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proxima-platform's Issues

Use thread pool for observers

Currently, observers start their own threads outside of any thread pool or executor. We should use some Executor for that. This should be configured on Repository and used platform-wide.

Create IO for PubSub

Implement Google PubSub commitlog and partitionedview. The partitionedview will be implemented by Apache Beam Repartition.

Add generic entity transformation

Each attribute family must have option to specify generic transformation function that will convert given entity to some other entity and/or attribute. This is to facilitate automatic entity transformation and migration of such transformating pipelines.

Support seamless replication

Need support for multimaster-multislave replication schemes accross multiple proxima deployments with eventual consistency. Required features:

  • the replication will work on commit logs only - all other consistency and replication will occur inside given proxima deployment
  • easy configuration
  • ability to observe non replicated items in commit log only (defaults to whole commit log in case there is no replication)

Draft of configuration:

 entities {
   original {
     attrA: { scheme: "bytes" }
     attrB: { scheme: "bytes" }
 replication {
   replicate-original-attrA {
     entity: original
     attributes: [ "attrA" ] # can be "*"
     # declare attribute families that will be written when update happens
     targets {
       first {
         // attribute family specifier
       second {
         // attribute family specifier
     # declare single source family that will be read and written to local commit log
     source {
       // attribute family specifier
   replicate-original-all {
     entity: original
     attributes: [ "*" ] # replicate all attributes with some other settings
     targets { ... }
     source { ... }

In order to accomplish this we need to:

  • create implicit attribute for each replicated one (prefixed with _<replication_name>_s_ for source attribute family, _<replication_name>_t_<target_name>_ for target attribute), _<replication_name>_ for direct writes and _<replication_name>_r_ for the replicated attribute containing all replicated data (which will be read instead of original attribute, which becames virtual)
  • relax AttributeProxy so that it can be used only for writes (i.e. attribute is modified only on direct write, read happens on actual attribute) - this will be used to transform writes to attribute X into _<replication_name>_X
  • start replication of _<replication_name>_X into X
  • start replication of _<replication_name>_source_X into X
  • start replication of _<replication_name>_X into each of _<replication_name>_target_<target_name>_X

Create multi-family random access reader

It is necessary to allow reading from multiple random-access families by a single (wrapper) random access reader. The reader might be constructed using a builder:

 RandomAccessReader multi = MultiRandomReader.newBuilder()
     .addReader(reader1, attr1, attr2, attr3)
     .addReader(reader2, attr4, attr5)

Create consistently partitioned stream views

Current abstraction of observers is insufficient, we need to be able to consistently partition the elements in a commit log. In order to achieve this, we need introduce a partitioned view for a commit-log attribute family. This view can then be observed via RemoteLogObserver, with following features:

  • the onNext method will take a Collector, which will collect results
  • these results will be available as euphoria's Dataset
  • the PartitionedView's observe method will return the Dataset
  • the flow will be deployed in a standard euphoria way, by calling Flow.submit()
  • RemoteLogObserver needs to be Serializable.

Outage of tests running on Stage env.

We have encountered outage of tests running on stage env. Logs are enclosed below.

Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1782419
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at$2.onPartitionsAssigned(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator.onJoinComplete(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator.joinGroupIfNeeded(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator.ensureActiveGroup(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator.poll(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.pollOnce(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.poll(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at$observePartitionsBulk$7(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1782419
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSOutputSummer.write(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream$PositionCache.write(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at$Writer.sync(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at$BlockCompressWriter.sync(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at$BlockCompressWriter.close(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at cz.o2.proxima.server.IngestServer$3.onRestart(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #011at$2.onPartitionsAssigned(
Nov 9 08:38:41 mujsignal-205 pexeso-ingest[1144]: #11... 10 more

Create ProximaIO for Apache Beam

Create PoC of ProximaIO which will create PCollection from given attributes and/or will be able to persist PCollection into given attribute(s).

Validate exceptions thrown on misconfiguration

When a miscofiguration occurs, we need to provide user with descriptive exception explaining the problem. Currently, when using type: primary for storage without online writing capability, we get

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
   at cz.o2.proxima.repository.Repository.lambda$readAttributeFamilies$17(
   at java.util.HashMap$EntrySpliterator.forEachRemaining(
   at cz.o2.proxima.repository.Repository.readAttributeFamilies(
   at cz.o2.proxima.repository.Repository.<init>(
   at cz.o2.proxima.repository.Repository.<init>(
   at cz.o2.proxima.repository.Repository$
   at cz.o2.proxima.repository.Repository.of(
   at cz.o2.proxima.server.IngestServer.<init>(
   at cz.o2.proxima.server.IngestServer.main(

The correct explanation would be more like "Do not use bulk storages for primary storage".

Query language

In order to be able to perform at least basic analytical queries against the data stored in the platform we need to extend our query language to support batch queries.

Currently the query language is really basic and not flexible enough, e.g.

env.gateway.device.streamFromOldest().filter({ it.attribute != "device.ZWAVE_1" && it.value != null }).windowAll().reduce({ new Tuple(it.key, it.attribute) }, null, { a, b -> b }).filter({ it.second != null }).map({ it.second }).filter({ !it.value.payload.contains("Smoke Sensor") && !it.value.payload.contains("Door/Window Sensor") && !it.value.payload.contains("Power Meter") }).forEach({ println it.key + ": " + it.value.payload })

We need to develop query language that is easy to use and has sufficient ability to express the analytical queries.

Fix dependencies

Some artifacts include conflicting dependencies (i.e. netty, commons, ...). This issues is about fixing these dependencies (by exclusions).

Cleanup: remove Serializable from writers and readers

Only DataAccessor should be Serializable and all implementations should work as factories returning non serializable readers and writers. This is due to the fact, that the clients are rarely Serializable and therefore make implementation of the Serializable interface complicated (using transient fields and lazy initialization).

Error on close of bulk to gcloud storage write beyond end of stream
	at cz.o2.proxima.server.IngestServer$3.lambda$writeInternal$1(
	at net.jodah.failsafe.Functions$
	at cz.o2.proxima.server.IngestServer$3.writeInternal(
	at cz.o2.proxima.server.IngestServer$3.onNextInternal(
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Handle offset commit and reset in sources

We need to be able to correctly handle offset committing and rewinding in places where sources are converted to Euphoria. This applies currently to tools and partitionedview.

Add health check metric

Add health check that will signal ansible playbook that the instance is operating normally and that it can proceed to another instance to prevent possibility of rolling install bringing the whole application down.

Some tests are flaky

These tests fail from time to time.

testWrite[0](  Time elapsed: 6.134 sec  <<< ERROR!
org.junit.runners.model.TestTimedOutException: test timed out after 2000 milliseconds

testWrite[1](  Time elapsed: 6.117 sec  <<< ERROR!
org.junit.runners.model.TestTimedOutException: test timed out after 2000 milliseconds

Create partitioned cached view

The platform's inputs have to have an option to consume somehow partitioned view of updates to some attribute(s). We will achieve this by specifying (optional) implementation of this on level of attribute family. The view will be updatable and will have callbacks to be called when internal data are updated.

Add support for marking StreamElement as replicated

In order to be able to consistently replicate data between two environments in master-master fashion, we need to be able to distinguish between inputs that have already been replicated, because otherwise we might end up in replication loops.

Enable attribute family to be persisted by stateful operation(s)

Currently, each attribute family is persisted via stateless element-wise (map) operation. For some use-cases, this is not sufficient (HFile bulk importing). We will relax this restriction by the following:

  • annotate attribute family with pipeline field which will declare class name which will take as input PCollection<StreamElement> and will persist it into desired storage
  • when any attribute family is annotated with the pipeline keyword, loading of such config into replication (ingest) server must fail
  • create replication-pipeline module, which will create single Beam's Pipeline from the config that upon submission will perform all replications

Add websocket source

Add source that reads streaming data from websocket (single partition, no commits or checkpoints).

Terminated thread pool in cassandra io

Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: 2018-02-20 10:17:14 ERROR CassandraWriter:53 - Failed to ingest record StreamElement(uuid=9ed40715-15e8-4c68-b21b-8e6a04747c76, entityDesc=EntityDescriptor(comm_message), attributeDesc=AttributeDescriptor(entity=comm_message, name=audit), key=d6a75626-161e-11e8-aba4-00505602142b, attribute=audit, stamp=1519118234096, value.length=672) into cassandra
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverInternalError: Unexpected exception thrown
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at com.datastax.driver.core.DriverThrowables.propagateCause(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at com.datastax.driver.core.AbstractSession.prepare(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at cz.o2.proxima.server.IngestServer.ingestRequest(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at cz.o2.proxima.server.IngestServer.writeRequest(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at cz.o2.proxima.server.IngestServer.processSingleIngest(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at cz.o2.proxima.server.IngestServer.access$000(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at cz.o2.proxima.server.IngestServer$IngestService.ingest(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at cz.o2.pexeso.server.IngestServer$BackwardsCompatibleIngestService.ingest(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at cz.o2.pexeso.proto.service.IngestServiceGrpc$MethodHandlers.invoke(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls$UnaryServerCallHandler$UnaryServerCallListener.onHalfClose(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at io.grpc.internal.ServerCallImpl$ServerStreamListenerImpl.halfClosed(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at io.grpc.internal.ServerImpl$JumpToApplicationThreadServerStreamListener$1HalfClosed.runInContext(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: Caused by: java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task$2$1@7e0ed157 rejected from java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@2c8fb64f[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1]
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$AbortPolicy.rejectedExecution(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.reject(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.execute(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at$ListeningDecorator.execute(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at$2.execute(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at com.datastax.driver.core.GuavaCompatibility$Version19OrHigher.transformAsync(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at com.datastax.driver.core.SessionManager.toPreparedStatement(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at com.datastax.driver.core.SessionManager.prepareAsync(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at com.datastax.driver.core.AbstractSession.prepareAsync(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011at com.datastax.driver.core.AbstractSession.prepare(
Feb 20 10:17:14 sb-ingest3 pexeso-ingest[1110]: #011... 20 more

Multidimensional wildcard attributes

It seems unavoidable to enable multidimensional wildcard attributes. Currently, the platform supports only single dimensional (i.e. attribute.<suffix>), we need to enable multiple dimensions by attribute.<first>.<second>.... with appropriate semantics including prefix listing, etc.

Add data processing API to generated code

The code generated by config compiler should generate access methods for Datasets. Transformations applied to these datasets should then be possible to execute on different executors using Euphoria API. Basically, this means moving parts of code from tools to core.

PubSubReader: IndexOutOfBoundsException

At certain conditions the PubSubReader might throw following exception:

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
	at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(
	at java.util.ArrayList.get(
	at java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference.updateAndGet(
	at cz.o2.proxima.source.UnboundedStreamSource$1.lambda$commitOffset$0(
	at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
	at cz.o2.proxima.source.UnboundedStreamSource$1.commitOffset(
	at cz.o2.proxima.source.UnboundedStreamSource$1.commitOffset(
	at cz.seznam.euphoria.executor.local.LocalExecutor$UnboundedPartitionSupplierStream.get(
	at cz.seznam.euphoria.executor.local.LocalExecutor.lambda$execMap$7(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Add test coverage to build

We need to improve overall test coverage by incorporating automatic test coverage report and failing build on low coverage conditions.

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