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octave-app's Introduction

README – octave-app is a native Mac app distribution of GNU Octave. See the web site for info.

This octave-app repo hosts the releases of (in its GitHub Releases section), tracks bugs, and related things.

You can download from our Releases page.

Bugs in can be reported in this octave-app repo, in the octave-app Issues tracker.

To use GitHub Notifications to be notified of new releases, subscribe to Issue #1 "Announcements", or Issue #289 "Dev News" for betas and prereleases.

This isn't the repo for GNU Octave itself (aka "core Octave"). For help with regular GNU Octave (as opposed to the special packaging of it), see the GNU Octave Discourse forum.

Related repos and sites

The bundle_octave tool used to create these releases is over in the octave-app-bundler repo.

The custom Homebrew formulae used to build are found in the octave-app/octave-app Tap, hosted in the homebrew-octave-app repo.

The web site source is found in the repo, and hosted on GitHub Pages.

All these live under the umbrella of the octave-app GitHub organization.

The create-dmg tool used in the octave-app-bundler build process is found in the create-dmg repo under the separate create-dmg GitHub organization. (The old octave-app/create-dmg repo is an obsolete project fork of that; our customizations were upstreamd around 2021 and now we just use the regular create-dmg instead of our custom variant.)

octave-app's People


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octave-app's Issues

Double icons in the Dock

When running 4.4.0 beta2, when I launch the GUI (by double-clicking, two Octave icons appear in the Mac Dock. When I hover over them, the tooltips are different: one is "Octave-4.4.0", and one is "octave-gui".

screen shot 2018-06-23 at 1 58 08 am

Licensing for dependencies

Not all of the Octave dependencies are GPL, so we should include licensing info for all the dependencies, too.

Assemble a list of licenses for all the dependencies. Incorporate the license for each dependency in the VERSIONS file. Modify the EULA file to refer to all the licenses.

We may need to assemble a central Acknowledgments file to include the copyright notices required by the BSD licenses and other licenses that include acknowledgments in binary redistributions.

Test suite failures in 4.4.0 beta2

After fixing the Qt/FLTK crash by building --without-fltk, I'm left with a few failures in the test suite.

Failing tests:


Bugs for individual test failures:

Log excerpt when running in CLI:

  miscellaneous/tar.m .........................................a dir2
a dir2/file2
a file1
 PASS      5/6
                                                                  FAIL    1
  plot/util/copyobj.m .........................................GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file
 PASS      1/2
                                                                  FAIL    1
  plot/util/hgsave.m ..........................................GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file
 PASS      3/4
                                                                  FAIL    1
  sparse/eigs.m ............................................... PASS    180/182
                                                                  FAIL    2

  PASS                            14932
  FAIL                                5

Log excerpt when running in GUI:

  plot/util/copyobj.m .........................................
set term qt
line 0: unknown or ambiguous terminal type; type just 'set terminal' for a list

WARNING: Error during initialization

  ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1172: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc
| ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1838: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile
 PASS      1/2
                                                                  FAIL    1
  plot/util/hgsave.m ..........................................
set term qt
line 0: unknown or ambiguous terminal type; type just 'set terminal' for a list

WARNING: Error during initialization

  ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1172: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc
| ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1838: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile
 PASS      3/4
                                                                  FAIL    1
sparse/eigs.m ............................................... PASS    180/182
                                                                  FAIL    2


>>>>> processing /Applications/
***** testif HAVE_MAGICK; any (strcmp ("gnuplot", available_graphics_toolkits ()))
 toolkit = graphics_toolkit ();
 graphics_toolkit ("gnuplot");
   h1 = figure ("visible", "off");
   x = 0:0.1:2*pi;
   y1 = sin (x);
   y2 = exp (x - 1);
   ax = plotyy (x,y1, x-1,y2, @plot, @semilogy);
   xlabel ("X");
   ylabel (ax(1), "Axis 1");
   ylabel (ax(2), "Axis 2");
   axes (ax(1));
   text (0.5, 0.5, "Left Axis", ...
         "color", [0 0 1], "horizontalalignment", "center");
   axes (ax(2));
   text (4.5, 80, "Right Axis", ...
         "color", [0 0.5 0], "horizontalalignment", "center");
   s1 = hdl2struct (h1);
   h2 = struct2hdl (s1);
   s2 = hdl2struct (h2);
   png1 = [tempname() ".png"];
   png2 = [tempname() ".png"];
     print (h1, png1);
     [img1, map1, alpha1] = imread (png1);
     print (h2, png2);
     [img2, map2, alpha2] = imread (png2);
     unlink (png1);
     unlink (png2);
   assert (img1, img2);
   assert (map1, map2);
   assert (alpha1, alpha2);
   close (h1);
   close (h2);
   graphics_toolkit (toolkit);
!!!!! test failed
imread: unable to find file '/var/folders/_4/9mx5ryp52bb_z6drbcbrhwl40000gn/T/oct-CyNAqA.png'
>>>>> processing /Applications/
***** testif HAVE_MAGICK; any (strcmp ("gnuplot", available_graphics_toolkits ()))
 toolkit = graphics_toolkit ();
 graphics_toolkit ("gnuplot");
   h1 = figure ("visible", "off");
   x = 0:0.1:2*pi;
   y1 = sin (x);
   y2 = exp (x - 1);
   ax = plotyy (x,y1, x-1,y2, @plot, @semilogy);
   xlabel ("X");
   ylabel (ax(1), "Axis 1");
   ylabel (ax(2), "Axis 2");
   axes (ax(1));
   text (0.5, 0.5, "Left Axis", ...
         "color", [0 0 1], "horizontalalignment", "center");
   axes (ax(2));
   text (4.5, 80, "Right Axis", ...
         "color", [0 0.5 0], "horizontalalignment", "center");
   ftmp = [tempname() ".ofig"];
   png1 = [tempname() ".png"];
   png2 = [tempname() ".png"];
     hgsave (h1, ftmp);
     print (h1, png1);
     [img1, map1, alpha1] = imread (png1);
     h2 = hgload (ftmp);
     print (h2, png2);
     [img2, map2, alpha2] = imread (png2);
     unlink (ftmp);
     unlink (png1);
     unlink (png2);
   assert (img1, img2);
   assert (map1, map2);
   assert (alpha1, alpha2);
   close (h1);
   close (h2);
   graphics_toolkit (toolkit);
!!!!! test failed
'h2' undefined near line 40 column 11
>>>>> processing /Applications/
***** testif HAVE_ARPACK
 A = toeplitz ([0, 1, zeros(1, 8)], [0, -1, zeros(1, 8)]);
 A = kron (A, eye (10)) + kron (eye (10), A);
 opts.v0 = (1:100)';
 opts.maxit = 5;
 warning ("off", "Octave:eigs:UnconvergedEigenvalues", "local");
 d = eigs (A, 4, "lm", opts);
 assert (d(3:4), [NaN+1i*NaN; NaN+1i*NaN]);
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for:  assert (d (3:4),[NaN + 1i * NaN; NaN + 1i * NaN])

  Location  |  Observed  |  Expected  |  Reason
    (1)      -3.4694e-18+3.6015i   NaN+NaNi     'NaN' mismatch
    (2)      -3.4694e-18-3.6015i   NaN+NaNi     'NaN' mismatch
***** testif HAVE_ARPACK
 A = toeplitz ([0, 1, zeros(1, 8)], [0, -1, zeros(1, 8)]);
 A = kron (A, eye (10)) + kron (eye (10), A);
 Afun = @(x) A * x;
 opts.v0 = (1:100)';
 opts.maxit = 5;
 warning ("off", "Octave:eigs:UnconvergedEigenvalues", "local");
 d = eigs (Afun, 100, 4, "lm", opts);
 assert (d(3:4), [NaN+1i*NaN; NaN+1i*NaN]);
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for:  assert (d (3:4),[NaN + 1i * NaN; NaN + 1i * NaN])

  Location  |  Observed  |  Expected  |  Reason
    (1)      -3.4694e-18+3.6015i   NaN+NaNi     'NaN' mismatch
    (2)      -3.4694e-18-3.6015i   NaN+NaNi     'NaN' mismatch

Should we include the Cairo terminal?

Should we include the Cairo graphics terminal, by building gnuplot with Cairo?

This would get us closer to a maximal build with all features enabled. But it would pull in gobject-introspection and python@2, swelling the build by 100MB. That doesn't seem too bad, actually, compared to our current size of 1.5 GB or so.

:recommended deps are not picked up by octave-app-grab?

When I made cairo :recommended in gnuplot-octave-app and reran brew octave-app-grab --deps, cairo was not picked up as a dependency. When I removed the :recommended and made it mandatory, it was picked up.

Maybe we need to explicitly specify something for including recommended deps?

"No space left on device" after a bunch of builds

So, apparently, on a macOS High Sierra 10.13.5 system with an APFS drive, doing a bunch of these builds, possibly in combination with using trash, can fill up your drive and leave you with a system that is COMPLETELY FUXXORED.

I tried to create a new VM in vmWare Fusion, and it gave me a "low disk space" error. At that point, my system started misbehaving.

I tried to empty the Trash by right-clicking on the Trash icon in the dock, and it brought up an "Emptying the Trash..." dialog that hung. I just get a spinning beach ball when I move my cursor over it.

Finder is hung; spinning beach ball there.

df shows my drives as full, and reports a nonsensical number for ifree for my APFS volumes. Smells like an overflow error.

$ df                                                                                                                                                  ✘ 1 master
Filesystem                                         Size   Used  Avail Capacity   iused               ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/disk1s1                                      743Gi  723Gi  204Mi   100%   6750637 9223372036848025170    0%   /
devfs                                             204Ki  204Ki    0Bi   100%       706                   0  100%   /dev
/dev/disk1s4                                      743Gi   19Gi  204Mi    99%        20 9223372036854775787    0%   /private/var/vm
/dev/disk0s3                                      188Gi  179Gi  8.5Gi    96%   1353850             9039086   13%   /Volumes/BOOTCAMP
map -hosts                                          0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%         0                   0  100%   /net
map auto_home                                       0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%         0                   0  100%   /home
//janke@DiskStation._afpovertcp._tcp.local/share  2.7Ti  1.8Ti  853Gi    69% 496162589           223651949   69%   /Volumes/share

rm and unlink do not work.

$ rm -f Octave_44_Yosemite.dmg                                                                                                                       ✘ 64 master
rm: Octave_44_Yosemite.dmg: No space left on device
$ unlink Octave_44_Yosemite.dmg                                                                                                                       ✘ 1 master
unlink: Octave_44_Yosemite.dmg: No space left on device

I deleted all my saved Time Machine local snapshots, and that didn't help anything.

$ tmutil deletelocalsnapshots 2018-06-15-150317                                                                                                           master
Deleted local snapshot '2018-06-15-150317'
$ tmutil deletelocalsnapshots 2018-06-24-150317                                                                                                           master
Deleted local snapshot '2018-06-24-150317'
$ tmutil deletelocalsnapshots 2018-06-25-020452                                                                                                           master
Deleted local snapshot '2018-06-25-020452'
$ tmutil listlocalsnapshots /

sudo does not work.

$ sudo mount -t hdfs /dev/disk2s1 /Volumes/EXTERNAL_DRIVE master
sudo: unable to write to /var/db/sudo/ts/janke: No space left on device

I ran Disk Utility by doing a cd /Applications/Utilities/Disk; "./MacOS/Disk Utility", clicked "First Aid", and clicked "Run", and then "Continue". It said:

First Aid found corruption that needs to be repaired. To repair the startup volume, run First Aid from Recovery. Click Done to continue.

Under the Show Details, it said:

Verifying file system.
Volume could not be unmounted.
Using live mode.
Performing fsck_apfs -n -l -x /dev/rdisk1s1
error: mkdir: /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/fsck_apfs.30326.1: No space left on device
error: nowhere to mount crypto dev
File system check exit code is 73.
Restoring the original state found as mounted.
Operation successful.

"No space left on device". I'm seeing a recurring theme here.

diskutil apfs list hangs after producing this output:

$ diskutil apfs list
APFS Container (1 found)
+-- Container disk1 D956ED19-DCA9-490B-9B8B-35550CF581A9
    APFS Container Reference:     disk1
    Size (Capacity Ceiling):      798011404288 B (798.0 GB)

I'm out of ideas, except to reboot and hope APFS's equivalent of fsck fixes things.

To try to prevent this in the future, remove our use of trash and replace it with plain rm -rf.

I can't run Octave

When I open Octave, it appears a message:
"Font cache not found, so first plotting will be slow. Create font cache now?"
If I answer "No", it dissapears and nothing happens.
If I answer "Yes", it appears a new message:
"dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _mkostemp
Referenced from: /Applications/ (which was built for Mac OS X 10.13)
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

dyld: Symbol not found: _mkostemp
Referenced from: /Applications/ (which was built for Mac OS X 10.13)
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib"
When I answer "Accept" it dissapears and nothing happens.
And when I answer "Edit", it tooks me to a rare and long script and I don't understand what to do. Can you help me with this issue? I don't know how to make Octave run.

_mkostemp lazy binding failed when running on OS X 10.11

When I run the 4.4.0 beta 6 pre-test build on an OS X 10.11 VM, I get an error on Octave startup, right after saying "Yes" to the "rebuild the font cache now?" that pops up on initial program startup.

screen shot 2018-07-24 at 4 44 21 am

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _mkostemp
  Referenced from: /Applications/ (which was built for Mac OS X 10.13)
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

dyld: Symbol not found: _mkostemp
  Referenced from: /Applications/ (which was built for Mac OS X 10.13)
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

I suspect this is due to the fontconfig package being built for the newer version of OS X.

I don't think there's an easy way to handle this in Homebrew. They don't provide a way of specifying the version of the OS X SDK to link against, since building redistributables (besides bottles) isn't a supported use of Homebrew. For their bottles, they just have a build box that's running the exact OS for each of their target OSes.

I'll fiddle around with the fontconfig formula a bit on this, but the easiest solution is probably just to install an older version of OS X on the Core2 build box when it arrives, and use that for project builds.

Make Homebrew Cask definitions

Each release should have a Homebrew Cask formula to make it easy for brew-cask users to install. Research exactly how the Cask definitions work, and add Cask definitions to one of our taps. Should probably have a plain octave-app alias that always points to the latest version's standard build.

Since these are user-facing formulae, and our versioned formulae are for internal maintainer use, this should probably be yet another separate tap, like octave-app/octave-app-casks. Or rename our existing taps away, and use octave-app/octave-app as the user-facing tap.

Relocatable app

Currently, the app only runs if it is installed in the default /Applications/ location. It would be nice if it were relocatable, so you could rename it or move it to other directories, and it would still run.

Low priority.


Need to get bottles working for acceptable performance at bundle creation time. Otherwise everything needs to be recompiled, which takes forever for stuff like gcc and qt.

Things we'll need to do

  • Get a Bintray hosting account
  • Get Jenkins, Travis, or Circle CI going
  • Configure Jenkins to use brew test-bot
    • Use Brewsci as an example of how to do this


There's no free hobbyist/FLOSS Mac CI plans, as far as I can tell. CircleCI's cheapest Mac plan is $40/month. UPDATE: I take that back; looks like Travis has a free Mac plan? I remember Homebrew core had some difficulties migrating to Travis though; they stuck with Jenkins.

Bintray's free plan has a limit of 10 GB of storage. Since we're building versions and some of the packages are big, this might end up being a concern.


Jenkins requires hosting, so that option is probably out. I don't have any spare Macs to use as a server. :)

Should be versioned like

Should we version the installed itself?

This would allow for side-by-side installations of multiple versions of, at the cost of looking more "technical". I don't know how much use case there is for this.

For users, if they are conservative and want to test their Octave code against multiple versions of Octave (e.g. before adopting a new update for production use), this would let them install the old version and the tentative new version side-by-side, and run both on their computer.

It would also be useful for maintainers, letting them install prerelease versions side by side with release versions. (If we're lucky, maybe we could get some users to test prereleases, too.)

Matlab does its releases like this: the apps are named MATLAB_R2017b, MATLAB_R2018a, and so on. I've found that useful in my own work: I work on different projects with different compatibility levels, and also write some code that needs to have compatibility spanning multiple versions of Matlab, so it's essential to have them installed side-by-side on my dev machines. The same might be true for Octave users.

"set term qt: unknown or ambiguous terminal type" when running test suite

When running the test suite for 4.4.0 beta2 in the GUI, I see a bunch of these warnings:

  plot/util/hgsave.m ..........................................
set term qt
line 0: unknown or ambiguous terminal type; type just 'set terminal' for a list

WARNING: Error during initialization
set term qt
line 0: unknown or ambiguous terminal type; type just 'set terminal' for a list

WARNING: Error during initialization

  ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1172: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc
| ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1838: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile

set term qt
line 0: unknown or ambiguous terminal type; type just 'set terminal' for a list

WARNING: Error during initialization

  ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1172: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc
| ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1838: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile

AquaTerm support

I temporarily removed AquaTerm support when switching to the versioned-formulae approach. Need to figure out how to add that back in.

Does Octave degrade gracefully when it is built against AquaTerm, but AquaTerm is not present at run time? In that case, we could just require AquaTerm for the distribution builds, and send them out, noting to users that they need to install it if they want to use it.

Test failures during "make check" stage of build

Some tests are failing or producing error messages during the "make check" stage of the "brew install" that aren't failing when I run them in the installed app.

  libinterp/corefcn/ ........................... PASS     46/47  
                                                                  FAIL    1
                                                (missing feature) SKIP    3
  plot/util/copyobj.m .........................................  ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1172: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc 
| ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1838: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile
 PASS      1/2   
                                                                  FAIL    1
  plot/util/hgsave.m ..........................................  ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1172: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc 
| ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1838: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile
 PASS      3/4   
                                                                  FAIL    1

  publish.tst .................................................  ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1172: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc 
| ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1838: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile
  ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1172: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc 
| ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1838: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile
  ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1172: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc 
| ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1838: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile
  ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1172: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc 
| ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1838: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile
  ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1172: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc 
| ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1838: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile
  ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1172: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc 
| ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1838: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile
  ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1172: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_rgb.icc 
| ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1838: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile
 PASS      2/2   


  PASS                            14935
  FAIL                                3


`pkg install -forge control` fails with "Illegal instruction: 4" on some machines

User sshah on the Octave Maintainers mailing list reports that under 4.4.0 beta2, he cannot install the control package. It errors out with internal compiler error: Illegal instruction: 4.

compilers are invoked correctly during pkg install as far as I can tell from
watching Activity monitor.

What could cause error:


internal compiler error: Illegal instruction: 4
:726:3: note:
'is_numeric_type' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isnumeric' instead")

I have not tried uninstall homebrew octave and testing yet. Will do and let
you know.

Neither Sebastian nor I are able to reproduce the error; the installation works fine on our machines (though with a lot of warnings).

To test:

pkg install -forge control
pkg load control

Update to JDK 8 u181

A new JDK 8 u181 is out. We're currently using u171. We should update to use u181 before making the final 4.4.0 release so we're on the current version of the JDK.

Hopefully #87 gets addressed by upstream some time soon so we're not in the business of picking a particular JDK version for each release.


  • Install JDK 8 u181 on the build box
  • Build a new 4.4.0 beta release
  • Update the doco and

Maybe we should also modify bundle-octave to check for the correct expected JDK version, and error out if it's building on a machine with a different JDK version, since the target JDK version is a specific dependency of the app bundle we're building.

"Path given to -[NSWorkspace iconForFile:] is not a full path."

This shows up sometimes when I'm running the test suite in the GUI.

  miscellaneous/swapbytes.m ................................... PASS      5/5
  miscellaneous/symvar.m ...................................... PASS      3/3
  miscellaneous/tar.m .........................................2018-06-24 18:47:05.448 octave-gui[34125:42434398] Path  given to -[NSWorkspace iconForFile:] is not a full path.
2018-06-24 18:47:05.449 octave-gui[34125:42434398] Path  given to -[NSWorkspace iconForFile:] is not a full path.
2018-06-24 18:47:05.459 octave-gui[34125:42434398] Path  given to -[NSWorkspace iconForFile:] is not a full path.
 PASS      6/6
  miscellaneous/tempdir.m ..................................... PASS      2/2
  miscellaneous/unix.m ........................................ PASS      3/3
  miscellaneous/unpack.m ...................................... PASS      9/9

"GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file" error

The error "GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file" crops up a bunch when running the test suite.

  plot/util/copyobj.m .........................................GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file
 PASS      1/2
                                                                  FAIL    1
  plot/util/hgsave.m ..........................................GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file
 PASS      3/4
                                                                  FAIL    1
  publish.tst .................................................GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file
GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file
GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file
GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file
GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file
GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file
GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file
 PASS      2/2
  args.tst .................................................... PASS     26/26 Announcements

Subscribe to this issue to be notified of updates to!

Major news is posted as comments on this issue. This includes announcements of new releases, and major organizational changes. This is a low-traffic issue and I'll try to avoid spamming you. It is locked so only the maintainers can post to it.

See also #289 - Dev News for developer-oriented announcements like beta releases and infrastructure updates.

This is a pinned issue which will never be closed. Its purpose is to act like a mailing list for news, without me having to set up an actual mailing list or blog.

miscellaneous/tar.m test failure in test suite

Per this thread, the tar failure in the test suite is due to a behavior difference between BSD and GNU tars; Octave is expecting GNU tar to be available as plain tar.

Test failure:

  miscellaneous/tar.m .........................................a dir2
a dir2/file2
a file1
 PASS      5/6
                                                                  FAIL    1

We may be able to fix this by installing GNU tar via a formula and force-linking it under the plain name tar.

Prune the build to reduce app size

The build currently includes files that are used at build time, but not needed at run time, bloating the distribution. Prune these files as part of the build process.

This includes:

  • The Homebrew installation (PREFIX/Homebrew, as opposed to PREFIX/Cellar)
  • Formulae that are build time only dependencies

libinterp/corefcn/ fails if test suite is run twice in same session

When I run __run_test_suite__ twice in a row in the same Octave GUI session, test libinterp/corefcn/ fails, and emits some extra output.

  libinterp/corefcn/ ................................ PASS     19/19
  libinterp/corefcn/ ............................... PASS      4/4
  libinterp/corefcn/ ............................ans =
  [1,1] =



 PASS     89/90
                                                                  FAIL    1
  libinterp/corefcn/ ............................. PASS     14/14
  libinterp/corefcn/ ............................... PASS     22/22

Build fails: fetching netpbm source code fails

The build is failing while fetching the netpbm source code.

==> Installing octave-app/octave-app/[email protected] dependency: [email protected]
==> Cloning svn://
==> Checking out 3244
svn: E205000: Try 'svn help export' for more information
svn: E205000: Syntax error parsing peg revision '10.73.19--svn'
Error: Failure while executing: svn export -q --force /Users/janke/Library/Caches/Homebrew/[email protected] /private/tmp/[email protected]
$ ./brew install -v [email protected]                                                                                                                                          ✘ 130 master ✭ ✱
==> Installing [email protected] from octave-app/octave-app
/usr/bin/sandbox-exec -f /tmp/ nice /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/bin/ruby -W0 -I /Applications/ -- /Applications/ /Applications/[email protected] --verbose
==> Cloning svn://
Updating /Users/janke/Library/Caches/Homebrew/[email protected]
==> Checking out 3244
svn up /Users/janke/Library/Caches/Homebrew/[email protected] -r 3244
svn: E200009: '/Users/janke/Library/Caches/Homebrew/[email protected]': a peg revision is not allowed here
Error: Failed to download resource "[email protected]"
Failure while executing: svn up /Users/janke/Library/Caches/Homebrew/[email protected] -r 3244

Make Ctrl-C abort the whole build

Right now, Ctrl-C will abort an individual command within the shell script, and then it'll continue, but be broken because one of the commands failed due to the Ctrl-C.

Change it so that Ctrl-C aborts the entire script.

Version bumps affect formulae that depend on them

Blocks #88.

Well, darn. When updating the formula versions for Octave 4.4.1, I found out that our version-freezing mechanism isn't working quite right: formulae whose versions have not changed, but whose dependencies have bumped versions, are themselves changed. Or if they've had a revision, that gets picked up. So we don't have a single set of formulae that covers the dependencies for multiple versions of Octave in a way that can reproduce prior builds from a single state of the Git repo.

For example, after doing brew octave-app-grab --deps octave-octave-app --overwrite, there are both new and modified formulae:

$ git status                                                                                                                                          master ✱ ◼
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

	modified:   Formula/automake_1.16.1.rb
	modified:   Formula/cairo_1.14.12.rb
	modified:   Formula/doxygen_1.8.14.rb
	modified:   Formula/fig2dev_3.2.7a.rb
	modified:   Formula/fontconfig_2.13.0.rb
	modified:   Formula/freetype_2.9.1.rb
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


With diffs like this:

diff --git a/Formula/automake_1.16.1.rb b/Formula/automake_1.16.1.rb
index c303c8c..7289ce4 100644
--- a/Formula/automake_1.16.1.rb
+++ b/Formula/automake_1.16.1.rb
@@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ class Automake1161 < Formula
   url ""
   mirror ""
   sha256 "5d05bb38a23fd3312b10aea93840feec685bdf4a41146e78882848165d3ae921"
+  revision 1

   depends_on "autoconf_2.69"

+  #
+  # Remove this when applying any future 1.16.2 update.
+  patch do
+    url ""
+    sha256 "7a57ca2b91f7f3c0b168cf5ffbc8a1b2168f3886bcadcc15412281472dace3ce"
+  end
   def install
     ENV["PERL"] = "/usr/bin/perl"

diff --git a/Formula/cairo_1.14.12.rb b/Formula/cairo_1.14.12.rb
index 11edf06..44cf4a6 100644
--- a/Formula/cairo_1.14.12.rb
+++ b/Formula/cairo_1.14.12.rb
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class Cairo11412 < Formula
   depends_on "pkg-config_0.29.2" => :build
   depends_on "freetype_2.9.1"
   depends_on "fontconfig_2.13.0"
-  depends_on "libpng_1.6.34"
+  depends_on "libpng_1.6.35"
   depends_on "pixman_0.34.0"
   depends_on "glib_2.56.1"

The diffs pick up both revision bumps in formulae, and version bumps in dependencies.

Ugh. There's not going to be a nice, clean way to handle this, short of adding our own "sub-version" scheme to tack on additional formula versions to existing formulae.

I'm kind of reluctant to do that: the resulting formulae set will be ugly and hard to read. And if we really need to go back and re-build earlier versions of Octave, we could do that using the Git history of the homebrew-octave-app repo, adding branches when we need to go back and bug-fix older builds, and adding support for "pinning" to an older commit/branch when doing the brew update inside the staged app.

I think branching is the more elegant way to handle this. E.g. create a "4.4.0-patches" branch and work off of that if we actually need to go back and issue a patch/update for 4.4.0.


`sparse/eigs.m` test failure in test suite

The sparse/eigs.m test is failing.

>> test eigs
***** testif HAVE_ARPACK
 A = toeplitz ([0, 1, zeros(1, 8)], [0, -1, zeros(1, 8)]);
 A = kron (A, eye (10)) + kron (eye (10), A);
 opts.v0 = (1:100)';
 opts.maxit = 5;
 warning ("off", "Octave:eigs:UnconvergedEigenvalues", "local");
 d = eigs (A, 4, "lm", opts);
 assert (d(3:4), [NaN+1i*NaN; NaN+1i*NaN]);
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for:  assert (d (3:4),[NaN + 1i * NaN; NaN + 1i * NaN])

  Location  |  Observed  |  Expected  |  Reason
    (1)      -3.4694e-18+3.6015i   NaN+NaNi     'NaN' mismatch
    (2)      -3.4694e-18-3.6015i   NaN+NaNi     'NaN' mismatch

This looks like an upstream bug; happens in plain Homebrewed Octave, too.

Upstream bug report:

Related upstream bugs:

oct-files are not compatible between Octaves with different installation paths

This is related, but not identical, to #91.

Currently, Octave builds octfiles by linking them with liboctave and liboctinterp at build time. This means they are linked with the full paths to those dylibs inside the Octave installation.

$ otool -L __control_helper_functions__.oct
	/usr/local/opt/octave/lib/octave/4.4.0/liboctinterp.5.dylib (compatibility version 6.0.0, current version 6.0.0)
	/usr/local/opt/octave/lib/octave/4.4.0/liboctave.5.dylib (compatibility version 6.0.0, current version 6.0.0)
	/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 400.9.0)
	/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1252.50.4)

This results in octfiles that can only be used by an Octave installed at the same exact location as the one that originall produced the octfiles. Attempting to use those octfiles in other Octaves will cause them to crash.

This means that:

  • packages installed by are not compatible with a Homebrewed or custom-installed Octave, and vice versa.
  • octfiles built in are not compatible with Homebrewed or custom-installed Octaves, and vice versa.
  • octfiles and packages built by a Homebrewed Octave are not compatible with other versions of Octave, since the full Octave version is part of the path to the Octave keg inside the Homebrew cellar.

A real fix for this requires changes to Octave itself and how it builds octfiles. This is being investigated upstream at

In the mean time, we'll do what we can to isolate from other Octave installs.

Mailing list thread:

Package `control` doesn't work

Mohammed Elmusrati on octave-maintainers reports that the control package is not working.

when I load control package and run function tf(a,b) the whole Octave crash and closed. Every time I try to run function (tf) it crashes.

When I did a pkg install -forge control, I get a ton of warnings:

>> pkg install -forge control
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_numeric_type' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
                || ! args(i).is_numeric_type () || ! args(i).is_real_type ()
/Applications/ note: 'is_numeric_type' has
      been explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isnumeric' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_real_type' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
                || ! args(i).is_numeric_type () || ! args(i).is_real_type ()
/Applications/ note: 'is_real_type' has been
      explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isreal' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_numeric_type' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
                || ! args(i).is_numeric_type () || ! args(i).is_real_type ()
/Applications/ note: 'is_numeric_type' has
      been explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isnumeric' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_real_type' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
                || ! args(i).is_numeric_type () || ! args(i).is_real_type ()
/Applications/ note: 'is_real_type' has been
      explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isreal' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_numeric_type' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
            if (args(i).ndims () != 2 || ! args(i).is_numeric_type ()
/Applications/ note: 'is_numeric_type' has
      been explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isnumeric' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_real_type' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
                || ! args(i).is_real_type ()
/Applications/ note: 'is_real_type' has been
      explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isreal' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_numeric_type' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
                || ! args(i).is_numeric_type () || ! args(i).is_real_type ()
/Applications/ note: 'is_numeric_type' has
      been explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isnumeric' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_real_type' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
                || ! args(i).is_numeric_type () || ! args(i).is_real_type ()
/Applications/ note: 'is_real_type' has been
      explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isreal' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_numeric_type' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
            if (args(i).ndims () != 2 || ! args(i).is_numeric_type ()
/Applications/ note: 'is_numeric_type' has
      been explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isnumeric' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_complex_type' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
                || ! (args(i).is_complex_type () || args(i).is_real_type ())
/Applications/ note: 'is_complex_type' has
      been explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'iscomplex' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_real_type' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
                || ! (args(i).is_complex_type () || args(i).is_real_type ())
/Applications/ note: 'is_real_type' has been
      explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isreal' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_numeric_type' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
                || ! args(i).is_numeric_type ()
/Applications/ note: 'is_numeric_type' has
      been explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isnumeric' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_complex_type' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
                || ! (args(i).is_complex_type () || args(i).is_real_type ())
/Applications/ note: 'is_complex_type' has
      been explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'iscomplex' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_real_type' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
                || ! (args(i).is_complex_type () || args(i).is_real_type ())
/Applications/ note: 'is_real_type' has been
      explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isreal' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_cell' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  if (nargin == 1 && args(0).is_defined () && args(0).is_cell ())
/Applications/ note: 'is_cell' has been
      explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'iscell' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_object' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        && args(0).cell_value().elem(idx-1).is_object ())
/Applications/ note: 'is_object' has been
      explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isobject' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'is_map' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  if (nargin == 1 && args(0).is_map ())
/Applications/ note: 'is_map' has been
      explicitly marked deprecated here
  OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "use 'isstruct' instead")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
17 warnings generated.


          DO 90 J = 1, N+1

                DWORK(J-1) = DWORK(J-1) + TEMP
Warning: Array reference at (1) out of bounds (0 < 1) in loop beginning at (2)


          DO 90 J = 1, N+1

                DWORK(J-1) = DWORK(J-1) + TEMP
Warning: Array reference at (1) out of bounds (0 < 1) in loop beginning at (2)


          DO 160 J = 1, N+1

                DWORK(J-1) = DWORK(J-1) + TEMP
Warning: Array reference at (1) out of bounds (0 < 1) in loop beginning at (2)


          DO 160 J = 1, N+1

                DWORK(J-1) = DWORK(J-1) + TEMP
Warning: Array reference at (1) out of bounds (0 < 1) in loop beginning at (2)
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
            if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
            if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
            if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
            if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
In file included from
./ warning: 'f77_exception_encountered' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
        if (f77_exception_encountered)
/Applications/ note:
      'f77_exception_encountered' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
OCTAVE_DEPRECATED (4.4, "this variable is obsolete and should not be needed")
/Applications/ note: expanded from
#      define OCTAVE_DEPRECATED(ver, msg) __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
51 warnings generated.
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _sb10yd_: stack subq instruction is too different from dwarf stack size
ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for _mb03xp_: stack subq instruction is too different from dwarf stack size
For information about changes from previous versions of the control package, run 'news control'.

Might be an issue with compatibility between Octave 4.4.0 and the control package.

But, I don't get a crash. Here's my test from the GUI, running stuff I found in help tf:

>> s = tf ('s');
>> G = 1/(s+1)

Transfer function 'G' from input 'u1' to output ...

 y1:  -----
      s + 1

Continuous-time model.
>> num = {[1, 5, 7], [1]; [1, 7], [1, 5, 5]};
>> den = {[1, 5, 6], [1, 2]; [1, 8, 6], [1, 3, 2]};
>> sys = tf (num, den)

Transfer function 'sys' from input 'u1' to output ...

      s^2 + 5 s + 7
 y1:  -------------
      s^2 + 5 s + 6

          s + 7
 y2:  -------------
      s^2 + 8 s + 6

Transfer function 'sys' from input 'u2' to output ...

 y1:  -----
      s + 2

      s^2 + 5 s + 5
 y2:  -------------
      s^2 + 3 s + 2

Continuous-time model.

Does redirecting app's var/ to system /var/ really work?

On recent macOSes at least, the system /var is locked down so only root has write permissions, at least on the top /var directory.

Investigate what all in the installation might be using the var/ dir, and see whether the symlink approach actually satisfies their requirements.

Register for Finder "Open With" right-click action

I have installed and run our 4.4.0 beta2 release.

In Finder, when I right-click on a "*.m" file and choose "Open With...", Octave does not appear in that list.

I don't really know Mac apps and file type registrations to know how to do this, and why it isn't happening now.

Learn how to make this happen, and do it for the release.

This may be nontrivial, because Octave may not support an "open in existing Octave session" action.

"Could not link .../usr/share/doc/homebrew" when building

Whenever I do the build with a fresh empty /Applications/ directory, this error message appears during the setup step. It doesn't appear to cause any issues, but would be nice to get the error message cleaned up.

==> Tapping homebrew/core
Cloning into '/Applications/'...
remote: Counting objects: 487754, done.
remote: Total 487754 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 487753
Receiving objects: 100% (487754/487754), 178.51 MiB | 31.36 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (304300/304300), done.
Tapped 4577 formulae (4,829 files, 199.7MB)
Already up-to-date.
Error: Could not link:

Please delete these paths and run `brew update`.

Octave-4.4.0 rc1 and beta9 crash on older Macs: Illegal Instruction

After installing into /Applications, I open, wait (first time) for "Verifying", then allowing unidentified developer to run, the app never appears. Subsequent attempts to open by double-clicking seem to pause for a fraction of a second, but no window appears even briefly. I may have missed something, but the Octave-4.4.0-beta4 worked fine on both systems.

Not detecting SUNDIALS NVECTOR and IDA libraries

We're installing sundials27, but Octave's configure is not detecting the NVECTOR or IDA libraries in it.

From octave's configure output:

checking nvector/nvector_serial.h usability... no
checking nvector/nvector_serial.h presence... no
checking for nvector/nvector_serial.h... no
checking nvector_serial.h usability... no
checking nvector_serial.h presence... no
checking for nvector_serial.h... no
configure: WARNING: SUNDIALS NVECTOR serial library not found.  Solvers ode15i and ode15s will be disabled.
checking ida/ida.h usability... no
checking ida/ida.h presence... no
checking for ida/ida.h... no
checking ida.h usability... no
checking ida.h presence... no
checking for ida.h... no
configure: WARNING: SUNDIALS IDA library not found.  Solvers ode15i and ode15s will be disabled.
configure: WARNING: SUNDIALS NVECTOR serial library not found.  Solvers ode15i and ode15s will be disabled.
configure: WARNING: SUNDIALS IDA library not found.  Solvers ode15i and ode15s will be disabled.

This could be because those header files are in the "nvector" and "ida" subdirectories, but those subdirectories do not appear to be linked into $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/include. We may need to explicitly point Octave at the Cellar location for sundials27.

If we can fix this, the change should probably go upstream to dpo/openblas and core Homebrew's formulae. They don't appear to be building there either. (And core Homebrew is using sundials 3.x, which Octave 4.4.x is not compatible with.)

Homebrew issues URL in gcc bug message

Here, user sshah is having trouble building the control package in

Here's one of the error messages he's getting:

> setenv('cc','/usr/bin/clang') 
>> setenv('cxx','/usr/bin/clang++') 
>> setenv('F77','/Applications/') 
>> pkg install -forge control 
<built-in>: internal compiler error: Illegal instruction: 4 
libbacktrace could not find executable to open 
Please submit a full bug report, 
with preprocessed source if appropriate. 
See <> for instructions. 
make: *** [slicotlibrary.a] Error 1 

I believe that Homebrew URL comes from the "--with-bugurl=" option that gets passed in to the gcc build.

We shouldn't have that in there; this is not a Homebrew installation (any more) and bug reports should not go to them. Either remove the --bugurl option from our gcc formulae, or replace it with an octave-app-bundler one.

Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.

Well, there's all this junk now in the test suites in 4.4.0-beta1 since I built it with versioned formulae. The "@6" sure smells like it's picking up something from a path that includes a versioned formula name.

  libinterp/corefcn/ ............................ PASS    191/191
  libinterp/corefcn/ ............................Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
 PASS     57/57
  libinterp/corefcn/ .............................Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
 PASS     77/77
  libinterp/corefcn/ ......................... PASS      2/2
  libinterp/corefcn/ ............................Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.
Possible unintended interpolation of @6 in string at (eval 14) line 1.

Spurious bold text in EULA display

In the EULA display, a few characters in the first couple lines are displayed in bold font, for no good reason that I can see. Here, a few "===" are displayed in bold.

bolded text in octave app beta2 eula display

In the old EULA text, the "nu" in "numerical computing" got bolded.

See if we can tamp this down. I don't know if this is an issue in the format of our EULA text, or in create-dmg, or in Apple's DMG display logic itself.

"-L directory not found" warning when building control package

When doing pkg install -forge control, spits out the following warning:

ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Applications/'

That looks like the wrong path, since it does not contain a version number in qscintilla2-octave-app.

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