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esthetic's Introduction

Approaches and interests

I build various types of applications, modules and developer tooling. Creating parsers/lexers, websites, webshops, ERPs, APIs, basic node utilities, text editor extensions/plugins and more. You can typically reach me on X ranting about pugilism (boxing) and code.

Point of focus

I primarily work with established apparel brands to deliver innovative headless/static commerce (web app) solutions for B2B and B2C businesses. I am currently focused on creating web applications and tooling leveraging JavaScript/TypeScript on serverless architecture operating atop of SaaS platforms Shopify, Centra, Netlify, Google Cloud and AWS.

We are not the same

I'm cut from a different cloth and my path to programming differs from most. Before entering this field I boxed professionally and made money prize fighting in unsanctioned bouts. The provisional point of my interest in software engineering is sui generis of internet and outside the digital realm my day job, my life, my hobbies and my friends are impertinent to the programming nexus.


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esthetic's Issues

Liquid comments containing Liquid replicating


This is a critical defect and needs to be addressed ASAP. Liquid comments containing Liquid code are not being ignored and instead replicated causes serious issues.


Take the following example which is applying omitting code within Liquid comments.

<!-- @prettify-ignore-start -->
{% comment %}

  {%- render 'something' -%} {%- render 'something' -%}  {% endcomment %}

{% endcomment %}
<!-- @prettify-ignore-end -->
{% comment %}

{%- render 'something' -%} 

{% endcomment %}

Current Workaround

The current approach here is to wrap inline comment ignores:

<!-- @prettify-ignore-start -->
{% comment %}

  {%- render 'something' -%}

{% endcomment %}
<!-- @prettify-ignore-end -->

Word Wrap overhaul - v0.7.0 (beta 1)


The current logic for word wrap is handled on the lexer level for markup languages. In the Sparser / PrettyDiff implementation, the process for wrapping would be applied in both lexing and beautification cycles but this requires additional augmentation of the content wrap. The original handling made sense given that Sparser would be used in isolation, whereas in Æsthetic, the sparser algorithm is tightly coupled with the beautification processing.

Generally speaking, the current approach is fine BUT it will not produce correct word wrap on first run, instead it will take 2 beautification runs to get the desired output, while also requiring additional handling that can otherwise be skipped if wrap logic would be instead processed in the formatting (beautification) cycle. This overhaul encompasses major refactoring to be done at the core, with likely regression to be had, however it is a matter of necessity at this point.


The main problem with the current tactic is that leading indentation levels are not being taken into consideration when wrapping in the parse (lexing) cycle and when we enter the formatting cycle we need to augment tokens in the data structure which have already undergone augmentation.

Current Lexing Cycle

Take the following code snippet, with an assumed wrap limit of 50 the following will occur during the lexing cycle:

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facilis quasi corrupti ipsam impedit nostrum odio.

Nulla accusantium repellat officiis voluptate similique aut sint reiciendis totam, aliquid, voluptatum qui consequuntur placeat!

During the lexing cycle, the above will be transformed to the following, assuming a wrap limit of 50

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur
adipisicing elit. Facilis quasi corrupti ipsam
impedit nostrum odio.

Nulla accusantium repellat officiis voluptate 
similique aut sint reiciendis totam, aliquid, 
voluptatum qui consequuntur placeat!

The resulting uniformed data structure will look something like this (omitting additional references for the sake of example):

  token: [
    'Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur\n
     adipisicing elit. Facilis quasi corrupti ipsam\n
     impedit nostrum odio.\n\n
     Nulla accusantium repellat officiis voluptate\n
     similique aut sint reiciendis totam, aliquid,\n
     voluptatum qui consequuntur placeat!',
  types: [

The current approach will insert \n characters at the end of the text content provided, performing wrap without taking into consideration the indentation level to be imposed given the text content is contained within a <p> element, the wrap level will not be correctly applied.

As aforementioned, the logic in PrettyDiff was to patch this handling during the beautification cycle. The current logic in Æsthetic has actually skipped that additional process altogether, or it is either only processing at certain points or on certain tokens (i.e, attributes). The new tactic here will completely eliminate the imposed processing being done in the lexing cycle, instead the wrapping operations will be done during formatting.

New Lexing Cycle

The new approach here will be to significantly eliminate the operations happening during the lexing cycle, specifically the wrapping being incurred. Instead of capturing the entire text region as a token and suffixing the \n where wrap applies, instead new content types will be inserted into the data structure. Newline occurrences will signal to a new record insertion, unless the markup stripTextWrapLines rule is set the true, in such cases newlines will be stripped.

Based on the above, the new data structure will represent the following structure:

  token: [
    'Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facilis quasi corrupti ipsam impedit nostrum odio.',
    'Nulla accusantium repellat officiis voluptate similique aut sint reiciendis totam, aliquid, voluptatum qui consequuntur placeat!',
  types: [

Notice how above, the text content token entries will be accurately represented based on the provided input, opposed to augmented to adhere to wrap. Our newline separated text content inserts a new record. Based on this structure, we can now simply handle wrap during the beautification cycle in a single operation, and most importantly we can ensure that indentation is taken into account whilst applying wrap. The new output will instead be reflected as:

  Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur
  adipisicing elit. Facilis quasi corrupti ipsam
  impedit nostrum odio. Nulla accusantium repellat
  officiis voluptate similique aut sint reiciendis
  totam, aliquid, voluptatum qui consequuntur

Possible Regression

The overhaul will open up some headaches on the liquid handling front, specifically when carrying out the following operations:

  1. forceFilter
  2. forceArgument

These 2 rules are currently processing on the lexing level, so consideration needs to be had on that front. Other relation rulesets will also be found in the attributes handling operations, but I do believe this is also handled in the current implementation.

https://æ longer working

The README, and possibly other documents, contain links to https://æ which no longer resolves in DNS, with or without the www. prefix.

This is not a browser-specific issue as I've checked both Firefox and Chrome.

I've also checked its decoded version,, and experienced the same issue.

Support Liquid Line Comment Ignores


It seems that this is not currently supported in local versions. The current supported inline comment lists are as follows:

{% # esthetic-ignore %}

{% comment %} esthetic-ignore {% endcomment %}
{% comment %} esthetic-ignore-start {% endcomment %}
{% comment %} esthetic-ignore-end {% endcomment %}
{% comment %} esthetic-ignore-next {% endcomment %}

<!-- esthetic-ignore -->
<!-- esthetic-ignore-start -->
<!-- esthetic-ignore-end -->
<!-- esthetic-ignore-next -->

/* esthetic-ignore */
/* esthetic-ignore-start  */
/* esthetic-ignore-end  */
/* esthetic-ignore-next  */

// esthetic-ignore 
// esthetic-ignore-start 
// esthetic-ignore-end 
// esthetic-ignore-next 


Additional test cases need to be generated to ensure all comment ignores are behaving correctly, but most pressing here given use within vscode-liquid is liquid line comments. As per the above list, Liquid inline comments need support for:

{% # esthetic-ignore-start  %}    
{% # esthetic-ignore-end  %}
{% # esthetic-ignore-next  %}

New Rule: attributeChain


This is a Liquid specific beautification option and will controls how Liquid tags contained within HTML attributed should be formatted. The rule requires some considerable thought and does not want do too much handling.


Attribute chaining needs to respect the defined wrap limit but override forceAttributeon inner contents when using inline. In cases where wrap is defined and the option is using inline with the correct rule enabled (ie: true), then Prettify should apply whitespace dashes to surrounding tag delimiters of the inner content it newlined in the chain that exceeded the wrap length. Chaining should also respect preservation and input defined structures.


This option requires refactors and multiple augmentation and patches be applied in the Sparer lexing algorithm. New token types will be introduced here in order to know what type of token we are dealing with. The tokenization of attribute values will also undergo overhauls to ensure we are capturing connected Liquid and HTML type expression.

It's hard to predict the structure a user will employ. Because Liquid is novice appealing due to its simplicity, developers can be utterly fucking insufferable when infusing template logics into HTML attributes and as such this beautification rule will likely need to undergo edge-case testing in order to provide the best possible outcomes when reasoning with shitty code.

Sparser Types

This option will introduce new token type reference into Sparser. The new types will behave nearly identically to the standard lexing of Template tokens with differencing being the actual tokens pushed into the data structures. These new types will allow for tokens like data-{{ some.object }} to passed.


A template tag within a HTML attribute that is not a singleton. When the attributeChain option is enabled and Prettify executes the beautification process this type value is used as a stack reference point to produce a chained result.


The {% if x %} token in the below example would be marked as a template_attribute_start because it can be identified as a start type token given an ender exists.

 {% if x %}data-x{% else %}data-y{% endif %}></div>


A template tag within a HTML attribute that can be identified as an else type conditional.


The {% elsif %} and {% else %} tokens in the below example would be marked as a template_attribute_else because they can be identified as a else type tokens given they are contained within conditional types if and unless tags. This type value is important for beautification handling as depending on defined options like attributeChain, forceAttribute, wrap and/or correct then a token type value of template_attribute_else may be used to separate contents onto newlines.

 {% unless x %}class="foo"{% else %}class="bar"{% endunless %}
 {% if x %}data-x{% elsif y %}data-y{% endif %}></div>


A template tag within a HTML attribute that can be identified as an ender type.


The {% endif %} token in the below example would be marked as a template_attribute_end because it can be identified as a ender type token given that a start type exists.

 {% if x %}data-x{% endif %}></div>


The option will provide multiple beautification style choices. The initial rollout will include the following:

  • preserve
  • collapse
  • inline

There is consideration and room for advancement here, so the potential to extends these choices is likely.


The option will be available to markup and can be defined as followed:

  markup: {
    attributeChain: 'preserve' | 'collapse' | 'inline'


Preserve (default)

Preserve strips extraneous whitespace and newlines if they exceed the defined preserveLine limit but it will leave the overall structure intact. Notice how in the below example, the only difference before and after formatting is the extraneous whitespace.

<!-- Before formatting -->
  {% if x %} id="{{ foo }}"
  {% else %}  data-x="xx"    {% endif %}>

<!-- After formatting -->
  {% if x %}id="{{ foo }}"
  {% else %}data-x="xx"{% endif %}>


Notice how before formatting the contents of the tag block are separated onto new lines whereas after formatting the contents are chained together.

<!-- Before formatting -->
  {% if x %}
  id="{{ foo }}"
  {% else %}
  data-x="xx"{% endif %}>

<!-- After formatting -->
  {% if x %}id="{{ foo }}"{% else %}data-x="xx"{% endif %}>


Collapse will newline the contents of the tag block. Notice how before formatting contents are expressed on a single line, whereas after formatting content is forced onto new lines.

<!-- Before formatting -->
  {% if x %}id="{{ foo }}"{% else %}data-x="xx"{% endif %}>

<!-- After formatting -->
  {% if x %}
  id="{{ foo }}"
  {% else %}
  data-x="xx"{% endif %}>

Improve support for nested HTML tags inside a Liquid block


Though this already supported in Prettify, it is important that the Prettify project supports all failings of the Liquid Prettier Plugin variation and does things better, faster and more refined.

Current nested markup (HTML) tags are handled as follows:

{% if x %}
  {% endif %}
  <span>Hello World</span>
  {% if x %}
{% endif %}

See the Playground


While the current beautification approach is elegant enough, It might be nice to apply equal indentations, eg:

{% if x %}
{% endif %}
  <span>Hello World</span>
{% if x %}
{% endif %}

I will open this up for dialogue in the Discord to see what other developers feel is more appropriate.



Improve parse error information


This is really important enhancement. The sparser algorithm did not account for this in an elegant way, so when encountering parse issues in code, specifically markup languages, the error reports informs upon start or end types not aligning, but give no context of line numbers and code samples.


The goal here are to improve and track node syntactic structures, this will help diagnose issues occuring in the beautification process. This enhancement is likely going to involve some serious adjustments in the traversal processes. Though I don't want to augment and adjust to sparse algorithm, it seems somewhat inevitable to make this available, well at least when dealing with markup.

CSS/JS formatting, brackets unexpected behavior

  • CSS formatting in {% style %} renders as such with debatable position of brackets (same behavior for JS brackets opening on a separate line):


  • The "compressCSS" rule also behaves unexpectedly, which is probably the same issue. (Feedback note: I appreciate that the "compressCSS" rule keeps every different css rule on a separate line, it's much more readable than a single one liner) :


Liquid in JSON string values


Liquid contained in JSON strings and likely JavaScript/TypeScript strings is being indented. Such structures should be preserved. Take the following example:

Current Result

The following is a current output result when beautification is being applied to an embedded region:

<script type="application/ld+json">
      "availability": " {%- if product.available %}InStock
      {%- else -%}
        OutOfStock{%- endif -%}",

Expected Result

The {% if %} and {% else %} conditional should be preserved.

<script type="application/ld+json">
      "availability": " {%- if product.available %}InStock{%- else -%}OutOfStock{%- endif -%}",

Isolated Liquid attributes applying quote conversion


The is a critical error and will be addressed in next patch. The defect occurs when an isolated Liquid attribute is contained within Markup HTML attributes is formatting with ruleset quoteConvert set to double or single. The beautifier will attempt to wrap the Liquid token resulting in invalid code structures.


  markup: {
    quoteConvert: 'double' // or 'single'


<div  {{ object.prop.prop[string][10] | filter: false }}></div>

Current Result

<div  "{ object.prop.prop[string][10] | filter: false }"></div>

Expected Result

The parser should exclude template types when applying quote conversion. The intended result should be leave the Liquid attribute alone.

<div  {{ object.prop.prop[string][10] | filter: false }}></div>

Current Workaround

This defect only occurs when rulesets assert quote conversion. Setting quoteConvert to none will prevent this defect from occurring in markup languages.

Improve PreserveText - v0.7.0 (beta 1)


Related to the markup formatting rule preserveText. Currently, this rule has little effect given the last few version iteration and large charges to the lexing algorithm.


The preserveText accepts a boolean type, defaulting to false. When enabled (true) all text content should be excluded from formatting, treating regions of text as if they were to being ignored, however when false, text content occurrences will adhere to the structures imposed in accordance with other defined rules.

Example with wrap: 0

Example using the defaults withwrap set to 0, when wrap limit is using the default, newlines within text content are respected. All extraneous whitespace occurrences will be equalized when the rule is disabled (false) whereas when the rule is enabled true text content is left intact.

Before Formatting

Lorem     ipsum dolor sit amet,                 consectetur adipisicing     elit.       Ipsum alias iste   accusamus, 
                          culpa         itaque nulla quisquam         distinctio eveniet odio, 
        sit exercitationem perferendis!                       Beatae nostrum non a labore impedit expedita hic?

After Formatting true

       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsum alias iste accusamus, 
       culpa itaque nulla quisquam distinctio eveniet odio, 
       sit exercitationem perferendis! Beatae nostrum non a labore impedit expedita hic?

After Formatting false

Lorem     ipsum dolor sit amet,                 consectetur adipisicing     elit.       Ipsum alias iste   accusamus, 
                          culpa         itaque nulla quisquam         distinctio eveniet odio, 
        sit exercitationem perferendis!                       Beatae nostrum non a labore impedit expedita hic?

Example with wrap: 50

Example using the defaults withwrap set to 50 (or whatever wordWrap limit defined). The newlines within text content will be stripped and aligned to the wrap limit imposed. All extraneous whitespace occurrences will be equalized.

Before Formatting

Lorem     ipsum dolor sit amet,                 consectetur adipisicing     elit.       Ipsum alias iste   accusamus, 
                          culpa         itaque nulla quisquam         distinctio eveniet odio, 
        sit exercitationem perferendis!                       Beatae nostrum non a labore impedit expedita hic?

After Formatting true

       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. 
       Ipsum alias iste accusamus, culpa itaque nulla quisquam 
       distinctio eveniet odio, sit exercitationem perferendis! Beatae 
       nostrum non a labore impedit expedita hic?

After Formatting false

Lorem     ipsum dolor sit amet,                 consectetur adipisicing     elit.       Ipsum alias iste   accusamus, 
                          culpa         itaque nulla quisquam         distinctio eveniet odio, 
        sit exercitationem perferendis!                       Beatae nostrum non a labore impedit expedita hic?

ForceLeadAttribute not applied to <a> tokens


When using forceLeadAttribute with wrap based attribute forcing, the lead attributes contained on <a> nodes are not being forced. This seems to only affect <a> token types.


Take the following beautification options:

  wrap: 80,
  markup: {
    forceLeadAttribute: true

Current Result

The following code will not be forced even though word wrap limit is exceeded, where id="{{ }}" is output inline and instead should be forced.

 <a id="{{ }}"
    href="{{ image.src | img_url: 'master' | format: 'pjpg' }}"
    title="{{ image.alt | default: product.title }}"
    {%- unless forloop.first -%}class="d-none"{%- endunless -%}
    data-index-=" {{- forloop.index }}"
    data-spx-disable="true"> Some Link </a>

Expected Result

    id="{{ }}"
    href="{{ image.src | img_url: 'master' | format: 'pjpg' }}"
    title="{{ image.alt | default: product.title }}"
    {%- unless forloop.first -%}class="d-none"{%- endunless -%}
    data-index-=" {{- forloop.index }}"
    data-spx-disable="true"> Some Link </a>

Improve handling of SVG nodes


SVG elements like use and currently setup to be interpreted as voids which makes Prettify complain there is missing start/end items. This rule can actually be adjusted via the grammar option but I have not yet documented this.


The following structure is not accepted and Prettify will complain, this is because the <use> tag is configured as a void:

<svg class="icon">
  <use xlink:href="#svg-icon"></use>

Current Workaround

While the above structure will fail, passing a void will ensure everything works:

<svg class="icon">
  <use xlink:href="#svg-icon" /> <!-- make the tag void -->

Delimiter defect when singular Liquid output token


Minor defect which occurs when a singular Liquid output token is attempted to be formatted. This only occurs when the provided input string contains a single Liquid output tag.


Take the following input.

{{ object.prop }}

Current Result

The last delimiter brace will be indented onto a new line.

{{ object.prop }

Expected Result

The parser should not touch or augment the structure beyond the applied rules.

{{ object.prop }}

Tree shaking

Hey, the library looks sick! Could you tell me if are you gonna make it tree-shakable?
I now need basically only a formatter for HTML in the browser, but as far as I understand, all the functionality is loaded now, because it's in one compiled js file.

Liquid + html comment formatting not indenting as expected

This use case:

{%- comment -%}
   Liquid comments
{%- endcomment -%}
  HTML comment
   bla bla

{%- comment -%}
  Liquid comment
{%- endcomment -%}

Indents like this:

{%- comment -%}
  Liquid comments
  blabla{%- endcomment -%}
HTML comment
bla bla
-->{%- comment -%}
  Liquid comment
{%- endcomment -%}

This seem to be an issue when multiple comments are succeeding, otherwise indenting works as expected.

Support SVG Voids


This one is actually supported in the first minor release of markdown and liquid as thus this issue is merely here for prosperity reasons. Containing SVG tags accept both void and block type token expressions. This means that the following are valid:

  <path d="xxxx"></path>

<!-- OR -->

  <path d="xxxx" />

<!-- OR -->

  <path d="xxxx">

Handling of these structures would fail in the beta versions but support is now available and also an accompanying rule. The new rule and handling will gracefully work these structures and give you the option to convert or omit enders.

New Rule selfClosingSVG

The new markup will determine the existing structures and can remove enders, for example when the rule is enabled which it is by default this:

  <path d="xxxx"></path>

Will be converted to:

  <path d="xxxx" />

Support Bad Liquid


While utterly insufferable - support for these type of structures will be made available. Made popular by the devs working on Shopify Dawn, these structures are both unsafe and highly novice.


Take the following:

<{% if condition %}main{% else %}div{% endif %} class="xxx">

</{% if condition %}main{% else %}div{% endif %}>

Currently, these structures completely breaks the lexing process, however a new type will be introduced to gracefully handle these hedonistic expressions. Introducing:

  • liquid_start_bad
  • liquid_end_bad

These types will be inferred and applied to above structures during the parse and traversal operation. Proceeding attribute annotation will be handled in accordance like any other HTML start tag type.

New Rule: attributeCasing


This directly pertains to #24 and covers the introduction of a new markup beautification rule (option). I will not bring support for uppercase structures, that is a code smell and frowned upon. Only preservation and/or conversion for lowercase will be provided.


The goal with this rule is allow users to choose how they would like Prettify to handle their input when it comes to attribute casing. In some projects, folks might like a strict lowercase enforcement be applied whereas other project might require the complete opposite, ie: case preservation. This new rule will not effect Liquid attributes used in markup tokens, it only relates to HTML attributes.


This option will be a multiselect type which defaults to preserved:

Options Description
preserve All tag attribute keys/values are preserved (default)
lowercase All tag attribute keys/values are converted to lowercase
lowercase-keys Only attribute keys are converted to lowercase
lowercase-values Only attribute values are converted to lowercase


The option will be available to markup and can be defined as followed:

  markup: {
    attributeCasing: 'preserve' | 'lowercase' | 'lowercase-keys' | 'lowercase-values'


The below examples showcase how the different formatting styles will output attribute casing

Preserve (default)

The preserve option will leave HTML attribute casing intact.

Before Formatting

<div class="HelloWorld" data-VaLuE="eXampLE"></div>

After Formatting

<div class="HelloWorld" data-VaLuE="eXampLE"></div>


The lowercase option will convert all attribute keys and values to lowercase

Before Formatting

<div class="HelloWorld" data-VaLuE="eXampLE"></div>

After Formatting

<div class="helloworld" data-value="example"></div>

Lowercase Keys

The lowercase-keys option will convert all attribute keys to lowercase

Before Formatting

<div class="HelloWorld" data-VaLuE="eXampLE"></div>

After Formatting

<div class="HelloWorld" data-value="eXampLE"></div>

Lowercase Values

The lowercase-keys option will convert all attribute keys to lowercase

Before Formatting

<div class="HelloWorld" data-VaLuE="eXampLE"></div>

After Formatting

<div class="helloworld" data-VaLuE="example"></div>

Support Liquid inline comments


Little late to the party on this one, Liquid inline comment tags are now apart of the specification. Support for handling of these tags is required. This will be implemented as part of the next iterations applied to comment lexing.


Shopify's documentation informs about this:

{% # content %}

{% # this is a comment %}

  # This is a comment
  # across multiple lines


New Markup Rule: stripTextWrapLines


Introducing the stripTextWrapLines rule, which can be used to either preserve or remove newlines containing within text content regions. By default, this rule is set to false meaning newlines will be preserved in accordance with the global preserveLine rule.


Whether or not Æsthetic should strip newline occurrences when applying word-wrap on text content. This rule will only take effect if a word wrap limit has been defined via wrap option. When enabled, Æsthetic will remove newline occurrences from text identified content and produce a strictly formed wrap. By default, this rule is false and Æsthetic will preserve newlines within text content, ensuring that newline occurrences adhere to the preserveLine limit regardless of whether or not a wrap limit has been set. Setting this to true will override preserveLine within text specific content and instead refer to the wrap limitation.

If you have set preserveText to true this rule will be ignored, as preserveText take precedence and will override all text content related formatting options.


Let's say we have set wrap to 50 and we have the following text content.

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. 

Facilis quasi corrupti ipsam impedit nostrum odio, 

If the stripTextWrapLines is true

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur 
adipisicing elit. Facilis quasi corrupti 
ipsam impedit nostrum odio, 

New Rule: attributeValues


In some situations controlling how markup attribute values are formatted can be beneficial, especially when working with Liquid. Though I personally consider attribute values to expressed in a strict manner, this option is likely helpful in a lot of situations. The attributeValues formatting option introduces support for exactly this. This ruleset allows users to take reign and control of HTML attributes values and in addition will gracefully handle contained Liquid tokens infused within.


This option needs to facilitate multiple beautification options which directly pertain to how attribute values should be formatted in Markup languages. The inherited behaviour of PrettyDiff and Sparser here is a little problematic and changes applied for this enhancement require various refactors. The main goal here is provide stable enough processing and output for typical coding styles whereas the edge cases and chaotic projects, like that seen in the utter debauchery that is Shopify Dawn, will likely need some patches in order to handle otherwise despicable code structures.


Introducing this option requires intercepting the lexing records constructed by Sparser. Refactoring the attribute lexer and tokenization approach of the markup lexer is essential. The attribute values also need to be walked and temporary reference generated before logic is passed to the various handlers in PrettyDiff.


The option will provide multiple beautification style choices. The initial rollout will include the following:

  • preserve
  • strip
  • collapse
  • wrap

There is consideration and room for advancement here, so introducing template specific beautification choices is likely to incur in the pre-release version or very soon after but for now will not be supported.

  • wrap-liquid
  • collapse-inline-preserve


The option will be available to markup and can be defined as followed:

  markup: {
    attributeValues: 'preserve' | 'strip' | 'collapse' | 'wrap'


The below examples showcase how the different formatting styles will output attribute values.

Preserve (default)

The preserve option will leave HTML attribute values intact, preserving the input provided.

Before Formatting

<div class="one 
  two         three {% if x %} four {% else %} five {% endif %}      {{ some.object }} 
  six         seven"></div>

After Formatting

<div class="one 
  two         three {% if x %} four {% else %} five {% endif %}      {{ some.object }} 
  six         seven"></div>


The strip option will strip newlines and equally distribute spacing by removing extraneous whitespace between entries from values and replacing them with a single space character.

Before Formatting

<div class="one    two   three 
       {% if x %} four {% else %} five {% end if %} {{ some.object }}             six seven"></div>

After Formatting

<div class="one two three {% if x %}four{% else %}five{% end if %} {{ some.object }} six seven"></div>


The wrap option will apply indentation to attribute values if wrap limit has been exceeded. This option respects the inner contents of Liquid tokens and will not augment such expressions if detected. Indentation is applied for each whitespace separated character in the value sequence.

Below we assume wrap has been exceeded.

Before Formatting

<div class="one two three {% if x %} four {% else %} five {% end if %} {{ some.object }} six seven"></div>

After Formatting

<div class="one 
           {% if x %} four {% else %} five {% endif %} 
           {{ some.object }} 


The collapse option will apply indentation to all attribute values. This option does not respect the inner contents of Liquid tokens and will apply forced indentation for each whitespace separated character in the value structure and any Liquid token encountered, for example:

Before Formatting

<div class="one two three {% if x %} four {% else %} five {% end if %} {{ some.object }} six seven"></div>

After Formatting

<div class="one 
          {% if x %} 
          {% else %} 
          {% endif %} 
          {{ some.object }} 

HTML5 Shiv Comments + External Embeds


The markup lexer has trouble processing HTML5 Shiv comments (ie: Conditional Comments) when an external embedded language region is preceded. This is a defect that was partially inherited from PrettyDiff and partly introduced in the comment beautification overhaul for Prettify.


The defect affects HTML and Liquid (markup languages) and it caused from the data structure tokens and multiline indentation logic employed to handle HTML comment formatting. The issue will only occur when an embedded language follows the shiv. The internal indentLevel needs re-thinking.


As aforementioned, the defect only occurs when an embedded (external) language region precedes it. AFAIK this below structure is the only way to recreate the defect. In the below code example, the conditional comment:

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
  <script src=""></script>

Is immediately followed by a <style> embedded language code block. This is where the defect wreaks it havoc. The resulting beautification result will output misaligned indentation levels for all code following the shiv conditional comment, for example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>My page title</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

    <!-- the below three lines are a fix to get HTML5 semantic elements working in old versions of Internet Explorer-->
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
      <script src=""></script>

html {
  font-family: sans-serif;

form {
  background: #eee;
  border-radius: 20px;
  box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black;
  padding: 20px;
  width: 330px;




This is post pre-release fix. A temporary workaround is to either not use shiv conditional comments or do not place an external code region directly after.

JSON formatting issue

After hitting save, I'm seeing this:
{ "type": "image_picker", "id": "image-preview", "label": "Image preview" }, { "type": "text", "id": "block-title", "label": "Title" }, {
instead of this:
{ "type": "image_picker", "id": "image-preview", "label": "Image preview" }, { "type": "text", "id": "block-title", "label": "Title" },

Custom Embedded Regions


Custom embedded regions allow users to use different lexers on inner contents of tags. This caters for more advanced use cases and can be somewhat expensive so consideration is expected. The option is exposed in the global rulesets as a grammar definition and can be used to control the content of tokens. This extensibility is mostly geared toward markup languages, specifically Liquid.


In template languages like Liquid, you can extend its functionality. If you are working on an 11ty or Jekyll project then you can quite implement custom tags and in some cases the contents of these custom tags infer an embedded language. In the Shopify Liquid variation, the {% schema %} tags contains JSON and the {% style %} tag contains CSS and as such it's expected that beautification is handled accordingly, ie: their contents should be beautified as per inference.

Allowing users to set custom embedded regions means that they are not limited to the default support employed and can more freely write code. For example, let's say we are working on a 11ty project and have created a custom plugin that processes the content of tags named {% json_ld %} {% endjson_ld %} as JSON. If you are using Shopify's Prettier Plugin there is no possible way you can have the contents of those custom tags be beautified according to JSON but in Prettify with custom embedded regions this otherwise impossible task can easily be handled by defining the tag name json_ld as an embedded region.

This ruleset goes beyond just custom tags and can also be leverage on {% capture %} tokens, wherein the contents of a capture code block names {% capture style_code %} {% endcapture %} can be formatted according to style beautification options.


The goals for embedded regions is to allow users to maintain consistency in their code and is mostly geared toward Liquid projects, but it does also support HTML custom tags. The ruleset should be easy enough for novice users but also for users with more experience. Attributes need be considered and in order to facilitate the most extensible solution here, users will be able to pass in regular expressions.


In order to leverage and define custom embedded regions, one needs to extend the embedded grammar references. Grammar references can be used to help Prettify reason with input. This option is available in globals and can only be passed to HTML and Liquid grammars, each language identifier reference will be provided to users in typing completions.

   html: {
    embedded: {
      json: [],
      css: [],
      scss: [],
      javascript: [],
      // etc etc
   liquid: {
    embedded: {
      json: [],
      css: [],
      scss: [],
      javascript: [],
      // etc etc


In the below example we are extending the grammars to support multiple custom embedded regions in Liquid and single custom HTML tag. Notice how we leveraged a regular expression in ['stylesheet', /\s+['"]scss['"]/] in order to capture the attribute of the Liquid tag.

   html: {
    embedded: {
      json: ['json-tag'],
    liquid: {
      embedded: {
        json: [
          ['capture', 'some_json'],
        css: [
        scss: [
          ['stylesheet', /\s+['"]scss['"]/],
        javascript: [
          ['capture', 'some_js']

The above grammar definition will result in the following:

<!-- All content contained  in these tags will be beautified as CSS -->
{% style %}
  .foo { font-size: 10px; }
{% endstyle%}

<!-- All content contained  in these tags will be beautified as CSS -->
{% stylesheet %}
  .foo { font-size: 10px; }
{% endstylesheet %}

<!-- All content contained  in these tags will be beautified as SCSS -->
{% stylesheet 'scss' %}
  .foo { .bar { font-size: 10px; } }
{% endstylesheet %}

<!-- All content contained  in these tags will be beautified as JavaScript -->
{% javascript %}
  const foo = 'bar';
{% endjavascript %}

<!-- All content contained  in these tags will be beautified as JavaScript -->
{% capture some_js %}
  const foo = 'bar';
{% endcapture %}

<!-- All content contained  in these tags will be beautified as JSON -->
{% schema %}
{ "foo": "bar" }
{% endschema %}

<!-- All content contained  in these tags will be beautified as JSON -->
{% json_ld %}
{ "foo": "bar" }
{% endjson_ld %}

<!-- All content contained  in these tags will be beautified as JSON -->
{% capture some_json %}
{ "foo": "bar" }
{% endcapture %}

<!-- All content contained  in these tags will be beautified as JSON -->
{ "foo": "bar" }

Indent Level not aligning correctly


This is a defect I have introduced that partially is related to attributeChain (see #10) and occurs when a wrap based indentation is being used and the token is wrapped in a Liquid expression. It is a very minor issue.

Playground Reference

Issue can be visualized in the playground on line 10.


This defect is occuring due to malformed level reference. Likely incurred during attribute parsing. This is a simple fix.

CSS Variables and Style Lexer Defects


The style lexer and parser have a couple of defects and bugs, most of which are Liquid infusion based, meaning they only occur when Liquid is used within CSS code. The issues occur in both the Sparser and PrettyDiff adaptations.


The root cause of these defects are at the data structure construction level of Sparser in the style lexer and these issues per-say will trickle their way into the PrettyDiff parse and beautification process. The main and most pressing defect is Sparsers inability to form consensus around CSS Variables and has trouble with the :root {} native selector type.

Root selector

Sparser is unable to form a clear enough type reference when the following select is encountered. This is likely due to the fact that CSS variables are fairly new and support was not considered at the time Austin wrote the lexer. The following code will fail and wreak havoc, stripping code and generally just causing fuckery.

:root {
 --main-bg-color: pink;

It's probably a good to idea to also introduce a specific reference type for the :root selector.

Isolated Liquid

This issue is cumbersome and easy to amend, however some additional thought should be given to the way Liquid is lexed. The current approach is relying on grammars references, whereas I'd prefer to only reach for them at as last resort in order to extend support automatically to custom Liquid tags and only use the standard references on expected tags like if, else etc. The current and most pressing defect arises when Liquid output type tokens are encountered, for example:

{{  some.output | filter }}
{{  another | filter }}

.class {}

The above example cannot be handled correctly. Newlines are not respected here and the type reference will be selector which causes issues in beautification process. The above example will output this:

{{some.output | filter}}{{another | filter}}
.class {}

Whereas the intended result should be the initial expression with newlines respected and only extraneous newlines should be stripped when preserveLine limit is exceeded.

CSS Variables

This is not really a defect and some respect for Austin (original author) who elegantly considered properties in an intelligent manner. Some patch work will be applied here however in order to have context in the data structure of CSS variables. I will introduce several new types here and likely a separate issue will address this.

The following new types will be implemented


This type will describe the following structure:

.selector {
  font-size: var(--some-name);


This type will describe the following structure:

.selector {
  --some-name:  10px;

Liquid output token as HTML tag name


This issue or defect should not really be categorized as such but for the sake brevity I will label it accordingly. Liquid conditional tags or output token use as HTML (markup) tag names will fail and throw a parse error. Developers should avoid doing this in any sense because it's a horrible practice and despite Shopify engineers doing this in Dawn, you shouldn't blindly follow their lead.

Take the following

<{{ some.tag }}>
  Hello World
</{{ some.tag }}>

<!-- OR -->
<{% if x %}{{ some.tag }}{% else %}div{% endif %}>
 Hello World
</{% if x %}{{ some.tag }}{% else %}div{% endif %}>

Notice in the above code sample how HTML tag names are being defined using Liquid tokens. This is going to cause Prettify to fail, so don't do this for now and if you are leveraging Prettify on Dawn, simply remove the tags that apply such logic.


In order to bring support for this in Prettify, I will need to augment the lexing algorithm. Some thought will be required here as developers may structure this expression in a chaotic manner. It's important that JSX logic is not affected by this logic as embedded type expressions can sometimes use such a structure.

Changing module name to Æsthetic


As this projects moves to a more stable release some thought has been had regarding the package name being used. Using the name "Prettify" is logical because it is deeply tied to and recognized with code beautification/formatting but it has some downsides, the main factor being that it is far too close and connected to "Prettier" making it less assertive overall.

Moving forward, the module and the project will be changed from Prettify to Æsthetic. The NPM registry name will ship under esthetic and it will be isolated away from the @liquify NPM organisation.

Planned Change

The change will actually happen in the next release.

Improve Text (content) handling


Text content handling can be improved. The main 2 rules for controlling text is the preserveText and forceIndent markup rules. Both behave as intended but some re-thinking and consideration needs to be had in this area, especially with preserveText

My intention here is to normalize text nodes when preserveText is disabled (ie: false) and produce output that is identical to that of which is the default behaviour of rendering engines (like the browser). Changes will include:

  • Stripping newlines
  • Stripping extraneous whitespaces


Take the following code sample:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Sapien eget mi proin sed libero enim. 

Turpis egestas sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra massa. 

The new logic to be introduced will (by default) result in the following:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sapien eget mi proin sed libero enim. Turpis egestas sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra massa. 

Essentially, all newlines are removed the same way the browser would render such code.

Logic to consider

This new behaviour needs consideration when it comes to newline preservation on the global preserveLine rule. The data structures generated in the lexing process do a good enough job with identifying content types so there might be room or some thought should be had about potentially introducing a new beautification rule within markup that controls whether newline preservation is be respected within text content, it could be something like preserveTextLines.

The forceIndent rule despite being related to content formats can carry on behaving as it should.

Comment defects and Improvement


Comments are wreaking mild havoc depending upon placement within markup structures. Take the following code sample:


<div id="xx" class="100" data-foo-bar=xxx">
  <!-- comment -->


  id="xx" class="100" data-foo-bar=xxx">
<!-- comment -->


The intended output needs to behave in accordance with structure intention. The approach to employ here will fix the current defects (as per above sample) but will also introduce some custom behaviour and {% else %} or {% elsif %} tags, wherein comment annotation will align themselves to the starting point of the {% else %}, for example:


Take the following example, with rules commentNewline for both Liquid and Markup enabled.

{% if xx %}

      {% # comment %}
      <li id="foo" class="bar">

      <!-- comment --> 
      {% # comment %}
      {% render 'xx'%}

  {% comment %}
    Notice the indentation applied here above the else tag
  {% endcomment %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}


The new behaviour will align the comment annotation to the else tag dedent.

{% if xx %}

      {% # comment %}
      <li id="foo" class="bar">

      <!-- comment --> 
      {% # comment %}
      {% render 'xx'%}

{% comment %}
    The comment will be aligned when an else tag follows
{% endcomment %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

Inline ignore regions defect


When inline comment ignores (regions) are applied at the top of documents, ie: wrapping the first element node then beautification is ignored on the entire file, instead of the just the region (as intended).


This is likely caused to a parse processing issue. Currently, I am only seeing this effect HTML (markup) documents. I have only tested using HTML inline comment ignores, so upon patching this it is important that all inline ignored comment regions are checked.


Below is an example wherein because we have passed a region ignore as the the first expression in a document file then the entire file will be ignored, essentially it is behaving exactly like @prettify-ignore whereas it should only ignore the defined region.

<!-- @prettify-ignore-start -->
{%- capture class -%}

           IGNORE ME

{%- endcapture -%}
<!-- @prettify-ignore-end -->

{%- capture params -%} {{- collection.filters | map: 'param_name' | json | escape -}}
                       {%- endcapture -%}

Current Workaround

The current workaround is to ensure a token of some sort is prepended above, for example by asserting <!-- x--> beautification will work as intended.

<!-- x -->
<!-- @prettify-ignore-start -->
{%- capture class -%}

           IGNORE ME

{%- endcapture -%}
<!-- @prettify-ignore-end -->

{%- capture params -%} 
  {{- collection.filters | map: 'param_name' | json | escape -}}
{%- endcapture -%}

Liquid Conditional Open/Close Markup Structures


This issue is utterly despicable and the fact that folks do this type of shit is bewildering and mildly infuriating. What is even worse is that Shopify advocates for this type of fucking debauchery, smh. While I personally would prefer the defect to persist in order to have developers rethink how they are writing code, I know such will come back to haunt me. Anyway, I digress.

The issue or defect should not really categorized as such but for the sake brevity I will label it accordingly. Liquid condition enclosed markup structures are open and close HTML markup tags encapsulated by a condition. This is best explained in an example.

{% if x %}
{% endif %}

  <li>{{ something }}</li>

{% if x %}
{% endif %}

Above is a prime example of a conditional open/close markup structure. Notice how the opening <div> and closing </div> tags and wrapped in an {% if %} control statement. As of right now, Prettify cannot handle such structures and will throw a parse error.


In order to bring support for this in Prettify, I will need to keep a persisted store of markup tokens or alternatively augment the stack references in order to process the logic. Some additional thought here is required and this will likely been a post pre-release implementation. The Liquify parser does not yet support this and for the most part, I may decide to simply boycott implementation because advocating and doing this type of thing is fucking cretinous.

New Style Rule: forceValue


This new rule helps tame CSS code and allows for a persistent style across your project and be very helpful in cases where you are infusing Liquid into style language and the rule has been introduced for such situations. While I personally consider this a lazy, elementary and novice tactic, It's not uncommon for Liquid to be infused with CSS and Shopify actually advocates such a practice. It is apparent that folks regularly employ the approach in their projects, especially when CSS values are pushing wrap limits. If you are not infusing Liquid into your styles, then this option while perfectly fine to use, it's generally frowned upon, however if your code style tastes prefer this, nothing would stop you from leveraging it.

This is a style exposed option and provides 3 style choices. The option will indent CSS selector property values onto newlines in CSS, SCSS or LESS languages. The optional is particularly helpful when Liquid tags are used as property values as in most cases CSS property value lengths will rarely exceed wraps.


The goals of this beautification option is to elegantly apply a consistent code style in CSS, SCSS or LESS languages. The rule places property values onto new lines and while not a common practice, it can be exceptionally helpful for cases where Liquid tokens use long naming conventions or you are infusing Liquid conditions, both situations are common in Shopify themes. As aforementioned, this option is not specific to Liquid infused styles, it can be used in styles that do not contain any liquid too.


This option requires refactors only minor augmentation to be applied in the style beautification process. When a user defined wrap context is imperative and the logic for this is handled in lexical scopes. If the user has defined wrap but has not provided a word wrap limit then the rule will fallback to preserve. Both the preserve and collapse styles can also be supported with not too much complexity and heavy lifting.


The option will provide multiple beautification style choices. The initial rollout will include the following:

  • preserve
  • collapse
  • wrap


The option is set to preserve by default and made available to style rules. It can be defined as followed:

  wrap: 80, // Define a wrap limit if using wrap as forceValue beautification style
  style: {
    forceValue: 'preserve' | 'collapse' | 'wrap'

Preserve (default)

The below examples showcases how the default preserve style will behave. Notice how there is no difference between before and after formatting. The structure is left intact.


:root {
  --media-padding: {{- settings.media_padding }}px
  --font-body-family:  {{- }},  {{- settings.type_body_font.fallback_families }};
  --font-body-weight-bold:  {{- settings.type_body_font.weight  | plus: 300 | at_most: 1000 }};

.selector {
  color: rgb(211, 211, 211);
  font-size:  {{- settings.type_body_font.size  | plus: 5 | at_most: 30 }};
  font-weight:  {{- settings.type_body_font.weight  | plus: 300 | at_most: 1000 }};
  font-family:   {{-  settings.prop  | default:  }};


:root {
  --media-padding: {{- settings.media_padding }}px
  --font-body-family:  {{- }},  {{- settings.type_body_font.fallback_families }};
  --font-body-weight-bold:  {{- settings.type_body_font.weight  | plus: 300 | at_most: 1000 }};

.selector {
  color: rgb(211, 211, 211);
  font-size:  {{- settings.type_body_font.size  | plus: 5 | at_most: 30 }};
  font-weight:  {{- settings.type_body_font.weight  | plus: 300 | at_most: 1000 }};
  font-family:   {{-  settings.prop  | default:  }};


The collapse option is ideal and recommended when you are infusing Liquid into styles. This is exceptionally helpful if you are a heathen that inlines styles within a <style> embedded tag and sprinkles Liquid code within.

Notice how before formatting all selector property values are expressed inline, but after formatting they will output onto new lines. Another important takeaway here is the white space dash (trim) delimiters applied to Liquid tokens. When using this style choice with correct enabled, Prettify will reason with the input and apply the space trims where necessary, cool heh?


:root {
  --media-padding: {{ settings.media_padding }}px
  --font-body-family: {{ }}, {{ settings.type_body_font.fallback_families }};
  --font-body-weight-bold: {{- settings.type_body_font.weight | plus: 300 | at_most: 1000 }};

.selector {
  color: rgb(211, 211, 211);
  font-size: {% if some_condition %} {{ settings.font_small  }}px{% else %} {{ settings.font_large  }}px{% endif %};
  font-family: {{ something.prop | filter: 'foo' | default: }};
  background: #ffffff;


:root {
     {{- settings.media_padding }}px
     {{- }}, 
     {{- settings.type_body_font.fallback_families }};
     {{- settings.type_body_font.weight  | plus: 300 | at_most: 1000 }};

.selector {
    rgb(211, 211, 211);
    {{- settings.type_body_font.size  | plus: 5 | at_most: 30 }};
    {{- settings.type_body_font.weight  | plus: 300 | at_most: 1000 }};
    {{-  settings.prop  | default:  }};


The wrap style choice requires you to define a word wrap limit in the global options. This style choice will only apply new line indentation on values which exceed the wrap limit. Notice how only a couple of values in the before and after examples are output to new lines. This option will rarely newline pure style selector property values given the tiny length of the values but helpful when you need to new line large values, typical of Liquid tags.


:root {
  --media-padding: {{ settings.media_padding }}px
  --font-body-family: {{ }}, {{ settings.type_body_font.fallback_families }};
  --font-body-weight-bold: {{- settings.type_body_font.weight | plus: 300 | at_most: 1000 }};

.selector {
  color: rgb(211, 211, 211);
  font-size: {% if some_condition %} {{ settings.font_small  }}px{% else %} {{ settings.font_large  }}px{% endif %};
  font-family: {{ something.prop | filter: 'foo' | default: }};


:root {
  --media-padding:  {{- settings.media_padding }}px
     {{- }}, 
     {{- settings.type_body_font.fallback_families }};
     {{- settings.type_body_font.weight  | plus: 300 | at_most: 1000 }};

.selector {
  color:  rgb(211, 211, 211);
  font-size:  {{- settings.type_body_font.size  | plus: 5 | at_most: 30 }};
    {{- settings.type_body_font.weight  | plus: 300 | at_most: 1000 }};
    {{-  settings.prop  | default:  }};


In situations where you conditionally output selector property values, the control structures will behave the same way as output structures. Indentations are applied in the expressions. Below is an example of beautified conditional values.

.selector {
  color: rgb(211, 211, 211);
    {%- if some_condition -%} 
      {{- settings.font_small  }}px
    {%- else -%}
      {{- settings.font_large  }}px
   {%- endif %};

Implied End Tag Handling - v0.7.0 (beta 1)


Currently, Æsthetic does not care about invalid implied end tag placements. Specifically, <p> wherein decedent occurrences will format without error, but this is otherwise invalid markup.


During the lexing process, the stack will be checked for occurances of flow types with implied end tags by matching against a set of HTML Phrasing tags, predefined in the HTML Grammer model. If a match it determined, Parse Error will be thrown.

Extended Capabilities

Given that HTML tag categories will be exposed to the HTML Grammars, Æsthetic will be able to better handle Phrasing tags.


The following code sample will incur a parse error.

<!-- Valid Example -->

<!-- Invalid Example -->

Ignoring Regions with {% # @prettify-ignore-start %} not working

In my testings {% # @prettify-ignore-start %} / {% # @prettify-ignore-end %} did not work, whereas <!-- @prettify-ignore-start --> / <!-- @prettify-ignore-end --> and other available methods seem to work properly.

That being said, I'm also not able to comment anything else on separate lines ; because snippets of code to exclude usually have somethings to be said about, or some kind of explanation about why it's excluded:

{% comment %} 
   Bla bla bla...
{% endcomment %}

New Markup Rule: valueForce


This is a new rule to be introduced which directly pertains to Markup and specifically Liquid expressions. It is loosely based on #9 but takes a different approach, one which is partly inspired by the Liquid Prettier Plugin logic. The valueForce beautification rule is a multi-select rule that will force indent all attribute values to new lines in accordance with the attribute value expression provided.


The rule accepts 5 options. It will default to intent when undefined.

  • wrap
  • newline
  • intent
  • always
  • never


Setting this rule to intent will force attributes when an attribute value is determined to contain a newline character or if the defined wrap limit has exceeded. The intent value combined both wrap and newline together, forcing when either condition is met. We also have set a the forceAttribute to break when there are 3 or more attributes.

In this example, we have assumed formatting options as:

import prettify from '@liquify/prettify';

  language: 'liquid',
   wrap: 80,
  markup: {
    forceAttribute: 3,
    valueForce: 'intent'

Before Formatting

{% # all attributes will be forced  due to newline at some-class%}
<div id="foo" data-x="bar" class="{% if condition %}
some-class{% endif %}">

{{ object.prop }}

 {% # no forcing will be applied as value did not exceed wrap and no newlines exist within %}
<div id="xxx" class="{% if foo %}bar-class{% else %}baz-class{% endif %}">

{% # no forcing will be applied as attribute value did not exceed wrap limit and no newlines contained within %}
{{ object.prop }}

{% # the attribute value exceeds wrap so all attributes and the value are forced %}
<div  id="hello" data-x="world" class="{% if condition_wraps %} wrap-exceeds {% else %} indeed-it-does {% endif %}">

{{ object.prop }}      

 {% # lastly, all attributes here are forced due to forceAttribute have a limit of 3  %}
<div id="xxx" data-one="1" data-two="2" data-3="3">
I am forced!


After Formatting

  {% # all attributes will be forced %}
  {% if condition %}
  {% endif %}">

  {{ object.prop }}

  {% # no forcing will be applied as value did not exceed wrap and no newlines exist within %}
  <div id="xxx" class="{% if foo %}bar-class{% else %}baz-class{% endif %}">

    {{ object.prop }}
    {% # the attribute value exceeds wrap so all attributes and the value are forced %}
      {% if condition %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}">

      {{ object.prop }}

      {% # lastly, all attributes here are forced due to forceAttribute have a limit of 3  %}
        I am forced!



Setting this rule to wrap will force attributes when an attribute value containing Liquid expressions exceeds word wrap limit. This option expects a wrap limit to be defined. Take the below code sample, assuming a wrap limit has been defined, the result would look as followed:

In this example, we have assumed formatting options as:

import prettify from '@liquify/prettify';

  language: 'liquid',
   wrap: 80,
  markup: {
    valueForce: 'always'

Before Formatting

{% # all attributes will be forced %}
<div id="foo" data-x="bar" class="{% if condition %}some-class{% else %}another-class{% endif %}">

{{ object.prop }}


After Formatting

{% # all attributes will be forced %}
  {% if condition %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}">

  {{ object.prop }}



Setting this rule to newline will force attributes when an attribute value with a Liquid expressions contains a newline character. The newline character is a signal to Prettify that the all attributes and the value should be forced. The rule will only ever be invoked when a newline is provided, it does not matter where in the value string.

In this example, we have assumed formatting options as:

import prettify from '@liquify/prettify';

  language: 'liquid',
  markup: {
    forceAttribute: false,
    valueForce: 'newline'

Before Formatting

{% # all attributes will be forced %}
<div id="foo" data-x="bar" class="{% if condition %}
some-class{% else %}another-class{% endif %}">

{{ object.prop }}


After Formatting

{% # all attributes will be forced %}
  {% if condition %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}">

  {{ object.prop }}



Setting this rule to always will force attributes whenever a value contains a Liquid tag block. Like output tag tokens will no apply forced values. If you have set forceAttribute to be applied based on number of attributes, then forcing will be applied as usual but values that do not explicitly meet the conditions will behave as normal.

In this example, we have assumed formatting options as:

import prettify from '@liquify/prettify';

  language: 'liquid',
  markup: {
    forceAttribute: 3,
    valueForce: 'always'

Before Formatting

{% # all attributes will be forced %}
<div id="foo" data-x="bar" class="{% if condition %}some-class{% else %}another-class{% endif %}">

{{ object.prop }}

{% # Value will not be forced as no tag block is contained but attributes will due forceAttribute rule%}
<div id="foo" data-x="bar" class="class-name some-other class {{ some.thing | filter: 'foo' | append: 'abcdefg' }}">

{{ object.prop }}


After Formatting

{% # all attributes will be forced %}
  {% if condition %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}">

  {{ object.prop }}

  {% # Value will not be forced as no tag block is contained but attributes will due forceAttribute rule%}
    class="class-name some-other class {{ some.thing | filter: 'foo' | append: 'abcdefg' }}">

   {{ object.prop }}



Setting the rule to never will disable force value behaviour.

import prettify from '@liquify/prettify';

  language: 'liquid',
  markup: {
    forceAttribute: 3,
    valueForce: 'never'

Before Formatting

{% # all attributes will be forced %}
<div id="foo" data-x="bar" class="{% if condition %}some-class{% else %}another-class{% endif %}">

{{ object.prop }}

{% # Value will not be forced as no tag block is contained but attributes will due forceAttribute rule%}
<div id="foo" data-x="bar" class="class-name some-other class {{ some.thing | filter: 'foo' | append: 'abcdefg' }}">

{{ object.prop }}


After Formatting

{% # all attributes will be forced %}
  class="{% if condition %} some-class {% else %} another-class{% endif %}">

  {{ object.prop }}

  {% # Value will not be forced as no tag block is contained but attributes will due forceAttribute rule%}
    class="class-name some-other class {{ some.thing | filter: 'foo' | append: 'abcdefg' }}">

   {{ object.prop }}


JSON Rules not being respected


This issue pertains to JSON beautification rules which are currently not being respected or partially being respected. The script lexer is what handles JSON formatting and it was introduced in the rewrite from Sparser so as to isolate and maintain a separation of logics.


This issue is requires some further investigation but for the most part should be an easy enough fix to apply.

Current Workaround

JSON beautification can be controlled using script lexing rules.

Empty Conditionals


This is a defect occurring in Liquid conditional tags when the inner contents is empty. I've likely introduced this defect during Æsthetic overhaul. The issue occurs when the following structures is encountered.


This is also the intended output

  <section id="xxx" class="foo bar baz">
    <!-- comment -->
    {% if xx %}
      <h1>Hello World</h1>
    {% elsif xxxx %}

    {% elsif foo %}

    {% endif %}
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor


This is the current output when such structures are encountered

  <section id="xxx" class="foo bar baz">
    <!-- comment -->
    {% if xx %}
      <h1>Hello World</h1>
    {% elsif xxxx %}

{% elsif foo %}

   {% endif %}
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor

This can be problematic when formatting and executing onSave in text editors or better yet when you simply have empty conditionals.

Embedded expression indentation and wrap defect in JSX


JSX and TSX languages have a number of defects occurring in the beautification process. This issue outlines the most pressing issues and the actions + changes which have taken place in the migration into Prettify.


Though JSX and TSX and not really the main focus in Prettify, given the logic already existed in Sparser and PrettyDiff support for these languages will be provided. I want to keep things persistent and somewhat aligned with Prettier logics here as developers already are accustomed to the Prettier specific beautification style and as such imposing changes that would otherwise drastically augment their existing code perfecence is something that should be avoided.


Both the Sparser lexing algorithm and PrettyDiff beautification parse will undergo changes, specifically with how the level indentation store is generating output. Changes applied should fix these 2 issues but it goes without saying JSX and TSX are likely to still require some work for fluidity.

Wrap Defect

PrettyDiff is augmenting the data-structure when wrap was defined and language is set to jsx. The defect occurs when in quote conversion and wreaks havoc due to mismatched splice. I don't see why this is needed and any additional control it may be providing can be applied elsewhere or will be addressed in a separate patch.


When wrap limit is defined and language is jsx the defect occurs.

function example() {

  // Issue occurs here due to splice augmentation being applied to external references
  return {" "}
  <div className='HelloWorld'
      `You are visitor number ${num}`
    onMouseOver={onMouseOver}<strong> {
    greeting.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + greeting.slice(1).toLowerCase()
  } </strong>


Embedded Expression

Embedded expressions in JSX and TSX languages are indented onto new lines which is not ideal nor necessary and this default behaviour should be normalized. This is inherited from PrettyDiff and seems to be the default when handling JSX/TSX. This is not an issue per-say but more so a matter of preference and assumed standard for developers choosing JSX.


function example() {

  return <div 
      `You are visitor number ${num}`

    greeting.slice( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + greeting.slice(1).toLowerCase()




function example() {

  return <div
    title={`You are visitor number ${num}`}

        {greeting.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + greeting.slice(1).toLowerCase()}

Better handling for Liquid Captures


The Liquid {% capture %} tags are sometimes problematic. The current in-place logic for handling of captures is as follows:

  1. Captures can be skipped by add them to ignoreTagList
  2. If captures are not added to ignoreTagList then Æsthetic will attempt to reason with them.

The defect will occur when the inner contents of captures get creates. Based on code samples provided by @MaxDesignFR some time ago now, it seems that Æsthetic still has trouble in format execution. This is critical and needs to be patch before 4.0 of vscode-liquid.

Required Patches

Æsthetic should only handle \n newline structures contained with captures, unless capture exists within ignoreTagList. Preservation behaviour is priority here, for example:

Before Formatting

We are assuming capture does not exists within ignoreTagList.

<div>{% capture foo %}
                                  hello {{ object.prop }} 
            {% if xxx %} 
                  {{ something }} {% endif %}
  {% endcapture %}</div>

After Formatting

Æsthetic should not touch or apply indentation and other rulesets within captures, only newlines. Based on the above sample, output should apply alignment only, for example:

  {% capture foo %}
    hello {{ object.prop }} 
    {% if xxx %} 
    {{ something }} {% endif %}
  {% endcapture %}

A couple of takeaways here, firstly the <div>{% capture foo %} and {% endcapture %}</div> is forced. Secondly, indentation is applied respectively and all newline occurrences are indented but with whitespace is stripped. The dedentTagList[] Liquid formatting rule should be respected here in cases where a user wants alignment.

Capture is within DedentTagList

If the capture tag name happens to exists within dendentTagList then the default indentation should not be applied, this would result in the following:

  {% capture foo %}
  hello {{ object.prop }} 
  {% if xxx %} 
  {{ something }} {% endif %}
  {% endcapture %}


The above default handling might not be ideal in cases where the user wants to preserve whitespace, but this is the most logical approach in order to cater to the majority. More advanced code samples like that of MaxDesign need to respected. In situations of that nature, preservation will need to be defined within ignoreTagList[]. Adding capture to ignoreTagList or alternatively annotate with esthetic-ignore-next, for example (using the before formatting sample):

Using Capture in ignoreTagList

  {% capture foo %}
                                  hello {{ object.prop }} 
            {% if xxx %} 
                  {{ something }} {% endif %}
  {% endcapture %}

Notice here, we apply forcing to <div>{% capture foo %} and {% endcapture %}</div> but inner contents is preserved. This behaviour meets expectation but ensures structural intent.

HTML Attribute values converting to lowercase


This issue is something that I believe to had introduced in the lexer during refactors. Could be something I considered a good idea during lack of sleep. Whatever the case it is problematic. Take the following:

<div id="Foo" data-attr-something="SoMeThInG"></div>

The above code will be converted to:

<div id="foo" data-attr-something="something"></div>

While this is fine for a lot of situation it is not nice for situations where one is using a framework like Stimulus, Alpine or a use case which requires case preservation.


I believe this calls for a new ruleset to be introduced. In some situation folks might want to enforce lowercase while others might want to preserve the case structures, it will vary. By default, casing should be preserved as it was provided and users should optionally enable enforced lowercase. I will create a separate issue going into more detail regarding this.

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