list which you can extract by using recurse_real instead of real:

from macropy.core.macros import *
from macropy.core.lift import macros, q, u

macros = Macros()

def f(tree):
    names = ('arg' + str(i) for i in xrange(100))

    def underscore_search(tree):
        if isinstance(tree, Name) and == "_":
            name =
   = name
            return tree, collect(name)

    new_tree, used_names = underscore_search.recurse_real(tree)
    print used_names # ['arg0', 'arg1']
    return new_tree

Now we have available both the new_tree as well as a list of used_names. When we print out used_names, we see it is the names that got substituted in place of the underscores within the AST. If you're wondering about how the return values (tuple? AST? None?) of the underscore_search function are interpreted, check out the section on Walkers.

This still fails at runtime, but now all we need now is to wrap everything in a lambda, set the arguments properly:

from macropy.core.macros import *
from macropy.core.lift import macros, q, u

_ = None  # makes IDE happy

macros = Macros()

def f(tree):
    names = ('arg' + str(i) for i in xrange(100))

    def underscore_search(tree):
        if isinstance(tree, Name) and == "_":
            name =
   = name
            return tree, collect(name)

    tree, used_names = underscore_search.recurse_real(tree)

    new_tree = q%(lambda: ast%tree)
    new_tree.args.args = [Name(id = x) for x in used_names]
    print unparse_ast(new_tree) # (lambda arg0, arg1: (arg0 + (1 * arg1)))
    return new_tree

And we're done! The printed new_tree looks exactly like what we want. The original code:

from macro_module import macros, f

print f%(_ + (1 * _))

spits out

<function <lambda> at 0x000000000203D198>

Showing we have successfully replaced all the underscores with variables and wrapped the expression in a lambda! Now when we try to run it:

from macro_module import macros, f

my_func = f%(_ + (1 * _))
print my_func(10, 20) # 30

It works! We can also use it in some less trivial cases, just to verify that it indeed does what we want:

print reduce(f%(_ + _), [1, 2, 3])  # 6
print filter(f%(_ % 2 != 0), [1, 2, 3])  # [1, 3]
print map(f%(_  * 10), [1, 2, 3])  # [10, 20, 30]

Mission Accomplished! You can see the completed self-contained example in examples/full. This macro is also defined in our library in macropy/macros/, along with a suite of unit tests. It is also used throughout the implementation of the other macros.


This section describes tools (Quasiquotes, Walkers) that can be used to help you define your macros and their transformations. Although it is perfectly possible to write macros which only use conditionals and for-loops, life gets so much easier using these abstractions that I would consider them a "must have".


from macropy.core.lift import macros, q, name, ast

a = 10
b = 2
tree = q%(1 + u%(a + b))
print ast.dump(tree)
#BinOp(Num(1), Add(), Num(12))

Quasiquotes are the foundation for many macro systems, such as that found in LISP. Quasiquotes save you from having to manually construct code trees from the nodes they are made of. For example, if you want the code tree for

(1 + 2)

Without quasiquotes, you would have to build it up by hand:

tree = BinOp(Num(1), Add(), Num(2))

But with quasiquotes, you can simply write the code (1 + 2), quoting it with q% to lift it from an expression (to be evaluated) to a tree (to be returned):

tree = q%(1 + 2)

Furthermore, quasiquotes allow you to unquote things: if you wish to insert the value of an expression into the tree, rather than the tree making up the expression, you unquote it using u%. In the example above:

tree = q%(1 + u%(a + b))
print ast.dump(tree)
#BinOp(Num(1), Add(), Num(12))

the expression (a + b) is unquoted. Hence a + b gets evaluated to the value of 12, which is then inserted into the tree, giving the final tree.

Apart from interpolating values in the AST, you can also interpolate:

###Other ASTs

a = q%(1 + 2)
b = q%(ast%a + 3)
print ast.dump(b)
#BinOp(BinOp(Num(1), Add(), Num(2)), Add(), Num(3))

This is necessary to join together ASTs directly, without converting the interpolated AST into its repr. If we had used the u% interpolator, it fails with an error


n = "x"
x = 1
y = q%(name%n + name%n)
print ast.dump(y)
#BinOp(Name('x'), Add(), Name('x'))

This is convenient in order to interpolate a string variable as an identifier, rather than interpolating it as a string literal. In this case, I want the syntax tree for the expression x + x, and not 'x' + 'x', so I use the name% macro to unquote it.

Overall, quasiquotes are an incredibly useful tool for assembling or manipulating the ASTs, and are used in the implementation in all of the following examples. See the String Interpolation or Quick Lambda macros for short, practical examples of their usage.


The Walker is a uniform abstraction to use for recursively traversing a Python AST. Defined in macropy/core/, it is used throughout MacroPy, both in the core logic as well as the implementation of most of the macros.

In its most basic form, a Walker is used as follows:

def transform(tree):
    return new_tree

This walker applies the transform function to every node in the AST it recurses over, and is called via:

new_tree = transform.recurse(old_tree)

The transform function can either mutate the given tree (e.g. by changing its attributes, swapping out children, etc.) or replace it by returning a new one (like in the example above). Returning None leaves the tree as-is without replacing it (although it still could have been mutated).


The Walker allows the programmer to provide a context:

def transform(tree, ctx):
    return new_tree
    return new_tree, set_ctx(new_ctx)

new_tree = transform.recurse(old_tree)
new_tree = transform.recurse(old_tree, init_ctx)

If the transform function takes an additional argument, it will be given the init_ctx that is passed in as the second argument to the .recurse() method. This defaults to None if no init_ctx is given. Furthermore, the transform function can return a tuple including a set_ctx(new_ctx) object, and the Walker will provide the new_ctx to all descendents (children, grandchildren, et.c) of the current AST node.


The Walker provides an easy way for the programmer to aggregate data as it recurses over the AST. This is done by returning an additional value: a collect(value) object:

def transform(tree, ctx):
    return new_tree, collect(value)
new_tree, collected = transform.recurse_real(old_tree)

Using the recurse_real instead of the recurse method to return both the new tree as well as the collected data, as a list. This is a simple way of aggregating values as you traverse the AST.


Lastly, the Walker provides a way to end the recursion, via the stop value:

def transform(tree, ctx):
    if ...:
        return new_tree
        return stop

Returning stop prevents the Walker from recursing over the children of the current node. This is useful, for example, if you know that the current node's AST subtree does not contain anything of interest to you and wish to save some computation. Another use case would be if you wish to delimit your transformation: if you want any code within a certain construct to be passed over by transform, you can simply have transform return stop when it sees that construct.

###A Flexible Tool As shown in some of the examples, the transform function given to a Walker can return multiple of values together. For example, you could have a walker such as:

def transform(tree, ctx):
    return new_tree, set_ctx(new_ctx), collect(value), stop

new_tree, collected = transform.recurse_real(old_tree, initial_ctx)

Which will do all of:

  • Replacing the current AST node with new_tree
  • Setting the ctx that all its children will receive
  • Collecting some value that will get returned in collected
  • Preventing recursion on sub-trees

It is a bit silly to have both the second and fourth items, since if it doesn't recurse on sub-trees then setting the new ctx is moot. Nonetheless, the point is that you can return any combination of these results from transform, and in any order, in order to gain some control about how the recursive traversal is performed.

The Walker is an incredibly versatile tool, used to recursively traverse and transform Python ASTs. If you inspect the source code of the macros in the macropy/macros and macropy/macros2 folders, you will see most of them make extensive use of Walkers in order to concisely perform their transformations. If you find yourself needing a recursive traversal, you should think hard about why you cannot use a Walker before writing the recursion yourself.

Macro Subtleties

When writing AST-transforming macros, there are some edge cases and subtleties which you don't notice at first, but eventually you will have to come around to. Things such as the macro expansion order, hygiene and line numbers in error messages:

Expansion Order

Macros are expanded in an outside-in order, with macros higher up in the AST being expanded before their children. Hence, if we have two macros inside each other, such as:

>>> from macropy.macros.quicklambda import macros, f
>>> from macropy.macros2.tracing import macros, trace
>>> trace%(map(f%(_ + 1), [1, 2, 3]))
(f % (_ + 1)) -> <function <lambda> at 0x00000000021F9128>
(_ + 1) -> 2
(_ + 1) -> 3
(_ + 1) -> 4
map((f % (_ + 1)), [1, 2, 3]) -> [2, 3, 4]
[2, 3, 4]

As you can see, the trace macro is expanded first, and hence the when it prints out the expressions being executed, we see the un-expanded (f%(_ + 1)) rather than the expanded (lammbda arg0: arg0 + 1). After the tracing is inserted, the f% is finally expanded into a lambda and the final output of this expression is [2, 3, 4].

This decision is arbitrary; in the case of tracing, having it outside-in makes things easier, for we generally desire to see the original code being traced, rather than the macro-expanded code. However, there are cases (such as the tail-call macro) where you want the order to be reversed: you want the children of an expression to be macro-expanded first before the macro itself. In this case, you can add an inside_out flag to the macro decorator, turning this:





Hygienic macros are macros which will not accidentally shadow an identifier, or have the identifiers they introduce shadowed by user code. For example, the quicklambda macro takes this:

>>> func = f%(_ + 1)
>>> func(1)

and expands it into this:

>>> func = lambda arg0: arg0 + 1
>>> func(1)

However, if we introduce a variable called arg0 in the enclosing scope:

>>> arg0 = 10
>>> func = f%(_ + arg0)
>>> func(1)

It does not behave as we may expect; we probably want it to produce 11. this is because the arg0 identifier introduced by the f% macro shadows the arg0 in our enclosing scope. This could cause weird bugs, for

>>> arg1 = 10
>>> func = f%(_ + arg1)
>>> func(1)

prints 11 as you expect! Hygienic macros would avoid this by choosing a different name if the one desired is already used, but MacroPy does not (as of yet) provide any support in making your macros hygienic.

Line Numbers

MacroPy makes a best-effort attempt to preserve the line numbers inside the macro-expanded code; generally, line numbers which are not within macros should be unchanged:

from my_macros import macros, expand

with expand:
    x = x + 1

raise Exception("lol")

from macropy.core.macros import *

macros = Macros()

def expand(tree):
    import copy
    return tree.body * 10

This prints

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 22, in <module>
    raise e
Exception: lol

As you can see, even though the line x = x + 1 is expanded into 10 equivalent lines, the traceback for the Exception("lol") is unchanged. On the other hand, if the exception happens within the macro expanded code:
from macropy.core_tests.line_number_macro import macros, expand

y = 0
with expand:
    x = x - 1
    y = 1 / x

The error messages can be rather silly:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2311, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

Line 2311! In a 7 line file! This may improve in the future, but that's the current state of error reporting in MacroPy.


Writing macros is not easy, to say the least. Thus, although you could theoretically "do whatever the hell you want" when writing macros, you probably don't want to. Instead, you should minimize what the macros do, avoid them entirely when not necessary, be concious of the amount of magic you introduce and think hard about what, exactly you want to do with them.

Minimize Macro Magic

This may seem counter-intuitive, but just because you have the ability to do AST transformations does not mean you should use it! In fact, you probably should do as little as is humanely possible in order to hand over control to traditional functions and objects, who can then take over.

For example, let us look at the Parser Combinator macro, shown in the examples above. You may look at the syntax:

value = '[0-9]+'.r // int | ('(', expr, ')') // (f%_[1])
op = '+' | '-' | '*' | '/'
expr = (value is first, (op, value).rep is rest) >> reduce_chain([first] + rest)

And think this may be an ideal situation to go all-out, just handle the whole thing using AST transforms and do some code-generation to create a working parser! It turns out, the peg module does none of this. It has about 30 lines of code which does a very shallow transform from the above code into:

value = Lazy(lambda: Raw('[0-9]+').r // int | Seq(Raw('('), expr, Raw(')')) // (lambda x: x[1]))
op = Lazy(lambda: Raw('+') | Raw('-') | Raw('*') | Raw('/'))
expr = Lazy(lambda: Seq(value.bind_to("first"), Seq(op, value).rep.bind_to("rest")) >> (lambda first, rest: reduce_chain([first] + rest)))

That's the extent of the macro! It just wraps the raw strings in Raws, tuples in Seqs, converts the a is b syntax into a.bind_to("b") and wraps everything in a lazy memoizing thunk to allow circular references between them. The rest, all the operators | // >>, the .r syntax for regexes and .rep syntax for repetitions, that's all just implemented on the Raw objects using plain-old operator overloading and properties.

Why do this, instead of simply implementing the behavior of | // and friends as macros? There are a few reasons

  • Maintainability: tree transforms are messy, methods and operators are pretty simple. If you want to change what .r does, for example, you'll have a much easier time if it's a @property rather than some macro-defined transform
  • Consistency: methods already have a great deal of pre-defined semantics built in: how the arguments are evaluated (eagerly, left to right, by-value), whether they can be assigned to or monkey-patched. All this behavior is what people already come to expect when programming in Python. By greatly limiting the macro transforms, you leave the rest up to the Python language which will behave as people expect.

It's not just the Parser Combinators which work like this; PINQ, Tracing, Pattern Matching all work like this, doing the minimal viable transform and delegating the functionality to objects and functions as soon as possible.

No Macros Necessary

Python is a remarkably dynamic language. Not only that, but it is also a relatively large language, containing many things already built in. A large amount of feedback has been received from the online community, and among it suggestions to use macros for things such as:

  • Before and After function advice: code snippets to hook into the function call process
  • Auto parallelizing functions, which run in a forked process

This stackoverflow question also explores the use cases of Macros in Python, and comes up with a large number of unimaginative suggestions:

  • An unless blah: statement, equivalent to an if not blah:
  • A repeat macro, to replace for-loops
  • A do while loop

The last three examples are completely banal: they really don't add anything, don't make anything easier, and add a lot of indirection to no real gain. The first two suggestions, on the other hand, sound impressive, but are actually entirely implementable without Macros.

###Function Advice Function advice, part of AOP, is a technique of register code snippets to run before or after function calls occur. These could be used for debugging (printing whenever a function is run), caching (intercepting the arguments and returning the value from a cache if it already exists), authentication (checking permissions before the function runs) and a host of other use cases.

Although in the Java world, such a technique requires high-sorcery with AspectJ and other tools, in Python these are as simple as defining a decorator. For example, here is a decorator that logs invocations and returns of a generic python function:

def trace(func):
    def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
        print "Calling", func.func_name, "with", args, kwargs
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        print "func.func_name, "returned", result
        return result
    return new_func

my_func(arg0, arg1):
    ... do stuff ...

Similar things could be done for the other use cases mentioned. This is not a complete example (it would need a functools.wraps or similar to preserve the argspec etc.) but the point is that writing such a decorator really is not very difficult. No macros necessary!

###Auto-Forking Another suggestion was to make a decorator macro that ships the code within the function into a separate process to execute. While this sounds pretty extreme, it really is not that difficult, for in Python you can easily introspect a function object and retrieve it's code attribute. This can pretty easily be pickled and sent to a child process to be executed there. Perhaps you may want some sort of Future container to hold the result, or some nice helpers for fork-join style code, but these are all just normal python functions: no macros necessary!

Thus, you can accomplish a lot of things in Python without using macros. If you need to pass functions around, you can do so without macros. Similarly, if you want to introspect a function and see how many arguments it takes, you can go ahead using inspect. getattr, hasattr and friends are sufficient for all sorts of reflective metaprogramming, dynamically setting and getting attributes. Beyond that, you have the abilities to access the locals an globals dictionaries, reflecting on the call stack via inspect.stack() and eval or execing source code. Whether this is a good idea is another question.

Levels of Magic

MacroPy is an extreme measure; there is no doubting that. Intercepting the raw source code as it is being imported, parsing it and performing AST transforms just before loading it is not something to be taken lightly! However, macros are not the most extreme thing that you can do! If you look at an Magic Scale for the various things you can do in Python, it may look something like this:


Where basic language constructs are at 0 in the scale of magic, functions and classes can be mildly confusing. hasattr and getattr are at another level, letting you treat things objects as dictionaries and do all sorts of incredibly dynamic things.

I would place MacroPy about on par with Metaclasses in terms of their magic-level: pretty knotty, but still ok. Past that, you are in the realm of stack.inspect(), where your function call can look at what files are in the call stack and do different things depending on what it sees! And finally, at the Beyond 9000 level of magic, is the act of piecing together code via string-interpolation or concatenation and just calling eval or exec on the whole blob, maybe at import time, maybe at run-time.

###Skeletons in the Closet Many profess to shun the higher levels of magic "I would never do textual code generation!" you hear them say. "I will do things the simple, Pythonic way, with minimal magic!". But if you dig a little deeper, and see the code they use on a regular basis, you may notice some namedtuples in their code base. Looking up the implementation of namedtuple brings up this:

template = '''class %(typename)s(tuple):
    '%(typename)s(%(argtxt)s)' \n
    __slots__ = () \n
    _fields = %(field_names)r \n
    def __new__(_cls, %(argtxt)s):
        'Create new instance of %(typename)s(%(argtxt)s)'
        return _tuple.__new__(_cls, (%(argtxt)s)) \n
    def _make(cls, iterable, new=tuple.__new__, len=len):

Runtime code-generation as strings! It turns out they piece together the class declaration textually and then just exec the whole lot. Similar things take place in the new Enum that's going to enter the standard library. Case Classes may be magical, but are they really any worse than the status quo?

Beyond Python, you have the widely used .NET's T4 Text Templates and Ruby on Rails code-generation tools. This demonstrates that in any language, there will be situations where dynamic generation/compilation/execution of source code begin to look attractive, or even necessary. In these situations, syntactic macros provide a safer, easier to use and more maintainable alternative to this kind of string-trickery.

Whither MacroPy

When, then, do you need macros? We believe that the macros shown above are a compelling set of functionality that would be impossible without macros. These macros fall broadly into a few categories:

###Mobile Code Macros such as PINQ, JS Snippets, Tracing and potential extensions such as the Fork-Join macros are all about using macros to shuttle code between domains, while still allowing it to be written together in a single code base. PINQ and JS Snippets are all about taking sections of a Python program and executing it either on a remote database or in a browser, while the Tracing macro ships sections of code into the console for debugging purposes and the Fork-Join macro would shuttle sections of code between Python processes in order to run them in parallel.

This idea of mobile code is not commonly seen in most domains; more often, code written in a single file is run in a single place, and if you want to write a distributed system, you'll need to manually break up your code even though conceptually it all belongs together. Allowing you to have a single code-base and semi-transparently (translucently?) ship the code to somewhere else to run would be a big step forward.

###Boilerplate Shaving Parser Combinators and Quick Lambdas are examples of boilerplate shaving, where macros are used to reduce the amount of boilerplate necessary to perform some logic below the level that can be achieved by traditional means (methods, operator overloading, etc.). With the Parser Combinators, for example, the macro transform that is performed is extremely simple and superficial. This is also the case with the other boilerplate shaving macros.

In these macros, the boilerplate that the macro removes is trivial but extremely important. Looking again at the Parser Combinator transformation, it is clear that removing the boilerplate is a huge improvement: rather than having to dig through the code to figure out what happens, the PEG-like structure of the code jumps right out at you making it far easier to see, at a glance, what is going on.

###Heavy AST Manipulation The last category that macros fall into are those such as Case Classes, Pattern Matching and Tail Call Optimization. These are macros that do massive transformations to large sections of a Python program, completely changing the semantics from what they were before.

Of all the macros shown, these are probably the most risky. In the mobile code macros, the code being transformed is usually clearly delimited and separate from the rest of the program. In the boilerplate shaving macros, the transformation is simple to the point of being superficial. In these AST Manipulation macros, not only is the transformation being performed extremely complex, it also affects a large section of your program and is interleaved with lots of "untransformed" Python code.

For example, with Case Classes, the case class definition may contain method definitions, which you would hope can continue to function perfectly and not get messed up by the case class transform. Nonetheless, the benefits of these transforms are also deep and far reaching, and the trade of may well be worth the macro complexity.

Note how none of these macros are simple things like do-while loops or alternate syntaxes for if-else statements; these categories of macros perform useful functions, often completely impossible without macros, and have to be carefully crafted so as to minimize the confusion caused by the macro transformation.

MacroPy: The Last Refuge of the Competent

Macros are always a contentious issue. On one hand, we have the LISP community, which seems to using macros for everything. On the other hand, most mainstream programmers shy away from them, believing them to be extremely powerful and potentially confusing, not to mention extremely difficult to execute.

With MacroPy, we believe that we have a powerful, flexible tool that makes it trivially easy to write AST-transforming macros with any level of complexity. We have a compelling suite of use cases demonstrating the utility of such transforms, and all of it runs perfectly fine on alternative implementations of Python such as PyPy.

We have a few major takeaways:

  • Being a non-LISP does not make macros any harder; having an AST made of objects isn't any harder than an AST made of lists. With an inbuilt parser and unparser, the human-friendly computer-unfriendly syntax of Python (whitespace, etc.) is not an issue at all.
  • Python in particular, and other languages in general, do not need macros for many of the use cases the LISPs do. Thanks to inbuilt support for first class functions, dynamism and mutability, simple things like looping can be done pretty easily without resorting to AST rewrites. Macros should only be used if all these tools have proven inadequete, and even then used as little as possible.
  • In Python, there are use cases which require macros, which are not only completely impossible without macros, but also extremely compelling. Not "here's another syntax for an if-statement" but "here's cross-compiling list-comprehensions into SQL queries to be executed on a remote database". These should be the use cases that macros target.
  • Macros stand to reduce the amount of magic in a code base, not increase it. The use cases we propose for macros are at present not satisfied by boring, normal code which macros serve to complicate. They are satisfied by code being generated by stitching together strings and execed at runtime. They are served by special build stages which generate whole blobs of code at build-time to be used later. Replacing these with macros will reduce the total amount of complexity and magic.

Macros may be difficult to write, difficult to compose, difficult to reason about, especially compared to "plain old" Python code. But macros are not meant to replace "plain old" Python! They're aimed at replacing piles of manual duplication or swaths of textual code-generation. Compared to the difficulty of writing, composing and reasoning about the alternatives, MacroPy may well be the lesser evil.


MacroPy is essentially complete in its current state as a proof concept. The next steps, to turn it from a flashy demo into a production-ready package, will involve:

  • Separating out the various implementations of macros into separate projects, leaving only the core macro infrastructure in the macropy repository. This will allow people to better use them independently (e.g. you won't need to pull in Pyxl in order to use Case Classes), as well as to allow them to be developed independently.
  • Solidify the core macropy infrastructure. This means properly specifying it and writing tests, so we do not need to rely on the various macros themselves to act as unit tests when things change. This will also provide other developers with a stable interface to build on top of.

As mentioned, MacroPy as a proof of concept is done. We have demonstrated beyond doubt that syntactic macros in Python are an novel concept that enables a range of compelling use cases. Now the work will shift towards refactoring, documenting, testing and generally turning MacroPy into a solid foundation for others to build on top of.


MacroPy, in its initial state, is basically complete, as a final project for the MIT class 6.945: Adventures in Advanced Symbolic Programming, taught by Gerald Jay Sussman and Pavel Panchekha. Inspiration was taken from project such as Scala Macros, Karnickel and Pyxl.

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2013, Li Haoyi, Justin Holmgren

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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