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ibm-roks-toolkit's Issues

Cluster deploy timing issue may leave role bindings missing for hours

There is a timing issue that may leave role bindings (see example OpenShift API server logs below) missing for hours after a cluster deployment. The missing shared-resource-viewers role binding causes oc new-app --name myapp to fail
to build due to error error: build error: After retrying 2 times, Pull image still failed due to error: unauthorized: authentication required. There are likely other impacts beyond this example. Eventually the missing role bindings are created hours later thus allowing oc new-app to work.

E0413 16:44:39.080537       1 storage_rbac.go:316] unable to reconcile in openshift: "shared-resource-viewers" is forbidden: could not list rolebinding restrictions: the server could not find the requested resource (get
E0413 16:42:58.333934       1 storage_rbac.go:316] unable to reconcile in openshift-node: "system:node-config-reader" is forbidden: could not list rolebinding restrictions: the server could not find the requested resource (get

Cannot use multi-arch images for rendering the manifest

The failure is when trying to get the release image info.

Failed to use the image from a secured registry even by providing the pull secret. No issue while using it via oc client 4.12 oc adm release info.

# grep releaseImage cluster.yaml
# ./ibm-roks render --pull-secret ~/.docker/config.json
FATA[0000] Error occurred rendering manifests            error="unable to read image Head \"\": unauthorized: The login credentials are not valid, or your IBM Cloud account is not active."

Failed to use the image from which is manifest list related.

# grep releaseImage cluster.yaml
# ./ibm-roks render --pull-secret ~/.docker/config.json
FATA[0001] Error occurred rendering manifests            error="unable to parse image unknown image manifest of type *manifestlist.DeserializedManifestList from manifest sha256:53679d92dc0aea8ff6ea4b6f0351fa09ecc14ee9eda1b560deeb0923ca2290a1"

ROKS metrics component is missing CPU and memory requests

The new ROKS metrics component is missing CPU and memory requests causing OCP conformance test [sig-arch] Managed cluster should ensure control plane pods do not run in best-effort QoS [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] to fail.

Service Monitor Deployment Race condition

There's a race condition at cluster initialization with the manifest bootstrapper pod that will have it continuously fail and crash loop until the first worker is successfully provisioned in the cluster and the monitoring operator can roll out and initialize the CRD.            2020-10-24T00:01:18Z                            2020-10-24T00:01:38Z                       2020-10-24T00:15:27Z

You can see the creation of that corresponds to a couple minutes after the first worker node comes up in my cluster

apiVersion: v1
kind: Node
  creationTimestamp: "2020-10-24T00:13:08Z"

Which then initializes the CRD and everything completes. This race condition that causes the manifest bootstrapper pod to CrashLoop until the servicemonitors CRD is initialized I believe can be removed if we either substantiate it with the manifest bootstrapper or rework the creation of it.

It ultimately will complete on the first iteration when the openshift cluster has a node join in successfully and runs the cluster-monitoring-operator-f7b47f45-kw7c4

For more details here where the manifest is defined:

There's two that I see get applied:

This also might be fine to accept but just thought I'd point it out.

Use by-digest instead of by-tag pullspecs for installation

Telemetry out of ROKS includes entries like cluster_version{type="initial",image="",...}. Using by-tag pullspecs from trusted registries is not dire, but pivoting to by-digest pullspecs protects you from compromised registries, mutating tags, and other excitement that can happen as an image flows out of Red Hat's build pipeline (with a signature) and over to the new cluster, until the cluster eventually updates to a by-digest pullspec. Some details on mutable-tag concerns in openshift/oc#390. Can we adjust to:

  1. Use by-digest pullspecs.
  2. Check that we have a valid Red Hat signature on releases in one of the official signature stores before using the release image to launch the cluster.

control-plane-operator causing excessive load on ROKS tugboat apiserver

Copying from

From tugboat apiserver logs, counts of reads and writes by control-plane-operator for one cluster over about 2 minutes:

    161 verb="GET" URI="/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/master-c465jhg20s3mckhh6s80/deployments/openshift-apiserver" userAgent="control-plane-operator/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format" 
    161 verb="PUT" URI="/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/master-c465jhg20s3mckhh6s80/deployments/openshift-apiserver" userAgent="control-plane-operator/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format" 
    161 verb="PUT" URI="/api/v1/namespaces/master-c465jhg20s3mckhh6s80/configmaps/openshift-apiserver-config" userAgent="control-plane-operator/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format" 
    162 verb="GET" URI="/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/master-c465jhg20s3mckhh6s80/deployments/openshift-controller-manager" userAgent="control-plane-operator/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format" 
    162 verb="PUT" URI="/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/master-c465jhg20s3mckhh6s80/deployments/openshift-controller-manager" userAgent="control-plane-operator/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format" 
    162 verb="PUT" URI="/api/v1/namespaces/master-c465jhg20s3mckhh6s80/configmaps/openshift-controller-manager-config" userAgent="control-plane-operator/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format" 
    322 verb="GET" URI="/api/v1/namespaces/master-c465jhg20s3mckhh6s80/configmaps/openshift-apiserver-config" userAgent="control-plane-operator/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format" 
    324 verb="GET" URI="/api/v1/namespaces/master-c465jhg20s3mckhh6s80/configmaps/openshift-controller-manager-config" userAgent="control-plane-operator/v0.0.0 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/$Format" 

From performance team, the control-plane-operator logs have lots of this:

kubectl logs control-plane-operator-68d6d7d445-g4czf -n master-c6adpbk20mj47823vl7g --tail=50
2021-11-23T13:23:49.077Z        INFO        control-plane-operator.OpenShiftAPIServerClient        Updating OpenShift APIServer configmap
2021-11-23T13:23:49.116Z        INFO        control-plane-operator.OpenShiftControllerManagerClient        Updating OpenShift Controller Manager deployment
2021-11-23T13:23:49.258Z        INFO        control-plane-operator.OpenShiftAPIServerClient        Updating OpenShift APIServer deployment
I1123 13:23:49.489453       1 recorder_logging.go:37] &Event{ObjectMeta:{dummy.16ba2fabd0aa669c  dummy    0 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC <nil> <nil> map[] map[] [] []  []},InvolvedObject:ObjectReference{Kind:Pod,Namespace:dummy,Name:dummy,UID:,APIVersion:v1,ResourceVersion:,FieldPath:,},Reason:ObservedConfigChanged,Message:Writing updated observed config:   map[string]interface{}{
          "build":    map[string]interface{}{"buildDefaults": map[string]interface{}{"resources": map[string]interface{}{}}, "imageTemplateFormat": map[string]interface{}{"format": string("")}},
          "deployer": map[string]interface{}{"imageTemplateFormat": map[string]interface{}{"format": string("")}},
-         "dockerPullSecret": map[string]interface{}{
-                 "internalRegistryHostname": string("image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000"),
-         },
,Source:EventSource{Component:,Host:,},FirstTimestamp:2021-11-23 13:23:49.489338012 +0000 UTC m=+527581.065721643,LastTimestamp:2021-11-23 13:23:49.489338012 +0000 UTC m=+527581.065721643,Count:1,Type:Normal,EventTime:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,Series:nil,Action:,Related:nil,ReportingController:,ReportingInstance:,}
2021-11-23T13:23:49.545Z        INFO        control-plane-operator.OpenShiftControllerManagerClient        Updating OpenShift Controller Manager configmap
2021-11-23T13:23:49.682Z        INFO        control-plane-operator.OpenShiftControllerManagerClient        Updating OpenShift Controller Manager deployment
I1123 13:23:49.911168       1 recorder_logging.go:37] &Event{ObjectMeta:{dummy.16ba2fabe9cd1eea  dummy    0 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC <nil> <nil> map[] map[] [] []  []},InvolvedObject:ObjectReference{Kind:Pod,Namespace:dummy,Name:dummy,UID:,APIVersion:v1,ResourceVersion:,FieldPath:,},Reason:ObservedConfigChanged,Message:Writing updated observed config:   map[string]interface{}{
-         "imagePolicyConfig": map[string]interface{}{
-                 "internalRegistryHostname": string("image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000"),
-         },
          "projectConfig": map[string]interface{}{"projectRequestMessage": string("")},
,Source:EventSource{Component:,Host:,},FirstTimestamp:2021-11-23 13:23:49.911043818 +0000 UTC m=+527581.487427205,LastTimestamp:2021-11-23 13:23:49.911043818 +0000 UTC m=+527581.487427205,Count:1,Type:Normal,EventTime:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,Series:nil,Action:,Related:nil,ReportingController:,ReportingInstance:,}
2021-11-23T13:23:49.959Z        INFO        control-plane-operator.OpenShiftAPIServerClient        Updating OpenShift APIServer configmap
2021-11-23T13:23:50.028Z        INFO        control-plane-operator.OpenShiftAPIServerClient        Updating OpenShift APIServer deployment
I1123 13:23:50.490253       1 recorder_logging.go:37] &Event{ObjectMeta:{dummy.16ba2fac0c513aee  dummy    0 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC <nil> <nil> map[] map[] [] []  []},InvolvedObject:ObjectReference{Kind:Pod,Namespace:dummy,Name:dummy,UID:,APIVersion:v1,ResourceVersion:,FieldPath:,},Reason:ObservedConfigChanged,Message:Writing updated observed config:   map[string]interface{}{
          "build":    map[string]interface{}{"buildDefaults": map[string]interface{}{"resources": map[string]interface{}{}}, "imageTemplateFormat": map[string]interface{}{"format": string("")}},
          "deployer": map[string]interface{}{"imageTemplateFormat": map[string]interface{}{"format": string("")}},
-         "dockerPullSecret": map[string]interface{}{
-                 "internalRegistryHostname": string("image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000"),
-         },
,Source:EventSource{Component:,Host:,},FirstTimestamp:2021-11-23 13:23:50.490127086 +0000 UTC m=+527582.066510970,LastTimestamp:2021-11-23 13:23:50.490127086 +0000 UTC m=+527582.066510970,Count:1,Type:Normal,EventTime:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,Series:nil,Action:,Related:nil,ReportingController:,ReportingInstance:,}
2021-11-23T13:23:50.525Z        INFO        control-plane-operator.OpenShiftControllerManagerClient        Updating OpenShift Controller Manager configmap
2021-11-23T13:23:50.645Z        INFO        control-plane-operator.OpenShiftControllerManagerClient        Updating OpenShift Controller Manager deployment
I1123 13:23:50.911327       1 recorder_logging.go:37] &Event{ObjectMeta:{dummy.16ba2fac256a3e8a  dummy    0 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC <nil> <nil> map[] map[] [] []  []},InvolvedObject:ObjectReference{Kind:Pod,Namespace:dummy,Name:dummy,UID:,APIVersion:v1,ResourceVersion:,FieldPath:,},Reason:ObservedConfigChanged,Message:Writing updated observed config:   map[string]interface{}{
-         "imagePolicyConfig": map[string]interface{}{
-                 "internalRegistryHostname": string("image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000"),
-         },
          "projectConfig": map[string]interface{}{"projectRequestMessage": string("")},
,Source:EventSource{Component:,Host:,},FirstTimestamp:2021-11-23 13:23:50.91119681 +0000 UTC m=+527582.487580430,LastTimestamp:2021-11-23 13:23:50.91119681 +0000 UTC m=+527582.487580430,Count:1,Type:Normal,EventTime:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,Series:nil,Action:,Related:nil,ReportingController:,ReportingInstance:,}
I1123 13:23:51.490272       1 recorder_logging.go:37] &Event{ObjectMeta:{dummy.16ba2fac47ec105e  dummy    0 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC <nil> <nil> map[] map[] [] []  []},InvolvedObject:ObjectReference{Kind:Pod,Namespace:dummy,Name:dummy,UID:,APIVersion:v1,ResourceVersion:,FieldPath:,},Reason:ObservedConfigChanged,Message:Writing updated observed config:   map[string]interface{}{
          "build":    map[string]interface{}{"buildDefaults": map[string]interface{}{"resources": map[string]interface{}{}}, "imageTemplateFormat": map[string]interface{}{"format": string("")}},
          "deployer": map[string]interface{}{"imageTemplateFormat": map[string]interface{}{"format": string("")}},
-         "dockerPullSecret": map[string]interface{}{
-                 "internalRegistryHostname": string("image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000"),
-         },
,Source:EventSource{Component:,Host:,},FirstTimestamp:2021-11-23 13:23:51.490130014 +0000 UTC m=+527583.066514718,LastTimestamp:2021-11-23 13:23:51.490130014 +0000 UTC m=+527583.066514718,Count:1,Type:Normal,EventTime:0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC,Series:nil,Action:,Related:nil,ReportingController:,ReportingInstance:,}
2021-11-23T13:23:51.795Z        INFO        control-plane-operator.OpenShiftAPIServerClient        Updating OpenShift APIServer configmap
2021-11-23T13:23:51.796Z        INFO        control-plane-operator.OpenShiftControllerManagerClient        Updating OpenShift Controller Manager configmap
2021-11-23T13:23:52.087Z        INFO        control-plane-operator.OpenShiftAPIServerClient        Updating OpenShift APIServer deployment

I believe the "Writing updated observed config" events (recorder_logging.go lines) are from updateObeservedConfig -

And that is called by a sync function -

I don't see the configmaps or deployments actually changing over time. The event output suggests that the objects seen by the sync code are always missing those fields - yet I see them in the configmaps.

It seems like that logic is either not seeing the current configmaps or not comparing actual / expected properly.

Final note: In my test deployment this behavior stops after 20 minutes or so. The performance team sees that continuously for all clusters, possibly because they deploy clusters without workers?

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