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nhsuk-service-manual's People


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nhsuk-service-manual's Issues

Clean cookie code

For a short term solution, the cookie consent code was taken directly from other solutions, with a simpler design applied to it.

As the design is simpler and a user controls cookies with the browser (rather than in site settings), a lot of the code isn't required and can be simplified.

The code is also currently compiled by webpack and isn't very readable in this repo. It needs to be changed to the pre-compiled code and assets.

Slack invite link

The Slack invite link in the file is no longer active. Can we get a new one, please?

EPIC: User research - usage of the service manual


We want to measure the usage of the NHS service manual.


We want to know:

  • who uses the service manual
  • why people use the service manual
  • how often people access the service manual

So that we:

  • identify people, teams and organisations who use the service manual
  • understand how much the service manual is used
  • understand what use cases the service manual helps support

To then:

  • investigate removing, changing or adding to different parts of the service manual
  • improve how much value the service manual offers the health and care sector

Related epics

EPIC: Alignment of Service Manual Development with NHSx Planned Work


This covers the work that NHS X are planning to do, relating to the NHS digital service manual.


This is to ensure the priorities of the work the service manual team are delivering align with the vision from NHS X.


Plan of action agreed for the next twelve months (21/22) with overview of the issues needed to be supported to align work with complimentary work being planned/undertaken by NHS X teams.

Draft responsive table guidance


Add guidance for the responsive table component to the design system.


The responsive table component is being released in NHS.UK frontend v4.0.0.

Done when

  • speak to @Fenwick17 regarding draft content
  • add code example
  • draft guidance
  • need to consider guidance for the research section
  • content review - @sarawilcox
  • peer review

Broken home link in the breadcrumb on the error message page

The home link in the breadcrumb on the error page is broken.

The URL is /service-manualindex

I did a search in the codebase and this was the only instance of it I could find.

Also, it might be better to create the breadcrumb for styles, component and pattern pages as a Nunjucks include to reduce code repetition?

EPIC: Create a design system working group


Create a multidisciplinary panel of representatives from across NHS digital to make sure that all components and patterns published in the design system are of a high quality and meet user needs.


The design system working group will increase community engagement and ownership by us involving the community with the decision making.



Assemble working group

Working group meetings / workshops

Prepare the agenda

  • Draft a terms of reference
  • Review and collate the work to be passed into the DSWG
  • Draft an agenda

CSS, JavaScript and assets being imported from node_modules

The CSS on the code snippet examples and the JavaScript/assets are being directly imported from the node_modules into pages. These should be compiled within the application via Sass/ES6 modules to give us more flexibility and customisation if we require.

EPIC: Measuring the value of the service manual


Look at how we can measure the value of the service manual.


NHS Digital need to know how the service manual is performing and the value it is delivering to users.



Document outlining how we can create baseline figures for usage and identify areas to enable ongoing measurement of the value.

Restructure the assets folder

The current assets folder has a flat structure and could do with reorganising to make it more manageable as we add new files.

Current state:
Screenshot 2020-03-10 at 13 41 49

EPIC: Sex and gender guidance


Produce guidance on asking questions around sex and gender in the health sector that has been fully user tested.


Sex and gender have specific meanings in Health and can impact on the services provided and therefore are required questions in many services. We need to ensure that questions are asked in a sympathetic manner to ensure the widest range of users of services feel their concerns around these issues have been identified and addressed


  • Review the work in this area recently undertaken by teams in NHS D
  • Review GDS components and guidance
  • Produce guidance on asking questions around sex and gender
  • Produce standard patterns for asking questions around sex and gender


On completion of the epic guidance and patterns for asking questions around sex and gender in public facing services will be available within the service manual.

Improve the CI/CD pipelines

The deployment pipelines can be quite slow to run (averaging about 10-15 minutes to deploy) and sometimes are quite temperamental, they are also locked down behind our current infrastructure restrictions.

This could be an opportunity to use GitHub actions along with Azure Devops. We could also remove the current step of merging to develop then merging to master (requiring 2 pull requests to release), which was previously required due to limitations of the pipelines.


Pull requests: deploy to a review environment (which get deleted on merge)
master branch: deploy to the staging environment
git tags: deploy to the live environment

It would be good if a message with the environment URL got posted somewhere for PRs after successfully deploying.

Each stage is just simply: npm install, npm build, npm test and deploy if previous are successful.

CSS cache busting

Due to the service manual website being heavily cached behind our firewall and with users browsers also caching CSS, we need a way to bust the CSS cache for each release.

The easiest way to do this would probably be to rename the main.min.css file each version, for example main.min.css?v=3.4.1 with the v= parameter being the current version of the service manual.

Further reading:

EPIC: Formalise the ethnic group question guidance


Develop guidance and pattern on asking users for ethnic groups in public facing services.


Ethnicity is a key factor in some health conditions and we need to be able to collect data which users of services recognise as an acceptable representation of their ethnicity from their viewpoint.

To do

  • Organise a contribution kick-off session
  • Review current GDS pattern - @misakihata
  • Review evidence from user research on the use of the pattern in NHS services - @misakihata
  • Synthesise research and generate ideas for improving the pattern - @misakihata + service manual team
  • Prototype pattern - @misakihata + service manual team
  • User test pattern - @misakihata + service manual team
  • Develop pattern and guidance
  • Design system working group review session
  • Prepare to publish the contribution
  • Publish contribution


Production of guidance on asking questions around ethnicity and a pattern to enable question to be asked. This will need to be tested with users and signed off by the Extended Design Team and Content Style Council.

EPIC: Error message guidance


Create guidance on creating error messages


We've rapidly spun up a number of new services in recent months and we are seeing some inconsistencies in hint text, error messages and "bad luck pages".

Colleagues sometimes ask us for examples of what has and hasn't worked.

We have started to collect examples for review, to compare with GDS examples, and where appropriate include in the service manual.


Visual/advice not consistent, no example of a table with panel (and heading)

On the table page we tell people:

The table component tested well with users on health information pages. The white panel helped users scan the page and find information when it was surrounded by text content.

But we don't include an example of this, as the main table is the simple one, so it's confusing

Based on the conversation here it seems there is a preference to keep the table with a panel with a heading, and the heading needs to be different than the caption so the following then needs updating:

Use the element to describe a table in the same way you would use a heading. A caption helps users find, navigate and understand tables.

Nunjucks macro paths within nunjucks code snippets

The import path for the Nunjucks macros are incorrect, it expects the macro template to be in the folder /components/component-name/ eg. {% from 'components/action-link/macro.njk' import actionLink %} however this requires users to have configured their application to read files from the /node_modules/nhsuk-frontend/packages/ folder when referencing /components/component-name/.

The configuration for this needs documenting or there needs to be some guidance telling users how to import the macros from a different directory.

The paths are also incorrect for the nhsuk-prototype-kit they are imported with {% from 'action-link/macro.njk' import actionLink %} and do not require the /components/ prefix.

EPIC: Cookie guidance


The cookie guidance and pattern is presently being worked on by one of the mission teams and when this work is completed it would be useful to share this work with the wider community in the form of guidance and potentially pattern.


All sites need information on cookie banners and when the NHS UK site has revised it's usage this has been agreed at the highest level within the NHS IG Community and therefore should be used as best practice. This should enabke others to use the agreed wording and styles with minimal IG input as agreed nationally.


  • Review work undertaken by mission team

  • Develop appropriate guidance to go alongside the patterns proposed

  • Undertaken any necessary user research to gauge the impact of the cookie guidance on end users of services.

  • Implement new guidance within the Service Manual



Cookie Guidance available for use across the NHS domain signed off by senior information governance team within NHS D and available for wider usage outside NHS D.

EPIC: New components - card, tag, responsive table


Add guidance to the service for the new and recently updates styles and components in the NHS.UK frontend.


Not having guidance for the components could result in them being implemented in the contexts they were not designed and tested for.

To do

Add code to the NHS.UK frontend for the:



Warning callout - aria-label="Important"

I'm not sure that this is a best practice. If it is, I'm not sure why it isn't in the HTML example provided

I'm pretty sure that the aria-label would sound much like:
<h3 class="nhsuk-warning-callout__label">Important: School, nursery or work</h3>

and not provide any additional semantic meaning for screen reader users. Just looking at the definitions & examples here:

As you probably know, there's lots of discussion about labels here alphagov/govuk-design-system-backlog#71

Draft card component guidance


Add guidance for the card component to the design system.


The card component is being released in NHS.UK frontend v4.0.0.

Further details

The guidance is to include:

  • basic card
  • clickable card
  • card with an image
  • group of cards
  • accessibility
    -- how to change heading level
    -- how to change heading size

Done when

  • add code examples
  • draft guidance
  • add to the navigation and search index
  • content review - @sarawilcox
  • peer review

EPIC: URL guidance


We've identified a need for guidance for NHS websites/services, like the GOV.UK standards: The NHS website information architecture team has done some work on this.


URLs are important, especially in a health information context where users need reassurance that the information is trustworthy.

URLs always need always need to be clear, unambiguous, easy to read, easy to type and easy to share.

Related tickets


Must do

[ ] Review draft guidance and discuss with team how and when we plan this work in

EPIC: Multimedia guidance


Publish multimedia and image guidance within the service manual as a new item. Ensure the image guidance is inclusive and addresses the issue of using non white skin colours in showing health conditions.


To ensure the information released in the service manual is fully inclusive, guidance is required to provide support to users in developing content including multimedia and images. Recently there has been additional emphasis on producing content to reflect the requirements of the BAME community due to the recognised impact of COVID-19.

Needed before we pick it up

More work from the multimedia team community contributor


  • Review the existing draft content
  • Undertake user research to confirm the content meets unidentified user needs
  • Consult with content producers/designers within NHS Digital and beyond and learn from their findings
  • Present guidance to the content community (via Style Council) for approval
  • Publish guidance on images within the Service Manual


  • Publish draft guidance for use within NHS D


Guidance on the use of images within a health context to be available across the digital health development community.

Improved user experience across services by the implementation of standards around the use of images.

Design example 'Open in new window' link


On the design examples, the link 'Open in new window' gives no context of what you are opening in a new window.

Screenshot 2020-02-06 at 11 06 45


It's an accessibility issue, especially when there is more than one design example on the page.


Add visually hidden text to the the link.

For example: 'Open this [style, component or pattern name] example in a new window'.

EPIC: Community contribution discovery


Look at how we can enable community contributions for the service manual.


For the service manual to grow and develop to meet its users' needs and maintain consistent, usable NHS products and services, we need teams to raise and discuss issues they face and tell us how things test with users.

Without regular contributions, the service manual will ultimately fail.


Project kickoff

User research



Usability testing


Sense making

Problem statements


Do it now HMW

EPIC: Stop users to tell them important information pattern


A pattern used to stop people in a transactional service to tell them important information.


When information is understood to be important for people, having a pattern to display this during a transactional service could ensure the information is given full focus to avoid users missing it.

Before starting

  • Explore services that already implemented this type of pattern
  • Find and analyse research findings from the current implementations
  • Submit proposal to design system working group

Related issues and epics

EPIC: Guidance on skin symptoms and inclusive language around ethnicity


Publish content guidance around skin symptoms on diverse skin tones and other guidance on inclusive language around ethnicity.


Ethnicity is a key factor in some health conditions and we often need to refer to ethnicity in content on health information pages.

In the past, for example, our content has focussed on skin symptoms on white skin but we need to make sure that our content is helpful to people with a diverse range of skin colours.


Tasks to take forward from user research insights, further iteration of skin symptons guidance: -



  • Guidance on skin symptoms and inclusive language around ethnicity.

EPIC: Identify form design patterns we need


Review the need for and, if appropriate, publish more form design patterns in the design system.


We published guidance on how to write good questions for forms in 2019 but we recognised at the time that there was also a need for more form design patterns to help interaction designers build forms that are easy to use. Our forms guidance currently focuses on content design.


  • meet to review our need for different form patterns, for example, check your answers, confirmation page, and stop users to tell them important information pattern
  • consider how these patterns help users understand where in the process they are and give them a greater sense of control (see Caroline's forms topic map document)
  • prioritise the patterns we identify
  • put tickets in the backlog for future RICE scoring



EPIC: Accessibility guidance (update + assess existing guidance against WCAG 2.2)


  • Research the usage and impact of accessibility guidance and update existing guidance to reflect the feedback from Nomensa.

  • Take into account recent work on a tool to help NHS.UK comply with WCAG 2.1.

  • Bring the guidance up to date with WCAG 2.2 (expected publication early 2023) - with a deadline for compliance likely 6 to 12 months after publication.

  • consider how we can integrate the checklists at:


The guidance was published around a year ago. We need to know how effective it is and update it to take account of recent audit findings. Also to bring it into line with WCAG 2.2, expected to come into force in 2023.

Related issues


Also include:


  • Publish a blog on the new accessibility guidance


Revised accessibility guidance published as part of the Service Manual

EPIC: Service patterns for professional facing systems


The NHS digital service manual is presently aimed at patient facing services and there is a different group of users that would benefit from the same type of support, this is systems used by professionals in various settings to support the health of patients. This epic is to investigate how the service manual can provide support to teams developing staff-facing systems.


Many of the patterns and styles used to improve the services provided to patients may be relevant to teams developing services for professionals.



  • Look to include key clinical patterns into the service manual as a specific section


Increased use of the service manual across NHS Digital and greater standardisation across healthcare systems.

EPIC: Social media guidance

What and why

The NHS.UK social media team has drafted guidance that draws on their learnings and understanding of best practice for social media in health and care, with a particular emphasis on accessibility.

We believe that this guidance has value for other comms teams and individuals working in the NHS.

Needed before we pick it up

  • Social media team need to establish the user need for this outside of NHS.UK, for example with NHS comms teams (Facebook group)

Small suggestion for coronavirus entry

Thank you for publishing this entry so quickly.

Currently, you have: "Coronavirus is the virus that causes the illness COVID-19. Coronavirus is lower case." The problem is that the second sentence has Coronavirus in upper case as the word happens to be at the start of a sentence.

My suggestion is to change this so that the second 'coronavirus' doesn't start the sentence, such as:
"Coronavirus is the virus that causes the illness COVID-19. Write coronavirus in lower case."

Create a partial view for the 'Get in touch' section

The 'Get in touch' section on component pages is duplicated across each of the components pages, rather than having the code duplicated multiple times, we could have a single partial view included on each of the pages.

This would save us time having to update each of the component pages if the get in touch details ever changed.

Implement trailing slash redirects

We need to decide if our URLs should always end in a trailing slash or never end in a trailing slash.

  • Implement redirects to append or remove the slash.
  • Make sure our internal links are using the correct URL format.

Draft tag component guidance


Add guidance for the tag component to the design system.


The tag component is being released in NHS.UK frontend v4.0.0.

Done when

  • add code examples
  • draft guidance
  • add to the navigation and search index
  • content review - @sarawilcox
  • peer review

Use npm scripts instead of gulp

We should move away from gulp and tidy up some of the dependencies and build tasks we have by using npm scripts.

Use compression dependency to speed up the application.

Use the open graph meta data and assets from

The NHS website recently had some work done to investigate best practices for open graph metadata (such as which meta tags to use) and new assets produced for the image. These changes should be reflected in the code base for the NHS digital service manual.

Guidance should also be published in the NHS digital service manual about the use of open graph but that will be captured in another issue via the service manual backlog.

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