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swiftformat's Issues

The following configuration fails to be parsed.

Hi Nick,
SwiftFormat (v0.9.5) fails to parse the file when it contains something like:

struct A {
    func f(x: Bool) -> Bool {
    switch x {
        case true: return false
        default: return true

enum B {
    case foo

It seems confused with the case's in f and those of B.

Newline bellow struct and class declaration

Hi Nick!

First of all great work on this tool, the code wasn't that hard to read and it was well documented, the installation steps were top notch, getting this running was easy peasy.

Ok, now to the question, I've read on Twitter that you were sticking to Apple's style/guidelines when it comes to formatting, but I've noticed that you're adding a newline bellow struct and class implementations meanwhile in the Apple's Swift book doesn't do this. What was your reasoning behind this change?

Apple's sample code in the Swift book

screen shot 2016-09-13 at 10 05 51

# My code formatted using SwiftFormat

screen shot 2016-09-13 at 10 00 26

Double wrapped optionals using dot notation not formatted correctly

I noticed that SwiftFormat doesn't format double wrapped optionals that use dot notation correctly. It takes the working code and changes it so it can't compile. Here's an example of working code:

let hello: String?? = "Hello"
let capitalHello = hello??.capitalizedString

After SwiftFormat:

let hello: String?? = "Hello"
let capitalHello = hello ??. capitalizedString

Notice the extra space before and after ??. in the second line. This is reproducible 100% of the time for me.

Formatting of code fragments

I'd love to see a FormatOption property to treat the passed input as a fragment of a larger section of code. This would aid with formatting user selections in Xcode, rather than the entire file.

I believe the "simplest" way to implement this would be to take the existing indent of the first line of code passed to SwiftFormat.format() and retain it (and indent subsequent lines relative to the first line).

a bug about blankLinesBetweenScopes

if a comment after a line, SwiftFormat will add one more line before function, so there are two blank lines

    public var items: [[BaseItem]] = [[]] // default menu items

    public final override func onPerform<T: Item>(action: Action, item: T) {

Change indent rule: Keep indentation level of empty lines as the context around

Right now, if you have:

class MyClass {
  func myFunc(){ }
  func other() {}

EMPTY LINE won't be indented, keeping them indented is Xcode's default and practical, in my opinion, since you don't have to indent when you want to use that line.

I don't suggest that the default behavior is changed, but I'd like to make it an option. I tried to modify the indent rule to allow that but was not successful, I would appreciate some guidance.

Comments do not get placed after brace when converting to KRN style braces

Consider this code that follows a "always braces in new line" style with a comment following an if condition-

var networkEnabled = true
if networkEnabled  //We want to enable the UI..


The tool ends up converting the above code to-

var networkEnabled = true
if networkEnabled  //We want to enable the UI.. {


This will result in compiler error as obviously the opening brace after the if is effectively commented out.

Add support for directories with spaces in names

We just got SwiftFormat running for our team and noticed that it failed with the following error for any projects that were included in a folder with a space in the name. One example is: Documents/Xcode Projects/ProjectToRunSwiftLintOn/

The error we saw in Xcode's build log:

/Users/danielgalasko/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/OurApp-dznbqhvktztcjrfezxvdxareyphq/Build/Intermediates/ line 2: /Users/danielgalasko/Documents/Xcode: No such file or directory

Changing the directory name to XcodeProjects fixed the issue

Thanks for the awesome tool! 👍

Enforce space between [* self] and parameters in closures

Given the following closure:

observeNext { [unowned self] (result, textField) in
    // Do the thing with the thing

I would expect the space to remain between [unowned self] and the parameters (result, textField), however SwiftFormat 0.11.2 is removing the space.

Customizable SwiftFormat rules

I was hoping for a mechanism to customize or disable the rules, outside of building a custom binary.

Currently I remove the blankLinesAtEndOfScope rule, because I like to end structs/classes/enums with a blank line, and make sure manually to not do the same for functions. If that was customizable, that would be great, otherwise I'd like to be able to just disable the rule.

This tool is great though, thanks a lot!

Wrong indenting level of if case

First of all, this tool looks very good, nice job! :)

I found this issue while executing the tool in a fairly large codebase

screen shot 2016-08-22 at 23 31 07

I think the image is pretty much self-explanatory, the original if is in the right place


Incorrect indenting of closures

Closures aren't being correctly indented, as shown in the examples below. This is happening whether there are parameters in the closure or not.


for validatableResult in validatableResults {
        .filter { (_, field) in field.isFocused }
        .observeNext { [unowned self] (result, field) in
        if result.isNotValid {
            self.expressionResultPopoverController.showResult(for: result, attachedTo: field)
        } else {


for validatableResult in validatableResults {
        .filter { (_, field) in field.isFocused }
        .observeNext { [unowned self] (result, field) in
            if result.isNotValid {
                self.expressionResultPopoverController.showResult(for: result, attachedTo: field)
            } else {

Space after @escaping

Currently SwiftFormat is removing space between @escaping and closure type, so instead of @escaping (String) -> Void it end up as @escaping(String) -> Void. Is it intentional behaviour? For me it looks strange - like @escaping only applies to arguments of the closure, instead of whole closure type. Of course it doesn't make sense for someone who knows Swift, but still - formatting, at the first sight, might be confusing.

Optional nill

Hi, great tool!

One issue I've come across is with optional function parameters that default to nil
gets changed to
value: String ?= nil
which results in a compile time error. It should be
value: String? = nil

Extra space in generics II

With SwiftFormat 0.16.4,

let bufferSize = bufferLength * MemoryLayout<UInt8>.size


let bufferSize = bufferLength * MemoryLayout < UInt8>.size

It seems related to #52 and #54.

Multiline logic statement gets wrong indentation if a line is commented

Sample code:

let a = (true ? 1 : 0) |
(true ? 1 : 0) |
(true ? 1 : 0) |
(true ? 1 : 0)

let b = (true ? 1 : 0) |
//    (true ? 1 : 0) |
(true ? 1 : 0) |
(true ? 1 : 0)

let c = [1,
//    3,


let a = (true ? 1 : 0) |
    (true ? 1 : 0) |
    (true ? 1 : 0) |
    (true ? 1 : 0)

let b = (true ? 1 : 0) |
    //    (true ? 1 : 0) |
(true ? 1 : 0) |
    (true ? 1 : 0)

let c = [1,
    //    3,

Seems to be working fine multiline literals

Suggestion - Rules Configuration

Great start on what could be a very useful tool.
What would be great is if you could work on a configurable set of flags to turn on/off.


  • Extra Line breaks after declarations on/off
  • Terminating value containers with commas yes/no
  • Brace positions same line / next line

Great start!!

Callbacks Indentation Made Worse

When having more than two callbacks, indentation just lost, it always consider they are at same level.

Code Before:

        weak var weakSelf = self
            response in
            if( weakSelf == nil ){
            if( response == nil ){
                LOG.ELog("[Error] getCorridorFullInfo failed with nil response!")
            let apiResponse = response as! ApiResponseJSON
            if apiResponse.status != 200 {
                LOG.ELog("failed with error code: \(apiResponse.errorCode) and status: \(apiResponse.status)")
            error: {
                (error: NSError!) -> Void in
                LOG.ELog("failed with error: \(error)")
                if( weakSelf == nil ){

Code After:

        weak var weakSelf = self
            response in
            if (weakSelf == nil) {
            if (response == nil) {
                LOG.ELog("[Error] getCorridorFullInfo failed with nil response!")
            let apiResponse = response as! ApiResponseJSON
            if apiResponse.status != 200 {
                LOG.ELog("failed with error code: \(apiResponse.errorCode) and status: \(apiResponse.status)")
            error: {
                (error: NSError!) -> Void in
                LOG.ELog("failed with error: \(error)")
                if (weakSelf == nil) {

Multi-line guard statement indentation

This one might require bike shedding. I'm not 100% sure what the general convention is for this, but I prefer to split my guard statements up over a number of lines.

Current SwiftFormat will do this:

     let nextFocusedIndexPath = context.nextFocusedIndexPath,
     nextFocusedIndexPath != context.previouslyFocusedIndexPath
     else {

Whereas I would prefer that it outdent the else to align with the guard start (much like an if…else control statement):

     let nextFocusedIndexPath = context.nextFocusedIndexPath,
     nextFocusedIndexPath != context.previouslyFocusedIndexPath
else {

In my eyes, that's easier to read, but I understand that's a personal preference.

Incorrectly transforming documentation comments to code block documentation

Given a trivial documentation comment for a method, its documentation is rendered as follows

screen shot 2016-09-22 at 10 22 51 am

When swiftformat is run, the following is produced

screen shot 2016-09-22 at 10 23 08 am

I believe this to be a result of adding trailing white space to the first /** and then the closing */ is preceded by whitespace. This turns it into a code block.

Multi param method calls indent doesn't match Xcode

Xcode indent:

let result = self.method(value1,
                         param2: value2,
                         param3: value3)


let result = self.method(value1,
    param2: value2,
    param3: value3)

Is there a setting to keep the format matching Xcode for this case?

Fragment option is swallowing trailing newlines

Given the following bit of code (note the trailing newline):

func doSomething() {
    // Hello

I would expect the output to be the same as the input here, however SwiftFormat is removing that trailing newline. If there were two trailing newlines, then yeah, I reckon trim one of them - but not a single trailing newline.

This is affecting #39, as a common use-case is to select a function in amongst other functions and format it. I started to add a workaround, but I think this is actually something worth solving in the library.


Extra space in generic operators

Given the following before formatting:

func ==<T>(left: T, right: T) -> Bool {
    return true

I get this after formatting:

func ==<T > (left: T, right: T) -> Bool {
    return true

-f option for Run Script in automate section of the README?

${SRCROOT}/path/to/swiftformat -f /path/to/your/swift/code/

Results in a: error: unknown argument: -f.

Shouldn't the -f be removed? I wasn't sure if there was a "hidden" argument for a build environment..?

I removed the -f, and it seems to be functioning as intended.

Is preprocessing CLI arguments really necessary?

I just read your blog posts about SwiftFormat. Great writeup!

In part 3, I was surprised to read about the hoops you had to jump through to preprocess command-line arguments to deal with filenames with spaces or escaped quotes. The shell should handle this for you, shouldn't it?

Consider this tiny test program that simply prints the arguments it received:

// cli.swift
print("argc: \(CommandLine.argc)")
print("arguments: \(CommandLine.arguments)")

This handles everything I threw at it in a short test correctly because the shell already passes the correct array to the process:

$ swiftc cli.swift
$ ./cli someFile.txt
argc: 2
arguments: ["./cli", "someFile.txt"]

$ ./cli file\ with\ spaces.txt
argc: 2
arguments: ["./cli", "file with spaces.txt"]

$ ./cli "file with spaces.txt"
argc: 2
arguments: ["./cli", "file with spaces.txt"]

$ ./cli "file \"with\" quotes.txt"
argc: 2
arguments: ["./cli", "file \"with\" quotes.txt"]

# If you omit the quotes, you get separate strings (as expected)
$ ./cli file with spaces.txt
argc: 4
arguments: ["./cli", "file", "with", "spaces.txt"]

I think it's possible the behavior is different if you start the process differently (i.e. not from a shell), but I'm not sure. I'd be interested in hearing how you tested this, i.e. in what situation did you encounter the behavior you describe in the blog post?


Colon alignment for method arguments

I would like to see colon alignment for method parameters like this:

let result = self.method(param1: value1,
                         param2: value2,
                      param3333: value3333)

I'm not sure if this is the swift way, but I think it would make the code look cleaner like in Obj-C

Generics type explicitly declared for a variable does not seems formatted correctly

I have below code
let users: MultipleModels = ....

After run swfitformat command the code comes to be
let users: MultipleModels < User> = ...
it looks like there is whitespace was added after 'MultipleModels' and before 'User' type.
i.e. seems generics symbol '<' was treated as 'Less Than'.

This might be a problem, can we fix it?

btw: SwiftFormat is awesome for me to use in our project. Compared with other swift format tools, this one is pretty good, and the formatted result is acceptable. Thanks for your contribution.

If "default" appears at the end of a line, the following one is indented.

Hi again Nick
This is related to #28: when a line ends with default, the next non empty line is indented, and if this line is a comment, the line after the comment is indented too (v0.9.4).
For example

let f = FileManager.default
// Comment
let x = 0

is formatted as

let f = FileManager.default
    // Comment
    let x = 0

Appending a semicolon after default prevents this.

Multiple newlines and EOF

Multiple newlines at the end of a swift file is not replaced by a single newline. Observed using version 0.7.1 and I am unaware if this is also the case when using previous versions.

Commas keep being appended for this array configuration.

For this configuration, a comma is appended after each run of SwiftFormat (v0.9):

let A = [
    x, // Some comment

becomes after a few runs:

let A = [
    x, // Some comment,,,

If the array have several rows, it only affects the last one.

Formatting issues

init?<T: UIViewController where T: protocol<WZStatusCallback, WZAudioSink, WZVideoSink>>(withViewController viewController: T) {
    // Initialization Code

In this case (Failable Initialization), SwiftFormat will make

  1. space around ? and you will get compile error. (strict by syntax)
  2. space after < and before > in my generic T type. I think SwiftFormat see that symbol as greater than and lower than mark. So, I think it should be ignored in this case.

Reformat corrupted code

We have a debug feature to crash the application and we use this code:
let crash: String? = nil; let _ = crash!

The "String? = nil" was reformatted as "String ?= nil" which does not compile

More fun with indentation in closures

Sorry dude, I'm opening new issues as not to flood the original. We're like 95% of the way there for my use case 😁


@IBAction func addPaddingToDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
    if let button = sender as? NSButton {
        defer {
            // Do a deferred thing

        .observe { [unowned self] event in
            switch event {
            case .completed:
                // Do a thing

            case .failed(let error):
                // Do another thing

                // Do a default thing.

I would expect similar formatting to the sample above (we can argue about the switch indentation some other time), however SwiftFormat 0.11.2 is outputting the following:

@IBAction func addPaddingToDocument(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
    if let button = sender as? NSButton {
        defer {
            // Do a deferred thing

        .observe { [unowned self] event in
        switch event {
        case .completed:
            // Do a thing

        case .failed(let error):
            // Do another thing

            // Do a default thing.

Here is a sample document: Removing the if let from the top of the method makes SwiftFormat output the expected indentation for the closure.

Optional generic closing > is treated as an operator

For example, the following code

private var buffer: Array<T?>
buffer = Array<T?>(count: capacity, repeatedValue: nil)

is converted to

private var buffer: Array < T?>
buffer = Array < T ?> (count: capacity, repeatedValue: nil)

as the ?> is treated as an operator

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