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purescript-thermite's Issues

Server Side Rendering in Thermite

How can we reliable render the pages after loading the data from database and then render that to string and return to the browser?

I can use the renderToString from the ReactDOM package.

The issue here is... using CoTransform and Aff and still being able to render that to string and also not making major changes to the code for server side rendering...

Right now we are getting "Loading..." message and the string doesn't contain data which is loaded.

@paf31 Help is appreciated. Thanks in Advance!

Updating state in child components


I am using the following lens-based approach to propagate a part of the state to the downstream components:

   [ T.focus _items _ListItemAction $ T.foreach \_ -> listItemSpec
   , listActions

The first component renders a list of items, the second doesn't render anything but defines performAction.

When listItemSpec is updating the state the change is correctly propagated to the parent component through the lens, but the performAction in the second component (listActions) always receives the "old" state, the one "before" changes are applied through the _items lense.

How can a parent component update the state after it has been altered by its children?


Handling a single optional child with Maybe

I've spent some time coding with Elm, Halogen and Thermite, and I'm really delighted with Thermite's simplicity and flexibility. It hits a sweet spot for me.

Right now, Thermite handles single child elements which are always present (using focus), and lists of 0 to N child elements (using foreach). But I couldn't find any way to handle a single child element which may or may not be present.

What I would love to have is a function with the signature:

maybeSpec :: forall eff props state action.
  T.Spec eff state props action ->
  T.Spec eff (Maybe state) props action

I believe this could be implemented inside Thermite as:

maybeSpec (T.Spec spec) = T.Spec
  { performAction: performAction
  , render: render

  performAction :: T.PerformAction eff (Maybe state) props action
  performAction a p Nothing k = pure unit
  performAction a p (Just st) k = spec.performAction a p st k

  render :: T.Render state2 props action2
  render k p Nothing = []
  render k p (Just st) = spec.render k p st

But the T.Spec constructor is private, and so if we need to implement this outside of Thermite, it gets slightly tricky:

maybeSpec spec = T.withState makeSpec
    makeSpec Nothing = T.simpleSpec T.defaultPerformAction T.defaultRender
    makeSpec (Just state) = T.focus justLens id spec

    justLens :: LensP (Maybe state) state
    justLens = lens Unsafe.fromJust (\_ v -> Just v)

Here is some sample code showing how this might be used:

type State = { player :: Maybe VideoPlayer.State }
data Action = PlayerAction VideoPlayer.Action

_PlayerAction :: PrismP Action VideoPlayer.Action
_PlayerAction = prism PlayerAction \pa ->
  case pa of
    PlayerAction act -> Right act

_player :: LensP State (Maybe VideoPlayer.State)
_player = lens _.player (_ { player = _ })

app :: forall props. T.Spec AppEffects State props Action
  = T.simpleSpec performAction render
  <> T.focus _player _PlayerAction (maybeSpec VideoPlayer.videoPlayer)

If you think that it would be worth supporting something like maybeSpec, I'm happy to submit a PR (and to rename it to a better name if you can think of one).

And thank you very much for Thermite! I'm finding that it's the most productive of all the React-style strongly-typed libraries that I've tried.

Default implementation for shouldComponentUpdate?

shouldComponentUpdate can be used to examine the incoming properties and state and decide whether the component should be re-rendered. Given purescript's immutability, we can implement this in the bindings using reference equality similar to this react mixin.

To accommodate edge cases that require mutability, it probably makes sense to include this as part of the Spec and add the reference checking as a Just default for simpleSpec. Thoughts?

API for dispatching actions into elements?


I'm currently combining purescript-routing and thermite with a bit of code like the following to dispatch events into the root component:

componentDidMount :: forall props state eff. (React.ReactThis props state -> InputAction -> T.EventHandler) -> R.ComponentDidMount props state (console :: CONSOLE | eff)
componentDidMount dispatch this = do
    matches routing callback
    callback :: Maybe Routes -> Routes -> T.EventHandler
    callback _ RouteA = do
      dispatch this ActionA
    callback _ RouteB = do
      dispatch this ActionB

This works but isn't particularly beautiful. I was wondering if you have an idea / interest for how to add a halogen driver ( like function?

README: defaultMain params seem incorrect


In the README, it seems that the parameters used for default main are incorrect:

main = defaultMain spec initialState "MyComponent" {}

On my machine the code doesn't compile (Type does not Unify).
Looking at the tests of thermite-dom, it seems that cons function is needed:

Therefore, it should probably be:

main = defaultMain spec (cons initialState) "MyComponent" {}

This has solved the issue on my machine.

Nesting Specs

Thermite has the concept of sequencing Specs via the Semigroup instance, but sometimes you want to nest the markup of a Spec inside another. Lately I've been using this helper function:

wrap :: forall eff state props action.
    Spec eff state props action ->
    Spec eff state props action ->
    Spec eff state props action
wrap parent child = simpleSpec pa rn 
    pa a p st k = do
        view _performAction parent a p st k
        view _performAction child a p st k
    rn k p st children = view _render parent k p st (view _render child k p st children)

At this point, I'm not sure whether this re-appropriation of the children argument is elegant or hacky. Does it make sense to add a function like this to Thermite? I'm definitely open to better names as well.

Documentation (tl;dr -- Types are not documentation)

Thanks so much for creating Purescript and its book. Both are truly fantastic.

I'm new to Purescript (with only 7 months of Haskell experience), so I'm not yet good enough to easily consume a Library like Thermite by following the types. (read: I've only recently grokked monad transformers) It's possible, but it's a bit like reading hieroglyphics. First I need to create a dictionary, then construct the rules of combination, and finally parse sentences.

As you know, documentation is a real problem in the Haskell community. And good, detailed documentation isn't on the horizon. However, we'd all benefit from the kind of minimal documentation provided by the Haskell prelude. (e.g., see below)

I believe that you could greatly advance adoption of Purescript by setting a standard for what constitutes minimally complete documentation, and encouraging the community to follow the standard.

The "types are documentation" argument is Just lazy hipster-speak for "I couldn't be Eff-ing bothered."

maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b Source

The maybe function takes a default value, a function, and a Maybe value. If the Maybe value is Nothing, the function returns the default value. Otherwise, it applies the function to the value inside the Just and returns the result.

data Either a b Source

The Either type represents values with two possibilities: a value of type Either a b is either Left a or Right b.

The Either type is sometimes used to represent a value which is either correct or an error; by convention, the Left constructor is used to hold an error value and the Right constructor is used to hold a correct value (mnemonic: "right" also means "correct").

Use of div' in render causes problems with react-native

Because there is no "div" component in react-native you get an error when using thermite.
I made a workaround which only uses a div if there is more than one element in the array but it would be better to make it customisable. I believe the equivalent in react-native would be to use the "view" component. Here is my work around for reference:

render :: React.Render props state eff
render this = map maybeDiv $
  spec.render (dispatcher this)
    <$> React.getProps this
    <*> React.readState this
    <*> React.getChildren this
      maybeDiv elems = fromMaybe (div' elems) if (length elems == 1) then head elems else Nothing

Asynchronous handlers closing over state?


So I've fired Try Purescript! with Async lesson, to just have the general idea what Thermite provides in terms of asynchronous handlers:

The original example is rather simple, so I wanted to add something more to make it more "real world":

performAction :: T.PerformAction _ State _ Action
performAction Increment _ _ = void do
  T.modifyState \state -> state + 10
  lift (delay 500)
  T.modifyState \state -> state + 1
performAction Decrement _ _ = void do
  lift (delay 500)
  T.modifyState \state -> state - 1

This emulates the common pattern in which I'd set some flag in the state denoting in progress, then perform a request, and when response arrives I'd reset that flag.

With this example, when clicking fast enough, it's visible that the value is first incremented by 10, then goes back by 10, it's incremented by 1, goes back again, and after a while of such changes, it may arrive at non-correct value.

React Mixins

I was wondering if the Mixin concept of React can be translated to typeclasses in Thermite.

The Documentation describes a Mixin to be a set of shared functions across multiple different components.

Could this be a way to write extensions to Thermite? I was especially thinking about a module that allows a component to produce its own Observable/Signal with purescript-rx / purescript-signal. Other common use cases would be adding Validation to Form Elements.

Maybe this route allows us to do something about #3 with some Javascript Magic. If you could point me into a direction I would love to go exploring and maybe provide a PR at the end.

Question: combining components with different props

Assume I have two components, both stateless (for simplicity), both have their own props and actions:

-- widget.purs
widget :: Spec _ _ WidgetProps WidgetAction
widget = simpleSpec performWidgetAction renderWidget

Now I want to add the widget into some sort of a panel:

-- panel.purs   
panel :: Spec _ _ PanelProps PanelAction
panel = simpleSpec performPanelAction renderPanel

It is OK for a panel to "know" about the widget (and other components inside it), but I want the widget to be completely unaware of the panel so it can be composed into other things.

I also want the panel to "react" on what happens in the widget. Should it be handling WidgetAction or should WidgetProps declare some sort of a callback - I don't know what is be the better way, and it is also a part of my question.

Is there an example showing how to compose two components with different props and actions so one "subscribes" to the "events" of another?
Or what is the way to do it with purescript-react/thermite?


State type lost by React

React seems to erase the class of the state object, resulting in failing pattern matches at runtime. For instance, if my state type is the following ADT:

data State = Success
           | Error String

Then, in the react implementation of setState, the new state will be assigned using assign({}, this._pendingState || this.state, partialState), which will erase javascript's type information about the state. As a result, the state object won't be an instance of Success or Error anymore but just an Object, resulting in an error when pattern matching on it.

To bypass this problem, I wrapped my state in another ADT (data State' = State' State), which seems to keep the type information of the state and it works then perfectly.

My solution is only a hack and it will probably be a problem for other people too, so we should either find a solution to this type erasure done by react, or we should put it big in the docs that this kind of things happen.


Missing hello world / template?

The "hello world" explained on the README doesn't compile as it seems to be missing an import to body. The examples at Try Thermite depend on Thermite.Try, so, I think they're not supposed to be used as a template for a new project too. What is a proper Thermite Hello World that I can use as a template for new Thermite projects?

Use purescript-react

There is a lot of duplication now, and thermite could use purescript-react as a library instead.

Error when running `pulp test` after updating all required dependencies

Running pulp test after running bower update and npm install produces this error. It also happens in a project using purescript-thermite. purescript-react runs as expected.

            return createElement(tag)(React_DOM_Props.unsafeFromPropsArray(props));

TypeError: createElement is not a function
    at c:\Users\Ulysses\Development\purescript-thermite\output\React.DOM\index.js:21:20
    at Object.<anonymous> (c:\Users\Ulysses\Development\purescript-thermite\output\React.DOM\index.js:26:17)
    at Module._compile (module.js:398:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:405:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:344:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:301:12)
    at Module.require (module.js:354:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:12:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (c:\Users\Ulysses\Development\purescript-thermite\output\Thermite\index.js:22:17)
    at Module._compile (module.js:398:26)
* ERROR: Subcommand terminated with exit code 1

Routing and actions/effects while switching views

@paf31 Any plans or ideas for implementing Routing?

We are loving Thermite and have built a mobile app using react native and in the final stages of going live in the app store. Thanks for your hard work.

The only issue we are facing right now is we are having to have a single State which is shared with every single Spec. When we want to change the view. We need access to the whole State.

The reason being

  1. Need to set the value to the Current Page / View
  2. Load data necessary for the next view.

Any idea how to handle this?

We used the idea from your Slides

Once we figure this out... then we will be really happy as we will be able to build components which has State only relevant to itself instead of sharing the whole State across all Components.

Rough idea I have come up with is as follows.

  1. Define all the Routes as ADT and a function which runs initial effects when this function is called with the Route.
  2. FFI code with Route stored as a closure inside a function. Another function to change the Route and a list of subscribers.
  3. Setup a subscription in the main component which listens to the Route change. When the route changes dispatch an action. like your timer example.
  4. In this action we use the route and call the routing function which changes the Current Page/View and also runs the initial effects/actions for that route.
  5. In the Render function of any Spec, we should be able to call the changeRoute function which changes the route.

I hope my idea makes sense. If there is any simple way of handling routing. let me know!

This only solves the React Native issues... need to figure out the url change and route naccordingly. If this is implemented then it can be adapted to web too, like in purescript-pux

Help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Fix remaining warnings

Warning 1 of 7:

  in module Components.TaskList
  at purescript-thermite/test/Components/TaskList.purs line 110, column 3 - line 111, column 3

    Type variable 'eff' was shadowed.

  in value declaration taskList

  See for more information,
  or to contribute content related to this warning.

Warning 2 of 7:

  in module Components.TaskList
  at purescript-thermite/test/Components/TaskList.purs line 110, column 3 - line 111, column 3

    Type variable 'props' was shadowed.

  in value declaration taskList

  See for more information,
  or to contribute content related to this warning.

Warning 3 of 7:

  in module Components.TaskList
  at purescript-thermite/test/Components/TaskList.purs line 112, column 9 - line 113, column 9

    Wildcard type definition has the inferred type

      Eff ( refs :: ReactRefs ( read :: Read
          , state :: ReactState ( write :: Write
                                , read :: Read
          , props :: ReactProps
          | _52

  in value declaration taskList

  See for more information,
  or to contribute content related to this warning.

Warning 4 of 7:

  in module Components.TaskList
  at purescript-thermite/test/Components/TaskList.purs line 72, column 3 - line 73, column 3

    Type variable 'eff' was shadowed.

  in value declaration taskList

  See for more information,
  or to contribute content related to this warning.

Warning 5 of 7:

  in module Components.TaskList
  at purescript-thermite/test/Components/TaskList.purs line 72, column 3 - line 73, column 3

    Type variable 'props' was shadowed.

  in value declaration taskList

  See for more information,
  or to contribute content related to this warning.

Warning 6 of 7:

  in module Components.TaskList
  at purescript-thermite/test/Components/TaskList.purs line 99, column 3 - line 100, column 3

    Type variable 'eff' was shadowed.

  in value declaration taskList

  See for more information,
  or to contribute content related to this warning.

Warning 7 of 7:

  in module Components.TaskList
  at purescript-thermite/test/Components/TaskList.purs line 99, column 3 - line 100, column 3

    Type variable 'props' was shadowed.

  in value declaration taskList

  See for more information,
  or to contribute content related to this warning.

Monolithic components

Would it be feasible (unless it's design decision), for the Spec combining to somehow retain the components hierarchy (that is, not resulting in one monolithic component)?

That is, for example with focus:

spec1 :: Spec _ S1 _ A1
spec2 :: Spec _ S2 _ A2

spec :: Spec _ (Tuple S1 S2) _ (Either A1 A2)
spec = focus _1 _Left spec1 <> focus _2 _Right spec2

In my opinion, this should ideally result in a component having Tuple S1 S2 as state, passing S1 to 'left' component, S2 to 'right' component (as props), and the dispatch would left as it is (I think).

Now, why it should be done?

  • performance - I haven't measured it with Thermite, but I worked with an application where big component was resulting in bad performance. Sure there's virtual dom diffing, but the virtual copy of that DOM has to be rendered as a whole, whereas with smaller components one could use shouldComponentUpdate (and I believe it could be great with immutable data structures) to just optimize it out

  • tooling - Chrome' DevTools would probably offer better inspectability

Wishlist: example with webpack

This would make it easier to get started with thermite in an existing app. It could showcase a workflow for dealing with purescript packages with webpack. E.g. in my current set up, the app is crashing with:

17:42:16.453 TypeError: Prelude['<<<'] is not a function1 bundle.js:928:12

Cross-posted ethul/purs-loader#22

Preview doesn't open sometimes

How to reproduce (only happens sometimes)

  1. click preview
  2. close preview
  3. click somewhere else
  4. click preview (window doesn't open)

ReactDOM failed to load

Opening the index.html file in the chromium browser throws the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'create' of undefined
    at PS.ReactDOM (index.js:2844)
    at index.js:2846

What is R.p' in the Getting Started Documentation?

I entered the example code from the Getting Started guide (top level into a new file. Around line 20, there is a statement like this:

render :: T.Render State _ Action
render dispatch _ state =
    [ R.p' [ R.text "Value: "
            , R.text $ show state.counter
    , R.p'  [ R.button  [RP.onClick \_ -> dispatch Increment ]
                        [ R.text "Increment" ]
            , R.button  [RP.onClick \_ -> dispatch Decrement ]
                        [ R.text "Decrement" ]

R.p' results in an unknown symbol error. Obviously this is supposed to be replaced by something else, but what?

Handling multiple states in event handlers

I am new to Purescript and Thermite, so please pardon me if the answer to this question is obvious. I would like to define a child component which has its own state and event handlers which it uses to validate its input. For example, take a simple text input. When we receive the onChange event from the DOM, we call our custom component action which validates the input and then updates its internal state accordingly (re-rendering itself to display a validation error). When the value is determined to be valid, I want the child component to call an event handler that it received from a parent component through its props. This way the valid value can then be passed back to the parent which can handle it accordingly.
However I am running into issues due to React's EventHandlerContext and Thermite's Action monad both being parameterized by component state.

Currently I can call the parent event handler function directly from the DOM event in the rendered child component (using React.Dom.Props.onChange), and since that function expects any kind of EventHandlerContext this works fine. However, if I want to run the child event handler first to validate the input, I get a type error since the parameterized state for each of the EventHandlerContext operations are different (child state vs parent state). So I can call the parent's event handler with the value, but I can't validate the value in the child component first.

If I choose to handle the onChange event usingThermite's PerformAction with a custom Action type in the child component, I can validate the input but I am unable to call the parent's event handler function for the same reason - the 2 states are different and so the two Thermite.Action operations have different state types. So in this case I can validate the value in the child but am unable to pass it to the parent's event handler.

Is there some way to accomplish both? I would like to encapsulate some simple validation into dumb child components so I can re-use them with different parent components. The parent does not need to worry about validation - it simply gets a valid input event or it gets no event at all, and the child handles all the validation with the user. Is there a simple way to accomplish this that I am overlooking?

[Question] Effects in Actions

Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask this, but I'm trying to figure out how to use Effects in the function for performAction in the source below

import Debug.Trace (trace, Trace(..))
import Control.Monad.Eff
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class

-- Thremite imports

data AppEv = AppDoNothing | AppSearch String
type AppPs = {}
type AppSt = {}
type AppEf = Eff (trace :: Trace)

performAction :: forall e. T.PerformAction AppPs AppEv (T.Action (AppEf _) AppSt)
performAction _ e = case e of 
  AppDoNothing -> do
    T.modifyState \_ -> {}
    return unit
  AppSearch ws -> do
    liftEff (trace ("searched " ++ ws))
    return unit

The compiler says

Error at /Users/Angus/code/web/wikit/client/src/Components/App.purs line 30, column 3 - line 31, column 3:
Error in declaration app
Cannot unify # ! with *.

Due to my lack of purescript knowledge, I'm having a little difficulty reading this, however a quick google tells me # ! is an effect kind or something, but It's still a little confusing for me.

When I change the type too

performAction :: T.PerformAction AppPs AppEv (T.Action _ AppSt)

I get the error message

No instance found for Control.Monad.Eff.Class.MonadEff (trace :: Debug.Trace.Trace | u21089) (Thermite.Action.Action u21073 {  })

So it seems that the Action type doesn't support Effects? Is this the result of my incompetence or is this by design?

Firebug or the Firefox console lead to event loss when activated

I built a very simple page featuring an input field and a submit button. The code corresponding to that page is here.

Now the page seems to work correctly right after being loaded, but keeping the page open for a few minutes performance degrades, up to the point where keyboard events on the input get missed. For example, if i type abcdefghi on the keyboard, just acefhi would show up.

I asked for help about this in the chat, but nobody can reproduce the issue on that page. I am using Firefox 44.0.2 on Linux. I can see that the processor gets used a lot (almost one full core) by Firefox while i type in the input. I am not sure what am i doing wrong. First of all, it would be nice to find someone who can reproduce this. How do you suggest me to submit the test case?

Improve the Action monad

The Action monad should support:

  • Capture the current continuation
  • Set the component state
  • Lifting Eff actions

Two state updates (cotransforms) in one performAction

In some cases two cotransforms in one performAction don't work, second is just ignored

For example insert T.cotransform id into ChangeCompleted action handler in test/Components/Task.purs:

  performAction (ChangeCompleted b)   _ _ = do
    T.cotransform id
    void (T.cotransform (_ { completed = b }))

And btw two cotransforms work fine in TaskList handlers

Passing keys to child components

I have this issue when integrating existing react components (in jsx) with purescript ones.

I've rewritten my MessageListItem component to purescript+thermite and rendering it like this:

React = require("react")
MessageListItem = require("./MessageListItem")
MessageListItemPurs = require("./MessageListItemPurs").component

module.exports = React.createClass
  render: ->
    <div style={@style}>
      { (message) ->
        <MessageListItemPurs key={} {...message} />

    padding: 0
    display: "flex"
    flexFlow: "column nowrap"

and my MessageListItemPurs:

module MessageListItemPurs where

import Data.Date
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Thermite as T
import qualified Thermite.Html as T
import qualified Thermite.Html.Elements as T
import qualified Thermite.Html.Attributes as A
import qualified Thermite.Action as T
import qualified Thermite.Events as T
import qualified Thermite.Types as T

type Author = { login :: String }
type Props = { body :: String, author :: Author,  timestamp :: String}

render :: T.Render _ Unit Props Unit
render _ _ props _ = T.div' [counter]
  counter :: T.Html _
  counter =
      [ T.div' [
          T.strong' [T.text]
        , T.text " - "
        , date (fromString props.timestamp)

  date :: Maybe Date -> T.Html _
  date (Just d) = T.code' [T.text (show d)]
  date Nothing = T.text ""

spec :: T.Spec _ Unit Props Unit
spec = T.simpleSpec unit performAction render

component = T.createClass spec

performAction :: T.PerformAction _ Unit Props Unit
performAction _ _ = return unit

Tried adding key :: String to Props but it doesn't affect the compiled code in any way so that parameter doesn't get through to react?

`createReactSpec` type too restrictive.

In my experience, having to supply the initial state without access to any effects while calling createReactSpec is a bit to restrictive. Given that the ReactSpec has a getInitialState field which allows effects, should't we allow the same opportunity here?

Asynchronous updates overwrite entire application state

Imagine we have PerformActions similar to:

performA SlowEvent _ state _ update = timeoutSeconds 10 $ update $ state {foo = "blah"}

performB CountUp _ state _ update = update $ state {counter = state.counter + 1}

Say SlowEvent happens and then, before the 10 second timeout is finished, CountUp happens. Briefly we have a state where the counter has changed, but that change is eventually lost when SlowEvent completes. Even if performA and performB use focus to view different parts of the state we lose all updates in between an asynchronous call.

This example is contrived of course, but it isn't hard to imagine this happening in real applications that call JSON APIs to fetch data.

Uprade to PS 0.12 ?

many thanks for this great library that is very useful for our project.

Since the 0.12 upgrade we were wondering if there was any plan(s) to upgrade purescript-thermite.

There is a branch created for that purpose with my collaborator already:

But before going deeper, we wanted to know if there was any plan(s) or advice(s) for such target.

Many thanks in advance for your answer.

Multiple 'update' actions work on initial copy

I am quite new to thermite, so pardon me if this is easy - but I have tried to run multiple update in PerformAction and it seems to me it operates on the initial data, so earlier updates are lost. I just copied this example: , changed the performAction to

performAction Increment _ _ update = do
    update $ \state -> state { counter = state.counter + 1 }
    update $ \state -> state { counter = state.counter + 3 }

And it is incrementing by 3, not by 4. Is this correct behaviour? Reading the source code somehow makes me think it shouldn't ignore the first update, but I don't have any experience with react.

Support for inline styles

Hey, I hope I not just missed some way of doing this that already exists, but I'd like to use inline styles. This comes with the nice benefit of being able to express your styles in terms of code and running optimizations, dead-code-eliminations etc. on it.

In purescript-react the Style modifier accepts arbitrary records. Could the same be done here?

Async actions

It would be useful to execute Actions in async. For example, you can do setStateAsync, but there is no way currently to obtain the state just before firing up the callback. You could of course pass in current state when starting up the async action, but it would be outdated and limits usefulness.

Am I missing something?

Remove DOM dependency

Might it be better to have thermite depend solely on purescript-react, without purescript-react-dom and purescript-dom? This way, upgrading will be simpler and users of react native won't need to have the DOM stuff around.

Wanted to upgrade thermite to use purescript-react-5.0.0 when I ran into this.

Can't get any examples working

I'm new to PureScript and Thermite. I'm running a fresh Arch install (I set it up yesterday).

I tried running the "Actions" lesson from Try Thermite by doing the following:

  • mkdir thermite-test && cd thermite-test
  • pulp init
  • bower i purescript-thermite --save
  • copying and pasting the code from that lesson into src/Main.purs
  • pulp build

but I get a huge bunch of errors, mostly to do with unexpected "qualified"statements in the dependencies like Data.Lazy.

I think this may have to do with some changes in PureScript syntax, since when I do the bower installation, I'm asked to choose between Prelude versions 0.1.5 and 1.0.0 or something similar because of a dependency conflict.

Any ideas?

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. ๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ“ˆ๐ŸŽ‰

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