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mucommander's Introduction


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muCommander is a lightweight, cross-platform file manager with a dual-pane interface.
It runs on any operating system with Java support (macOS, Windows, Linux, *BSD, Solaris...).

Official website:


There are several ways to contribute to muCommander:

  • Found a bug or thinking about a useful feature that is missing? File an issue
  • Want to fix a bug or implement a feature? We are using the standard GitHub flow: fork, make the changes, and submit a pull request. Changes are merged to the master branch. See the next section for tips for developing muCommander.
  • If you happen to speak a language that muCommander is not available in or able to improve existing translations, you can help translate the interface using the zanata platform.

If you want to get involved in muCommander or have any question or issue to discuss, you are more than welcome to join our rooms on Gitter.



  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 11 or later
  • Git

Forks and pull requests

If you would like to contribute code, it is required to fork the repository and submit a pull request. Within pull requests, it is possible to review, discuss, and improve the changes until they are ready for production.

Code Editing

After cloning the source code repository from GitHub, you would probably want to import the project to an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Eclipse or IntelliJ.

The code repository of muCommander is comprised of a main project that contains its core functionality and several sub-projects. These projects are Gradle projects. Most of the popular IDEs today allow you to import Gradle projects out-of-the-box or via an IDE plugin. By importing the main project that is located at the root directory of the repository you will get all the required code in the IDE.

How to Run

The use of the Gradle wrapper significantly simplifies the build from the command line. The following commands can be invoked from the root directory of the repository with no further installation.

You can run the application by typing:

./gradlew run

It is recommended to run the following command when getting an unclear compilation error:

./gradlew clean run

How to Debug

In order to debug muCommander, you first need to configure a port using an environment variable named DEBUG (e.g., 5005). Then, you can run a debugger that connects to this port using your favorite IDE (see an example for doing this with IntelliJ).


The creation of a DMG file for MAC OS (produced in build/distributions):

./gradlew dmg

Note: as the application is not signed, the following error may appear when trying to start it on macOS: "muCommander damaged and cannot be opened".
This can be solved by executing: sudo xattr -r -d /Applications/

The creation of an EXE file for Windows (produced in build/launch4j):

./gradlew createExe

The creation of a TGZ file for Linux/Unix (produced in build/distributions):

./gradlew tgz

The creation of an RPM file:

./gradlew rpm

More packaging options are described in our wiki.

mucommander's People


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mucommander's Issues

Drag-n-drop files between applications in Gnome

I cannot use alt-tab to switch between my applications in Gnome while doing the drag-n-drop from muCommander.

I can confirm the same works ok on OSX, but I don't know about other Linux desktop environments.

Mkdir autoname

Please, bring back the autofill feature for the make file/dir dialogs (the same as the "mkdir autoname" in mc). It was enabled by default in the older versions of mucommander and is very handy in some workflows. In my opinion, this feature has absolutely no drawbacks - anyone can type the new filename immediately or edit the suggested template.

Locales not working on OS X 10.11.4 with Java 1.8.0_72

I am using OS X 10.11.4 with Java 1.8.0_72. When building muCommander (head, checked out 5 minutes ago from with

./gradlew createDmg

the resulting binary contains strings / locales that are not working / that are not correctly displayed. I am using German / Deutsch, the corresponding translation should be contained in the file but other languages seem to have the same problem.

Are the files that can be found at still correct? When viewing these files in a browser (Firefox 45.0.2) they are not correctly displayed too (for example see

Maybe it is an issue with the corresponding file encoding? If so the following information might be useful: The terminal command

file -I

gives text/plain; charset=unknown-8bit

0.91rc SFTP not working when I not fill password in connection window

When I fill only IP address, connection working (mucommnader ask for name and password)
When I fill IP address, name and password connection working too.
When I fill IP address and only name, connection not working. Mucommander not ask for password and trying to connect. I must press ESC to cancel trying to connect. On screen blink window but I can`t see anything on it.

In old version(0.90) mucommander ask for password.

Tested on Debian Wheezy 32bit.

Foregoing submodules in git repository

Honestly, they're just unnecessarily complicated and I've run into several issues working with them. For example, I had to fork mucommander-commons-file to its own fork, and now I can't issue pull requests back to master without overriding the submodule URL, which is obviously not what I meant to do.

Is there any reason not to have these as straightforward subdirectories (+subprojects in Gradle)?

Native menu in Ubuntu

When mucommander is running on OSX, the menu is natively shown at the top of the screen:
screen shot 2016-06-01 at 12 23 26

This is very convenient because of the consistency.

The same thing does not seem to happen on Ubuntu when the OSX-like menu is enabled system-wide:
screenshot from 2016-06-01 12-30-29

It would be good if the menu component on Ubuntu could appear at the top of the screen as well. Native Ubuntu menu can be searched after pressing Alt, which is quite useful. This feature does not work now:
screenshot from 2016-06-01 12-29-51


Viewer/Editor find shortcuts on macOS

Viewer and Editor find shortcuts are not native to macOS: Ctrl+F instead of Command+F, F3 instead of Command+G and Shift+F3 instead of Shift+Command+G.
And there is no way to customize these shortcuts.

Moreover Ctrl+F doesn't work, need to select Find option from menu to make the corresponding window appear.

chdir to /var/root ( /private/var/root ) allowed?

i`m running mucommander as ordinary user.

i can navigate to /var/root and mucommander shows an empty directory instead of telling "access denied" (what i would expect)

i`m curious if this is intenionally or if this is a bug. for me, this is a bug.

if i navigate to /var/root and then use "open in finder" icon, i`m getting a message that there is an error, but it doesn´t tell what error. i also would expect "permission denied" here

Removal of sun.misc.Sort and sun.misc.Compare in Java 8

The existing code (i.e. in file uses currently deprecated versions of sun.misc.Sort and sun.misc.Compare.

It is advised by sun to use the sort() method of java.util.Arrays and java.util.Comparator respectively.

Future Releases' Java Version Requirements?

The current code base needs at least Java 7.
At the same time I see git comments about assuring Java 6 compatibility and OSX App metadata specifying 1.6+ compatibility.

Are you going to drop 1.5 and 1.6 compatibility in the next release or is any current 1.7 dependency actually a bug that still needs to be fixed before the next release.

Enhancing drag&drop

1) Enable drag&drop in the same window

Using a dual pane file manager means that very often the two panes do not show the contents of the same folder / path. While most of the file operations happen between two panes sometimes it would be nevertheless very useful to be able to drag&drop a file on a folder that is visible in the same window only.

Thus is it possible to enable drag&drop in the same window?

2) Always indicate the target path and the file operation during drag&drop

While dragging a file without pressing any key a small "+" icon is displayed to indicate that a copy operation will be performed if the file is dropped at the mouse pointers position. Furthermore it is possible to choose the move operation instead of the default copy operation while pressing the corresponding key (on OS X: Cmd) during dragging. But unfortunately there is no icon to indicate the move operation.

Thus is it possible to indicate the move operation with a proper icon (e.g. "-")?

3) Always highlight the target folder row

Often a file should be dropped on a certain folder that is embedded in a sequence of folders. Furthermore as a rule the length of the name of a folder is shorter than the length of the corresponding row in the pane. Since the targeted folder / the row of the target folder is not highlighted in the end one might target the wrong folder and might end up with an unwanted file operation.

Thus is it possible to highlight the row of the folder while a file is dragged onto it and before this file is dropped onto it?

Thank you very much for all your efforts & best regards!

Desired addition to file

I am a bit disappointed that in the file the creation of the JAR-file and the distribution file for macOS is not mentioned. Since I am using a Mac I was only interested in that ;-) Two commands in terminal will do the Job:

  • ./gradlew shadowJar
  • ./gradelew createDmg
    BTW I have downloaded the DMG from your website und installed the program in my applications folder. Starting the application failed (not possible due to damaged file). Of course, there is no damaging, the message is caused by the recently introduced gatekeeper function. If I generate the DMG myself, everything went fine ...

Symbolic links are not copied

Copying of symbolic links (pointing to files or to folders) seems to do nothing.
I think users are expecting that muCommander will do the same as cp shell command and so it will create copies of files/directories links are pointed to.
Tested with 0.9.1rc2 for macOS.

JRELoadError with muCommander 0.9.1rc

I've updated from version 0.9.0 to 0.9.1rc today. After I've deactivated Gatekeeper in order to launch muCommander I get an error message saying


I think because of the old java I needed to install on Mac OS X 10.11.6 (El Capitan) to make muCommander 0.9.0 run or is this some kind of bug?

Some labels are not displayed properly

I don't know if I miss something or not but when I launch gradle run and/or gradle build, some labels are not displayed properly indeed for example instead of Edit I have $[edit].

Updating to Java 8?


Any plans updating to Java 8?

Most users (except a few in big companies) can't even download an actual 1.6 or 1. 7 nowadays.
For OSX users, the outdated Apple 1.6 should not be used (but there's always an actual Java 8 brew cask)

Thank you.

muCommander doesn't start on macosx with java 8


I recently downloaded version 0.9.1 but when I click the icon to start it I get the following error.

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class com.jidesoft.plaf.LookAndFeelFactory (in unnamed module @0x4ef37659) cannot access class (in module java.desktop) because module java.desktop does not export to unnamed module @0x4ef37659 at com.jidesoft.plaf.LookAndFeelFactory.installJideExtension( at com.jidesoft.plaf.LookAndFeelFactory.installJideExtension( at com.jidesoft.plaf.LookAndFeelFactory.installJideExtension( at com.jidesoft.swing.StyledLabel.updateUI( at javax.swing.JLabel.<init>(java.desktop@9-ea/ at javax.swing.JLabel.<init>(java.desktop@9-ea/ at com.jidesoft.swing.StyledLabel.<init>( at com.jidesoft.swing.StyledLabelBuilder.createStyledLabel( at com.mucommander.ui.main.table.FileTable$2.createRefreshNonExistingLocationLabel( at com.mucommander.ui.main.table.FileTable$2.<init>( at com.mucommander.ui.main.table.FileTable.createOverlayableTable( at com.mucommander.ui.main.table.FileTable.<init>( at com.mucommander.ui.main.FolderPanel.<init>( at com.mucommander.ui.main.MainFrame.<init>( at com.mucommander.ui.main.frame.DefaultMainFramesBuilder.createMainFrame( at at com.mucommander.ui.main.WindowManager.createNewMainFrame( at com.mucommander.muCommander.main(
I had found a solution, which was to add a jvm option inside Info.plist:
<key>JVMOptions</key> <array> <string>-Djava.system.class.loader=com.mucommander.commons.file.AbstractFileClassLoader</string> <string></string> <string></string> <string>-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true</string> <string>-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8</string> <string>-XaddExports:java.desktop/</string> </array>
but since I had to restore due to an error of my macbook, the modification is gone and I can't remember any more.

I run OSX 10.9.5 with JDK 1.8.0_112.

Running it from the command line with java -jar mucommander.jar runs without any issue.

Update website

The official site is misleading:

All links are dead (forum, bug reports, source, etc.). There is no easy way to find out that the project is still alive, and for some reason the official site is still top-hit in Google. Please update it and add a link to this GitHub repository.

Current file selection is not moving upon pressing Up/Down buttons

just installed 0.9.1.
Found out that selection line stay on same file when I am pressing Up/Down buttons on keyboard.
Suddenly selection bar moved when I switched to another application and then back!
Looks like someone forgot to call redraw function.

I rollback to 0.9.0 and switched off new version check.

File associations under Linux

I have used (and loved) muCommander for years. In the most recent, 0.9.1 release (and its release candidate), launching files no longer uses the native Linux file associations. For example, using Nautilus, I set the application I want to be used to open mp3 files to be VLC. In previous versions of muCommander, this always resulted in mp3 files actually being opened by VLC (when I pressed enter or right arrow in muCommander).

In 0.9.1, however, muCommander hands the file off to Firefox to open.

I have not tested this under other operating systems.

0.9.1rc Issue with Change permissions dialog

Change permissions dialog has Read and Execute settings swapped, i.e. changing read permissions modifies execute instead and vice versa.
I encountered this problem on macOS if it matters.


I forked mucommander and mavenized it (
Solved dependencies issues (eliminating usage of by creation commons-deps for patched libs, libs with source but not in maven central and libs without source.
Need to finalize packaging for Mac and reporting.
Maybe could it be possible to merge structure and have gradle + pom coexisting, because maven is a standard, well integrated by most IDEs.

no file change notification

when i write to a samba share mapped in mucommander from another system (or another user does), mucommander does not automatically refresh the directory contents when a file or directory is added or removed, like windows explorer or apple finder do.

apparently (like in apple finder) there is not even a button / hotkey for manually refreshing the directory contents (did i miss that?), so the only thing you can do is to leave the directory and re-enter.

i like mucommander, but i think that`s really a missing feature for serious administrative use, as you cannot "lively" whatch to what´s happening in a directory

same goes for lokal file access, with a minor difference: if you select any file/folder in mucommander, the changed/added/remove files/dirs appear/disappear, so there is some easy way for manual refresh - but no automatic refresh, either

not sure if its a java limitation, but i think its some feature which can be expected from a flle manager in 2016

HiDPI Scaling Problems!

It looks like HiDPI scaling is still not working properly:

  • the installer doesn't seem to detect it, to chose a Native LF (instead of Metal LF that does no scaling at all)
  • when using a Native LF, than some parts of the UI are scaled, others are not. E.g.
    • Icons in Toolbar (but almost everywhere)
    • content of the Viewer,
    • content of the Editor
    • default size of most dialogs

Freezes on OS X El Capitan 10.11.6

Cca every 10th time I try to enter some directory, the whole application freezes. The "progress bar over the address line" is cca in 3/4.

v0.9.0, OS X 10.11.6 (15G31)

Enhancement in handling of archives

It will be nice to have an ability to detect an archive (and to browse it like a regular directory) by its actual content, not just by its file extension.
Or at least, to have an ability to specify additional extensions for known archive types. Many applications and games use .zip's to store their assets but with different file extensions.

IllegalAccessError on macOS

I have downloaded the latest release 0.9.1 and tried to start it on macOS with Java 8 installed locally. I get the following exception:

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class com.jidesoft.plaf.LookAndFeelFactory (in unnamed module @0x40cb8df7) cannot access class (in module java.desktop) because module java.desktop does not export to unnamed module @0x40cb8df7
 at com.jidesoft.plaf.LookAndFeelFactory.installJideExtension(
 at com.jidesoft.plaf.LookAndFeelFactory.installJideExtension(
 at com.jidesoft.plaf.LookAndFeelFactory.installJideExtension(
 at com.jidesoft.swing.StyledLabel.updateUI(
 at javax.swing.JLabel.<init>(java.desktop@9-ea/
 at javax.swing.JLabel.<init>(java.desktop@9-ea/
 at com.jidesoft.swing.StyledLabel.<init>(
 at com.jidesoft.swing.StyledLabelBuilder.createStyledLabel(
 at com.mucommander.ui.main.table.FileTable$2.createRefreshNonExistingLocationLabel(
 at com.mucommander.ui.main.table.FileTable$2.<init>(
 at com.mucommander.ui.main.table.FileTable.createOverlayableTable(
 at com.mucommander.ui.main.table.FileTable.<init>(
 at com.mucommander.ui.main.FolderPanel.<init>(
 at com.mucommander.ui.main.MainFrame.<init>(
 at com.mucommander.ui.main.MainFrame.<init>(
 at com.mucommander.ui.main.WindowManager.createNewMainFrame(
 at com.mucommander.muCommander.main(

Problems with browsing ISO files

Some ISOs are shown as empty, some other list files almost normally except for the size of some large .bin files, which are shown as a question mark. They are also not viewable. Perhaps the library that responds for ISO browsing should be updated.

OS: Windows XP
Version: 0.9.1

Newcomer's confusion

Hi guys,

I've been using muCommander for a few years after switching from Windows to OSX. Really glad to see that the project is still live and that the repo has been moved to github. This is just awesome!

MuCommander has been a perfect replacement for TotalCommander and it still is! The reason why I started searching for it again is because I recently needed something similar on Ubuntu 16.04.

As a person who has not been following the changes in the project for a while, I'm a bit confused with what's being maintained and what's abandoned. Here's what I've discovered:

  • Official website
    • Says (c) 2002-2016 in the footer
    • Has links to trac, but they don't work
    • Has links to nightly builds; they work but it is unclear when was the last night and what code base has been used for building
  • GitHub-powered website
  • Twitter account
    • Suggests to check out github, but has no link to any website
    • Has only one tweet
  • This repo
    • Some commits are new, which is very promising
    • Recent changelog reports that a bug I'm currently facing in 0.9.0 on Ubuntu is fixed (re installation via software center)
    • Empty wiki pages
    • "Official website: Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Maxence Bernard."
    • A few links to, which do not work
    • It is unclear where to get the nightly builds and whether they exist at all

Given the above contradictions, it is difficult and time-consuming to figure out the actual state of the project. Here's what could make the newcomers' life easier in my opinion:

  • 2015 -> 2016 on the github-powered website
  • a warning message on or even a permanent HTTP redirect to a new website (if possible)
  • A link to instead of in
  • A link to from the twitter account + a couple of new tweets maybe
  • A comment on the availability of the nightly builds on Not sure if it is easy to generate and keep them on github pages at all, so if not and there's no 3rd-party CI that can generate them, it would be nice if the users would know about. When I saw that my bug has been fixed, I remembered seeing links to nightly builds years ago and went searching for them. Downloading a build from the old website gave no affect. Someone else is likely to follow the same route as me.
  • Some clarifications on the wiki pages might help. Or maybe those pages can be deleted completely together with the links to them on Markdown files in the repo do the same great job in most of the cases and they are much easier to collaborate on.

Hope that my feedback helps you guys! The efforts you're taking to bring the project back to life are very helpful to many!

Reporting a bug / finding help

All the paths to report a bug and find help or documentation are broken.

I have tried all the links in the top bar on the muCommander home page including the Wiki and Forum

I have tried the Wiki on Atlassian which is linked at the bottom of the Readme

I have tried sending a bug report through the "Report a Bug" menu item (which worked a few days ago I think, and now is also broken).

Dynamic FileTypes

I am waiting it for a years! After Frigate and Dos Navigator, its is very usefull.
For example:

For each group we assigned color, and order.
Order, its for advanced sorting in FolderPanel

i could make it, but i dont know how. if you give me a path i could try!

Java SE currency & OS platform

Problems after latest updates...
OSX 10.10 using currently recommended Oracle Java SE.
$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_25"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_25-b17)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.25-b02, mixed mode)
muCommander stable release 0.9.0.
Error message: To open "muCommander" you need to install the legacy Java SE 6 runtime.
Quite an ugly message I might say (sounds like an insult - forgive my sarcasm).
It's true that JRE 8 branch was promoted recently to 'recommended' status.
Nevertheless, mu was working just fine on OSX 10.9.5 with JRE 7u67.
Just out of curiosity, I started my Win7 VM to see how does it look there.
No problem! The stable mu release (0.9.0) has no complains over JRE 8.

Bug report in build.gradle

You need to update mainClassName in build.gradle to "com.mucommander.muCommander", since you've changed the Launch class name. Otherwise the app simply crashes with exit code 1 on OS X

Added a pull request

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