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docker-flask-example's Introduction

An example Flask + Docker app


You could use this example app as a base for your new project or as a guide to Dockerize your existing Flask app.

The example app is minimal but it wires up a number of things you might use in a real world Flask app, but at the same time it's not loaded up with a million personal opinions.

For the Docker bits, everything included is an accumulation of Docker best practices based on building and deploying dozens of assorted Dockerized web apps since late 2014.

This app is using Flask 3.0.3 and Python 3.12.5. The screenshot doesn't get updated every time I bump the versions:


Table of contents

Tech stack

If you don't like some of these choices that's no problem, you can swap them out for something else on your own.



But what about JavaScript?!

Picking a JS library is a very app specific decision because it depends on which library you like and it also depends on if your app is going to be mostly Jinja templates with sprinkles of JS or an API back-end.

This isn't an exhaustive list but here's a few reasonable choices depending on how you're building your app:

On the bright side with esbuild being set up you can use any (or none) of these solutions very easily. You could follow a specific library's installation guides to get up and running in no time.

Personally I'm going to be using Hotwire Turbo + Stimulus in most newer projects.

Notable opinions and extensions

Flask is a very unopinionated framework but I find in most apps I'm adding the same things over and over. Here's a few (but not all) note worthy additions and changes.

  • Packages and extensions:
    • gunicorn for an app server in both development and production
    • Flask-DB to help manage, migrate and seed your database
    • Flask-Static-Digest to md5 tag and gzip your static files (and add optional CDN support)
    • Flask-Secrets to quickly generate secure random tokens you can use for various things
    • Flask-DebugToolbar to show useful information for debugging
  • Linting, formatting and testing:
    • flake8 is used to lint the code base
    • isort is used to auto-sort Python imports
    • black is used to format the code base
    • pytest and pytest-cov for writing tests and reporting test coverage
  • Blueprints:
    • Add page blueprint to render a / page
    • Add up blueprint to provide a few health check pages
  • Config:
    • Log to STDOUT so that Docker can consume and deal with log output
    • Extract a bunch of configuration settings into environment variables
    • config/ and the .env file handles configuration in all environments
  • Front-end assets:
    • assets/ contains all your CSS, JS, images, fonts, etc. and is managed by esbuild
    • Custom 502.html and maintenance.html pages
    • Generate favicons using modern best practices
  • Flask defaults that are changed:
    • public/ is the static directory where Flask will serve static files from
    • static_url_path is set to "" to remove the /static URL prefix for static files
    • ProxyFix middleware is enabled (check hello/

Besides the Flask app itself:

  • Docker support has been added which would be any files having *docker* in its name
  • GitHub Actions have been set up
  • A requirements-lock.txt file has been introduced using pip3. The management of this file is fully automated by the commands found in the run file. We'll cover this in more detail when we talk about updating dependencies.

Running this app

You'll need to have Docker installed. It's available on Windows, macOS and most distros of Linux. If you're new to Docker and want to learn it in detail check out the additional resources links near the bottom of this README.

You'll also need to enable Docker Compose v2 support if you're using Docker Desktop. On native Linux without Docker Desktop you can install it as a plugin to Docker. It's been generally available for a while now and is stable. This project uses specific Docker Compose v2 features that only work with Docker Compose v2 2.20.2+.

If you're using Windows, it will be expected that you're following along inside of WSL or WSL 2. That's because we're going to be running shell commands. You can always modify these commands for PowerShell if you want.

Clone this repo anywhere you want and move into the directory:

git clone helloflask
cd helloflask

# Optionally checkout a specific tag, such as: git checkout 0.12.0

Copy an example .env file because the real one is git ignored:

cp .env.example .env

Build everything:

The first time you run this it's going to take 5-10 minutes depending on your internet connection speed and computer's hardware specs. That's because it's going to download a few Docker images and build the Python + Yarn dependencies.

docker compose up --build

Now that everything is built and running we can treat it like any other Flask app.

Did you receive a depends_on "Additional property required is not allowed" error? Please update to at least Docker Compose v2.20.2+ or Docker Desktop 4.22.0+.

Did you receive an error about a port being in use? Chances are it's because something on your machine is already running on port 8000. Check out the docs in the .env file for the DOCKER_WEB_PORT_FORWARD variable to fix this.

Did you receive a permission denied error? Chances are you're running native Linux and your uid:gid aren't 1000:1000 (you can verify this by running id). Check out the docs in the .env file to customize the UID and GID variables to fix this.

Setup the initial database:

# You can run this from a 2nd terminal. It will create both a development and
# test database with the proper user / password credentials.
./run flask db reset --with-testdb

We'll go over that ./run script in a bit!

Check it out in a browser:

Visit http://localhost:8000 in your favorite browser.

Linting the code base:

# You should get no output (that means everything is operational).
./run lint

Sorting Python imports in the code base:

# You should see that everything is unchanged (imports are already formatted).
./run format:imports

Formatting the code base:

# You should see that everything is unchanged (it's all already formatted).
./run format

There's also a ./run quality command to run the above 3 commands together.

Running the test suite:

# You should see all passing tests. Warnings are typically ok.
./run test

Stopping everything:

# Stop the containers and remove a few Docker related resources associated to this project.
docker compose down

You can start things up again with docker compose up and unlike the first time it should only take seconds.

Files of interest

I recommend checking out most files and searching the code base for TODO:, but please review the .env and run files before diving into the rest of the code and customizing it. Also, you should hold off on changing anything until we cover how to customize this example app's name with an automated script (coming up next in the docs).


This file is ignored from version control so it will never be commit. There's a number of environment variables defined here that control certain options and behavior of the application. Everything is documented there.

Feel free to add new variables as needed. This is where you should put all of your secrets as well as configuration that might change depending on your environment (specific dev boxes, CI, production, etc.).


You can run ./run to get a list of commands and each command has documentation in the run file itself.

It's a shell script that has a number of functions defined to help you interact with this project. It's basically a Makefile except with less limitations. For example as a shell script it allows us to pass any arguments to another program.

This comes in handy to run various Docker commands because sometimes these commands can be a bit long to type. Feel free to add as many convenience functions as you want. This file's purpose is to make your experience better!

If you get tired of typing ./run you can always create a shell alias with alias run=./run in your ~/.bash_aliases or equivalent file. Then you'll be able to run run instead of ./run.

Running a script to automate renaming the project

The app is named hello right now but chances are your app will be a different name. Since the app is already created we'll need to do a find / replace on a few variants of the string "hello" and update a few Docker related resources.

And by we I mean I created a zero dependency shell script that does all of the heavy lifting for you. All you have to do is run the script below.

Run the rename-project script included in this repo:

# The script takes 2 arguments.
# The first one is the lower case version of your app's name, such as myapp or
# my_app depending on your preference.
# The second one is used for your app's module name. For example if you used
# myapp or my_app for the first argument you would want to use MyApp here.
bin/rename-project myapp MyApp

The bin/rename-project script is going to:

  • Remove any Docker resources for your current project
  • Perform a number of find / replace actions
  • Optionally initialize a new git repo for you

Afterwards you can delete this script because its only purpose is to assist in helping you change this project's name without depending on any complicated project generator tools or 3rd party dependencies.

If you're not comfy running the script or it doesn't work for whatever reasons you can check it out and perform the actions manually. It's mostly running a find / replace across files and then renaming a few directories and files.

Start and setup the project:

This won't take as long as before because Docker can re-use most things. We'll also need to setup our database since a new one will be created for us by Docker.

docker compose up --build

# Then in a 2nd terminal once it's up and ready.
./run flask db reset --with-testdb

Sanity check to make sure the tests still pass:

It's always a good idea to make sure things are in a working state before adding custom changes.

# You can run this from the same terminal as before.
./run quality
./run test

If everything passes now you can optionally git add -A && git commit -m "Initial commit" and start customizing your app. Alternatively you can wait until you develop more of your app before committing anything. It's up to you!

Tying up a few loose ends:

You'll probably want to create a fresh file for your project. I like following the style guide at but feel free to use whichever style you prefer.

Since this project is MIT licensed you should keep my name and email address in the LICENSE file to adhere to that license's agreement, but you can also add your name and email on a new line.

If you happen to base your app off this example app or write about any of the code in this project it would be rad if you could credit this repo by linking to it. If you want to reference me directly please link to my site at You don't have to do this, but it would be very much appreciated!

Updating dependencies

Let's say you've customized your app and it's time to make a change to your requirements.txt or package.json file.

Without Docker you'd normally run pip3 install -r requirements.txt or yarn install. With Docker it's basically the same thing and since these commands are in our Dockerfile we can get away with doing a docker compose build but don't run that just yet.

In development:

You can run ./run pip3:outdated or ./run yarn:outdated to get a list of outdated dependencies based on what you currently have installed. Once you've figured out what you want to update, go make those updates in your requirements.txt and / or assets/package.json file.

Then to update your dependencies you can run ./run pip3:install or ./run yarn:install. That'll make sure any lock files get copied from Docker's image (thanks to volumes) into your code repo and now you can commit those files to version control like usual.

You can check out the run file to see what these commands do in more detail.

As for the requirements' lock file, this ensures that the same exact versions of every package you have (including dependencies of dependencies) get used the next time you build the project. This file is the output of running pip3 freeze. You can check how it works by looking at bin/pip3-install.

You should never modify the lock files by hand. Add your top level Python dependencies to requirements.txt and your top level JavaScript dependencies to assets/package.json, then run the ./run command(s) mentioned earlier.

In CI:

You'll want to run docker compose build since it will use any existing lock files if they exist. You can also check out the complete CI test pipeline in the run file under the ci:test function.

In production:

This is usually a non-issue since you'll be pulling down pre-built images from a Docker registry but if you decide to build your Docker images directly on your server you could run docker compose build as part of your deploy pipeline.

See a way to improve something?

If you see anything that could be improved please open an issue or start a PR. Any help is much appreciated!

Additional resources

Now that you have your app ready to go, it's time to build something cool! If you want to learn more about Docker, Flask and deploying a Flask app here's a couple of free and paid resources. There's Google too!

Learn more about Docker and Flask

Official documentation


Deploy to production

I'm creating an in-depth course related to deploying Dockerized web apps. If you want to get notified when it launches with a discount and potentially get free videos while the course is being developed then sign up here to get notified.

About the author

I'm a self taught developer and have been freelancing for the last ~20 years. You can read about everything I've learned along the way on my site at

There's hundreds of blog posts and a couple of video courses on web development and deployment topics. I also have a podcast where I talk with folks about running web apps in production.

docker-flask-example's People


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docker-flask-example's Issues

cannot create directory ‘public/js’: Permission denied - Rootless docker

Hey Nick, first of all, thank you so much for this amazing repo, man, it is helping me a lot.

I just want to check with you if it is possible to run this repo in an env where docker is installed as rootless.

When I run docker compose up in my nixos, with "root-full" docker, everything works fine, but doesn`t work if I run in a rootless docker.

Will share here some outputs.

[beto@nixos:~/test/ruby_projects/docker-flask-example]$ docker compose run web mkdir public/js
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                                                                                      docker:default
[+] Creating 2/0
 ✔ Container helloflask-redis-1     Created                                                                                                                                                            0.0s 
 ✔ Container helloflask-postgres-1  Created                                                                                                                                                            0.0s 
[+] Running 2/2
 ✔ Container helloflask-redis-1     Started                                                                                                                                                            0.3s 
 ✔ Container helloflask-postgres-1  Started                                                                                                                                                            0.3s 
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                                                                                      docker:default
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘public/js’: Permission denied

[beto@nixos:~/test/ruby_projects/docker-flask-example]$ docker compose run web id
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                                                                                      docker:default
[+] Creating 2/0
 ✔ Container helloflask-redis-1     Running                                                                                                                                                            0.0s 
 ✔ Container helloflask-postgres-1  Running                                                                                                                                                            0.0s 
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                                                                                      docker:default
uid=1000(python) gid=1000(python) groups=1000(python)

[beto@nixos:~/test/ruby_projects/docker-flask-example]$ docker compose run js id
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                                                                                      docker:default
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                                                                                      docker:default
uid=1000(node) gid=1000(node) groups=1000(node)

[beto@nixos:~/test/ruby_projects/docker-flask-example]$ id
uid=1000(beto) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),1(wheel),57(networkmanager),1000(beto)

[beto@nixos:~/test/ruby_projects/docker-flask-example]$ docker compose run css id
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                                                                                      docker:default
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                                                                                      docker:default
uid=1000(node) gid=1000(node) groups=1000(node)

[beto@nixos:~/test/ruby_projects/docker-flask-example]$ ls -ln
total 104
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000  1936 jan 17 15:18 alembic.ini
drwxr-xr-x 5 1000 1000  4096 jan 17 15:18 assets
drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000  4096 jan 17 15:18 bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 13853 jan 17 15:18
drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000  4096 jan 17 15:18 config
drwxr-xr-x 3 1000 1000  4096 jan 17 15:18 db
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000  3278 jan 17 20:35 docker-compose.yml
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000  2145 jan 17 15:18 Dockerfile
drwxr-xr-x 5 1000 1000  4096 jan 17 15:18 hello
drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000  4096 jan 17 15:18 lib
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000  1108 jan 17 15:18 LICENSE
drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000  4096 jan 17 15:18 public
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000   104 jan 17 15:18 pyproject.toml
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 18044 jan 17 15:18
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000   850 jan 17 15:18 requirements-lock.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000   357 jan 17 15:18 requirements.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1000 1000  4243 jan 17 15:18 run
drwxr-xr-x 3 1000 1000  4096 jan 17 15:18 test

I ask for your help, please.

Thanks in advance.

Issues running in production executing the application

my app works locally via docker no problem with the typical docker workflow.

I've moved it to my VM and attempting to build the app
my requirements.txt file






## mine added

It's failing to build docker compose build
with this message

 => [web app  9/11] COPY --chown=python:python --from=assets /app/public /public                                                                                                                                                     1.0s
 => [web app 10/11] COPY --chown=python:python . .                                                                                                                                                                                   0.9s
 => ERROR [web app 11/11] RUN if [ "false" != "true" ]; then   ln -s /public /app/public && flask digest compile && rm -rf /app/public; fi                                                                                           6.4s
 > [web app 11/11] RUN if [ "false" != "true" ]; then   ln -s /public /app/public && flask digest compile && rm -rf /app/public; fi:
5.582 Illegal instruction (core dumped)
failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c if [ \"${FLASK_DEBUG}\" != \"true\" ]; then   ln -s /public /app/public && flask digest compile && rm -rf /app/public; fi" did not complete successfully: exit code: 132

in frustration I've cloned the repo in a different folder, added my same requirements.txt and without issue the hello flask builds and runs perfectly.

Any tips on tracking down what about my code / includes are causing the Illegal instruction (core dumped) I figured it was a python package. Everything I'm finding points to older CPU support, which if that was the case I'd expect the vanilla hello flask app not to build on the same host machine.

Thoughts? thanks in advance

Flask / Werkzeug 3.0 and Python 3.12 updates

These are updates I'd like to perform but there's currently a few blockers from 3rd party dependencies:

If anyone is using other popular 3rd party libraries that aren't working with either Flask 3.0 or Python 3.12 please post them here.

Getting Error with docker compose => ERROR [helloflask_web app 6/9] RUN chmod 0755 bin/* && bin/pip3-install

My steps:

  1. git clone backend
  2. cd backend
  3. cp .env.example .env
  4. cp docker-compose.override.yml.example docker-compose.override.yml
  5. docker-compose up --build
  6. ERROR (see below for full log)

[+] Building 13.7s (20/44)
=> [helloflask_web internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.1s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 32B 0.0s
=> [helloflask_webpack internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 32B 0.0s
=> [helloflask_worker internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 32B 0.0s
=> [helloflask_web internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 35B 0.0s
=> [helloflask_worker internal] load .dockerignore 0.1s
=> => transferring context: 35B 0.0s
=> [helloflask_webpack internal] load .dockerignore 0.5s
=> => transferring context: 35B 0.0s
=> [helloflask_web internal] load metadata for 11.4s
=> [helloflask_webpack internal] load metadata for 11.0s
=> [helloflask_webpack internal] load build context 0.6s
=> => transferring context: 1.71kB 0.1s
=> [helloflask_worker webpack 1/8] FROM 0.0s
=> CACHED [helloflask_worker webpack 2/8] WORKDIR /app/assets 0.0s
=> CANCELED [helloflask_webpack webpack 3/8] RUN apt-get update && apt-get 1.9s
=> [helloflask_web internal] load build context 0.6s
=> => transferring context: 3.16kB 0.1s
=> [helloflask_worker internal] load build context 0.6s
=> => transferring context: 194.00kB 0.1s
=> [helloflask_web app 1/9] FROM 0.0s
=> CACHED [helloflask_web app 2/9] WORKDIR /app 0.0s
=> CACHED [helloflask_web app 3/9] RUN apt-get update && apt-get install - 0.0s
=> CACHED [helloflask_web app 4/9] COPY --chown=python:python requirements*. 0.0s
=> CACHED [helloflask_web app 5/9] COPY --chown=python:python bin/ ./bin 0.0s
=> ERROR [helloflask_web app 6/9] RUN chmod 0755 bin/* && bin/pip3-install 1.1s

[helloflask_web app 6/9] RUN chmod 0755 bin/* && bin/pip3-install:
#24 1.099 /bin/sh: 1: bin/pip3-install: not found

failed to solve: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = executor failed running [/bin/sh -c chmod 0755 bin/* && bin/pip3-install]: exit code: 127

Any idea how to resolve this?

Error when doing docker compose

I am on Windows.
After docker compose up --build I get:

[+] Running 21/21
 - redis Pulled                                                                                                   62.9s
   - bb263680fed1 Pull complete                                                                                   37.5s
   - ac509f65c3e9 Pull complete                                                                                   37.7s
   - 51afc2cce3df Pull complete                                                                                   38.0s
   - 817f7e347ebd Pull complete                                                                                   38.9s
   - ab1a1215d5f9 Pull complete                                                                                   39.0s
   - db7c27bf3552 Pull complete                                                                                   39.2s
 - postgres Pulled                                                                                                61.8s
   - 3f9582a2cbe7 Already exists                                                                                   0.0s
   - 0d9d08fc1a1a Pull complete                                                                                    4.4s
   - ecae4ccb4d1b Pull complete                                                                                    5.1s
   - e75693e0d7a5 Pull complete                                                                                    6.5s
   - 1b6d5aead1a8 Pull complete                                                                                   11.0s
   - f2aa67d9a6b2 Pull complete                                                                                   13.2s
   - 7a3ec0371e36 Pull complete                                                                                   13.6s
   - 704d9d1b662d Pull complete                                                                                   14.1s
   - a6e09efc43e8 Pull complete                                                                                   57.1s
   - cb87a0a6528d Pull complete                                                                                   57.5s
   - 3e290cb732cd Pull complete                                                                                   57.6s
   - d44d65eaede3 Pull complete                                                                                   57.8s
   - 0c2430d596bb Pull complete                                                                                   58.0s
[+] Building 10.0s (11/11) FINISHED
 => [helloflask_web internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                1.2s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 2.26kB                                                                             0.9s
 => [helloflask_worker internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                             1.2s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 2.26kB                                                                             0.9s
 => [helloflask_js internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                 3.3s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 2.26kB                                                                             0.9s
 => [helloflask_css internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                3.3s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 2.26kB                                                                             0.9s
 => [helloflask_web internal] load .dockerignore                                                                   3.2s
 => => transferring context: 210B                                                                                  0.7s
 => [helloflask_worker internal] load .dockerignore                                                                3.1s
 => => transferring context: 210B                                                                                  2.6s
 => [helloflask_js internal] load .dockerignore                                                                    3.2s
 => => transferring context: 210B                                                                                  2.5s
 => [helloflask_css internal] load .dockerignore                                                                   2.9s
 => => transferring context: 210B                                                                                  0.4s
 => ERROR [helloflask_worker internal] load metadata for             5.7s
 => ERROR [helloflask_js internal] load metadata for                  6.0s
 => [auth] library/python:pull token for                                                      0.0s
 > [helloflask_worker internal] load metadata for
 > [helloflask_js internal] load metadata for
failed to solve: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB definition: 
failed to authorize: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to fetch oauth token: Post "": dial 
tcp: lookup no such host

assistance understanding assets and es build in production

Hi Nick,

It's me again, I'm new to ES build / Flask and fancy node based frontend stuff...

I've got an app in production and I'm seeing my logs continuesly state that it's rebuilding CSS and JS

css-1    |
css-1    | Done in 1439ms.
css-1    |
css-1    | Task completed in 0m2.511s
css-1    | Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
css-1    |   npx update-browserslist-db@latest
css-1    |   Why you should do it regularly:
css-1    |
css-1    | Rebuilding...
css-1    |
css-1    | Done in 1526ms.
css-1    |
css-1    | Task completed in 0m2.515s
js-1     |
js-1     | Task completed in 0m0.352s
css-1    | Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
css-1    |   npx update-browserslist-db@latest
css-1    |   Why you should do it regularly:
css-1    |
css-1    | Rebuilding...
css-1    |
css-1    | Done in 1534ms.
css-1    |
css-1    | Task completed in 0m2.572s```

I thought in production this was to be build once and not again, it seems the `production` and debug flags are a bit off too, when I put things in production I still had to modify the docker container to set the values to `False` vs `false` in the

Any advise on better understand prod vs dev? 

models usage


How can i define models, create tables and interact with the data with this setup? slightly confused as you've added a but no template models

Celery stuff

I've been using this code template to learn. Great stuff, this has been very helpful! I have a few notes regarding the Celery implementation in particular.

  • PyCharm yells at me if metaclass=ABCMeta isn't inside the custom task. I was using from celery import Task which is worse than celery_app.Task, so ignore.

  • TaskBase.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs) seems less pythonic than super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)

  • As of Celery 5.0, the Celery CLI is actually a Click command, so you can do something like this:

    from celery.bin.celery import celery as celery_cmd

    The major benefit of this is that you no longer need to modify celery -A "" worker, and simply flask celery worker works. So it becomes agnostic to where the celery app is defined, and removes the need to update this part of the script for a real app not named hello. The reason why it becomes agnostic seems to be: because it's called via the flask CLI, it guarantees that the normal Flask app initialization code is run prior to the Celery command being run, so it knows that Celery was called inside (Another benefit could potentially be decorating the command with flask.cli.with_appcontext, but I've not found a reason for that.)


Tips on deploying

First of all thank you for the great repository. I am new to docker and this repository is very helpful to me.

I have used the repository to dockerise one of my flask APIs and I am trying to deploy it on a VPS (racknerd to be more specific).
I want to expose the API endpoint to the public so that anyone over the internet can use it.

So if I have to use localhost:8000/api_endpoint to hit the endpoint on my own system, the internet users should be able to use public.ip.address.of.vps:8000/api_endpoint. However I am unable to do this.

What have I tried?

  1. In the dockerfile, I changed the CMD gunicorn line to
    CMD ["gunicorn", "-c", "python:config.gunicorn", "-b", "", ""]

  2. In config/, I changed the ip in the SERVER_NAME from localhost to
    "SERVER_NAME", "{0}".format(os.getenv("PORT", "8000"))

After doing the above changes, locally if I do it works fine. But if I try to do < public ip address of vps >:8000/api_endpoint, it gives the following 404 error on the browser:

Not Found
The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.

And in the ssh terminal where docker-compose up is running, the logs say this as a warning:

home/python/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/ UserWarning: Current server name '<public ip of vps>:8000' doesn't match configured server name ''
and also
/home/python/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/ UserWarning: The session cookie domain is an IP address. This may not work as intended in some browsers. Add an entry to your hosts file, for example "localhost.localdomain", and use that instead.

After this I tried changing the to in (also tried in the dockerfile gunicorn command, but that gave an error Invalid Address, so in the dockerfile gunicorn command the host was This gave the following error on the browser:

Bad Request
The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand.

and the following warning in the ssh terminal running docker-compose:
/home/python/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flask/ UserWarning: The session cookie domain is an IP address. This may not work as intended in some browsers. Add an entry to your hosts file, for example "localhost.localdomain", and use that instead.

This is most probably just my lack of knowledge and I do not know what to tweak to get the app on the VPS exposed to the internet. Please guide me in the right direction.

Thank you

Frontend folder creation permissions issue

Hi there, thanks for the wonderful project! When setting up and running the app locally, I'm getting an HTML page with no styles. It appears that none of the frontend public/ dirs are getting created.

I'm running on Pop_OS 22.04.

helloflask-css-1       | mkdir: cannot create directory '../public/css': Permission denied
helloflask-js-1        | mkdir: cannot create directory '../public/js': Permission denied

I am exporting linux ids in the env file as recommended:

export UID=1000
export GID=1000

I've also tried modifying the folder creation code in the Dockerfile as follows:

RUN mkdir -p /app/public \
  && chown node:node -R /app/public \
  && if [ "${NODE_ENV}" != "development" ]; then \
  ../run yarn:build:js && ../run yarn:build:css; fi

Since it seems to be a permissions error with the node user, I thought this might fix it but am unfortunately seeing the same error.

Deprecated library distutils

Hello @nickjj,

Thank you so much for sharing this repository with the community.

When cloning your repo locally, I noticed that distutils is not included in the latest versions of Python.


Do you have any alternatives in mind?

Thanks again for your work.

unbound variable on macos ventura

❯ ./run quality
./run: line 55: @: unbound variable

❯ ./run lint:dockerfile
./run: line 44: @: unbound variable


brew install bash

this currently takes you from:
GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (arm64-apple-darwin22)
GNU bash, version 5.2.2(1)-release (aarch64-apple-darwin22.1.0)

i'm trying to learn celery and i don't understand an error

the premise is that i'm trying to understand how this configuration works (and probably i'm being WAY ahead of myself).

I have a bit of experience with docker and python but it's not my main activity.

Since i want to do manage task with celery, but i want to keep a proper log of the activities, i was thinking about using redis as the broker url and postgress as the result_backend.

So i've tried this config (by asking ChatGPT.... i know, i know)


"broker_url": os.getenv("REDIS_URL", "redis://redis:6379/0"),
"result_backend": os.getenv("DATABASE_URL", db),
"include": [],

But when i try to rebuild the containers, the worker images display this error:

worker-1 | [2024-08-16 12:30:19,934: CRITICAL/MainProcess] Unrecoverable error: ModuleNotFoundError("No module named 'postgresql'")
worker-1 | Traceback (most recent call last):
worker-1 | File "/home/python/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/celery/worker/", line 202, in start
worker-1 | self.blueprint.start(self)
worker-1 | File "/home/python/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/celery/", line 112, in start
worker-1 | self.on_start()
worker-1 | File "/home/python/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/celery/apps/", line 135, in on_start
worker-1 | self.emit_banner()
worker-1 | File "/home/python/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/celery/apps/", line 169, in emit_banner
worker-1 | ' \n', self.startup_info(artlines=not use_image))),
worker-1 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
worker-1 | File "/home/python/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/celery/apps/", line 231, in startup_info
worker-1 |,
worker-1 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
worker-1 | File "/home/python/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/celery/app/", line 1303, in backend
worker-1 | self._backend = self._get_backend()
worker-1 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
worker-1 | File "/home/python/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/celery/app/", line 968, in _get_backend
worker-1 | backend, url = backends.by_url(
worker-1 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
worker-1 | File "/home/python/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/celery/app/", line 69, in by_url
worker-1 | return by_name(backend, loader), url
worker-1 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
worker-1 | File "/home/python/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/celery/app/", line 49, in by_name
worker-1 | cls = symbol_by_name(backend, aliases)
worker-1 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
worker-1 | File "/home/python/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/kombu/utils/", line 59, in symbol_by_name
worker-1 | module = imp(module_name, package=package, **kwargs)
worker-1 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
worker-1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/importlib/", line 90, in import_module
worker-1 | return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
worker-1 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
worker-1 | File "", line 1387, in _gcd_import
worker-1 | File "", line 1360, in _find_and_load
worker-1 | File "", line 1324, in _find_and_load_unlocked
worker-1 | ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'postgresql'
web-1 | [2024-08-16 12:30:19 +0000] [23] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 23
worker-1 exited with code 1

things i've tried

i've altered the dockerfile to include a pip install

RUN if [ "${FLASK_DEBUG}" != "true" ]; then
ln -s /public /app/public && flask digest compile && rm -rf /app/public; fi
RUN pip install psycopg2-binary

But i'm still having the error.

What i'm doing wrong ?

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