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sql's Issues

Includable Query module

class User
  include Core::Schema
  include Core::Query

user = repo.query(User.where(id: 42)) # It's just repo.query(<Core::Query(User)>)

It's like Active Record, but not magic ✨🤔

Implement commonly-used validations

Proposed validations macros:

  • validate_presense(:field) - calls .nil? on :field
  • validate_size(:string_field, 3) or validate_size(:string, (3..5))
  • RFC

Depends on #11

Repository #insert, #update and #delete with an array of instances

One query to insert / update / delete them all.

Of course you could do users.each { |u| repo.delete(u) }, but this will affect performance; so it's better to implement methods which would accept an array of instances and compose a single query. Obviously.

  • insert
  • update
  • delete

Models equality

Compare by primary keys by default. Allow to define custom comparison.

Split Query building

Split Query#to_s to:

  • Query#to_s to just build SQL without params
  • Query#build to only fill up #params (questionable method name though)

Ability to mark fields as non-nilable

In real world models can have fields which are NOT NULL; but in Core developer still has to write model.field.not_nil! when working with such a field.


class User < Core::Model
  schema do
    field :username, String
    field :age, Int32?

Should expand to:

class User < Core::Model
  getter! username, String?
  getter age : Int32?

Recommended way to convert complex types

Is this the recommended way to covert from JSON for a complex type like PG::Geo::Point?

struct PointConverter
  def self.from_rs(rs)

  def self.to_json(value, json)
    json.object do
      json.field "x", value.x
      json.field "y", value.y

  def self.from_json(pull)
    # not checking order of keys
    x = pull.read_float.to_f64
    y = pull.read_float.to_f64, y)

class Place < Core::Model
  schema do
    table_name "places"

    primary_key :id
    field :name, String
    field :location, PG::Geo::Point, converter: PointConverter
    created_at_field :created_at

    reference :referrer, Place, key: :referrer_id, foreign_key: :id

place = Place.from_json "{...}"

UsingJSON.mapping (and not Core) to decode from JSON looks like this:

class Point
    x: Float64,
    y: Float64,

class Place
    id:         Int32,
    name:       String,
    location:   Point,
    created_at: Time,

place = Place.from_json "{...}"

With Core is there a way to specify a class with a JSON.mapping instead of having to define a convertor with from_json and work with the PullParser?

Inline validations for fields

field :base, String, validate: {size: (1..8)}
field :quote, String, validate: {
  size:     (1..8),
  presence: true,
  regex:    //,
  custom:   [->(quote : String) {
    raise "Nope" if quote == "false"

Or keep validations split from schema?

validate do
  validate_size(:base, (1..8))
  validate_size(:quote, (1..8))
  validate_regex(:quote, //)
  raise "Nope" if quote == "false"

Which is better? 🤔

Pass params as args instead of array to wherish


.where(" = ? AND payments.status = ?", [, Payment::Status::Confirmed])


.where(" = ? AND payments.status = ?",, Payment::Status::Confirmed)

Remove Query

If a developer does migrations on his own, which requires SQL knowledge, why using handy Query then? Let 'em write raw SQL queries!


  • More abstraction, Core is a pure data mapping layer
  • Removing Query(T) allows to get rid of Model class, turning model into a set of modules
  • Better performance - store SQL queries as constants Already possible
  • Ability to validate SQL on launch/compilation Already possible
  • Lesser chance to have an error in Core 😀
  • Can use custom Query builder Already possible


  • More code to write?
  • Hell with manual JOINs
  • Array queries reduce optimization profit?

user = repo.query_one(Query(User).where(id: 42))

turns into

query = <<-SQL
  SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1

user = repo.query_one(User, query, 42)


posts = repo.query(Query(Post).join(:author).order_by(:created_at)

turns into

query = <<-SQL
  SELECT posts.*, '' AS _author, author.*
  FROM posts
  JOIN users AS author ON = posts.author_id
  ORDER BY created_at

posts = repo.query(Post, query)

rfc 🤔

Documentation improvements

  • A developer has to define all database columns in schema to make references mapping work properly a.k.a. columns are read one-by-one and when not found the mapping breaks
  • Fancy logo
  • A separate website with guides (look @
  • Note that Core is for DB (sql) drivers only
  • Cache almost all badges

Wherish by reference

Basically, Query(Post).where(user: user) has been broken since the first release 😕

Track only changes those were real


user = "kek") = "kek"
user.changes # => {:name => "kek"}


user = "kek") = "kek"
user.changes # => {}

[RFC] Query fetch by primary key

Maybe need a query method to fetch by a primary key.


ATM I use Query(User).where(id: id) and it seems to be simple enough.

Possible variants:

  • Query(User)[id] - it's a handy method, but it looks ugly
  • Query(User).find(id) - it's quite handy and not so ugly but interferes logically with where
  • Query(User).by_pk(id) - is ugly
  • Query(User).by_id(id) or Query(User).id(id) - ugly and will involve Model::Schema::CORE__PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD constant. I don't want to use Schema's constants in Query

Any comments?

Select specific fields of joined references

posts = repo.query(Query(Post).all.join(:author, select: [:id, :name]))
# SELECT posts.*, '' AS _author,, 
# FROM posts 
# JOIN users AS author ON = posts.author_id

Repository#delete & #update with Query

It would be handy to call something like:

repo.delete(Query(Post).where(status: Declined))
repo.update(Query(Post).where(status: Approved).set(visibility: true)

But ATM Query implementation is strictly tied to SELECT. And it's logically valid, because querying is always getting something.

Variant # 1

I could implement methods transform select query to delete query:

struct Query
  def delete
    # Flag this query as delete query, this will affect on building
    # If called again, ignore

  def update
    # ditto

  def select
    # return to normal SELECT state

class Repository
  def update(query : Query)
    query.update # Just to ensure
    db.exec(query.to_s, query.params)

  def delete(query : Query)
    query.delete # Just to ensure
    # ditto

Remove Repository#query_one

repo.query(User.where(id: 42)).first? vs repo.query_one?(User.where(id: 42))

This underscore is ugly. It may also confuse with an idea that _one somehow affects the query (e.g. automatically limiting it to 1), which is false.

Extend Repository with other query methods

Eventually you'll come up to a query which returns a scalar value, i.e:

Query(User).join(:payments).select(:"COALESCE(SUM(payments.amount), 0.0) as sum").where(" = ?",

ATM your code looks like this:

db.scalar(repository.prepare_query(q.to_s), q.params).as(PG::Numeric).to_f64

While it could be enhanced to this:

repository.scalar(query, PG::Numeric).to_f64

Other methods like #query(Tuple), #query_one, #query_one(Tuple) could be implemented as well.

Bonus: you'll also see query logging!


  • #query_all (alias of #query)
  • #query_one?
  • #query_one
  • #exec
  • #scalar

Improve querying with Enumerables

TIL you can pass arrays as SQL parameters, e.g. WHERE id = ANY($1). Should refactor queries so they become bakeable:

  • Repository#insert, #delete, #update
  • Query#where, #join etc.

[RFC] Remove to/from_json methods

Core::Model is a simple entity, which is a result of database querying.

Proposal: if you want to represent a model as JSON, use separate Decorators, therefore .to_json should be removed. There are practically no usecases when you need to cast a model from JSON, therefore .from_json should be removed as well.

This will definitely increase boilerplate code, especially if you're writing JSON API, but, in most cases, JSON representations should have some fields hidden from unauthorized users. Crystal doesn't allow defining JSON mapping dynamically. That's why you'll write your own Decorator sooner or later. That's why Core::Model doesn't need its own JSON mapping.

Modular approach

As @RX14 said,

Inheritance instead of modules doesn't even gain you anything at all, as the base class cannot be instantiated on it's own and it doesn't define any common instance variables. Please, use include and modules here.

Therefore, I should remove Model class.

  • Core::Query has Core::Schema as generic type
  • Core::Model is removed

[RFC] We don't need generic Repositories, do we?

At the moment, a developer has to create a separate Repository object for each Model class:

post_repo = Repository(Post).new(db, query_logger)
user_repo = Repository(User).new(db, query_logger)


Generics in Repository allow to automatically cast to ModelType in query:

And... That'all what generic ModelType is actually needed for for in Repository. #update and #insert and even #delete could grab model information from instance, so what's the point?

Also we understand that separate Databases are not likely to be used in a single project. And if yes, how could two models from different Database interfere with each other?


Make Repository non-generic. So only one repository instance will be needed. #insert, #delete and #update will stay the same. Example implementation:

# We would have to pass model class explicitly.
# ```
# repo.query(User, "SQL QUERY", params)
# ```
def query(model : Model.class, query : String, *params)

# Or we could extract model class from Query because it's still a generic.
# ```
# repo.query(Query(User).last)
# ```
def query(query : Query)
  query(query.model_class, query.to_s, query_params)

What do you think? Note that it's in your hands to build an ideal ORM 😊


Current implementation:

query = Query(User).all
query.limit(4).offset(2) # Currently affects `query`


query = Query(User).all
new_query = query.limit(4).offset(2) # Returns new query instance


Query is a struct now. Need to implement clone method which will duplicate all the clauses.


Thanks for the lib! I'm finding the more lightweight approach to be easier to wrap my head around than Crecto, but I am struggling with something as it stands (sorry I'm a typed languages noob - it could be simple)

I want to use BigRational to be able to represent financial data but my initial attempts have been thwarted. A bit of trial and error has helped but still banging my head against the wall.

I'm hoping to take advantage of the PG::Numeric extensions to pull data in and out of a Postgres DECIMAL(20,8)

Initial attempt was to:

require "big_rational"

module Models
  class Order < Core::Model
    schema do
      primary_key :id
      field :rate, BigRational
      field :quantity, BigRational
> instance variable '@changes' of Models::Order must be Hash(Symbol, Number), not (Hash(Symbol, BigRational | Int32) | Hash(Symbol, Number))

Which I didn't expect to be a problem since I thought BigRational was a Number

I've also tried to define my own converter, but I'm not confident in what I should be converting to/from, being honest!

Hard validation

class Core::Model::Validation::InvalidModelError

user.valid! # Raises InvalidModelError if invalid


Not sure if I'm missing it, or if doesn't support transactions.

Mark field as empty on insert

field :status, Int16, insert_empty: true

# ...

model =
model.valid? # Should return true even if status is nil

model = repository.query(q).first
model.status = nil
model.valid? # Should return false in this case

As a result, if status is Nil at the moment of insertion, it will not be stated in INSERT clause, allowing database to handle DEFAULT value.

For validation, I think some kind of @fresh : Bool variable set to true on explicit initialization could allow to bypass validation.

Support of the Bool type

The bool type is not working now.
The offending line is in model/schema/ at line 80:

@\\{{field[:name].id}} =\\{{field[:type].id}}) || \\{{field[:default] ||}} 

The || operator is not working for false value, and it replaces false by nil (or the default value).
A possible solution is to replace the line by this:

@\\{{field[:name].id}} = value.nil? ? \\{{field[:default] ||}} :\\{{field[:type].id}})

Bake queries

Using macros:

id = 42
repo.query(User.where(id: id))

# Would be expanded to:
id = 42
repo.query(User, "SELECT users.* FROM users WHERE id = ?", id)

NOT clauses

It's a shame, but currently you cannot do neither Query(User).where_not(status: Status::Disabled) nor Query(User).where(confirmed: true).and_not(status: Status::Disabled).

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