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omniscient's Issues

Integration with existing React components

I am moving along nicely with testing out omniscient in a react stack, but just ran into my first bump. It's pretty late and I haven't looked deep into this yet, but here's the issue.

I have an omniscient component "Articles" that does this:

  { => (
    ArticleItem({ article: article.get('data') })

Where ArticleItem is another omniscient component.

Now, the <List> component consists of two React components (List and ListItem) that generate a nice unordered list for you. List takes an array of items (in this case the omniscient ArticleItem components), loops over them and passes them to ListItem, which has the following code to display the components:

var children =, child => {
  return React.addons.cloneWithProps(child, {style: this.styles.content});

The important part being that it is trying to add the "style" property to them along the way, which I use for decorating the child components.

Now, it's outputting everything fine, but I'm not sure how I can access the "style" property I've tried to add to the omniscient component with cloneWithProps. Again, it's a little late so I may be missing something obvious.

EDIT: To tl;dr, how can I add a property to an omniscient component from a parent React component (preferably still by using cloneWithProps so I don't have to customize my React component just for omniscient)?

use iterable.size or iterable.count()

i get this error from immutable.js:617

 iterable.length has been deprecated, use iterable.size or iterable.count(). This warning will become a silent error in a future version. Error
    at KeyedCursor.Object.defineProperty.get (https://localhost:8009/main.bundle.js:28476:20)
    at isBuffer (https://localhost:8009/main.bundle.js:10901:47)
    at objEquiv (https://localhost:8009/main.bundle.js:10925:8)
    at module.exports (https://localhost:8009/main.bundle.js:10892:13)
    at objEquiv (https://localhost:8009/main.bundle.js:10957:11)
    at module.exports (https://localhost:8009/main.bundle.js:10892:13)
    at hasChangedProperties (https://localhost:8009/main.bundle.js:8189:11)
    at shouldComponentUpdate (https://localhost:8009/main.bundle.js:8140:8)
    at ReactCompositeComponentMixin.performUpdateIfNecessary (https://localhost:8009/main.bundle.js:16022:13)
    at runBatchedUpdates (https://localhost:8009/main.bundle.js:22219:18)

my deps:
"omniscient": "~2.0.1",
"immstruct": "~1.0.1"

Tasks for documentation and new site

Some tasks involved with the documentation and the new site:

  • Update documentation to cover Omniscient 3.0.0
  • Move over to jsdoc API Reference (or any alternatives)
  • Add immstruct API section to site
  • Revise color scheme (dark background?)
  • Change order of result/code view for playground and live code blocks
  • Revise header: Make it work better on mobile (responsive), scroll fixed on homepage.
  • Better Github link - Part of header?
  • Add predefined example list for playground
  • Revise existing guides and tutorials.


  • Add notes on multiple cursors as input
  • Add notes on potential drawbacks
  • Migrate some of the README information to the homepage


  • Fixe guide as per #54
  • Add immstruct guides and examples to guides.
  • Add guide: Using Omniscient with Remote data
  • Add guide: Using Omniscient with flux-like stores (comment that it's not necessary in most cases?)
  • Add guide: Reference Cursors. What are they, how do you use them?
  • Add guide: Immutable cursors (extended info in addition to

Suggestions for more? Tutorials?

Better default isEqualCursor?

I think this may be a better default, rather than deref()ing:

module.exports.isEqualCursor = function isEqualCursor (a, b) { return, b); };

This would create dependency on Immutability though.

omniscient on top of vtree + vdom

I'd be like to get omniscient to a point where it can be used with vtree+ vdom instead of react for few reasons:

  1. Pure functional philosophy seem to match better.
  2. I'm interested in running some components in the web worker which is relatively easy with vtree + vdom
  3. Unlike with react vtree can be used with any namespace and has no attribute blacklist, which enable me to use it with xul and not yet standard / not yet supported html attributes.

Relax peer dependency for latest React.js versions

Now that there are new React.js 0.13 versions, we should relax the peer dependency in package.json so they can be used. I'm not sure the easiest syntax for doing this (rather than listing a bunch of beta versions).

npm view react

    '0.13.0-beta.1': '2015-01-28T05:19:01.230Z',
     '0.13.0-beta.2': '2015-02-14T02:37:43.316Z',
     '0.13.0-rc1': '2015-02-22T21:36:01.461Z' },

Currently package.json has

"peerDependencies": {
    "react": ">=0.12.0 || 0.13.0-beta.1"

so npm won't let me use the latest React RC without hacking it.

Isomorphic Rendering

First, consider this being not an issue or bug with Omniscient but more an implementation question.

I am thinking about how Omniscient could fit into the picture of isomorphic rendering which aims to make it possible to render the apps page/routes not only on the client but server too.

It seems a challenge would be to
a) keep the state either synced on both, the server and client or
b) maybe just have it on the server and query it somehow from the client side?

How could an implementation look like?

In case a, would it make sense to open two Omniscient instances, one on the client, one on the server? Could they communicate/sync somehow?

Or in case b, could I connect client requests/updates to an Omniscient server instance, via websocket for example?

Omniscient components in react-router

I'm not sure, can I use Omniscient components as handler for react-router the same as if I would use normal React components?
I tried this:

var React = require('react');
var Router = require('react-router');
var { Route, DefaultRoute, RouteHandler, Link } = Router;
var Comp-a = require('./comp-a').jsx;
var Comp-b = require('./comp-b').jsx;
var App = React.createClass({
  render: function () {
    return (
          <li><Link to="comp-a">Comp-a</Link></li>
          <li><Link to="comp-b">Comp-b</Link></li>
var Home = React.createClass({
  render: function () {
    return <h1>Home</h1>;
var routes = (
  <Route handler={App}>
    <DefaultRoute handler={Home}/>
    <Route name="clicks" handler={Comp-a}/>
    <Route name="arno" handler={Comp-b}/>
);, function (Handler) {
  React.render(<Handler/>, document.body);

But clicking on the links, I get errors such as:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'deref' of undefined
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'unmountComponent' of undefined

ShouldComponentUpdate throws warnings when Immutable.JS objects are stored in state or props

This is slightly different issue than #41 - I don't want to store cursors in state, just immutable objects instead of mutable ones.

Unfortunately, because somewhere in lodash's isEqual method, it uses the "length" property, which is going to be deprecated in a future version of Immutable.JS, it throws a warning anytime the function is called with Immutable.JS objects.

I'm not sure what exactly can be done about this, off the top of my head. But I wanted to flag it as an issue and put it up for discussion, as I feel like it's kind of important that we support putting immutable objects in state and props.

P.S.: I'm of course aware that I could override shouldComponentUpdate to make it so that, if I'm consistent in using all Immutable values for any deep structures in my state/props, i could just do a shallow equal (or just use PureRenderMixin, I suppose). I just think it'd be nice to include support in this library seeing as we're encouraging the use of immutable data structures throughout the rest of the application.

Add warning (or find a way) of doing cursor checks instead of deep-equal checks

Sometimes (e.g. when namespacing), cursors are checked with a isEqual check. This needs to be working better. At least show a warning and clear the usage. Preferably, it should just work, but it depends on performance and complexity.

  1. Verify problem by adding tests
  2. Fix issue by warning or having a isCursor test before equal test in some way.


DOn't know if it is the place to ask this but may be you had this issue ?

I am trying to use omniscient using watchify and browserify with gulp.
React is loaded twice and the browser give me the following error:

"Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: renderComponent(): Invalid component descriptor. This may be caused by unintentionally loading two independent copies of React. "

My gulpfile.js task is like this:

gulp.task('browserify', function() {
  var bundler = watchify(browserify('./js/', watchify.args));
  bundler.on('update', rebundle);

  function rebundle() {
    return bundler.bundle()
      .on('error', gutil.log.bind(gutil, 'Browserify Error'))

I think that the problem can come from the fact that as i use React = require('react') in my app.js file and that omniscient is also using this it is loaded twice.
Does someone already had this issue ?
Many thanks,


discussion: return a class instead of the React.createElement result

I've been diving into (and loving) this project for the last week. I was just wondering what your thoughts were towards React 0.13 and dealing with generic classes. Would is be possible to return the custom class from the internals instead of returning the result of React.createElement? I ask because it would cleanup the jsx usage. The other option I was thinking about was making it a config option now that withDefaults is an available API.

Anyhow, keep up the excellent work.

Storing cursors in state

By @dashed

Thinking on this some more, I think there can be more done with shouldComponentUpdate so that the comparison process is done uniformly on both props and state. At the moment, state just gets the isEqual treatment.

Here's an example of putting a cursor in component's state:

var structure = immstruct({turtles: []});

var TurtlesComponent = React.createClass({

 componentWillMount: function() {
    this.setState({turtlesCursor: structure.cursor()}

   structure.on('swap', () =>
      this.setState({turtlesCursor: structure.cursor()}));


 onAddButtonClick: function(e) {
    this.state.turtlesCursor.updateIn('turtles', (turtles) => 

 renderTurtleCount: function() {
    return <div>{this.state.turtlesCursor.deref().size}</div>;
    // or pass own sub-cursor to a child component...


HowTo: update a cursor

I have a question about updating a cursor.


structure.cursor('name').update(function () {
  return 'Doctor';

vs Immstruct

// Remember: Cursor is immutable. Update cursor.
var cursor = structure.cursor('name').update(function (x) {
  return x + 1;

when a cursor is immutable, why is the omniscient version working? I try to understand this, because at some point, update('name', ... ) is not working for me.

Accessing cursor from mixins

Just wondering your thoughts on this pattern. Say we have an event handler in a component that then wants to update it's cursor.

It seems you have two options.

  • Event handlers within a mixin, pass in the cursor.
  • Event handlers within the render function, avoid passing cursor

To me you don't get the niceties of react's this.state. With this.state your mixins can access state the same as non-mixins (stuff in render, etc). With this setup it seems I have to make a choice between two ways, and neither is compatable.

Wondering what your thoughts are. I like the functional style of avoiding this in general, but it does seem ugly have to do onEven={this.eventHandler.bind(this, cursor)}. I'd like to just have the handlers defined within render(), but that seems expensive, and also not very composable when the need to share them comes up.

Difficulties integrating with react-router

Hi. First off. Great library.
I've forked the router example and altered it to demonstrate a problem I'm having

I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on handling this situation. As you see, when there is not a new cursor provided, the components do not rerender. (I'm guessing this is because of how shouldComponentUpdate is implemented). I realize this isn't a bug, but it seems like a tricky problem to solve especially when you have any kind of complex nesting of routes.

Anyone have any suggestions? I realize simply implementing a new shouldComponentUpdate returning true would work for certain views in particular, but this would detract from a lot of the value of omnsicient + immstruct.


React v0.12

React v0.12 was released! Both React functions that are used in Omniscient were deprecated. Is an update to Omniscient planned?

Strange characters is dist/omniscient.js

Help, I'm stuck!

When I npm install omniscient, there are weird characters in the distributed file:

function pickStaticMixins (mixins) {
  var filtered = mixins.filter(function (obj)Â {
    return !!obj.statics;

Then I get unexpected identifier errors when I run.

Child to parent communication via cursors

This is vaguely related to #67, as I was trying to find a solution for a child to cause side on a state that does is not part of state that affects it's output. In other words originally, I would pass parent components state along with a child state so that child could render itself, but then make changes to parent like remove itself for example. The problem with that approach was that any time parent would change all it's children would be re-triggered since parent state was passed to each one.

So then I considered using CSP channels to do communication, but then problem with those has being that one needs to create & subscribe to them and that means you no longer can use plain component(render) style, not to mention that it seems overkill for just removing a child from it's parent.

I think #67 provides a simple solution, although it does kind of require wrapping actual operational functions in event handlers to be passed down to children. In that regard just passing down a parent cursors seems more appealing.

Lately I have being thinking that if cursors just a had a way to access it's parent that could provide pretty elegant solution for children to cause changes upwards.


After using omniscient for some time now, we often runt into scenario like this one:

Here is a simplified version of it that is vaguely based on code from the tutorial (although
here component takes two cursors one for libs and the other for search):

var Matches = component('Matches', ({libs, search}) => {
  // Create a query out of the cursor
  var q = makeQuery(search);

  // Get all javascript projects that matches the query
  var matches = (lib) {
    return q.test(lib.get('title')) || q.test(lib.get('url'));

  // Present the matches
  return React.DOM.ul({}, matches.toArray().map(function (lib, i) {
    return Match('match-' + lib.get('title'), lib);

Let's assume that unlike in original example search here is a cursor to some kind of object, let's say {input: "*.js"} rather than just string.

It would be really nice if makeQuery could be defined as follows:

const {cached} = require('omniscient');
const makeQuery = cached(input => new RegExp(input.replace(/\*/, '[\\s\\S]*')));

Where implementation of cached could be something along this lines:

const {shouldComponentUpdate} = require('omniscient');
const cached = f => {
  const g = input =>
    shouldComponentUpdate(input, g.input) ? g.return = f(input) : g.return

  return g

Which can be thought as a generalisation of component if we ignore all the react specifics it currently

Change API for overriding internal checks

Implement something like withSettings.

It would still be, for 95% of the cases:

var component = require('omniscient');

But if you want to override any methods, instead of:

var component = require('omniscient');
component.isEqual = function () { ... }

you do:

var component = require('omniscient').withSettings({
   isEqual: function () { ... }

Much cleaner API, in my mind. Also less error prone.

First add deprecation notice on existing API, but remove existing API at next major release (v3.0.0).

I think the global override should be more of a user choice/implementation, and it's just to brittle. Would't want Omniscient to rely on a major magic state that you have defined in one of your modules. That's essentially a huge side-effect.

A better solution, by my opinion, would be to make a defaults module your own:

// defaultOmniscient.js
module.exports = require('omniscient').withSettings({
  // my defaults

// some module:
var component = require('./defaultOmniscient');
// ...

I think this is a much more robust and "reason-able" approach.

Warning: iterable.length has been deprecated, use iterable.size or iterable.count().

I came across this error when using omniscient.

Download the React DevTools for a better development experience:
app.js:15167 iterable.length has been deprecated, use iterable.size or iterable.count(). This warning will become a silent error in a future version. Error
    at IndexedCursor.Object.defineProperty.get (
    at isBuffer (
    at objEquiv (
    at module.exports (
    at objEquiv (
    at module.exports (
    at objEquiv (
    at module.exports (
    at objEquiv (
    at module.exports (

The stacktrace seem to point to node-deep-equal via immstruct.

This happens when I do this:

React.render(<Panel><List.jsx cursor={structure.cursor('items')} /></Panel>, document.getElementById('boop'));


React.render(<List.jsx cursor={structure.cursor('items')} />, document.getElementById('boop2'));

I use the following component that just wrap this.props.children:

Here's a simple project that can reproduce the warning:

Demo: (see console when deleting items)

Make dist that just works with require.js

Currently the way to use omniscient with require.js requires boilerlpate:

require(["react"], React => {
  window.React = React;
  require(["omniscient"], component => {
     // your code here

This is unfortunate, I believe that could be avoided either by updating UMD wrapper generated or by generating different dists one for AMD one for the current case.

Test example

Would be nice to have an example on how to properly test a component.
At least I couldnt find one in the other example repos :)


Redirect: Is there a distribution js file that doesn't need require or browserify?

@DanBunea posted issue at omniscientjs/


It seems to me that there are lots of great things in your framework (immutables with cursors and one direction data flow over react). I am wondering whether there is a possibility to get a proper dist file not requiring me to use require/browserify like react or immutablejs have in their git (eg: We're looking for a very functional framework, that we can later combine with bacon.js for complex events and it seems omniscient might be the answer.

Thank you,

PS My team and I are unfamiliar with node and trying to put all the pieces together with browserify/derequeire generated an very big bundle file (570k), with lots of issues.

Separate shouldComponentUpdate as mixin

Noting this... I'm moving away from omniscient just because it adds a bit to learning my stack, and you end up creating omniscient specific components. Anyway, just wanted to leave that feedback that I do love the idea behind it, and I want to keep using the shouldComponentUpdate part.

I'll put together a pull request for this eventually so people can require just the mixins for their own use, just wanted to open this up as a reminder to myself.

Statics naming confusion

I think one thing that's a bit odd with omniscient is the change of statics from React. I just ran into something using an external library that wants you to set something on React statics in order to work with it. Unfortunately omniscient doesn't actually let you set statics, and further the statics name is already in use by omniscient for something else.

Just wondering your thoughts on this.

Data loading example

Could you provide an example of how to load data via an ajax call? I can't figure out how to trigger a re-render / swap from outside of the component hierarchy. I was planning on creating some methods that can manipulate the state without belonging to a component.

var structure = immstruct({ greeting: 'Welcome', guest: { name: '' }, objectives: [{name:"test"}] });

function render () {

structure.on('swap', render);

// now how would I update something from here?
// this doesn't work
structure.cursor().get('greeting').update(() => "Hello")

Expose isCursor on ComponentCreator

During the refactoring, it seems like isCursor was removed from the exported object. Since it is able to override isCursor in the new implementation, I think it would be a good idea to attach it to the ComponentCreator.

I am working on a library that needs to know if props is a cursor, and would like to be able to use the custom defined isCursor to do it.

Should _isCursor check for a cursor on props.cursor?

It looks to me like the way omniscient worked before refactor is that it took a cursor given as props and attached it to props.cursor, but now it takes a cursor as props directly, attaches it to a hidden property and then uses it inside the render method. Would it make sense to take a cursor that was passed in as props.cursor and do the same thing as if the cursor is passed directly as props? This would make it easier to work with statics and cursors.

Child to parent communication with event handlers

One of the biggest challenges I found with omniscient, is to use it in a referentially transparent way without destroying performance. Let me elaborate exactly what I mean:

The way we use omniscient is without this or mixins, as both imply mutable this.props and there for are not referentially transparent & there for not much better than use of plain react.

Using omniscient this way poses a challenge, of how could children perform a task that changes state larger than what they render. Here is a practical example:

const Tab = Component({items, item}) => DOM.div({
  className: 'tab'
  /* ... */
}, [
     onClick: event => items.remove(item)

const TabDeck = Component(items => DOM.div({
  className: 'tabs'
  /* .... */
}, => Tab({items, item}));

The problem with that is that any change to any tab will re-trigger Tab component for every tab & generate virtual DOM that will be mostly equal, but still it's linear.

The other solution one could think of is:

const Tab = Component({onRemove, item}) => DOM.div({
  className: 'tab'
  /* ... */
}, [
  DOM.button({onClick: onRemove})

const TabDeck = Component(items => DOM.div({
  className: 'tabs'
  /* .... */
}, => Tab({item, onRemove: () => items.remove(item)}));

But unfortunately it has exact same issue. Although I believe we could make some changes to omniscient to fix the later case.

Example of debounce the onChange for controlled form inputs

Could be possible for you to add an example of a debounce situation, but using omniscient instead of plain react code?

I'm trying to create a simple search component with a debounce of 300ms before fires the updates on the immstruct, and seems I'm losing something in the middle.

Thanks for your time 😄

Overridable deep equal and object filter

@dashed wrote in #33 :

I want to bring this to your attention:

Unsure if it's any useful, but they have configurable keys as a whitelist for reference check (===) instead of deep equal. Not only that, but they also have ignore keys which may be added to isNotIgnorable ruleset.

Then as an idea:

var shouldUpdate = require('omniscient/shouldupdate');

shouldupdate; // default shouldComponentUpdate

shouldComponentUpdate({ deepEqual: _.isEqual, objectFilter: _.filter, ... });

Can we be able to change filterKeyValue and deepEqual? This is probably useful if we want to use our favourite implementations of object-filter or deep-equal; usually using libraries suitable for particular environment (e.g. browser/node.js).

Storing cursor in state

From #19 by @dashed:

Hey guys. I get this warning when I store a cursor in the component's state:

    onEdit: function onEdit () {
            editing: true,
            value: this.props.cursor

This warning seem to occur at the following:

    at isEqualState (http://localhost:35150/js/app.js:648:77)
    at shouldComponentUpdate (http://localhost:35150/js/app.js:732:9)

Unsure if it's an anti-pattern to be storing cursors in state. But I'm doing it so I can revert changes, such as when the user presses the Cancel button.

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