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onsas.jl's Introduction

ONSAS: an Open Nonlinear Structural Analysis Solver for GNU-Octave/Matlab

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ONSAS is a GNU-Octave/Matlab code for static/dynamic and linear/non-linear analysis of structures. The first version was developed for educational purposes and was published in a handbook of the course Análisis no lineal de Estructuras taught at Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República since 2017.

Some examples

A deployable ring


A propeller model


A truss tower model



You can publicly post in the discussion section or contact privately sending an e-mail to jorgepz [AT] .


The code is distributed under a GNU-GPL 3.0 license.

How to use ONSAS

The user should follow these steps to install and run onsas:

  1. Download and install GNU-Octave and Paraview
  2. Download the ONSAS zip source files from the realeases web
  3. Open GNU-Octave, move to the examples directory and run one of the examples.

An introduction to using and contributing to ONSAS was presented in 2022. The recording is available at this youtube video.


The complete list of authors of code, contributions, affiliations and acknowledgments is available in the documentation.

onsas.jl's People


joaquinviera avatar jorgepz avatar mforets avatar mvanzulli avatar


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onsas.jl's Issues

Add LazySets as optional dep

Can be useful to add Mesh -> LazySet conversions.

using ONSAS.StaticAnalyses

N = 1000 # Number of elements.
E = 30e6 # Young's modulus.
ν = 0.3
ρ = 7.3e-4 # Density.
L = 200 # L/N is the individual element length.
A = 1 # Cross section.

# -------------------------------
# Materials
# -------------------------------
steel = SVK(E, ν, ρ, "steel")

nodes = [Node(l) for l in LinRange(0, L, N + 1)]
S = Square(sqrt(A))
elems = [Truss(nodes[i], nodes[i+1], S) for i in 1:N]
mesh = Mesh(nodes, elems)

# Plot con LazySets.jl
using ONSAS: Elements, Meshes

# One-dimensional for now.
function Base.convert(::Type{LazySet}, mesh::Mesh{1})
    arr = []
    for node in Elements.nodes(mesh)
        push!(arr, Singleton(coordinates(node)))
    for elem in Meshes.elements(mesh)
        coords = coordinates(elem)
        push!(arr, Interval(first(coords[1]), first(coords[2])))
    return UnionSetArray{Float64,AbstractHyperrectangle{Float64}}(arr)
s = convert(LazySet, mesh)

Define a new simplified input interface

Thanks to @jorgepz and @mforets a new interface for defining input structs will be used:

## scalar parameters
E = 2e11  # Young modulus in Pa
ν = 0.0  # Poisson's modulus
A = 5e-3  # Cross-section area in m^2
ang = 65 # truss angle in degrees
L = 2 # Length in m 
d = L * cos(deg2rad(65))   # vertical distance in m
h = L * sin(deg2rad(65))
# Fx = 0     # horizontal load in N
Fⱼ = -3e8  # vertical   load in N
# -------------------------------
# Materials
# -------------------------------
steel = SVK(E, ν, "steel")
aluminum = SVK(E / 3, ν, "aluminium")
# -------------------------------
# Geometries
# -------------------------------
## Cross section
a = sqrt(A)
s₁ = Square(a, "S1")
s₂ = Square(2a, "A2")
# -------------------------------
# Create mesh
# -------------------------------
## Nodes
n₁ = Node(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
n₂ = Node(d, h, 0.0)
n₃ = Node(2d, 0.0, 0.0)
vec_nodes = [n₁, n₂, n₃]
## Elements 
truss₁ = Truss(n₁, n₂, s₁) # [n₁, n₂]
truss₂ = Truss(n₂, n₃, s₂) # [n₂, n₃]
vec_elems = [truss₁, truss₂]
s_mesh = Mesh(vec_nodes, vec_elems)
# -------------------------------
# Materials
# -------------------------------
s_materials = StructuralMaterials(
    dictionary([steel => [truss₁], aluminum => [truss₂]])
# -------------------------------
# Boundary conditions
# -------------------------------
bc₁ = PinnedDisplacementBoundaryCondition("fixed")
bc₂ = FⱼLoadBoundaryCondition(Fⱼ, "load in j")
node_bc = dictionary([bc₁ => [n₁, n₃], bc₂ => [n₂]])
elem_bc = dictionary([bc₁ => [truss₁], bc₂ => [truss₂]])
s_boundary_conditions = StructuralBoundaryConditions(node_bc, elem_bc)

for (bc, n) in pairs(node_bc)
    apply!(s, bc, n)
# -------------------------------
# Create Structure
# -------------------------------
s = Structure(s_mesh, s_materials, s_boundary_conditions)

# -------------------------------
# Structural Analysis
# -------------------------------
# Final load factor
λ₁ = 10
s_analysis = StaticAnalysis(s, λ₁, NSTEPS=NSTEPS)
s_state = current_state(s_analysis)
@test norm(displacements(s_state)) == 0
@test norm(external_forces(s_state)) == 0
@test norm(internal_forces(s_state)) == 0
# -------------------------------
# Solve analysis
# -------------------------------
tol_f = 1e-10;
tol_u = 1e-10;
max_iter = 100;
tols = ConvergenceSettings(tol_f, tol_u, max_iter)
nr = NewtonRaphson(tols)
sol = solve(s_analysis, nr)

Use meta to define repeatedly methods with symbolic patterns

Create access with @eval :

# Composed accessors 
 for m in methodswith(AbstractBoundaryCondition)
     @eval $m(fbc::FixedDisplacementBoundaryCondition) = $m(fbc.bc)

Instead of:

dofs(pbc::PinnedDisplacementBoundaryCondition) = dofs(pbc.bc)
Base.values(pbc::PinnedDisplacementBoundaryCondition) = values(pbc.bc)
label(pbc::PinnedDisplacementBoundaryCondition) = label(pbc.bc)

Another option for composition is:

using Lazy

@forward ParentObject.attribute method_1, method_2,... 

Modules to check

  • Materials
  • Elements
  • BoundaryConditions
  • StructuralAnalysis
  • StatesSolution

Add constructors inside structs

This issue seek to add inner constructors for the sake of being more neat. Structs allows to define inner constructors into interface.jl like this:

julia> struct OurRational{T<:Integer} <: Real
           function OurRational{T}(num::T, den::T) where T<:Integer
               if num == 0 && den == 0
                    error("invalid rational: 0//0")
               num = flipsign(num, den)
               den = flipsign(den, den)
               g = gcd(num, den)
               num = div(num, g)
               den = div(den, g)
               new(num, den)

Fix global indices issue

Running elements.jl twice fails, probably due to some global being defined which is not reset.

Remove `AbstractType` from concrete type structs

Change this:

struct Truss{dim,G<:AbstractCrossSection,T<:Real} <: AbstractElement{dim,T}
    function Truss(n₁::AbstractNode{dim,T}, n₂::AbstractNode{dim,T}, g::G, label=:no_labelled_elem) where
        new{dim,G,T}(n₁, n₂, g, Symbol(label))


struct Truss{dim,N<:AbstractNode{dim},G<:AbstractCrossSection,T<:Real} <: AbstractElement{dim,T}
    function Truss(n₁::N, n₂::N, g::G, label=:no_labelled_elem) where
        new{dim,N,G,T}(n₁, n₂, g, Symbol(label))

This is more idiomatic for dispatch. However, in cases that the filed type is changed during the execution (for instance using singletons) an abstract type will be used (or ScalarWrapper) trick.

Fix strain and stresses methods from `StructuralState`

Remove intermediate iterations form strain and state fields

julia> strain(states_sol[1])
8-element Vector{Any}:

Test `Geometries` module ⚪ 🟦

Geometries to be added:

  • Square.
  • Square tests.
  • Rectangular.
  • Rectangular tests.
  • Circle.
  • Circle tests.
  • GenericCrossSection
  • GenericCrossSection tests

An example of a rectangle cross-section:

""" Rectangle cross-section.
### Fields:
- `width_y` -- width in `y` axis.
- `width_z` -- width in `z` axis.
struct Rectangle <: AbstractCrossSection

area(r::Rectangle) = cs.width_y * cs.width_z
function Ixx(r::Rectangle)
    #  torsional constant from table 10.1 from Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain 7th ed.
    a = 0.5 * max([r.width_y, r.width_z])
    b = 0.5 * min([r.width_y, r.width_z])

    Ixx = a * b^3 * (16 / 3 - 3.36 * b / a * (1 - b^4 / (12 * a^4)))
    return Ixx
Iyy(r::Rectangle) = r.width_z^3 * r.width_y / 12
Izz(r::Rectangle) = r.width_y^3 * r.width_z / 12
Ixy(r) = 0.0
Ixz(r) = 0.0
Iyz(r) = 0.0

Add a mesh implementation

  • AbstractMesh
  • Mesh

Element nodes storage

Thanks to @mforets comment in #78 we can use SVector{<:AbstractNode} to store the nodes of each element.

Change this:

A `Truss` represents an element composed by two `Node`s that transmits axial force only.
### Fields:
- `n₁`             -- stores first truss node.
- `n₂`             -- stores second truss node.
- `cross_sections` -- stores the truss cross-section properties.
- `label`          -- stores the truss label.
struct Truss{dim,N<:AbstractNode{dim},G<:AbstractCrossSection,T<:Real} <: AbstractElement{dim,T}
    function Truss(n₁::N, n₂::N, g::G, label=:no_labelled_element) where
        new{dim,N,G,T}(n₁, n₂, g, Symbol(label))

For this:

A `Truss` represents an element composed by two `Node`s that transmits axial force only.
### Fields:
- `n₁`             -- stores first truss node.
- `n₂`             -- stores second truss node.
- `cross_sections` -- stores the truss cross-section properties.
- `label`          -- stores the truss label.
struct Truss{dim,N<:AbstractNode{dim},G<:AbstractCrossSection,T<:Real} <: AbstractElement{dim,T}
    function Truss(n₁::N, n₂::N, g::G, label=:no_labelled_element) where
        new{dim,N,G,T}(n₁, n₂, g, Symbol(label))
# Node acccesor:
nodes(t::Truss) = t.nodes

Features by example

Von Misses Truss example:

  • Materials: SVK
  • CrossSections: Circle, Square
  • Elements: Truss, Node, Dof
  • BoundaryConditions: GlobalLoadBoundaryCondition FixedDofBoundaryCondition
  • Meshes: Mesh
  • StructuralModel: StructuralMaterials, StructuralBoundaryConditions (only applied into nodes)
  • StructuralSolvers: NewtonRaphson
  • StructuralAnalyses: StaticAnalysis
  • Analytic solution

Uniaxial extension:

  • Materials: SVK
  • Materials: NeoHookean
  • Elements: Tetrahedron, Node, Dof, TriangularFace
  • BoundaryConditions: GlobalLoadBoundaryCondition FixedDofBoundaryCondition
  • Meshes: Mesh
  • Meshes: GMSHMesh
  • StructuralSolvers: NewtonRaphson
  • StructuralAnalyses: StaticAnalysis

Create `BoundaryConditions` module and interface

The following boundary conditions structs are included:

  • AbstractBoundaryCondition
  • LoadBoundaryCondition
  • Tests LoadsBoundaryCondition
  • UserLoadBoundaryCondition
  • Tests UserLoadBoundaryCondition
  • SpringBoundaryCondition
  • Tests SpringBoundaryCondition
  • DisplacementBoundaryCondition
  • Test DisplacementBoundaryCondition

Fix overflow issue in x86 SO for random tests

ONSAS.StructuralAnalyses.StaticAnalyses.StaticState: Test Failed at /home/runner/work/ONSAS.jl/ONSAS.jl/test/static_analysis.jl:139
  Expression: ((internal_forces(default_s))[1:6], fᵢₙₜ_e_1, rtol = RTOL)
   Evaluated: [0.7863760384118906, -4.7362539917743816e166, -7.009402958251185e166, -7.009042741363477e166, -6.023890074008387e208, -1.0110027777808359e235]  [0.7863760384118906, 0.0996784825685848, 0.7665694221672829, 0.13643254313390907, 0.817823788943396, 0.32092303565108105] (rtol=0.05)

 [1] macro expansion
   @ /opt/hostedtoolcache/julia/nightly/x86/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/Test/src/Test.jl:478 [inlined]
 [2] macro expansion
   @ ~/work/ONSAS.jl/ONSAS.jl/test/static_analysis.jl:139 [inlined]
 [3] macro expansion
   @ /opt/hostedtoolcache/julia/nightly/x86/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/Test/src/Test.jl:1504 [inlined]
 [4] top-level scope
   @ ~/work/ONSAS.jl/ONSAS.jl/test/static_analysis.jl:80
ONSAS.StructuralAnalyses.StaticAnalyses.StaticState: Test Failed at /home/runner/work/ONSAS.jl/ONSAS.jl/test/static_analysis.jl:141
  Expression: ((internal_forces(default_s))[1:6], fᵢₙₜ_e_1, rtol = RTOL)
   Evaluated: [0.7863760384118906, -4.7362539917743816e166, -7.009402958251185e166, -7.009042741363477e166, -6.023890074008387e208, -1.0110027777808359e235]  [0.7863760384118906, 0.0996784825685848, 0.7665694221672829, 0.13643254313390907, 0.817823788943396, 0.32092303565108105] (rtol=0.05)

 [1] macro expansion
   @ /opt/hostedtoolcache/julia/nightly/x86/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/Test/src/Test.jl:478 [inlined]
 [2] macro expansion
   @ ~/work/ONSAS.jl/ONSAS.jl/test/static_analysis.jl:141 [inlined]
 [3] macro expansion
   @ /opt/hostedtoolcache/julia/nightly/x86/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/Test/src/Test.jl:1504 [inlined]
 [4] top-level scope
   @ ~/work/ONSAS.jl/ONSAS.jl/test/static_analysis.jl:80
ONSAS.StructuralAnalyses.StaticAnalyses.StaticState: Test Failed at /home/runner/work/ONSAS.jl/ONSAS.jl/test/static_analysis.jl:163
  Expression: (internal_forces(default_s), Fᵢₙₜ, rtol = RTOL)
   Evaluated: [0.7863760384118906, -4.7362539917743816e166, -7.009402958251185e166, -7.009042741363477e166, -6.023890074008387e208, -1.0110027777808359e235, NaN, 0.7[153](, -1.8870917777[161](] ≈ [0.7863760384118906, 0.0996784825685848, 0.766569422[167](, 0.30965578128694404, 0.8678596494771985, 0.32133320780145946, 0.9850382101024203, 0.7153354026002874, 0.8333443798517911] (rtol=0.05)

Efficient way to compute element dofs

dofs(e::AbstractElement) = mergewith(vcat, dofs.(nodes(e))...)
"Returns the `AbstractElement` `e` dofs."
function dofs(e::AbstractElement)
    vecdfs = dofs.(nodes(e))
  • Create a cache with element dofs once the Mesh is created.
  • Loop over nodes(e)

Add Strain model as a parametric type into `Truss` elements

This can be done like extending the current Truss element:

A `Truss` represents an element composed by two `Node`s that transmits axial force only.
### Fields:
- `n₁`             -- stores first truss node.
- `n₂`             -- stores second truss node.
- `cross_sections` -- stores the truss cross-section properties.
- `label`          -- stores the truss label.
struct Truss{dim,G<:AbstractCrossSection,T<:Real} <: AbstractElement{dim,T}
    function Truss(n₁::AbstractNode{dim,T}, n₂::AbstractNode{dim,T}, g::G, label=:no_labelled_elem) where
        new{dim,G,T}(n₁, n₂, g, Symbol(label))


struct Truss{E::AbstractStrain,dim,G<:AbstractCrossSection,T<:Real} <: AbstractElement{dim,T}
    function Truss(n₁::AbstractNode{dim,T}, n₂::AbstractNode{dim,T}, g::G, label=:no_labelled_elem) where
        new{dim,G,T}(Green(),n₁, n₂, g, Symbol(label))

and then compute the strain with

_strain(::Green, l_ini::Number, l_def::Number) = (l_def^2 - l_ini^2) / (l_ini * (l_ini + l_def))

Include a `ONSAS.Utils` module :hammer:

This module is used to define first methods (which do not belong to a specific module) and then overload them. For instance the label method should be defined in:

module Utils

" Function that returns the label of an object "
function label() end 

end #  module  

Then inside the Geometry module it would be used:

module BoundaryCondition

@reexport import ..Utils: label

label(bc::AbstractBoundaryCondition) = bc.label 

The same principle can be applied to Gauss integrations points. This is based on the I of SOLID principle

Add Clamped example (1D)

This model is taken from [1]. The theoretical derivations of the analytic solution can be found in [2].
The implementation of stiffness and mass matrices in Julia can be found in [3].

[1] Malakiyeh, Mohammad Mahdi, Saeed Shojaee, and Klaus-Jürgen Bathe. "The Bathe time integration method revisited for prescribing desired numerical dissipation." Computers & Structures 212 (2019): 289-298.

[2] Mechanical Vibrations, Gerardin et al, page 250-251.


using ONSAS.StaticAnalyses

N = 1000 # Number of elements.
E = 30e6 # Young's modulus.
ν = 0.3
ρ = 7.3e-4 # Density.
L = 200 # L/N is the individual element length.
A = 1 # Cross section.

# -------------------------------
# Materials
# -------------------------------
steel = SVK(E, ν, ρ, "steel")

nodes = [Node(l) for l in LinRange(0, L, N + 1)]
S = Square(sqrt(A))
elems = [Truss(nodes[i], nodes[i+1], S) for i in 1:N]
mesh = Mesh(nodes, elems)

# -------------------------------
# Dofs
dof_dim = 1
add!(mesh, :u, dof_dim)

Consider to use `Symmetric` from LinearAlgebra

julia> B = [1.5 2 -4; 2 -1 -3; -4 -3 5]
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
  1.5   2.0  -4.0
  2.0  -1.0  -3.0
 -4.0  -3.0   5.0

julia> sB = Symmetric(B)
3×3 Symmetric{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}:
  1.5   2.0  -4.0
  2.0  -1.0  -3.0
 -4.0  -3.0   5.0
  • Element matrices
  • Global structure matrices

Delete `DofIndex` struct

As we discussed with @mforets and @jorgepz, for the sake of simplicity, degree of freedom indexes will be just Integers. This is essential to develop a faster assembler. In contrast, element and nodes will keep being indexed with ElementIndex and NodeIndex objects. This is important to define boundary conditions and also to extract information about the element/node from the mesh struct:

mesh[ElementIndex(1)] = elem_1 


s_boundary_conditions = StructuralBoundaryConditions(bcs_dict)
bc_sets = Dict(
    "fixed" => Set([NodeIndex(1), NodeIndex(3)]),
    "load" => Set([NodeIndex(2)])

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