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The BES framework, which forms the basis for the Hyrax server

License: GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0

Shell 3.14% HTML 3.43% Perl 0.05% C++ 76.88% C 11.96% Makefile 1.39% M4 1.70% Scilab 0.08% Batchfile 0.09% Ruby 0.01% Python 0.57% Awk 0.02% CMake 0.45% Lex 0.07% PowerShell 0.02% Lua 0.01% DIGITAL Command Language 0.02% Fortran 0.03% Yacc 0.10% nesC 0.01%
c-plus-plus hyrax dap

bes's Introduction



Version 3.21.0-46


This version of the BES is part of Hyrax 1.17.0, a data server that supports the OPeNDAP data access protocols. See for information about Hyrax.

For specific information about the BES, see the file NEWS for a summary of new features and important updates. See ChangeLog for a complete listing of changes/fixes since the previous release.

Major changes in this release are substantially improved support for HDF5 data stored in S3 via the DMR++ much faster generation of NetCDF4 response files. There are many other improvements and bug fixes.

This version of the BES requires libdap-3.21.0 DOI

Version 3.20.13


This version of the BES is part of Hyrax 1.16.8, a data server that supports the OPeNDAP data access protocols. See for information about Hyrax.

For specific information about the BES, see the file NEWS for a summary of new features and important updates. See ChangeLog for a complete listing of changes/fixes since the previous release.

This version of the BES requires libdap-3.20.11 DOI

Version 3.20.12


DOI available at search for OPENDAP/bes version 3.20.12

This version of the BES is part of Hyrax 1.16.7, a data server that supports the OPeNDAP data access protocols. See for information about Hyrax.

For specific information about the BES, see the file NEWS for a summary of new features and important updates. See ChangeLog for a complete listing of changes/fixes since the previous release.

This version of the BES requires libdap-3.20.10 DOI

Version 3.20.11


This version of the BES is part of Hyrax 1.16.6, a data server that supports the OPeNDAP data access protocols. See for information about Hyrax.

For specific information about the BES, see the file NEWS for a summary of new features and important updates. See ChangeLog for a complete listing of changes/fixes since the previous release.

This version of the BES requires libdap-3.20.10 DOI


The Back-end Server (BES) for Hyrax is a unix daemon that builds DAP2 and DAP4 response for various kinds of data. Since the daemon runs on Unix hosts, it often works with data that are stored in files or collections of files found on file systems. However, the BES can also use data stored in database systems, web object stores (e.g., S3), other kinds of web APIs and remote data accessed using plain HTTP.

In addition to the DAP2/4 protocols, the BES can package responses to queries for data in a number of well-known binary file types, including NetCDF3/4, GeoTIFF and JPEG2000.

All of the functionality specific to DAP or particular types of data is implemented using a group of 'plugin modules.' These modules isolate the operations for specific kinds of daa from the BES software itself. Each kind of data that can be read is accessed using a different module and each response other than the DAP2/4 responses is returned its own module.

The BES does not contain (much) software that implements the DAP2/4 protocols. Instead it uses the libdap4 library for that. See

The BES does not implement the WEB API for DAP2/4, instead the OLFS (OPeNDAP Lightweight Front-end Server) is used to do that. See

The BES framework is designed to be extensible and can be used to combine reading various kinds of data with building different kinds of responses. The framework is designed to support lazy data read operations, only reading those data that are needed and only when they are needed. Note that some kinds of well-known binary responses must be built in full before they are returned, but this is not a requirement of the framework but the responses, or their APIs.

Information about the Hyrax data server can be found here in the latest and most comprehensive Hyrax documentation.

The BES API Documentation is here


  • What's here: What files are in the distribution
  • Configuration: How to configure the BES
  • Testing: Once built and configured, how do you know it works?
  • Various features the BES supports

What's here

Here there's a bes-config script which will be installing in $prefix/bin that can be used to determine where the libraries and their header files have been installed. This directory also contains some documentation files.

dispatch: This is where the bulk of the BES source code resides. server: The BES server and standalone executables; build using dispatch cmdln: A command line client which can communicate with the bes server.

dap: A module that implements the (OPeN)DAP access.

modules: All the modules that are part of a standard Hyrax distribution. The configure script looks for their dependencies and only tries to build the ones that can be built. Note that the HDF4 and 5 modules are pulled in from separate git repositories.

xmlcommand: The BES/dispatch software is a framework. The basic commands recognized by it are defined and implemented by software in this directory.

standalone: The 'standalone version of the server; used for testing.

apache: An Apache module, currently not part of the default build

ppt: The PPT implementation. The BES uses PPT for its communication

templates: A collection of source files which can be used as templates when you write your own handlers/modules, et cetera.

conf: Where the automake and autoconf configuration files live

docs: Where some bes documentation resides


The BES configuration is controlled by a set of configuration files. While the complete configuration could be held in one file, it is easier to store information specific to each module in a different file. The main configuration file then reads all of the module configuration files, following a common Unix pattern.

Basic Configuration

Once the BES software has been installed, you will need to make a few changes to the BES configuration file, which is the bes.conf located in prefix/etc/bes/bes.conf. Module and handler configuration files will be installed in the prefix/etc/bes/modules directory.

Only a few parameters need to be modified to get the BES up and running for the first time. These parameters are located at the top of the configuration file are are:


  • set this to an email address that can be used for users to contact if there are issues with your installation of the server.



  • set these to a valid username and groupname on your system. We recommend that you create a username and groupname called bes that has permissions to write only to the BES installation directory. We'll need to write to the log file, and that's about it.


  • Set this to the full path and file name for where you want the BES log file to be written.

With this configuration you will be able to start the BES. No handlers or modules have been installed yet, so you won't be able to serve data, but the BES should run.

Configuration for Hyrax

For the BES to run with Hyrax, additional changes will need to be made to the dap.conf and dap-server.conf files, which are located in the modules directory prefix/etc/bes/modules. The dap module should be installed by default with the BES. If the dap.conf file is not found, be sure that you have libdap installed. The dap-server module, known as the General purpose handlers, adds responses for the DAP ascii response, the DAP info response, and the DAP html form response. You will need to get the dap-server module. You should see a dap-server.conf file in the modules directory.

The changes required for Hyrax are:

BES.Catalog.catalog.RootDirectory = path_to_root_data_directory

  • Find the BES.Catalog.catalog.RootDirectory parameter in dap.conf. Set this to the root directory of your data. If you're serving data stored in files, this is the place in the file system where those files are stored.


  • This parameter specifies what files/directories are included in the list of nodes in the catalog. The default is to show everything. After this parameter is looked at, the Exclude parameter is then looked at to see what files you might want to exclude.


  • This parameter specifies what files/directories to include in the list of nodes in the catalog. The default, shown here, is to exclude any files or directories that starts with a dot (.)

The only possible configuration parameter that you may need to change is the one that maps a file to a data handler. This parameter is called BES.catalog.TypeMatch, and is found in each of the data handler configuration files, such as nc.conf. The default values should work.

The value of this parameter is a semicolon separated list that matches the name you used in the BES.modules parameter with different datasets. The BES uses regular expressions to identify different types of datasets. In the example given in the file, any dataset name that ends in '.nc' will be accessed using the netcdf hander (because the name 'nc' is used here with the regular expression '.*.nc'; note that the BES uses regular expressions like Unix grep, not file globbing patterns like a command shell). Since the name 'nc' was associated with the netcdf module in the modules section, the netcdf module will be used to access any dataset whose name that ends in '.nc'.

The regular expressions shown in the examples are simple. However, the entire dataset name is used, so it's easy to associate different modules with datasets based on much more than just the 'file name extension' even though that is the most common case.

To test your regular expression for the TypeMatch parameter, or the Include and Exclude parameters, use the supplied besregtest program. Simply run besregtest to discover its usage.

Installing a custom handler/module

By default, The BES for Hyrax comes with a suite of handlers that read a number of data formats. However, you can install custom handlers that are not distributed by default. I'll use the SQL handler as an example.

Get the SQL handler source code from, making sure that the version supports Hyrax. Expand the tar.gz file and follow the instructions with the following caveat: If you have installed the BES using a prefix other than /usr/local (the default), make sure that the correct bes-config is being run. If you are having problems compiling or linking the handler, try using not only --prefix=... but also --with-bes=... when you configure the handler.

Install the newly-built handler.

Once built, install the handler using 'make install'. This will install the BES module and a configuration file to use for that module. Each module will have its own configuration file. In this case it is nc.conf and installed in the prefix/etc/bes/modules directory. The next time the BES is run, this configuration file will be read and the netcdf module loaded. No modifications are necessary.


To test the server, open a new terminal window and start the bes by using the bes control script besctl, which is installed in prefix/bin. using the -c switch to name the configuration file. If the server standalone starts correctly it should print something like the following to stdout:

    [jimg@zoe sbin]$ besctl start
    BES install directory: <prefix>/bin
    Starting the BES daemon
    PID: <process_id> UID: <uid of process>

Go back to your first window and run the bescmdln program. Use the -h (host) and -p (port) switches to tell it how to connect to the BES.

    [jimg@zoe bin]$ bescmdln -p 10002 -h localhost

    Type 'exit' to exit the command line client and 'help' or '?' to display
    the help screen


Try some simple commands:

    BESClient> show help;



Note that all commands must end with a semicolon except 'exit'.

Now try to get a DAP response using a handler you registered (the BES supports a fairly complex syntax which I won't explain fully here):

    BESClient> set container in catalog values n1, data/nc/;
    BESClient> define d1 as n1;
    BESClient> get das for d1;
    Attributes {
	u {
	    String units "meter per second";
	    String long_name "Vector wind eastward component";
	    String missing_value "-32767";
	    String scale_factor "0.005";
	v {
	    String units "meter per second";
	    String long_name "Vector wind northward component";
	    String missing_value "-32767";
	    String scale_factor "0.005";
	lat {
	    String units "degree North";
	lon {
	    String units "degree East";
	time {
	    String units "hours from base_time";
	    String base_time "88- 10-00:00:00";
	    String title " FNOC UV wind components from 1988- 10 to 1988- 13.";
	    String Unlimited_Dimension "time_a";
    BESClient> exit
    [jimg@zoe bin]$

If you got something similar (you would have used a different dataset name from "data'nc'" and thus would get a different DAS response) the BES is configured correctly and is running.

To stop the BES use the bes control script with the stop option:

    [jimg@zoe sbin]$ besctl stop

Note: Constraints and the bes command line client

Constraints are added to the 'define' command using the modifier 'with' like so:

    define d as nscat with nscat.constraint="WVC_LAT";

If there is a list of containers instead of just one, then there can be a list of .constraint="" clauses.

Various features the BES supports

Here we highlight some important features of the BES software. This list is far from comprehensive and it is not intended to be a 'new features' list. Most of these features are supported by the BES because they are important to the Hyrax data server. However, all of these are accessible when the BES is used by itself or in conjunction with other software.

DAP2 versus DAP4

The code on the master branch now supports both DAP2 and DAP4 responses, and the data format handlers do as well. Because of that, it must be linked with libdap 3.14, not libdap older versions of libdap (libdap 3.14 contains support for both DAP2 and DAP4, while the older 'libdap' supports only DAP2). If you need to get the DAP2-only version of the software, use the branch named 'dap2'. Please commit only fixes there.

Each of the handlers, which can be built as submodules within this code, also has DAP2 and DAP4 support on their master branch and a 'dap2' branch for the DAP2-only code.

Support for data stored on Amazon's S3 Web Object Store

Hyrax 1.16 has prototype support for subset-in-place of HDF5 and NetCDF4 data files that are stored on AWS S3. See the preliminary documentation in

The new support includes software that can configure data in S3 and on disk so that it can be served (and subset) in-place from S3 without reformatting the original data files. Support for other web object stores besides S3 has also been demonstrated.

Support for dataset crawler/indexer systems

We have added support for Datasets served by Hyrax now provide information Google and other search engines need to make these data findable. All dataset landing pages and catalog navigation (contents.html) pages now contain embedded json-ld which crawlers such as Google Dataset Search, NSF's GeoCODES, and other data sensitive web crawlers use for indexing datasets. In order to facilitate this, certain steps can be taken by the server administrator to bring the Hyrax service to Google (and other) crawlers attention. LINK TO JSON-LD README.MD. Our work on JSON-LD support was funded by NSF Grant number 1740704.

Experimental support for STARE indexing

We have added experimental support for STARE (Spatio Temporal Adaptive-Resolution Encoding) as part of our work on NASA ACCESS grant 17-ACCESS17-0039.

Server function roi() improvements

Site-specific configuration

The BES uses a number of configuration files, and until now, a site has to customize these for their server. Each server installation would overwrite those files. No more. Now you can put all your configuration values in


And be configent that they will never be overwritten by a new install. The site.conf file is always read last, so parameters set there override values set elsewhere.

The Metadata Store (MDS)

A new cache has been added to the BES for Metadata Responses (aka, the MDS or Metadata Store). This cache is unlike the other BES caches in that it is intended to be operated as either a 'cache' or a 'store.' In the latter case, items added will never be removed - it is an open-ended place where metadata response objects will be kept indefinitely. The MDS contents (as a cache or a store) will survive Hyrax restarts.

The MDS was initially built to speed responses when data are stored on high- latency devices like Amazon's S3 storage system. We have special features in Hyrax to handle data kept on those kinds of data stores and the MDS can provide clients with fast access to the metadata for those data very quickly. After our initial tests of the MDS, we decided to make it a general feature of the server, available to data served from data stored on spinning disk in addition to S3.

Note: The MDS is not used for requests that using server-side function processing.

The MDS configuration can be found in the dap.conf configuration file. Here are the default settings:

  • Setting the 'path' to null disables uses of the MDS.

DAP.GlobalMetadataStore.path = @datadir@/mds DAP.GlobalMetadataStore.prefix = mds

  • Setting 'size' to zero makes the MDS hold objects forever; setting a positive non-zero size makes the MDS behave like a cache, purging responses when the size is exceeded. The number is the size of the cache volume in megabytes.

DAP.GlobalMetadataStore.size = 200

  • The MDS writes a ledger of additions and removals. By default the ledger is kept in 'mds_ledger.txt' in the directory used to start the BES.

DAP.GlobalMetadataStore.ledger = @datadir@/mds_ledger.txt

COVJSON Responses

For datasets that contain geo-spatial data, we now provide the option to get those data (and related metadata) encoded using the covjson format. (See Thanks to Corey Hemphill, Riley Rimer, and Lewis McGibbney for this contribution.

Improved catalog support

It has long been possible to define 'catalogs' for data that reside on other kinds of data stores (e.g., relational data base systems). The datasets defined by these catalogs appear(ed) in the directory listings as if they are directories of data files, just like datasets that actually are files on a spinning disk.

We have generalized this system so that it is much easier to use. As an example of new Catalog sub-system's ease of use, we have implemented a new module that reads information about datasets from NASA's Common Metadata Repository (CMR) and uses that to display a Virtual Directory for NASA data, where the hierarchical relationships between data files is derived entirely from data read a CMR-support web API.

This software is currently available in source form only - contact us if you would like to extend the BES Catalog system for your own data collections. To build Hyrax with this feature enabled, build either in developer mode (./configure ... --enable-developer) or using the spepcial configuration option --enable-cmr.

For HDF4 data

  • CF option: Enhance the support of handling the scale_factor and add_offset to follow the CF. The scale_factor and add_offset rule for the MOD16A3 product is different than other MODIS products. We make an exception for this product only to ensure the scale_factor and add_offset follow the CF conventions.

For HDF5 data

CF option:

  1. Add the support of the HDF-EOS5 Polar Stereographic(PS) and Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area(LAMAZ) grid projection files. Both projection files can be found in NASA LANCE products.
  2. Add the HDF-EOS5 grid latitude and longitude cache support. This is the same as what we did for the HDF-EOS2 grid.
  3. Add the support for TROP-OMI, new OMI level 2 and OMPS-NPP product.
  4. Removed the internal reserved netCDF-4 attributes for DAP output.
  5. Make the behavior of the drop long string BES key consistent with the current limitation of netCDF Java.


The OPeNDAP BES code is copyrighted using the GNU Lesser GPL. See the
file COPYING or contact the Free Software Foundation, Inc., at 59 Temple
Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. Older versions of the BES were
copyrighted by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research;
see the file COPYRIGHT_UCAR.

PicoSHA2 license

The BES uses PicoSHA2 - a library that provides an implementation of the 
SHA256 hashing algorithm; its copyright follows

Copyright (C) 2017 okdshin

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

The BES uses pugixml - a source code header library that provides xml parsing.
Its license explicitly includes such use:

pugixml license

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2006-2020 Arseny Kapoulkine

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


rapidjson license

// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. // // Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except // in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed // under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. //

bes's People


blackone-sudo avatar captainkirk99 avatar dh-opendap avatar edwardhartnett avatar ethanrd avatar hemphilc avatar hyoklee avatar ies-uri avatar jgallagher59701 avatar kneumiller avatar kyang2014 avatar lewismc avatar ndp-opendap avatar opoplawski avatar ptype avatar rmorris2342 avatar rrimer07 avatar rwmjones avatar sawer297 avatar travis-ci-opendap avatar tsgouros avatar udayopen avatar vskorole avatar


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bes's Issues

test ppt/unit-tests/ fails due to missing return code

When doing a make -j check, I see this warning: In member function ‘int extT::check_extensions(int, std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char> >&, std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char> >&)’: warning: no return statement in function returning non-void [-Wreturn-type]
  106 |     }
      |     ^

And the test fails.

Looking in the code, I see that the int function is returning without a value. I added a "return 0" and now the test works.

Bad rpath added to build_dmrpp - not portable linkage

I'm looking to update the Fedora bes package to 3.20.10 but am running into the following issue:

+ /usr/lib/rpm/check-rpaths
* WARNING: 'check-rpaths' detected a broken RPATH OR RUNPATH and will cause
*          'rpmbuild' to fail. To ignore these errors, you can set the
*          '$QA_RPATHS' environment variable which is a bitmask allowing the
*          values below. The current value of QA_RPATHS is 0x0000.
*    0x0001 ... standard RPATHs (e.g. /usr/lib); such RPATHs are a minor
*               issue but are introducing redundant searchpaths without
*               providing a benefit. They can also cause errors in multilib
*               environments.
*    0x0002 ... invalid RPATHs; these are RPATHs which are neither absolute
*               nor relative filenames and can therefore be a SECURITY risk
*    0x0004 ... insecure RPATHs; these are relative RPATHs which are a
*               SECURITY risk
*    0x0008 ... the special '$ORIGIN' RPATHs are appearing after other
*               RPATHs; this is just a minor issue but usually unwanted
*    0x0010 ... the RPATH is empty; there is no reason for such RPATHs
*               and they cause unneeded work while loading libraries
*    0x0020 ... an RPATH references '..' of an absolute path; this will break
*               the functionality when the path before '..' is a symlink
* Examples:
* - to ignore standard and empty RPATHs, execute 'rpmbuild' like
*   $ QA_RPATHS=$(( 0x0001|0x0010 )) rpmbuild my-package.src.rpm
* - to check existing files, set $RPM_BUILD_ROOT and execute check-rpaths like
*   $ RPM_BUILD_ROOT=<top-dir> /usr/lib/rpm/check-rpaths
ERROR   0002: file '/usr/bin/build_dmrpp' contains an invalid  '/builddir/build/BUILD/bes-3.20.10/dap/.libs' in [/builddir/build/BUILD/bes-3.20.10/dap/.libs:/builddir/build/BUILD/bes-3.20.10/dispatch/.libs:/usr/lib64/bes]
ERROR   0002: file '/usr/bin/build_dmrpp' contains an invalid  '/builddir/build/BUILD/bes-3.20.10/dispatch/.libs' in [/builddir/build/BUILD/bes-3.20.10/dap/.libs:/builddir/build/BUILD/bes-3.20.10/dispatch/.libs:/usr/lib64/bes]

This appears to arise due to build_drmpp being linked to a module:

make[4]: Entering directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bes-3.20.10/modules/dmrpp_module'
/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=link g++ -Wno-vla-extension -Wno-inconsistent-missing-override  -g -O2 --pedantic --std=c++11 -L../../dap -static -ldap_module -dynamic -L/usr/lib64/libdap -o build_dmrpp build_dmrpp-DMRpp.o build_dmrpp-DmrppCommon.o build_dmrpp-Chunk.o build_dmrpp-CurlHandlePool.o build_dmrpp-DmrppByte.o build_dmrpp-DmrppArray.o build_dmrpp-DmrppFloat32.o build_dmrpp-DmrppFloat64.o build_dmrpp-DmrppInt16.o build_dmrpp-DmrppInt32.o build_dmrpp-DmrppInt64.o build_dmrpp-DmrppInt8.o build_dmrpp-DmrppUInt16.o build_dmrpp-DmrppUInt32.o build_dmrpp-DmrppUInt64.o build_dmrpp-DmrppStr.o build_dmrpp-DmrppStructure.o build_dmrpp-DmrppUrl.o build_dmrpp-DmrppD4Enum.o build_dmrpp-DmrppD4Group.o build_dmrpp-DmrppD4Opaque.o build_dmrpp-DmrppD4Sequence.o build_dmrpp-DmrppTypeFactory.o build_dmrpp-DmrppParserSax2.o build_dmrpp-DmrppMetadataStore.o build_dmrpp-CredentialsManager.o build_dmrpp-AccessCredentials.o build_dmrpp-NgapS3Credentials.o build_dmrpp-SuperChunk.o build_dmrpp-awsv4.o build_dmrpp-DMZ.o  build_dmrpp-DmrppRequestHandler.o build_dmrpp-build_dmrpp.o build_dmrpp-h5common.o -L../../dispatch -lbes_dispatch -L../../http -lbes_http -lcurl -luuid -ltirpc  -L. -lhdf5 -ldl -ldapserver -ldap  -ldapclient -ldap  -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib -lcrypto -lxml2   -lz -lcurl -luuid -ltirpc
*** Warning: Linking the executable build_dmrpp against the loadable module
*** is not portable!
libtool: link: g++ -Wno-vla-extension -Wno-inconsistent-missing-override -g -O2 --pedantic --std=c++11 -dynamic -o build_dmrpp build_dmrpp-DMRpp.o build_dmrpp-DmrppCommon.o build_dmrpp-Chunk.o build_dmrpp-CurlHandlePool.o build_dmrpp-DmrppByte.o build_dmrpp-DmrppArray.o build_dmrpp-DmrppFloat32.o build_dmrpp-DmrppFloat64.o build_dmrpp-DmrppInt16.o build_dmrpp-DmrppInt32.o build_dmrpp-DmrppInt64.o build_dmrpp-DmrppInt8.o build_dmrpp-DmrppUInt16.o build_dmrpp-DmrppUInt32.o build_dmrpp-DmrppUInt64.o build_dmrpp-DmrppStr.o build_dmrpp-DmrppStructure.o build_dmrpp-DmrppUrl.o build_dmrpp-DmrppD4Enum.o build_dmrpp-DmrppD4Group.o build_dmrpp-DmrppD4Opaque.o build_dmrpp-DmrppD4Sequence.o build_dmrpp-DmrppTypeFactory.o build_dmrpp-DmrppParserSax2.o build_dmrpp-DmrppMetadataStore.o build_dmrpp-CredentialsManager.o build_dmrpp-AccessCredentials.o build_dmrpp-NgapS3Credentials.o build_dmrpp-SuperChunk.o build_dmrpp-awsv4.o build_dmrpp-DMZ.o build_dmrpp-DmrppRequestHandler.o build_dmrpp-build_dmrpp.o build_dmrpp-h5common.o  -L../../dap /builddir/build/BUILD/bes-3.20.10/dap/.libs/ -L/usr/lib64/libdap -L../../dispatch /builddir/build/BUILD/bes-3.20.10/dispatch/.libs/ -L../../http /builddir/build/BUILD/bes-3.20.10/http/.libs/libbes_http.a -L../dispatch ../../dispatch/.libs/ -lbz2 -lpthread -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib -L. -lhdf5 -ldl -ldapserver -ldapclient -ldap -lcrypto -lxml2 -lz -lcurl -luuid -ltirpc -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/builddir/build/BUILD/bes-3.20.10/dap/.libs -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/builddir/build/BUILD/bes-3.20.10/dispatch/.libs -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/lib64/bes
make[4]: Leaving directory '/builddir/build/BUILD/bes-3.20.10/modules/dmrpp_module'

which libtool notes is "not portable".

Difficulties adjusting to different versions of HDFEOS2 library for HDF4 files

The HDFEOS2 library is for NASA HDF4 files, like MODIS.

As discussed in this issue (SpatioTemporal/STAREmaster#111), there are two different versions of HDFEOS2 that should be accomodated, 2.19 and 2.20. Unfortunately there is some const changes which interact badly with the hdf4_handler file

In there is code that passes some of the HDFEOS2 functions as function pointers to a function that calls the HDFEOS2 function. For example:

    vector<string> gridlist;
    if (!Utility::ReadNamelist(file->path.c_str(), GDinqgrid, gridlist)) {
        delete file;
        throw1("Grid ReadNamelist failed.");

This is calling the Utility::ReadNamelist() function, which is also in

// Read name list from the EOS2 APIs and store names into a vector
bool Utility::ReadNamelist(const char *path,
                           int32 (*inq)(const char *, char *, int32 *),
                           vector<string> &names)
    char *fname = const_cast<char *>(path);
    int32 bufsize;
    int numobjs;

    if ((numobjs = inq(fname, NULL, &bufsize)) == -1) return false;
    if (numobjs > 0) {
        vector<char> buffer;
        buffer.resize(bufsize + 1);
        if (inq(fname, &buffer[0], &bufsize) == -1) return false;
        HDFCFUtil::Split(&buffer[0], bufsize, ',', names);
    return true;

Note that the second (unnamed) parameter to ReadNamelis() is a function pointer.

This ReadNamelist function is called only 3 times, for functions GDinqgrid(), SWinqswath(), and PTinqpoint().

The challenge here is that one of these functions, SWinqswath(), has a different first parameter in 2.19 and 2.20. In 2.20 it adds a const.

"Product of dimension sizes exceeds the maximum DAP2 size"

I tested the support of dimension name change in the NcML module in Hyrax 1.15.4 (I am not sure if anything has changed in 1.16 - thanks if so!). It worked well until I noticed this error message, showed up when a changed dimension name was referred to in an element that attempted to define the values of a new variable. Defining new variable is one of the functionalities in NcML, and was a working functionality in the previous releases of the module. So I'd like to report it as a backward compatibility issue.

"Hyrax - Bad Request (400)
NCMLModule ParseError: at *.ncml line=881: Product of dimension sizes exceeds the maximum DAP2 size of 2147483647 (2^31-1)!"

I can send you the offending .ncml file if this is indeed a new problem.

Missing #include <cstring> in http/ directory

diff -ur bes-3.21.0-46.old/http/
--- bes-3.21.0-46.old/http/	2024-01-23 23:28:51.000000000 +0000
+++	2024-02-23 13:19:11.556704797 +0000
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <ctime>
+#include <cstring>
 #include <curl/curl.h>
diff -ur bes-3.21.0-46.old/http/
--- bes-3.21.0-46.old/http/	2024-01-23 23:28:51.000000000 +0000
+++	2024-02-23 13:19:39.630855718 +0000
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <unistd.h>
+#include <cstring>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <string>
diff -ur bes-3.21.0-46.old/http/tests/
--- bes-3.21.0-46.old/http/tests/	2024-01-23 23:28:51.000000000 +0000
+++	2024-02-23 13:20:12.830034191 +0000
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <string>
+#include <cstring>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <unistd.h>

Zarr support

Hello, do you have a plan to develop a module to read Zarr files with N5?

I've started looking at the code, but I can't see if the work required seems huge or not. If I want to try to develop it, which module should I use as an example? NetCDF? Thanks for your help.

Build failure with hdf5 1.12.1

Trying to build 3.20.11 for Fedora rawhide with hdf5-1.12-1:

/bin/sh ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../..  -I gctp/include -I. -I../../dispatch -I../../dap -I/usr/include/libdap -I/usr/include/libxml2  -DMODULE_NAME=\"hdf5_handler\" -DMODULE_VERSION=\"1.16.6\" -I/usr/include/cfitsio -I/usr/include/tirpc -I/include  -O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64  -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection --std=c++11 -c -o HDF5Array.lo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I gctp/include -I. -I../../dispatch -I../../dap -I/usr/include/libdap -I/usr/include/libxml2 -DMODULE_NAME=\"hdf5_handler\" -DMODULE_VERSION=\"1.16.6\" -I/usr/include/cfitsio -I/usr/include/tirpc -I/include -O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection --std=c++11 -c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/HDF5Array.o In member function 'bool HDF5Array::m_array_of_reference_new_h5_apis(hid_t, hid_t)': error: request for member 'data' in 'rbuf', which is of pointer type 'H5R_ref_t*' (maybe you meant to use '->' ?)
  840 |         if(H5Dread(dset_id,H5T_STD_REF,mem_space_id,file_space_id,H5P_DEFAULT,<0)
      |                                                                                    ^~~~ error: request for member 'data' in 'rbuf', which is of pointer type 'H5R_ref_t*' (maybe you meant to use '->' ?)
  849 |         H5R_type_t ref_type = H5Rget_type((const H5R_ref_t *);
      |                                                                   ^~~~
make[5]: *** [Makefile:862: HDF5Array.lo] Error 1

build failed of bes 3.21.0-46 on Fedora

Making all in xmlcommand
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/ruby/rpmbuild/SOURCES/bes-3.21.0/xmlcommand'
Making all in .
make[3]: Entering directory '/home/ruby/rpmbuild/SOURCES/bes-3.21.0/xmlcommand'
depbase=`echo BESXMLInterface.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  -I../dap -I../dispatch -I/usr/include/libxml2 -DWITH_GZFILEOP  -I/include  -g -O2  --pedantic --std=c++14 -MT BESXMLInterface.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o BESXMLInterface.lo &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
depbase=`echo BESXMLCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  -I../dap -I../dispatch -I/usr/include/libxml2 -DWITH_GZFILEOP  -I/include  -g -O2  --pedantic --std=c++14 -MT BESXMLCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o BESXMLCommand.lo &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
depbase=`echo BESXMLUtils.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  -I../dap -I../dispatch -I/usr/include/libxml2 -DWITH_GZFILEOP  -I/include  -g -O2  --pedantic --std=c++14 -MT BESXMLUtils.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o BESXMLUtils.lo &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
depbase=`echo BESXMLDefaultCommands.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  -I../dap -I../dispatch -I/usr/include/libxml2 -DWITH_GZFILEOP  -I/include  -g -O2  --pedantic --std=c++14 -MT BESXMLDefaultCommands.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o BESXMLDefaultCommands.lo &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
depbase=`echo BESXMLShowCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  -I../dap -I../dispatch -I/usr/include/libxml2 -DWITH_GZFILEOP  -I/include  -g -O2  --pedantic --std=c++14 -MT BESXMLShowCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o BESXMLShowCommand.lo &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
depbase=`echo BESXMLShowErrorCommand.lo | sed 's|[^/]*$|.deps/&|;s|\.lo$||'`;\
/bin/sh ../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  -I../dap -I../dispatch -I/usr/include/libxml2 -DWITH_GZFILEOP  -I/include  -g -O2  --pedantic --std=c++14 -MT BESXMLShowErrorCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF $depbase.Tpo -c -o BESXMLShowErrorCommand.lo &&\
mv -f $depbase.Tpo $depbase.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../dap -I../dispatch -I/usr/include/libxml2 -DWITH_GZFILEOP -I/include -g -O2 --pedantic --std=c++14 -MT BESXMLInterface.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/BESXMLInterface.Tpo -c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/BESXMLInterface.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../dap -I../dispatch -I/usr/include/libxml2 -DWITH_GZFILEOP -I/include -g -O2 --pedantic --std=c++14 -MT BESXMLDefaultCommands.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/BESXMLDefaultCommands.Tpo -c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/BESXMLDefaultCommands.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../dap -I../dispatch -I/usr/include/libxml2 -DWITH_GZFILEOP -I/include -g -O2 --pedantic --std=c++14 -MT BESXMLCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/BESXMLCommand.Tpo -c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/BESXMLCommand.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../dap -I../dispatch -I/usr/include/libxml2 -DWITH_GZFILEOP -I/include -g -O2 --pedantic --std=c++14 -MT BESXMLUtils.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/BESXMLUtils.Tpo -c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/BESXMLUtils.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../dap -I../dispatch -I/usr/include/libxml2 -DWITH_GZFILEOP -I/include -g -O2 --pedantic --std=c++14 -MT BESXMLShowErrorCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/BESXMLShowErrorCommand.Tpo -c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/BESXMLShowErrorCommand.o
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../dap -I../dispatch -I/usr/include/libxml2 -DWITH_GZFILEOP -I/include -g -O2 --pedantic --std=c++14 -MT BESXMLShowCommand.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/BESXMLShowCommand.Tpo -c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/BESXMLShowCommand.o
In file included from
BESXMLCommand.h:88:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   88 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node) = 0;
      |                                ^~~~~~~
make[3]: *** [Makefile:758: BESXMLCommand.lo] Error 1
make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
In file included from BESXMLShowCommand.h:36,
BESXMLCommand.h:88:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   88 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node) = 0;
      |                                ^~~~~~~
BESXMLShowCommand.h:46:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   46 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
BESXMLShowErrorCommand.h:46:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   46 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
BESXMLSetContextCommand.h:46:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   46 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
BESXMLSetContainerCommand.h:61:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   61 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
BESXMLDefineCommand.h:57:62: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   57 |     void handle_container_element(const std::string &action, xmlNode *node, const std::string &vallues,
      |                                                              ^~~~~~~
BESXMLDefineCommand.h:72:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   72 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
BESXMLGetCommand.h:56:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   56 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
BESXMLDeleteContainerCommand.h:46:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   46 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
BESXMLDeleteContainersCommand.h:46:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   46 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
BESXMLDeleteDefinitionCommand.h:46:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   46 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
BESXMLDeleteDefinitionsCommand.h:46:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   46 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
ShowPathInfoCommand.h:41:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   41 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
ShowBesKeyCommand.h:47:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   47 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
XMLSetContextsCommand.h:38:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   38 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
make[3]: *** [Makefile:758: BESXMLDefaultCommands.lo] Error 1
In file included from BESXMLShowErrorCommand.h:36,
BESXMLCommand.h:88:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   88 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node) = 0;
      |                                ^~~~~~~
BESXMLShowErrorCommand.h:46:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   46 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
BESXMLUtils.h:49:26: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   49 |     static void GetProps(xmlNode *node, std::map<std::string, std::string> &props);
      |                          ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:50:29: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   50 |     static void GetNodeInfo(xmlNode *node, std::string &name, std::string &value, std::map<std::string, std::string> &props);
      |                             ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:51:12: error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
   51 |     static xmlNode * GetFirstChild(xmlNode *node, std::string &child_name, std::string &child_value,
      |            ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:53:12: error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
   53 |     static xmlNode * GetNextChild(xmlNode *child_node, std::string &next_name, std::string &next_value,
      |            ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:55:12: error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
   55 |     static xmlNode * GetChild(xmlNode *node, const std::string &child_name, std::string &child_value,
      |            ^~~~~~~ error: variable or field 'parse_request' declared void
   66 | void BESXMLShowErrorCommand::parse_request(xmlNode *node)
      |      ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ error: 'xmlNode' was not declared in this scope
   66 | void BESXMLShowErrorCommand::parse_request(xmlNode *node)
      |                                            ^~~~~~~ error: 'node' was not declared in this scope
   66 | void BESXMLShowErrorCommand::parse_request(xmlNode *node)
      |                                                     ^~~~
In file included from
BESXMLUtils.h:49:26: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   49 |     static void GetProps(xmlNode *node, std::map<std::string, std::string> &props);
      |                          ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:50:29: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   50 |     static void GetNodeInfo(xmlNode *node, std::string &name, std::string &value, std::map<std::string, std::string> &props);
      |                             ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:51:12: error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
   51 |     static xmlNode * GetFirstChild(xmlNode *node, std::string &child_name, std::string &child_value,
      |            ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:53:12: error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
   53 |     static xmlNode * GetNextChild(xmlNode *child_node, std::string &next_name, std::string &next_value,
      |            ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:55:12: error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
   55 |     static xmlNode * GetChild(xmlNode *node, const std::string &child_name, std::string &child_value,
      |            ^~~~~~~ In static member function 'static void BESXMLUtils::XMLErrorFunc(void*, const char*, ...)': error: 'va_start' was not declared in this scope
   57 |     va_start( args, msg );
      |     ^~~~~~~~ error: 'va_end' was not declared in this scope
   60 |     va_end(args); // Added jhrg 9/17/15
      |     ^~~~~~ At global scope: error: variable or field 'GetProps' declared void
   74 | void BESXMLUtils::GetProps(xmlNode *node, map<string, string> &props)
      |      ^~~~~~~~~~~ error: 'xmlNode' was not declared in this scope
   74 | void BESXMLUtils::GetProps(xmlNode *node, map<string, string> &props)
      |                            ^~~~~~~ error: 'node' was not declared in this scope
   74 | void BESXMLUtils::GetProps(xmlNode *node, map<string, string> &props)
      |                                     ^~~~ error: expected primary-expression before '&' token
   74 | void BESXMLUtils::GetProps(xmlNode *node, map<string, string> &props)
      |                                                               ^ error: 'props' was not declared in this scope
   74 | void BESXMLUtils::GetProps(xmlNode *node, map<string, string> &props)
      |                                                                ^~~~~ error: variable or field 'GetNodeInfo' declared void
  109 | void BESXMLUtils::GetNodeInfo(xmlNode *node, string &name, string &value, map<string, string> &props)
      |      ^~~~~~~~~~~ error: 'xmlNode' was not declared in this scope
  109 | void BESXMLUtils::GetNodeInfo(xmlNode *node, string &name, string &value, map<string, string> &props)
      |                               ^~~~~~~ error: 'node' was not declared in this scope
  109 | void BESXMLUtils::GetNodeInfo(xmlNode *node, string &name, string &value, map<string, string> &props)
      |                                        ^~~~ error: expected primary-expression before '&' token
  109 | void BESXMLUtils::GetNodeInfo(xmlNode *node, string &name, string &value, map<string, string> &props)
      |                                                     ^ error: 'name' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'tzname'?
  109 | void BESXMLUtils::GetNodeInfo(xmlNode *node, string &name, string &value, map<string, string> &props)
      |                                                      ^~~~
      |                                                      tzname error: expected primary-expression before '&' token
  109 | void BESXMLUtils::GetNodeInfo(xmlNode *node, string &name, string &value, map<string, string> &props)
      |                                                                   ^ error: 'value' was not declared in this scope
  109 | void BESXMLUtils::GetNodeInfo(xmlNode *node, string &name, string &value, map<string, string> &props)
      |                                                                    ^~~~~ error: expected primary-expression before '&' token
  109 | void BESXMLUtils::GetNodeInfo(xmlNode *node, string &name, string &value, map<string, string> &props)
      |                                                                                               ^ error: 'props' was not declared in this scope
  109 | void BESXMLUtils::GetNodeInfo(xmlNode *node, string &name, string &value, map<string, string> &props)
      |                                                                                                ^~~~~ error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
  142 | xmlNode *
      | ^~~~~~~ error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
  169 | xmlNode *
      | ^~~~~~~ error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
  195 | xmlNode *
      | ^~~~~~~
make[3]: *** [Makefile:758: BESXMLShowErrorCommand.lo] Error 1
make[3]: *** [Makefile:758: BESXMLUtils.lo] Error 1
In file included from BESXMLShowCommand.h:36,
BESXMLCommand.h:88:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   88 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node) = 0;
      |                                ^~~~~~~
BESXMLShowCommand.h:46:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   46 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node);
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
BESXMLUtils.h:49:26: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   49 |     static void GetProps(xmlNode *node, std::map<std::string, std::string> &props);
      |                          ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:50:29: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   50 |     static void GetNodeInfo(xmlNode *node, std::string &name, std::string &value, std::map<std::string, std::string> &props);
      |                             ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:51:12: error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
   51 |     static xmlNode * GetFirstChild(xmlNode *node, std::string &child_name, std::string &child_value,
      |            ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:53:12: error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
   53 |     static xmlNode * GetNextChild(xmlNode *child_node, std::string &next_name, std::string &next_value,
      |            ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:55:12: error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
   55 |     static xmlNode * GetChild(xmlNode *node, const std::string &child_name, std::string &child_value,
      |            ^~~~~~~ error: variable or field 'parse_request' declared void
   61 | void BESXMLShowCommand::parse_request(xmlNode *node)
      |      ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ error: 'xmlNode' was not declared in this scope
   61 | void BESXMLShowCommand::parse_request(xmlNode *node)
      |                                       ^~~~~~~ error: 'node' was not declared in this scope
   61 | void BESXMLShowCommand::parse_request(xmlNode *node)
      |                                                ^~~~
make[3]: *** [Makefile:758: BESXMLShowCommand.lo] Error 1
In file included from
BESXMLCommand.h:88:32: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   88 |     virtual void parse_request(xmlNode *node) = 0;
      |                                ^~~~~~~
In file included from
BESXMLUtils.h:49:26: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   49 |     static void GetProps(xmlNode *node, std::map<std::string, std::string> &props);
      |                          ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:50:29: error: 'xmlNode' has not been declared
   50 |     static void GetNodeInfo(xmlNode *node, std::string &name, std::string &value, std::map<std::string, std::string> &props);
      |                             ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:51:12: error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
   51 |     static xmlNode * GetFirstChild(xmlNode *node, std::string &child_name, std::string &child_value,
      |            ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:53:12: error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
   53 |     static xmlNode * GetNextChild(xmlNode *child_node, std::string &next_name, std::string &next_value,
      |            ^~~~~~~
BESXMLUtils.h:55:12: error: 'xmlNode' does not name a type
   55 |     static xmlNode * GetChild(xmlNode *node, const std::string &child_name, std::string &child_value,
      |            ^~~~~~~ In member function 'virtual void BESXMLInterface::build_data_request_plan()': error: 'xmlDoc' was not declared in this scope
   88 |     xmlDoc *doc = nullptr;
      |     ^~~~~~ error: 'doc' was not declared in this scope
   88 |     xmlDoc *doc = nullptr;
      |             ^~~ error: 'xmlNode' was not declared in this scope
   89 |     xmlNode *root_element = nullptr;
      |     ^~~~~~~ error: 'root_element' was not declared in this scope
   89 |     xmlNode *root_element = nullptr;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~ error: 'current_node' was not declared in this scope
   90 |     xmlNode *current_node = nullptr;
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~ error: 'xmlSetGenericErrorFunc' was not declared in this scope
   95 |         xmlSetGenericErrorFunc((void *) &parseerrors, BESXMLUtils::XMLErrorFunc);
      |         ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ error: 'XML_PARSE_NONET' was not declared in this scope
   99 |                             nullptr /* encoding */, XML_PARSE_NONET /* xmlParserOption */);
      |                                                     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ error: 'xmlReadMemory' was not declared in this scope
   98 |         doc = xmlReadMemory(d_xml_document.c_str(), (int)d_xml_document.size(), "" /* base URL */,
      |               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~ error: 'xmlDocGetRootElement' was not declared in this scope
  117 |         root_element = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
      |                        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ error: 'XML_ELEMENT_NODE' was not declared in this scope
  147 |             if (current_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
      |                                       ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ error: 'xmlFreeDoc' was not declared in this scope
  228 |         xmlFreeDoc(doc);
      |         ^~~~~~~~~~ error: 'xmlCleanupParser' was not declared in this scope
  229 |         xmlCleanupParser();
      |         ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ error: 'xmlFreeDoc' was not declared in this scope
  233 |     xmlFreeDoc(doc);
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~ error: 'xmlCleanupParser' was not declared in this scope
  245 |     xmlCleanupParser();
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
make[3]: *** [Makefile:758: BESXMLInterface.lo] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/ruby/rpmbuild/SOURCES/bes-3.21.0/xmlcommand'
make[2]: *** [Makefile:799: all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/ruby/rpmbuild/SOURCES/bes-3.21.0/xmlcommand'
make[1]: *** [Makefile:773: all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/ruby/rpmbuild/SOURCES/bes-3.21.0'
make: *** [Makefile:548: all] Error 2

detailed build log:

When gdal not present, configure does not complain, but build fails (same with hdf5)

Building without gdal, I see that correctly determined that gdal was not present:

configure: Looking for GDAL.
checking for gdal-config... no
configure: WARNING: gdal-config does not exist or it is not an exectuable file

However, the build then breaks: fatal error: gdal.h: No such file or directory
   29 | #include <gdal.h>   // needed for scale_{grid,array}
      |          ^~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.

This is because DapFunctions includes gdal.h in an unprotected way:

#include "config.h"

#include <iostream>

#include <gdal.h>   // needed for scale_{grid,array}

#include <ServerFunctionsList.h>

I tried wrapping this in ifdefs for HAVE_GDAL, and that helps, but eventually we fail like this:

In file included from
ScaleGrid.h:72:13: error: ‘GDAL_GCP’ was not declared in this scope
   72 | std::vector<GDAL_GCP> get_gcp_data(libdap::Array *x, libdap::Array *y, int sample_x = 1, int sample_y = 1);
      |             ^~~~~~~~
ScaleGrid.h:72:21: error: template argument 1 is invalid
   72 | std::vector<GDAL_GCP> get_gcp_data(libdap::Array *x, libdap::Array *y, int sample_x = 1, int sample_y = 1);
      |                     ^
ScaleGrid.h:72:21: error: template argument 2 is invalid

So either more code needs to be protected, or gdal needs to be required, and should error out if gdal is not found.

Similarly, if HDF5 is not found, the build proceeds, then errors like this:

make[5]: Entering directory '/home/ed/bes/modules/dmrpp_module'
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../..  -I../.. -I../../dispatch -I../../dap -I../../http -I/usr/include/libdap -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include -DMODULE_NAME=\"dmrpp_module\" -DMODULE_VERSION=\"1.1.2\"  -I./../hdf5_handler -I/include -Wno-vla-extension -g -O2 --pedantic --std=c++11 -MT build_dmrpp-build_dmrpp.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/build_dmrpp-build_dmrpp.Tpo -c -o build_dmrpp-build_dmrpp.o `test -f '' || echo './'` fatal error: H5Ppublic.h: No such file or directory
   40 | #include <H5Ppublic.h>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
ma is not being installed when building hyrax from source

When I use the suggested procedure to build hyrax and dependencies from
(source; ./; ./, fails its checks and is not being installed.

My guess is that it is because of a missing "rpath" to the icu library, which was built from source as a dependency and was not installed in a standard location. At least running "ldd" on shows the missing dependency. Manually copying to build/lib/bes and adding build/deps/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH makes the ncml module work.

error: 'class libdap::DDS' has no member named 'is_dap4_projected' In function 'void dap_utils::throw_for_dap4_typed_vars_or_attrs(libdap::DDS*, const std::string&, unsigned int)': error: 'class libdap::DDS' has no member named 'is_dap4_projected'
  174 |     if(dds->is_dap4_projected(inventory)){
      |             ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In function 'void dap_utils::throw_for_dap4_typed_attrs(libdap::DAS*, const std::string&, unsigned int)': error: 'class libdap::AttrTable' has no member named 'has_dap4_types'
  189 |     if(das->get_top_level_attributes()->has_dap4_types("/",inventory)){
      |                                         ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In function 'uint64_t dap_utils::crsaibv_process_variable(libdap::BaseType*, uint64_t, std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char> >&)': error: 'class libdap::BaseType' has no member named 'width_ll'; did you mean 'width'?
  316 |             uint64_t vsize = var->width_ll(true);
      |                                   ^~~~~~~~
      |                                   width In function 'uint64_t dap_utils::compute_response_size_and_inv_big_vars(const libdap::D4Group*, uint64_t, std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char> >&)': error: 'const class libdap::D4Group' has no member named 'groups'; did you mean 'std::vector<libdap::D4Group*> libdap::D4Group::d_groups'? (not accessible from this context)
  384 |     for (const auto child_grp: grp->groups()) {
      |                                     ^~~~~~
In file included from
/usr/include/libdap/D4Group.h:60:22: note: declared private here
   60 |     vector<D4Group*> d_groups;
      |                      ^~~~~~~~
make[3]: *** [Makefile:815: DapUtils.lo] Error 1

ODR violations when modules loaded into besstandalone

In the dmrpp_module/testsuite/ file both the runtime loadable modules 


are loaded into besstandalone from the bes.conf file in the modules/dmrpp_module /testsuite directory. This causes ODR violations to be detected by ASAN. The first error encountered is the redefinition of http/ 

The obvious fix here is to simply eliminate the use of from the because it's not used in these tests. I removed it and ASAN was happy and all the tests behaved as expected.

But it is an outstanding question as to why this ODR violation happened given that we load lots of modules. Is this something we need to address in how we structure our build/deployment?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Cannot install experimental bes .deb package from Hyrax 1.11 release (Ubuntu 14.04)

I downloaded bes_3.14.0-2.NASA_x86_64.deb from OPeNDAP's experimental debian package index, but ran into a dependency issue when trying to install it with gdebi. Apparently it requires the package libbz2, which is not available in the default repos for Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr).

There is, however, a package named libbz2-1.0 available for Trusty Tahr; maybe the dependency could be changed to this in the published .deb?

Below is my output showing the failed installation:

~$ sudo gdebi bes_3.14.0-2.NASA_x86_64.deb
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Building data structures... Done
Building data structures... Done
This package is uninstallable
Dependency is not satisfiable: libbz2

The development package, bes-devel_3.14.0-2.NASA_x86_64.deb, installed without issue.

bescmd test failures on ubuntu

I get this when I do:

autoreconf -i && CXXFLAGS="-fpermissive -Wno-deprecated" ./configure --with-hdf4=/usr/local/hdf-4.2.15_fPIC --with-hdf5=/usr/local/hdf5-1.10.7 --with-hdfeos2=/usr/local/hdfeos_fPIC --prefix=/usr/local/bes-3.20.7 --enable-developer && make -j && sudo make install && sudo make -j check

This is on the branch that includes the --enable-developer fix (#444 )

## ----------------------------------------------- ##
## bes 3.20.7 test suite: bes/dap/tests testsuite. ##
## ----------------------------------------------- ##
  1: BESCMD $abs_srcdir/bescmd/agg_array_dds_one_ce.bescmd ok
  2: BESCMD $abs_srcdir/bescmd/agg_array_dods_one_ce.bescmd FAILED (
  3: BESCMD $abs_srcdir/bescmd/function_result_unwrap_dds.bescmd ok
  4: BESCMD $abs_srcdir/bescmd/function_result_unwrap_dods.bescmd FAILED (
  5: BESCMD $abs_srcdir/bescmd/function_result_unwrap_dap.bescmd expected failure (
  6: BESCMD $abs_srcdir/bescmd/dap4_ce_function-01.bescmd expected failure (
  7: BESCMD $abs_srcdir/bescmd/fnoc.das.bescmd       ok
  8: BESCMD $abs_srcdir/bescmd/fnoc.ddx.bescmd       ok
  9: BESCMD $abs_srcdir/bescmd/fnoc.dmr.bescmd       ok

## ------------- ##
## Test results. ##
## ------------- ##

ERROR: All 9 tests were run,
4 failed (2 expected failures).
## -------------------------- ##
## testsuite.log was created. ##
## -------------------------- ##

Please send `dap/tests/testsuite.log' and all information you think might help:

   To: <[email protected]>
   Subject: [bes 3.20.7] testsuite: 2 4 failed

You may investigate any problem if you feel able to do so, in which
case the test suite provides a good starting point.  Its output may
be found below `dap/tests/testsuite.dir'.

DAP4: url with `.dap.csv?...` does not display tabular data correctly on the browser

Description of problem

I tried to visualize data on the browser in tabular form. With DAP2 everything seems to work as expected, but with DAP4 things don't go as planned.

What I did

DAP2 works

Pasting this url:[3][4][5] on a browser shows:

sst.lon, 10
sst.sst[sst.time=19813][], -51

DAP4 does not

If I paste the dap4 url:[3][4][5] onto a browser it downloads the file. Looking at its contents with a simple text editor


With pandas:

Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 9 13 45 PM

That is pretty confusing.

If I set the url instead as[3:4][4:5][5:6], it downloads a csv with the file with values now:

/sst[0][0], -51, -123
/sst[0][1], 175, 143
/sst[1][0], 50, -18
/sst[1][1], 242, 206

Expected behavior?

With DAP4 I was expected to see the browser data in tabular form as in DAP2 case. Instead:
a) Downloads data rather than visualize on browser.
b) When inspecting the contents of the csv file, the data seems incorrect.

make check does an install?

make check fails like this. Apparently make check is trying to do an install?

make[3]: Entering directory '/home/ed/bes/cmdln/tests'
 /bin/mkdir -p '/usr/local/bes-3.20.7/share/mds'
/bin/mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/usr/local/bes-3.20.7’: Permission denied

in hdf4_handler many annoying warnings: dynamic exception specifications are deprecated in C++11

In modules/hdf4_handler/ there are many annoying warnings like this:

HDFEOS2.h:675:51: warning: dynamic exception specifications are deprecated in C++11 [-Wdeprecated]
  675 |                 std::vector < Dimension * >&dims) throw (Exception);
      |                                                   ^~~~~

According to this StackOverflow question, these dynamic exceptions can be simply removed, and they will become an error in C++17, so should be removed:

I have experimented and removing the throws specification in the function declaration and the header seems to work fine and resolve the warning. I will submit a PR, but would like to see the CI working first...

'Phony_dim' in .nc4 downloads of 3IMERGM data from Hyrax 1.13.3

Although the (HDF5) handler in Hyrax 1.13.3 correctly presents the dimensions, a .nc4 download changes them to 'phony_dim_' in download file - this is in fact observed in other data like Merra2 as well. The 3IMERGM data is located here:

The other issue with 3IMERG is that an 'nc_' is prepended to the download filename, a very undesirable feature to us. I recognize that both issues could be related to the netcdf library.

roi() etc. server-side functions shall not prepend to variable and attribute names

At the moment (as of 1.13.3) using server-side functions can result in modified variable and attribute names. For instance the following CDL snippet after running roi() with a fileout netcdf response. This breaks the other-wise CF-compliance of data coming out of BES. Prepending strings like "row_subset." is not desired.

float roi_subset.Latitude(FakeDim0, nXtrack) ;
roi_subset.Latitude:_FillValue = -1.267651e+30f ;
roi_subset.Latitude:missing_value = -1.267651e+30f ;
roi_subset.Latitude:scale_factor = 1. ;
roi_subset.Latitude:add_offset = 0. ;
roi_subset.Latitude:title = "Latitude of the center of the groundpixel" ;
roi_subset.Latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
roi_subset.Latitude:UniqueFieldDefinition = "Aura-Shared" ;
roi_subset.Latitude:origname = "Latitude" ;
roi_subset.Latitude:fullnamepath = "/HDFEOS/SWATHS/ColumnAmountNO2/Geolocation Fields/Latitude" ;

'make' error to build from source

I am trying to build the bes module from source using Build Steps guide using hyrax-dependencies. Previously it worked fine but with latest git code pull it gives error while running make command.

** In member function ‘void dmrpp::DmrppArray::multi_finish(CURLM*, std::vector<dmrpp::H4ByteStream, std::allocator<dmrpp::H4ByteStream> >*)’: error: ‘curl_multi_wait’ was not declared in this scope
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I/hyrax-git/include/libdap -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I../../dap -I../../dispatch -DMODULE_NAME=\"dmrpp_module\" -DMODULE_VERSION=\"0.4.0\" -g3 -O0 -Wall -W -Wcast-align -MT DmrppModule.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/DmrppModule.Tpo -c -o DmrppModule.o >/dev/null 2>&1
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I/hyrax-git/include/libdap -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I../../dap -I../../dispatch -DMODULE_NAME=\"dmrpp_module\" -DMODULE_VERSION=\"0.4.0\" -g3 -O0 -Wall -W -Wcast-align -MT H4ByteStream.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/H4ByteStream.Tpo -c -o H4ByteStream.o >/dev/null 2>&1
make[4]: *** [DmrppArray.lo] Error 1
make[4]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I/hyrax-git/include/libdap -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I../../dap -I../../dispatch -DMODULE_NAME=\"dmrpp_module\" -DMODULE_VERSION=\"0.4.0\" -g3 -O0 -Wall -W -Wcast-align -MT DmrppCommon.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/DmrppCommon.Tpo -c -o DmrppCommon.o >/dev/null 2>&1
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I/hyrax-git/include/libdap -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I../../dap -I../../dispatch -DMODULE_NAME=\"dmrpp_module\" -DMODULE_VERSION=\"0.4.0\" -g3 -O0 -Wall -W -Wcast-align -MT DmrppByte.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/DmrppByte.Tpo -c -o DmrppByte.o >/dev/null 2>&1
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I/hyrax-git/include/libdap -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I../../dap -I../../dispatch -DMODULE_NAME=\"dmrpp_module\" -DMODULE_VERSION=\"0.4.0\" -g3 -O0 -Wall -W -Wcast-align -MT DmrppFloat64.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/DmrppFloat64.Tpo -c -o DmrppFloat64.o >/dev/null 2>&1
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I/hyrax-git/include/libdap -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I../../dap -I../../dispatch -DMODULE_NAME=\"dmrpp_module\" -DMODULE_VERSION=\"0.4.0\" -g3 -O0 -Wall -W -Wcast-align -MT DmrppInt16.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/DmrppInt16.Tpo -c -o DmrppInt16.o >/dev/null 2>&1
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I/hyrax-git/include/libdap -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I../../dap -I../../dispatch -DMODULE_NAME=\"dmrpp_module\" -DMODULE_VERSION=\"0.4.0\" -g3 -O0 -Wall -W -Wcast-align -MT DmrppFloat32.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/DmrppFloat32.Tpo -c -o DmrppFloat32.o >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f .deps/DmrppModule.Tpo .deps/DmrppModule.Plo
mv -f .deps/DmrppCommon.Tpo .deps/DmrppCommon.Plo
mv -f .deps/H4ByteStream.Tpo .deps/H4ByteStream.Plo
mv -f .deps/DmrppInt16.Tpo .deps/DmrppInt16.Plo
mv -f .deps/DmrppByte.Tpo .deps/DmrppByte.Plo
mv -f .deps/DmrppFloat64.Tpo .deps/DmrppFloat64.Plo
libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I/hyrax-git/include/libdap -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I../../dap -I../../dispatch -DMODULE_NAME=\"dmrpp_module\" -DMODULE_VERSION=\"0.4.0\" -g3 -O0 -Wall -W -Wcast-align -MT DmrppRequestHandler.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/DmrppRequestHandler.Tpo -c -o DmrppRequestHandler.o >/dev/null 2>&1
mv -f .deps/DmrppFloat32.Tpo .deps/DmrppFloat32.Plo
mv -f .deps/DmrppRequestHandler.Tpo .deps/DmrppRequestHandler.Plo
make[4]: Leaving directory `/hyrax-git/bes/modules/dmrpp_module'
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/hyrax-git/bes/modules/dmrpp_module'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/hyrax-git/bes/modules'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/hyrax-git/bes'
make: *** [all] Error 2**

`geogrid()` fails to find lat/lon values when subsetting Arrays in DAP4

geogrid(Var, ..., ) works as expected when Var is a Grid array. Var contains a "copy" of the coordinate values lat and lon. Grids are part of the DAP2 model but were dropped out of the DAP4 model.

When Var is an Array geogrid(Var, ...) fails to find the latitude and longitude arrays it needs.

Minimal example

The following errs (not a very helpful error),35,-121,32,-116)

@jgallagher59701 reached to this conclusion regarding in OPeNDAP's Discourse Thread

Typo in dmrpp README.

Please change "fro" to "from"

These data files come fro a variety of sources. Some from THG and other were generated
using the python script located in the parent directory.

CoverageJSON output invalid

This refers to

As far as I see, all the "parameters" listed in the result, e.g. AIRSXTrack or StdPressureLay are not parameters but should be domain axes. The actual parameters, looking at, like O3_Resid_Ratio or TCldTopStd are all missing.

Just looking at one of the ranges objects of the output makes this mismatch obvious:

      "AIRSXTrack": {
        "type": "NdArray",
        "dataType": "integer", 
        "axisNames": ["y", "x"],
        "shape": [3],
        "values": [0, 1, 2]

Here the axes are given as y and x (which are defined correctly earlier in the "domain" part), however the shape and values do not match that.

@lewismc @jonblower

DMR XML generates invalid type for attribute.

In [1], you can see

        Float32 Vdata_field_transCoef -0.5199999809;

For the above attribute in [2], you will get

   <Attribute name="DATA_GRANULE_PR_CAL_COEF" type="Container">
        <Attribute name="Vdata_field_transCoef" type="Byte">

The type should be "Float32", not "Byte".



Missing zlib (deflate) compression level from dmrpp files

I am working on parsing dmrpp metadata files to match the format of zarr metadata files (parser PR here). The only piece of missing information I have encountered in dmrpp files is the zlib (deflate) compression level. It seems like the opendap dmrpp generator has this logic to retrieve and store this attribute as deflateLevel (see example below) but it is not implemented across many files. Many NASA datasets including SWOT L2 SSH, MUR L4 SST, and Ice-SAT are missing this field.

Example dmrpp file WITH zlib level

Example dmrpp file WITHOUT zlib level

NdArray not 1-D in covjson response from Hyrax

According to the specification:

an NdArray shall be one-dimensional.

This is not true in the current covjson response in Hyrax. For example:[140:1:150][35:1:45],Latitude[140:1:150],Longitude[35:1:45]

shows a 2-D array for range "ColumnAmountO3", although the JSON files shows it is an NdArray type.

NaN values of attributes get converted to 0.0 when passed through opendap

I have a .nc file with a variable with an attribute missing_value = NaNf. When I download this file from opendap in netcdf3 or netcdf4 format I get missing_value = 0.0f in the resulting file.

I expect to get the same NaNf as in the original file

Here's a script to reproduce the issue (requires bash, docker, wget and ncdump)

I suspect that istringstream is the culprit in these places

Because it cannot parse NaN:

gctp.c:257:81: error: passing argument 8 of ‘hinv_init’ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]

After fixing libdap, I get further compilation errors:

make[6]: Entering directory '/home/rjones/d/fedora/bes/rawhide/bes-3.21.0-46/modules/hdf5_handler/gctp/src'
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../..  -I./../include/ -I/usr/include/cfitsio -I/usr/include/tirpc -Wno-vla -I/include -fpic -Wno-implicit-function-declaration -O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1  -m64   -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer  -c -o gctp.o gctp.c
gctp.c: warning: -Wno-implicit-function-declaration detected - is this intentional ?
gctp.c: In function ‘gctp’:
gctp.c:257:81: error: passing argument 8 of ‘hinv_init’ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
  257 |       hinv_init((int)*insys,(int)*inzone,dummy,(int)*indatum,fn27,fn83,&iflgval,(int *)hinv_trans);
      |                                                                                 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      |                                                                                 |
      |                                                                                 int *
In file included from ./../include/cproj_prototypes.h:32,
                 from ./../include/cproj.h:33,
                 from gctp.c:33:
./../include/gctp_prototypes.h:288:108: note: expected ‘int (**)(double,  double,  double *, double *)’ but argument is of type ‘int *’
  288 | int hinv_init(int insys, int inzone, double *inparm, int indatum, char *fn27, char *fn83, int *iflg, int (*hinv_trans[])(double, double, double*, double*));
      |                                                                                                      ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
gctp.c:260:81: error: passing argument 8 of ‘hinv_init’ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
  260 |      hinv_init((int)*insys,(int)*inzone,inparm,(int)*indatum,fn27,fn83,&iflgval,(int *)hinv_trans);
      |                                                                                 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      |                                                                                 |
      |                                                                                 int *
./../include/gctp_prototypes.h:288:108: note: expected ‘int (**)(double,  double,  double *, double *)’ but argument is of type ‘int *’
  288 | int hinv_init(int insys, int inzone, double *inparm, int indatum, char *fn27, char *fn83, int *iflg, int (*hinv_trans[])(double, double, double*, double*));
      |                                                                                                      ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
gctp.c:319:84: error: passing argument 8 of ‘hfor_init’ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
  319 |       hfor_init((int)*outsys,(int)*outzone,dummy,(int)*outdatum,fn27,fn83,&iflgval,(int *)hfor_trans);
      |                                                                                    ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      |                                                                                    |
      |                                                                                    int *
./../include/gctp_prototypes.h:284:112: note: expected ‘int (**)(double,  double,  double *, double *)’ but argument is of type ‘int *’
  284 | int hfor_init(int outsys, int outzone, double *outparm, int outdatum, char *fn27, char *fn83, int *iflg, int (*hfor_trans[])(double, double, double *, double *));
      |                                                                                                          ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
gctp.c:322:85: error: passing argument 8 of ‘hfor_init’ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]
  322 |      hfor_init((int)*outsys,(int)*outzone,outparm,(int)*outdatum,fn27,fn83,&iflgval,(int *)hfor_trans);
      |                                                                                     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      |                                                                                     |
      |                                                                                     int *
./../include/gctp_prototypes.h:284:112: note: expected ‘int (**)(double,  double,  double *, double *)’ but argument is of type ‘int *’
  284 | int hfor_init(int outsys, int outzone, double *outparm, int outdatum, char *fn27, char *fn83, int *iflg, int (*hfor_trans[])(double, double, double *, double *));
      |                                                                                                          ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
make[6]: *** [Makefile:665: gctp.o] Error 1

This is with:


Is the 'CoverageCollection' a misinterpretation of NASA data in the covjson response in Hyrax

In our test server of Hyrax 1.15.1, if I request a covjson file for a granule, most returns as 'CoverageCollection'. Some of these are globally gridded data with multiple observations (arrays) sharing a single pair of latitude and longitude coordinates. For example

Should the granule be interpreted as a 'Coverage' or a 'CoverageCollection'?

The get_dmrpp script needs to start indexing at 1 when picking a random variable

In the get_dmrpp script's dap4_array_test function, it selects a random number in order to test a variable of a given type. It calls dap4_array_dim_counter which selects the variable, but that function assumes that the match_num variable starts at 1. So if 0 is passed, it won't select a random variable and will result in an error.

autoreconf warnings about subdir-objects setting

Getting some warnings about the subdir-objects setting.

This setting causes object files to be always placed in the same build dir as their source, instead of the build dir of the that is using them. (This is the same directory unless the includes source files from other directories, as happens in several places in bes.) This is documented here:

IIRC this is a result of changes in automake defaults. In olden times, subdir-objects was on by default, but now it is off by default.

This is fixed by adding subdir-objects to the list of options for AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE in

 functions/unit-tests/ warning: source file '../' is in a subdirectory,
functions/unit-tests/ but option 'subdir-objects' is disabled
automake: warning: possible forward-incompatibility.
automake: At least a source file is in a subdirectory, but the 'subdir-objects'
automake: automake option hasn't been enabled.  For now, the corresponding output
automake: object file(s) will be placed in the top-level directory.  However,
automake: this behaviour will change in future Automake versions: they will
automake: unconditionally cause object files to be placed in the same subdirectory
automake: of the corresponding sources.
automake: You are advised to start using 'subdir-objects' option throughout your
automake: project, to avoid future incompatibilities.
functions/unit-tests/ warning: source file '../' is in a subdirectory,
functions/unit-tests/ but option 'subdir-objects' is disabled
functions/unit-tests/ warning: source file '../' is in a subdirectory,
functions/unit-tests/ but option 'subdir-objects' is disabled
modules/dmrpp_module/ warning: source file '$(srcdir)/../hdf5_handler/' is in a subdirectory,
modules/dmrpp_module/ but option 'subdir-objects' is disabled
modules/dmrpp_module/unit-tests/ warning: source file '$(top_srcdir)/modules/' is in a subdirectory,
modules/dmrpp_module/unit-tests/ but option 'subdir-objects' is disabled
modules/dmrpp_module/unit-tests/ warning: source file '$(top_srcdir)/modules/' is in a subdirectory,
modules/dmrpp_module/unit-tests/ but option 'subdir-objects' is disabled

Build with hdfeos2 fails due to -fPIC warning, but library was built with -fPIC

Building without HDFEOS2 works fine.

Building with it gives this -fPIC error message. However, I'm sure that the HDFEOS library I'm pointing to was built with -fPIC. Also @jgallagher59701 reported this to me as well, but I thought it was because he was pointing to a non-relocatable library. But perhaps not...

/bin/bash ../../libtool  --tag=CXX   --mode=link g++ -I../../hdfclass -g -O2 --pedantic --std=c++11 -avoid-version -module  -o -rpath /usr/local/bes-3.20.7/lib/bes lex.hdfeos.lo HDFArray.lo HDFGrid.lo HDFSequence.lo HDFUInt32.lo HDFByte.lo HDFInt16.lo HDFStr.lo HDFUrl.lo HDFFloat32.lo HDFInt32.lo HDFStructure.lo HDFFloat64.lo HDFUInt16.lo HDFTypeFactory.lo HDFCFUtil.lo BESH4MCache.lo HDFCFStr.lo HDFEOS2.lo HDFEOS2CFStr.lo HDFSP.lo HDFSPArrayGeoField.lo HDFSPArrayAddCVField.lo HDFSPArrayMissField.lo HDFSPArray_RealField.lo HDFSPArray_VDField.lo HDFCFStrField.lo HDFEOS2CFStrField.lo HDFEOS2Array_RealField.lo HDFEOS2ArrayGridGeoField.lo HDFEOS2ArraySwathGeoField.lo HDFEOS2ArrayMissField.lo HDFEOS2ArraySwathDimMapField.lo HDFEOS2ArraySwathGeoDimMapExtraField.lo HDFEOS2ArraySwathGeoMultiDimMapField.lo HDFEOS2GeoCFProj.lo HDFEOS2GeoCF1D.lo HE2CF.lo misr_init.lo misrinv.lo dhdferr.lo hdfdesc.lo hc2dap.lo hdfutil.lo HDF4RequestHandler.lo HDF4Module.lo   hdfclass/ -L/usr/local/hdfeos2.19_fPIC/lib -lhdfeos -lGctp  -lmfhdf -ldf -ljpeg -lz -lsz -ldapserver -ldap -ldapclient -ldap  -lcurl -luuid 
libtool: link: g++  -fPIC -DPIC -shared -nostdlib /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crti.o /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/crtbeginS.o  .libs/ .libs/lex.hdfeos.o .libs/HDFArray.o .libs/HDFGrid.o .libs/HDFSequence.o .libs/HDFUInt32.o .libs/HDFByte.o .libs/HDFInt16.o .libs/HDFStr.o .libs/HDFUrl.o .libs/HDFFloat32.o .libs/HDFInt32.o .libs/HDFStructure.o .libs/HDFFloat64.o .libs/HDFUInt16.o .libs/HDFTypeFactory.o .libs/HDFCFUtil.o .libs/BESH4MCache.o .libs/HDFCFStr.o .libs/HDFEOS2.o .libs/HDFEOS2CFStr.o .libs/HDFSP.o .libs/HDFSPArrayGeoField.o .libs/HDFSPArrayAddCVField.o .libs/HDFSPArrayMissField.o .libs/HDFSPArray_RealField.o .libs/HDFSPArray_VDField.o .libs/HDFCFStrField.o .libs/HDFEOS2CFStrField.o .libs/HDFEOS2Array_RealField.o .libs/HDFEOS2ArrayGridGeoField.o .libs/HDFEOS2ArraySwathGeoField.o .libs/HDFEOS2ArrayMissField.o .libs/HDFEOS2ArraySwathDimMapField.o .libs/HDFEOS2ArraySwathGeoDimMapExtraField.o .libs/HDFEOS2ArraySwathGeoMultiDimMapField.o .libs/HDFEOS2GeoCFProj.o .libs/HDFEOS2GeoCF1D.o .libs/HE2CF.o .libs/misr_init.o .libs/misrinv.o .libs/dhdferr.o .libs/hdfdesc.o .libs/hc2dap.o .libs/hdfutil.o .libs/HDF4RequestHandler.o .libs/HDF4Module.o  -Wl,--whole-archive hdfclass/.libs/libhdfclass.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive  -L/usr/local/hdf-4.2.15_fPIC/lib -L/usr/local/hdfeos2.19_fPIC/lib /usr/local/hdfeos2.19_fPIC/lib/libhdfeos.a /usr/local/hdfeos2.19_fPIC/lib/libGctp.a /usr/local/hdf-4.2.15_fPIC/lib/libmfhdf.a /usr/local/hdf-4.2.15_fPIC/lib/libdf.a /home/ed/hyrax/build/deps/lib/libmfhdf.a -L/home/ed/hyrax/build/deps/lib /home/ed/hyrax/build/deps/lib/libdf.a -ljpeg -lz -lsz -ldapserver -ldapclient -ldap /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -luuid -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../lib -L/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib/../lib -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../.. -lstdc++ -lm -lc -lgcc_s /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/crtendS.o /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crtn.o  -g -O2   -pthread -Wl,-soname -Wl, -o .libs/
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/hdfeos2.19_fPIC/lib/libhdfeos.a(EHapi.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol `EHXtypeTable' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: bad value
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[4]: *** [Makefile:750:] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/ed/bes/modules/hdf4_handler'
make[3]: *** [Makefile:888: all-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/ed/bes/modules/hdf4_handler'
make[2]: *** [Makefile:504: all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/ed/bes/modules'
make[1]: *** [Makefile:759: all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/ed/bes'
make: *** [Makefile:542: all] Error 2

Unpacking source package 3.14.0 gives strange message.

I get the following messages on CentOS:

tar: Ignoring unknown extended header keyword ``
tar: Ignoring unknown extended header keyword `SCHILY.ino`
tar: Ignoring unknown extended header keyword `SCHILY.nlink`

I think the source package is made from Mac OS X and causes the above output.

fileout_covjson module can return invalid JSON reponse

The fileout_covjson can/does return invalid JSON in OPeNDAP Hyrax (1.16.0). Specifically, if we take as an example

  • -nan is present in the domain/axes/x/values which is not permitted in JSON syntax
  • no comma is present after the domain/axes object
  "type": "Coverage",
  "domain": {
    "type" : "Domain",
    "domainType": "Grid",
    "axes": {
      "x": {
        "values": [...]
      "y": {
        "values": [...]
      "t": {
        "values": ["2018-01-01T00:12:20Z"]
    }    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< COMMA MISSING HERE
    "referencing": [{
      "coordinates": ["t"],
      "system": {
        "type": "TemporalRS",
        "calendar": "Gregorian"
  • additional commas are present in parameter descriptions
    "parameters": {
      "lon_std": {
        "type": "Parameter",
        "description": {
          "en": "Standard deviation for longitude",  <<<<<<<< UNNECESSARY COMMA
        "unit": {
          "label": {
            "en": "degrees_east"
  • An additional parameter is present at the end of the parameters block
        "observedProperty": {
          "label": {
            "en": "Number of surface current direction measurements used"
    }, <<<<<<<<<<< UNNECESSARY COMMA
  "ranges": {
    "lon_std": {
      "type": "NdArray",
  • the JSON closing syntax is invalid
    "cur_dir_ndata": {
      "type": "NdArray",
      "dataType": "float", 
      "axisNames": ["t", "y", "x"],
      "shape": [1],
      "values": [...]

There appear to both other issues as well but I will address them in a separate ticket.

BES Cache

Our 1.13.1 server in operation had the BES cache filled in the last couple days. Based on the bes.conf spec below I wonder if the server should have started purging cached files when it reached 500MB? The cache is a 100GB area.


ASAN finds "misaligned address" problems in the fileout_netcdf module tests.

When compiled with --enable-asan the fileout_netcdf handler generates 4 test failures

207: bescmd/vdata_test.hdf.dmrpp.bescmd              FAILED (
210: bescmd/vdata_packed_linked_blocks.hdf.dmrpp.bescmd FAILED (
216: bescmd/PointFile.hdf.dmrpp.bescmd               FAILED (
217: bescmd/vdata_test.hdf.bescmd                    FAILED (
218: bescmd/vdata_packed_linked_blocks.hdf.bescmd    FAILED (

These errors are all of the same nature: runtime error: load of misaligned address

Is this a design issue arising from using void * or is this a usage issue in the way that the fileout_netcdf is allocating memory?

Or is this problem caused by allocating variable memory as byte/char rather than unit32_t etc.??

Examine and fix if feasible.

Here is the verbose test output for the failed tests:

[-bash: ~/OPeNDAP/hyrax/bes/modules/fileout_netcdf/tests] ./testsuite -v 207 210 216 217 218
## -------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## bes 3.21.0 test suite: modules/fileout_netcdf/tests testsuite. ##
## -------------------------------------------------------------- ##
207. testing bescmd/vdata_test.hdf.dmrpp.bescmd ...
COMMAND: besstandalone  -c bes.nc4.grp.conf -i bescmd/vdata_test.hdf.dmrpp.bescmd
./ besstandalone -c $abs_builddir/$bes_conf -i $input >
--- /dev/null	2024-05-30 11:28:15
+++ /Users/ndp/OPeNDAP/hyrax/bes/modules/fileout_netcdf/tests/testsuite.dir/at-groups/207/stderr	2024-05-30 11:28:16
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ runtime error: load of misaligned address 0x611000006a86 for type 'dods_float32' (aka 'float'), which requires 4 byte alignment
+0x611000006a86: note: pointer points here
+ 8e 3f 00 00 7b 14  8e 3f 41 61 30 3f 80 00  00 40 00 00 00 40 0e 14  7b 00 01 40 0e 14 7b 42  62 31
+             ^ 
+SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior in runtime error: load of misaligned address 0x611000006a99 for type 'dods_uint16' (aka 'unsigned short'), which requires 2 byte alignment
+0x611000006a99: note: pointer points here
+ 7b 14 0e  40 00 01 40 0e 14 7b 42  62 31 3f 80 00 00 40 00  00 00 40 55 1e b8 00 02  40 55 1e b8 43
+              ^ 
+SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior in runtime error: load of misaligned address 0x611000006a99 for type 'dods_uint16' (aka 'unsigned short'), which requires 2 byte alignment
+0x611000006a99: note: pointer points here
+ 7b 14 0e  40 00 01 40 0e 14 7b 42  62 31 3f 80 00 00 40 00  00 00 40 55 1e b8 00 02  40 55 1e b8 43
+              ^ 
+SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior in runtime error: store to misaligned address 0x611000006a99 for type 'dods_uint16' (aka 'unsigned short'), which requires 2 byte alignment
+0x611000006a99: note: pointer points here
+ 7b 14 0e  40 00 01 40 0e 14 7b 42  62 31 3f 80 00 00 40 00  00 00 40 55 1e b8 00 02  40 55 1e b8 43
+              ^ 
+SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior in runtime error: load of misaligned address 0x611000006a99 for type 'dods_int16' (aka 'short'), which requires 2 byte alignment
+0x611000006a99: note: pointer points here
+ 7b 14 0e  40 01 00 40 0e 14 7b 42  62 31 3f 80 00 00 40 00  00 00 40 55 1e b8 00 02  40 55 1e b8 43
+              ^ 
+SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior in 
207.  FAILED (

210. testing bescmd/vdata_packed_linked_blocks.hdf.dmrpp.bescmd ...
COMMAND: besstandalone  -c bes.nc4.grp.conf -i bescmd/vdata_packed_linked_blocks.hdf.dmrpp.bescmd
./ besstandalone -c $abs_builddir/$bes_conf -i $input >
--- /dev/null	2024-05-30 11:28:15
+++ /Users/ndp/OPeNDAP/hyrax/bes/modules/fileout_netcdf/tests/testsuite.dir/at-groups/210/stderr	2024-05-30 11:28:17
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ runtime error: load of misaligned address 0x60300002a0d6 for type 'dods_float32' (aka 'float'), which requires 4 byte alignment
+0x60300002a0d6: note: pointer points here
+ 8e 3f 00 00 7b 14  0e 40 00 01 3f 8e 14 7b  00 00 40 0e 14 7b 00 01  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  02 02
+             ^ 
+SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior in 
210.  FAILED (

216. testing bescmd/PointFile.hdf.dmrpp.bescmd ...
COMMAND: besstandalone  -c bes.nc4.grp.conf -i bescmd/PointFile.hdf.dmrpp.bescmd
./ besstandalone -c $abs_builddir/$bes_conf -i $input >
--- /dev/null	2024-05-30 11:28:15
+++ /Users/ndp/OPeNDAP/hyrax/bes/modules/fileout_netcdf/tests/testsuite.dir/at-groups/216/stderr	2024-05-30 11:28:18
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ runtime error: load of misaligned address 0x61400000465c for type 'dods_float64' (aka 'double'), which requires 8 byte alignment
+0x61400000465c: note: pointer points here
+  43 4f 00 00 9a 99 99 25  1c 35 86 41 40 7f 5c 29  40 90 a3 d7 40 16 66 66  40 21 47 ae 43 4f 32 00
+              ^ 
+SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior in 
216.  FAILED (

217. testing bescmd/vdata_test.hdf.bescmd ...
COMMAND: besstandalone  -c bes.nc4.grp.conf -i bescmd/vdata_test.hdf.bescmd
./ besstandalone -c $abs_builddir/$bes_conf -i $input >
--- /dev/null	2024-05-30 11:28:18
+++ /Users/ndp/OPeNDAP/hyrax/bes/modules/fileout_netcdf/tests/testsuite.dir/at-groups/217/stderr	2024-05-30 11:28:18
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ runtime error: load of misaligned address 0x611000006f86 for type 'dods_float32' (aka 'float'), which requires 4 byte alignment
+0x611000006f86: note: pointer points here
+ 8e 3f 00 00 7b 14  8e 3f 41 61 30 00 00 80  3f 00 00 00 40 7b 14 0e  40 01 00 7b 14 0e 40 42  62 31
+             ^ 
+SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior in runtime error: load of misaligned address 0x611000006f99 for type 'dods_int16' (aka 'short'), which requires 2 byte alignment
+0x611000006f99: note: pointer points here
+ 7b 14 0e  40 01 00 7b 14 0e 40 42  62 31 00 00 80 3f 00 00  00 40 b8 1e 55 40 02 00  b8 1e 55 40 43
+              ^ 
+SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior in 
217.  FAILED (

218. testing bescmd/vdata_packed_linked_blocks.hdf.bescmd ...
COMMAND: besstandalone  -c bes.nc4.grp.conf -i bescmd/vdata_packed_linked_blocks.hdf.bescmd
./ besstandalone -c $abs_builddir/$bes_conf -i $input >
--- /dev/null	2024-05-30 11:28:19
+++ /Users/ndp/OPeNDAP/hyrax/bes/modules/fileout_netcdf/tests/testsuite.dir/at-groups/218/stderr	2024-05-30 11:28:19
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ runtime error: load of misaligned address 0x60300002a8e6 for type 'dods_float32' (aka 'float'), which requires 4 byte alignment
+0x60300002a8e6: note: pointer points here
+ 8e 3f 00 00 7b 14  0e 40 01 00 7b 14 8e 3f  00 00 7b 14 0e 40 01 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  03 02
+             ^ 
+SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior in 
218.  FAILED (

## ------------- ##
## Test results. ##
## ------------- ##

ERROR: All 5 tests were run,
5 failed unexpectedly.
## -------------------------- ##
## testsuite.log was created. ##
## -------------------------- ##

Please send `modules/fileout_netcdf/tests/testsuite.log' and all information you think might help:

   To: <[email protected]>
   Subject: [bes 3.21.0] testsuite: 207 210 216 217 218 failed

You may investigate any problem if you feel able to do so, in which
case the test suite provides a good starting point.  Its output may
be found below `modules/fileout_netcdf/tests/testsuite.dir'.

[-bash: ~/OPeNDAP/hyrax/bes/modules/fileout_netcdf/tests] 

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