Code Monkey home page Code Monkey logo's Introduction

Status: in development to make it feature-complete ahead of a launch at the OCaml Workshop 2021.

This is the working repository for v3 of the site, and the first major upgrade to the infrastructure since the v2 launch in 2012. It will feature the major following improvements when completed:

  • Integrated documentation and package management: The v3 site will combine the package management (currently with a new central documentation source (codenamed '') for all 14000+ opam packages directly within the site.

  • Responsive and accessible: The site design also takes into account modern web-design principles, restructuring the old content in accordance with methods that will present it more compellingly. It is a total redesign that modernises the look and feel of the webpage, as well as make it easier to navigate, and more accessible (particularly on mobile devices).

  • Separation of data editing from HTML/CSS generation: The v2 site combined (e.g.) fetching external newsfeeds with the HTML generation, whereas this v3 site keeps a structured store of data, which is then parsed to generate the website. We use ReScript/OCaml to generate the site content, and Ocurrent to automate the data pipelines. The data source repository is known as ood (OCaml.Org Data).

  • Publishing content: There will original content on the new site. The v2 site only syndicated from external sources, but now we can publish editorial content from around the community directly on Original content could include interviews, featured news stories, talks and other media from past conferences, along with many other types of content.

Since this site is a work-in-progress, not all of the above features are yet materialised in this repository. As the team shows the site to more stakeholders in the ecosystem, we will expand the supported featureset.


The immediate team working on the v3 site consists of:

  • Ashish Agarwal (Solvuu)
  • Kanishka Azimi (Solvuu)
  • Richard Davison (Solvuu)
  • Patrick Ferris (OCaml Labs)
  • Gemma Gordon (OCaml Labs)
  • Isabella Leandersson (OCaml Labs)
  • Anil Madhavapeddy (University of Cambridge)
  • Thibault Mattio (Tarides)

The documentation generation portion is courtesy of the odoc development team, with the site generation done by:

  • Jon Ludlam (OCaml Labs)
  • Jules Aguillon (Tarides)
  • Lucas Pluvinage (Tarides)

Major decisions will be taken by an steering committee: (TBD, but a sensible baseline of people to invite is below along with role positions. This will need to be determined as we get closer to launch)

  • Ashish Agarwal ( continuity)
  • Florian Angeletti (OCaml core team)
  • Gemma Gordon ( continuity)
  • Xavier Leroy (OCaml project leader and veto)
  • Jonathan Ludlam (odoc maintainer)
  • Anil Madhavapeddy ( continuity)
  • Gabriel Scherer (OCaml core team)
  • Christophe Troestler ( continuity)


There are four repositories involved in the construction of

Please see the contribution guide for information on how to build and contribute content to this ReScript frontend.'s People


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Create tailwind html playground site

  • create one playground site for each page
  • start populating each page with html and css
  • add tailwind-ui
  • find the easiest place to store and serve images

Implement "Releases" page

Questions to resolve:

  • Will the main page be the current release with a link to "all releases" page, or will the main page directly list all releases?
  • Sketch a design or select Tailwind components for each page

Some tasks:

  • Implement header
  • Adapt Tailwind components or draft html and css
  • Define content type for releases database and populate with initial data. One approach would be to use a markdown file for each release and aggregate the front matter for all these files to create a releases list.
  • Implement scripts to parse and transform release content from markdown into the desired intermediate format.

Implement header navigation component

  • Implement non-interactive menu for mobile and large screens
  • Implement a minimal interactive menu for large screens
  • Implement a minimal, interactive menu for mobile screens
  • Update to match current large screen and mobile screen Figma designs (could be a few hours or two days, depending on complexity of CSS)
  • Change large screen menu to use hidden instead of opacity to fix subtle issue with hidden menu capturing mouse events
  • Change large screen menu to use z-order to ensure dropdown menus always appear above other content

Enable faster Tailwind dev

We want to somehow make it easier to write Tailwind components. The feature we need is auto-completion for the values of their classes. A VS Code plugin might do what we want, but @kanishka-work mentioned some other possibilities.

The goal is to cut out the Tailwind playground from our dev cycle. This is a pain point.

Enable ReScript namespacing

The rescript manual notes that namespacing will become the default eventually. Enable it in bsconfig now to shake out any issues. Most likely, it will just work since we don't publish this project for other ReScript projects to use.

Implement "Install OCaml: Left Navigation" component



  • Implement sticky left nav bar (functioning in Tailwind Playground, awaiting porting to site)

Note: This is the first instance of a content heavy page with a left navigation table of contents component.

Add support for OCaml build scripts

Select a procedure for installing dune, opam, and ocaml compiler, that can work reasonably fast with either Vercel, Netlify or ocurrent, so that ocaml scripts can be used as part of the build.

Once a method has been selected, use that method in the build.

EDIT (Mar 11, 2021):
The purpose of this is to enable more complex build steps, e.g. post-processing html or pulling data from an API. We want to implement a CLI tool in OCaml that would get invoked by our build.

Create skeleton for all currently planned pages

For each page where we have some indicator in the sitemap of a potential page, create a minimal page with the following content (if no full implementation exists):

  • title
  • [ ] summary
  • create banner with link to playground version
  • add link to figma frame in banner, if available

Update: I chose to only create these pages for links in the footer. We can create more placeholder pages for planned pages as they become reachable from pages ported from Playground pages into the Next.js pages.

nvm-exec not found

$ nvm exec npx [email protected] install
Found '/Users/ashish/solvuu/ocamlorg2/.nvmrc' with version <14.15.1>
Running node v14.15.1 (npm v6.14.8)
bash: /Users/ashish/.nvm/nvm-exec: No such file or directory

using nvm use instead works around the issue

Implement "Papers" page

Similar in structure to this component, but with categories of papers instead of categories of news.



  • Generalize the "other news stories" component" so that it can be used here (this will be discussed further in this issue #348)
  • Define content structure for papers database and populate with sample data

Implement "Opportunities" page


  • identify Tailwind components
  • define content type for page
  • define content type for opportunities database and populate with initial data
  • create empty pages for outgoing links

Implement "Homepage: Hero" component

We have a design to suggest it should be circular. Also today @avsm pointed out that it flushes right without a margin, and this can look odd in two ways: i) Firstly it is unclear sometimes if you're missing more content to the right or if that's the end of the view. ii) It appears asymmetrical at certain screen widths. See below. You can see the image goes all the way to the right of the window while all other content has a right margin.

Screen Shot 2021-03-11 at 4 25 12 PM

Perhaps switching to the circular image should be considered now. It might resolve the first issue, though probably not the second.

Replace symlinks JS rewrap modules

Earlier, I encountered an issue with two modules named "Index" not being allowed. This is needed when you have subdirectories in the pages folder. I moved rescript modues to res_pages and created a symlink from each generated JS file to a renamed file within pages. This almost worked, but the hot reload does not pick up changes to a page. Instead of symlinks, use the method noted in Discord discussions for rewrapping a rescript generated JS module with another JS module.

Implement "News: OCaml Weekly News" component


Sub tasks:

  • Select a calendar component for OCaml Weekly News
  • Define content structure for the OCaml Weekly News database
  • Download and transform the OCaml Weekly News calendar dataset and populate our database

Implement code highlighting

  • Perform a spike to understand how to use highlight.js and how to integrate highlight.js with React. Consult the implementation.
  • ...

Note: The list of tutorials has not been finalized. Assume that all tutorials will be ported over for now.

Convert to `next export` before deploying to production

vercel uses next start by default. Move to using next export (as long as SEO considerations can still be met), to decouple from next/express js server before going live with new ocaml site. This is a very low priority issue. The advantage of using next export is that it will fail the build if someone accidentally uses "getServerSideProps" and makes the site no longer a static site.

Integrate Manual into the site

The OCaml Manual is hosted on, and we need to style it to match the site. Also we want to enhance the rendering to include features like a table of contents in a left navbar. This might need to get split into multiple issues, but for now we think the following tasks are required:

  • Understand the recent work in ocaml/ocaml#9755.
  • Summarize a strategy for addressing this issue. As can be seen in the comments of the above PR, there are several decisions that need to be made.
  • Generate html from the manual's source files (which might be latex or html, depending on what we decide above). A first pass could do the minimal necessary. Then we can add features like table of contents, improve the styling, etc. We are thinking of creating a tool something like ocamlorg ocaml-manual chapter1.[tex|html] that would output an .html or .res file. This tool would use the lambdasoup library.

In future, we could consider whether to modify the source of the manual itself. This was proposed as a possibility at ocaml/ocaml#9755 (comment). Note we are hesitant to start with this as it would likely delay everything above significantly.

Intermittent error after fresh clone and yarn install

Repro steps:

  • clone
  • run yarn install
  • in another terminal, run nvm use


  • close terminal, reopen, then resume with nvm use

Detailed output:

$ nvm use
Found '/home/kanishka/dev/ocamlorg2/.nvmrc' with version <14.15.1>
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, uv_cwd
    at process.wrappedCwd (internal/bootstrap/switches/does_own_process_state.js:129:28)
    at process.cwd (/home/kanishka/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/graceful-fs/polyfills.js:10:19)
    at Conf.loadPrefix (/home/kanishka/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/config/load-prefix.js:46:24)
    at load_ (/home/kanishka/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/config/core.js:109:8)
    at Conf.<anonymous> (/home/kanishka/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/config/core.js:96:5)
    at Conf.emit (events.js:315:20)
    at ConfigChain._resolve (/home/kanishka/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/config-chain/index.js:281:34)
    at ConfigChain.add (/home/kanishka/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/config-chain/index.js:259:10)
    at Conf.add (/home/kanishka/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/config/core.js:338:27)
    at Conf.<anonymous> (/home/kanishka/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/config/core.js:314:25)
    cachedCwd = rawMethods.cwd();

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, uv_cwd
    at process.wrappedCwd (internal/bootstrap/switches/does_own_process_state.js:129:28)
    at process.cwd (/home/kanishka/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/graceful-fs/polyfills.js:10:19)
    at process.errorHandler (/home/kanishka/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.1/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/error-handler.js:183:30)
    at process.emit (events.js:315:20)
    at process._fatalException (internal/process/execution.js:156:25) {
  errno: -2,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'uv_cwd'
nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option: currently set to ""
Run `nvm use --delete-prefix v14.15.1` to unset it.

Implement initial breadcrumb component

  • research how current breadcrumb is implemented and how its populated based on the page
  • imitate the behavior in a breadcrumb component
  • use the new component directly within shared layout for all pages besides homepage
  • use rough styling for now

Create staff onboarding and open source contributor documentation

Some possible areas of improvement:

  • readme - 40% done
  • - 30% done
  • code of conduct - created separate issue #281
  • add comments to package.json, explaining where items are used and any unusual choices - done
  • add comments to tailwind.config
  • add instructions for upgrading yarn, node
    • node: update engines, update setting in vercel; update nvmrc; close terminals + run make install-deps
    • yarn: update makefile, update engines value in package.json; run make install-deps
  • add instructions for upgrading nextjs, react, reason-react, tailwind, postcss and other css parts. - 50% done
  • add some simple manual test descriptions - done here

Implement skeleton index page

Remove the starter index page. Create a very minimal index page.

  • consult the index page
  • avoid using javascript wrapper file
  • create needed components in component or common directory

Auto-generate pages directory

We have to implement our pages in a directory called res_pages/ due to ReScript naming conflicts with having multiple files named Index.res, but eventually NextJS requires a pages/ directory. Currently we manually write a file in pages/ with some boilerplate, which points to the corresponding file in res_pages/. It should be possible to fully auto-generate the pages/ directory.

Consolidate lib directories

We have several directories with pure ReScript code (by "pure" I mean non-pages files): bindings, common, components, and layouts. It feels like too much categorization. I think we could simplify this into a single directory.

Implement dark mode



  • Spike: Style the "industrial users" using dark mode styles. Present the styled page with a new url such as /industry/usersdark.

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