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deep_pick's Introduction


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Simplifies manual JSON parsing with a type-safe API.

  • No dynamic, no manual casting
  • Flexible inputs types, fixed output types
  • Useful parsing error messages
import 'package:deep_pick/deep_pick.dart';

pick(json, 'parsing', 'is', 'fun').asBool(); // true
$ dart pub add deep_pick
  deep_pick: ^1.0.0


This example demonstrates parsing of an HTTP response using deep_pick. You can either use it to parse individual values of a json response or parse whole objects using the fromPick constructor.

  final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(''));
  final json = jsonDecode(response.body);

  // Parse individual fields (nullable)
  final int? requests = pick(json, 'requests').asIntOrNull();
  // Require values to be non-null or throw a useful error message
  final int keys_created = pick(json, 'keys_created').asIntOrThrow();
  // Pick deep nested values without parsing all objects in between
  final String? version = pick(json, 'meta', 'version', 'commit').asStringOrNull();
  // Parse a full object using a fromPick factory constructor
  final CounterApiStats stats = CounterApiStats.fromPick(pick(json).required());

  // Parse lists with a fromPick constructor 
  final List<CounterApiStats> multipleStats = pick(json, 'items')
      .asListOrEmpty((pick) => CounterApiStats.fromPick(pick));
// Http response model
class CounterApiStats {
  const CounterApiStats({
    required this.requests,
    required this.keys_created,
    required this.keys_updated,

  final int requests;
  final int keys_created;
  final int keys_updated;
  final String? version;

  factory CounterApiStats.fromPick(RequiredPick pick) {
    return CounterApiStats(
      requests: pick('requests').asIntOrThrow(),
      keys_created: pick('keys_created').asIntOrThrow(),
      keys_updated: pick('keys_updated').asIntOrThrow(),
      version: pick('version').asStringOrNull(),

Supported types


Returns the picked Object as String representation. It doesn't matter if the value is actually a int, double, bool or any other Object. pick calls the objects toString method.

pick('a').asStringOrThrow(); // "a"
pick(1).asStringOrNull(); // "1"
pick(1.0).asStringOrNull(); // "1.0"
pick(true).asStringOrNull(); // "true"
pick(User(name: "Jason")).asStringOrNull(); // User{name: Jason}

int & double

pick tries to parse Strings with int.tryParse and double.tryParse. A int can be parsed as double (no precision loss) but not vice versa because it could lead to mistakes.

pick(3).asIntOrThrow(); // 3
pick("3").asIntOrNull(); // 3
pick(1).asDoubleOrThrow(); // 1.0
pick("2.7").asDoubleOrNull(); // 2.7


Parsing a bool couldn't be easier with those self-explaining methods

pick(true).asBoolOrThrow(); // true
pick(false).asBoolOrThrow(); // true
pick(null).asBoolOrTrue(); // true
pick(null).asBoolOrFalse(); // false
pick(null).asBoolOrNull(); // null
pick('true').asBoolOrNull(); // true;
pick('false').asBoolOrNull(); // false;

deep_pick does not treat the int values 0 and 1 as bool as some other languages do. Write your own logic using .let instead.

pick(1).asBoolOrNull(); // null
pick(1).letOrNull((pick) => pick.value == 1 ? true : pick.value == 0 ? false : null); // true 


Accepts most common date formats such as

pick('2021-11-01T11:53:15Z').asDateTimeOrNull(); // UTC
pick('2021-11-01T11:53:15+0000').asDateTimeOrNull(); // ISO 8601
pick('Monday, 01-Nov-21 11:53:15 UTC').asDateTimeOrThrow(); // RFC 850
pick('Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT').asDateTimeOrThrow(); // RFC 1123
pick('Sun Nov  6 08:49:37 1994').asDateTimeOrThrow(); // asctime()


When the JSON object contains a List of items that List can be mapped to a List<T> of objects (T).

final users = [
  {'name': 'John Snow'},
  {'name': 'Daenerys Targaryen'},
List<Person> persons = pick(users).asListOrEmpty((pick) {
  return Person(
    name: pick('name').required().asString(),

class Person {
  final String name;


Note 1

Extract the mapper function and use it as a reference allows to write it in a single line again ๐Ÿ˜„

List<Person> persons = pick(users).asListOrEmpty(Person.fromPick);

Replacing the static function with a factory constructor doesn't work. Constructors cannot be referenced as functions, yet (dart-lang/language/issues/216). Meanwhile, use .asListOrEmpty((it) => Person.fromPick(it)) when using a factory constructor.

Note 2

pick called in the fromPick function uses the parameter pick, not the top-level function. This is possible because Pick implements the .call() method. This allows chaining indefinitely on the same Pick object while maintaining internal references for useful error messages.

Both versions produce the same result and shows you're not limited to 10 arguments.

pick(json, 'shoes', 1, 'tags', 0).asStringOrThrow();


To simplify the asList API, the functions ignores null values in the List. This allows the usage of RequiredPick over Pick in the map function.

When null is important for your logic you can process the null value by providing an optional whenNull mapper function.

pick([1, null, 3]).asListOrNull(
  (it) => it.asInt(), 
  whenNull: (Pick pick) => 25;
// [1, 25, 3]


Picking the Map is rarely used, because Pick itself grants further picking using the .call(args) method. Converting back to a Map is usually only used for existing fromMap mapper functions.

pick(json).asMapOrNull<String, dynamic>();
pick(json).asMapOrThrow<String, dynamic>();
pick(json).asMapOrEmpty<String, dynamic>();

Custom parsers

Parsers in deep_pick are based on extension functions on the classes Pick. This makes it flexible and easy for 3rd-party types to add custom parsers.

This example parses a int as Firestore Timestamp.

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:deep_pick/deep_pick.dart';

extension TimestampPick on Pick {
  Timestamp asFirestoreTimeStampOrThrow() {
    final value = required().value;
    if (value is Timestamp) {
      return value;
    if (value is int) {
      return Timestamp.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(value);
    throw PickException("value $value at $debugParsingExit can't be casted to Timestamp");

  Timestamp? asFirestoreTimeStampOrNull() {
    if (value == null) return null;
    try {
      return asFirestoreTimeStampOrThrow();
    } catch (_) {
      return null;


When using a custom type in only a few places, it might be overkill to create all the extensions. For those cases use the let function borrowed from Kotlin to creating neat one-liners.

final UserId id = pick(json, 'id').letOrNull((it) => UserId(it.asString()));
final Timestamp timestamp = pick(json, 'time')
    .letOrThrow((it) => Timestamp.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(it.asInt()));


Reading documents from Firestore

Picking values from a Firebase DocumentSnapshot is usually very selective. Only a fraction of the properties have to be parsed. In this scenario it would be overkill to map the whole document to a Dart object. Instead, parse the values in place while staying type-safe.

Use .asStringOrThrow() when confident that the value is never null and always exists. The return type then becomes non-nullable (String instead of String?). When the data doesn't contain the full_name field (against your assumption) it would crash throwing a PickException.

final DocumentSnapshot userDoc = 
    await FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('users').doc(userId).get();
final data =;
final String fullName = pick(data, 'full_name').asStringOrThrow();
final String? level = pick(data, 'level').asIntOrNull();

deep_pick offers an alternative required() API with the same result. This is useful to make sure a value exists before parsing it. In case it is null or absent a useful error message is printed.

final String fullName = pick(data, 'full_name').required().asString();

Background & Justification

Before Dart 2.12 and the new ?[] operator one had to write a lot of code to prevent crashes when a value isn't set! Reducing this boilerplate was the origin of deep_pick.

String milestoneCreator;
final milestone = json['milestore'];
if (milestone != null) {
  final creator = json['creator'];
  if (creator != null) {
    final login = creator['login'];
    if (login is String) {
      milestoneCreator = login;
print(milestoneCreator); // octocat

This example of parses an issue object of the GitHub v3 API.

Today with Dart 2.12+ parsing Dart data structures has become way easier with the introduction of the ?[] operator.

final json = jsonDecode(;
final milestoneCreator = json?['milestone']?['creator']?['login'] as String?;
print(milestoneCreator); // octocat

deep_pick backports this short syntax to previous Dart versions (<2.12).

final milestoneCreator = pick(json, 'milestone', 'creator', 'login').asStringOrNull();
print(milestoneCreator); // octocat  

Still better than vanilla

But even with the latest Dart version, deep_pick offers fantastic features over vanilla parsing using the ?[] operators:

1. Flexible input types

Different languages and their JSON libraries generate different JSON. Sometimes ids are String, sometimes int. Booleans are provided as true or with quotes as String "true". The meaning is the same but from a type perspective they are not.

deep_pick does the basic conversions automatically. By requesting a specific return type, apps won't break when a "price" usually returns double (0.99) but for whole numbers int (1 instead of 1.0).

pick(2).asIntOrNull(); // 2
pick('2').asIntOrNull(); // 2 (Sting -> int)

pick(42.0).asDoubleOrNull(); // 42.0
pick(42).asDoubleOrNull(); // 42.0 (double -> int)

pick(true).asBoolOrFalse(); // true
pick('true').asBoolOrFalse(); // true (String -> bool) 

2. No RangeError for Lists

Using the ?[] operator can crash for Lists. Accessing a list item by index outside of the available range causes a RangeError. You can't access index 23 when the List has only 10 items.

json['shoes']?[23]?['id'] as String?;

// Unhandled exception:
// RangeError (index): Invalid value: Not in inclusive range 0..10: 23

pick automatically catches the RangeError and returns null.

pick(json, 'shoes', 23, 'id').asStringOrNull(); // null

3. Useful error message

Vanilla Dart returns a type error because null is not a String. There is no information available which part is null or missing.

final milestoneCreator = json?['milestone']?['creator']?['login'] as String;

// Unhandled exception:
// type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'String' in type cast

deep_pick shows the exact location where parsing failed, making it easy to report errors to the API team.

final milestoneCreator = pick(json, 'milestone', 'creator', 'login').asStringOrThrow();

// Unhandled exception:
// PickException(
//   Expected a non-null value but location "milestone" in pick(json, "milestone" (absent), "creator", "login") is absent. 
//   Use asStringOrNull() when the value may be null at some point (String?).
// )

Notice the distinction between "absent" and "null" when you see such errors.

  • "absent" means the key isn't found in a Map or a List has no item at the requested index
  • "null" means the value at that position is actually null

4. Null is default, crashes intentional

Parsing objects from external systems isn't type-safe. API changes happen, and it is up to the consumer to decide how to handle them. Consumer always have to assume the worst, such as missing values.

It's so easy to accidentally cast a value to String in the happy path, instead of String? accounting for all possible cases. Easy to write, easy to miss in code reviews.

Forgetting that null could be a valid return type results in a type error:

json?['milestone']?['creator']?['login'] as String;
//                                      ----^
// Unhandled exception:
// type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'String' in type cast

With deep_pick, all casting methods (.as*()) have null in mind. For each type you have to choose between at least two ways to deal with null.

pick(json, ...).asStringOrNull();
pick(json, ...).asStringOrThrow();

pick(json, ...).asBoolOrNull();
pick(json, ...).asBoolOrFalse();

pick(json, ...).asListOrNull(SomeClass.fromPick);
pick(json, ...).asListOrEmpty(SomeClass.fromPick);

Having "Throw" and "Null" in the method name, clearly indicates the possible outcome in case the values couldn't be picked. Throwing is not a bad habit, some properties are essential for the business logic and throwing an error the correct handling. But throwing should be done intentional, not accidental.

5. Map Objects with let

Even with the new ?[] operator, mapping a value to a new Object (i.e. when wrapping it in a domain Object) can't be done in a single line.

final value = json?['id'] as String?;
final UserId id = value == null ? null : UserId(value);

deep_pick borrows the let function from Kotlin creating a neat one-liner

final UserId id = pick(json, 'id').letOrNull((it) => UserId(it.asString()));


Copyright 2019 Pascal Welsch

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

deep_pick's People


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deep_pick's Issues

asTypeOrDefault: default values instead of null

It would be cool if I could provide a default value instead of just getting null.

Yes, I could easily do this:

pick(json, 'shoes', 1, 'tags', 0).asStringOrNull() ?? "no tag";

But I would find this more readable and descriptive:

pick(json, 'shoes', 1, 'tags', 0).asStringOrDefault("no tag");

asDateTime fails for DateTime

If the value in the object structure is already a DateTime, asDateTime() can't parse the DateTime because it already is one.

maintenance update

i would like to ask if this package is still maintained or everybody moved to a better solution. I just discovered it and i'm thinkin about replacing freezed by hand with the help of this package., but at the same time i see that there are some unclosed old issues and last update was more than a year ago. Is the package still active? will it be maintained? is there any plan?
Tnx in advance

Add timezone support to date format RFC 1123 / RFC 850 / RFC 1123

Currently only GMT/UT are supported.

But more are possible according to the rfc

     zone        =  "UT"  / "GMT"                ; Universal Time
                                                 ; North American : UT
                 /  "EST" / "EDT"                ;  Eastern:  - 5/ - 4
                 /  "CST" / "CDT"                ;  Central:  - 6/ - 5
                 /  "MST" / "MDT"                ;  Mountain: - 7/ - 6
                 /  "PST" / "PDT"                ;  Pacific:  - 8/ - 7
                 /  1ALPHA                       ; Military: Z = UT;
                                                 ;  A:-1; (J not used)
                                                 ;  M:-12; N:+1; Y:+12
                 / ( ("+" / "-") 4DIGIT )        ; Local differential
                                                 ;  hours+min. (HHMM)

These cases are currently not covered:

Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 PDT
Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 B
Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 +7030

Test cases:

  • RFC 850
    Monday, 01-Nov-21 11:53:15 +0000
  • RFC 1036
    Mon, 01 Nov 21 11:53:15 +0000
  • RFC 1123
    Mon, 01 Nov 2021 11:53:15 +0000

Support RFC 1036 date format

2.1.2.  Date

    The "Date" line (formerly "Posted") is the date that the message was
    originally posted to the network.  Its format must be acceptable
    both in RFC-822 and to the getdate(3) routine that is provided with
    the Usenet software.  This date remains unchanged as the message is
    propagated throughout the network.  One format that is acceptable to
    both is:

                      Wdy, DD Mon YY HH:MM:SS TIMEZONE

    Several examples of valid dates appear in the sample message above.
    Note in particular that ctime(3) format:

                          Wdy Mon DD HH:MM:SS YYYY

    is not acceptable because it is not a valid RFC-822 date.  However,
    since older software still generates this format, news
    implementations are encouraged to accept this format and translate
    it into an acceptable format.

    There is no hope of having a complete list of timezones.  Universal
    Time (GMT), the North American timezones (PST, PDT, MST, MDT, CST,
    CDT, EST, EDT) and the +/-hhmm offset specifed in RFC-822 should be
    supported.  It is recommended that times in message headers be
    transmitted in GMT and displayed in the local time zone.

Let pick expect an Iterable instead of multiple optional args

The pick function takes multiple optional args, which has multiple downside to expecting an Iterable of args:

  • Allows for arbitrarily deep nesting
  • Allows for something like pick(json, ''.split('.')) which might be easier to write especially for deeply nested JSONs wich always have String keys.
  • Allows to use the function more dynamically (e.g. without knowing the depth beforehand)

Suggestion: add an option for ListPIck to skip individual items that throw

Thanks for this lib! I am working on my first flutter app after being a long-time native iOS/Android (and React) dev. This package does exactly what I want, made my parsing code so much cleaner and better handled.

When parsing a list, I would like to be able to skip an item in the list if that specific item throws. Currently, the behavior is to throw for the entire function if an individual item throws when calling the map function. This isn't always the best behavior, sometimes it is better to "skip" a bad item, ex. if you are consuming data from an unreliable source.

I think this functionality could be added fairly easily following your API patterns by adding something like T? Function(RequiredPick pick, PickException e)? whenThrow to your parameter options in the NullableListPick extension.

I made an extension in my code that modifies the class to add this. Happy to make a contribution if you are interested.

Changes to _parse function:

  List<T> _parse<T>(T Function(RequiredPick) map,
      {T Function(Pick pick)? whenNull,
      T? Function(RequiredPick pick, PickException e)? whenThrow}) {
    final value = required().value;
    if (value is List) {
      final result = <T>[];
      var index = -1;
      for (final item in value) {
        if (item != null) {
          final picked =
              RequiredPick(item, path: [...path, index], context: context);

          try {
          } on PickException catch (e) {
            if (whenThrow == null) {
            final res = whenThrow(picked, e);
            if (res != null) {

        if (whenNull == null) {
          // skip null items when whenNull isn't provided
        try {
          final pick = Pick(null, path: [...path, index], context: context);
        } catch (e) {
          // ignore: avoid_print
            'whenNull at location $debugParsingExit index: $index crashed instead of returning a $T',
      return result;
    throw PickException(
      'Type ${value.runtimeType} of $debugParsingExit can not be casted to List<dynamic>',


    final events = pick(jsonData).asListOrThrow(
      (pick) => TFEvent.fromPick(pick),
      whenThrow: (pick, e) {
        print("Error parsing event from json list. $e");
        return null;

For my particular case, I'm just wanting to log an error but still get a list with the other n-1 items.

Add pick as extensions

// equivalent to
pick(map, 'key').asDoubleOrNull();

Support Firebase Timestamps

When using pick to read data from firebase, asDateTimeOrThrow() does not support Firebase's built-in timestamp format. My extension which resolves the issue uses this code:

if (value is Timestamp) {
      return timestamp.toDate();

I guess it could be useful to implement this into the package, as deep_pick is often used to do stuff with Maps returned from Firebase, at least in my case.

How to convert value when picking a Map<String, MyObject>

I have a json object that includes a standard map/dictionary with string keys and values I'd like to convert to instances of MyObject. How can I do that? I see something similar to what I think I need for lists with .asListOrNull(SomeObject.fromPick) but how do I do something similar when I want to pull out a Map?

Add support for HTTP date header format

The HTTP date header can't be parsed using DateTime.parse. It has the format

Date: <day-name>, <day> <month> <year> <hour>:<minute>:<second> GMT

It would be great if that could be parsed without adding the intl library and using the DateFormatter.

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