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css3please's People


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css3please's Issues

Addition of radial gradients?

Might be a good idea to add radial gradients to the current collection. No current support for Opera, FF < 3.6 and IE < 10 but how about just adding a fallback to linear gradients?


Background-size for IE

You can add support for background-size in Internet Explorer with this rule:

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='.path/to/img1.jpg', sizingMethod='scale');


I'm thinking that most people will want background-clip: padding-box when using border-radius with a border. I think it should be a browser default, but until then...

.box_round {
-moz-border-radius: 12px; /* FF1+ /
-webkit-border-radius: 12px; /
Saf3-4, iOS 1+, Android 1.5+ /
border-radius: 12px; /
Opera 10.5, IE9, Saf5, Chrome, FF4 /
-webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
-moz-background-clip: padding-box;
background-clip: padding-box; /
Keeps bg color from leaking outside border */

would be wise.

I can probably wrangle a pull request together if I can figure out how to pull the most recent commits into my repo. But give me a green light before I do that work.

demo fiddle:

background-clip: padding-box; breaks Opera

Adding background-clip: padding-box; makes the background stick outside of the rounded Corners in Opera

The initial state of has the background sticking through (Tested with Opera 11.11)

Removing this property fixes the issue... but it is there so the background doesn't leak.

-khtml-border-radius for some linux browsers?

I've read in a few places to use -khtml-border-radius for border radius on some linux browsers I presume the K stands for Konqueror? I did a quick Google and it appears to be old version of Konqueror used this and one site even said early implementations of webkit used it.

Choose browser support

It would be nice to have a Settings dialog where you could select which browsers to add prefixes for.

If you don't want IE filters, you uncheck the IE option, if you don't care about Firefox <4 you only get the unprefixed border-radius, etc.

If you think this is a good idea, I would be willing to at least start looking at implementing it.

rotate fails ie9.

from ...


Rotate will NOT work cross browser, in IE9 both -ms-transform and filter will be used. Result will be that if you rotate 90 degrees, IE9 will actually rotate 180 degrees, because it just rotates twice!!

So, solution could be, leave out -ms-transform.. problem with this is: do context menu -> print preview, when you print the webpage it will NOT rotate!!

test page:

Contribute box-shadow IE filter


The tricky part in the box shadow is the direction, but it can be calculated using this:
I hope you'll find it useful. I made my own fallback using less, but the direction is still missing (only using math functions which less lacks):

// Box Shadow
.boxShadow (@Hor: 3, @Vert: 2, @blur: 5, @shadow: #757171, @dir: 34 ) {
-webkit-box-shadow: e(%('%spx %spx %spx', @Hor, @Vert, @blur)) @shadow;
-moz-box-shadow: e(%('%spx %spx %spx', @Hor, @Vert, @blur)) @shadow;
box-shadow: e(%('%spx %spx %spx', @Hor, @Vert, @blur)) @shadow;
filter: e(%("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color='%s', Direction=%s, Strength=%s)", @shadow, @dir, @blur));

Adding CSS3PIE integration for IE7-IE8 support

A huge hesitation on the usage of CSS3 is with older browsers such as IE7-IE8 (and sometimes IE9). How about adding CSS3PIE rules in the list? They've got a good list of supported CSS3 features, although sometimes you'll have to put in a somewhat "vendor" specific rule to implement them.

For example the box gradient can be changed to:

  background-color: #444444;
  background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#444444), to(#444444)); 
  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #444444, #444444); 
  background-image:    -moz-linear-gradient(top, #444444, #444444); 
  background-image:     -ms-linear-gradient(top, #444444, #444444); 
  background-image:      -o-linear-gradient(top, #444444, #444444); 
  background-image:         linear-gradient(top, #444444, #444444); 
            filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#444444', EndColorStr='#999999'); /* IE6–IE9 */
   -pie-background:         linear-gradient(top, #444444, #444444);

The -pie- prefixes are ignored by browsers and can easily be turned on for lower version IEs with a conditional js script. But additional Javascript would need to be placed to turn on CSS3PIE, but the mere inclusion of the -pie- prefix on the some of the items would help a lot.

ie gradient filter busts border-radius

The IE gradient filter doesn't clip to the edges of a border-radius. It stays a box and makes you look foolish. That should be known. Definitely note-worthy.

rgba() in IE 8

the hack for this to work in IE8 doesn't really work on mine (Win7). This is what I used instead: -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=90)";

border-radius custom corners

so you can do the top two corners rounded and bottom two square (like for tabs)

you toggle between simple (existing) and custom mode.
so that way we dont need to change the UI except for adding a toggle link (that'll hide this one and show the other)
the other just has the corners available one by one.

and thus we can kill muHAHAHah

eric meyer pointed out the FF can handle -moz-border-radius: 10px 35px 33px 18px;
so it doesnt need to expand as much as most people do it
but safari 4 needs it broken out..
when we decide safari 4 is dead we can kill off the webkit prefix.

mutable site background color

lots of people want to define a whitish background color so they can evaluate box-shadow on diff colors.
i imagine this could go in the bottom right somewhere. a box to change the existing hex color to whatever..
we'd then run this to evaluate whether its dark or light
if its light we'd add 'light' to the body class and then change the syntax highlighting theme (we also change the box-shadow color)
otherwise we keep the existing syntax highlighting.

Another .box_rgba issue

Not sure what they mean:

In Firefox and Webkit, the RGB value in box_rgba is always applied and the RGBA value isn't, so no transparency is visible. (It works in Opera) There's also an error in the formula that converts between them

Think they mean alpha doesn't work.

window.cssMath.d2h is returning wrong in IE7

function d2h(d) {
    return ('0' + parseInt(d, 10).toString(16)).substr(-2).toUpperCase();

alert(d2h(0)); // should return 00, IE7 return 00
alert(d2h(204)); // should return CC, IE7 return 0CC
alert(d2h(255)); // should return FF, IE7 return 0FF

It seems to be a bug in IE7

rgba can cause NaN

The rgba color's "a" isn't working. Anything but 0.5 doesn't work (returns NaN).

this is totally dependent on ticket #1

colorpicker widget


i'm not sure how the UI would work.. but it should choose in HSL by default. (i did this basically on

Multiple gradient stops

Adding additional gradient stops creates invalid code for -webkit-gradient and filter

.box_gradient {
background-color: #999999, #444444 30%;
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#999999, #444444 30%), to(#999999)); /* Saf4+, Chrome /
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #999999, #444444 30%, #999999); /
Chrome 10+, Saf5.1+ /
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #999999, #444444 30%, #999999); /
FF3.6 /
background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #999999, #444444 30%, #999999); /
IE10 /
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #999999, #444444 30%, #999999); /
Opera 11.10+ /
background-image: linear-gradient(top, #999999, #444444 30%, #999999);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#999999, #444444 30%', EndColorStr='#999999'); /
IE6–IE9 */

Overriding native String method "trim"

Line 589 of javascript/javascript.js

trim is an ECMAScript 5 method. Supported in Chrome, FF4+, IE9+, Opera 10.5+, Safari 5. Shouldn't be overriding native methods now should we :)

Firefox 4: script fails to apply some styles on page load.

In Firefox 4 betas, ".box_round", ".box_shadow" and ".box_textshadow" css rules fail be applied once page is loaded. No errors in error console.


Styles do apply, however, if user focuses any rule and then goes out of it.

Issue can be "fixed" by deferred programmatic update of any rule. Place the code:

            generator.grabAndSet($('pre input').first().get(0));

right before the

    // use rgba and not gradients for opera since he's silly.

comment in javascript.js. This is a very blunt "solution", however, so I didn't create a pull request with it.

Tested in:

  • Firefox 4.0b6 and Firefox 4.0b7 beta releases,
  • Firefox 4.0b8pre nightly builds of 3 Dec 2010 and 4 Dec 2010

with clean profiles, no add-ons installed.


Simplified (old) -webkit-gradient() syntax

Currently, CSS3 Please generates the following -webkit-gradient code (assuming I entered #abcdef and #123456):

background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #abcdef), color-stop(1, #123456)); /* Saf4+, Chrome */

Although color-stops can be useful at times, in this case you just want a horizontal/vertical gradient, so it could be written as:

background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#abcdef), to(#123456));

So what’s the story? Is there a particular reason color-stop is used here? If not, just let me know and I’ll go ahead and change this.

Matrix Transform causes parse problems in IE6.

Under certain circumstances the matrix filter will cause IE6 to fail to parse the remainder of the stylesheet. This can be avoided by putting "sizingMethod='auto expand'" LAST instead of first. That is to say:

         filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color=#000000,direction=120,strength=6)
                 progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(  sizingMethod='auto expand',
                 M11=0.9986295347545738, M12=-0.05233595624294383, M21=0.05233595624294383, M22=0.9986295347545738);

Will obliterate the remainder of the stylesheet in IE6, while the following will not:

         filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color=#000000,direction=120,strength=6)
                 M11=0.9986295347545738, M12=-0.05233595624294383, M21=0.05233595624294383, M22=0.9986295347545738,
                 sizingMethod='auto expand');

.box_rotate breaks css in IE 6 and 7

When I copy and pasted the .box_rotate styles at the top of my CSS, none of the CSS would load in IE6 and 7. I just moved it to the bottom of the CSS and everything worked fine.

Here's what I discovered on the weird css rotation thing in IE6 and 7: You must declare at least height or width on the div that's going to be be rotated BEFORE your rotation filters appear in the CSS. Even if you do this, however, any styles applied to that div AFTER the rotation filters appear in the code will not be applied. The same seems to be true for any styles applied to that div's children as well.

…even if you follow the rules I posted a few comments back, you will still totally break your site if you use more than one rotation filter per external CSS file. You either have to have separate CSS files per rotation filter, or simply add each filter nested in its own unique style tags in the head of your html. Failure to do so will only display the first rotated object, but even this will be blurry and at the incorrect angle.

Hilariously, removing the DOCTYPE causes all the rotation to render perfectly, so I'm assuming quirks mode knows how to handle multiple rotation filters? Also, with a larger, more complex stylesheet, there were even weirder side effects, but I couldn't pinpoint what was causing those. Anyways…

Take home message:
Use only 1 proprietary ms filter: (when used for rotation, at least) per external stylesheet. and..

Each rotation filter in your html must be in its own set of style tags.

`filter` still works in IE9!

This means that some of the existing generated CSS will apply e.g. rgba AND filter in IE9. My commit doesn’t fix any of that (although it corrects the browser support comments, implying that this will happen), but it’s definitely something to consider.

A solution would be to use a variant of and then do something like .ie9 .rgba { filter: none; } (or filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false); in case the former doesn’t work).

from @mathias

IE 9 and rotation

IE9 applies both the the filter as the -ms-transform , therefor if I want to rotate 5dg, it rotates twice to 10dg. Also the rotation using filter gives a black background.

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