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completion-nvim's Issues

lua callback error: 'make_text_document_params' (a nil value)


the plugin works great on my local machine. But after setting it up on ssh (with fresh installs of dotnet and nvim-lsp + pyls_ms) I continuously run into

/nvim/plugged/completion-nvim//lua/completion/hover.lua:344: attempt to call field 'make_text_document_params' (a nil value)

The LSP is working (linting, vim.lsp.buf.'function' for renaming, go-to definition, hover, etc.), but - as you'd expect from the error - hover at completion does not work.

Many thanks for your help!

NVIM v0.5.0-477-gf9055c585
dotnet - v3.1.3 SDK

pyls completion not working

I've tried the following with a minimal example.
nvim -u test.vim pyproj/


let g:python3_host_prog = '/home/inco/.pyenv/shims/python'
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') 
    Plug 'neovim/nvim-lsp'
    Plug 'haorenW1025/completion-nvim'
call plug#end()
lua require'nvim_lsp'.pyls.setup{on_attach=require'completion'.on_attach}
au Filetype python setl omnifunc=v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc
" Use <Tab> and <S-Tab> to navigate through popup menu
inoremap <expr> <Tab>   pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<Tab>"
inoremap <expr> <S-Tab> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : "\<S-Tab>"

" Set completeopt to have a better completion experience
set completeopt=menuone,noinsert,noselect

Checkhealth tells me plys and everything else works.
I've created a virtual environment for neovim. Maybe it helps to reproduce what's wrong.

ArchLinux specific:

# pacman -S pyenv
yay -S pyenv-virtualenv

Create and activate virtual environment for python 3.7

pyenv install 3.7.7
pyenv virtualenv 3.7.7 neovim3
pyenv activate neovim3

Install related packages for neovim and pyls

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install neovim
pip install 'python-language-server[all]'
pip install -U setuptools
pip install pyls-mypy pyls-isort pyls-black
python -m pyls --help
which python

Add the vitrual python path to the neovim host config

let g:python3_host_prog = '/home/inco/.pyenv/shims/python'

When i type no autocompletion starts.
I guess import should already expandable on imp.

PS: When i use your current configuration the completion on .vim files works perfectly.

Path completion of files/directories with spaces in the name

Hi @haorenW1025 , firstly thank you for super completion plugin. I use it on daily basis for home and work tasks.

Unfortunately, when i try to complete path for example: "~/Directory/With spaces/", the Directory part is suggested correctly but completion of inner directory is divided into two suggestions: 'With', 'spaces'.

I tried look to source code and it seems that you use system ls command to retrieve list of files/directories and after that you match listed files by %S+ which matches only one word without spaces. Pity i can't help since i don't know lua language.

Also sorry for my English language :)

Completion menu not displaying

I'm attempting to make the switch from deoplete-lsp to this plugin (nice work, by the way), but I'm having some difficulties getting completion working.

In a mostly clean (no plugins, some config) runtime of nvim v0.5.0-482-ga6071ac04, the completion menu doesn't appear as I type. I have verified that I have an attached client, unlike the problem described in #46, and I can confirm that my language server is sending responses to completion requests. There are two things that I notice:

  1. The completion trigger characters aren't being loaded from the language server, despite them being present when I call :lua print(vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()))
  2. If I manually set the completion trigger characters, the completion list fails to parse with the following error:Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: shared.lua:486: s: expected string, got userdata

This particular language server works with deoplete-lsp and another VSCode client, but just in case it could be useful, the completion response is attached below.

If I can provide more info please let me know.

Content-Type: application/vscode-jsonrpc; charset=utf8
Content-Length: 4292

{"id":10,"result":{"isIncomplete":false,"items":[{"label":"getUri","kind":2,"detail":"public getUri(): string","documentation":"","sortText":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"getUri","textEdit":null,"additionalTextEdits":null,"command":null,"data":null,"insertTextFormat":1},{"labe
l":"getSource","kind":2,"detail":"public getSource(): string","documentation":"","sortText":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"getSource","textEdit":null,"additionalTextEdits":null,"command":null,"data":null,"insertTextFormat":1},{"label":"getNodes","kind":2,"detail":"public getNod
es(): array","documentation":"\/**\n * @return NodeAbstract[]\n *\/","sortText":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"getNodes","textEdit":null,"additionalTextEdits":null,"command":null,"data":null,"insertTextFormat":1},{"label":"getNodesAtCursor","kind":2,"detail":"public getNodesAtC
ursor(LanguageServer\\CursorPosition $cursorPosition): array","documentation":"\/**\n * @return NodeAbstract[]\n *\/","sortText":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"getNodesAtCursor","textEdit":null,"additionalTextEdits":null,"command":null,"data":null,"insertTextFormat":1},{"label"
:"getNodesBesideCursor","kind":2,"detail":"public getNodesBesideCursor(LanguageServer\\CursorPosition $cursorPosition): array","documentation":"\/**\n * @return NodeAbstract[]\n *\/","sortText":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"getNodesBesideCursor","textEdit":null,"additionalText
Edits":null,"command":null,"data":null,"insertTextFormat":1},{"label":"getClassName","kind":2,"detail":"public getClassName(): string","documentation":"","sortText":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"getClassName","textEdit":null,"additionalTextEdits":null,"command":null,"data":nul
l,"insertTextFormat":1},{"label":"getMethod","kind":2,"detail":"public getMethod(string $methodName): PhpParser\\Node\\Stmt\\ClassMethod","documentation":"","sortText":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"getMethod","textEdit":null,"additionalTextEdits":null,"command":null,"data":nul
l,"insertTextFormat":1},{"label":"getClassProperty","kind":2,"detail":"public getClassProperty(string $propertyName): PhpParser\\Node\\Stmt\\Property","documentation":"","sortText":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"getClassProperty","textEdit":null,"additionalTextEdits":null,"comm
and":null,"data":null,"insertTextFormat":1},{"label":"findNodes","kind":2,"detail":"public findNodes(string $class): array","documentation":"\/**\n * @return NodeAbstract[]\n *\/","sortText":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"findNodes","textEdit":null,"additionalTextEdits":null,"c
ommand":null,"data":null,"insertTextFormat":1},{"label":"searchNodes","kind":2,"detail":"public searchNodes(callable $criteria): array","documentation":"\/**\n * @return NodeAbstract[]\n *\/","sortText":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"searchNodes","textEdit":null,"additionalText
Edits":null,"command":null,"data":null,"insertTextFormat":1},{"label":"getUseStatements","kind":2,"detail":"public getUseStatements(): array","documentation":"\/**\n * @return NodeAbstract[]\n *\/","sortText":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"getUseStatements","textEdit":null,"add
itionalTextEdits":null,"command":null,"data":null,"insertTextFormat":1},{"label":"getConstructorNode","kind":2,"detail":"public getConstructorNode(): PhpParser\\Node\\Stmt\\ClassMethod","documentation":"","sortText":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"getConstructorNode","textEdit":
null,"additionalTextEdits":null,"command":null,"data":null,"insertTextFormat":1},{"label":"getNamespace","kind":2,"detail":"public getNamespace(): string","documentation":"","sortText":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"getNamespace","textEdit":null,"additionalTextEdits":null,"comm
and":null,"data":null,"insertTextFormat":1},{"label":"getCursorPosition","kind":2,"detail":"public getCursorPosition(int $line, int $character): LanguageServer\\CursorPosition","documentation":"\/**\n * Calculate the cursor position relative to the beginning of the file.\n *\n * This
 method removes all characters proceeding the $character at $line\n * and counts the total length of the final string.\n *\/","sortText":null,"filterText":null,"insertText":"getCursorPosition","textEdit":null,"additionalTextEdits":null,"command":null,"data":null,"insertTextFormat":1}
]},"error":null,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}Content-Type: application/vscode-jsonrpc; charset=utf8

Add ability to leave confirm key empty

I'd like to not have confirm key set and just go through the menu using the default <C-n> & <C-p>.
Currently setting g:completion_confirm_key = "" causes an error, It would be great if this disabled the mapping instead.

Sort suggestions by kind priority

Hi! First of all, thanks for this nice plugin. Works neat!

When I'm programming in JavaScript, when suggestion for objects appear (e.g. after typing obj.), many variables show up in the suggestions, most are of kind File, while the ones of kind Field (the object fields) get lost throughout all suggestions.

Now, I'm not sure what's the ideal solution, but it would be nice if kinds like Field had priority over ones like File, so the first suggestions that show up are the object fields.

Test validity of highlight ranges

Hi guys. Following on #52 that had an issue with vimls providing -1 as start/end of highlight range, I had a similar bug on pyls.

I'm working on a codebase I didn't write of a somewhat beginner python developer, and I had a sample similar to the following:

if True:
    some text

On this sample of code (that shouldn't happen), pyls sends:

    code = "W0105",
    message = "[pointless-string-statement] String statement has no effect",
    range = {
      end = {
        character = 8,
        line = 3
      start = {
        character = -1,
        line = 3
    severity = 2,
    source = "pylint"

The problematic line here is start.character = -1. This value goes to the function responsible for highlighting, that throws:

Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: ...are/nvim/plugged/diagnostic-nvim/lua/diagnostic/util.lua:17: Column value outside range

Please note that this function is a copy from nvim's runtime, so without the plugin, it's neovim's identical function that throws that error:

Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: /usr/local/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/util.lua:628: Column value outside range

So #52 was solved by a server-side issue (that was extremely quickly fixed on vimls side), I guess this should be the preferred way to solve this issue as well (I will forward it to pyls).
However, as other cases like this one might appear, could it be interesting to find a non-intrusive way to log this error, as it was actually spamming my messages and made coding quite difficult.

P.S: I'm posting the issue here and not in diagnostic-nvim as it follows #52.

Ultisnips does not expand

I've been using coc.nvim for a long time. And I really like it's behaviour
That's why I use set completeopt=menuone,noinsert instead of completeopt=menuone,noinsert,noselect. The problem now that ultisnips does not work with these settings, snippets don't expand.

ultisnip error

Setting let g:completion_enable_snippet = 'UltiSnips' without ultisnips triggers the following error:

onnue : UltiSnips#SnippetsInCurrentScope

in general i dont mind these but due to the nature of the plugin, vim loops over the error and it becomes hard to quit. Maybe it could ignore the error and provide a check via checkhealth (see :help health-dev).

[Feature] Show complete item "info" as signature


what do you think about showing selected complete item info property as signature beside the autocompletion, in situations where it is not empty? I have a custom completion that provides info with some details, but i'm not sure how to show it.

Odd behavior after multiples tabs

When using the recommended settings in the readme in order to use <Tab> to filter through the completion options, I get odd behavior when I filter through the completion items only if there is something that already exists where I'm trying to completion. For example:

import jav@@

At this point above, I can circulate through the options with no issue, and select the one that I want.

After I complete java, if I think attempt to continue to completion, I get odd behavior when doing completions:

import java.ti@@

Here is a couple gifs of the behavior I'm referring to:

2020-05-14 11 07 20

2020-05-14 10 58 03

How to reproduce
This is happening with Metals. Probably the easiest way to reproduce this would be to do the following:

  • LspInstall metals, which which will install metals.
  • Then you can nvim-metals which will provide you some necessary commands for a Scala workspace.
  • You can use this minimal project.
  • Just open the build.sbt file, nvim build.sbt. Then you can issue a :BuildImport command which will import the build.
  • Then navigate to any Scala file in the project and attempt to do a package import like I did in the gif.

Expected behavior
I would expect the completions to work the same if it is a base completion or one coming after a .

Hover window goes off screen at times causing an error

I noticed today when I had my terminal split that the hover window was going off too far to the right. I'm not 100% sure what is actually causing this, but it also caused an Error to appear as well. Here is a screen shot of what I mean for the window going too far:

Screenshot 2020-05-02 at 10 11 20

The arrow is pointing towards the edge of my terminal, and see how it's cutting the floating window. Then the following Error is appearing:

Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: ...pp/.vim/plugged/completion-nvim/lua/completion/hover.lua:220: 'width' key must be a positive Integer

If you need any help with reproduction or any more details, please let me know. I'm using this with Metals installed via LspInstall from neovim/nvim-lsp.

Thanks for you great work!

"Pattern not found" message constantly being sent on new text

Hey, Love the plugin!

Having a small problem that I'm not sure why this is happening. Whenever I type something that doesn't exist in the current buffer (or as a valid completion) I get a message on every keystroke like

|| Pattern not found
|| Pattern not found
|| Pattern not found
|| Pattern not found

Is there some configuration option you know of that I might have missed?

Completeopt is what is recommended in the setup guide.


Add support for neosnippets

(This issue follows the suggestions made here)

Hello, thanks for the plugin, I'm really impatient to use it as my daily driver !

The thing is that for now it does not support neosnippets, which would be great, is it possible to implement this, and how can I help on this ?

completion_chain_complete_list error on startup

Version info (latest versions as of today):

NVIM v0.5.0-05fd64777
LuaJIT 2.0.5
completion-nvim: d9be95662fddaee96d59c1322c751b7dffcc28cf

Full error output:

Error detected while processing /Users/matt.bailey/test.vim:
line    5:
E5108: Error executing lua ...iley/.config/nvim/plugged/completion-nvim/lua/source.lua:117: Key not found: completion_chain_complete_list
Press ENTER or type command to continue

testing vimrc (as suggested):

call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
    Plug 'neovim/nvim-lsp'
    Plug 'haorenW1025/completion-nvim'
call plug#end()
lua require'nvim_lsp'.sumneko_lua.setup{on_attach=require'completion'.on_attach}
au Filetype lua setl omnifunc=v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc
" Use <Tab> and <S-Tab> to navigate through popup menu
inoremap <expr> <Tab>   pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<Tab>"
inoremap <expr> <S-Tab> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : "\<S-Tab>"

" Set completeopt to have a better completion experience
set completeopt=menuone,noinsert,noselect

Conflict with auto-pairs plugin

I don't know why, but this plugin breaks the jiangmiao/auto-pairs feature of breaking a new statement in a new line when the user presses ENTER:

Before install this plugin:

// from
it('test', () => {<cursor><CR>})
it('test', () => {

After install this plugin:

// from
it('test', () => {<cursor><CR>})
it('test', () => {

Do you have any idea how can I solve that?

Thank you. I'm able to use the native nvim-lsp thanks to your plugin.

[Feature request] Relative path completion


would you consider adding a relative file path completion as an optional source?
Something like this.

I tried adding it myself, but since i don't know lua, everything turned out to be calls to vimscript.

Chained completions support

I don't know if you've ever tried mucomplete, but the completion mecanism there is really nice, and only using built-in features.

The way it works is it tries each completion method in a predefined list, and offers you :

  • The first which work as current completion method
  • A way to navigate between completion methods and select the one you want

It is really useful for two reasons :

  • Most of the time you only want syntaxic completion, and this only, without snippets which are filling completion list
  • When using completion in another way (snippets for example), you don't really know their name.

[Q] Adding additional completion sources

Thanks for your nice and lightweight plugin!

It realy works great with nvim-lsp. I would like to integrate additional completion sources like other words in the current or other buffers, or from different tmux panes. Is there already support for these kind of sources? How can I include these?

readme: several autocommands?

Hi, not a critical issue but the wording is confusing:

completion-nvim requires several autocommands set up to work properly

it seems to work fine without any autocommands; the autocommand is only required for use w/o lsp. diagnostic-nvim has the same wording, and also works fine w/o autocommands.

Error vim.schedule lua callback, attempt to index a nil value

At random I get this error:

Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: .../nvim/pack/packager/start/completion-nvim/lua/source.lua:73: attempt to index a nil value

I can reproduce it 100% of the time by editing lua files, and for some other file types happens randomly. Note that I don't have lsp for lua set up, so maybe that's the issue.

This is my config:

let g:completion_chain_complete_list = {
      \ 'default': [
      \    {'complete_items': ['lsp', 'snippet', 'path']},
      \    {'mode': 'tags'},
      \    {'mode': 'keyn'},
      \    {'mode': '<c-p>'},
      \  ]}

errors without the proper config

I just used Plug without properly configuring the plugin (I know), yet it would be cool to avoid these errors:

|| Erreur détectée en traitant function completion_treesitter#highlight_usages :
|| ligne    1 :
|| E5108: Error executing lua ...l/share/nvim/site/completion-treesitter/lua/ts_utils.lua:91: attempt to index a nil value
|| Erreur détectée en traitant function completion_treesitter#highlight_usages :
|| ligne    6 :
|| E714: Liste requise
|| Erreur détectée en traitant function completion_treesitter#highlight_usages :
|| ligne   13 :
|| E5108: Error executing lua ...l/share/nvim/site/completion-treesitter/lua/ts_utils.lua:91: attempt to index a nil value
|| Erreur détectée en traitant function completion_treesitter#highlight_usages :
|| ligne   13 :
|| E714: Liste requise
|| Erreur détectée en traitant function completion_treesitter#highlight_usages :
|| ligne   15 :
|| E121: Undefined variable: l:start
|| Erreur détectée en traitant function completion_treesitter#highlight_usages :
|| ligne   15 :
|| E116: Arguments invalides pour la fonction empty
|| Erreur détectée en traitant function completion_treesitter#highlight_usages :
|| ligne   15 :
|| E15: Expression invalide : !empty(l:start) && !empty(l:end) && l:start[0] == l:end[0] && ( g:complete_ts_highlight_at_point || !(( l:start[0] + 1 ) == l:cur_line && l:start[1] < l:cur_col && ( l:end[1] + 1 ) > l:cur_col) )

Column value outside range


I think this is an upstream issue in neovim's lsp, but maybe you know what's exactly causing it.

I'm getting this error with vimls.

Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: /usr/local/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/util.lua:641: Column value outside range

I get it when I type this:

function! s:map_item()

Once I close the parenthesis (or auto pairs does that for me, I tried both), Error appears. Error continues to appear if i continue typing abort.

lua callback erorr

I may be totally missing something here, but I'm continually getting the same error, and I'm unsure what's causing it. I tried using the minimal test.vim that you have in your wiki, and I still get the error.

I installed metals using the LspInstall metals command outlined in nvim-lsp and the only thing I have in my minimal test.vim file is different is the following line changed for metals.

lua require'nvim_lsp'.metals.setup{on_attach=require'completion'.on_attach}

When I open a .scala file, I can see in the server trace file that everything has started as expected but the moment I start typing I am greeted with this:

Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: /Users/ckipp/.vim/plugged/completion-nvim/lua/utility.lua:30: attempt to call field 'tbl_filter' (a nil value)

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

I'm on:

  • MacOS
  • iTerm2
  • NVIM v0.5.0-3d1531a

Treesitter integration

Neovim 0.5 will be integrated to treesitter through a lua api.

As the plugin is in lua, and focused for now on Neovim 0.5, it would be great to integrate the plugin with Treesitter, to provide syntax aware completion. This plus chained completion (#4) could allow us to bring, different combinations of completion mecanisms depending on the current syntax element.

Completion source sorting


When i initially started using the plugin with ultisnips, my snippets completion was sorted ok. Now, i noticed it's not sorted correctly. Is this something that is handled by completion-nvim or it's just printed out how ultisnips returns it?

Here's the screenshot:

I would expect items to be sorted like this:


Enable/Disable completion in strings

Similar to the option to enable/disable completion in comments, it would be nice with an option to also enable/disable them in strings. Mostly for the same reasons they're annoying in comments.

completion-nvim breaks omnicomplete

I have a setup where I use autocompletion for lsp suggestions (latex-lsp/texlab), but also rely on omnicompletion from a filetype plugin (lervag/vimtex), which has better (but slower) substring matching on menu strings as well.

However, this no longer works when completion-nvim is active; if I press <c-x c-o>, the omnicomplete suggestions pop up briefly, but then vanish again. This only happens if the typed string does not match any autocomplete candidates; if it does (because some candidates start with the string), the auto-complete suggestions are correctly replaced with the omnicomplete ones.

(This doesn't happen with other autocomplete plugins like ncm2 or asyncomplete.)

Arguments navigation

Is there a way to navigate the arguments of a function that are completed?

For example for python itertools.chain completes to:


Is there a way to, after triggering completion, to move the cursor to each of the arguments? Similar to how it works for UltiSnips?

If not, can the arguments be disabled.
As it is now it takes more time to clean up than having no completion. :)

Thanks for the nice plugin!

Cursor jumps to the end when completing

While i was setting up vim, i noticed that cursor jumped to the end for some characters. You can see in gif what is my configuration.
Note that i tried both with and without auto pairs plugin, but still same.
Here's the gif:


Signature help floating window does not close when removing parentheses

Hi, well done for this plugin, it's excellent!

I have an issue with the signature help floating window that does not disappear is some cases. The main one happens when I add parentheses when calling a method or function and then remove these parentheses.

For example, in javascript calling console.log() makes the floating window appears, removing the () does not make it disappear. It only goes away when I exit the insert mode.

I suspect it comes from this line but I'm not enough familiar with vim scripting or lua to come up with the appropriate fix.

Floating windows are focusable


is there a reason to enable focus on hover windows?
It happens to me sometimes to focus it and then i need to close it manually.

Docked signature window

Hi, thank you for this plugin! Would it be possible to implement a setting similar to let g:float_preview#docked = 1 on ncm2?

Allow for `additionalTextEdits` in completion items.

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Current the built-in lsp support doesn't take into account that completions may have additionalTextEdits in them. I created a feature request for this already in nvim, and you can see the suggestion for a work around here. When playing around with it I realized that you already have something pretty similar to this with your confirmCompltion() function.

It'd be cool to also have this check for additionalTextEdits, and if so, apply them.

Describe the solution you'd like
Piggyback off confirmCompletion() and account for additionalTextEdits.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Locally listen for CompleteDone and have a function locally that does this.

Add delay between keypress and autocomplete pop-up


First of all, thanks for creating this plugin, I've been looking for a good, fast, and minimal autocomplete plugin for Neovim's native LSP implementation for a while, this one fits the bill nicely! :)

Just one small feature request: would it be possible add a configurable amount of delay between pressing a key and having the completion pop-up window open?

It's a little distracting to be typing away and having the box constantly flickering away below the cursor. Adding maybe 150-200ms delay would help a great deal with my focus.


Understanding NeoVim completion and your plugin

Would like to use NeoVim LSP completion. Came across the official docs and your solution which seems to be the only completion plugin using the native LSP client.

I don't know much about NeoVim completions so I'm just trying to find my way. I have a couple of questions:

  1. What are the differences between the setup in the core docs and your plugin?
  2. NeoVim seems to have multiple completions (word, line, file, omni). It seems like any completion plugin, including yours, takes over the word completion and makes it behave more like omni but I've noticed in your dotfiles that you're still using settings relating to omni. Does this mean omni is still relevant and what's the relationship between the two?

Would really appreciate some guidance, in the meantime I'll continue to educate myself.

Pressing return on completion item doesn't trigger signature popup


If I select a completion item then press left open bracket, the signature popup appears.

But if I select a completion item then press CR with g:completion_enable_auto_paren = 1 set, the parenthesis are added, but the signature popup does NOT appear.

I'm using the latest master pull, as of 2 hours ago.



let g:completion_chain_complete_list = {                                                                                                                                           
            \ 'default' : {                                                                                                                                                        
            \   'default': [                                                                                                                                                       
            \       {'complete_items': ['lsp', 'snippet']},                                                                                                                        
            \       {'mode': '<c-p>'},                                                                                                                                             
            \       {'mode': '<c-n>'}],                                                                                                                                            
            \   'comment': [],                                                                                                                                                     
            \   'string': []                                                                                                                                                       
            \   }                                                                                                                                                                  
            \ }                                                                                                                                                                    
let g:completion_enable_auto_hover = 0                                                                                                                                             
let g:completion_enable_auto_paren = 1                                                                                                                                             
let g:completion_enable_auto_popup = 1                                                                                                                                             
let g:completion_enable_auto_signature = 1                                                                                                                                         
let g:completion_enable_snippet = 0                                                                                                                                                
let g:completion_timer_cycle = 150                                                                                                                                                 
let g:completion_trigger_character = ['.', '::']                                                                                                                                   
let g:completion_trigger_keyword_length = 2

:verbose imap cr

i  <CR>        *@<Cmd>call completion#wrap_completion()<CR>

[resolved] setting up without an plugin manager

Since I do not use any plugin manager I did the default procedure for installing a plugin with the build in plugin loader capabilities provided by neovim.

When neovim does the initial loading of the packages, even though they are correct on the path as it appears to me, it can not resolve the modules.
So only after neovim has completed its startup the modules can correctly be resolved.
This implies a warning each time starting nvim.

To resole this, I did the following steps - I am creating an issue instead of a pull request, since it appears to me that this is an issue of either neovim itself nor of the lsp-config's but your plugin.
be an issue of neovim, already reported:

Lua: search 'packpath' from require() without :packloadall

Anyway, here I document my steps:

additonal steps (no plugin manager)

  • Before setting up nvim-lsp in your init.vim: Prepare the runtimepath with :packloadall as described as an (probably temporarily) workaround in the mentioned issue above. Thats it.
  • When setting up without a plugin manager nvim will not find the module on
    first load. So you need to prepare the package.path for making all lua-files accessible:
    local tmp = package.path
    local git_plug_path = '/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/git-plugins/start'
    package.path = vim.loop.os_homedir() .. git_plug_path .. '/completion-nvim/lua/?.lua'
    local completion = require 'completion'
    package.path = tmp

Same thing is required for diagnostic-nvim. Note that you need semicolons for multiple paths. It works on the end of the string aswell '/completion-nvim/lua/?.lua;'

[Feature Request] Customizing completion kind labels

It would be nice if, similar to coc.nvim, there was an easy way to customize the labels used for various kinds of items in completion results. The most common use case of this is probably wanting to use icons rather than names for the labels.

Support for function argument snippets (recent Neovim commit)


It seems that one of the latest Neovim commits (neovim/neovim@e6cfc1b) adds support for returning function argument snippets, which completion-nvim doesn't seem to have support for? (see pic).

Would it be a lot of work for you to implement support for this?

Or maybe there's some other plugin I can use to handle these? I tried Ultisnips but that didn't seem to work.


Screenshot 2020-04-22 at 08 01 10

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