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vue-resource's Introduction

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The plugin for Vue.js provides services for making web requests and handle responses using a XMLHttpRequest or JSONP.


  • Supports the Promise API and URI Templates
  • Supports interceptors for request and response
  • Supports latest Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and IE9+
  • Supports Vue 1.0 & Vue 2.0
  • Compact size 14KB (5.3KB gzipped)


You can install it via yarn or NPM.

$ yarn add vue-resource
$ npm install vue-resource


Available on jsdelivr, unpkg or cdnjs.

<script src="[email protected]"></script>


  // GET /someUrl
  this.$http.get('/someUrl').then(response => {

    // get body data
    this.someData = response.body;

  }, response => {
    // error callback



Details changes for each release are documented in the release notes.


If you find a bug or want to contribute to the code or documentation, you can help by submitting an issue or a pull request.



vue-resource's People


akozenko avatar bigbluehat avatar danielschmitz avatar dbeal-eth avatar ferrx avatar gabrielaraujof avatar grafikart avatar hedii avatar janschoenherr avatar jarvelov avatar jeroenherczeg avatar joelesvensson avatar josephsilber avatar jwondrusch avatar malte-christian avatar monsieurmechant avatar natescarlet avatar qt911025 avatar steffans avatar tachigami avatar theshem avatar zaxlct avatar


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vue-resource's Issues

emulateJSON for resource

How can I set emulateJSON to true for particular request like:

resource.update({id: id}, data) // .then(...).catch(...) // .then(...).catch(...)

I've been looking into source, if I'm not mistaking, I can't pass those options here.
Note: I can't to use vm.$http, as this code is outside of vm and want to also avoid setting it globally: Vue.http.options.emulateJSON = true.


Cross-Origin Request


Does anyone knows how to do a http:post via Vue-resource from a different domain?

Thanks in advanced!


Vue.http.transforms is non-existent

The docs says we can use:

Vue.http.transforms.request.push(function (options) {
return options;

but searching through the source I found no occurrence of transforms..


The docs make it seem like JSONP is supported, but I'm having problem actually implementing JSONP, I keep getting CORS errors.

Is it actually possible to do JSONP?

Using UUID as id for replace placeholder


i have resource like this

var resource = this.$resource('api/resources/:uuid')

resource.get({uuid: 123}) // works --> api/resources/123
resource.get({uuid: '34bfa653-ffe8-482c-9847-43925835ee42'}) // not works --> api/resources?uuid=34bfa653-ffe8-482c-9847-43925835ee42

Any idea how to set uuid as id, not replace it as query parameter?


Vue is not defined

When I add require('vue-resource') line my code then i got Vue is not defined in console.

Post as form-data

I'm trying to do a post request to a server with form-data but I can't get it to work. When I do it with postman it works, but with the $ it's not working. Any idea how to solve the problem?

How do I handle a request when is loading up?

I would liek to show a image loading up during the process of the http request to the server.
How do i do that on this?

this.$http.get('install/, function (data, status, request) {
}).error(function (data, status, request) {

Request: modify response

Not sure if possible, but I would like the possibility to alter the response content before is returned, similar to the beforeSend callback. The main purpose is to alter the response when performing tests.

OPTIONS instead of GET,POST..


I think I'm getting Options instead of GET or POST because of some CORS issues, how can I prevent this?


Change log on Releases

@steffans, it would be nice to see the list of important changes that have happened in each of the releases of this repo similar to vue.js repo ( It gives the developer an gist of whether there are any important updates that requires one to upgrade or if the new fixes are only new features and good to haves..

Passing headers


I've been trying to pass an authorization header to the http request and it doesn't seem to be working. I'm not entirely sure if this is the right way to do it, perhaps you know of a way to achieve this?

new Vue({

  el: '.container',

  ready: function() {



  methods: {
    fetchNode: function() {

      this.$http.headers.common.Authorization = 'Basic YXBpOnBhc3N3b3Jk';

      this.$http.get('/node/1', function(node) {
        this.$set('node', node);




Global configuration of vueJS


I'm a beginner in VueJS and, after many times on Google i can't found any solution :
When i want to configure vue-resource in global like that : (app.js file)

Vue.http.options.root = '';
Vue.http.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Basic YXBpOnBhc3N3b3Jk';

Webpack don't like me at all, why ?

Thanks for your help !

"TypeError: exp.trim is not a function" error on chained $http.get callbacks

When chaining success and error callbacks on this.$http.get(...).success(...).error() even with alternate syntax, this.$http.get(...., function(){...}, function(){...}) both callbacks fire. To be clear the ajax call is a success. In the former syntax, the error callback gives 'data' and 'status' as undefined, however 'request' is 'TypeError: exp.trim is not a function'. In the later syntax the message get a little more verbose with a stack trace: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: exp.trim is not a function.

Futher investigation (clicking thru on the first line of the stack trace) points to this portion of code:


  • Parse an expression into re-written getter/setters.
  • @param {String} exp
  • @param {Boolean} needSet
  • @return {Function}

exports.parse = function (exp, needSet) {

exp = exp.trim()

I am using Vue 0.12.16 and Vue-resource 0.1.16 via npm install and requires; On Laravel 5.1, latest everything else, except Homestead (current 2.7 latest at the time of this comment is 3.0). Just getting started with Vue, love it so far, but its so simple it's overly delicate, like a hollywood blonde. Not sure if this is a bug or if my novice a** is just doing something wrong. Feedback would be lovely.


Posting multi-level data array to the server.

I would like to post following multi-dimensional data array to server.

data: {
    actorData: [
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Hugh Jackman",
          "id": 2,
          "name": "Tom Hardy",

methods: {
    saveActorsInfo: function() {
        var that = this;
        this.$'/actors/saveinfo', that.actorData, function(response) {
                alert('Actors Saved Successfully!');
        }).error(function () {
                alert('Error in saving actors!');

The problem is server is receiving no data. (I am using Laravel). So How I can achieve it?

Pulling success functionality into its own chainable method

I would love to see the success method pulled into its own chainable method the same way that error is done. So some potential code could be:

    .success(function (data) {
        // success logic
    .error(function (data) {
        // error logic

In my opinion, this would clean up some slopping looking code from having a callback method as one of the parameters of the get, post, etc., methods.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot redefine property: $url

I do not use AMD or CMD; after I import vue.js and vue-resource.js , I use Vue.use(VueResource), then Uncaught TypeError: Cannot redefine property: $url; how to resolve this problem?

error line: 234
Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$url', {

Each request sends an OPTION request before the actual request


I've noticed that each request sends an OPTION request before the the actual request. Why is that? I don't want to send an OPTION request before each request I want to make.. that only adds to the time it takes for the actual request and seems redundant.

How can I disable it?

Vue.http.jsonp send url error

Vue.http.jsonp('*', function (){ });

But it realy set rquest url is*?callback=_jsonpxxxxxxx

Why others after the colon disappeared.

Done method


I'm trying to call a method on this.$ when the request has received a response, wether it has been successful or not.

I've tried this.$, status) {}); but it doesn't work:
Uncaught TypeError: this.$ is not a function

Is there any way to achieve this?

this.$http.get does not work in IE9

Hi, I just simply use this method to load async data from cross site domain, it successfully works in Chrome(44.0.2403.157), safari(8.0.7 (10600.7.12)), firefox(39.0.3) and IE 11 to 10(including the default edge mode), but in IE9, the running code just jump into the '.error(function(){})' code block, as a result I got an error info. I'm not sure is something wrong with my code or just the $http.get method does not support IE 9?

Issue with callback execution after upgrading to 0.1.6


I have an issue with callback execution after upgrading to 0.1.6 or 0.1.7.

When I am receiving a BAD REQUEST from the server instead of the error callback to be executed, the success callback does. Can anyone else confirm this?

Thanks in advance!


Opening the discussion on this.

We are aiming for something that will be sugar for REST apis, and not necessarily different transport adaptors, REST / Socket / localStorage / Firebase etc

Roadmap states if something solid exists, use instead or build on top of. Are there any solid examples out there?


        var data = {,,num:this.xhr};
        this.$'location.href, data,function (data, status, request) {

  }).error(function (data, status, request) {


在php里 var_dump($_POST) == array(0) { } ?
应该是 array(3) { ["name"]=> string(2) "32" ["phone"]=> string(2) "23" ["num"]=> string(1) "0" }才对啊

this.$set('someData', data)

what is someData??the data which is in my .jsonfile? or the data which is in my Vue instance? i am new at this.

"" was modified into "" by this.$

when run this code to post to a django rest-api
function (result){

return error info this:
RuntimeError at /book
You called this URL via POST, but the URL doesn't end in a slash and you have APPEND_SLASH set. Django can't redirect to the slash URL while maintaining POST data. Change your form to point to (note the trailing slash), or set APPEND_SLASH=False in your Django settings.

Request Method: POST
Request URL:
Django Version: 1.8.3
when i Insert a blank space after the url like this,it's run properly.
'../book/ ',
function (result){

Default Actions: Put method?

// src/resource.js line 102
Resource.actions = {
        get: {method: 'get'},
        save: {method: 'post'},
        query: {method: 'get'},
        remove: {method: 'delete'},
        delete: {method: 'delete'}        

Thanks for releasing vue-resource library. It's more convenient to call RESTful APIs. But, why default actions don'ts have update: {method: 'put'} method? (I add it by myself now)


afterSend and documentation


I really feel like the documentation is lacking. Many things aren't explained especially the config parts. For example, what is the crossOrigin property in the config? What value should it have? Same for emulateHTTP and emulateJson. It would be great if we could get a better understanding of that.

Also, there isn't any Vue.http.transform.request or response transformer. I keep getting that I can't set a method on an undefined property.

I'm also looking for a way to do afterRecieve or something like that where I can inspect the response and if I get for example a 401 response destroy the login to my app and redirect to the login page. As it stands doesn't seem like I can hook to the response object and inspect it globally.

Feature Request: Streaming like oboe.js

For large data sets this is a very handy feature since the user doesn't have to wait for the request to complete , integrating it with Vue's tracking system and animation would make data visualization wonderful

Suggestion: Interceptors: get access to the current VM


I saw the new commit of the develop branch which presents the concept of interceptors which is great.

I was thinking that in case we want to check the response and potentially respect the user based on that response we can't really do that without having to globally expose the App and bind it to the window or something. At lest we would need to do that for the router instance (which exposes the app anyways..) - I'm taking Vue-router as an example.

I think it can be really nice if the interceptors would have an access to the current VM just like the callback functions have.

IE11 issue


Everything is ok in chrome, and FF (I tried it quickly) but with IE it's not working and I got this message (translated from french).

SCRIPT5007: Impossible to define « success » proprety of a null or undefined reference

Here's my code (I'm using it with Laravel) :

Vue.http.headers.common['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = document.querySelector('#token').getAttribute('value');

new Vue ({
el: '#loginForm',

data: {

    loginRequest : {
        email: '',
    email_txt:'Username / email',
    password_txt:'Mot de passe',
    error: ''

methods: {
    onSubmitForm: function(e) {
        this.$'auth/login', this.loginRequest, function (errors) {

            alert(  JSON.stringify(errors) + "\nStatus: " + status);

            if (errors) {
                if ( {
                    if ( {
                        this.email_txt =
                    if (errors.password) {
                        this.password_txt = errors.password
                else (alert('couple pas bon!'))
            else {

        }).error(function (data, status, request) {



Request: cancel request

It would be nice to be able to cancel an request.

for instance when a user is browsing pages, if he/she clicks to quickly to the next one multiple times the app will keep firing requests. I'd like to be able to only keep the latest active.

Thanks !

How to return response text from server using $

I am trying to bind server response message using $ after adding a contact. How I can bind server response to responseText ?

addContact: function(){

    var contact = this.newContact;


    this.$'api/contacts', contact);

    this.responseText = response.message;


Can anyone help me out.?

Pass parsed JSON result into resolve/reject

Currently only the monkey-patched success/error/always methods get the parsed JSON result. Using the standard then callback only gives you the raw xhr request.

Can we please also resolve/reject the actual promise with the parsed data?

Replacing this:

if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) {
} else {

with something more like this:

complete(this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300 ? resolve : reject, this);

function complete(completer, xhr) {
    completer({ xhr: xhr, result: parseReq(xhr)[0] });

This way you can get the result directly in the callback, without parsing it again yourself:

this.$http.get('users').then(function(response) {
    this.users = response.result;

And if you're using ES6, parameter destructuring makes this really nice:

this.$http.get('users').then(({ result: users }) => { this.users = users });

The reason I really want this is because I don't want to use the monkey-patched success/error callbacks. They're nice to use occasionally, but they break the promise chain (once we get proper Promises/A+ compliant promises, chaining then calls becomes a reality).

In addition, if we'll implement request/response interceptors (à la angular), we'll definitely need to properly chain promises.

Update docs to state that IE9 is not supported.

I'm trying to make a request from my Vue-script to the same domain but IE9 won't allow it. See issue #43

I think the docs should be updated so other people doesn't make the misstake as me, thinking it would work.

I've made JS-bin with the problem.,output

Seems like SuperAgent suffers from this as well. Is there a work around? Asking the user to disable the XSS filter isn't the best idea I'm guessing

Edit 2:
Tried disabling XSS-filter in IE9, still doesn't work. Also tried setting CORS to allow all origins just in case on my api endpoint. Same problem

Aborting a request midflight

Any plans to support aborting a request midflight?

jQuery just uses the underlying XMLHttpRequest's abort method:

var jqxhr = $.get('api/foo');


Angular uses this weird timeout promise dance:

var aborter = $q.defer();

    method: 'get',
    url: 'api/foo',
    timeout: aborter.promise,

// This aborts the request:

Aborting a request midflight is very important in countless scenarios. For example in a typeahead, where - in addition to debouncing/throttling the actual request - you'd want to cancel the existing request when the user starts typing again.

Parse request for then callback

Currently, the callback is called with 3 parameters: callback(result, status, xhr). This is supplied by the parseReq function.

However, this is only done for the success, error & always methods (and by extension, the callback passed to the initial call). The actual promise returned still resolves to just the raw xhr object.

I think it would make more sense to pipe the promise directly into parseReq:

promise = promise.then(parseReq, function(request) {
    var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
         reject.apply(promise, parseReq(request));

    return promise;

Then the aliases become just that: aliases.

var aliases = Object.create(null, {
    'success' : 'then',
    'error'   : 'catch',
    'always'  : 'finally',

for (var alias in aliases) {
    promise[alias] = promise[aliases[alias]].bind(promise);

The only issue here is that sadly most current promise implementations do not support multi-value fulfillment. We can either pass an array to then, or just pass the parsed result.

File support?

Hi there, do I need to specify something different or any type of header info to upload a file with vue.resource POST?

Cannot use vue-resource with Browserify and debowerify transformer


I use Vue.js with Browserify and debowerify transform. It works fine but not with vue-resource :/


var Vue = require('vue');
var Resource = require('vue-resource');


Uncaught TypeError: plugin.apply is not a function

If I do a console.log() of vue-resource the function returns an empty object.

Any idea?

Thank's :)

this.$http.patch method Case sensitive?

this.$http.patch(url + '/apps/' + id, data, handler)

But failed.
screen shot 2015-08-24 at 21 28 42
And if I add toUpperCase() to options.method in xhr.js like, url(options), true);

The patch method successful

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