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holodeck's Issues

Missing dlnf for the foreground single?

In the function _gws_harmonics_at_evo_fobs in, it seems that the output foreground signal doesn't include the term "1/d lnf". (I assume the output strain is characteristic strain since the output background single includes the term of 1/d lnf)

Here is part of the code, the output loud is directly from the variabletemp, which is the GW strain I guess.

    # --- Calculate GW Signals
    temp = hs2 * gne * (2.0 / harms_1d)**2
    both = np.sum(temp[:, np.newaxis] * num_pois / dlnf, axis=0)

    # Calculate and return the expectation value hc^2 for each harmonic
    # (N, H)
    gwb_harms = np.zeros_like(harms_2d, dtype=float)
    gwb_harms[valid] = temp * num_binaries / dlnf
    # (N, H) ==> (H,)
    gwb_harms = np.sum(gwb_harms, axis=0)

    if np.any(num_pois > 0):
        # Find the L loudest binaries in each realizations
        loud = np.sort(temp[:, np.newaxis] * (num_pois > 0), axis=0)[::-1, :]
        fore = loud[0, :]
        loud = loud[:loudest, :]
        fore = np.zeros_like(both)
        loud = np.zeros((loudest, nreals))

    back = both - fore
    return both, fore, back, loud, gwb_harms

Inconsistent GWB from sampled populations

Same issue as noted in #21. There seems to be a systematic offset in the GWB amplitude, where the GWB from a sampled (kalepy.sample_outliers) population is ~10% higher than from the purely continuous, SAM calculation (sam.gwb()). Reason is unclear.


Parameter Space: allow marginal parameters and fixed parameters

Currently all parameters going into Param_Space classes become new dimensions of the parameter space.

  • (1) Add the ability to add a parameter that is samples from / marginalized over, but formally not an additional dimension --- just a nuisance parameter.
  • (2) allow parameters to be set to fixed values, so that everything can be set in the same place and manner, again without adding a new dimension to the parameter space.

Presumably these could both be handled in a very similar way.

Merger and Ringdown stage of the gravitational wave?

I am new to holodeck, so I am sorry if I ask a naive question.

It sames that holodeck.utils.gw_strain_source do not consider the contribution of Merger and Ringdown stage of GW, only the inspiral stage, right?

If so, is there any plan to add the contribution of Merger and Ringdown ?

Thank you very much.

Updates to 'discrete' population models

[ ] Ensure that masses are always properly ordered (m1=primary, m2=secondary).
[ ] For host relations, allow either bulge-mass (mbulge) or total stellar-mass (mstar) to be stored.

Segmentation Fault With Large Runs of

Running with large values of NSAMPS (or NREALS) on a cluster leads to segmentation fault. The definition of large here will vary depending on the cluster, but for me it maxes out at just under NSAMPS = 2500 (with NREALS=100).

The error message returned by the Great Lakes cluster reads: mpiexec noticed that process rank 26 with PID 0 on node gl3160 exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).

Improve gen_lib_sam API

(1) combine SS and 'normal' functions/interfaces to use options instead of separate functions

(2) move all reusable materials from to

(3) add option whether or not to perform fits (consider just moving fits to a post-processing step, instead of concurrent with lib gen)

Unit tests: for SAM models

  • Basic creation / usage tests for components

    • GSMF
    • GPF
    • GMT
    • GMR
    • SAM
  • Quantitative regression tests for components (i.e. compare against actual values with fixed input parameters)

    • GSMF
    • GPF
    • GMT
    • GMR
    • SAM
  • Quantitative regression tests for GWB calculations
  • Tests for dynamic_binary_number methods
  • Tests for sams/cyutils methods

Fixed_Time hardening model: should error for (1) times out of bounds, (2) incorrect interpolation

When requesting hardening timescales of 1e-5 and 1e5 Gyr (for example), the resulting interpolated values completely fail to reproduce these timescales and the resulting GWB spectrum is identical.

(1) The code should raise an error for values outside of bounds
(2) The code should raise an error if the resulting interpolated values deviate from the desired hardening timescales by greater than some factor. (Note: currently a warning is raised that the 'normal' interpolant failed, and the 'backup' is being used). Accuracy should be checked for both interpolants.

Make sure SS vs. (old) GWB calculations are giving consistent results

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import tqdm

import holodeck as holo
from holodeck import utils, plot
from holodeck.constants import YR'default')   # avoid dark backgrounds from dark theme vscode
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

def run_single_params_model(space, params, fobs_edges, nreals=100, nloudest=5):
    param_names = space.param_names
    log = space._log
    pars = {name: params[pp] for pp, name in enumerate(param_names)}"Loading sam and hard from {params=}")
    sam, hard = space.model_for_params(pars, sam_shape=space.sam_shape)

    fobs_cents = utils.midpoints(fobs_edges, log=False)
    fobs_orb_edges = fobs_edges / 2.0
    fobs_orb_cents = fobs_cents / 2.0"Calculating `dynamic_binary_number` for {fobs_cents.size} freqs")
    edges, dnum = sam.dynamic_binary_number(hard, fobs_orb=fobs_orb_cents)
    edges[-1] = fobs_orb_edges

    # integrate for number
    log.debug(f"integrating to get number of binaries")
    number = utils._integrate_grid_differential_number(edges, dnum, freq=False)
    number = number * np.diff(np.log(fobs_edges))

    log.debug(f"calculating strains and sources for shape ({fobs_cents.size}, {nreals}), {nloudest=}")
    hc_ss, hc_bg, sspar, bgpar = holo.single_sources.ss_gws(
        edges, number, realize=nreals, loudest=nloudest, params=True

    # use_redz = sam._redz_final
    # gwb = holo.gravwaves._gws_from_number_grid_integrated(edges, use_redz, number, nreals)

    gwb = holo.gravwaves._gws_from_number_grid_integrated(edges, number, nreals)

    data = dict(
        fobs=fobs_cents, fobs_edges=fobs_edges,
        gwb=gwb, hc_ss=hc_ss, hc_bg=hc_bg, sspar=sspar, bgpar=bgpar
    return data

def run_params_subspace(space, params, fobs_edges, **kwargs):
    log = space._log
    param_names = space.param_names
    npars = len(param_names)
    params = np.asarray(params)

    # Make sure shapes look good
    if params.ndim != 2 or params.shape[1] != npars:
        err = f"`params` shape {np.shape(params)} does not match {npars} parameters: {param_names}!"
        raise RuntimeError(err)

    # Make sure all parameters are within excepted bounds
    for pp, name in enumerate(param_names):
        dist = space._dists[pp]

        bads = (params[:, pp] <= dist.extrema[0]) | (dist.extrema[1] <= params[:, pp])
        if np.any(bads):
            err = f"`params` {pp} {name} are outside of extrema [{dist.extrema[0]:.8e}, {dist.extrema[1]:.8e}]!"
            err += f"  {utils.stats(params[:, pp])}"
            raise ValueError(err)

    num_samps = params.shape[0]

    all_data = []
    for ii in tqdm.trange(num_samps):
        data = run_single_params_model(space, params[ii], fobs_edges, **kwargs)

    return all_data

PTA_DUR = 16.03     # [yrs]
SHAPE = 40

space_class = holo.param_spaces.PS_Broad_Uniform_02B
space = space_class(holo.log, 0, SHAPE, None)

dur = PTA_DUR * YR
pta_cad = dur / (2 * NUM_FBINS)
fobs_edges = holo.utils.nyquist_freqs_edges(dur, pta_cad)

draw_params = [
    [ 4.57784231, -1.51291368, 10.90450461,  8.85735088,  0.52998213],
    [ 6.96691128, -2.38054765, 11.08484247,  9.29421616,  0.45471499],
    [ 0.37454247, -2.10501603, 11.62087475,  8.84882612,  0.09778727]

# Run full set of `draw_params`
# all_data = run_params_subspace(space, draw_params[:4], fobs_edges, nreals=NREALS)

single_data = run_single_params_model(space, draw_params[0], fobs_edges, nreals=NREALS)

fig, axes = plot.figax(
    figsize=[8, 8], nrows=2, hspace=0.4,

xx = single_data['fobs'] * YR

# y1 = data['hc_bg']
y1 = np.sqrt(np.sum(single_data['hc_bg'][:, :, np.newaxis]**2 + single_data['hc_ss']**2, axis=-1))
y2 = single_data['gwb']

labels = ['SS', '2x GWB']
for jj, yy in enumerate([y1, 2*y2]):
    med, *conf = np.percentile(yy, [50, 25, 75], axis=-1)
    cc, = axes[0].plot(xx, med, alpha=0.5, label=labels[jj])
    cc = cc.get_color()
    axes[0].fill_between(xx, *conf, color=cc, alpha=0.1)

axes[1].plot(xx, np.median(y1, axis=-1)/np.median(y2, axis=-1), 'k--', label='SS/GWB')

for ax in axes:


Improve handling of loggers

Currently most of the internal calculations are using the holodeck root logger which is not captured in library generation (parallel) runs. Need to combine these, probably by manually passing a logger around instead of grabbing a global-level one.

SAM models: in dynamic_binary_number calculation, use a different interpolation variable besides redshift

Invalid bins have z=-1. Interpolating between these values and valid bins thus leads to spurious results (or at least results dependent on the arbitrary choice of negative redshift value). We should use something that is continuous past the age of the universe, i.e. time or scale-factor instead, so that we can more meaningfully continue to interpolate across.

The current implementation should be fairly conservative, so this is not expected to be a notable issue currently.

Discrete populations, better distribution over frequency

We can generally get a (semi-analytic) expression for df/dt in the frequency band of interest, so we can use that expression to distribute binaries over frequency instead of using the KDE based on bin-center values which gives lumpy results. This addresses the issues that Bence and Sarah Burke-Spolaor have had.

Unable to successfully import holodeck

The current dev branch installs, but is not able to run any tests or import due to the error "AttributeError: 'Cosmology' object has no attribute '_H0'" (full trace below). This occurs using a fresh pull from dev.

Test package versions.

platform darwin -- Python 3.9.7, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.11.0, pluggy-1.0.0
testpaths: holodeck/tests
plugins: anyio-3.3.4

Error trace.

holodeck/tests/ in <module>
    import holodeck  # noqa
holodeck/ in <module>
    cosmo = cosmology.Cosmology()
holodeck/ in __init__
    super().__init__(H0=self.H0, Om0=self.Omega0, Ob0=self.OmegaBaryon)
../../../../miniconda3/envs/holodeck/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/cosmology/ in __init__
    super().__init__(H0=H0, Om0=Om0, Ode0=0.0, Tcmb0=Tcmb0, Neff=Neff,
../../../../miniconda3/envs/holodeck/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/cosmology/ in __init__
    super().__init__(*args, **kw)  # guaranteed not to have `Ode0`
../../../../miniconda3/envs/holodeck/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/cosmology/ in __init__
    super().__init__(H0=H0, Om0=Om0, Ode0=Ode0, Tcmb0=Tcmb0, Neff=Neff,
../../../../miniconda3/envs/holodeck/lib/python3.9/site-packages/astropy/cosmology/ in __init__
    self._h = self._H0.value / 100.
E   AttributeError: 'Cosmology' object has no attribute '_H0'

Improve `sam_cyutils._dynamic_binary_number_at_fobs_2pwl` --- remove for-loop over frequencies

Currently there is a for-loop over frequencies, at each integration step. This shouldn't be necessary as we should be able to continually walk through the target frequencies while we iterate over integration steps. The loop currently breaks out when the target frequencies are outside of the steps, so the redundancy isn't horrific, but it could still be improved significantly.

See this section of code.

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