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stfservice.apk's People


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stfservice.apk's Issues

Ubuntu always recoginze my deivce under test as an 'offline' status

Here i paste the output messages derived from terminal, i have tried several times, still can't recoginize the android device connected to my desktop.
I have tried installing STFService APK manually and launch the service instance. It didn't work also.
By typing 'adb devices' command, the device status seems good, and with 'adb shell' i can access the device from my desktop~~

Host OS: Ubuntu 12.04 64bit
Device: android 4.4.2
Node (on nvm): v6.9.0

$stf local
INF/util:procutil 1671 [] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js migrate"
INF/db 1677 [
] Connecting to
INF/db:setup 1677 [] Database "stf" already exists
INF/db:setup 1677 [
] Table "users" already exists
INF/db:setup 1677 [] Table "accessTokens" already exists
INF/db:setup 1677 [
] Table "vncauth" already exists
INF/db:setup 1677 [] Table "devices" already exists
INF/db:setup 1677 [
] Table "logs" already exists
INF/db:setup 1677 [] Index "users"."adbKeys" already exists
INF/db:setup 1677 [
] Index "accessTokens"."email" already exists
INF/db:setup 1677 [] Index "vncauth"."response" already exists
INF/db:setup 1677 [
] Index "vncauth"."responsePerDevice" already exists
INF/db:setup 1677 [] Index "devices"."owner" already exists
INF/db:setup 1677 [
] Index "devices"."present" already exists
INF/db:setup 1677 [] Index "devices"."providerChannel" already exists
INF/db:setup 1677 [
] Waiting for index "users"."adbKeys"
INF/db:setup 1677 [] Waiting for index "accessTokens"."email"
INF/db:setup 1677 [
] Waiting for index "vncauth"."response"
INF/db:setup 1677 [] Waiting for index "vncauth"."responsePerDevice"
INF/db:setup 1677 [
] Waiting for index "devices"."owner"
INF/db:setup 1677 [] Waiting for index "devices"."present"
INF/db:setup 1677 [
] Waiting for index "devices"."providerChannel"
INF/db:setup 1677 [] Index "users"."adbKeys" is ready
INF/db:setup 1677 [
] Index "accessTokens"."email" is ready
INF/db:setup 1677 [] Index "vncauth"."response" is ready
INF/db:setup 1677 [
] Index "vncauth"."responsePerDevice" is ready
INF/db:setup 1677 [] Index "devices"."owner" is ready
INF/db:setup 1677 [
] Index "devices"."present" is ready
INF/db:setup 1677 [] Index "devices"."providerChannel" is ready
INF/util:procutil 1671 [
] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js triproxy app001 --bind-pub tcp:// --bind-dealer tcp:// --bind-pull tcp://"
INF/util:procutil 1671 [] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js triproxy dev001 --bind-pub tcp:// --bind-dealer tcp:// --bind-pull tcp://"
INF/util:procutil 1671 [
] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js processor proc001 --connect-app-dealer tcp:// --connect-dev-dealer tcp://"
INF/util:procutil 1671 [] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js processor proc002 --connect-app-dealer tcp:// --connect-dev-dealer tcp://"
INF/util:procutil 1671 [
] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js reaper reaper001 --connect-push tcp:// --connect-sub tcp://"
INF/util:procutil 1671 [] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js provider --name liuchengtao-pc --min-port 7400 --max-port 7700 --connect-sub tcp:// --connect-push tcp:// --group-timeout 900 --public-ip localhost --storage-url http://localhost:7100/ --adb-host --adb-port 5037 --vnc-initial-size 600x800"
INF/util:procutil 1671 [
] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js auth-mock --port 7120 --secret kute kittykat --app-url http://localhost:7100/"
INF/util:procutil 1671 [] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js app --port 7105 --secret kute kittykat --auth-url http://localhost:7100/auth/mock/ --websocket-url http://localhost:7110/"
INF/util:procutil 1671 [
] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js api --port 7106 --secret kute kittykat --connect-push tcp:// --connect-sub tcp://"
INF/util:procutil 1671 [] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js websocket --port 7110 --secret kute kittykat --storage-url http://localhost:7100/ --connect-sub tcp:// --connect-push tcp://"
INF/util:procutil 1671 [
] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js storage-temp --port 7102"
INF/util:procutil 1671 [] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js storage-plugin-image --port 7103 --storage-url http://localhost:7100/"
INF/util:procutil 1671 [
] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js storage-plugin-apk --port 7104 --storage-url http://localhost:7100/"
INF/util:procutil 1671 [] Forking "/home/liuchengtao/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.0/lib/node_modules/stf/lib/cli.js poorxy --port 7100 --app-url http://localhost:7105/ --auth-url http://localhost:7120/ --api-url http://localhost:7106/ --websocket-url http://localhost:7110/ --storage-url http://localhost:7102/ --storage-plugin-image-url http://localhost:7103/ --storage-plugin-apk-url http://localhost:7104/"
INF/triproxy 1684 [dev001] PUB socket bound on tcp://
INF/triproxy 1684 [dev001] DEALER socket bound on tcp://
INF/triproxy 1684 [dev001] PULL socket bound on tcp://
INF/triproxy 1683 [app001] PUB socket bound on tcp://
INF/triproxy 1683 [app001] DEALER socket bound on tcp://
INF/triproxy 1683 [app001] PULL socket bound on tcp://
INF/db 1690 [proc001] Connecting to
INF/processor 1690 [proc001] App dealer connected to "tcp://"
INF/processor 1690 [proc001] Device dealer connected to "tcp://"
INF/poorxy 1756 [
] Listening on port 7100
INF/reaper 1703 [reaper001] Subscribing to permanent channel "ALL"
INF/reaper 1703 [reaper001] Reaping devices with no heartbeat
INF/db 1703 [reaper001] Connecting to
INF/reaper 1703 [reaper001] Receiving input from "tcp://"
INF/reaper 1703 [reaper001] Sending output to "tcp://"
INF/auth-mock 1709 [
] Listening on port 7120
INF/db 1696 [proc002] Connecting to
INF/processor 1696 [proc002] App dealer connected to "tcp://"
INF/processor 1696 [proc002] Device dealer connected to "tcp://"
INF/storage:plugins:apk 1750 [] Listening on port 7104
INF/storage:plugins:image 1744 [
] Listening on port 7103
INF/provider 1708 [] Subscribing to permanent channel "tR+jxuaUQz2Qvqtte+6oWA=="
INF/provider 1708 [
] Sending output to "tcp://"
INF/provider 1708 [] Receiving input from "tcp://"
INF/provider 1708 [
] Tracking devices
INF/provider 1708 [] Found device "e11b1658" (device)
INF/app 1720 [
] Using pre-built resources
INF/storage:temp 1738 [] Listening on port 7102
INF/app 1720 [
] Listening on port 7105
INF/db 1720 [] Connecting to
INF/websocket 1732 [
] Subscribing to permanent channel "ALL"
INF/websocket 1732 [
] Listening on port 7110
INF/db 1732 [] Connecting to
INF/websocket 1732 [
] Sending output to "tcp://"
INF/websocket 1732 [] Receiving input from "tcp://"
INF/api 1726 [
] Subscribing to permanent channel "ALL"
INF/api 1726 [
] Listening on port 7106
INF/api 1726 [] Sending output to "tcp://"
INF/api 1726 [
] Receiving input from "tcp://"
INF/db 1726 [*] Connecting to

INF/provider 1708 [*] Providing all 0 of 1 device(s); ignoring "e11b1658"

Rotate screen doesnt work properly

Description : Screen rotation doesn't work properly , if i initialize the server first time rotating icon is not working to make it work i first have to manually rotate the device then i will be able to use the rotation icon on STF

Running STFService on user devices

On the way to report this I see the "not meant for user devices" text… :)

For me, the benefits of using openstf on a small set of devices are huge. Two of those devices are my personal phones. (yeah, two in my pocket all the time. shrug.)

In this case, the stfservice continues to run long after i've disconnected.

I don't know what the best solution should be, but I would like to easily use STP on and off with my own devices and have the STFService not always running. Basically I think I'm asking for an easier off-switch than Settings > Apps > Running > STF > Terminate service.

[questions]Envelope::MergeFromCodedStream return some unknow_data

The protobuff version is 2.6.0.
After starting the service,
After reading the data from "forward localabstract:stfservice": buff, len.
Envelope lope;
if (lope.ParseFromArray(buff, len)){ Dg("Event Type:%d \n", lope.type()); }

ParseFromArray always returns false.
Is the buff length a problem?
How do I adjust?

ok, ParseFromArray using from the group data.
the non-group data, using MergeFromCodedStream.
now , I from the MergeFromCodedStream get the type . but, also have some buffer can't Parse,
alway, the data size 44.

I don't know it is my lost or it is the Envelope get the non-group data.

Can you provide some examples of receiving data of unknown length and parsing successfully?

Serial number is 'unknown' on devices with SDK 26+

Serial number is 'unknown' in "red" activity on devices with SDK 26+. Current way for getting it from SystemProperties doesn't work.

However, OpenSTF web UI shows it correctly.

I'm preparing the fix.

Bluetooth and location


first of all, you did a great job!

We would like to be able on the OpenSTF server to reset Bluetooth and location settings. As far as I have seen there exists no functionality for these already. I would create then similiar ones to the WiFi functionality:

I think that might be useful to others, therefore after finishing this feature shall I create a pull request?


Agent start failed

I use stf in nodejs, I start stfagent by 'app_process'. First, sucess. But when I start again, it just blocks. What should I do? Do I need to stop before restart? If so, how can I stop stfagent?

How to connect SamSung A6s from stfserver?

I buy a new phone-SamSung A6s and I want to use it at my STF。
But when I connect this device to STF,it's show “perparing” for a moment and turn to “disconnect”.
I am sure that I have enabled the "Developer options" &"Usb debugging".
And I have downloaded another StfServer.apk and installed it into my phone,but it doesnot work.

logs of STF:
2019-04-30T04:36:48.847Z FTL/util:lifecycle 9611 [54c5ca91a5] Shutting down due to fatal error
2019-04-30T04:36:48.853Z INF/provider 42 [] Cleaning up device worker "54c5ca91a5"
2019-04-30T04:36:48.853Z ERR/provider 42 [
] Device worker "54c5ca91a5" died with code 1
2019-04-30T04:36:48.853Z INF/provider 42 [*] Restarting device worker "54c5ca91a5"
2019-04-30T04:36:49.749Z INF/device:support:push 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Sending output to "tcp://"
2019-04-30T04:36:49.753Z INF/device 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Preparing device
2019-04-30T04:36:50.090Z INF/device:support:sub 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Receiving input from "tcp://"
2019-04-30T04:36:50.092Z INF/device:support:sub 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Subscribing to permanent channel "*ALL"
2019-04-30T04:36:50.159Z INF/device:support:properties 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Loading properties
2019-04-30T04:36:50.205Z INF/device:support:sdk 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Supports SDK 27
2019-04-30T04:36:50.206Z INF/device:support:abi 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Supports ABIs arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi
2019-04-30T04:36:50.495Z INF/device:resources:minicap 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Installing "/app/node_modules/minicap-prebuilt/prebuilt/arm64-v8a/bin/minicap" as "/data/local/tmp/minicap"
2019-04-30T04:36:50.496Z INF/device:resources:minicap 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Installing "/app/node_modules/minicap-prebuilt/prebuilt/arm64-v8a/lib/android-27/" as "/data/local/tmp/"
2019-04-30T04:36:50.609Z INF/device:resources:service 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Checking whether we need to install STFService
2019-04-30T04:36:51.048Z INF/device:resources:service 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Running version check
2019-04-30T04:36:51.492Z INF/device:resources:service 9623 [54c5ca91a5] STFService up to date
2019-04-30T04:36:51.494Z INF/device:plugins:service 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Launching agent
2019-04-30T04:36:52.183Z INF/device:plugins:service 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Agent says: "Listening on @stfagent"
2019-04-30T04:36:52.220Z INF/device:plugins:service 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Launching service
2019-04-30T04:36:52.227Z INF/device:plugins:service 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Agent says: "InputClient started"
2019-04-30T04:36:52.320Z FTL/device 9623 [54c5ca91a5] Setup had an error Error: Service had an error: "Error: Not found; no service started."
at /app/lib/units/device/plugins/service.js:101:23
From previous event:
at /app/lib/units/device/plugins/service.js:76:14
at runCallback (timers.js:672:20)
at tryOnImmediate (timers.js:645:5)
at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:617:5)

So,How to connect SamSung A6s from stfserver?

Doesn't work with Android M

First error I hit was:

FTL/device 29607 [0599cc54] Setup had an error Error: At least one of these paths should exist: /home/agrieve/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.7/lib/node_modules/stf/vendor/minicap/shared/android-6.0/armeabi-v7a/, /home/agrieve/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.7/lib/node_modules/stf/vendor/minicap/shared/android-23/armeabi-v7a/, /home/agrieve/.nvm
/versions/node/v0.12.7/lib/node_modules/stf/vendor/minicap/shared/android-6.0/armeabi/, /home/agrieve/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.7/lib/node_modules/stf/vendor/minicap/shared/android-23/armeabi/

Copying /home/agrieve/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.7/lib/node_modules/stf/vendor/minicap/shared/android-M -> /home/agrieve/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.7/lib/node_modules/stf/vendor/minicap/shared/android-23 got me farther:

stf local now shows:

FTL/device 29949 [0599cc54] Setup had an error TimeoutError: operation timed out
    at afterTimeout (/usr/local/google/home/agrieve/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.7/lib/node_modules/stf/node_modules/adbkit/node_modules/bluebird/js/main/timers.js:11:15)
    at timeoutTimeout (/usr/local/google/home/agrieve/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.7/lib/node_modules/stf/node_modules/adbkit/node_modules/bluebird/js/main/timers.js:53:9)
    at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:119:15)
FTL/util:lifecycle 29949 [0599cc54] Shutting down due to fatal error

A logcat on the devices shows:

09-23 14:19:57.102  8860  8860 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry
09-23 14:19:57.105  8860  8860 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
09-23 14:19:58.176  8874  8874 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 2000 <<<<<<
09-23 14:19:58.182  8874  8874 D AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is OFF
09-23 14:19:58.233  8874  8874 D ICU     : No timezone override file found: /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/icu/icu_tzdata.dat
09-23 14:19:58.291  8874  8874 I Radio-JNI: register_android_hardware_Radio DONE
09-23 14:19:58.327  8874  8874 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry
09-23 14:19:58.334  8874  8874 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
09-23 14:19:58.335  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime: *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: main
09-23 14:19:58.335  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: UserActivityWakeInjector is not supported
09-23 14:19:58.335  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at$UserActivityWakeInjector.<init>(
09-23 14:19:58.335  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at<init>(
09-23 14:19:58.335  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-23 14:19:58.335  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-23 14:19:58.335  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at Method)
09-23 14:19:58.335  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-23 14:19:58.336  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime: Error reporting crash
09-23 14:19:58.336  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Bad file descriptor
09-23 14:19:58.336  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
09-23 14:19:58.336  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
09-23 14:19:58.336  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.ServiceManagerProxy.getService(
09-23 14:19:58.336  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.ServiceManager.getService(
09-23 14:19:58.336  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at$1.create(
09-23 14:19:58.336  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at$1.create(
09-23 14:19:58.336  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.util.Singleton.get(
09-23 14:19:58.336  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-23 14:19:58.336  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at$UncaughtHandler.uncaughtException(
09-23 14:19:58.336  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
09-23 14:19:58.336  8874  8874 E AndroidRuntime:        at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(
09-23 14:19:58.336  8874  8874 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 8874 SIG: 9

How does the STF connect this service?

In this Usage ,we can do “adb forward ” connect the service.

But when I start STF ,I use this command “adb forward --list” to check, no forward list on it.

How does the STF connect this service? not forward?

how to debug in

I have add some code in agent. but i don't know how to debug it. if it was in some activity like, I can use Toast.makeToaster.

sorry, I am not a android developer

Unable to use Xiaomi mobile with the new APK

Description : APK installation is done properly and device is appearing on the list but once u start using it, there is no any screen streaming its blank , check the log below

2019-12-16T10:57:35.492Z INF/device:plugins:service 11296 [3542ff5b] Launching agent
2019-12-16T10:57:36.109Z INF/device:plugins:service 11296 [3542ff5b] Agent says: "Listening on @stfagent"
2019-12-16T10:57:36.113Z INF/device:plugins:service 11296 [3542ff5b] Launching service
2019-12-16T10:57:36.114Z INF/device:plugins:service 11296 [3542ff5b] using 'start-foreground-service' command for API 28
2019-12-16T10:57:36.129Z INF/device:plugins:service 11296 [3542ff5b] Agent says: "InputClient started"
2019-12-16T10:57:36.524Z INF/device:plugins:display 11296 [3542ff5b] Reading display info
2019-12-16T10:57:36.617Z INF/device:plugins:phone 11296 [3542ff5b] Fetching phone info
2019-12-16T10:57:36.641Z INF/device:plugins:identity 11296 [3542ff5b] Solving identity
2019-12-16T10:57:36.641Z INF/device:plugins:solo 11296 [3542ff5b] Subscribing to permanent channel "MxC1DOPNW1/ZMT2/HZbQVecBKa4="
2019-12-16T10:57:36.642Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] Starting WebSocket server on port 7424
2019-12-16T10:57:36.841Z INF/device:resources:minitouch 11296 [3542ff5b] Installing "/media/amrka/01D59424710AE2D0/Practices/Mistral-MDF2/Mistral-MDF v2/node_modules/minitouch-prebuilt/prebuilt/arm64-v8a/bin/minitouch" as "/data/local/tmp/minitouch"
2019-12-16T10:57:36.905Z WRN/device:plugins:data 11296 [3542ff5b] Unable to find device data { serial: '3542ff5b',
platform: 'Android',
manufacturer: 'XIAOMI',
operator: 'BH Mobile',
model: 'Mi 9 SE',
version: '9',
abi: 'arm64-v8a',
sdk: '28',
product: 'grus_eea',
cpuPlatform: 'sdm710',
openGLESVersion: '3.2',
{ id: 0,
width: 1080,
height: 2340,
xdpi: 435.4280090332031,
ydpi: 430.69500732421875,
fps: 60.000003814697266,
density: 3,
rotation: 0,
secure: true,
size: 5.972463949112228,
url: 'ws://localhost:7424' },
phone: { network: 'LTE' } }
2019-12-16T10:57:36.916Z INF/device:plugins:touch 11296 [3542ff5b] Touch origin is top left
2019-12-16T10:57:36.918Z INF/device:plugins:touch 11296 [3542ff5b] Requesting touch consumer to start
2019-12-16T10:57:36.919Z INF/device:plugins:touch 11296 [3542ff5b] Launching touch service
2019-12-16T10:57:36.933Z INF/device:plugins:touch 11296 [3542ff5b] Connecting to minitouch service
2019-12-16T10:57:36.978Z INF/device:plugins:touch 11296 [3542ff5b] minitouch says: "Note: device /dev/input/mice is not supported by libevdev"
2019-12-16T10:57:36.979Z INF/device:plugins:touch 11296 [3542ff5b] minitouch says: "Note: device /dev/input/mouse0 is not supported by libevdev"
2019-12-16T10:57:36.980Z INF/device:plugins:touch 11296 [3542ff5b] minitouch says: "Type B touch device goodix_ts (1079x2339 with 21 contacts) detected on /dev/input/event2 (score 22608)"
2019-12-16T10:57:36.980Z INF/device:plugins:touch 11296 [3542ff5b] minitouch says: "Note: hard-limiting maximum number of contacts to 10"
2019-12-16T10:57:37.045Z INF/device:plugins:touch 11296 [3542ff5b] Reading minitouch banner
2019-12-16T10:57:37.047Z INF/device:plugins:touch 11296 [3542ff5b] minitouch says: "Connection established"
2019-12-16T10:57:37.096Z INF/device:plugins:vnc 11296 [3542ff5b] Starting VNC server on port 7426
2019-12-16T10:57:37.104Z INF/device:plugins:browser 11296 [3542ff5b] Loading browser list
2019-12-16T10:57:37.135Z INF/device:plugins:browser 11296 [3542ff5b] Updating browser list
2019-12-16T10:57:37.140Z INF/device:plugins:mute 11296 [3542ff5b] Will not mute master volume
2019-12-16T10:57:37.359Z INF/device:resources:minirev 11296 [3542ff5b] Installing "/media/amrka/01D59424710AE2D0/Practices/Mistral-MDF2/Mistral-MDF v2/vendor/minirev/arm64-v8a/minirev" as "/data/local/tmp/minirev"
2019-12-16T10:57:37.425Z INF/device:plugins:forward 11296 [3542ff5b] Launching reverse port forwarding service
2019-12-16T10:57:37.435Z INF/device:plugins:forward 11296 [3542ff5b] Connecting to reverse port forwarding service
2019-12-16T10:57:37.650Z INF/device 11296 [3542ff5b] Fully operational
2019-12-16T10:57:41.875Z IMP/device:plugins:group 11296 [3542ff5b] Now owned by "[email protected]"
2019-12-16T10:57:41.875Z INF/device:plugins:group 11296 [3542ff5b] Subscribing to group channel "S5z1xRJbSHy+Ye+YLXLfjg=="
2019-12-16T10:57:42.022Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] Setting frame producer projection to 843x843
2019-12-16T10:57:42.023Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] Requesting frame producer to start
2019-12-16T10:57:42.024Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] Launching screen service
2019-12-16T10:57:42.046Z INF/device:plugins:connect 11296 [3542ff5b] Listening on port 7425
2019-12-16T10:57:42.047Z IMP/device:plugins:connect 11296 [3542ff5b] Remote Connect Started for device "3542ff5b" at "localhost:7425"
2019-12-16T10:57:42.112Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] minicap says: "PID: 20737"
2019-12-16T10:57:42.112Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] minicap says: "INFO: Using projection 1080x2340@389x843/0"
2019-12-16T10:57:42.112Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] minicap says: "INFO: (external/MY_minicap/src/minicap_28.cpp:241) Creating SurfaceComposerClient"
2019-12-16T10:57:42.113Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] Connecting to minicap service
2019-12-16T10:57:42.118Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] minicap says: "INFO: (external/MY_minicap/src/minicap_28.cpp:244) Performing SurfaceComposerClient init check"
2019-12-16T10:57:42.118Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] minicap says: "INFO: (external/MY_minicap/src/minicap_28.cpp:255) Creating virtual display"
2019-12-16T10:57:42.118Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] minicap says: "INFO: (external/MY_minicap/src/minicap_28.cpp:261) Creating buffer queue"
2019-12-16T10:57:42.119Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] minicap says: "INFO: (external/MY_minicap/src/minicap_28.cpp:264) Setting buffer options"
2019-12-16T10:57:42.120Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] minicap says: "INFO: (external/MY_minicap/src/minicap_28.cpp:268) Creating CPU consumer"
2019-12-16T10:57:42.120Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] minicap says: "INFO: (external/MY_minicap/src/minicap_28.cpp:272) Creating frame waiter"
2019-12-16T10:57:42.120Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] minicap says: "INFO: (external/MY_minicap/src/minicap_28.cpp:276) Publishing virtual display"
2019-12-16T10:57:42.120Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] minicap says: "Vector<> have different types (this=0x7fc5b1d600, rhs=0x7fc5b1d720)"
2019-12-16T10:57:42.241Z WRN/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] Shell keeping minicap running ended unexpectedly
2019-12-16T10:57:43.543Z IMP/device:plugins:group 11296 [3542ff5b] No longer owned by "[email protected]"
2019-12-16T10:57:43.543Z INF/device:plugins:group 11296 [3542ff5b] Unsubscribing from group channel "S5z1xRJbSHy+Ye+YLXLfjg=="
2019-12-16T10:57:43.551Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] Requesting frame producer to stop
2019-12-16T10:57:43.648Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] Disconnecting from minicap service
2019-12-16T10:57:43.649Z INF/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] Stopping minicap service
2019-12-16T10:57:43.650Z FTL/device:plugins:screen:stream 11296 [3542ff5b] Frame producer had an error FailError: Failure: 'closed'
at /media/amrka/01D59424710AE2D0/Practices/Mistral-MDF2/Mistral-MDF v2/node_modules/adbkit/lib/adb/parser.js:183:29
at runCallback (timers.js:810:20)
at tryOnImmediate (timers.js:768:5)
at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:745:5)
2019-12-16T10:57:43.650Z FTL/util:lifecycle 11296 [3542ff5b] Shutting down due to fatal error
2019-12-16T10:57:43.654Z INF/provider 11064 [] Cleaning up device worker "3542ff5b"
2019-12-16T10:57:43.655Z ERR/provider 11064 [
] Device worker "3542ff5b" died with code 1
2019-12-16T10:57:43.655Z INF/provider 11064 [] Restarting device worker "3542ff5b"
2019-12-16T10:57:44.497Z INF/device:support:push 11334 [3542ff5b] Sending output to "tcp://"
2019-12-16T10:57:44.499Z INF/device 11334 [3542ff5b] Preparing device
2019-12-16T10:57:45.011Z INF/device:support:sub 11334 [3542ff5b] Receiving input from "tcp://"
2019-12-16T10:57:45.012Z INF/device:support:sub 11334 [3542ff5b] Subscribing to permanent channel "ALL"
2019-12-16T10:57:45.079Z INF/device:support:properties 11334 [3542ff5b] Loading properties
2019-12-16T10:57:45.130Z INF/device:support:sdk 11334 [3542ff5b] Supports SDK 28
2019-12-16T10:57:45.132Z INF/device:support:abi 11334 [3542ff5b] Supports ABIs arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi
2019-12-16T10:57:45.175Z INF/provider 11064 [
] Lost device "3542ff5b" (device)
2019-12-16T10:57:45.176Z INF/provider 11064 [
] Shutting down device worker "3542ff5b"
2019-12-16T10:57:45.178Z INF/provider 11064 [*] Cleaning up device worker "3542ff5b"

sharing device via multiple user

Can we able to create multiple instance for different user of same device at same time.
like: using stf create mirror image of device on web, then user A and User B can also use same mirror device at same time .
so we can able to create instance of mirror image of device.
if its possible , so you can me provide about their details asap.

The MiniTouch command is sent to the Android10 version of the mobile phone, the screen does not perform the command action, what is the reason?

I independently used MiniTouch to send commands to the following Android10 mobile phones, and the mobile phone screen did not respond to operations.

Device Information:(abi version:arm64-v8a)
HUAWEI Mate20Pro:S2D7N18B26001522 device product:LYA-AL00L model:LYA_AL00 device:HWLYA transport_id:4
SamsungNote9:271ddb713f1c7ece device product:crownqltezc model:SM_N9600 device:crownqltechn transport_id:5

Here are my steps:

  1. Running the service:
>adb shell am startservice -a -n
Output: Starting service: Intent { }
>adb forward tcp:1100 localabstract:stfservice
Output: 1100
  1. Running the agent:
>adb shell export CLASSPATH=/data/app/;exec app_process /system/bin
Output:Starting minitouch agent
Listening on @stfagent
>adb forward tcp:1090 localabstract:stfagent
  1. Run MiniTouch:
>adb shell /data/local/tmp/minitouch
open: Permission denied
Unable to open device /dev/input/event1 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
Unable to open device /dev/input/event4 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
Unable to open device /dev/input/event3 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
Unable to open device /dev/input/mice for inspectionopen: Permission denied
Unable to open device /dev/input/mouse0 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
Unable to open device /dev/input/event0 for inspectionopen: Permission denied
Unable to open device /dev/input/event2 for inspectionUnable to find a suitable touch device
using Android InputManager
>adb forward tcp:1111 localabstract:minitouch

Image of the minitouch command I sent:

Is there a problem with my steps or the device does not support it? Thanks for answering

An error i found in

I try to connect Agent like this accord

     adb forward tcp:1090 tcp:1090
     nc localhost 1090

but there are not any binary output.

the i read the code, and try those cmd

     adb forward tcp:1090 localabstract:stfagent
     nc localhost 1090

then i can get those output in terminal

     Listening on @stfagent
     InputClient started
     InputClient closing

am i right?

Updating target sdk

I would like to update the target sdk version to 26. I realize that upgrading the sdk version above sdk 22 will require runtime permissions. It seems that the app can still run except when it needs phone properties like imei, iccid, phone number, and imsi so I commented those parts out/put in fake data. I also changed the code in STF to call the service with the adb shell command.

am start-foreground-service [intent]

The problem is that the frame rate is noticeably slower/ really laggy when I try to use the phone through STF. Any input on why this is or how to fix this would be helpful.

This project is no longer maintained

This project along with other ones in OpenSTF organisation is provided as is for community, without active development.

You can check any other forks that may be actively developed and offer new/different features here.

Active development has been moved to DeviceFarmer organisation.

does not support protobuf 3.0.0

protobuf in project is old.2.6.1
but I install protobuf 3.0.0 so when I build the project,that cames error 程序包不存在 which means GeneratedMessageV3 does not exist. So I changed the protobuf version in project to 3.0.0. But too manay error need be fixed.So I
report this issue.

How home、back、menu key work?

In minitouch can parse command like 'm ', but how home、 back、menu key work? I don't find any code in minitouch.c to handler those event. Thanks for your help.

Report for Android P hidden list

Scanned STFService.apk with veridex tool provided by Google, the report shows 27 hidden APIs used and 1 in blacklist:

#2: Linking blacklist Landroid/view/IRotationWatcher$Stub;-><init>()V use(s):

PS: the full report

art/tools/veridex/  --dex-file=STFService.apk

NOTE: is still under development. It can report
API uses that do not execute at runtime, and reflection uses
that do not exist. It can also miss on reflection uses.
#1: Linking light greylist Landroid/graphics/Canvas;->save(I)I use(s):

#2: Linking blacklist Landroid/view/IRotationWatcher$Stub;-><init>()V use(s):

#3: Reflection light greylist Landroid/view/animation/Animation;->mListener use:

#4: Reflection light greylist Landroid/service/media/MediaBrowserService$Result;->mFlags use:

#5: Reflection light greylist Landroid/view/LayoutInflater;->mFactory2 use:

#6: Reflection light greylist Landroid/view/View;->mAccessibilityDelegate use:

#7: Reflection light greylist Landroid/view/View;->mMinHeight use:

#8: Reflection light greylist Landroid/view/View;->mMinWidth use:

#9: Reflection light greylist Landroid/widget/CompoundButton;->mButtonDrawable use:

#10: Reflection light greylist Landroid/widget/PopupWindow;->mOverlapAnchor use:

#11: Reflection light greylist Landroid/view/View;->mRecreateDisplayList use:

#12: Reflection light greylist Landroid/content/res/Resources;->mResourcesImpl use:

#13: Reflection light greylist Landroid/widget/PopupWindow;->mAnchor use:

#14: Reflection light greylist Landroid/widget/PopupWindow;->mOnScrollChangedListener use:

#15: Reflection light greylist Landroid/widget/AbsListView;->mIsChildViewEnabled use:

#16: Reflection light greylist Landroid/os/Bundle;->getIBinder use:

#17: Reflection light greylist Landroid/os/Bundle;->putIBinder use:

#18: Reflection light greylist Landroid/app/Notification;->setLatestEventInfo use:

#19: Reflection light greylist Landroid/widget/PopupWindow;->setClipToScreenEnabled use:

#20: Reflection light greylist Landroid/widget/PopupWindow;->setEpicenterBounds use:

#21: Reflection light greylist Landroid/widget/PopupWindow;->setTouchModal use:

#22: Reflection light greylist Landroid/widget/AutoCompleteTextView;->doBeforeTextChanged use:

#23: Reflection light greylist Landroid/widget/AutoCompleteTextView;->doAfterTextChanged use:

#24: Reflection light greylist Landroid/widget/AutoCompleteTextView;->ensureImeVisible use:

#25: Reflection light greylist Landroid/view/inputmethod/InputMethodManager;->showSoftInputUnchecked use:

#26: Reflection light greylist Landroid/view/View;->computeFitSystemWindows use:

#27: Reflection light greylist Landroid/os/Process;->setArgV0 use:

27 hidden API(s) used: 2 linked against, 25 through reflection
       1 in blacklist
       0 in dark greylist
       26 in light greylist

[help] protobuf version is which one? I can't send any message.

I can connected server and argent.
server recv the message well.
but, I can't send any message to server or argent.
I look at the Issues that somebody say use the protobuf 2.6.0 can work.
but I readly can't send message.
the info tell me.:The data sent is of the wrong length or truncated (
Who can tell me which version to use? I use VS2013 for my PC.

			Envelope	_lope;
			GetDisplayRequest display;
			std::string data = _lope.SerializeAsString();
			const char* buff =;
			forward.ForwardWrite((unsigned char*)buff, strlen(buff)); While parsing a protocol message, the input ended unexpectedly in the middle of a field.  This could mean either that the input has been truncated or that an embedded message misreported its own length.
at buffer:
at at
InputClient closing

STFService with Internet

I have STFServer running online (I rent a PC on cloud then run STFServer).
Is this possible to connect my phone to the STFServer via Internet?
(I just connect successfully via USB or same WiFi router)

How to send the minitouch data to the apk?

Source code, I can see the minitouch code.
but, the wire.proto, I can't see the struct with minitouch.
Which means I can send directly with its(minitouch) structure?

Service Request's meaning

Many service requests' meaning is not clear... and no explanation, so we can't know the function, like DO_IDENTIFY and so on. And many parameters' meaning is not clear.

[help]Unable to send any message, either stfserver or argent

My head is about to explode.
Following the tutorial, I can connect to stfserver and argent,And it works fine from stfserver
But I can't send any disappearance to stfserver or argent.
As soon as I send it, the connection closes.
Help me, give me some advice, see what's wrong.


		Envelope	_lope;
		GetVersionRequest ver;
		std::string data = _lope.SerializeAsString();
		mServerForward.ForwardWrite((unsigned char*)(, data.length());

Some phone properties are no more returned!

Using mobiles as a s9+ for instance (or older ones), some phone properties are no more returned, in particular imei, phone number, iccid and imsi.

# adb logcat | grep GetProperties
02-19 16:19:24.790  2751  2792 D GetPropertiesResponder: Security exception trying to retrieve imei
02-19 16:19:24.795  2751  2792 D GetPropertiesResponder: unknown property request
02-19 16:19:24.805  2751  2792 D GetPropertiesResponder: Security exception trying to retrieve iccid
02-19 16:19:24.814  2751  2792 D GetPropertiesResponder: Security exception trying to retrieve imsi

Note the unknown property request message is related to phoneNumber property and is fixed by #46 PR, otherwise a Security exception is raised in place.

service:data transmission problem

I tried to send message to APK’s service with python, but I alway get the message which some like below:

I don't know why, who encounter the same question.
This is my code, like below:

1. # coding:utf-8
2. import socket
3. import wire_pb2
6. def send_service_data(data):
7.     connect = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
8.     connect.connect(('', 1100))
9.     connect.send(bytes(str(data.__len__())+data))
10.     data = connect.recv(1024)
11.     print data
14. def run_service_command(type, cmd):
15.     return wire_pb2.Envelope(
16.         id=10,
17.         type=type,
18.         message=cmd.SerializeToString()
19.     )
22. def get_version():
23.     return run_service_command(
24.         wire_pb2.GET_VERSION,
25.         wire_pb2.GetVersionRequest()
26.     ).SerializeToString()
28. if __name__ == '__main__':
29.     send_service_data(get_version())

Android Q upgrade

STFService doesn't run under Android Q due to several permission problems

service Exception : java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

run stf on an device then occurs an exception in stf-service:
E/AndroidRuntime(23484): FATAL EXCEPTION: main E/AndroidRuntime(23484): Process:, PID: 23484 E/AndroidRuntime(23484): java.lang.RuntimeException: Error receiving broadcast Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } in$1@2cc7d830 E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at$ReceiverDispatcher$ E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at android.os.Looper.loop( E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at$ E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) E/AndroidRuntime(23484): Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at$ConnectivityEvent.dynamicMethod( E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at$ E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at$1.onReceive( E/AndroidRuntime(23484): at$ReceiverDispatcher$ E/AndroidRuntime(23484): ... 9 more E/cutils-trace(23509): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)

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