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kafka's Issues

group consumers getting the same messages

I was trying this out - running the group consumer example in the, so the default round-robin strategy. Running the consumer in two different processes - the console messages seem reasonable, joining and electing leaders. But pushing messages through tends to show up in both consumers - is this expected?

Stream interface?

Producer / Consumers could benefit from a stream interface to increase interop with any NodeJS stream.


Broker throws SchemaException: Error reading field 'topics'

Hi @oleksiyk, I've tried to run a producer + group consumer, but I'm running into some problems with the consumer. Using the same setup, the simple consumer works and I'm able to receive messages.

The error in question is:

[2016-02-03 23:04:34,155] ERROR Closing socket for / because of error (
org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types.SchemaException: Error reading field 'topics': java.nio.BufferUnderflowException
    at org.apache.kafka.common.requests.JoinGroupRequest.parse(
    at kafka.api.JoinGroupRequestAndHeader$.readFrom(JoinGroupRequestAndHeader.scala:29)
    at kafka.api.RequestKeys$$anonfun$12.apply(RequestKeys.scala:50)
    at kafka.api.RequestKeys$$anonfun$12.apply(RequestKeys.scala:50)

What I've done to setup the environment is:

$ docker run -d --name zookeeper jplock/zookeeper:3.4.6
$ docker run -d --name kafka --link zookeeper:zookeeper ches/kafka

$ ZK_IP=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' zookeeper)
$ KAFKA_IP=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' kafka)

$ docker run --rm ches/kafka --create --topic test --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --zookeeper $ZK_IP:2181
Created topic "test".

My producer is:

var Kafka = require('no-kafka');
var producer = new Kafka.Producer({
  connectionString: process.env.KAFKA_IP + ':9092'

return producer.init().then(function(){
  return producer.send({
      topic: 'test',
      partition: 0,
      message: {
          value: 'Hello!'

And my group consumer:

var Kafka = require('no-kafka');
var consumer = new Kafka.GroupConsumer({
  connectionString: process.env.KAFKA_IP + ':9092'
var strategies = {
    strategy: 'TestStrategy',
    subscriptions: ['test']

consumer.on('data', function (messageSet, topic, partition) {
    messageSet.forEach(function (m) {
        console.log(topic, partition, m.offset, m.message.value.toString('utf8'));
        // process each message and commit its offset
        consumer.commitOffset({topic: topic, partition: partition, offset: m.offset, metadata: 'optional'});

return consumer.init(strategies).then(function() {
  // all done, now wait for messages in event listener

Running the consumer throws the following error: NoKafkaConnectionError ( Kafka server [] has closed connection, which is due to the above error taken from the Kafka error log file.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated!

Error Handling / Reconnect

Thanks for the awesome library!

Question applies for both Publisher and Subscriber. What would be the best way to:

  1. Handle Errors (connection drop, network failure)
  2. Reconnect on Error (or check connection every xxx period) without "return"

Version: 2.0.1
Use-case: using SimpleCustomer to receive events
Platform: Windows
Kafka: 0.9.0

Warning: a promise was created in a handler but was not returned from it
at [...]\node_modules\no-kafka\lib\base_consumer.js:69:23
From previous event:
at d:\dev\attractions-reboot.git\attractions-service\node_modules\no-kafka\lib\base_consumer.js:59:28
at processImmediate as _immediateCallback

It seems like base_consumer.js:69 sould be prefixed by a "return"

Group consumer question


Im playing around with this lib but im not sure how the group consumers are supposed to work. Is it just to group a few partitions based on the selected strategy?

How can I round robin one producer over multiple consumers? Must I increment the partition after every message on the producer side?

Thank you!


When connection disappears the `retries` option is not taken into account

When connection disappears or if never was on the first place then the NoKafkaConnectionError is thrown.
ERROR no-kafka-client Metadata request failed: NoKafkaConnectionError []: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

The retries.delay and retries.attempts are not used in that case. The default 1000 value is used instead.

Can submit a PR which uses the delay provided in the Producer options. Otherwise, please fix. Thanks!

No initial hosts to connect

Connection string needs to be now kafka://host:port otherwise it fails in parsing the host and port:

self.initialBrokers = self.options.connectionString.split(',').map(function (hostStr) {
var parsed = url.parse(hostStr);
var config = {
host: parsed.hostname,
port: parsed.port

    return && config.port ? new Connection(config) : undefined;


Producer retry logic does not preserve order (during a leader failure/election)

Steps to reproduce

  1. start 2 kafka brokers (ports 9092, 9093)

  2. create mytopic with replication-factor of 2

     ./bin/ --zookeeper localhost --topic mytopic --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 2
  3. start a consumer in a loop

     var consumer = new Kafka.SimpleConsumer({connectionString: 'localhost:9092, localhost:9093'})
     consumer.init().then(function () {
       consumer.subscribe('mytopic', [], function (messageSet, topic, partition) {
         messageSet.forEach(function (m) {
           console.log(topic, partition, m.offset, m.message.value.toString('utf8'));
  4. configure no-kafka producer with max attempts and delay long enough to survive rebalancing

     var producer = new NoKafka.Producer({
       connectionString: 'localhost:9092, localhost:9093',
       clientId: 'producer',
       timeout: 100,
       retries: {
           attempts: 10,
           delay: 1000
  5. run no-kafka producer in loop

     var counter = 0;
     setInterval(function() {
           topic: 'mytopic',
           message: { value: 'message #' + counter },,
           partition: 0
       .catch(function(err) { console.log('promise rejection', err); })
       .then(function(err) { console.log('promise fulfillment', err.error); });
     }, 1000)
  6. kill -9 whichever broker is the leader for mytopic:0

  7. Observe the messages be sent in reverse order when the new leader is elected


Keyed Messages - Expects partition?

AFAIK, while sending out keyed messages, it should automatically be distributed to a partition based on the key, and I guess we don't need to specify the partition explicitly?

So, while sending out keyed messages, via no-kafka it's expecting a partition, I get an error Missing or invalid partition.

Is this expected?

Simple producer throws error - Trying to access buffer beyond range

I am trying a simple Producer example with no-kakfa versioned 2.4.1. The entire code is as,

var Kafka = require('no-kafka');
var producer = new Kafka.Producer()

return producer.init().then(function(){
  return producer.send({
      topic: 'kafka-test-topic',
      partition: 0,
      message: {
          value: 'Hello!'
.then(function (result) {
  console.log('the kafka s post send result is ', result)

And it throws exception as,

Unhandled rejection RangeError: Trying to access beyond buffer length
    at checkOffset (buffer.js:582:11)
    at Buffer.readInt32BE (buffer.js:667:5)
    at (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/bin-protocol/lib/index.js:101:47)
    at _Reader._read (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/bin-protocol/lib/reader.js:42:12)
    at apply (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:427:27)
    at _Reader.wrapper (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:4675:16)
    at (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/lib/protocol/produce.js:72:14)
    at _Reader._read (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/bin-protocol/lib/reader.js:42:12)
    at apply (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:426:27)
    at _Reader.wrapper [as ProduceResponse] (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:4675:16)
    at /home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/lib/client.js:294:67
    at tryCatcher (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23)
    at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:503:31)
    at Promise._settlePromise (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:560:18)
    at Promise._settlePromise0 (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:605:10)
    at Promise._settlePromises (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:684:18)
    at Async._drainQueue (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:126:16)
    at Async._drainQueues (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:136:10)
    at Async.drainQueues (/home/sk/ws/express/node-postgres-todo/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:16:14)
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:419:13)

Am i missing something here?


Hello @oleksiyk!

I'm moving discussion from SOHU-Co/kafka-node#309 here. At least I came to thinking that author of kafka-node has no time or wish to re-organize his project for the good of everyone. Also I'm seeing kind of regress in code and quality of module after 0.3.0 was released. And your module seems to be very promising. So we'd like to help ya with kind of roadmap, splitting tasks, covering with tests, review, etc. Are you interested or not? 😉

/cc @ismriv @paddy3883

Producer memory leak when connection to Kafka is lost

If a producer suddenly loses connection to all brokers:

  1. There's a memory leak - the producer will continue to allocate a _try closure for each call to producer.send
  2. Meanwhile, the client is in a loop for updateMetadata (but doesn't throw any errors AKA "reject any promises")

Ideally (and maybe this is already possible), we could subscribe (or catch) to those failures after a circuit breaker pattern has been tripped and then stop calling producer.send

OR... the producer.send would reject a promise after the circuit breaker has been tripped (might be the simplest and most intuitive).

If we don't have a mechanism for subscribing to connection failures, our no-kafka processes are just going to hit the VM memory limit until the broker(s) is/are available again.

Use of 'strategy' on GroupConsumer

I'm working on porting my application from kafka-node to no-kafka. So far everything has been much easier to use. Thanks!

I'm a little uncertain what the strategy property of the GroupConsumer init is for. I've looked through the tests and code a little bit, and it looks like it is just used as a key when storing multiple consumer strategies and handlers, but all of the tests use 'TestStrategy'. It would be a nice addition to the docs to explain what this is for.

MIT License

Shall we clearly state in LICENSE & README that this module is licensed under MIT? The only reference I find now is in package.json.

crash on producer creation

When creating a new producer without options like in the example, my API crashes with this error:

    this.partitioner = options.partitioner;

TypeError: Cannot read property 'partitioner' of undefined
    at new Producer ([...]/node_modules/no-kafka/lib/producer.js:28:31)
    at ...

Support for Keyed Messages in Producer

The current Producer doesn't support Keyed Messages. We use log compaction in a number of topics, and this would prevent us from fully moving to the new driver. Is this feature in the roadmap?

Great improvements in the last weeks @oleksiyk!

Topic Creation/Management API's

Request for some API's for topic introspection and management, such as:

  • Creation
  • Partition management
  • Compaction
  • Viewing state of broker farm.

Or do you feel that no-kafka is more a consumption/production solution? Interested in what the roadmap might be.

.end() causes exceptions to be raised to console during shutdown

When calling .end(), there's lots of error logging that ends up in the console, such as:

2016-01-07T23:27:11.935Z ERROR Error: Kafka server has closed connection
[Error: Kafka server has closed connection]
at d:\Github\kafka-poc\node_modules\no-kafka\lib\connection.js:81:30
at Array.forEach (native)
at Connection._disconnect (d:\Github\kafka-poc\node_modules\no-kafka\lib\connection.js:80:16)
... blah blah

I was thinking perhaps for the .end() method we might pass a 'skipRejections' flag to _disconnect and make it not bother calling the explicit rejections for promises. Ordinarily on a disconnect we'd want to maintain state, but it seems redundant if we are doing a shutdown since there is nothing we should want users to care about on the instance after an .end(). Something like:

// events call directly to make sure internal state is maintained
Connection.prototype._disconnect = function (err, skipRejections) {
    if (!this.connected) {

    this.connected = false;

    if (!skipRejections) {
      this.queue.forEach(function (t) {
          t.reject(err ? err : new Error('Kafka server has closed connection'));

    this.queue = [];


Connection.prototype.close = function () {
    // console.log('Closing connection', + ':' + this.port);
    this.auto_connect = false;
    this._disconnect(null, true);

Auto create topic

Does there is any plan or possibility that no-kafka could support auto.create.topic like the old time?

Manually close GroupConsumer

Is there any way to force a consumer to close connection?
Something like what kafka-node does.
The use case is to be able to capture SIGINT|SIGTERM and close the GroupConsumer before baling.


producer.send function options

Thank you for the awesome module supporting so many neat features!

I'm struggling with its API though. It's not clear from the README what are the producer.send() function options.

  1. The first argument is a message. Although, the message can have property message. So it's unclear what "message" is. Either the first argument, or the property of the first argument.
  2. Sometimes it says that it's not message but messages. I assume, but not sure, that the first argument can be an array.
  3. And the most important! The second options argument possible properties are not listed anywhere. All I see is the Producer options. Could you update the README with the .send function options please?

Thank you so much

Batch commiting

I see you updated the docs to suggest not using on a messageSet in the Group Consumer handler (1a63120), but the commitOffset method signature still allows for an array of commits.

 * Commit (save) processed offsets to Kafka
 * @param  {Object|Array} commits [{topic, partition, offset, metadata}]
 * @return {Promise}
GroupConsumer.prototype.commitOffset = function (commits) {
    var self = this;
    return self.client.offsetCommitRequestV2(self.options.groupId, self.memberId, self.generationId,
        self._prepareOffsetRequest('commit', commits));

Is it not safe, or otherwise undesirable, to batch commit the entire messageSet in the handler function for the same reason you suggest not doing concurrent commits of individual messages?

Accept Delegate for Logger Activity

In some cases it's desirable to have a custom/central logging component for an application that allows collection of messages from the external/third-party libraries (such as no-kafka). Suggestion here is to make the constructors of the no-kafka library accept an additional parameter on:

  • GroupConsumer
  • SimpleConsumer
  • Producer

This parameter takes the form of an object with .log/.warn/.debug methods - and then defaults back to nice-simple-logger when no value for this property is passed. This allows consuming code to pass in custom logging handlers, such as:

const csmr = new GroupConsumer({
    logger: {
          warn: function (msg) {
                  // lorem ipsum     

The object should be validated to ensure that all required operations are present as typeof === 'function' and then any missing members should be defaulted to passing through to NSL, allowing only specific types of events to be collected.

Low producer request timeout default?

I'm wondering why the default producer timeout is set to 100ms.

This timeout is passed to the client and then on to the ProduceRequest call. According to the Kafka Protocol guide and the documentation page:

The configuration controls the maximum amount of time the server will wait for acknowledgments from followers to meet the acknowledgment requirements the producer has specified with the acks configuration. If the requested number of acknowledgments are not met when the timeout elapses an error will be returned. This timeout is measured on the server side and does not include the network latency of the request.

Returning an error to the client before all brokers ACK may lead developers to manually retry the write and cause data duplication.

The default Kafka setting is 30 seconds. Why set it so low in this driver?

GroupConsumer does not support starting group at offset 0


I've noticed when adding new GroupConsumers to a topic for watching, they start watching from the current position of the topic and not the start position. This means only new data from the time the consumer is added is reported on, which is often not the requirement (i.e. Adding a new consumer to read a log from start to finish, and then watch the tail).

Is there a flag or option to make the initial offset be 0 for a new consumer?


No clean way to close client/consumer?


When writing unit tests, there's no obviously documented way to close the consumers. This is fine for how the tests are written for the library itself, but if you're running them as part of a gulp job then the tests will never let the node process exit, because there's callbacks hanging around.


Updating offset because of OffsetOutOfRange after every handler call

Hi Oleksiyk

I've been using no-kafka for couple of months and by far this is the best npm package for kafka.
I've recently switched to 2.2.1 and noticed one small issue with base_consumer (used as SimpleConsumer).

Each time dataHandler is invoked i receive a warning "Updating offset because of OffsetOutOfRange"
It's probably nothing but I checked that since 2.2.1 I don't have to add +1 to offset when subscribing to kafka partition.
I noticed that +1 is still used in finally() handler in base_consumer::_fetch.

If this is not an issue then sorry for trouble.

Thanks for the great work

Too many times of `Rejoining group` lead to `Maximum call stack size exceeded`

In the beginning, it is confuse me when i open my laptop the error down here was always in the console

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

But, just now , when i rejoin the wifi network, the error reappear again.
After couple times testing, I am sure that the rejoin would cause the error.

There are some console info.

2016-03-04T08:53:59.064Z INFO group-name-56d94c8a737bb0fb808ade52 Joined group group-name generationId 3 as group-name-56d94c8a737bb0fb808ade52-2fc5cefc-c9b4-41d6-91e0-438075a26395
2016-03-04T08:53:59.382Z ERROR group-name-56d94c8a737bb0fb808ade55 Sending heartbeat failed:  KafkaError: UnknownMemberId: Returned from group requests (offset commits/fetches, heartbeats, etc) when the memberId is not in the current generation.
{ [KafkaError: Returned from group requests (offset commits/fetches, heartbeats, etc) when the memberId is not in the current generation.]
  name: 'KafkaError',
  code: 'UnknownMemberId',
  message: 'Returned from group requests (offset commits/fetches, heartbeats, etc) when the memberId is not in the current generation.' }
    at Object.exports.byCode (/path/to/program/node_modules/no-kafka/lib/errors.js:84:12)
    at (/path/to/program/node_modules/no-kafka/lib/protocol/common.js:87:23)
    at _Reader._read (/path/to/program/node_modules/bin-protocol/lib/reader.js:41:18)
    at apply (/path/to/program/node_modules/bin-protocol/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:419:27)
    at _Reader.wrapper [as ErrorCode] (/path/to/program/node_modules/bin-protocol/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:4499:16)
    at (/path/to/program/node_modules/no-kafka/lib/protocol/group_membership.js:275:14)
    at _Reader._read (/path/to/program/node_modules/bin-protocol/lib/reader.js:41:18)
    at apply (/path/to/program/node_modules/bin-protocol/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:418:27)
    at _Reader.wrapper [as HeartbeatResponse] (/path/to/program/node_modules/bin-protocol/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:4499:16)
    at /path/to/program/node_modules/no-kafka/lib/client.js:541:61
From previous event:
    at /path/to/program/node_modules/no-kafka/lib/client.js:540:40
    at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:383:17)
From previous event:
    at Client.heartbeatRequest (/path/to/program/node_modules/no-kafka/lib/client.js:531:48)
    at GroupConsumer._heartbeat (/path/to/program/node_modules/no-kafka/lib/group_consumer.js:201:24)
    at /path/to/program/node_modules/no-kafka/lib/group_consumer.js:209:25
    at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:92:15)
[at apply (/path/to/program/node_modules/no-kafka/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:419:27)]
2016-03-04T08:54:00.060Z INFO group-name-56d94c8a737bb0fb808ade52 Rejoining group on RebalanceInProgress
Promise.prototype._settlePromise = function(promise, handler, receiver, value) {

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
    at Promise._settlePromise (/path/to/program/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:533:44)
    at Promise._settlePromise0 (/path/to/program/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:605:10)
    at Promise._settlePromises (/path/to/program/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:684:18)
    at Promise._fulfill (/path/to/program/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:629:18)
    at Promise._resolveCallback (/path/to/program/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:424:57)
    at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (/path/to/program/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:515:17)

Doesn't know it is related about he newest change log of [email protected], which have said something about stack overflow.

Possible race when connecting with Kafka/ZK (while Kafka/ZK are booting)

If I have a docker-compose configuration that has 3 containers I can reproduce a connection issue where nokafkaclient can't subscribe to anything:

    image: "zookeeper:latest"
      - "2181:2181"
    image: "kafka:latest"
      - "zookeeper"
      - "9092:9092"
      - "zookeeper"
      - "kafka"

(the "depends_on" feature of docker-compose doesn't introduce delays or "waits", all it does is control order)

If docker-compose up nokafkaclient is run, the simple consumer's init's promise returns successfully, yet calling subscribe promise returns an error:

This request is for a topic or partition that does not exist on this broker.

  • despite the existence of that topic
  • and even with the logLevel at 5, there's no debug output at all
  • no amount of time passing auto resolves the issue

restarting the nokafkaclient will resolve it.

If using the simple consumer, should the metadata be manually refreshed at certain times, events or errors?

Consumer commits offset regardless of handler failures

s.handler(p.messageSet, p.topic, p.partition, p.highwaterMarkOffset)
.catch(function (err) {
self.client.warn('Handler for', p.topic + ':' + p.partition, 'failed with', err);
.finally(function () {
s.paused = false;
s.offset = _.last(p.messageSet).offset + 1; // advance offset position

It seems like the finally handler there is incrementing offsets regardless of handler success. This means that if the handler chooses not to commit offsets to kafka due to failures in the handler itself, the consumer will still continue to consume messages, leading to potential divergence in persisted offsets and processed offsets.
What is the recommended way of not advancing the offset on failure?

Moreover, if a batch of payloads fails some of the way through, a handler can commit the last successful offset. In this scenario, shouldn't the consumer continue from the offset after this last successful one until the handler commits a greater offset?

Producer sometimes throws (rejects promise) `UnknownTopicOrPartition`

When a Kafka leader is kill -9'd, the producer has inconsistent behavior.

  • most of the time the producer.send() promise is fulfilled and no error is returned
  • some of the time the producer.send() promise is rejected with UnknownTopicOrPartition. It looks like it might be coming from here
    return self.updateMetadata().then(_try);
    (the metadata had just finished updating but was set to the now kill -9'd broker)

Assuming my observations are correct, I would further assume that Producer.prototype._send needs some kind of wrapper/retry around _prepareProduceRequest - but maybe this design was intentional.

Reuse same Client instance

Would it be possible to implement the solution to reuse the Client instance between Consumer and Producers?

For example, right now I'm looking at the topicMetadata and need that before I can make one of my Consumers, so I thought it'd be nice to simply make a new Client, wait for it to init, and grab the metadata, and then reuse the same client for my new Consumer.

logFunction implementation

I've tried a few things, and can't seem to find anywhere this is implemented with the simple logger.

Would it be possible to use something like winston, or bunyan, and simply just give it the logger object, rather than a logger function?

Handling long leader election and/or broker outages for the PRODUCER

Steps to reproduce

  1. start 2 kafka brokers (ports 9092, 9093)

  2. create mytopic with replication-factor of 2

     ./bin/ --zookeeper localhost --topic mytopic --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 2
  3. configure no-kafka producer with max attempts of 1

     var producer = new NoKafka.Producer({
       connectionString: 'localhost:9092, localhost:9093',
       clientId: 'producer',
       timeout: 50,
       retries: {
           attempts: 1,
           delay: 50
  4. run no-kafka producer in loop

     setInterval(function() {
           topic: 'mytopic',
           message: { value: 'value' },
           partition: 0
       .catch(function(err) { console.log('promise rejection', err); })
       .then(function(err) { console.log('promise fulfillment', err.error); });
     }, 1000)
  5. kill -9 whichever broker is the leader for mytopic:0

  6. witness the producer loop get into a dead/inert failed state


The simple consumer's fetch loop ensures that metadata is updated despite arbitrarily long broker outages.

The producer, however, gets into an inert state after a long leader election or broker outage (as in, the outage lasts longer than the default of 3 attempts with 1000ms delay) in which case the promise is fulfilled with an error NoKafkaConnectionError (rather than rejected) and repeated calls to producer.send continues to fail (because the metadata is not updated).

If the original broker comes back online, the error, expectedly changes to: NotLeaderForPartition (but still as a promise fulfillment rather than promise rejection)

Do you have any recommendations on how best to handle this? I can think of a few:

  • solutions by changing the caller
    1. merely increase the attempts for the producer to something arbitrarily large
    2. update no-kafka to reject the promise allowing the caller to decide what to do (reconnect or fail permanently) (or... was it intentional to return the error via the promise fulfillment?) in either case, reconnect or fetch metadata on failure at caller's discretion
  • solutions by changing no-kafka
    1. update no-kafka to apply a throttled metadata update on ALL producer.send's
    2. update no-kafka to apply a throttled metadata update on ALL ERROR'D producer.send's (seemingly most sensible)
    3. update no-kafka to apply a circuit breaker like pattern on ALL ERROR'D producer.sends

Queue Shift on .end() causes null dereference

There's a small glitch when closing a connection shortly after it opens where Connection._recieve will get shift().resolve() called on a null.

The error stack looks like:

throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'resolve' of undefined
at Connection._receive (d:\Github\kafka-poc\node_modules\no-kafka\lib\connection.js:167:11)
at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
at Socket.emit (events.js:169:7)
at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:146:16)
at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:110:10)
at TCP.onread (net.js:523:20)

Implement batching of produce requests

This issue is to collection ideas and details of further implementation.

Basically, what I propose is using two (configurable) characteristics which would control batching:

  1. batchSize Number. Max size of batch buffer. Once current buffer hits this size, we send batch to Broker. Default: 16384 or 16kb. In environment where amount of produce requests is unpredictable this value should be lowered.
  2. batchLinger Number. Amount of time in ms to wait before sending batch to broker. If batchSize is not hit and timeout reached its end, batch is sent. Default: 0 meaning that such timeout is disabled.


  • Maybe we want to disable batching by default? Currently I'm sticking to Stream-like behavior ( highWaterMark option). As pointed above, there are environment where one can't predict amount of produce requests. But in such case batchLinger can be set to 100.
  • Move options to batch object?

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