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fabike's Introduction



E-commerce website for a bicycle brand producing carbon fiber and titanium frames, selling them as well as fully assembled bicycles with high end components. (Full Stack project)

Build Status

Title image

FABIKE - deployed project /temporary unavailable/

Title image

Table of Contents

  1. UX

  2. Information Architecture

  3. Features

  4. Technologies used

  5. Testing

  6. Deployment

  7. Credits



Target audience:

  • Cycling enthusiast, semi- & professionals, who value high quality products for sports, who are very knowledgeable about the industry, and want to purchase a high end customizable frame or fully assembled bicycle for their sports or recreational cycling.

Main goal of this site:

  • Build a full cycle e-shop to present the brand's products to potential buyers, and enable the latter with an easy way to choose a product, get all necessary info about the products on the web or additional info by contacting the website's owner, quickly and easily purchase one, or save it for buying later.

Organizational Goals:

  • Present products in way to make a purchase easy
  • Enable convenient & quick way of buying products via its e-shop
  • Sell frames & bicycles
  • Promote & provide educational support on how to service and take care of bicycles
  • Strengthen the brand's image

User Goals:

  • Browse through products & get all necessary info about them, and all related info (e.g., components, shipping)
  • Quickly and easily purchase a product
  • Get answers from the producers in case any
  • Attend educational workshops
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Create an e-shop which is easy to navigate, with a simple & convenient order-payment process. The website will be built on Python-Django, with PostgreSQL database, and Stripe payment system.


User Stories

Website visitors:

  • First time website visitor:

    • I want to get a clear idea what the website is about
    • I want to be able to easily see where I can find various info (menu, sections, links, individual pages/windows) and easily navigate there
    • Find appropriate section - bikes or frames, urban bikes or all road bikes, etc, and be able to see all the products in the section
    • Choose an individual product, and get all necessary info: images, descriptions, technical parameters, price, delivery terms, etc.
    • I want to be able to choose appropriate size, color and add the product to shopping cart
    • I want to be able to easily navigate from the shopping cart back to products
    • Then once I am done with products, I want to be able to easily find the shopping cart, and navigate there.
    • I want to be able to go to checkout, see all the info about my purchase, be able to add billing/shipping details, add my card details, and pay with one-click.
    • Also I want to be able to automatically (during checkout-payment process) add my details and automatically create an account (adding all my data, incl. shipping address).
    • Once the payment is processed, I want to get a confirmation email about the payment, and the order, with all the order details. And be able to login into my account and see the order there.
    • If I don’t purchase anything, I want to be able to create an account, add my details, and add products to my wish list.
    • If I decide not to create an account, I want to have an option to send a message or ask questions about the products
  • Returning visitor (in addition to possibilities described above, except those specific to first time visitors):

    • If I haven’t created a profile yet, to find easily where I can do that, and create one.
    • I want to be able to login into my account, update my data if needed, and see my wish list if I created it.
    • I want to be able to navigate across the website and get info necessary for me to decide about a purchase and purchase a product taking steps described above.
  • Website administrator:

    • To have access to all the necessary data to manage products’ display on the web-site, customers’ accounts, and purchase histories, etc.
    • To be able to easily login and navigate within the admin area of the website.
    • To be able to easily add, modify or delete products listings, with all the necessary info – images, descriptions, technical parameters, etc.
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Visitor vs Administrator:

  • Website's visitor can:

    • Look through products (bikes, frames, repair workshops)
    • Check details of an individual product
    • Add a product to a wish list
    • Add a product to shopping cart
    • Go to checkout
    • Order a product/Pay for it
    • Create an account
    • Update user’s details (email, password, phone, shipping address, etc)
    • See one’s wish list
    • See one’s order history
    • See calendar of planned repair workshops
    • Send a message via Contact Us form
  • Website's administrator can:

    • Add/delete/update products (info, descriptions, parameters, prices, images)
    • Manage users’ accounts
    • See orders’ list (fulfilled, in progress, ordered)
    • Add/update/delete events (repair workshops)

Logged-in vs unlogged:

  • Unlogged user can see/access:

    • Products (all or individual)
    • Events (repair workshops)
    • Create an account form
    • Add to cart
    • Proceed to checkout
    • Order/Pay a product (with or without registration)
    • Warranty & Compensations
    • Return & refund policy
  • Logged user can see/access:

    • Everything as above
    • Personal account (user’s details, order history, wish list)
    • Administrator can access product management area (inaccessible to other logged in users)
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The website will consist of the following pages/sections:

Unlogged users' view:

  • HOME
  • Individual PRODUCT pages
  • Individual EVENT pages

Logged users' view: In addition to the pages mentioned above

  • PRODUCT MANAGEMENT (for super-user)

For more details on what pages will contain check out the wireframes below.

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Balsamiq wireframes software was used to create wireframes for this project.

Each wireframe below contains mobile, pad & laptop/desktop view:

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Design choices:

  • General guidelines are taken from the existing website, and approved by the main designed of the company, Fabio Putzolu.
  • The overall structure of existing pages( will be re-created in this project, but will be coded from scratch, and all the non-existing pages/features will be added during the development of the project.


  • All the colors & color combination will be derived from the 4 main colors used for the frames/bikes: black, blue, yellow, & red.

For the purpose of the project the following colors (matching or related) will be used:


Color Picking


Color Picking


Color Picking


Color Picking


  • The original web-site is using DINPro font, Bold and Light. For the purpose of the project, i will use a very similar Google font - Noto Sans KR.


  • All product(bikes, frames) & lifestyle photos were taken by the designer of the frames, Fabio Putzolu.

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  • During development on a local machine standard sqlite3 database will be used, as it is installed with Django.

  • After deployment, PostgreSQL database will be used as, it is provided by Heroku where the website will be deployed.


DB Schema Diagram


The User model used is provided by Django as a part of defaults django.contrib.auth.models.

Accounts app

Name Database Key Validation Field Type
User user on_delete=models.CASCADE OneToOneField 'User'
Full Name account_full_name max_length=70 CharField
Phone number account_phone_number max_length=25 CharField
Address account_address max_length=120 TextField, ForeignKey 'Address'
Name Database Key Validation Field Type
Address Line1 account_address_line1 max_length=120 CharField
Address Line2 account_address_line2 max_length=120, null=True, blank=True CharField
Town/City account_town_or_city max_length=70 CharField
County account_county max_length=50, null=True, blank=True CharField
Postcode accountaccount_postcode max_length=20 CharField
Country account_country blank_label='Country' CountryField
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Products app

Name Database Key Validation Field Type
Product Type product_type choices=PRODUCT_TYPE CharField
Product Group product_group choices=PRODUCT_GROUP CharField
Name name max_length=80 CharField
Frame Type frame max_length=80 CharField
Title title max_length=120 TextField
Fork fork max_length=80 CharField
Wheels wheels max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Tyres tyres max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Max Tyre Size max_tyre_size max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Crankset crankset max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Shift Levers shift_levers max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Derailleurs derailleurs max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Casette/Sprocket casette_or_sprocket max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Chain/Belt chain_or_belt max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Brakes brakes max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Handlebar handlebar max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Stem stem max_length=100, null=True, blank=True CharField
Saddle saddle max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Seatpost seatpost max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Seat Clamp seat_clamp max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Headset headset max_length=80, null=True, blank=True CharField
Seatpost Diameter seatpost_diameter max_length=20 CharField
Bottom Bracket Type bottom_bracket max_length=80 CharField
Dropouts dropouts max_length=120 CharField
Weigth weight max_digits=4, decimal_places=2 DecimalField
Weight Alloy weight_alloy max_digits=4, decimal_places=2 DecimalField
Weight Carbon weight_carbon max_digits=4, decimal_places=2 DecimalField
Price price max_digits=6, decimal_places=2 DecimalField
Price Alloy price_alloy max_digits=6, decimal_places=2 DecimalField
Price Carbon price_carbon max_digits=6, decimal_places=2 DecimalField
Price comment price_comment max_length=120 CharField
Image 1 product_image01 ImageField
Image 2 product_image02 null=True, blank=True ImageField
  • Product Types/choices are defined within the Product model.
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Checkout App

Name Database Key Validation Field Type
Order Number order_number CharField max_length=32, null=False, editable=False
User account ForeignKey 'Account' on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, related_name='orders'
Full Name account_full_name max_length=70 CharField
Phone number account_phone_number max_length=25 CharField
Address address max_length=254 TextField, ForeignKey 'Address'
Town or City town_or_city max_length=80 CharField
Postcode postcode max_length=20 CharField
Country country blank_label='Country*' CharField
Purchase Date purchase_date auto_now_add=True DateTimeField
Order Total order_total max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0 DecimalField
Delivery Cost delivery_cost max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0 DecimalField
Final Total Total final_total max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0 DecimalField
Stripe Pid stripe_pid max_length=254, null=False, blank=False, default='' CharField
Order Item Details
Name Database Key Validation Field Type
Order order null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='orderitems' ForeignKey 'Order'
Product product null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.PROTECT ForeignKey 'Product' or 'Event'
Quantity quantity null=False, blank=False, default=0 IntegerField
Color color choices=COLORS CharField
Size size choices=SIZES CharField
Components alloy_or_carbon choices=COMPONENTS CharField
Item Total item_total max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, blank=False, editable=False DecimalField
  • Colors, Components & Sizes choices will be added via other means, product views, Javascript.

Learning point:

Data model for Products done at the beginning of the project didn't take into account some aspects of data manipulation, specifically creating a unique product record with a combination of model, color, size, components, etc. Based on the knowledge & experience I have obtained during the project's implementation, I'd plan a Product data model differently, i.e. each individual combination of a model, color, size, components would be given an individual sku code. This would simplify quite a number of processes within the following apps: cart, checkout.

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Events/Workshops app

Name Database Key Validation Field Type
Title title max_length=80 CharField
Learning Learning max_length=254 TextFeild
Date date max_length=20 DateTimeField
Time time max_length=20 DateTimeField
Address address max_length=80 CharField
Town or City town_or_city max_length=80 CharField
Price price max_digits=3, decimal_places=2 DecimalField
Comment Comment max_length=120 CharField

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Unlogged users' view:

  • HOME
    • Navbar with logo and nav links to:
      • Products
      • Events
      • About
      • Contact
      • Search icon
      • Account icon
        • Sign Up link
        • Sign In link
      • Cart Icon
    • Hero image slideshow
    • Three secion of product with CTA button
    • Components brands info section
    • Footer with links/icons to:
      • Bikes
      • Frames
      • Events
      • About
      • Warranty info
      • Refunds and returns info
      • Facebook
      • Instagram
      • Contact

Home page

Home page

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    • Info about the company
    • Addresses
    • CTS button to contact us
    • Lists all three groups of products - Urban, All Road, Road
    • Each group section has a clickable image/title
    • Each product has a clickable image/title


    • All the bikes from this product group
    • Each product has a clickable image/title

Urban bikes

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    • As above
    • As above
    • Frames with clickable images/titles


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  • Individual PRODUCT pages
    • Product image
    • Name, frame, title
    • Edit, Delete Buttons (superuser view)
    • Color, size, components(only for bikes), price, Add-to-cart section
    • Specifications section
    • Geometry and sizes section
    • Contact Us CTA button
    • Section about customizable color parts
    • Info about production location & delivery times

Product page

Product page

Product page

Product page

Product page

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    • Lists all the events
    • Each event has More Info button
  • Individual EVENT pages
    • Title
    • Learning topics
    • Date & time
    • Location address / map link (if provided)
    • Price
    • Book CTA button
    • Edit, Delete Buttons (superuser view)

Event page

    • Info about added products
    • Image, colors, size, components, quantity
    • Update field to increase/decrease quantity
    • Delete button
    • Checkout button
    • Back to Bikes Button

Shopping Cart

back to top
    • Summary of the order
    • Image, colors, size, components, quantity
    • Final total to pay
    • Billing/Shipping info form
    • Sign Up/Sign In link (if not logged)
    • Save info to profile (if logged in)
    • Card info field
    • Complete Order Button
    • Info about amount to be charged
    • Back to Bikes Button


  • CHECKOUT Success
    • Summary of an order
      • Order date and number
      • Product descriptions
      • Address to where it is sent
      • Payment info
    • Info about email to which a confirmation was sent
    • Button Back to Bikes


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Logged users' view: In addition to the pages mentioned above

    • Shipping info which can be updated
    • List of past order, ech of them can be open separately


  • PRODUCT MANAGEMENT (for super-user)
    • New Product & New Event in the Account menu
    • Add Product/Add Event pages
    • Each Product or Even has Edit/Delete buttons
    • Edit Product/Event Pages
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Product management

Product management

Product management

Product management

Product management

Product management

Product management

Product management

Product management

Product management

Product management

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  1. Datetime picker for dates and time in adding/editing events
  2. Wishlist application
  3. More product pictures, macthing colors on color choice selected by a user



  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Python
  • Javascript
  • Jinja



  • GitPod - IDE for developing this project
  • Git - version control
  • GitHub - storage of the project's repository
  • PIP - for installation of necessary tools
  • Heroku - to host the project
  • AWS S3 Bucket - to store static and media files in production
  • Boto3 for compatibility with AWS
  • Travis - for integration testing
  • Balsamiq - for wireframes
  • ColosSpace - to create colour palette
  • Autoprefixer - for adapting css to various browsers


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You will find all the info related to testing in file


Gitpod was used as IDE to code this project. It was then committed and pushed to Github using the command line and deployed on Heroku PaaS platform, static and media files were uploaded to AWS S3. All versions and branches of the code are stored on Github repository.


Follow these steps to deploy the project to Heroku:


  1. Create an new app in Heroku dashboard, choose closest region to you
  2. Go to Resources & provision a new instance of PostgreSQL DB
    • Search for Heroku Postgres in ADDONS
    • Choose Development plan


  1. Run the following commands to install dj_database_url & psycopg2-binary:
  • pip3 install dj_database_url
  • pip3 install psycopg2-binary
  1. Update requirements.txt:
  • pip3 freeze > requirements.txt


  1. add import dj_database_url right after import os
  2. Change Database:
    'default': dj_database_url.parse(' goes a link for DB from Heroku Config Variables...')


  1. Run migrations:
  • python3 showmigrations
  • python3 migrate
  1. Load products & events data:
  • python3 loaddata products
  • python3 loaddata events
  1. Create a superuser:
  • python3 createsuperuser


  1. Change the Database settings as follows:
if 'DATABASE_URL' in os.environ:
        'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL from Heroku'))
        'default': {
            'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
            'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),

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  1. Install gunicorn:
  • pip3 install gunicorn”
  1. Update requirements.txt:
  • pip3 freeze > requirements.txt

In general project's directory:

  1. Create a Procfile


  1. Run the following command:
  • web gunicorn django_name.wsgi:application
  1. To login into heroku run:
  • heroku login -i
  1. Enter your email & password
  2. Run the following command:
  • heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 --app fabike


  1. To ALLOWED_HOSTS add ['', 'localhost']

  2. Generate a new SCRET_KEY on Django Secret Key generator (find online)

In Heroku:

  1. Add it to Settings > Config Vars,
  2. Make sure you have other necessesary keys are setup there:
  • USE_AWS set to True


  1. Change SECRET_KEY to:
  • SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY', ' ')


  1. Commit changes to Github:
  • git push origin master
  1. Push to Heroku:
  • git push -u heroku master

Additionally In Heroku:

  1. You can setup automatic deployment to Heroku when you commit changes to Githu:
  • Go to Deploy
  • Set deployment method to GitHub
  • Find Fabike and connect
  • Enable Automatic Deploys

The deployment has been completed.

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Hosting media files with AWS

The static files and media files (product images) are hosted in the AWS S3 Bucket. To host them, you need to create an account in AWS and create your S3 basket with public access.

Sending email with Gmail

To be able to send emails with Gmail, you need to connect it to your Gmail account, setting up your email address in EMAIL_HOST_USER variable and your app password generated by your email provider in EMAIL_HOST_PASS variable.

Local Deployment

To be able to run this project, the following tools have to be installed:

Besides, you need to have/create accounts at:

Follow these steps:

  1. Copy the repository by entering this in your IDE:
  1. Create .env file and add it to .gitignore to protect your sensitive variables
  • env. file example:
import os  
os.environ["DEVELOPMENT"] = "True"    
os.environ["SECRET_KEY"] = "<Your Secret key>"    
os.environ["STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY"] = "<Your Stripe Public key>"    
os.environ["STRIPE_SECRET_KEY"] = "<Your Stripe Secret key>"    
os.environ["STRIPE_WH_SECRET"] = "<Your Stripe WH_Secret key>"    


  1. Install all the requirements:
  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Start the server:
  • python3 runserver
  1. Migrate the models for the DB
  • python3 makemigrations
  • python3 migrate
  1. Load data using fixtures:
  • python3 loaddata products
  • python3 loaddata events
  1. Create a superuser for admin
  • python3 createsuperuser
  1. Start the server:
  • python3 runserver

Now the project should be active on localhost port 8000. To access admin you need to add /admin at the end of the url.

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The website is created by Alexey Statsenko, using the media described below.


  • All product(bikes, frames) & lifestyle photos were taken by the designer of the frames, Fabio Putzolu. All rights belong to FABIKE Design s.r.o.


  • Code for search dropdown menu and search algorithm was copied from CI's Boutique Ado project, and modified according to the current project's needs. Thanks, Chris! ;-)
  • HTML/CSS code for color radio buttons on bike.html was taken from and modified according to the needs of the project.
  • HTML/CSS code for size and components selector was taken from and modified according to the needs of the project.
  • Code for toasts was copied from CI's Boutique Ado project, and modified according to the current project's needs.
  • Code for cart including calc_subtotal templatetags was copied from CI's Boutique Ado project, and modified according to the current project's needs.
  • Code for checkout app was partly copied from CI's Boutique Ado project, and modified according to the current project's needs.
  • Code for profile was partly copied from I's Boutique Ado project, and modified according to the current project's needs.
  • Code for clear input widget was taken from Boutique Ado.
  • I have added appropriate comments where needed. Disclaimer: I might have missed some place, but please consider the credits given to the Boutique Ado project, as I have used it for both inspiration, structure and soruce code for building my project.


  1. My mentor, Can Sucullu, for advice and help with planning and creating the website; checking the project and giving advice during the project's calls - checking the code, giving general advice.
  2. CI's tutors for help during the project.
  3. Chris Z. (ckz8780), for answering my questions about the projects, especially the checkout/webhooks part.
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